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Kate and Skylar: Coworker Catfight

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Offline Super Deadly Ham Attack

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Kate and Skylar: Coworker Catfight
« on: September 02, 2022, 09:09:37 PM »
"Hey, Kate. You got a minute?"
"Sure, what's up?"  I looked up from my lunch. Standing behind me was my co-worker Skylar, who glanced down at my half-eaten Lean Cuisine pizza with a frown.
"Oh, you're on lunch. I'll come back-"
"No, it's fine. What is it?"
“I’ll show you.”  She waved for me to follow and I grabbed my pizza, taking a big bite as we walked over to her desk. "So, I was going over the pen testing logs."

"Yeah," I mumbled around my food. This was the big project we'd been working on together for months.
"And I was looking at your workstation, and, well... I found something, uh..." she pushed her glasses up her nose nervously. "Well, I found this." She plopped a thick sheaf of printed pages in front of me. I almost dropped my pizza in shock as I read:

This whole thing started on a Saturday in early June. I like to keep in shape by jogging; it helps clear my head, and with my college classes just wrapping up, if I didn’t get out of my dorm and away from that paper on data structure visualization I was going to scream…

It was the opening of my latest self-published catfight novel. My mind raced as my heart started pounding. How had she seen this? I felt myself starting to sweat and I realized I'd edited the entire thing at work - she must've been sniffing the network traffic to my workstation. With shaky hands I put my pizza down, swallowing nervously. I didn't want to read any further; the first few pages were setup, but it turned NSFW very quickly.

"Kate, are you okay?" Skylar asked innocently. "You look like you've seen a ghost!"
"Who did you show this to?" I picked the stack of papers up, feeding the first page into Skylar's shredder.
"Nobody - what are you doing?"
"Skylar," I hissed. "What's going to happen if someone else sees this?"
"Oh. Oh - oh! Jeez, Kate, nobody's going to see it back here -" she winced as I fed the second page into the shredder too quickly, almost jamming it.

"Skylar. If anybody knows I was writing this at the office, I’m going to get fired!”
"No!" she yelled in a panic, her expression so cartoonish I almost laughed despite myself. "Oh crumb, I didn't think of that!" She grabbed a few pages off the top and I barely managed to stop her from stuffing them in the shredder - that would jam it for sure.

As we shredded the book - it was going to take a while; I liked making sure my readers got good value for their $2.99 - Skylar peppered me with questions about it. It seemed to have not occurred to her that I made the whole thing up - despite being an early middle aged Asian IT office worker, she just couldn’t seem to wrap her head around the fact that I’d made up the first-person story of a Latina college student having three sexually charged catfights up out of whole cloth.

“Okay, but do you really know how to fight, though?” she asked, her large, blue eyes fixed on me. “Like-” she picked up the next sheet off the pile - “have you ever done any stuff like this?”
“Wellllllll, yeah… I mean, it’s not really exactly the same. The characters in the book can take way more punishment than a real fight. It’s not very interesting for the reader if you write, ‘I punched Skylar in the face-’” I had to try not to laugh as she winced sympathetically - “‘I punched Skylar in the face. She fell down and hit her head on the desk on the way down. She suffered a serious concussion and went to the doctor. She experienced dizziness and nausea-’”
“Okay, but you really know how to fight like in the book?”
“Yes,” I admitted.
“When was the last time you had a real fight?”

This was getting a little close to a subject I wasn’t sure I should be discussing at work, but what the hell. Skylar already had enough information about my side gig to get my ass canned at warp speed if she wanted, so what was the harm in sharing more?

I told her about my last fight in brief - it had actually been pretty one-sided, some college girl who thought she was hot shit on one of the message boards I frequented had scraped up the courage to challenge me to a no-rules fight, and I’d mopped the floor with her pretty good. Actually, the book was kind of based on real life with the situation reversed now that I was thinking about it - in the book the POV heroine is a young Latina college student up against a devious, beautiful Asian MILF, while in real life it had been a young, college-age Latina up against a Asian MILF…

Skylar picked up on this too: “Oh, so you just reversed the situation? I mean, it’s still really creative, though. So what happened next?”
I tried to skirt around the details, but Skylar kept egging me on, innocently asking “Then what?” as the situation got more and more adult. Well, if that’s what she wanted… I gave her the whole story. By the time I got to the part where I’d made my opponent tap twice and was riding her face to a screaming orgasm Skylar was staring at me open-mouthed.

“Woowww,” Skylar mumbled as I fed the last piece of paper into the shredder. “Do you think we could try that stuff?”
“Skylar,” I sighed, “it’s not always like that in real life. In the book, nobody really gets hurt, but in real life, you can get fucked up really bad.”
“I can take it. Come on, I want to try.”
“Skylar,” I tried again. “Listen. If we fight, it’s not going to be like some Internet story where you can get punched in the face fifteen times and you just get a black eye. You could really get hurt, you need to have training-”
“I’ll get some!”

Well, I never could say no to my co-worker. She was currently fixing me with her best sad puppy dog look. “Okay, fine,” I allowed. “But we’re going to go by my -” I didn’t get any further as Skylar grabbed me in a bear hug, literally squeeing in happiness at my agreement. I made her promise to get trained, telling her I was serious and if she called me the next day after googling “catfight video” and thinking she was ready to go I was going to call the whole thing off. Agreeing enthusiastically, we set up a no-holds barred fight at my place. I told her to wear something she wouldn’t mind getting ripped up (or kept as a trophy) and give me a call when she was ready.

She dived right into it. We didn’t discuss it at work - I was still very jumpy after goofing up and almost getting caught - but she started sending me excited text messages, pictures of herself sweating in her workout gear, working over a heavy bag, getting put into some submission holds by a huge black dude. Just over a month later she told me she was ready and I told her to meet me at my house after work on Friday (she’d already been there a few times for game night). I put the ping-pong table away, laid down my old wrestling mats, set out three cameras to record the action and two coolers full of water and sugar-free Gatorade.

Skylar showed up a little early, so eager to go she was almost vibrating with energy. I led her down to the basement and told her to get changed, curious what she was going to wear. For myself I was going with a new matching lacy black underwear set - if Skylar managed to beat me I was going to let her keep them as trophies. Changed, I turned to look to see Skylar standing across from me wearing a plain sky blue bra and blue and white striped bottoms, the look finished with sheer white thigh socks with blue bows at the top.

“Nice outfit,” I told her as we came together in the center of the mats.
“Thanks,” she ran her eyes up and down over my body. I gave her the once over in return, starting with her head. Skylar has long, dark blonde hair down just past her shoulders, a large forehead, big squinty blue eyes behind thick glasses (which she was still wearing), a wide nose she was self-conscious about, and a large mouth. She was always worried people would notice her nose first, but for me I was always looking at her mouth, which was endlessly fascinating to me. When she was thinking hard she would tap a fingernail against her closed teeth (and would get annoyed if I started bopping along to the beat), when she cracked a difficult problem her smile could light up the whole room, and when things weren't going her way she had a pouty, comically overexaggerated frown that was so cute it was hard for me not to crack up giggling; she looked like a disappointed anime character.

I moved down to her body. We’re both a little above average height, me about 5’5” and Skylar maybe an inch and a half taller; we’re both built slim with small boobs, Skylar’s cute little handfuls topped with large pink nipples, mine just a little bit more modest with small, dark nipples, already hard in my bra - I was, truthfully, just as excited as Skylar for our fight. I tucked some of my not-quite shoulder length black hair behind my left ear as we got ready to start.

“Okay, two things first,” I told her as I reached out and gently took her glasses off. “I really don’t want to break these. Can you fight without them?”
“Yeah,” she squinted. I went over to her corner and laid them across her clothes, then came back to the center of the ring and squared up with her.
“You’re sure you still want to do this? It’s not too late to back out.”
“I’m sure,” she told me, screwing what I think was supposed to be a look of bulldog determination on her face. It looked more like a little kid about to try and get her mom to buy her a new video game.

“All right. Second, the safe word. It’s ‘Tetris’. You know how the safe word works?”
“Yes, if either one of us says it the action stops right away.”
“Okay, good. Well, if you’re ready, take a few steps back, then we’ll start.” We both backed up, and I put my fists up and barked “Fight!”

Skylar came at me more aggressively than I'd anticipated, her hands up in a boxer's guard. I waited to see what she'd do and she opened with a lightning quick slap I barely managed to block with my forearm. She followed up with a quick left aimed at my belly, which I also managed to block at the last second; with my hands low, she fired off a right hook, and I yanked my head back as her fist sailed past my face. Frowning with annoyance, she tried another low left which I took on my hands, then a straight right at my head I turned away from.

"C'mon, Kate. Don't just block, you gotta hit me back!"
"Okay," I grunted, deploying my own attack, a high left jab. She fell right into my trap, raising her hand too high as she blocked it, leaving herself open for my followup right, my fist slamming into her stomach. She backed up, covering herself, eyes wide with shock. I knew the look well - either she would call it off right here after taking her first good hit, or she'd straighten up and come after me.

"Well, you want to keep going?" I prompted. Her response was a loud war cry as she launched herself at me. This caught me by surprise, my opponent getting her hands on my shoulders, and before I knew what was happening she pulled me forward into a brutal knee strike, her hard kneecap slamming into my stomach. Now I was the one back up covering myself, but she was right on me, grabbing my hair and yanking my head back.

"Get off!" I gasped, trying and failing to blindly push her away. To my surprise she actually released me.
"Kate, are you okay? Was I hurting your neck?"
“Yes,” I growled. “But that’s fine, we’re fighting. You don’t really have to let me go unless I say the safe word. Now come at me and-”

Before I could finish she was flying at me with a right hook aimed at my jaw, and this time I was too slow to get out of the way, her fist crashing into my face, turning my whole body with the impact. I tripped over my feet and fell, hitting the thick mat on my face and rolling over woozily. Skylar was standing over me, her hands still balled into fists but held low and loose, a look of complete shock on her face.

"I did it!" she yelled. "I knocked you down with one punch! Holy schamoly! Kate, did you see that?!"
"Not quick enough," I grumbled, slowly getting to my feet, shaking my head. I made a note to be careful of her punches - in fact, maybe it would be better just to grapple with her.

I saw Skylar getting herself set to continue the fight, but she'd left me enough of a window of opportunity to easily come in on her, brace my left leg behind her right, and push on her shoulders, taking her down to the floor. I followed her, making sure to land on top, trying to knock as much air out of her lungs as possible. Skylar was left panting, her eyes bugging out. I rolled her over and uncinched her bra, then rolled her back onto her chest, whipping it off her body.

“I’m keeping this,” I told her. “Just so you know.”
“Okay,” she nodded. Hmm, she had recovered quickly - maybe I should have pressed the attack more aggressively. Well, too late now. She shoved me back, and I got to my feet, trying not to get distracted by my opponent’s bare chest.

This, I’m afraid, was a recurring problem for me - I couldn’t keep my eyes off my opponent’s body as I stripped them. I was able to keep from noticeably moving my gaze down to Skylar’s bare chest, her small, slightly pear-shaped breasts with large delicious pink nipples, her fist coming right at -

Skylar’s hook smashed into my face, and she knocked me down with one punch again. I hit the mats on the floor, tasting blood in my mouth this time.
“Fuck!” I barked, angry at myself for getting distracted. “God damn it!”
“Kate, are you okay? I-”
“Yes!” I yelled angrily, getting to my feet. “I’m fine! Let’s fight!” I advanced on Skylar, and she backed up, weathering my assault, covering her head and chest with her arms.

She brought me up short with a wild kick aimed at my crotch. I turned my body and took it on one thigh, trying to calm myself down. She was too good for me to easily get through her guard, so I started going around it, hooking punches into her ribs. Skylar took two of these before she started backing up, and I pursued her, working her towards one of the walls.

Someone had shown Skylar some good footwork, but it wasn’t quite the same as real fight experience. I was able to corral her, cutting her off from the rest of the room, pushing her back until her back pressed up against the wall.

“Nowhere to go, Skylar,” I gloated, coming in with a low left. She dropped her hands and took the blow on her forearm, leaving her totally open for the following right that smashed into her jaw.

Skylar dropped, landing on her butt, back against the wall. I came in, bracing my hands on her head, and slammed my knee into her face. Skylar slowly fell to her left, coming to rest on her side, her eyes glassy.

“See, Skylar?” I prodded her with my foot. “I told you, it’s not like a story. Doesn’t feel good, does it?”
“Muh,” Skylar groaned. I dragged her out into the room a little bit, then grabbed her waistband and pulled her bottoms off. I walked over to my corner, stopping to collect her bra on the way, neatly piling my new trophies up.

“See that, Skylar?” I turned to see she was sitting up, a blank look on her face. “I got all your clothes. What do you say to that?”
“I’m just getting started,” Skylar told me, although she was still a little wobbly as she stood up. “I’m going to get your clothes now!”
“Yeah? Come get them, girl!”

We closed up and Skylar appeared to be going head-hunting. I wasn’t terribly surprised - she probably thought she could knock me down with one punch (admittedly, she already had twice). I played along, toying with her a little bit. I ducked away from a blockbuster right: “Ooh, you almost got me that time!” I weaved left around an uppercut: “Sooo close!”
“Hey, Kate,” Skylar panted. “Do you always talk this much during a fight?”
“Sure, why?”
“You missed something.”

My question was cut short as Skylar’s knee slammed up into my pussy. All of the strength was washed out of my body, replaced by blinding pain. I leaned against Skylar, moaning into her shoulder, unable to stay vertical under my own power. Skylar wrapped her arms around me and unleashed a textbook belly to belly suplex, lifting me up over her, then bringing me back down to slam into the mats, the impact ringing through the back of my skull.

Skylar seemed to be past the point of asking if I was okay anymore; I almost missed it as she lifted her foot and stomped on my face, her heel smashing into my mouth. I rolled over with a moan, getting to all fours before Skylar straddled me, deftly unhooking my bra.

“I told you I’d get this, Kate,” she whispered in my ear. “Wanna see another move I learned?”
“Not really-”
It was too late. With the speed of someone who had practiced this repeatedly she looped my bra around my neck and pulled. I didn’t even have enough time to tell her it was a nice move before I was choking, frantically slapping at Skylar’s hands.

“What do you think, Kate?” she growled, pulling as hard as she could, the underwire digging into my windpipe. I was helplessly drooling now, without even enough air to say the safe word, wondering if I was about to be accidentally killed in my basement.

As my vision started thickening and wobbling, I threw my elbow back. I could tell from Skylar’s gasp it had landed right, and the pressure released immediately as she fell backwards, coughing. I collapsed to the mats, rolling over and rubbing my neck, gasping.

“Kate,” Skylar sat up and was staring at me, “are you okay?”
“No choking,” I managed to gasp between rasping breaths. “No rule, no choking.”
“Okay - do you want to stop? You’re beet red!”
“We can stop if you give up,” I growled, pleased at least at how deep and menacing my voice was temporarily.
“Err, no,” Skylar got up, “I haven’t even gotten your bottoms yet.”
“Good,” I stood to match her, trying not to let her see how gassed I was.

I came in on her aggressively, but I was still slowed by the damage her choke had inflicted, and she slapped away my opening left, coming in and trying for a gut punch I barely was able to drop my other arm to catch. That left her guard disordered, and I tried for a right at her jaw, but she faded back, using her slight reach advantage to avoid the punch, then coming in with a left aimed at my head. I blocked it with my forearm, falling for her feint, leaving myself uncovered as her right smashed into my stomach.

Winded, I tried to push her away. It turned out those pictures Skylar had sent me of her working the heavy bag hadn’t been just for show as she rung me up, stunning me with a left hook to the jaw, a heavier right into the same spot on my belly, a left to the ribs, and finished with a knockout right, her fist slamming into the side of my head.

I went down heavily, landing on the mats with a grunt. Skylar pounced, pulling my panties off, standing over me holding them and beaming.
“See, Kate? I got your bottoms!”
“Great,” I snarled, shoving her legs and getting up. “Come on.”
“Wait, wait,” Skylar told me, and I watched as she skipped over to her corner, piling my lost underwear into a neat pile. “You’re sure I can keep these?”

“Yes!” I barked. “Come on, we’re fighting! Get back out here!”
“Okay, okay.” She put her fists up and closed on me. It was time to change tactics - she was a pretty good fistfighter, and I didn’t want to play to her strengths. As we came together I held my hands like I was going to box her, but at the last second took a step back and charged.

Skylar hesitated for just a second, but that was all I needed. I tackled her hard to the floor, hearing the air gush out of her as my shoulder hit her stomach, then the solid thunk of her head smacking off the mats. I rolled her over, sitting down on her back, dragging her arms back over my legs and linking my hands under her chin.

“You know what this one is, Skylar?”
“Camel clutch,” she gasped.
“Very good.” I pulled on her chin, her upper body coming off the floor as I stretched her neck and back.

But only for a moment; I had another target in mind: “You know, Skylar, these matches aren’t all about hurting your opponent,” I purred, my hands dropping to her chest, cupping her tits. “When you make a girl cum her brains out, she’s just as helpless as if you knock her out with a punch. Right?” I leaned down to whisper in her ear: “Are you going to cum your brains out for me, Skylar?”

Her response was to push off with her legs - I’d moved too far forward and went flying off her with a surprised yell, landing awkwardly on my chest and rolling over to see her charging me, aiming a kick at my face. I just barely ducked, and Skylar went flying past me. She tried to stop, comically windmilling her arms, but couldn’t manage it before smacking into the wall with a splat.

Skylar bounced off and fell down, landing on her back dazed. I pounced, getting behind her, pulling her up to a sitting position. I sat down behind her, bracing my feet against the backs of her knees to keep her closing her legs, pressing my tits into her back, reaching around her body to cup her breasts.

“What was your favorite part of the book?” I whispered in her ear. “The younger woman getting dominated by the sexy, older Asian lady?” I ran my hands over her hard nipples with what I hoped was a sultry laugh. Skylar leaned back against me with a moan. I ran my right hand down her stomach, down between her legs, gently brushing my fingertips against her pussy.

“Well, Skylar?” I purred. “Have you had enough? Don’t bother struggling; I’ll finish you just like this.” I slowly inserted one finger, savoring Skylar’s gasp as I slid it all the way home and started slowly pumping her. “You know how many girls I’ve beaten like this, Skylar?” I added another finger, Skylar shaking in my grip. “First, I’m going to make you cum,” I told her, “then, I’m going to sit on your face -” I added the final touch, my thumb lazily circling her clit.

Skylar burst out of my grip with a scream. Thinking I’d had her finished, I’d relaxed my legs, and I had gotten so locked into working Skylar over it took me a second to realize what was happening. Meanwhile Skylar shot to her feet in front of me, and I’d only managed to back up and just start standing when she came in and smashed her knee into my stomach.

I dropped to my knees, gasping, then bent over, holding myself up with one hand, the other around my tummy. I knew I had to get up, but before I could catch my breath Skylar was straddling me, grabbing my ankles, pulling up, dumping me on my chest. I realized she was locking on a Boston crab as she bent me backwards.

“What do you think, Kate?” She chirped, leaning back, bending me into a C shape.
“Doesn’t hurt at all,” I wheezed. “Might as well let me go.”
“Oh, come on. I spent a long time practicing this!” She scooted back a bit, trapping my feet in her armpits.
“I can tell,” I gasped, trying not to let on how much this was hurting my back. I planted my palms on the floor and pushed, but I couldn’t force Skylar off; she was too far up my back, only my face, shoulders and arms still on the floor.

“You know, Kate, I never answered your question.”
“What?” I groaned. My entire back was bent like a bow now.
“About my favorite part of the book!”
“Oh.” I hoped she was going to keep talking as I looked for a way out of this.
“It’s the part where our plucky young heroine makes the evil Asian MILF cum her brains out.”
“Uh huh.” Could I try and twist my body? No use.
“Sooooo,” she released my left leg, leaving it flapping in the air, “did you like that part of the book, too?”

My answer was a sharp gasp as Skylar began teasing my pussy with her free hand.
“Kate, you didn’t answer my question,” she told me, sounding very innocent for a girl who had me locked in a Boston crab while fingering me. “Did you like that part of the book?”
“It was fine,” I moaned.
“I loved it. I touched myself while I was reading it.”
“Great,” I panted. “Good.” This was bad. I wasn’t going to finish any time soon from this, but as long as Skylar had me trapped, she could finish me at her leisure. Maybe I was going about this the wrong way - my biggest advantage over Skylar was my experience. Could I use that?

“Skylar,” I started, a plan slowly forming in my mind, “how are you going to finish me off?”
“Huh?” Her fingers stopped for a second. “Just like this, silly.”
“Oh, okay.”
“What? What’s wrong with this?”
“Nothing. Just…”
“Tell me!”
“Well, a Boston crab… it’s kind of lame, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, you know… boring.”
“Boring!” Skylar repeated disbelievingly. “Boring?”

She let me go, and I flopped to the floor with a sigh of relief. It was short lived as Skylar pulled me up to my feet, yelling “Boring!”. She wrapped her arms around me, lifting me up, then slammed me down on her knee in an inverted atomic drop.

I screamed, rolling off her leg and onto the floor, holding my aching crotch. Suddenly getting felt up in that Boston crab didn’t seem so bad. Skylar was right on me, pulling me up to my feet again, locking her arm around my head, throwing herself backwards, taking me with her and smashing the top of my head into the mats.

I was seeing stars as I rolled onto my back, staring up at three Skylars hazing through each other.
“Was that boring?” she asked, standing over me, apparently sincerely. I couldn’t respond and she moved to attack, going down to my feet and applying a textbook figure four leglock, exerting alarming pressure on my left ankle and even more so my right knee.

“Fuck!” I screamed, leaning up. I couldn’t even pretend this didn’t hurt; after just a few seconds of Skylar hyper-extending my knee, I was biting down a howl.
“Good, right?” Skylar pressed her upper body off the mat with her hands, adding even more pressure. “That hurts, right? I wanted to make you scream from pleasure, but…”

I put all the energy I could into rolling us over, reversing the pressure. Skylar released the hold immediately and started getting up. I tried to stand as well, but my right knee buckled as soon as I put some weight on it.

“Oh, Kate,” Skylar frowned. “Are you okay?”
“Fine,” I waved her off. “I just need a minute.”
“I don’t think so,” she came in on me. “I’m going to finish you off-”

Skylar made a rookie mistake, just walking right up to me. I was hurt pretty seriously, but I’m most dangerous when I’m cornered, and Skylar walked right into an uppercut between the legs, her eyes going comically wide for a second before she backed up a step, yelling in pain, covering her crotch with her hands. I scooted forward and kicked her legs out, dumping her on her back.

We both took a second to recover. Skylar rubbed her face and sat up, while I tenderly got to my feet, managing to put a little weight on my leg this time. Skylar finished standing up, shaking her head and putting her fists up in front of her.

“Hey, Skylar,” I started as we closed. “How’s your pussy feeling?”
“Not great,” she admitted. “Did I hurt yours with that atomic drop?”
“Yes.” It felt a little better now, the searing ache reduced to a low throb.  “Actually, that really fucking hurt.”
“I’m sorry.” She shot in with a jab I ducked under. “Do you want me to kiss it and make it better?”
“Sure,” I came back with a quick left at her gut she dropped her arms to catch. “After I make you tap.”

Skylar didn’t respond to this, concentrating on our fistfight. She’s not even two inches taller than me, but she seemed to think she had a huge reach advantage, and faded back out of easy engagement range. To be fair, an experienced fighter might have been able to make that inch and a half of height she had into a real problem for me, but Skylar just didn’t have the experience; the envelope - if there was one - where she was in comfortable punching range and I wasn’t was tiny, and Skylar couldn’t find it.

Not for lack of trying. She kept fading back to different distances, getting more frustrated every time she threw a punch and I closed back up, her face turning red, her lips pressed together and her eyes bugging out in a look of concentration that almost had me laughing. Skylar was so focused on this she wasn’t paying attention to my legs.

I came in low, kicking her left knee out. Skylar went over backwards with a yell and hit the floor. It was time to end the fight, and I got down on the mat quickly, scooting forward between Skylar’s legs. She sat up as I grabbed her ankles, pressing forward until we were crotch to crotch.

“Hey, Skylar. Ever done this before?”
“What?” she asked innocently.
“Oh, boy. You’re really going to love this.” With that I pressed my pussy against hers. Skylar gasped, but to her credit she returned the attack, gripping my own ankles. We ended up with my right leg over her left, my own left leg under her right. We started tribbing, each of us pushing our pussy up against the other.

I definitely had more experience at this than her, but Skylar wasn’t making it easy. I was handicapped by both of us having busted the other’s crotch, and the position that clearly did the most for Skylar rubbed up right on a sore part of my labia where she’d dropped me on her knee. I had to settle for a higher position, one that gave me a bit more sensation than I really wanted; after coming all this way, I couldn’t bear the thought of losing to Skylar and cumming first.

And even keeping that little advantage wasn’t easy. Skylar kept moving around, looking for her own position that did more for me than it did for her. I was able to bluff her pretty good, keeping my face impassive when she was really hitting me right, moaning and squirming a little bit in fake enjoyment when she wasn’t doing much for me. What I really wanted to do was fake loving it when she was pressing on my sore spot, but that was a little too uncomfortable to pull off.

“Kate, this feels really good,” Skylar admitted as I got her back into the correct position, mashing my pussy against hers.
“Yeah,” I panted, unable to completely disguise my enjoyment. “Are you sure you’ve never done this before?”
“No,” she slurred. “Not like this. Oh, God, Kate!”
“Having a good time?”
“Yes,” she moaned, her eyes shut in ecstasy. It looked like it was time for the finishing blow.
“You’re going to love this,” I told her, moving my hips up a little bit, rubbing my clit against hers. I knew I’d won when Skylar stopped moving her hips, laying back and releasing my ankles to cup her breasts.

I helped her along with a little trash talk: “Is this everything you imagined, Skylar?” I taunted, bullying her clit with mine. “Are you going to cum now?” She started bucking her hips back against me, but now it was a wild, uncontrolled reaction to the pleasure I was flooding her body with instead of her earlier doomed resistance. “Yeah, that’s it,” I growled, my voice rasp with arousal. “Let me hear you cum!”

Skylar turned out to be a screamer, her howl of finishing pleasure bouncing off the ceiling and the walls. She squirmed frantically on the mats, and I held on to her ankles, making sure she was well and truly finished. She came down slowly, her scream tailing off into a loud moan, then down into gentle panting as she lay on the floor totally limp.

I released her slowly - if that had been faked, she deserved an Oscar, but you never knew. I crawled on top of her, looking down at her face, her mouth open with her tongue hanging out.

“Skylar,” I whispered, gently tapping her cheeks. “Skylar, speak to me.”
“Holy schamoly,” she groaned, her eyes still closed. “Did I lose?”
“Yes,” I smiled. “But, just to be sure- “ I reached back, between her legs, resting my hand on her pussy. “Tell me you give up?”
“I give up.”
“Good.” I pulled my hand back. “Well, you know what happens now, right?”
“You’re going to ravage me?” she asked in a small voice, her eyes opening slowly.
“Yes.” With that I slid all the way up, squatting over her face. “Now what was that about kissing my pussy?”

She leaned up and started eating me out, displaying a little bit more enthusiasm than skill. That was fine - victory is the best aphrodisiac. I helped her along a bit playing with my clit, my other hand reaching down to steady myself on her shoulders. Between getting worked up from the tribbing and the rush of winning, I knew I wasn’t going to last long; I could have taken my hand off my clit and savored it a little more, but I was close enough that I wanted to cum pretty badly.

Skylar wrapped her arms around my thighs and got in even deeper, her tongue pressing into my pussy with each lick. Pleasure spread out from my crotch, building and building, the insistent sensation of Skylar’s tongue waggling in my snatch along with the pleasing buzz of me playing with my clit, until it was too much.

Skylar kept licking me through my climax, and a bit after, until I had to gently push on her forehead, guiding her head back down to the mat before I rolled off her.
“Wow,” Skylar murmured as she sat up. “That was really fun!”
“Great,” I sighed happily. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
“Yeah,” she got up, going over to the corner to get a drink of water and wipe her face. I just watched, content to lay there. By the time she’d cleaned herself up and come back over to offer me a bottle of my own, I’d sat up, she pulled me up to my feet.

“Soooooooooo,” she started as I took the cap off and drank half the bottle in one go, “Uh.... rematch?”
“We’ll see,” I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I had a lot to think about.
“Come on, you need material for another book, right?”
“Oh!” she gasped, her eyes impossibly wide. “Are you going to make this into a book?”
“Okay, but you need a sequel, right? What if -”

It was going to be a long day after all.