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« on: October 05, 2022, 07:54:23 PM »

This version of this match dates back to the old WEW days, the WEW was both called Women's Extreme Wrestling & Women's Erotic Wrestling although outside some strippers here & there and behind the scenes stuff, two wrestlers for the most part, GI Ho & Tai Killer Weed, also wound up being the so called faces of WEW and would have their tops either ripped off or taken off at their own free will, but I found not too much Extreme or Erotic about it outside that with so may other things and as usual, the way they did things did not wow me either and I was not even a fan of the commentating.

Anyway, looking at the faces of WEW, GI HO & Tai Killer Weed, Tai was tall enough to not be considered a midget and GI HO, while leggy , seemed to take thankfully more than she gave, but being the WEW face and of course, the good girl, that mostly resulted in victories, 1 even included a match I saw in person when they visited my area with a few match results that made me inside say BOO!.
 So again, as usual, the old saying, IF YOU WANT SOMETHING RIGHT , DO IT YOURSELF - Welcome again to my world and the way It would happen in my world for an episode of WOMEN'S WRESTLING THE WAY IT SHOULD BE.


Out 1st to boos from the crowd was one of WEW's least eye candy wrestlers, Amanda Storm.


The bad girl did her usual antics, even pretending like she was going to try to make an unsuspecting have to smell her armpit as her gimmick was an unkempt bad girl who did not like bathing, so the smell from her armpit would be rather rotten than flowery by a mile.

Also as she came out, the fans boos at least for her was drowned out by 'FOR SHIT SAKES' Fricking Bill Alphonso, her manager, who like in ECW, came out blowing that FUCKING WHISTLE of his nonstop, making me think when the infamous Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson talked about taking an object, shining it up all nice & pretty , and then shoving it sideways up someone's ass" I firmly believe he was referring to Bill Alphonso' whistle & shoving that same whistle way up Bill's ass so he could never blow it again.

Finally though, Amanda made her way into the ring and again played the crowd as Bill Alphonso in less than a minute probably had blown his fricking whistle seeming around 250 times by now, but mercifully he stopped when Amanda's opponent 's music played and here came by far # 1 or at worst, #1A of all-time popular WEW Good Girls , a fixture to the days before they became WEW and were known as DWOW, doing mostly oil wrestling back then, but it was about the now and here she was, GI HO.


GI Ho, here she came, gorgeous as always rocking some sort of cammo outfit and despite her lack of offense in every still somehow does enough to win the day and has been WEW's Ladies Champion on several occasions along with the other WEW staple, Tai Killer Weed, who along with the Ho, have been the champs the longest in WEW history by far, not too mention Ho & Taai being tag champions on several occasions until with no explanation ever from WEW, one day there are Ladies Tag Team Champions and the next day, the Tag Team Champion titles does not exist.

GI Ho of course greeted the fans who never got tired of her, especially this night when she was debuting her new outfit, a cammo bikini/chaps combo.

Once in the ring and the bell rang, beauty & beast locked up, and as usually happens, Amanda was able to back the Ho into a corner where the 2 jostled , 1 to escape and the other looking for an opening for a cheap shot to a stalemate as the ref moved in to try to break them apart.

With the ref moving Amanda away, Amanda waited for his effort to wade and she was able to push him aside as the Ho stood in the corner still waiting until she could clearly see where Amanda was, only seeing her when Amanda moved in to attack, and even though she saw her, she knew Amanda loved to take advantage like this by punching her opponent in her mid & despite seeing her, GI Ho just froze like she usually did & instead of trying to move, which it seemed like she should be able to do, she just stood there and tensed up her mid muscles to ready for the punch sure to come.

Sure enough, 1 punch, 2 punches, 3 punches, 4 punches, 5 punches found it's way hard into the Ho's Mid and as the Ho held her aching abs, Amanda irish whipped her into the opposite corner and followed with a corner splash , but kept her weight against her as Amanda, a lesbo in real life, moved her body in a way to simulate humping the Ho and after stopping and taking a step back, Amanda punted the Ho right into her womanhood, dropping the Ho to her knees, and then backed away while getting abolished by the ref for the cheap kick.

Amanda of course acted innocent as behind the Amanda/Ref interaction, Fonzie blew his stupid whistle as he grabbed the ankles of the Ho and could be heard saying by a few fans close by as he was not blowing the whistle, "you know you are used to this anyway" as he pulled the Ho back so her womanhood slammed hard into the ring post and then walked away blowing the fricking whistle again.

Amanda brought up GI Ho and sat her on the middle rope and with Fonzie running distraction, Amanda was able to without the ref's seeing it, giving the Ho 7 punts into her womanhood , the Ho falling to the mat after the 7th as Amanda now needing to ask the ref something .

With the ref tied up by Amanda, Fonzie while blowing the whistle to the annoyance of all, once again had free reign to grab the Ho's ankles and pull her back hard again so her womanhood again had to feel the steel ring post add to her punishment, this time, he did it 3 times before walking away and blowing his whistle so the ref believed he was walking around most of the time and not involved in any shenaxxxxns.

It was Amanda's turn, she brought the Ho into a bodyslam position, but instead of slamming her, she dumped her upside down from the top turnbuckle and then with more shenaxxxxns between Amanda and Fonzie, he was able to deliver a Billy club to Amanda and then of course distracted the ref again so Amanda could go over and after polling the crowd while only holding up the Bily Club, they knew what she intended to do with it and it was a little over 50/50 where the fans approved what Amanda intended and with the ref still distracted, Amanda used the Billy Club in various ways to abuse the Ho's womanhood even more, getting in 15 good shots from various angles before the ref had enough of Fonzie's nonsense and ignored him an turned back to the action, Amanda of course disposed of the weapon before the ref knew she used it.

With the Ho still dangling down and looking hapless as usual, fans were still expecting like usual, she would find a way to win, but not just yet as Amanda moved in and changed course , this time thrusting her so called not so great smelling womanhood against the Ho's face and then switched it around so her also not so great smelling ass stink faced the Ho to add to her woes.

Amanda freed the Ho and kept the Domination going as she lifted the Ho up and gave her a knee to the crotch on the way down, but the heel held onto the Ho and gave her a 2nd knee to the crotch after lifting her up and letting her drop, this time for another side of the crowd to get a 1st hand view of it, and from there, Amanda gave the Ho 12 of the knees to her crotch as she did 3 times each for all 4 sides of the crowd as the domination continued.

After letting the Ho finally fall where to the surprise of nobody, the Ho with what little she had in her, held and rubbed at her crotch to add a bit to the erotic part of the companies name.

With Fonzie able to distract the ref again, Amanda spread the Ho's legs while she was face down and rammed her knee hard into her well abused womanhood  until Fonzie once again felt his blabbered nonsense was enough for know.

Amanda then placed the Ho onto her back and now, even with the ref watching, Amanda now continued to ram her knee into the Ho's womanhood until the ref gave her the 5 count to break , which she did in time , but went right back to the knees, this time the ref told Amanda " 1 more knee and I'll DQ you just like that , no 5 count".

So Fonzie once again distracted the ref while able to get Amanda the Billy Club back  and with the ref once again fed up with one of wrestling's most annoying managers , Amanda used the club to bash down into the Ho's insanely on fire womanhood as it was still nothing new to the fans to see the Ho get totally dominated like this and again, still managed to win somehow.

The ref finally told Fonzie "one more distraction from you and instant DQ" s he said no problem and walked away blowing the whistle like he had a 1 million whistle blow clause in his contract.

Anyway, the ref turned his concentration back to the ring, Amanda acted innocent telling him "I know, no more cheap stuff or I get DQ'd ", but the damage was well done, so Amanda simply placed the Ho onto her knees, the Ho just stayed on her knees somehow still lightly holding her womanhood as Amanda gave her a stink face for a few seconds and then rammed her ass into the Ho's face and down went the Ho.

Amanda placed a pinky down onto the Ho's well punished womanhood, getting an audible moan from the Ho as Amanda with her other hand, placed it onto the Ho's chest and the ref started the pin count.

The fans of course were ready for the Ho's fighting spirit miraculous kick out and comeback while Amanda & Fonzie were sure it was not the Ho's night and here came the ref's hand to the mat, ONE (ACCOMPANIED BY A LOUD WHISTLE BLOW FROM FONZIE) TWO (LOUS WHISTLE BLOE & THREE (LOUD WHISTLE BLOW) and Amanda had the dominating victory via total crotch destruction as indeed it was not the Ho's night.

Fonzie joined his wrestler and after having her arm raised in victory, Amanda and Fonzie had a quick discussion and Amanda dragged GI Ho to the corner and stink faced her to add insult to injury, or so it seemed.

With the defeated Ho getting another unwanted smelling of Amanda's so called never fully wiped ass, new music played, not Amanda's and not the Ho's, for fans, they knew instantly, it was the music of the PWO (Pussy World Order).

The PWO came out, entered the ring and gave Amanda a thumbs up as Amanda acknowledged them and left with Fonzie as the PWO did some not so naughty things to the defeated Ho, but never went that far, but they took her from the ring with the so-called intention of making the Ho their Ho in their dressing room, surely not a good night for the Ho known as GI Ho.
You never grow old until you stop being young