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The Pride of Galloway, Ch 8

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Offline CoffeeMug

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The Pride of Galloway, Ch 8
« on: August 05, 2021, 09:47:17 PM »
This is a story of fantasy.

It was two nights after Amanda and Gabriela’s time in Natalie’s room. They were in one of the side rooms in the resort’s clubhouse, intended for card games too exclusive for the main room at the exclusive clubhouse at the exclusive resort. It was a small room and they had cleared everything out except for the chairs, filling one side, for the audience. Amanda was in one of the seats in the back, with the rest of the labor, she reflected, but she was still close enough and focused enough to see everything. Kayley and Shadi were standing almost nose to nose, close enough their nipples sometimes brushed against each other as they inhaled and exhaled. Both fighting women were topless and wore only a pair of cotton shorts that barely came down past their hips. Their fingernails had been trimmed down below their fingertips. They were staring deeply into each other’s eyes, and Amanda could feel the hatred between them. Shadi had joined their company right before they moved to Galloway, and Amanda had never fought her. She was still largely an unknown, someone they had decided to bring with them based on promise, a risk they took, but now she could feel the woman’s strength and violence and the innate sexual energy of the same. She had watched Shadi dominate and abuse another unknown girl, and that had made a strong enough impression for them to bring her along. Amanda’s partner Gabriela had told her of her own fight against Kayley as well as the night they’d spent with this Lord Murrell, so she knew how tough of a woman Kayley could be. Amanda could feel the animating spirit between the two women who were about to fight as if it were filling the entire room.

   That was as much because of the beauty of the two as for their intensity and competitive fire. Amanda had known Shadi for one months but she had no inclination to favor her in the comparison of the two women’s appearance. The two combative women were holding the staredown as Natalie prepared the strap, and Amanda took the opportunity to revel in the comparison between the two. Kayley was a bit taller than Shadi and a bit heavier, but there was likely little meaningful difference between them on that. And both were equally beautiful, although Kayley’s face suggested more openness and animation while Shadi always looked focused and serious. Shadi looked to be younger than Kayley and Amanda thought maybe she was the youngest or nearly the youngest of all the women competing at the resort. Kayley had brown eyes and light brown hair that had a wavy curl to it, hanging down below her ears, while Shadi had dark green eyes and nearly black hair that extended well below her shoulders. And then their breasts. Both women had exquisite chests and Amanda let her gaze linger on both sets. Kayley’s were large and firm, larger than Amanda’s and probably the same size as Gabriela’s or Rikka’s—and Amanda thought of attacking that pair last night when she’d beaten the Japanese girl. But the Persian girl’s breasts were beyond anything Amanda had seen on a naturally athletic woman and they seemed to Amanda to be impossible. Each looked like it was the size of her head, yet they protruded from her chest as if they were supported by an invisible corset and they were topped by nipples that reminded her of black cigars. Kayley’s hips and ass were broader than Shadi’s and Amanda admired their breadth and power. Both women were breathing hard now and the sight of their nipples moving toward each other and then falling away, the sweat beginning to bead on the feminine mounds from the heat in the room, it was all mesmerizing.

   Amanda was so taken by this that Natalie was standing in front of the two women before she even noticed her. Without saying a word, perhaps because she was feeling the same way as Amanda about the fight that was going to happen now, Natalie tied one end of the short leather strap around the ankle of each woman. The strap itself was only about three feet long and Amanda found herself staring at it, the leather bound and the skin of each woman’s calf, one a darker brown and the other a very light one. And then Natalie gestured for Amanda to come forward from her seat in the back and sit next to her—and next to the handsome man from the night in Natalie’s room, the man whose name Amanda did not know and not particularly care to, although she did remember the feeling of his body against her. Amanda could feel her face turn a bit red and she did as she had been asked. She was wearing a nice, and rather tasteful, she thought, black dress that showed off a moderate amount of her cleavage and had a slit up the side that revealed part of her thigh, which she thought was one of her better features and which she put into good effect by slowing crossing legs as she positioned herself on her seat, leaning just a bit closer to the man. Then, confident that she had a sizeable portion of his attention, she turned back toward the two women.
   No one said anything. The young women were still staring at each other, and then Kayley began smirking and then she glanced down at Shadi’s chest. Perhaps she was about to make a comment, but they would never find out because Shadi launched herself at her like she was a viper uncurling itself at its prey. Immediately they were yanking each other’s hair, pulling each other forward and down and as they stamped with their feet the strap joining them pulled taught and made them stagger. Shadi made the most of this. She pushed on Kayley’s head and yanked back with her strapped foot as hard as she could so that Kayley’s foot was pulled forward as her head was sent back. As a result she stumbled and fell to the floor, one knee down and her strapped foot forward, out in front of her, and she had to let go of the hairpull and put her hand down on the ground to keep her balance. But Shadi kept hold of her hair with one hand, pulling her head forward, and hitting her with the other. She hit Kayley with open and closed hands to her head and face and then she pulled down on her hair and began hitting her on her upper back, bringing down hard slaps that rang out in the quiet room. Kayley was grunting with each blow and she was pulling at the hand that was still in her hair and waving her hands above her head to try to ward off the blows but Shadi just waited or avoided them. And then Kayley tried to pull her strapped foot back under her and when she did Shadi grabbed her hair with both hands again and yanked her head down toward the foot and pressed straight down with her bodyweight so that Kayley was folded down to the floor. But then because of the strap Shadi herself was tripped and as she came down she wrapped herself around Kayley.

    The women struggled on the floor but soon enough Shadi was behind Kayley. First she yanked back on her hair, hard, pulling so that Kayley was staring up at the ceiling and the tendons and veins showing on her neck as she resisted. She reached back and tried to pull at Shadi’s hair but she could not get a good grip. Then Shadi switched tactics and, with a sly smile on her face, she began slapping Kayley’s breasts as if they were drums, sending the twin mounds wobbling on her chest. Kayley inhaled sharply, like a hiss, and then Shadi seized hold of her nipples and began twisting and pulling up on them. It was like she was stretching her breasts out like taffy. Kayley howled in pain now and tore the hands away. She then threw elbows back into Shadi and one of them caught her hard and earned Kayley some space. Both women were sweating profusely in the small room and as Kayley sat up her hair was plastered to her forehead and her neck and she was gasping for air. She was on her hands and knees, beginning to crawl away, and then Shadi slammed into her, driving her down into the floor. She hit hard and lay dazed, her head turned to one side. Shadi was relentless in pressing her attack. Yet again she yanked back on Kayley’s hair but now she was sitting astride Kayley’s back, her knees by her sides. The strap that attached them was now pulling Kayley’s foot forward in a way that made it all that much harder for her to brace herself to push or roll free. Kayley’s face was contorted by the pain and frustration she was feeling, and Shadi’s by her joy.

   Shadi pulled her head back so far that Kayley’s breasts were lifted off of the floor and she held her there, Kayley’s hands waving frantically now in the air, and then she released her hair so that Kayley slammed face first down into the floor. “Stupid bitch,” Shadi hissed, still sitting on the small of her back. “I’m going to hurt you bad.”

   Kayley was stirring under her and Shadi yanked on her hair yet again, making her moan in pain yet again, and as she pulled her up from the floor while still sitting astride her she reached around her and grabbed her breast. With this new attack Kayley began writhing under her. She was bucking her hips up and down and jostling herself loose from Shadi’s grasp and then the Persian beauty threw her arms around her neck and bit down on her shoulder, striking like her head was on a whip. Kayley went wild now, bouncing up and down and thrashing her arms and legs and pulling on Shadi’s hair and finally, somehow she got herself free of the bite and got herself turned around on her back so that she could now defend herself. Shadi was still sitting astride her, though, and the two of them grabbed onto each other’s hands, jockeying for position, the sweat now running freely along their bodies. The lines of their hips and thighs and their backs and torsos, glistening and struggling, the clean lines of their feline bodies as they struggled together, their breasts swinging, their hair plastered to their skin, chests heaving as their exhaustion built. Shadi then suddenly ripped her hands free of Kayley’s grip and immediately seized hold of her large breasts, as fast as Amanda’s eyes could follow. She was digging her fingers all the way in and Amanda could see the flesh compressing and oozing around her fingers. Kayley was groaning and cursing under her breath and pulling at her wrists. After only a few seconds she gave up on freeing herself and she reached up and grabbed Shadi’s breasts, squeezing upward from the bottom. Shadi grimaced but kept up the pressure, her fingers seemingly all the way in now and she was even twisting them and Kayley released her and returned her hands to her wrists. Still, no matter how hard she pulled, she couldn’t free herself and now she was looking desperate. At last she reached up again and bucked her hips and rolled and she was out from under Shadi.

   Both women instinctively tried to roll apart to gain space, reposition, gain advantage, as they had learned from their previous catfights. But the strap pulled taught and made them both lose their balance and they tumbled into each other’s arms as if they were dancers who had once been professionals but had gone to rot. They put their arms around each other but Shadi was still in control and the two of them went spinning and tumbling across the room and then Shadi put her into the wall with a resounding crash. Kayley hit hard and Shadi put her in a headlock with her left arm, pulling her face down and toward her body, and with the right she pounded her in the stomach with her fist. She hit her again and then yet again and then she paused and pulled up with her left arm so that the two young women were staring into each other’s eyes, faces only inches apart. Amanda could almost feel their breath, hard and loud, right on the other’s face, on her skin. Shadi was smiling now, Kayley glaring at her, showing all the heart in the world.

   “Told you that I’d fuck you up,” Shadi said.

   In response Kayley reached up with her left hand and grabbed Shadi’s breast. This took away her smile but she snaked her right hand down into Kayley’s shorts and began pinching and clawing at her there. Kayley howled in pain and stood on her toes and stamped her feet but she only squeezed harder at Shadi’s enormous bust, sinking her fingers all the way into the firm mound. The two women were still looking into each other’s eyes as they mauled each other. It was a war of attrition, Amanda thought, and as she adjusted herself in her seat she allowed her hand to brush against Natalie’s thigh to let her know that she was aware of her. But then she and Natalie and the rest of the audience saw what such a war could really look like. In a burst of energy none of them could have fathomed after all she had endured Kayley stamped down on Shadi’s foot, hard, surprising her and relieving her of the attack on her pussy. And as Shadi was distracted Kayley got in front of her and grabbed her enormous breasts with both hands and squeezed and pushed her against the wall. Shadi’s breasts were pushed up to the top of her chest almost to her chin and Kayley was digging and mauling her with everything she had and Shadi was showing real pain for the first time. She tried to pull the hands away from her assets and then she tried to reach under Kayley’s arms and attack her chest in return but she couldn’t get a good grip for the angle. Now she tried the trick with the strap, pulling her leg to get Kayley off balance, but this time her feet were firmly planted and she went nowhere. Now Kayley was the one who was smiling. But Kayley had locked her arms out and this time Shadi brought both her fists down on her elbows and that broke the hold. Kayley grunted and was brought staggering forward from the blow and the two women were standing leaning on each other for an instant, their bodies pressed together, cheek to cheek, gasping for air and sweaty. Amanda focused on Kayley’s shapely ass and hips and thighs and her smooth back as she stood with Shadi pressed to the wall. Their buxom chests were pressed together and their breasts were pushed out under their arms.

   They stood like that, leaning on each other and gasping for air and sweating, until some silent bell rang and they came to life again. Shadi reached behind Kayley’s head and grabbed her hair with one hand and with the other she began hitting her in the side. Kayley grunted and her body shook with each blow. But she hit her back in the stomach, torquing her hips and putting her weight into it, and it stunned Shadi and Kayley hit her again, lower, below her belly button, and Shadi’s eyes went wide and she was paralyzed for a second as her breath hitched. And Kayley put her forearm across Shadi’s throat and held her in place and slipped her other hand down the front of Shadi’s shorts and began clawing at her there.

   “I’m going to hurt you bad, bitch,” Kayley said into her ear.

   Shadi came to life now and, her beautiful green eyes wide open now and a snarl on her face, she pulled at the hand in her crotch. Kayley let go of her hold there and clamped onto her enormous breast and then when Shadi followed her there Kayley slammed her knee up into her crotch. Shadi’s entire body shuddered she threw her head back and was looking up at the ceiling, her eyes closed now, and holding herself with both hands. But Kayley had struck her knee against the wall behind Shadi and she was stumbling and holding her knee and then both of them fell to the ground together. They lay on the ground next to each other, each woman holding her injured part, Shadi on her stomach and Kayley staring up at the ceiling from her back. Kayley recovered first and she rolled onto her side and kneeling next to Shadi she began punching her in the small of her back. Shadi grunted with each blow but they actually seemed to revive her and after a few she rolled quickly toward Kayley and they were sent into a scrambling embrace. Face to face, pulling at each other’s hair as if they were each trying to scalp the other, hissing and grunting with the effort, they rolled back and forth on the floor. Then Shadi got on top and securing her position she pulled up on Kayley’s head and slammed it down on the floor. It hurt the brunette but she was able to get her hands on Shadi’s face, her palms on her cheeks and holding by some of her hair and her ears, and before she could slam her head again Kayley pushed up on her face and began twisting, wrenching her neck, and then she shifted to put her palm on her chin and now she had her nearly looking up at the ceiling. Shadi had to let go of her hair now and she pried her hands off of her head.

   Kayley rolled the Persian beauty off of her and now she was on top. She was sitting across her stomach and she yanked her head up by the hair and banged it down on the floor. Then she slapped her with a right and a left across the face. Shadi was now lying on her back staring blankly up at the busty brunette, her arms splayed out above her head, and Kayley sat staring down at her and then she slammed her hands down on her monstrous breasts. You might have been able to see the flesh ripple with the force of it, those majestic dark mounds. Now it was Kayley who was snarling and hissing. She was digging her fingers in and crushing them with everything she had. Soon Shadi was revived by the pain and she pulled at the hands on her breasts and she was beginning to thrash about under the other woman and then she pulled on the brown hair that hanging down and neither brought her any relief so she grabbed onto Kayley’s own breasts and squeezed. But the English brunette continued mauling her and she was switching back and forth between squeezing and trying to free her assets and she was screeching in pain by this point. Then at last Shadi made use of Kayley’s technique and she hooked her fingers into her mouth and yanked down. Panic made Kayley give up her hold on the breasts and go for the hand in her mouth and Shadi rolled out from under her.

   The two girls lay side by side on the ground, hurting and tired, both of them their eyes glazed over and wandering around the room, not really seeing anything. Their gorgeous bodies and wet hair sprawled out before the audience, chests and stomachs rising and falling as they gasped for air. Kayley had started rolling onto her side, away from Shadi, and she was looking up at Amanda from there on the ground, her one leg bent under the other and the curve of her hip, and they made eye contact and Amanda could not decipher the look on her face whether it was some misplaced joy thinking that the fight was over or that it was continuing. Then Shadi rose up, her face appearing from behind Kayley’s shoulder and grabbing her she pulled her back down onto her back and she had looped her one leg around Kayley’s and braced her body half on top of Kayley’s so that she would be harder to roll off and then she lowered her head and sank her teeth into Kayley’s breast. Kayley howled in pain and both women were snarling and growling and hissing and Kayley was pulling on her hair to get her mouth away from her chest but as Shadi’s head came up the flesh of her bosom was stretching up with her and Amanda could see her teeth still clamped down on her hard. Kayley could not get the teeth free and she tried to reach around and grab Shadi’s breast but she didn’t have the angle and she had to at last let her lower her head again and she lay there suffering under her. Then she reached down and slid her hand into the back of Shadi’s shorts and she was doing something with her fingers under the cotton and Shadi began squirming and then the motion under her shorts increased and Shadi let go of her bite and sat up onto her ass so that Kayley lost whatever she had had there. Kayley then rolled onto her hands and knees and tried to crawl away but the strap still joined them and she slipped back down when it pulled tight with Shadi’s strapped foot curled up under her body.

   Kayley rolled onto her back and Shadi was sitting on her haunches with her hands braced on the ground, pushing her enormous breasts together, and she was staring down at Kayley and she was clearly ready to strike again. But Kayley had slid her unstrapped foot out from under her and before Shadi reacted she kicked her in the side of the head and then with some burst of energy from God knew where Kayley was rolling up into a sitting position and she’d slammed into the dazed Shadi and born her down to the ground on her side. Kayley was astride her hip like that and she was punching her in the chest and the back with her fists over and over and Shadi could only wave her hands in the air in defense. Then Kayley was pulling her to her feet by the hair and she wrenched one arm up behind her back and pulled her head all the way back by the hair so that her face was pointed at the ceiling and then with a snarl she ran her forward into the wall. Shadi hit hard and Kayley pulled her back and turning ran her like that into the far wall, this time building up enough speed that Shadi slid helplessly to the ground when she let her go, her face and gorgeous breasts dragged along the wood until she fell to her knees, her face still leaning against the wall, with Kayley standing over her. And now Kayley pulled her back from the wall by the hair and holding her there kicked her in the chest, her shin landing with a sick thud across her bosom.

   Rather than fall over backward or scream Shadi merely sat there on her haunches, her fine legs folded under her, and stared up at her opponent. Grimacing, still holding her hair, Kayley slammed her face into the wall and then she pulled her up to her feet and dragged Shadi by the hair lengthwise along the wall, her face and her chest burning with the friction the entire time and when they reached the corner she was screaming but she was too tired to resist and all she could was scream. With her trapped in the corner Kayley slid behind her and she put her arms under Shadi’s pulled up and clasped her hands behind her neck and squeezed. She peacocked around the room with her like that, Shadi’s face and her abused bosom each so red they were nearly purple. Kayley twisted this woman in her grasp back and forth so that her breasts were swinging wildly, her hips pressing into her from behind, and then when she felt the girl weaken she pressed her straight down into the ground, to her knees, and then pushed her head down so that her chest was compressed and she couldn’t breathe. The girl was losing what was left of her strength and then when it was gone Kayley pulled her onto her back. Then she circled around her as best she could with the strap and punched her in the stomach and squarely in the middle of her chest until she was lying motionless and then Kayley lay on her lengthwise as Shadi had done to her, one leg intertwined between hers. And then she bit into her breast, sinking her teeth in. Shadi screamed at first and then she was whimpering and then when Kayley slid her hand into her cotton shorts and clawed at her she was crying and then when it was all too much she was begging for Kayley to stop.

   At that point Kayley let go of her bite and pulled her hand out of her shorts and looked down at her. “Are you done?” she asked. Shadi nodded but that wasn’t enough for her. “Say it. We all need to hear you say it.” The bite marks were clear on Shadi’s proud breasts and Kayley began tracing the marks with her forefinger.

   “I’m done, you win,” Shadi mumbled through her tears.

   Something else was coming, Amanda suddenly knew, and she leaned forward and she could feel her heart in her chest pumping faster and the blood rushing to her face. Kayley pressed herself off of the beaten girl and she unfasted the strap from their ankles and then she stood up and she whipped the strap across her breasts and then after Shadi had screamed again and rolled onto her stomach she brought it down across her ass and she planted her foot on Shadi’s ass to keep her from getting away and to remind her who was boss. Shadi was begging for her to stop and Kayley used the strap to tie her hands behind her back.

   “I’m not done,” Kayley said, bending over and hissing into her ear.

   So saying Kayley brought Shadi up to her knees and then standing in front of her she pulled the Persian girl’s face into her crotch and held her there. “Kiss it,” she ordered her, “or I’ll ruin that pretty face of yours.” And then as Shadi kneeled before her with her pretty face held by force in her mound Kayley looked up and made eye contact with Amanda. They stared at one another and then Kayley puckered her lips in an exaggerated kiss and Amanda had had enough. She was up off of her chair and across the small room before anyone could react and she collided with Kayley and they fell to the floor. Immediately they were pulling hair and rolling back and forth but Kayley was exhausted from her fight and Amanda easily controlled her and mounted her. But before she could hurt her Amanda was tackled by another woman and then there was a general melee above her. She was hit and there was someone on top of her and then there were more people standing above them. There was no way for her to defend herself and she had no idea what was going on and she couldn’t even look around to try to find Kayley and attack her. Then when it cleared up men from the audience and the two men Natalie had brought in as security had separated everyone. After Amanda had attacked Kayley the other combative women in the room had followed suit and it turned into a rumble.

   Now, Amanda and Kayley were brought into the center of the room, each held in place by one of the security room, and Natalie stood before them. She did not seem to Amanda to have been entertained by this.

   “What the fuck are you doing?” Natalie yelled.

   “Defending my girl,” Amanda replied, tersely, and she cast a sidelong glare at Kayley.

   “Let me at her,” Kayley demanded.

   “You two want to play games?” Natalie asked, finally. “Then you can play for stakes.”

   In the two intervening days they had built a makeshift ring in an open field. It was eight solid oak posts with four levels of rope binding them together and it was about 20 feet across. The top rope was about 5 feet high and the ropes were drawn tight and had little to no give to them and the posts had been topped with straw sewn into bags to offer some protection. They had also erected a tent over something like a grandstand where the audience would be sitting and torches around the outside of everything to provide light. Now it was nighttime and the event was about to begin. The light from the torches danced on the faces and the bodies of everyone who was there. The audience, the elite who had paid for this, were sitting under their protection and the two women and the man who would be refereeing were in the ring. The two women were in opposite corners and the referee in the center. Both women were wearing sleeveless shirts that were tight as they could be and pants that were no looser and their wrists and hands were wrapped in queer thin roping. The referee called them forward to review the rules. Kayley and Amanda stood on either side of him. The two women stared at each other, bouncing back and forth on their toes, their arms swinging with nervous energy but their heads perfectly still, like hawks holding position in an updraft. Kayley’s shorter and Amanda’s longer hair both looked black in the dim light from the torches and Amanda could not stop herself from reaching up and tucking some loose strands behind her ear as she thought about the impending clash with this beautiful woman in front of her. They were the same height but Kayley looked to be thicker and had the larger breasts. But both women’s chests were proud and firm under their thin shirts and both women could feel the beauty and femininity of the other. Kayley had wide, strong hips and Amanda’s ass was a sphere, as perfectly shaped as ever, and the strength of her legs could be clearly seen through the tight pants. As the referee began their eyes wandered down from their opponent’s face to studying her body.

   “Kayley, Amanda,” the referee said. “We’re going to review the rules for this bout. There is to be no biting and no fighting on the ground. Once a fighter goes to the ground she will have 5 seconds to rise again. If she cannot, she will have lost the round. First woman to win 5 rounds wins the bout. We will have 1 minute of rest between rounds. ‘On the ground’ means the butt or torso touching the ground. Strikes with any bodypart to any bodypart and any form of grappling from the standing position, all are allowed.” Both women nodded their agreement. “And to stakes,” he continued. “The loser is to join the troupe or employment of the winner, to work and compete as she is compelled by her employer.” Both women nodded again.

   And he signaled for the two women to return to their corners and he backed up to near the ropes and then he signaled them forward to start. They came forward with their hands up in front of them. Kayley came straight forward and Amanda circled to her left in response. They hesitated there, hands up, weaving a bit, and then Kayley came at her with rights and lefts. Amanda kept her hands up and her forearms absorbed most of it but one of them slipped through and caught her in the forehead. It was a strong jab and Amanda was dazed a bit and she was knocked back a step. At that Kayley immediately pressed forward, looping rights and lefts at Amanda’s head and her body. Some of them hit both high and low and Amanda was forced back and back and then her back was against the ropes and now the two women were tied up and Kayley was leaning on her, pushing her back into the hard coarse fiber. Their foreheads were touching and the two of them were handfighting, trying to grab each other and sometimes throwing short punches into each other’s ribs. Kayley was constantly pushing her forehead and face against Amanda’s, grinding on one side and then sliding over to the other. Amanda wanted to push back on her and get off the ropes and so she brought her arms up around Kayley’s shoulders and then Kayley had an arm hooked under her armpit and she was pushing her along the rope and then they hit the post and Kayley had her caught there. Before Amanda could defend herself Kayley, bracing the top of her head against Amanda’s shoulder, threw punches into her stomach and up into her breasts. Kayley didn’t have enough room to put her hips behind the blows but they still stung and Amanda was hurting under them. In response she grabbed Kayley by the hair with her left hand and then with her right slammed the palm of her hand flat against Kayley’s ear. Kayley let out a yelp of shock and pain and immediately she was backing away and Amanda was clear.

   They circled each other in the center of the ring, Kayley several times checking or cupping her ear. “Fucking cxnt,” she said.

   “If you don’t like it, come do something about it,” Amanda replied.

   Her lips curling into a snarl, Kayley hurled herself forward, and Amanda met her. Amanda hit her in the face with a straight punch but Kayley hit her back, catching her on the forehead and stunning her, and then she overwhelmed her with wild punches to the head and soon enough Amanda was turning away, waving her hands in front of her face to ward off the blows. She stumbled and swayed and then Kayley crashed into her from behind and ran her into the post. Amanda hit hard and stood leaning against it and Kayley hit her in the back and sides over and over, punishing her, and Amanda couldn’t gather herself to put up any resistant and she absorbed all the blows. Her back and sides and her face all burned and she felt like some mark was being sunk into her body. It was all she could do to stay on her feet but some part of her mind was saying that she had to turn things around and get on the attack. She was an experienced fighter but this was something she’d never experienced. And then Kayley pulled her head back by the hair and slammed her face into the wooden post. It was covered by a straw-filled bag that offered little protection and Amanda was seeing stars as she was then yanked over backwards by the hair and sent to the ground. She lay there stunned for a second but before the referee could begin counting she was rolled up to one knee and then coming to her feet. But Kayley was on her as she came up and she slugged her across the face and put her back down on the ground. This time Amanda lay on her stomach, everything spinning, and by the time she realized the referee was counting it was over and she’d lost the first round.

   Amanda pulled herself off the ground and stood in her corner for her one minute of rest. She drank water from a jug and leaned on the ropes, her forearms draped across the top, and sucked in deep chestfuls of air. And she thought of that morning, when she had come out and watched the sun rise on the ring and stands. The men constructing it had not arrived yet and she had sat down in the middle of the circle formed by the ringposts and thought about her future. A place for women to be themselves, where they could engage and compete with each other in the most primitive form, to prove to themselves and each other who they really are at the most basic level, to express their beauty and their violence. And she had hoped that by fighting at this event and, now, fighting this woman Kayley, she would make the right connections to gain what she wanted now, this special place. But now, standing in the ring, she had a moment of clarity. There was no special place, no future, no other country, where her life would begin or where she could be herself. There was only here and now and there was only what she was willing to do with it.

   As she thought this, the referee called for the two women to ready themselves. Amanda tossed the jug of water and turned and faced Kayley. She wiped the water and sweat from her face with the back of her hand and said, under her breath, “Aggression, all the way.”

   The referee waved them in again. Kayley had something like a smile on her face and Amanda focused all of her thoughts on coming forward to meet her. Two long strides each and then they were nearly within reach of each other and Kayley came at her, cocking her arm back to swing a wild haymaker. Amanda planted one foot and threw the other straight forward in a push kick and struck Kayley dead center in the chest with a sick thud. The blow put the beauty flat on her back, staring up at the night sky, her eyes unfocused, and then her chest began hitching up and down as she tried to regain her breath. After overcoming his surprise, the ref stepped between them and began counting. He was at three before Kayley was moving and she was coming up off of her ass when he hit five and might have counted as a fall and it might not have but Amanda came around him and slugged squarely across the jaw as she was kneeling, defenseless, and Kayley fell flat on the ground again. Amanda went back to her corner and took her water as the referee counted to five behind her. She had evened the match at one round each.

   For the next round, Kayley came out decidedly more cautiously. The women moved more slowly now, and the sweat and the anger ran more freely. Amanda stepped and sidestepped and found that the serious brunette was having trouble following her smoothly. So she feinted with a jab and when Kayley raised her hands to defend herself Amanda threw a right hook into her ribs. And then when Kayley lowered her arm after Amanda had already withdrawn her first Amanda brought in the jab for real now, tagging her in the face, and then slugged her across the cheek with the right. That sent Kayley stumbling away but she wasn’t hurt that badly and before Amanda could capitalize she had her defenses and her feet set again. This time as Amanda came forward Kayley threw a kick at her stomach, but it was too slow and Amanda caught her leg. She had her by the knee and she held her like that, hopping on one leg, and then she popped her squarely in the face with one fist and twisting dumped her on the ground. It was nothing close to a knockout and Amanda just stepped back and gestured with her hands for Kayley to rise again. Mindful of what had happened in the last round, Kayley rose slowly, her head up, and Amanda backed out of range. When they closed Kayley tagged her with a right and a left to the head but the blows had no strength and Amanda, in her aggression and her focus, stormed through them. She caught Kayley and grappled with her, standing toe to toe, and then she slugged her in the stomach and when she was bent over she pulled her shirt up around her face, trapping her arms, and then she threw uppercuts into her face and her breasts. With the first few blows her opponent tried mightily to get free but after that, as the pounding continued, her motions slowed and then eventually dropped straight down at Amanda’s feet. She lay there gasping and moaning and, after the ref had counted her down, when she slowly rose and removed her shirt her mouth and nose were bleeding freely and the skin of her face and of her breasts was raw from the abuse. She stumbled to her corner and sagged against the post. Amanda watched her and took a drink of water and then removed her own shirt and tossed it outside the ring and stood facing her as the minute of rest counted down.

   Amanda was now up 2 rounds to 1 and at the referee’s call she came forward with her chin and her chest jutting forward with pride and energy. She came straight at Kayley and Kayley came straight at her, slowly but with determination. Amanda peppered her with a right and a left jab and got her face but Kayley took it and she planted her feet and threw a hook that caught Amanda on the side of the head. Kayley had more strength left in her than Amanda had expected and the force of the blow put her on one knee, bracing herself with her hands. And then Kayley immediately followed with another punch, this one square into her nose, and Amanda rolled onto her back. She was staring up at the night sky while Kayley tried to slip past the referee to get at her. Amanda took advantage of the delay and when he finally started counting she rolled onto her knees and then her feet. Blood was dribbling out of her nose and she could feel the warmth on her upper lip. Still feeling the effects of the punches, Amanda squared off against her. She wanted to get Kayley circling and give herself time to recover but instead the other woman came straight at her. She threw jabs into her face to ward her off but Kayley hit her with rights and lefts and she had to retreat and cover herself. Blows struck her in the head, her shoulders and arms, her sides. Too soon she felt the ropes at her back and then Kayley really poured it on. She was throwing everything she had and after Amanda blocked a few Kayley hit her cleanly in the head, dazing her. And then when her defenses relaxed she hit her in the stomach and then with uppercuts into her breasts and as she leaned forward she hit her with an uppercut into the face. Everything went reeling away from her and Amanda landed on her hands and knees and then something struck her hard in the ribs and put her over onto her back. The next thing she saw was the referee standing over her asking if she could continue and she slowly got to her feet and went to her corner. It was now tied at 2 rounds apiece.

   When they came out for the next round both women had blood on their faces. It was smeared with a mixture of their sweat and the dirt from the ground from when both of them had been put down and their aggression and determination and femininity when they got back up again. They were staring into each other’s eyes and they came forward and began throwing wild haymakers. No defense, they just hit each other in the face, the bosom, the stomach. Both of them were groaning and gasping with the pain and the exertion. Amanda took an especially hard one straight into her mouth and nose and she felt galvanized by it and slugged Kayley on the jaw with a wild right. Both women were sent staggering by the force of the blow. Kayley was turned all the way around and she fell into the ropes, leaning over them for support. Amanda was exhausted from the toe-to-toe brawling but she still made herself press forward. Kayley was still leaning on the ropes, her head down, and Amanda seized her by the hair and punched her in the back repeatedly. Then holding her by her shorter hair with both hands she dragged her along the ropes toward the corner. The ropes burned the flesh of her bosom and Kayley howled in pain but she could not make a resistance. When they reached the corner Amanda bounced her head off the post and then turned her around and held her there. She put her hand on Kayley’s face, pushing up and away from her, and then she pounded her in the stomach and the breasts. Over and over she hit her until at last Kayley pushed the hand off of her face and spun out of the corner. But she was done. She staggered across the open space and Amanda followed her and catching her by the shoulder she hit her cleanly across the mouth. Her lip burst open and Kayley fell to the ground and the round was over.

   Amanda was now up 3 rounds to 2 and Kayley’s face was a mess. Her mouth and nose had bled freely in the interim between rounds and there was now blood from her face on her upper chest. Even in the dim light of their staging Amanda could see the bruising forming on her face and her breasts.

“I’m going to ruin that pretty face of yours,” Amanda said.

“Let’s do it then, bitch,” Kayley answered.

They met in the center of the ring and resumed brawling. Fists thumped into faces, breasts, and stomachs. Amanda was hitting her twice as often at the beginning and then Kayley was just standing there, hands halfway up, swaying, and Amanda hit her with a right and a left that spun her around and put her down in the dirt. Her legs were curled up under her and her hands were braced on the ground and she was staring vacantly in the direction of the audience. Amanda stood behind the referee who had not started counting yet and she looked at Natalie who was staring wide-eyed at her and at Kayley.

“She’s not done yet,” Amanda said to the referee. “Get her up.” The man looked over his shoulder at her and then turned toward the grandstand and Natalie. “The fuck are you looking at them for? This fight’s not over.”

The referee was older, with a thin back and grey hair and Amanda stared down at him as he was now kneeling by Kayley and then at last he pulled her up to her feet. She was swaying and he had to put her back to the ropes to keep her up. Amanda stood waiting until Kayley’s eyes cleared and her breathing had slowed down. The blood was flowing freely from cuts around her eyes and on her cheeks as well as from her nose and mouth now. But when she raised her eyes up to Amanda’s there was spirit in them.

“Let’s finish this, you cxnt,” Kayley said, and a smile came to her face.

They came at each other one last time. Kayley hit her squarely but there was nothing behind it and Amanda hit her in the stomach, doubling her over. Then she seized her by her hair with one hand, continuously pulling her forward and keeping her off balance, and threw punches up into her face and bust with her over. Kayley tried to block them but it was fruitless and at last she went down to her knees. Amanda maintained her grip on her hair and she pulled her face upward and then she slugged her one last time across the jaw. Kayley went limp and fell onto her back. Amanda stood over her, watching the rise and fall of her bosom, examining her battered face and body, and then she planted her foot on her chest and faced the grandstand and raised her arms overhead in victory.


Offline Drake8

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 8
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2021, 03:55:48 PM »
Thank you CoffeeMug for these amazing two last chapters, a lot of amazing crude fights. The feisty Kailey first loss, she is amazing never gives up even when she has no chance to win, Amanda had to cheat a little bit to defeat her. Anxious for next chapters and see how Natalie is going to take those losses.


Offline matfighter507

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 8
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2021, 10:07:53 PM »
I always look forward to reading your catfights! Some of the best I've ever read! Hopefully Kayley gets her rematch against Amanda in short shorts and barefoot! Would like to see Shadi fight one of Amanda's friends!


Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 8
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2022, 05:09:46 PM »
Two tremendous fights – again, magnificently described. Great work. Thanks.


Offline Rocko23

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Re: The Pride of Galloway, Ch 8
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2022, 12:40:34 PM »
Loved this as well. Especially the Shadi v Kayley fight. Didn't think I'd like the strap but it added an element to it. The brutality and hate was wonderful. Loved the biting and breast mauling. Nice to see a persian fighter as well!