Both women faced painful horse rides home thru the Indiana prairie from the Postal sorting facility where they had brawled all morning. Each prayed not to be stopped and queried by neighbors as to their ragged and dishevelled condition, or even worse, to be accosted by brigands.
Their prayers were answered. Each miraculously reached her destination safely.
Bonnie's destination was the residence of her tomboy-ish Aunt who had escorted her to her schooldays confronation with her bullying rival. Her Aunt, Bonnie correctly guessed, would be discreet about the causes of Bonnie's many wounds, and would know how to clean up from a catfight. Bonnie rejoiced that her Aunt answered the door.
> Bonnie!!! Look what the cat done drug in!! Are you ok?? Did you have an encounter with a bear??
> Worse. A Jackson bitch. Krista--that horrid Transylvania College coed.
> Did she ..... assault you?? Do we need to have the Sherriff arrest her?
> 'Twas no assault. We fought. Mutual decision. Hand to hand.
Vicious, but with full fair play. We needed to know .... which of us was ..... [blushing] the better woman.
> And? Was that decided??
> It was. I carried the day on the field of battle.
> Bonnie!!! [hugs her niece] I'm proud, never prouder actually. Your secret fight will be safe with me, but thank you for telling me.
> Thank you. And ..... what do I do about this?
[opens her top to reveal her mauled bosom]
> That barbaric animal. This is what they teach her at Transylvania?
Is it some kind of Amazon school?? She did THIS to you. I hope you reciprocated in kind. Let me get the iodine out.
> I got her back far worse. I made her beg for mercy. And something else ..... most unladylike ..... as well.
> [Looks at her niece slyly.] If you two were fighting as viciously as your wounds show ..... my guess would be that you were ..... each of you .... experiencing arousal from your loins. It is natural .... I assure you ..... when one is in a woman to woman contest such as you had.
> Thank you. I was afraid .... I didn't want to .... sin.
> Think not of sin. The Lord made David a King for killing Goliath in a duel. That's what you had today. A duel with an enemy. Men do it all the time. Do not let anyone make you feel women cannot do that same.
> You've ..... duelled ..... hand-to-hand with women.
> I have.
> And your loins .... and hers .... were excited?
> Like nothing else in life. Other than, perhaps, watching a feminine duel.
> You were lucky enough to watch.
> A couple times, yes. How I wozld have loved to watch your war this morning with that witch Krista.
Bonnie's aunt disinfected Bonnie's wounds. The aunt and niece retired to their beds to rest.
And to masturbate to the thought of the Bonnie-Krista fight.
Krista, too, received medical care at home to her wounded face and bosom. She returned to Transyvania, where her battle scars were still visible.
She showed them off to her dormmates.
> You received those in a fight?? With a woman?? Did you win??
> Hand-to-hand. With a woman. Just like Canto XXVII of Orlando Furioso. And I won.
Krista felt no choice but to lie about the outcome. Defeat would have reflected poorly on the school.
She couldn't stop masturbating to memories of the fight.
She longed to reach out to Bonnie and share her feelings of the fight.
She considered writing a letter to her enemy.
To be continued.....