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« on: August 26, 2022, 07:33:50 PM »
Well wrestling fans, a little set up to my new story series entitled - WOMENS WRESTLING THE WAY IT SHOULD BE - I for one am sick and tired liking what I like seeing everybody's so called creative department NOT CREATIVE at all when it comes to Women's Wrestling, IE: Good irls Win/Bad Girl Lose , who is good and who is bad, WHY ARE THESE TWO FACING EACH OTHER INSTEAD OF BEING A TEAM, and so many other things when you watch wrestling reality shows about wannabee pros always being taught about paying one's dues and paying respect to those who have paved the way.

Anyway, this following story I feel is very representative of women's wrestling these days, while the names are of course different, sadly matches like these happen all the time and are common place and it is nowhere close to Rookies paying their dues and giving the vets the respect they deserve so......


Cassie got to the arena nervous, she could not believe it when a few days ago her trainers at the SSWA (Southern States Wrestling Alliance) training academy told her that at their next normal show, they will let her appear and wrestle against a long time grizzled veteran, Vicky Veteran.

What an honor it was for Cassie to hear this as so far, she has had 4 matches at SSWA Student Shows where of course playing the good girl, she won all 4 matches when getting a roll up on her opponent , the same girl missing the same corner splash attempt every time in the same exact match every time as they did a generic training match as their moves and holds knowledge were still very limited, but Cassie was the good girl and she won and that seemed all most of the fans cared about.

Cassie stood just 5'1 and weighed in at just 106 lbs, she was a Cheerleader in High School and played Soccer, but now in her Freshman year in college, she wanted to do something she thought would be fun, something to keep her in shape, and something to do to maybe earn a little bit of money, and being a pro wrestling fan, despite having no plans at all of continuing to wrestle after graduation, she decided that wrestling was the way to go for all of this.

The promoters days ago upon telling her she would face Vicky this weekend, loved how happy she was when hearing the news and it was only moments after she left, reality set in for the promoters who looked at each other and thought, "Whoa, did we really just tell Cassie she could face Vicky?, she is nowhere in the solar system anywhere close to being in the ring with someone like Vicky, Vicky loses more wrestling knowledge just trimming her nails than Cassie has in her whole entire cute body, but we told her she could face Vicky, so there is no turning back now".

It was show time and as usual, there were around 300 people in this random local high school gymnasium with a good division of the crowd being adults and kids, with maybe a majority of the kids being under the age of 10 and after match 1, it was the usual as the opening match saw the bad guy win and every kid under 10 years old started to cry because the bad guy won and the sadness continued as the heel left and the defeated good guy was able to walk away selling the move that ended the match as the fans still applauded him for his efforts as the ring announcer passed him as the announcer headed back to the ring to get the next bout underway.

The announcer introduced the next match as a tag team contest and the music played, the music was for a good guys team and all the kids who were still crying or sniffling their tears back from the good guy losing the last match upon hearing the music , JUST LIKE THAT, their eyes dried like the Sahara Desert and they had INSTANT AMMESIA as they LITERALLY forgot that the good guy just lost moments ago as they sprang onto their feet and took off to the railing all smiles as they got high fives from the good guys and once in the ring, all the kids retreated back to their seats happy as can be that their heroes gave them the high fives as the opening loss now seemed ages ago.

As match 2 went on, Cassie and Vicky sat backstage in the women's locker room where Vicky talked to the super in awe Cassie, Vicky was gauging what Cassie could do and not do , it was not much, "Why did they let Cassie be my opponent tonight?" though Vicky "She does not belong in the ring with me tonight, she has a long way to go before that".

But finally, one of the co-promoters stopped in and Vicky said "So nice of you to finally show up and give us 20 seconds of your time" he ignored it and said "just want to go over tonight's match real quick" and Vicky told him "don't waste your breath for 10 whole seconds letting us know, I know, go away, I'll take care of it". "But, you don't know what I want" - "Yes, I do , now go away " - "OK, I hope you do what we want" - "Just go away, I know what you want, thanks for the whole 30 seconds of attention tonight".

"What are we doing tonight Vicky?" asked Cassie. "Look Cassie, it is as simple as this, it is nothing personal against you, but you have very limited moves and holds and I know a ton of them, your 5'1, 109 lbs and I'm 6'3, 194 lbs, I've been wrestling before you were even born, but he is going to want you to win tonight using the only excuse that you are the good girls and he does not want to see the little kids cry, although they LITERALLY forget that a face just lost as soon as the next match is ready and tears dry up like they are in the Sahara Desert just like that".

I Hate to say this, but please see it my way, I know both promoters, who are also your trainers are going to be angry with me afterwards and scream and curse at me afterwards while I just ignore them and let them get it out of their system before telling them "Thanks, it has been a pleasure, see you next show" but look Cassie, again, nothing against you, but due to the plain issues of experience, move and holds knowledge and size and strength differences, I just want to give the fans, despite being not exactly a huge crowd their money's worth and give them the BEST match possible, so here's what we are going to do, trust me it's for the best in the end".


With the little kids happy as the good guys won matches 2 & 3, here came the announcer "The Next Match is a Ladies Match with a 1 Fall, 15 minute Time Limit" and upon hearing the music and knowing it from the student shows, the kids all took running to the railing by the entrance curtain as it was announced "Hailing from Savannah, Ga, and weighing in at 109 lbs It's Cute Cassie.

Cassie of course made sure to greet her adoring young fan base as she came out all smiles as usual with some of the kids telling her "Get that big meanie woman" as she wore her debuting half cheerleader / half dance team outfit for her 1st official non student match and once in the ring , did a little cheer and a jump into a big split as she continued and ended her cheer before getting up and paced in her corner waiting her opponent.

"Her Opponent, hailing from Any Dark Shadow you see & weighing in at 194 lbs, she is Vicky Veteran.

The little kids all acted all big & brave as Vicky ignored all boos and even some fans who applauded her for her career longevity, Vicky though at times acted like she was going to go after the little ones who were like pesky gnats until she just entered the ring by climbing over the top rope as most knew what was going to happen when all was said and done..

The bell rang and Cassie spung forward, hitting Vicky with Dropkicks and not even 1 of them fazing the much bigger heel and with the dropkicks failing Cassie, Vicky invited her to try something else, so here came the clothesline attempts which also failed as the kids urged Cassie on.

Next up was a cross body attempt which saw Vicky catch Cassie like she was a bag of feathers and held on quite easily as Cassie's legs flailed here & there for escape to no avail as Vicky trolled the crowd "what is this little girl trying to do?".

With that, Vicky ran with Cassie towards a turnbuckle and rammed Cassie's back into the corner and held on easily as she ran to a different corner and rammed her back again, then did it into a 3rd corner and then a 4th corner not wanting it to feel left out despite being an inanimate object and then tossing Cassie to the mat after turning away from the corner.

Vicky again trolled the crowd and did the crying eyes things directed to all of Cassie's little fans before yanking Cassie up by the hair and whipping her into the corner "Move Aside and try some more offense" said the promoters under whispered breath, but Vicky charged in with a running boot, knocking Cassie startled and then followed by putting her big boot into Cassie's throat and choking away for a bit, doing it numerous times while each time, waiting for the ref to almost reach the 5 count dq limit while she counted along with him, releasing her foot of course just in time.

Vicky moved Cassie to the ropes for an irish whip off of them and on the return, a big clothesline sent Cassie down and Vicky followed by draping her knee across Cassie's throat and choking her several times just like she just did in the corner, counting with the ref and removing her knee just before the 5 count as boos were heard, mostly from the angry little kids.

After the chokes came several leg drops and then Vicky stepped on Cassie's hair and pulled her up by her wrists so it pulled her hair as the kids yelled at the ref on Vicky's further illegal actions, basic stuff, but there was only so much or so little Vicky could do to Cassie.

Vicky finally let go of Cassie's hair and took a breather to both taunt the crowd and look at the co promoters and give them a little smile making them think from her smirky smile "Damn Her".

Vicky returned to Cassie who was making sure her hair was still all there and yanked her up via hair pull and then standing in front of Cassie, gave her 3 big headbutts, held onto her, went behind her, gave her 3 headbutts, returned to the front for 3 more headbutts, back behind for 3 more , ad upon returning to the front of a seeing a galaxy of stars Cassie, Vicky while holding on with 1 hand, taunted the crowd threatening the age old "Iron Claw" was about to happen.

Down came Vicky's large hand and almost engulfed Cassie's face as she did indeed lock on the Iron Claw that quickly made Cassie drop to her knees and shortly thereafter, fall onto the mat on her back where her legs flailed only slightly as she kept the Iron Claw engaged as the ref moved in for the pin count, ONE-TWO-THREE and he called for the bell and the bell allowed Vicky to say "good job kid".

Vicky released the hold and enjoyed having the ref raise her arm in victory as the little kids eyes once again quickly filled like tears like a damn that broke wide open as poor Cassie was defeated.

Vicky walked to the devious smile, of course a few times mocking the crying little kids who were still ceying a sniffling sadness as the ref assisted Cassie groggily to the back.

The announcer passed Cassie and the ref and moments later, upon the entrance music of the faces for match 5, tears once again dried up instantly and the kids with instant amnesia forgot that Cassie had just lost not even a minute ago as they ran to the railing to meet & greet the faces.

Moment slater backstage, and out of earshot of Cassie, the promoters gave Vicky an earful while Vicky pretended that they were not even there and when they finished with their displeasure on the match outcome, Vicky said "You guys done>, feel better?, When's my next match?" they replied "1 month from now" and it was a mutual "see you next time" and the promoters when looking at emails from the show, was showered with prasies on the Cute Cassie vs Vicky Veteran squash match which was the best way of doing things considered. 


You never grow old until you stop being young


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« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2022, 11:19:59 AM »
Yes, the way it should be!!!