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Pet peeve in vintage catfights

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Offline jaybee

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Pet peeve in vintage catfights
« on: April 11, 2022, 07:45:44 PM »
Okay... basically I needed a thread topic so that I could discuss and possibly find a way to fix a nagging pet peeve that I keep running into with vintage catfights. As some of you may know I'm a fan of vintage catfights basically those taking place from the '80s (maybe till at most 95) back (70s, 60s etc) the thing that I hate most about fights from back in the day is the need for a music soundtrack >:(. No I'm not talking about the old 8 mm stuff that didn't have vocals or the stuff that was obviously overdubbed in post I'm talking about the Catfights that had actual dialogue but felt the need to have music blasting over it. Now... the true reason for this thread (lol
 ;D) is I'm looking for an app or computer program that can separate tracks from existing videos. I want to be able to take the music tracks out of some of my old school videos. Does that type of program even exist? I know two things about computers Jack and shit and Jack just skip town.
What are some of you guys and gals pet peeves  in catfights? let me know down below and also any help with my question would be greatly appreciated.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2022, 07:47:23 PM by jaybee »


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Re: Pet peeve in vintage catfights
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2022, 03:41:09 PM »


Offline jaybee

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Re: Pet peeve in vintage catfights
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2022, 03:58:44 AM »


Offline Bear

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Re: Pet peeve in vintage catfights
« Reply #3 on: April 14, 2022, 07:20:31 PM »
Background music never bothered me too much -- I just muted things.  I actually found some it amusing, like in the old Curtis DuPont vids.  Same with the dubbed-in dialogue.  What I really disliked was phony dialogue during a ridiculous scenario set-up.  IMO, just plain dumb.   

What bothered me the most in movie catfights was the "cutaways."  I always tried to edit them out when making a copy for keeping.  The long ones were easy to edit out.  It was the short snippets of fight-to-cutaway-to-fight-to-cutaway, etc. that really bugged me.  The worst was the fight between Barbara Bain and Mary Anne Mobley in Mission Impossible.  Took me hours to edit one short fight.   And I never completely got it.   


Offline pythonlegs

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Re: Pet peeve in vintage catfights
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2022, 09:18:25 PM »
I worked for a short time for a webmaster.  I used some SONY product that was sold in Best Buys.  It could do anything track by track.  I can't remember for the life of me what it was called, but it was sold in a mostly pink shell casing (and I remember white letters, mostly, on the box). 
I can lick any woman in the place!  ;)


Offline jaybee

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Re: Pet peeve in vintage catfights
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2022, 05:19:52 AM »
Background music never bothered me too much -- I just muted things.  I actually found some it amusing, like in the old Curtis DuPont vids.  Same with the dubbed-in dialogue.  What I really disliked was phony dialogue during a ridiculous scenario set-up.  IMO, just plain dumb.   

What bothered me the most in movie catfights was the "cutaways."  I always tried to edit them out when making a copy for keeping.  The long ones were easy to edit out.  It was the short snippets of fight-to-cutaway-to-fight-to-cutaway, etc. that really bugged me.  The worst was the fight between Barbara Bain and Mary Anne Mobley in Mission Impossible.  Took me hours to edit one short fight.   And I never completely got it.   
The main reason it bothers me is because I have a hobby of re-editing my catfight films/clips and with music fixed in the background it messes up the edit. I've been doing "Jaybee edits" to all the Catfights I've managed to collect for over 20yrs and it's VERY time consuming but the end results are worth it. I've managed to turn 10min catfight videos to 20min videos just by using zooming tricks, playing with the speed, recutting and pasting moments in different points in the film, and flipping the footage. There's a vintage (late 70s early 80s) catfight that's been floating around on various sites for years involving two women meeting up in a hotel room and have a catfight that turns sexfight after the winner is declared. The whole film is 40+ min and is a heck of a fight the problem is the director didn't edit out his directions so all throughout the film you hear him giving directions. I did an edit of that entire film completely taking his voice out by rearranging the vocal track. The sad thing is I only use the free Windows movie Maker which is very VERY limited.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2022, 05:21:24 AM by jaybee »


Offline Bear

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Re: Pet peeve in vintage catfights
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2022, 06:43:15 AM »

The main reason it bothers me is because I have a hobby of re-editing my catfight films/clips and with music fixed in the background it messes up the edit. I've been doing "Jaybee edits" to all the Catfights I've managed to collect for over 20yrs and it's VERY time consuming but the end results are worth it. I've managed to turn 10min catfight videos to 20min videos just by using zooming tricks, playing with the speed, recutting and pasting moments in different points in the film, and flipping the footage. There's a vintage (late 70s early 80s) catfight that's been floating around on various sites for years involving two women meeting up in a hotel room and have a catfight that turns sexfight after the winner is declared. The whole film is 40+ min and is a heck of a fight the problem is the director didn't edit out his directions so all throughout the film you hear him giving directions. I did an edit of that entire film completely taking his voice out by rearranging the vocal track. The sad thing is I only use the free Windows movie Maker which is very VERY limited.

Wow.  I understood most of what you said, but would have no idea how do any of it.   Also, you hit on something that really does bug the sh*t out of me and that's the director giving directions, orders or encouragement from off-camera.  I find myself hollering "STFU"


Offline jaybee

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Re: Pet peeve in vintage catfights
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2022, 09:03:22 AM »

The main reason it bothers me is because I have a hobby of re-editing my catfight films/clips and with music fixed in the background it messes up the edit. I've been doing "Jaybee edits" to all the Catfights I've managed to collect for over 20yrs and it's VERY time consuming but the end results are worth it. I've managed to turn 10min catfight videos to 20min videos just by using zooming tricks, playing with the speed, recutting and pasting moments in different points in the film, and flipping the footage. There's a vintage (late 70s early 80s) catfight that's been floating around on various sites for years involving two women meeting up in a hotel room and have a catfight that turns sexfight after the winner is declared. The whole film is 40+ min and is a heck of a fight the problem is the director didn't edit out his directions so all throughout the film you hear him giving directions. I did an edit of that entire film completely taking his voice out by rearranging the vocal track. The sad thing is I only use the free Windows movie Maker which is very VERY limited.

Wow.  I understood most of what you said, but would have no idea how do any of it.   Also, you hit on something that really does bug the sh*t out of me and that's the director giving directions, orders or encouragement from off-camera.  I find myself hollering "STFU"
The director giving orders or someone off camera constantly giving directions or just continuously adding their two cents is probably my BIGGEST pet peeve lol. I buy a lot of APL videos and all the videos produced by Paisley that she's not wrestling in has her CONSTANTLY chiming in during the fights and it's annoying as F***! True story...  because of her is why I taught myself how to take out unwanted dialogue in my catfight clips. So thanks Paisley for helping me unlock my true editing potential! ;D  ;D ;D