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Chapter 1 : Battle of the Losers

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Offline MikeHales67

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Chapter 1 : Battle of the Losers
« on: December 29, 2022, 05:28:58 PM »
Chapter 1 : Battle of the Losers

I read the works of Alilomax84 on deviantart if you haven’t read them read them because 1. They’re very good.
2. My story makes more sense of you’ve read them.
This is my first writing project so I’Kivaed Alilomax84’s work. I’m learning as I go along. Let me know what you think.[/i]

After her defeat at the hands of Hermione Granger, Pansy could sense the loss of respect. She saw the sneers in the faces of her friends and Draco... it almost seemed like contempt. So she hatched a plan to regain respect, she carefully selected her target and that target was Romilda Vane! She'd seen the way the boys leered over that photo of her breasts, it was disgusting. When they were perving over that photo they seemed to forget she existed, she had breasts as well. They would look at her differently when she was standing triumphantly over a sobbing defeated Romilda. She would be easy to provoke and she got beat by Luna Lovegood for Gawd's sake!
She bumped into her in the queue at lunch-time.
"Out of my way loser!"
"What did you say?"
"Loser. Even Luna Fucking Lovegood kicked your ass. Maybe you should stick to fighting little first year girls."
Romilda bristled at the memory, but she never backed down from a fight, and so fed up was she about all the snide remarks about Ginny and Luna, especially Luna, she could not believe how that dizzy loon had beat her up! She was in no mood to take any more crap about it.
"Tougher than you, you cow. I saw your crying like a little bitty baby after Hermione Granger beat the crap out of you."
"You wanna prove how tough you are or are you just chewing a brick?".
"Anytime you cow. Name the time and place." Romilda's hands formed into claws she was ready for the cow, but she didn't want to start anything now, too many busy-bodies.
"Let's go see Parvati. I want the entire school to see you get yours."
Neither girl trusted Parvati Patel, but this was not a spontaneous brawl like their other scraps. No this was a chance to prove just how tough they were. Romilda realised that she wanted this. It was a chance to prove to everybody that despite her previous losses she was a winner and this chance to demolish this lippy cow in front of the entire school was just too good to pass up. The same thoughts were going through Pansy's mind.
Parvati and Luna signed them up, but they did have misgivings “Let’s face it. It’s a battle of the losers, it's not like it's an easy sell like Ginny v Hermione we need an extra angle for this" Parvati was saying.
"You think me versus Ginny would be a big seller?" Hermione asked a fire in her eyes.
"Oh yes we could retire to the Bahamas on the proceeds of that one".
"What about we market it as Gryffindor versus Slytherin?" Luna suggested. "We could have costumes and everything. I reckon with house pride on the line Snape and McGonagall could even get us the Chamber of Requirements, imagine that."
She had her own feelings about Romilda, but this was business and billing this as a battle of the houses definitely boosted business. Arrangements were made and indeed Snape and McGonagall needed very little encouragement to set up the venue.
"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the battle of the houses."Pavariti's voice rang out", the room had provided a really good tannoy system. Gryffindor versus Slytherin. On my left, fighting for the honour of Gryffindor House.... Romilda Vane.."
Romilda strode out into the Chamber of Requirements. Snape had done a splendid job. The "Arena" consisted of a circle of cars, their head-lights illuminating the field of combat. The convertible cars held the VIP Guests who had paid extra to watch the live event while everybody else was watching the feed from the Winged Cameras. Romilda threw off her dark-red robe and stood expectantly in her matching dark red one-piece leotard well it was more like a swimming costume, high on the waist, with bare legs and bare feet because Pansy didn't want her wearing those boots.
"Hey do you think you could show any more of their arses?" Parvati had asked sarcastically when she saw the designs Luna had come up with.
"If they look like sluts, it's just fair comment", Luna said. "And..we're trying to cater to 50% of our audience, the hormonal boys".
And Luna was right, the girls didn't care. All they cared about was beating up the other girl in front of all of her friends and the entire school. And yes the costumes were a hit with the boys.
"And on my right, battling for Slytherin house, Pansy Parkinson".
Pansy strode out to confront her opponent from the other side of the circle in a similar dark green costume the colour of Slytherin.
They stood face to face staring each other out, looking at each other with steely determination, neither was even contemplating the possibility of defeat. When discussing their split of the taking with Parvati and Luna they had both insisted on winner take all the loser gets to keep the bruises.
Professor Minerva McGonagall turned to Snape, they were both watching to events on a large view-screen in her office.
“How do you like your girl’s chances?"
“She’s brave and determined and she fought with great spirit against Hermonie. I think she will emerge triumphant” Snape said proudly.
“Great spirit, true, but she still got defeated. My girl has learnt from her mistakes. Ten Galleons? I’ll give you a chance to get your money back from last time”. Minerva said.
Meanwhile Parvati was finishing her introduction.
"Remember there are no rules in a muggle fight
May be best girl win.
"You're going down Gryffindor bitch" Pansy said smirking. She was not into this 'battle of the houses' spiel but the more people that got to see her kick Romilda's ass the better, she wanted everybody to see this. She pushed Romilda back with one hand.
"Ha! The last Gryffindor Bitch you tangled with had you crying like a little girl". Romilda pushed back.
Pansy shoved Romilda, this time with two hands.
Romilda shoved back.
Each insult punctuated by another shove. The anger was escalating. The crowd watched expectantly, wondering, waiting for it to explode.
Romilda moved forwards to make another shove and Pansy swung her fist straight into Romilda's belly. Romilda doubled over clutching her belly, softly moaning.
The audience winced.
Pansy stood back, grinning, raising her fist menacingly in triumph.
“No rules in a muggle fight”, she taunted her rival.
This was going to be easier than she thought.
Romilda was still moaning, then she raised her head a snarl on her face, she was not going to go down so easy to this Slytherin cow. She dove forwards, hitting Pansy in the belly and crashing her to the floor. Romilda was on top now and she fired off a fusillade of slaps and scratches at Pansy's face.
The crowd cheered, the bitchfight was on!
Pansy tried to cover up, but there were too many slaps, Romilda was just a blur of arms and claws. Her own arms flailing back, Pansy's hands grabbed at Romilda's hair twisting it around her hands and pulled Hard!
Romilda screamed.
Pansy twisted Romilda's head back on to the floor, then clambered on top, pulling on Romilda's hair as though she was trying to drag it out by the roots, her neck twisted at an unnatural angle. Romilda responded in kind and the two rolled over and over, with claws going for any part of the body they find, kicks and bites too. They were writhing like two snakes fighting in a pit.
Everybody in the audience cheered for their favourite. Luna and Parvati breathed a sigh of relief, this was going to be good after all. If only they could lose some of their clothes...
As Pansy rolled on top she saw Romilda's breasts covered in the leotard, her nipples jutting out. These were the breasts Draco and his little friends had been so obsessed with, that stupid photo Colin Creevey took. She grabbed each nipple and twisted, HARD. Romilda screamed like a banshee, her legs kicking frantically up and down trying to dislodge her opponent. It didn't work but her wildly swinging fists hit Pansy hard in the face, she fell back.
Both girls scrambled to get up, Romilda gently rubbed her nipples.
“You fucking bitch” she said.
Pansy just smiled and made clutching motions with her hands.
“Oh there’s more where that came from”.
They circled warily and then went for each other's hair and pulled hard. They spun around legs kicking and punctuating their efforts with wild punches, like a savage dance ritual inspired by hatred and violence. Occasionally a head would be pulled down and a knee raised up to meet it. Romilda’s heart lifted as she burst one of Pansy’s full lips. As Romilda raised her leg to kick again Pansy returned the favour by grabbing hold of her raised leg and scratching long and hard along Romilda's thighs. Romilda shrieked checking for damage, Pansy pushed her to the floor. Pansy scrambled to get in top of Romilda, but she took a foot to the face and the girls became a tangle of arms and legs.
They were fighting hard now, with fear and anger, determined to destroy their rival. Hands clutching at anything they could find to scratch. They were going at each other in a primeval dance inspired by hatred and violence.
Pansy scratched at Romilda's face. The Gryffindor girl bit into the hand, Pansy screamed, the volume ramping up as the Gryffindor girl scratched down the Slytherin girl's back making tracks line tramlines, digging in with extra relish. The crowd roared, this was getting nasty as the girls were fighting hard for their lost honour.
Pansy reached out going for the straps of Romilda’s leotard and pulled the straps down, trapping Romilda’s arms and exposing her breasts. She smiled savagely and proceeded to unload on her hated rivals breasts, swinging at them like she was hitting a speed-bag. Romilda was driven back, she was getting murdered here. While desperately flailing her arms, she broke the straps ( luckily for her Luna didn't want anything too sturdy - 50% of the audience after all) and blindly punched out hitting Pansy in the side of her nose, blood flowed. Pansy staggered back the blood dribbling out of her nose. Romilda tried to massage away the pain in her boobs. She was determined to carry on, her bare breasts were not going to slow her down, she remembered how Ginny had defeated her, not this time.
The boys in the audience were over-joyed by the development, this was great! The girls were transfixed by the nastiness of the fight and with wide-eyed admiration for the fighters.
Pansy stood there for a moment, breathing hard. The blood from her nose diluting with the perspiration, glistening in the head-lights of the cars. She rocked unsteadily on her feet and then lunged at her hated rival to continue her previous attack.
Romilda grabbed the top of Pansy's leotard and punched with all her might. The leotard ripped down to the waist as she pulled. Pansy pulled away, her breasts were now bared. She stood unsteadily, choking back sobs. Her fingers curled into claws, she beckoned with her hands, challenging Romilda to a mauling contest.
"Wanna try your luck Bitch, or are you chicken?" Pansy cupped her own breasts menacingly.
"Fuck you bitch" Romilda replied as she held out her hands like claws in response, ready to rake the dare, but she felt scared. her breasts were already sore and tenderised from Pansy's attentions, but she could not back down now, not in front of the entire school. They circled, both girl’s leotards were in tatters just hanging around their waists, the light of the cars glistened on the scratches and perspiration on their bodies, they both looked finished, both were whimpering. Nobody knew how much longer either could carry on, surely the end was coming for one of them.
They slammed into each other, latching on to each others breasts squeezing, neither was a little girl and there was plenty to get hold of. Legs apart for better leverage, they attacked without mercy. To Romilda it felt like ten steel nails had been driven into her breasts, which in a sense they had. She twisted Pansy’s boobs with renewed determination, Pansy mewed piteously and renewed her attack on Romilda’s breasts moving towards the sensitive nipples.
Gasps and cries escaped from their mouths.
The crowd was silent, waiting to see who would emerge triumphant from this epic test of strength and endurance. Somebody was going down.
Sobs came from each girls as they squeezed and mauled their mammaries mercilessly, each determined to destroy each other in this war of attrition. If they could only endure the punishment victory was in their grasp, literally. Then it happened, tears started to appear on Romilda's face as a smile started to appear on Pansy's.
Pansy's supporters were cock-a-hoop. Cries of "Rip her tits off", "Finish her" were shouted with renewed vigour. Romilda's supporters plaintively shouted "Fight back", "Don't let her win", but their girl's resistance was crumbling before their eyes.
"Who's crying like a little girl, now?" Pansy whispered through gritted teeth. She smiled, she was winning, she knew it and Romilda knew it as the Gryffindor girl’s hands pitifully pawed at Pansy's death grip on her breasts. This was it, she would show them, Draco would be so proud. Those breasts that all those boys were going on about. She…Was…Destroying…Them.
Romilda's kick came like a thunderbolt out of the blue. It was as logical to Romilda as it was unexpected to Pansy. Out of fear and desperation she kicked out with all her remaining strength, hitting right between Pansy's legs and lifting the poor girl off her feet.
Pansy’s mouth formed into a soundless "O" her eyes wide like saucers, she crashed to her knees like a sack of potatoes.
Romilda grinned, this was it, she'd done it. She moved towards Pansy pulling her head up by the hair, she stared into her teary eyes and gently stroked the wet sweat-sodden hair from her face.
“No rules…”, she spoke gently, almost kindly. As she shoved the Slytherin girl’s face into her raised knee, smashing it hard. Pansy flipped on to her back. The Gryffindor girl jumped on top of her prone body, determined to finish the bitch off. She pulled Pansy's head up by the hair, ready to bang it into the floor. Then, feeling the way her flaccid head hung in her hands offering no resistance, realised there was no more fighting and dropped the head back to the floor with a thud.
She rose unsteadily to her feet to the applause of the roaring crowd. She looked down, at her defeated opponent. Then realised there was one more thing to do. Reaching down she pulled at the remains of Pansy's leotard ripping it off her body, leaving her nude.
"Hope it's not a long walk back to your dorm", she smiled as she held Pansy's leotard aloft like a well-deserved trophy.
She limped slowly towards the exit, half-naked, her leotard in tatters around her waist, her hair a mess, blood and scars covered her sweat-soaked body. And her breasts... she didn't think any number of 'reparo' spells or ministrations from Madame Pomfrey would ever let her wear a bra again. Her friends ran out to congratulate her and help her walk back to her dorm room.
"Ro-mil-da!" She could hear the crowd chanting her name. It was HER name they were chanting, through her pain she smiled as she slowly walked to the exit to be congratulated by her friends.
She hardly paid any attention to Parvati saying what an exciting fight that was and asking for any girls who'd like to come forwards and defend the honour of their house.
As she walked past past the cars and the cheering crowd. She saw Ginny and Harry, who were cheering with everybody else.
"Wow" said Harry. He had never noticed Romilda much but as she stood there basking in her victory she looked magnificent.
"Ow!" said Harry, Ginny had elbowed him in the chest an angry look in her eye. She turned to look at Romilda.
"You did good, Romilda, but stay away from Harry"
"Your girl fought bravely but there can only be one winner, I believe that's another ten galleons you owe me". Professor Minerva McGonagall held out her hand. Snape handed over the money, he wasn’t unhappy, he would have quite happily paid twice that.
Dumbledore moved over to the Pensieve, pleased with his work on the Chamber of Requirements and added his thoughts and memories of the spectacle he had just witnessed to the swirling liquid…for future viewing and wondered if his visitors from Beauxbatons would be interested.
Pansy awoke later, the room was empty but Lavender and Millicent were gathered around her. They had covered her unconscious body in a cloak.
"Are you okay?" She saw Draco standing nearby. There was actually a look of....concern.
"I’m sorry, Draco, I wanted to make you so proud".
"You did this for me?" He asked. "But you were amazing, you fought so bravely, you almost had her"
He smiled
"Well better luck next time"
Oh yes there would be a next time.
Consciously Incompetant.


Offline Edududu

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Re: Chapter 1 : Battle of the Losers
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2022, 11:18:39 PM »
That was a very good story! It managed to capture a similar vibe as Alilomax84 while also injecting it with your own personal style. Nice work, looking foward to your next stories!


Offline Tiberius J.C.

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Re: Chapter 1 : Battle of the Losers
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2023, 03:00:32 PM »


Offline MikeHales67

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Chapter 2 - Better Than Quidditch
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2023, 05:45:52 PM »
Thanks for all the likes.
For my next stoty I wanted to do a multi-girl brawl. Maybe not my smartest discision. If you think of a fight as a choreographed dance, then a multi-person thing is a Busby Berkeley extravangaza. Who knew it was so exhausting.
Thanks to Tiberius for the pointers with the French and I hope you enjoy.

The Quidditch match against Beauxbatons had been a massive disappointment - a draw!! So it was that after the match words were exchanged...and then curses....and then threats...and then challenges....

It was at midnight Cho Chang, Ginny and Angelina Jones stood waiting for the team from Beauxbatons on the courtyard of Hogwarts.

The three Beauxbatons girls came out of the shadows. Two blondes and a brunette and like the Hogwarts girls they were dressed in leggings and T-Shirts.

Ginny immediately recognised one of the blonde girls immediately – it was Fleur! What was phlegm doing here? She doesn’t play Quidditch.

Fleur spoke first. “Bon Soir, mon Cherie when my sister told me about these discussions taking place, I just had to join in. The team captain said it was okay” (well actually she only said it was okay after her head had been flushed down the toilet four times, Joelle could be quite stubborn sometimes, but Fleur had been quite insistent about this chance to meet Ginny).

Fleur waved her wand, reciting a spell.

"That should give us some privacy while we 'discuss' matters. We don’t want to disturb the neighbours" She looked up at the courtyard. "Nobody can see us, nobody can hear us, and even if they could, they can't get through the shield." She threw a stone, it bounced back in mid-air.

“That’s the spell I would have used” muttered Ginny. “Me too” Cho said. They both glanced at each other, they both knew why they knew that spell…Harry”. Previously they had fought over Harry with Ginny winning by a knock-out, having to be restrained from stomping Cho between the legs while she was unconscious. “It would have been nice to be doing this with someone I trusted, but Cho is a tough scrapper”.

"So, no-one will hear you when you beg for mercy" the brunette, Camile, chimed in. Angelina weighed her up, she had long black hair, and was handsome rather than beautiful.This was Angelina’s first muggle fight, and she was starting to regret some of the Butterbeer-inspired things she had said in the Brews and Stews Cafe, but she looked around at her friends Ginny and Cho, she couldn't desert them now, they were in it all together, so she was not going to back down in front of these French bitches.

Fleur continued “Oh and I’ve arranged it so the Winners will leave, and the losers will stay here until morning”.

Ginny wasn’t paying attention, she was too overjoyed at the chance to have a go at Fleur, ‘Phlegm’ as she called her. Ever since she had moved into THEIR house the empty-headed hoity-toity Frog had been a major pain in the ass. Hermione had counselled getting into a mass muggle fight saying Ginny might get hurt, it didn’t go down too well. Ginny felt that Hermione treated her like a little kid and was a bit sick of it. Ginny had fired back “What do you know about muggle fighting? You had one scrap in the first year and a scrap with Miss Lavender Won-Won Brown.”

"This from someone who picked a fight with Romilda 'I-got-beat-up-by-Luna-Lovegood' Vane" Hermione fired back.

"You want to see how tough I am Granger?"

"Anytime, ginger"

 It took Luna and both the Parvati twins to pull them apart. "Save it for some paying customers" Luna broke in trying to lighten the mood. "And why are you always saying I can't fight? At least I've had one, unlike Parvati". Hermione later apologised and wished her luck, but Ginny sensed she had been told to do so by Luna.

Fleur had placed the Wand on the floor and walked away from it.

“No wands now. We fight like Muggles".

The blonde girl next to Fleur, her sister Gabrielle, smiled as she twisted her hair coquettishly. Her blue eyes sparkling

 "I wanna dance with her" she said looking at Cho. "What's your name little girl?"

 "Cho Chang" Cho replied.

“Ching-Chong?” the blonde looked puzzled, Camille giggled.

 "No Cho Chang" Cho tried to sound calm.

 Oh, "Chien1? Shall I call you Chien? You look like a Chien" she sxxxxxxxed.

Cho knew exactly what the blonde was intimating. "It's gonna be a long ride back to Froggieland in the ambulance when I get finished with you, surrender monkey."

 "She yaps like a Chien", Gabrielle smirked, she turned to her friends "Petite fille pense qu'elle est dure2", she said derisively.

"Oh, je suis la petite fille qui la fera t'encule3" Cho replied calmly, playing with her hair mocking Gabrielle's movements. She had paid attention in French classes. I’ll have that skinny flat-chested skank, Cho thought.

“Hey, is no-tits old enough to join us? Shouldn’t she be with the other first-years?” Cho cupped her breasts, mocking Gabrielle’s lack of development.

Gabrielle was really angry now, her Veela heritage meant that she had a nymph-like figure, though she was proud of her heritage she had watched enviously as her contemporaries had grown full-figured and was sick of people mistaking her for a little kid. “Old enough to buy beer in a pub and old enough to kick you and your fat udders back to Asia-land you… chunk!”

Cho’s slap went in immediately, although Gabrielle’s English wasn’t good at racial slurs, Cho knew what she meant, and her Scottish heritage was totally incensed by it. Gabrielle grabbed Cho's hair, Cho went with the pull and butted Gabrielle in the face, she staggered back. Cho flashed her the V-sign with a satisfied smirk on her face. Gabrielle touched her nose, there was blood. “Te pisse a la raise4" Gabrielle spat savagely as she lurched for Cho's hair again this time pulling from side to side, launching punches with her other hand and kicks with her feet. Cho fired back, returning the punches and kicks with venom.

Angelina and Camile started off with a test of strength. Both girl's back and arm muscles tensed as they each tried to overpower the other and force her to her knees. They stood straining, stalemated, until Camile gained an advantage and forced Angelina to take a step back as she got her off balance. Angelina went down to both knees as Camile surged forward and powered her down. Before Angelina could recover, Camile kneed her in the nose and Angelina flopped onto her back.

Fleur and Ginny circled, their young pert breasts rose and fell as the adrenaline pumped around their bodies.

“So Cherie, care to explain why you keep calling me phlegm?” Fleur asked.

“Seemed appropriate” Ginny smiled.

“You and your friend Herman…”


“Seem to have done everything you can to ruin my life with my love, Bill”

“I can’t help it if my brother has rubbish taste in women”.

“Then I will have to teach you some respect”.

Their eyes narrowed, and then they both pounced with each one grabbing a handful of hair. After a brief struggle the girls hit the floor, Fleur was able to lie above her foe who was straining from side to side trying to shift her. Ginny was able to get one hand under Fleur's chin and twisted, the French girl let out a yelp and rolled off.

Cho and Gabrielle continued their spinning dance of destruction. Cho was aiming for Gabrielle's head, Gabrielle aiming for the body, especially Cho's breasts. After Gabby attempted a kick to her stomach Cho grabbed the French girl's legs digging in with her nails. Gabrielle yelled as she was flipped to the floor. Cho tried for a kick to the head, but Gabrielle moved her head back and swept her legs, tripping the Asian girl. Gabrielle pounced on her trying to rip Cho's hair out by the roots Cho went for scratching at Gabrielle's face, rolling on the floor.

Camile splashed on top of Angelina, knocking the air out of her, then slid over a tiny bit and wrapped her hands around Angelina's neck. Angelina gasped as Camile started to choke her, grabbing Camile's hands, and trying to pry them from her neck. She quickly discovered that tactic wasn’t working, so she tried a different approach - pulling at the front of Camile's shirt, she pulled and ripped until it was a tattered mess. The remains of the shirt pooled around the Camile's waist, leaving her in her bra, but she didn’t waver in her attack. She kept her fingers tight around Angelina's throat until Angelina started to feel light-headed. She started to punch at Camile, and one connected solidly with her boob. Camile gasped in shock and her grasp weakened a bit.

Ginny and Fleur were on their knees.


 Ginny made a good connection across the other girl’s face; blonde hair flew at the impact. Fleur's face was flushed and angry, she had tears in her eyes.


Ginny hit with the other hand; hair flew the other way. Fleur backed away a little, she was openly crying now, her bottom lip trembling.

A little grin began to cross the Ginny's face, she moved forward



She got two more in then went for the kill sensing she had hurt the French bitch. She flew forward, they both crashed down, Ginny on top, "I'm going to fuck you up now bitch" growled Ginny.

In the rolling tangle Gabrielle managed to get behind Cho, she put one arm around her neck getting her in a chokehold. Her other hand tore the front of Cho’s shirt, reaching underneath Cho’s bra she grasped a breast and squeezed hard. "Sous-Merde5" she whispered into Cho's ear. "Let’s see if we can get these udders down to a normal size". Cho's face was red, she could feel herself getting dizzy. Desperately she clutched at Gabrielle, anything that would grant her freedom...air.

Camile's grip was slightly weakening, and Angelina was able to pry her fingers from her neck. Angelina fired two punches at Camile, aiming for the bra-clad boobs. Camile yelped and rolled away after both punches found their mark. Camile rubbed her bruised melons while Angelina rested and sucked in badly needed air. Camile went back on the attack angrily just as Angelina was getting up.

Fleur and Ginny rolled over and over, pulling hair; first one was on top, then the other. Finally, Ginny got over Fleur and was able to get some great slaps in, she began to edge the fight, Fleur sensed trouble and her nerve began to crack, she just held her hands up trying to stop the slapping.

Ginny backed away and was able to meet Fleur on her knees, the two girls started slapping but Fleur was missing her target due to her blurry vision, she began to look desperate. Both girls were kneeling, trading slaps, both had red faces and tear-filled eyes.

Cho slammed her elbow back into Gabrielle’s stomach, once, twice, three times. Gabrielle rolled onto her back gasping. Cho jumped on top, trapping the girl's arm so they couldn't reach up, she had learnt that lesson the hard way.

"Say I've won! " Cho demanded.

 "Degage6!" Gabrielle spat out

 "Okay, you may not have much in the way of breasts, but you have got nipples." Cho reached down to the nipples on the breasts of the French girl and twisted.... hard.

“Nooon!”, but she was crying hard, her hands were futilely pawing at Cho’s hands.

Cho pulled the nipples in opposite directions, Gabrielle’s breasts stretched like taffy, she shrieked.

 "Give up"

 "Va te faire enculer7"

"Okay the hard way then" Cho leaned back as far as she could, taking Gabrielle’s nipples with her, they were stretched beyond endurance, Gabrielle’s shrieks reached new levels.

 "Faire quartier8!......faire quartier!......mercy please!" Her face had dissolved into sobs.

Cho did a quick closed fist slap and the sobbing stopped.

Camile hauled Angelina up with a violent pull of her hair, but she hesitated as she decided how to proceed. She tried to whip Angelina across the yard, but Angelina reversed the whip, and instead it was Camile who found herself sailing away, stumbling and falling to the floor with a thud. Angelina charged in and threw her body into Camile’s, knocking the last of the air out of her lungs. Angelina grabbed Camille’s neck and pulled as she dropped on her back and rolled up her feet, sending Camille flying up and over with a monkey flip. Camile groaned as she lay rubbing her sore back, Angelina rolled her over and jumped on top of her back again, this time she stuck her fingers into Camile's mouth and pulled her head back at a painfully unnatural angle, stretching her mouth into a gruesome grin, hard. "Squeal for me little Piggy" Angelina jeered.

Cho looked around Angelina was doing fine. “Better bail out the ginger” Cho thought as she went over to where Ginny and Fleur were slapping it out.

Ginny put her last strength into one big swipe, she clenched her teeth and "ungh" swung a right hook aimed at Fleur’s face but she ducked and it hit Cho in the mouth, “You fucking cow!” screamed Cho, instinctively she swung a slap back.

“What are you doing, you stupid skank? Are you after a second go after you lost Harry?” she said referring to their previous fight when Ginny had knocked Cho out.

“You got lucky that’s all. You don’t deserve Harry!”

“Didn’t you learn your lesson from last time?” Ginny growled as she launched herself at Cho, the hated rival for Harry’s affections. Her argument with Fleur forgotten, her old enemy, Fleur, just smiled and stood back, grinning.

Angelina saw what was happening with horror, she lifted Camile's head and manically punched at Camile's head desperately trying to finish her off, to help out her team-mates who seemed to have lost the plot. Camile's head went limp, Angelina dropped her head to the floor and rose to get to Fleur “Hey frog” she shouted, Fleur turned around.

Angelina kicked hard sideways, without taking aim, and caught Fleur square in the stomach and, as she staggered, followed up with a swinging blow to the side of the head that knocked her sprawling on to the floor. Angelina prepared for a kick.

Cho and Ginny wasted no time with caution and went to war. The girls battled in heated anger, plowing punches at each other with fire in their eyes and snarls on their faces. They moved about the grass in a determined fashion, slugging away at each other as tears and sweat began to flow. They became locked in a close embrace and fought a body-to-body punch out. Left arms locked firmly around their heads, they fought with right punches to their sides and frontal body areas. At times they were stopping the punches and simply embracing each other, more likely to keep from falling in their now clumsy ballet of battle. They looked to be wrestling on their feet, trying to trip each other to the ground while still holding onto each other tightly.

A few more body punches on both parts brought the girls to a hairpulling embrace now. An occasional body punch was launched but hairpulling now reigned supreme in the fight. Cries and chirps of pain filtered from both girl's lips as they fought.

As Angelina's foot came flashing at her ribs, Fleur's hands flickered out together. They grasped the ankle and her head struck into the instep like a snake's.

“Fucking animal!”. Angelina gave a scream of pain and wrenched furiously at her trapped foot. It was too late. The French girl was up on one knee, and then standing erect, the foot still in her hands. She heaved upwards and Angelina's other foot left the ground and she crashed full length.

The thud of the her fall shook the ground. For a moment she lay still.

With an animal snarl, Fleur dived on top of her, clawing and tearing at Angelina who protected herself with her elbows and knees and at last she managed to kick Fleur off. She staggered to her feet and backed away, her lips bared from her teeth and the T-shirt hanging in tatters from her splendid body. At once she went into the attack again, her arms groping forward for a hold and, as the French girl leapt aside, Angelina's hand caught the neck of her T-shirt and split it down to the hem. But immediately Fleur twisted in close under the reaching arms and her fists and knees thudded into the attacker's body.

Cho and Ginny's knees whacked into each other’s legs as they exchanged kicks. They rocked from side to side as they fought. Pulling hair and kicking with robotic intensity. Ginny brought her right fist back slowly and when she had an opening, slammed it directly into Cho's face just below her left eye. She got Cho into a side headlock and began to pummel her face and head with sharp blows that had Cho screaming out in pain.

Angelina and Fleur tore apart and circled warily, as they circled, they tore off what was left of their T-Shirts. “I see that no-tits runs in the family. Angelina smirked to herself.

Angelina made the first move with a sudden forward leap with arms held out like a wrestler. But Fleur stood her ground. Her right foot lashed out in a furious kick to the stomach that made a slap like a pistol shot. Angelina gave a wounded cry and clutched at herself. At once Fleur's other foot kicked up to the stomach again. Angelina went down on her knees. A third spinning kick to the head knocked her out.

While Cho was screaming, Ginny whacked a knee between Cho’s legs. Her eyes opened wide in shock. Ginny raised Cho’s head by the hair, speaking straight into Cho’s face.




Each word was punctuated with another knee between Cho’s legs. There was no-one to stop her this time. Cho was in a world of pain. Ginny held her face so Cho couldn’t turn away.

“Who does Harry belong to?”

Cho opened and closed her mouth soundlessly.

Another knee.

“I said, who does Harry belong to?”

Cho’s mouth went up and down. Eventually she gasped out


“Good girl, and don’t you ever forget it” followed by another knee this time to Cho’s face. She was out.

Ginny turned to face Fleur.

"Just you and me, phlegm". Ginny held out her arms, gesturing.

"Va te faire foutre9!"  Came the reply.

They circled warily on unsteady legs; both were close to exhaustion but their determination to smash the other’s face in kept them going. Determined to end it, Fleur charged at Ginny knocking her onto her back, scrambling on top of Ginny she pinned her arms down and rained slaps down upon her. Each slap was emphasised by a bounce on Ginny’s stomach driving the air out of her lungs and a description of all the times Ginny had been mean to her and how she was not going to let Ginny ruin her chance for happiness with Bill.

Ginny lay there having to take it. Yes, she had been very mean to Fleur and yes, she was fighting for her happiness the way she had fought for Harry. BUT. As Fleur bounced extra high, Ginny brought up her knee bringing it up just as Fleur was coming down. She landed on Ginny’s knee right between her legs. Fleur's eyes crossed in pain she fell off Ginny rolling on the floor with her hands between her legs.

As Fleur rolled, Ginny raised her hands for a double axe handle and brought it down on to Fleur's back. Fleur's body spasmed, collapsing to the floor like a splayed starfish. Fleur crawled on the floor slowly trying to escape more punishment. Ginny went after her intending to launch another axe, to finish off the bitch, but she was falling for Fleur's trap as she was hit by a perfectly timed mule-kick straight into her head. She croaked, falling onto her back. Fleur sat on her, pinning her arms. Ginny weakly tried bucking her hips in a vain attempt to unseat her. Fleur slapped Ginny's face twice.

"Ton cul est à moi10" Fleur said triumphantly. "Give up, say I've won."

"No" Ginny groaned, with tears of anger and frustration streaming down her face. She couldn't let the Phlegm beat her. In the past she had managed to escape from difficult odds, but this time she had nothing left.

"Please give up" Fleur thought "Please". She was exhausted and finished, there was no way she could do another round with this ginger vache11.

Another volley of slaps.

"Give up". Please, please, please kept going round Fleur’s brain.

"Sod off".

Fleur considered her options. She was too exhausted to make another blow or do much of anything else, but she couldn't risk Ginny recovering. Then she remembered how Cho had finished off Gabrielle. The breasts it would be then. She slid her hands under Ginny's shirt, then went straight for the breasts squeezing hard.

Ginny screamed.

"Give up!"  Fleur demanded with a hint of desperation in her voice. "Oh God, please!" She thought, not sure how long she could hold out.


Fleur When this did not produce a submission, She then used her nails, - grasping each nipple between thumb and forefinger, she stabbed her nails into each nipple. Ginny's screams could have been heard on Beauxbaton's campus without the cameras.

"I give up, you win"

Fleur rose off Ginny’s bawling body and kicked her, placing her feet on her chest in a display of sweet victory. She went to her sister who was crying softly holding her breasts, Camile was staggering to her feet.

They looked around the field of battle. Angelina and Cho were still out, and a battered Ginny was cradling her breasts and crying like a baby.

Fleur picked up her wand and opened a portal, the girls would be back in their dorms soon. As she stepped into the portal she waved

“Bon Soir, Mon Cherie, See you in the morning”.

“It looks like the girls have settled their differences” Dumbledore waved his hand and the screen vanished. He had sensed the spell Fleur had cast and called Madame Maxime to view what was happening. They had thought about intervening but had decided to see how it would play out instead.

“Yes, very good I’ll get our girls tended to, after I give them a good talking to, we really shouldn’t have behaviour like this without permission. Tomorrow, you can look at your girls when they appear in the square, the embarrassment should be punishment enough for engaging in such naughty behaviour. Your girls did fight bravely, although their teamwork needs some work.” She smiled, “I was very impressed, it was more exciting than the Quidditch match, perhaps we could make this an annual event?” said Madam Maxime.

1 Chien = Dog
2 Petite fille pense qu'elle est dure - The little girl thinks she is tough.
3 Je suis la petite fille qui la fera t'encule - I am the little girl who will fuck you.
4 Je te pisse a la rais - Piss on your face.
5 Sous-merde - Sub-shit
6 Degage - Release.
7 Va te faire enculer - Get fucked.
8 Faire quartier - Mercy.
9   Va te faire foutre - Kiss my ass.
10   Ton cul est a Moi = Your Ass is mine.
11 Vache = Cow
Consciously Incompetant.


Offline Edududu

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Re: Chapter 1 : Battle of the Losers
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2023, 02:00:43 PM »
Another great story! I think you managed to handle the concept very well despite the difficulty, and I always love seeing secondary fights happening/teased like with what happened with Hermione in the beggining and Cho in the end.


Offline MikeHales67

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Re: Chapter 1 : Battle of the Losers
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2023, 04:46:38 PM »
Hermione and Ginny will sort out their problems the story after next.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2023, 07:53:36 PM by MikeHales67 »
Consciously Incompetant.


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Chapter 3 : Wish me Luck
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2023, 04:15:19 PM »
Originally Gabrielle started off as a dark-haired gypsy called Vida, Camille was called Zora in a little tribute to Ian Fleming.  Then after revisions she became a dark-haired Maia. Originally Cho, Katie Bell and Angelina were going to face off against the Beauxbatons girls (I HAD to use Cho because of the Cho/Chien insults), I had planned Fleur v Ginny as my next story and then I thought if I made Maia Gabrielle then that would bring in Fleur, bits I’d done relating to Vida would match what I had in mind for Gabrielle. So, I wrote it and sketched out the Fleur / Ginny fight. While doing the Fleur / Ginny battle I added some bits about Cho seeing Ginny getting beaten up and thinking about a rematch. THEN while explaining while I’d done it this way, I realised I could do it a different way so re-wrote it again!

Then I thought having introduced Maxime I started wondering how she would deal with such situations. So, I came up with the idea of the Gabrielle fight. Then I thought she should face a Spanish girl, ‘cos Beauxbatons is European, then while trying to think of a Spanish name I came up with Florencia Cazador after a character in the novel “Old Moccasins on the Trail” by JT Edson, the rest of it virtually wrote itself.

One of my enduring illusions was that of a write sitting at a typewriter writing. Then job done! No, no, no, the actual writing is in the editing and the revisions… and the revisions…. And the revisions.

Anyway I hope you find this look behind the scenes interesting and I hope you enjoy the story.

After the battle with the Hogwarts girls in the courtyard, Fleur watched as her sister Gabrielle was treated by the nurse. This wasn't the first time this had happened to her, and it wouldn't be the last. It made her think of the first time that this had happened.

Gabrielle read the parchment and her face lit up. "She's accepted, I’m so excited."

"When is it going to happen?'

"This afternoon"

"Are you ready?"

"I will be. I'm going to have my first muggle fight. I'm so excited! Wish me luck."

The girl she would be up against Florencia Cazador was a black-haired olive-skinned Spanish girl in the same year as Gabrielle. Fleur did not know the girl but assumed it would be her first fight as well. She knew that Madame Maxime would not have sanctioned the duel if the combatants were not evenly matched.

Madame Maxime, the school’s head had realised that at an all-girl’s school, bitchiness was inevitable. She put measures in place to mitigate the risks and allow an outlet for the tensions. So, if you were going to fight it should be a muggle fight or a duel as Maxime preferred to call them (magic was too unpredictable) done with supervision and with medical aid close to hand, any physical damage could always be repaired; it should all be done properly. To fight, a challenge had to be issued and accepted. Once this was done a time would be arranged in the duelling arena and approval given. Maxime did want fights going on in dorm rooms or woods or anywhere else apart from the appointed place, all properly done.

Fleur did know that Gabrielle had been arguing with Florencia about a local boy in the town, whether this was a reason or an excuse she did not know. No offers of mediation or reconciliation had any effect. Although she had her concerns, Fleur accepted it as part of what young girls go through. One side-effect of Maxime's rules had been to make your first muggle fight a rite of passage for some of the younger girls especially amongst the Quidditch players. She remembered how eagerly she had sought out her first opponent when she was Gabrielle's age. She sighed; What would be, would be.

Later that afternoon Fleur walked out to where her sister was duelling. The duelling area was a fenced off paddock to the side of the main building. It was similar to the Ravenclaw Duelling Arena, except this was reserved for muggle fights.

Fleur was in one corner of the paddock, Florencia in the opposite corner both were receiving last minute advice of the 'smash her face in' variety (Duh!) and doing various warming up exercises like they were preparing for a ballet class. Both wore leotards which covered their shoulders with a V-cut at the front and a larger one at the back. Gabrielle's was blue, Florencia's red. Maxime believed this was a duel not a striptease and straps could too easily break. Maxime did not approve of some of the voyeuristic tendencies of Hogwarts, 'Typical men' she thought.

Florencia breasts bulged noticeably, her figure showed was a guitarra shape and you could see cleavage in the V-cut, "More than a handful's a waste" Fleur sniffed. Gabrielle showed her Veela heritage, she had beautiful blonde hair and her breasts were hardly noticeable apart from the nipples which jutted out prominently showing her excitement at the forthcoming contest, as were Florencia's. Both girls were bare-legged and barefooted.

Maxime appeared in the middle of the paddock; the two girls walked towards her.

"On my left Florencia Cazador and on my right Gabrielle Delacour. Ladies you have chosen to duel here. Are you ready? Remember when you choose to fight, you fight to the finish. There must be one winner and a loser".  Indeed, Maxime was insistent on this and had been known to dump buckets of cold water on exhausted fighters in order for them to fight to a conclusion.

Both girls nodded in the affirmative.

"Ladies shake hands"

Both girls shook hands in a very business-like way. Both seemed impatient to get started.

"Good then you may begin.". Then with a "pfft" Maxime disappeared from the centre of the paddock and re-appeared among the watching crowd.

The girl’s earlier enthusiasm was turned to trepidation. Gabrielle realised she was alone now. Her sister, her friends could not help her now. It was between her and the Spanish girl now, to the finish. They stood close face to face staring at each other. Both girls wanted this, to hurt the other but were unsure how to start it, so they started with taunts.

"Little girl thinks she's tough. I'll send you home crying to your mom and dad." Florencia spoke.

"I'd like to see you try vache espagnole".

"Oh, I'll try alright, it will be my pleasure!"

"I'm gonna fuck you up so bad!"




Florencia hit Gabrielle with a slap that knocked the French girl on to her backside.

Gabby sat there stunned and embarrassed by her poor start. Tears were forming in her eyes. Florencia played to her friends, exalting in their cheers. Gabrielle's friends were calling for her to get up and smash the cow, the rest of the crowd called out for the violence to continue.

Maxime's voice boomed out "One....Two....".

Gabrielle picked herself and ran towards Florencia grabbing hair and scratching at Florencia's face. Florencia gave a shriek and pulled hard at the French girl's hair. They spun around; their earlier reluctance forgotten as they tried to fulfil the taunts they had earlier issued.

They stumbled to the fence at the end of the paddock. Gabrielle's back hit the fencing, stopping her moving. Florencia used her hair grab to start banging Gabrielle's head into the fence. After softening her up she moved in with some body shots.

Using the fence as a backstop Gabrielle kicked out with her right knee, hitting Florencia in the stomach, throwing the girl off her. They glared at each briefly, then Gabrielle charged towards Florencia. This time she clawed down Florencia's back, leaving a bloody pattern. Florencia screamed and swinging both her arms back swung them into Gabrielle's head.

Gabrielle staggered and Florencia followed with a series of punches to Gabrielle's head with knees going into her body. Gabrielle tried to kick back, and they tripped falling to the ground, spinning round with one girl on top, then the other. The girl on top would launch a volley of slaps and scratches until the other girl would unseat her and gain the upper hand repaying the previous slaps.

This cycle was repeated with each girl’s face getting increasingly redder and more covered in scratches. Both girls had black eyes and blood flowed from their noses, mixing in with the perspiration that was freely flowing. Eventually Florencia got on top and punched Gabrielle’s face, knocking Gabby to the floor.

Then she hit her again and again. Gabrielle tried to block the punches but there were too many. Then from the depths of her desperation her clawed hand reached up to Florencia’s face, going for her vulnerable eyes. Florencia desperately shut her eyes to protect them, she screamed hysterically and tried to blindly grab and bite at the hands. Gabrielle took the opportunity to kick out and send her enemy sprawling on the floor.

They both scrambled to their feet anxious to be ready for the next attack from her opponent and stood facing each other. Florencia contemptuously gestured with her hands for Gabrielle to come to her. Gabrielle gestured with her middle finger. Both girls felt fear coursing through their veins but were determined not to show it in front of their enemy and watching friends. There was no trace of the carefree young girls who had entered the paddock. Only two battered and bruised feral animals, both knew in order to stop the hurt they had to hurt their enemy more.

Fleur worried for Gabrielle as it seemed like Florencia was getting in more blows.

"Come on Gabrielle, you can take her" she cried out in support.

Gabrielle leapt at Florencia grabbing her hair in one hand, holding her head down and frantically punching up into her head with the other. Knees went in as well. Florencia put a stop to this by scratching at Gabby's face, Gabby screamed and moved back.

Moving in a sweeping motion Florencia launched a kick which hit Gabby in the belly. Croaking what could have been an exclamation of delight, the Spaniard staggered closer and drove up her left knee. Missing its intended target, it impacted against Gabrielle’s shoulder instead of the temple. Nevertheless, her slender body was sent reeling out of control. Stumbling and groggy, she instinctively remained in the crouch and with her arms covering her face.

Following her opponent, the Spanish girl was so confident of success she became incautious. Despite the pain she was suffering, desperation and a determination not to suffer defeat gave Gabrielle the will she needed to strike back. Her effort might have been doomed to failure, for she thrust herself upwards with the left hand open in an unthinking attempt to grab Florencia by the face. Instead, the base of her cupped palm caught the Spaniard beneath the chin. The effect was startling to the onlookers, as well as the recipient of the unconventional blow. Back snapped her head and her eyes went glassy as she rumbled rearwards on legs which seemed close to buckling under her weight. In spite of that, she remained on her feet.

For a few seconds, the girls remained where they were! Still kneeling, Gabrielle was keening softly in pain! A similar sound was leaving Florencia as she braced herself on spread apart feet!

Silence fell over the spectators as they watched and wondered how much longer the embattled pair could last without collapsing! If at all!

"Rip her tits off" someone in the audience cried, it wasn't clear to whom. Florencia paused, then acting on the advice, Florencia slipped her hands down the front of Gabrielle's leotard and grabbed Gabrielle's breasts, squeezing and digging in with her nails. She was determined to squeeze a submission out of the 'pequeña mierda'. As she squeezed, she grinned triumphantly while Gabby's eyes opened wide in both shock at being attacked this way (she had never had her breasts touched by another person, and never like this), and then the pain. Her first thought was to grab at Florencia's hands trying to relieve her suffering. When this failed, she went for her enemy's breasts, which made better targets than her own, with plenty to get stuck into. The flesh oozed out between her fingers, like a balloon ready to burst.

To the onlookers it looked like little was happening. The girls had gone into a clinch with their chins on each other’s shoulders. All that could be seen was Florencia flexing her hands squeezing Gabrielle’s breasts, meanwhile Gabrielle’s elbows were moving in and out as she desperately kneaded her opponent’s breasts with grim determination. Gabrielle had never done anything like this before, but she was a quick and determined learner, each time Florencia cried out in pain Gabrielle repeated the move again and again as she tried to find inventive and painful contortions she could twist Florencia's breasts into. All that could be heard was gasps and sobs, as the two fighters waged their war of attrition. But slowly, over time more and more of those gasps and sobs were coming from Florencia who was starting to regret her decision to start the mauling contest. Then acting on inspiration, Gabrielle upped the ante and went for the nipples, squeezing each one savagely between thumb and forefinger and twisting. Florencia screamed like a banshee; all thoughts of attack wiped from her mind by the pain.

"La venganza es una perra y muerde, Si?" Gabrielle snarled into Florencia's tearful face mocking her in her own language.

Florencia desperately slapped at Gabrielle's head trying to get her to release her screaming nipples, repeating "Madre Deus" over and over like it was a prayer. Gabrielle ignored her slaps; she was having far too much fun. Then in her own sweet time she pulled each nipple down savagely and then released them. Pulling Florencia down and as her head came down Gabrielle's knee came up. Smashing into the Spanish girl's nose.

Florencia was crying freely now.  She was still repeating "Madre Deus" but between the gasps and sobs the words were almost incoherent, rambling.

"¿Eso duele niña?" Gabrielle cooed at the sobbing Florencia who was holding her boobs. Gabrielle felt like holding hers too, but she did not want to show weakness. She had turned the fight around and was finally beating the bitch.

Letting out a war-cry she charged into the black-haired girl propelling into one of the fenceposts. She then started pounding lefts and rights mechanically into Florencia's body with the odd shot to her throbbing breasts, which got a wail off Florencia each time she plugged them. Florencia tried to protect herself, but she had what she believed was victory taken from her grasp, she had nothing left to give. Gabrielle's friends were whooping for joy. Feeling less and less resistance coming from Florencia, she paused to hold Florencia's head up by the sweat-soaked hair, then she fired a punch up into her chin, Florencia's eyes went blank, and she hardly felt it when her head crashed back against the fencepost.

Florencia's body fell to the floor. Maxime's ten count was perfunctory.

Gabrielle stood back to admire her handiwork, she was crying too, but she had a satisfied smile on her face as she placed her feet on Florencia’s stomach.

Maxime appeared by Gabrielle to announce her victory.

"I won. I won" Gabrielle cried. Jumping up and down. Half in joy and half in disbelief. Her small breasts were hanging out of her leotard, looking like a roadmap. Florencia’s were hanging out of her leotard as well, looking redder and sadder.  Madame’s spells and medicines to restore her beauty would have a lot of work to do.

"My first muggle fight, I won it. Mom and Dad will be so proud".

Florencia's friends rushed out to tend to her, whilst Gabrielle's friends rushed to congratulate her.

"You did very well my little sister". Fleur didn't want to be a downer, but Gabrielle was also very lucky. She doubted if Florencia would be stupid enough to challenge any Veela to a breast mauling contest ever again.

Translations :
Vache Espagnole = Spanish Cow.
Salope = slut
Pequeña mierda = Little Shit
La venganza es una perra y muerde = Vengence is a bitch and it bites
Eso duele niña = Does it hurt little girl.
Consciously Incompetant.