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TABSK: Know Before You Go

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Online sinclairfan

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TABSK: Know Before You Go
« on: April 16, 2022, 03:33:45 PM »
Dear TABSK:  My name is Maddie, and at 51 I'm à very long time readers of yours.  Once I made it thru my 20s without needing to write you, I thought I was "in the clear".  But no such luck, so here we are.  I'm happily married (or, close enough--not looking is my point), and I've finally been able to begin, and sustain thru the pandemic, à fulfilling corporate Sales job.  I have a trip to Orlando at the end of the month, and an ex-neighbor of mine, who I had unresolved husband-flirting issues with from 2014 (harmless, in my opinion, but not hers), who lives nearly, found out.

And reached out.  To my LinkedIn.  That she saw I'm going to be there.  I responded back to her with a terre, "And????".  (I know--it was a happy hour drunk text.)

Anyways, she hasn't responded.  Is the next move hers?  Or mine?  (p.s.
If she and I dance, I'm semi-confident I'll kick her ass.)  Maddie


Online sinclairfan

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Re: TABSK: Know Before You Go
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2022, 10:12:27 PM »
Dear Maddie--Out of respect of your long-time readership, we're going to give you the benefit of the doubt that your busy Sales career, and your upcoming work trip to Disney World, leaves you too frazzled to write à sensible, semi-complete question.  (Whoops!  Was that à bitchy thing for us to say?  Well, your lovely personality must be rubbing off on us.  And by lovely, we mean abrasive and arrogant.)

Why so harsh?  "Harmless" flirting?  That's your opinion--fine.  But in our world (which is decidely NOT DisneyWorld:  we don't do make-believe), the wife of the man being flirted with gets à say in whether flirting is harmless.  What if your flirting actually gave him ideas about you?  Even if you had no intention of following thru?  If so, you inserted yourself into their marriage.  Which is not cool, and is not Sporting.  If you want at Wifey (whose name you didn't mention--interesting), then go at her.  Don't flank-attack her thru her husband.

Much as, we can't help but notice, Wifey came direct at YOU.  By Direct Massaging you .... DIRECTLY.  That's why it's called a DM.  Get it??

And finally, as frosting on this shit-show cake of yours:  your response to her is THREE LETTERS???  A   ....   N   ....  D ???? That's it??  That's all you can muster?   Even while drunk?

And you don't see the next move??  No wonder--the move order is already a tangled jumblé.  If she comes in peace, you already put her off.  If she come to confront, you just pissed her off even more.

Quite a pickle you're in, Maddie.  I hope the clients at the conférence believe whatever lié you tell them about the scratches all over your face.  TABSK