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Jennifer and Lisa Part 2, (1st section based on a true story)

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Offline ooreach

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  • I love competitive sexfights. Pain and pleasure.
Part 2: 

Lunch flew by quickly as it was only an hour long. Lisa met up with half the guys who joked to be on “team Lisa”.  She was quick to state that she was more than ready to “show that little girl who was the boss.” But secretly she was scared. It was one thing to be catty and verbally joust but the thought of going physically against her was intimidating. She knew they were equally matched. She chain smoked the entire hour. Each exchanging glares as they guys were noticed. 

Jennifer was just as brave with her group of guys. “she has always been jealous of me”. The boys agreed. When asked she said she had never been in a physical fight “besides my cousins, and that was in play.” She didn’t feel very hungry and just sat on the bench and pretended not to look over at the flowing locks of blonde hair looking back at her. She felt a deep knot forming in her stomach. Both scary and stimulating. 

After lunch the instructor showed how one was to go to ground and the other was to go between their legs and try and break out of a hold. The technical terms escaped the girls' minds but both were nervous. They knew that they would have to get on the ground and allow the other to get between their legs and physically fight the other.

All the co-workers got on the mat and stretched. The bottoms of the girls' feet where dirty from the floor and each darted looks at the other and then to their peers.  They let the guys start and realized from what the boys were doing they were going to be very intimate. Needing to let the other get not just close to them but spread their legs open wide and let the other person press her hips into hers. Both had watched professional wrestling matches but had not put it together until they saw it in real life that the only time they had been that close to another person was while having sex with a guy. All the guys finished the routine and had switched up roles and the instructor looked at them. They looked at the guys and looked a bit sheepish but soon they exchanged looks and knew this was ‘show time’.

Both hesitated at becoming the first “victim” but eventually Jennifer got on the ground. She whispered not to quietly “I’m not afraid.” And a little softer “ f*cking pussy” referring to Lisa not wanting to take the bottom position. As she lay on her back the guys couldn’t help but notice her breasts stood up tall and proud. Age had not yet touched her 23 year old body.  Her pretty feet planted on the mat. Lisa got to her knees and hesitated as she crawled forward between Jennifer’s thighs. “Come on chicken shit, let’s get this over with.”  Lisa moved forward so her hips. Her shoulder length hair swayed as she knee walked the few feet until she was now touching her opponents' knees.  She crawled forward one more pace and Jennifer wasted no time in clamping her legs shut on her thin waist and pulling Lisa forward. Lisa grunted and lost her balance, fell forward and didn’t have time to brace crashing her chest right into Jennifer’s and barely missing knocking heads directly. 

Both let out a grunt from the force of their bodies smashing together. 

She struggled to her hands planted on the mat to push herself up but was trapped by the equally strong Lisa.  The sight of Jennifer’s curvy ass straining to pull her body out from between her rival's legs caused her top to ride up showing a pink bra. Lisa  meanly laughed and said “ cute bra, huh guys?”  Her form fitting t-shirt showed her boobs giggling as Jennifers’ where as they struggled. 

Lisa was both embarrassed and getting pissed. She got one hand free and pushed it into Jennifers Chest. She knew when she felt that tit and decided to clamp down hard causing Jennifer to howl “my tit you f*cking b*tch!”. Lisa didn’t release her hold but they noticed finger nails begin to clamp on her left breast. 

Jennifer howled and soon released her hold and both girls sat panting on the floor. Jennifer massaging her injured boob and Lisa straightening her mussed up hair. She looked at the guys and said “well, I got out of it.” She gave a look of ‘you had to try an embarrass me so fair is fair’. 

The guys laughed until Jennifer said “my turn.” Now everyone smiled except Lisa. 

Reluctantly Lisa did lay on her back. She straightened her shirt by arching her back and pulling it down showing her similarly firm and large breasts.  Both where tense and they realized no one else was sparing. All were watching them. The instructor just cleared his throat and said to the girls “no blood, not on company time. I’d hate to have to bring this up to the boss’.” 

SIde note: 

(This is the end of the true part. They broke for the rest of the day as ‘violence in the work place and possible sexual harassment issues where the top of the instructors' thoughts. Believe me when I say he wanted to see this happen, like all us guys did.  I will say that they both talked about it, in private, with me several times and both felt they had won the fight. I asked if they would ever do a rematch but that never happened. My wife worked at that hospital as a nurse, also. We would go out and drink and had invited both girls, separately, to our house. This put me in a position of being on the ‘good guys’ but safe since I was married. Jennifer  had learned about my catfight fetish as my wife and her where both nurses and girls tend to talk. Jennifer even toyed with me as my wife her and I were drinking about someday needing to have a match with my wife. She went on to explain the scene and my wife played right along. At the end of the evening, she turned to my wife, gave her a hug and said “your welcome.” It was a great night of love making. They had got me all hot and bothered on purpose.  Sadly, Lisa left for another job 8 months later and Jennifer whispered that she was probably afraid of the next UOF training. My wife never did wrestle any of the girls at work. My wife is bisexual and never would ‘shit where she worked'. This all happened when we were much younger and she has been a non-practicing bisexual for decades.) 

Part 2 continued:

Both girls looked at him and then back to each other. Jennifer made to move close but Lisa had not spread her legs far enough. Jennifer said “spread your legs, I know your good at that.” 

As soon as Lisa did Jennifer attacked. They met hands and locked fingers. Both began grunting as blonde hair whipped around.  Lisa kept her legs spread wide as Jennifer pressed her hips into those firm thighs and they had a pushing match with Jennifer trying to push into Lisa and Lisa repelling her. Soon Jennifer had Lisa’s hands above her head and Lisa did wrap her legs around Jennifer bringing her in close. 

Hip to hip those pretty bare feet pulled that equally awesome butt in and forced Jennifer’s breasts to dangle right above Lisa’s. 

Lisa’s hands where soon pinned above her head and we witnessed Jennifer reach one hand down and attack Lisa’s breast. 

Lisa howled and Jennifer backed up.

Both girls stood and with clenched fists. they were about to come together. 

The instructor stepped up and didn’t have to say anything other than “15 minutes till you guys can punch out.” 

Both girls walked away from each other. Half the guy's fallowed Jennifer and the other 4 fallowed Lisa. Each saying how awesome they did.   

At the time clock the two girls stayed apart. It wasn’t until they hit the parking lot that Jennifer walked up to Lisa, who had just lit a cigarette and said “you are a b*tch.”  She started to walk away when she heard “right back at you, slut.” Both got in their cars and Jennifer drove away along with all the staff. Lisa stayed to finish her smoke and was just about done when a lone car sped back into the parking lot. 

Jennifer rolled down her window and said  “your lucky Gary (the instructor) stopped us. Lisa smiled and said “if you want, we can go to the woods right back there. No one will stop us this time.” 

Jennifer smiled and said “ I was hoping you would say that.” 

She slammed open the car door and both walked 40 feet to the wood line. As soon as they turned to face each other fists went flying quickly followed by hair being pulled. The sandles quickly fell off as both sexy young women, full of rage dug hands into pretty hair as each fell to the ground. 

Both young goddess tangled up as each slapped, pulled and clawed at each other. 

Bare legs tangled as thigh pressed against thigh. Each ended up side by side wildly throwing slaps at the others face while staying just out of range. 

Jennifer tired of the toying and entered Lisa’s attack zone just long enough to engage and soon they had hands back in hair bringing their equally sized breasts into contact. 

Quickly they tired and lay side by side with fists full of hair in hand. Panting hard they yelled at each other.

“ You done?” 

“Are YOU done?” 

Each taunted the other. 

A few kicks with bare legs still twisted together and they both let out a flurry of slaps still laying on the ground like cats but anger soon gave out to exhaustion. 

Lisa kicked free and pushed her bare foot into Jennifers crotch area. 

Jennifer gave a quick kick back and both rolled away and stood up slowly. 

Leaves and twigs in their hair. 

Both had tears in their t-shirts from the pulling and both panting heavily they noticed scratch marks on the others face and began to feel their own wounds. 

“J*sus Christ Jennifer, you tore my f*cking shirt”

“I guess that’s what happens in a fight.” She looked down at hers and noticed a tare “ Mine is ruined, too.” 

A few name callings and Lisa turned to walk back to her car. 

Jennifer waited till Lisa was in her car and walked back. 

This was the first time either had been in a physical fight and it was done, for now. 

They just hoped the makeup would hide the wounds in time for work on Monday. 


Offline Frank

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Re: Jennifer and Lisa Part 2, (1st section based on a true story)
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2022, 10:28:39 PM »
Well written !
I liked it