This is a SHORT story that was inspired by a poll fight between Alexa and Bridgette. See link. ---> I hope it's an enjoyable little ditty since it has been quite a long time since I've written anything. (IRL has been hectic for a few years!) Thank you to all the girls used here for allowing me to use them in this story! Bridgette, Alexa, and Megan! (Britney is a made-up character)

Megan vs Britney
** This takes place immediately following the results of the New Year’s Eve fight of Alex and Bridgette.
Bridgette had finally been able to leave the ring and slowly make her way up and out of the arena with Megan’s help. Alexa and Dancer watched with a satisfied grin on their faces, knowing that Bridgette would be out for a few weeks recovering. Once Bridgette was out of the arena, Alexa took one more bow to the crowd and left the arena with Dancer in tow.
Once in their suite, Bridgette tells Megan that she just wants to die… (no, not literally) She just wants to be alone and take a hot shower and then sleep. Megan, not liking the idea since their original plans were upended, is left to tell everyone the party is not going to happen and thanks them all for coming. When they’re finally gone Megan takes a deep breath, walks into the bedroom to check on Bridgette and sees her out like a light, curled up under the blankets.
Megan sighs and turns and, still dressed in dark blue yoga pants, a sports bra, and covering tank top, decides to head down to the lobby to find something to snack on. After waiting for what seems like an eternity, the elevator door opens and “FINALLY!” Megan huffs, then looks up as she goes to step in and stops dead in her tracks as a sexy blonde, about her height and body type with maybe an extra pound or two and maybe little larger breasts, is standing there looking at her with almost a look of surprise on her face, but slowly turns smug and grins. <Great!> Megan thinks, <now I have to deal w/ this little bitch too>
The Blonde steps to the side and waves her hand summoning Megan into the elevator. Megan, untrustingly, steps in and over to the opposite side. “Going down?” the blonde smugly asks with a shit eating grin on her face. “Yes, and fuck you!” Megan replies. “You know,” the blonde starts, “for someone who just got humiliated watching her “wifey” get her ass totally beaten, you sure are a feisty little thing!” “Who the fuck are you again?” Megan asks in a catty tone? The blonde gives a sideways smirk and then says, “I’m Britney, Bitch!”
Megan rolls her eyes at “Britney’s” little catty remark and says, “I’m not in the mood for your shit right now… what do you want?” Britney smiles and says, “I watched from not far behind you tonight, I can’t believe you didn’t help your girl in the ring. I would have at least tried” (as she shifts her stance to her other hip) “You just let that “Alexa’s” friend punk you out and make you back down! You must be scared of her too!” Megan listens as Britney’s giving her shit. Megan finally steps forward and replies, “you need to shut your mouth before you get knocked the fuck out! I let you talk your shit, now you need to shut your cock sucker before I do it for you!”
Britney steps forward, now nose to nose with Megan and smiles and says, “Bitch, you don’t have it in you to make me!
In a split second, Megan contemplates punching Britney then asks, “Do you really want your ass beat in an elevator like this? If so, I’ll gladly leave you here for housekeeping to find!” Britney smirks, steps back as Megan smiles, only to see Britney turn to look at the buttons, reaches over and presses the emergency stop button as Megan’s eyes widen with a “oh shit we’re going to fight here!” feeling sweeping her.
Britney turns back and sends an open hand slap from right field into Megan’s left cheek, literally knocking Megan into the corner of the elevator on her knees and if it weren’t for the hand rail, Megan would have hit the floor! The slap actually echoed in the elevator as Megan screeched at the surprise attack! Instantly, Britney was on her throwing slaps, punches, knee lifts and all Megan could do right now is simply cover up and take it as, truth be told, dazed her just a bit. Some of the punches actually hurt, but the slaps didn’t really bother Megan as she’s obviously been in many fights before.
After about 1 minute or so, Britney steps back panting just a bit from swinging so much and says, “Really? You’re not going to fight back? I truly expected more from you, but obviously, I was wrong!” Megan slowly stands back up and knowing that Britney has backed off some, looks up at her and says, “That’s funny! I was about to ask you the same thing? My little sister fights harder than that!
Megan, while getting hit and grunting as she’s absorbing blow after blow, finally screams and lunges forward, catching Britney off guard and shoving her back so hard that she stumbled into the wall behind her, impacting so hard the entire elevator shook as she grunted aloud! “Unnnnggghhh…Bitch!” “You haven’t seen anything yet!” Megan sneers as she steps forward!
Britney stepped forward and they met in the middle and this time, Megan got the first punch in, right across the jaw, knocking Britney back a step! Before Megan could take advantage though, Brit quickly returned the punch, catching Megan across the jaw, knocking her back a step! Both girls stopped and glared at each other and then lunged forward at the same time, locking hands in each other’s hair and began jerking the other around the confined space of the 5 x 6 elevator, screeching and cursing as they stumbled in each other’s grips!
“You Fucking Bitch!” “You Fucking cxnt!” is heard from both girls, who said what is impossible to make out as they pull and push and yank each other’s hair and scream in pain as they try to throttle each other around the elevator! Finally, Megan is able to force Brit into the corner and tries banging her head into the wall! Brit is able to block and stop most of them but she grunts as her head impacts the wall panels. “unngh!! Fuck!! BITCH! Shit!!” is all heard as a small smile appears on Megan’s face! Slowly, Megan begins taking control and starts talking shit as she’s throttling Brit!
“Yeah, you thought you were just going to kick my ass?? Well, look who’s getting her ass kicked now, BITCH!” and she accented the word “Bitch” with a quick knee to the side! The next thing Megan knew, she’s flying backwards with Brit holding her knee and shoving her backwards as hard as she can! Megan lets go of Brit’s hair and braces for impact as she hits the floor and slides a few inches into the wall behind her with Brit immediately jumping on top! “Yeah Bitch, it’s my turn now!” Brit screams at Megan!
As soon as Brit lands, she quickly grabs Megan’ hands and forces them above her head while sliding forward and straddling her with Megan’s head almost at the wall of the elevator and hands stuck, raised above her head! Instantly, Brit begins raining punches and slaps down onto Megan’s beautiful face while Megan is doing everything she can with her arms flailing in the air trying to block the onslaught! “BITCH!!!” “FUCK!” “cxnt!” “WHORE” is all being screamed by both as a flurry of hands fly! Megan’s lip begins bleeding after a right cross slipped past and her left eye is beginning to swell and blacken!
Suddenly, Megan realizes that there’s only so much she can do from here and if she doesn’t get out of this soon, she’s going to truly be beaten unconscious, then who knows what would happen with this crazy bitch! I don’t know whether it was lucky, or planed, but Megan suddenly planted both feet and thrust her pelvic upwards as hard as she can! <<THHHUUDDD>> “ UHHHGGNNNN” is heard and suddenly, the punches stopped as Brit falls off to Megan’s right. Not yet realizing what happened, Megan looks at Brit and sees her barely moving and her eyes fluttering as she’s holding her head. Megan quickly, well… as quickly as she can, sits up and leans against the back wall catching her breath and holding her head, feeling her face and wiping the blood away.
After a few seconds, Megan’s caught her breath and Brit is beginning to stir a bit more, Megan grabs Brit’s leg and yanks her closer, then climbs on top of her with one swift move. This time, sensing that if she doesn’t finish this now, Brit could come back and really do some damage! Megan, straddles Brit in a school girl pin, but takes Brit’s arms and hooks them inside her knees, and pulls them upwards, near her face. Brit looks up, directly into Megan’s eyes, and knows she’s virtually helpless as Megan smirks down at her and says, “You fucking did this to me you stupid fucking BITCH!! NOW, it’s payback time!”
Megan begins raining punch after punch to Brit’s beautiful unobstructed face! “Uhhgnnn!! OOOOFF!! THHFFPPTTTT!!” is heard as Brit’s face soon begins swelling up! Both eyes are black, blood from her nose and mouth and finally, “STOOPPP!!!!! I QUITT!!! I QUITT!!! YOU WIN!!!!!”
Mega immediately stops her attack and can tell that Brit is crying and bleeding pretty bad. “ARE YOU SURE WE’RE DONE BITCH???” Megan yells down at her! “YES!!!! <<SOB>>> FUCK YESSS!!!!” Brit chokes out! Megan slowly lifts up off her and slides backwards to the far wall… Brit rolls over as she curls up to almost a fetal position crying. After a few seconds, Megan stands up and slowly makes her way to the elevator control panel and gets the elevator moving.
Meanwhile… In one of the penthouse suites, Alexa smiles as she looks at her computer screen! “Wow! Little Megan is feistier than I gave her credit for!” she softly says to herself as she watches Brit lay on the floor crying and Megan standing over her while the elevator moves. <ring ring> Alexa picks up her cell phone and says, “That was great! I’ll leave you the money at the front desk. Thanks for showing me this!” and hangs up.
Megan FINALLY makes it back to her room. As she enters, she goes straight to the bathroom and strips down to take a shower. As she turns the water on, she hears a noise behind her, she turns and see’s Bridgette Standing there, “WHAT THE FUCK???!!!” she screams as she rushes to Megan to examine her! “I’ll explain… I need a hot shower! Care to help me clean up?”
The end….
For now…