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Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."

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Offline sinclairfan

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Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« on: September 02, 2024, 07:18:28 PM »
Setting:  Labor Day weekend, 2024, Southern Wisconsin cookout

Dramatist personae
Michelle, a 52 year old blonde MILF, mother to 20 year old Kayla
Corinna, single brunette, Michelle's 42 year old friend
Denise, a 51 year old blonde MILF, mother to 22 year old Meghan

M:  Oh!!!!!  Corinne!!!!  Corinne!!!!!

C:  Oh, hey girl!!  Michelle, my belle!!!!  (Corinne and Michelle hug, then kiss on the mouth)  How are ya, girl???

M:  Good .... or, well, apprehensive.....

C:  Apprehensive?!????  I know we all mourn the end of summer in Wisconsin.  But why apprehensive?

M:  Well, it's just .... I need a wingman for this cookout.  And husband's not being allowed.

C:  <Smirks>  A wingman?.....<Nudges Michelle with her elbow.>  But sweetie, there's no husband's here to hit on.

M:  <blushes>  Not that kind of wingman, naughty bitch.  I'm trying to avoid someone.

C:  Ah ..... I see.  And who might that be?

M:  That slut Denise.  She's here looking for me.

C:  Ooooo,..... what the drama between you and her?  Money?  Sex?  Internet gossip?

M:  None of the above, smart ass.  My daughter beat up hers a week ago?

C:  Wow!  Kayla was in a catfight?

To be continued....


Offline Doc Holliday

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2024, 08:16:10 PM »
Already love this setup!


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2024, 09:14:38 PM »
M:  <Scowls.>

C:  Ok, like, wow.  Why the sourpuss? WHO's asking WHOM for the favor hear?

M:  It's ..... just..... so not the response I was expecting.  Or, at least .... not the first one.

C:  Ok, explain Miss Manners.  I'm all ears.

M:  Ok, well to start .... Kayla's a grown woman now .... she's a college student, remember??? 

C:  Your point being???.....

M:  Well .... Kayla and Meghan had a FIGHT, ok?  A fight, NOT a catfight.  Woman to woman, ok?

C:  Ok, .... but .... I meant word catfight as a sign of respect, not a putdown.  As in ..... cool CATfight, girl!!....As in, if Kayla was here right now, I'd be high-fiving her.  Ok?  What else did I say wrong, 'chelle?

M:  Well..... me and Denise.  Corinne, this is serious.  I don't want a SCENE with Denise.

C:  She has a beef with you??  Over your daughters fighting?

M:  A huge one.  She's foaming at the both to get at me.  She's ..... delusional.

C:  Well, good.  Let her be the crazy one.  You keep your cool .... and take care of business.  Is that your worry.

M:  <Holds her nose up>  Most certainly NOT.  I will handle Denise.  But when the time comes.  But also .... and much more importantly .... IN PRIVATE, Corinna.  I don't want my dirty laundry airing in public.  This isn't after school in the park anymore, with a circle of gossip-y girls and horny boys cheering us on.  I'm way beyond THAT phase of life.

C:  I can certainly understand that.  .... You think Denise would start shit in public?  At a cook, out??

M:  That ... or worse..... calling me out in public .... and making it look like I'm ducking her.

C:  As a way of getting her daughter's honor back.

M:  Exactly.

C:  I see your dilemma.  ..... If she comes at you this afternoon, I'll keep you two separated.

M:  Thank you.  I'll owe you a favor.

C:  <smirks mischievously>

M:  You sly bitch.  You already have a favor in mind.

C:  Damn straight, bitch.

M:  Well .... out with it.

C:  Tell me about Kayla and Meghan's catfight.  Tell me EVERYTHING.  The two of them are so damn sexy.  And feisty.

M:  You horny bitch.

To be continued.....


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2024, 11:57:35 AM »
<Corinne and Michelle find a quiet corner in the backyard for Michelle to bring Corinne up to speed on the catfight Kayla and Meghan had a few weeks earlier.>

M:  Well, so ok .... you remember how tensions had been building for the last few years between Kayla and Meghan, right?  How Meghan had gone to away to school first .... at Parkside, in Milwaukee, to study massage therapy?....

C:  That's right.  And convinced Kayla to get into the field, too.

M:  That's right.  Except Kayla went away to Whitewater.  Their program had better career placement.  Career placement is everything in massage, or else you just got thrown out into the world on your own, working by the hour.

C:  Which is what happened to Meghan in May, right?  She graduated Parkside.  I remember Denise making a big deal about it.

M:  That's right.  And Denise moving back home here .... unemployed.  Or ... semi-employed.  She worked a summer camp at the travel youth basketball gym here.  Not really doing massage.  Just more being a trainer for the brats.  Hoping to mind something.

C:  Ha!  That's what Meghan was actually doing?  Denise made it sound like she was a therapist for the whole program.

M:  No, she wasn't.  Not even close.  Well, Kayla comes back every summer and does registration work for the club--she PLAYED basketball in middle school and high school, and she kept up the relationships there. 

C:  She's gonna be a junior in Whitewater, right?

M:  Yes, she drove back there Saturday, in fact.  Doing quite well.

C:  So....Kayla and Meghan butted heads at the club?  Office?  Locker room?  Showers?

M:  Ok, Corinne, you're getting me concerned.  You've thought about the fighting that much?

C:  Honestly?  A bit.  Both of them have such long thick hair, athletic bodies.  Both seem like they need to be the alpha everywhere.  Admit it .... didn't YOU ever think about them fighting.

M:  <blushes>  Well.... in late July, it became more than thought.  Denise's daughter and mine fought.

To be continued.....


Offline tommyfighter

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Re: Michelle vs Denise: "Our daughters fought."
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2024, 12:58:12 PM »
Great setup!