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Jennifer and Lisa (1st section based on a true story)

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Offline ooreach

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Jennifer and Lisa (1st section based on a true story)
« on: July 13, 2022, 05:30:12 PM »
Jennifer and Lisa (1st section based on a true story)

Jennifer (pink top) and Lisa (black top)  worked at a rehab hospital. Jennifer was a brand-new RN nurse and Lisa was in account payables so their paths crossed only slightly every few days. 

Both where in their sexual prime, the proverbial rose in full bloom. 

In their prospective areas they were the hottest young women in the department. Both dressed daily showing pride in their looks and all their momma’s had given them. 

Once a year every staff member was required to do a physical training called Use of Force. Basically, a self-defense course to help keep us safe from possibly violent patients.  These trainings where always broken down into groups of 10 and usually required a full week to complete. 

As the gods smiled upon us there where 8 men in the final class and two females. Jennifer and Lisa were surrounded by their peers and even though the instructor was giving instructions to the whole group nothing went on without the men watching the two young women. And the girls were aware. 

Neither had really felt threatened by the other, but they did enjoy the natural attention they would receive. Usually happy to be the queen in their section of the hospital their casual passings would only bring out a little cattiness when they both wore their most deductive “professional “attire. 

I would be lying if I told you they had class in the outfits seen in the photo but both where in cute shorts with t-shirts. 

The guys had paired up and the look on the girls faces when blue eye met brown and they realized they were going to have to touch and be physical together.  Both were apprehensive at first as they took off their shoes and stepped barefoot onto the wrestling mats. All the guys had worn sox's but the ladies had both worn sandles. This was their first UOF training since they both had been hired. 

Both girls stood  5’7 and it was obvious they matched each other not only in looks but they where physically very similar in build. 

The practice started off with stretching. Both girls showing how flexible they were. The first hands on exercise was simple enough. It was breaking free from a wrist grab. 

Jennifer was the aggressor and lisa had to break free from the wrist hold. 

As Jennifer clamped her perfectly manicured nails around Lisa’s wrist Lisa pulled in the opposite direction to break the thumb hold.  She over estimated her pull and ended up falling on her pretty butt. 

Jennifer Laughed as Lisa played it off and quickly got up, just a bit embarrassed. 

It was Lisa’s turn to be the aggressor and as she grabbed Jennifer’s wrist Jennifer turned to the side and hip checked Lisa causing her to start to fall backward taking Jennifer with her. 

Both paused on the floor giving each other the “what the hell” look. 

They got up and each took turns grabbing and breaking the hold. 

Next came the foam bags. They were used to allow one to strike the other hitting the bag and to deflect most of the energy away from the other. 

Lisa began punching and Jennifer almost giggled. She had the bag right up to her chest and with each strike both girls giggled with the firmness of youth. 

Lisa got a little red. We all though from the physical exertion until she cocked her body back and twisted with her hips and landed a great hit right at the area of Jennifer’s chest. 

We heard the grunt as Jennifer felt the hit. 

Lisa smirked and Jennifer wasn’t giggling anymore. 

Soon it was time to change roles and Jennifer began to smile. Lisa flipped back her blonde hair and prepared herself for the punches. Jennifer didn’t hold back and with each punch pushed Lisa back a good until they were almost bowling into the guys closest to them. 

They looked around and saw the guys were watching, but they didn’t care. This was getting personal. 

The next was a kicking exercise and it goes without saying those bare feet made a sound. While the guys where kicking with 10% of their force the girls were getting into this and actually grunted with some of the kicks. Lisa missed one kick and hit Jennifers shin.  She said “sorry” but we all could tell there where not having fun. When it was her turn, she “accidently” kicked her back. 

Lunch was called and Jennifer asked one of the guys what was left. The guys smiled and said “ground work.”  Lisa overheard and both girls soon understood they were going to be practicing some wrestling moves. 

Neither girls felt very Hungary. 
« Last Edit: July 13, 2022, 05:31:07 PM by ooreach »


Offline Frank

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Re: Jennifer and Lisa (1st section based on a true story)
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2022, 07:03:42 PM »
Good start ! I liked it !!
Let's see ch. 2 soon !