Chapter 1 : Battle of the LosersPreamble
I read the works of Alilomax84 on deviantart if you haven’t read them read them because 1. They’re very good.
2. My story makes more sense of you’ve read them.
This is my first writing project so I’Kivaed Alilomax84’s work. I’m learning as I go along. Let me know what you think.[/i]
After her defeat at the hands of Hermione Granger, Pansy could sense the loss of respect. She saw the sneers in the faces of her friends and Draco... it almost seemed like contempt. So she hatched a plan to regain respect, she carefully selected her target and that target was Romilda Vane! She'd seen the way the boys leered over that photo of her breasts, it was disgusting. When they were perving over that photo they seemed to forget she existed, she had breasts as well. They would look at her differently when she was standing triumphantly over a sobbing defeated Romilda. She would be easy to provoke and she got beat by Luna Lovegood for Gawd's sake!
She bumped into her in the queue at lunch-time.
"Out of my way loser!"
"What did you say?"
"Loser. Even Luna Fucking Lovegood kicked your ass. Maybe you should stick to fighting little first year girls."
Romilda bristled at the memory, but she never backed down from a fight, and so fed up was she about all the snide remarks about Ginny and Luna, especially Luna, she could not believe how that dizzy loon had beat her up! She was in no mood to take any more crap about it.
"Tougher than you, you cow. I saw your crying like a little bitty baby after Hermione Granger beat the crap out of you."
"You wanna prove how tough you are or are you just chewing a brick?".
"Anytime you cow. Name the time and place." Romilda's hands formed into claws she was ready for the cow, but she didn't want to start anything now, too many busy-bodies.
"Let's go see Parvati. I want the entire school to see you get yours."
Neither girl trusted Parvati Patel, but this was not a spontaneous brawl like their other scraps. No this was a chance to prove just how tough they were. Romilda realised that she wanted this. It was a chance to prove to everybody that despite her previous losses she was a winner and this chance to demolish this lippy cow in front of the entire school was just too good to pass up. The same thoughts were going through Pansy's mind.
Parvati and Luna signed them up, but they did have misgivings “Let’s face it. It’s a battle of the losers, it's not like it's an easy sell like Ginny v Hermione we need an extra angle for this" Parvati was saying.
"You think me versus Ginny would be a big seller?" Hermione asked a fire in her eyes.
"Oh yes we could retire to the Bahamas on the proceeds of that one".
"What about we market it as Gryffindor versus Slytherin?" Luna suggested. "We could have costumes and everything. I reckon with house pride on the line Snape and McGonagall could even get us the Chamber of Requirements, imagine that."
She had her own feelings about Romilda, but this was business and billing this as a battle of the houses definitely boosted business. Arrangements were made and indeed Snape and McGonagall needed very little encouragement to set up the venue.
"Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to the battle of the houses."Pavariti's voice rang out", the room had provided a really good tannoy system. Gryffindor versus Slytherin. On my left, fighting for the honour of Gryffindor House.... Romilda Vane.."
Romilda strode out into the Chamber of Requirements. Snape had done a splendid job. The "Arena" consisted of a circle of cars, their head-lights illuminating the field of combat. The convertible cars held the VIP Guests who had paid extra to watch the live event while everybody else was watching the feed from the Winged Cameras. Romilda threw off her dark-red robe and stood expectantly in her matching dark red one-piece leotard well it was more like a swimming costume, high on the waist, with bare legs and bare feet because Pansy didn't want her wearing those boots.
"Hey do you think you could show any more of their arses?" Parvati had asked sarcastically when she saw the designs Luna had come up with.
"If they look like sluts, it's just fair comment", Luna said. "And..we're trying to cater to 50% of our audience, the hormonal boys".
And Luna was right, the girls didn't care. All they cared about was beating up the other girl in front of all of her friends and the entire school. And yes the costumes were a hit with the boys.
"And on my right, battling for Slytherin house, Pansy Parkinson".
Pansy strode out to confront her opponent from the other side of the circle in a similar dark green costume the colour of Slytherin.
They stood face to face staring each other out, looking at each other with steely determination, neither was even contemplating the possibility of defeat. When discussing their split of the taking with Parvati and Luna they had both insisted on winner take all the loser gets to keep the bruises.
Professor Minerva McGonagall turned to Snape, they were both watching to events on a large view-screen in her office.
“How do you like your girl’s chances?"
“She’s brave and determined and she fought with great spirit against Hermonie. I think she will emerge triumphant” Snape said proudly.
“Great spirit, true, but she still got defeated. My girl has learnt from her mistakes. Ten Galleons? I’ll give you a chance to get your money back from last time”. Minerva said.
Meanwhile Parvati was finishing her introduction.
"Remember there are no rules in a muggle fight
May be best girl win.
"You're going down Gryffindor bitch" Pansy said smirking. She was not into this 'battle of the houses' spiel but the more people that got to see her kick Romilda's ass the better, she wanted everybody to see this. She pushed Romilda back with one hand.
"Ha! The last Gryffindor Bitch you tangled with had you crying like a little girl". Romilda pushed back.
Pansy shoved Romilda, this time with two hands.
Romilda shoved back.
Each insult punctuated by another shove. The anger was escalating. The crowd watched expectantly, wondering, waiting for it to explode.
Romilda moved forwards to make another shove and Pansy swung her fist straight into Romilda's belly. Romilda doubled over clutching her belly, softly moaning.
The audience winced.
Pansy stood back, grinning, raising her fist menacingly in triumph.
“No rules in a muggle fight”, she taunted her rival.
This was going to be easier than she thought.
Romilda was still moaning, then she raised her head a snarl on her face, she was not going to go down so easy to this Slytherin cow. She dove forwards, hitting Pansy in the belly and crashing her to the floor. Romilda was on top now and she fired off a fusillade of slaps and scratches at Pansy's face.
The crowd cheered, the bitchfight was on!
Pansy tried to cover up, but there were too many slaps, Romilda was just a blur of arms and claws. Her own arms flailing back, Pansy's hands grabbed at Romilda's hair twisting it around her hands and pulled Hard!
Romilda screamed.
Pansy twisted Romilda's head back on to the floor, then clambered on top, pulling on Romilda's hair as though she was trying to drag it out by the roots, her neck twisted at an unnatural angle. Romilda responded in kind and the two rolled over and over, with claws going for any part of the body they find, kicks and bites too. They were writhing like two snakes fighting in a pit.
Everybody in the audience cheered for their favourite. Luna and Parvati breathed a sigh of relief, this was going to be good after all. If only they could lose some of their clothes...
As Pansy rolled on top she saw Romilda's breasts covered in the leotard, her nipples jutting out. These were the breasts Draco and his little friends had been so obsessed with, that stupid photo Colin Creevey took. She grabbed each nipple and twisted, HARD. Romilda screamed like a banshee, her legs kicking frantically up and down trying to dislodge her opponent. It didn't work but her wildly swinging fists hit Pansy hard in the face, she fell back.
Both girls scrambled to get up, Romilda gently rubbed her nipples.
“You fucking bitch” she said.
Pansy just smiled and made clutching motions with her hands.
“Oh there’s more where that came from”.
They circled warily and then went for each other's hair and pulled hard. They spun around legs kicking and punctuating their efforts with wild punches, like a savage dance ritual inspired by hatred and violence. Occasionally a head would be pulled down and a knee raised up to meet it. Romilda’s heart lifted as she burst one of Pansy’s full lips. As Romilda raised her leg to kick again Pansy returned the favour by grabbing hold of her raised leg and scratching long and hard along Romilda's thighs. Romilda shrieked checking for damage, Pansy pushed her to the floor. Pansy scrambled to get in top of Romilda, but she took a foot to the face and the girls became a tangle of arms and legs.
They were fighting hard now, with fear and anger, determined to destroy their rival. Hands clutching at anything they could find to scratch. They were going at each other in a primeval dance inspired by hatred and violence.
Pansy scratched at Romilda's face. The Gryffindor girl bit into the hand, Pansy screamed, the volume ramping up as the Gryffindor girl scratched down the Slytherin girl's back making tracks line tramlines, digging in with extra relish. The crowd roared, this was getting nasty as the girls were fighting hard for their lost honour.
Pansy reached out going for the straps of Romilda’s leotard and pulled the straps down, trapping Romilda’s arms and exposing her breasts. She smiled savagely and proceeded to unload on her hated rivals breasts, swinging at them like she was hitting a speed-bag. Romilda was driven back, she was getting murdered here. While desperately flailing her arms, she broke the straps ( luckily for her Luna didn't want anything too sturdy - 50% of the audience after all) and blindly punched out hitting Pansy in the side of her nose, blood flowed. Pansy staggered back the blood dribbling out of her nose. Romilda tried to massage away the pain in her boobs. She was determined to carry on, her bare breasts were not going to slow her down, she remembered how Ginny had defeated her, not this time.
The boys in the audience were over-joyed by the development, this was great! The girls were transfixed by the nastiness of the fight and with wide-eyed admiration for the fighters.
Pansy stood there for a moment, breathing hard. The blood from her nose diluting with the perspiration, glistening in the head-lights of the cars. She rocked unsteadily on her feet and then lunged at her hated rival to continue her previous attack.
Romilda grabbed the top of Pansy's leotard and punched with all her might. The leotard ripped down to the waist as she pulled. Pansy pulled away, her breasts were now bared. She stood unsteadily, choking back sobs. Her fingers curled into claws, she beckoned with her hands, challenging Romilda to a mauling contest.
"Wanna try your luck Bitch, or are you chicken?" Pansy cupped her own breasts menacingly.
"Fuck you bitch" Romilda replied as she held out her hands like claws in response, ready to rake the dare, but she felt scared. her breasts were already sore and tenderised from Pansy's attentions, but she could not back down now, not in front of the entire school. They circled, both girl’s leotards were in tatters just hanging around their waists, the light of the cars glistened on the scratches and perspiration on their bodies, they both looked finished, both were whimpering. Nobody knew how much longer either could carry on, surely the end was coming for one of them.
They slammed into each other, latching on to each others breasts squeezing, neither was a little girl and there was plenty to get hold of. Legs apart for better leverage, they attacked without mercy. To Romilda it felt like ten steel nails had been driven into her breasts, which in a sense they had. She twisted Pansy’s boobs with renewed determination, Pansy mewed piteously and renewed her attack on Romilda’s breasts moving towards the sensitive nipples.
Gasps and cries escaped from their mouths.
The crowd was silent, waiting to see who would emerge triumphant from this epic test of strength and endurance. Somebody was going down.
Sobs came from each girls as they squeezed and mauled their mammaries mercilessly, each determined to destroy each other in this war of attrition. If they could only endure the punishment victory was in their grasp, literally. Then it happened, tears started to appear on Romilda's face as a smile started to appear on Pansy's.
Pansy's supporters were cock-a-hoop. Cries of "Rip her tits off", "Finish her" were shouted with renewed vigour. Romilda's supporters plaintively shouted "Fight back", "Don't let her win", but their girl's resistance was crumbling before their eyes.
"Who's crying like a little girl, now?" Pansy whispered through gritted teeth. She smiled, she was winning, she knew it and Romilda knew it as the Gryffindor girl’s hands pitifully pawed at Pansy's death grip on her breasts. This was it, she would show them, Draco would be so proud. Those breasts that all those boys were going on about. She…Was…Destroying…Them.
Romilda's kick came like a thunderbolt out of the blue. It was as logical to Romilda as it was unexpected to Pansy. Out of fear and desperation she kicked out with all her remaining strength, hitting right between Pansy's legs and lifting the poor girl off her feet.
Pansy’s mouth formed into a soundless "O" her eyes wide like saucers, she crashed to her knees like a sack of potatoes.
Romilda grinned, this was it, she'd done it. She moved towards Pansy pulling her head up by the hair, she stared into her teary eyes and gently stroked the wet sweat-sodden hair from her face.
“No rules…”, she spoke gently, almost kindly. As she shoved the Slytherin girl’s face into her raised knee, smashing it hard. Pansy flipped on to her back. The Gryffindor girl jumped on top of her prone body, determined to finish the bitch off. She pulled Pansy's head up by the hair, ready to bang it into the floor. Then, feeling the way her flaccid head hung in her hands offering no resistance, realised there was no more fighting and dropped the head back to the floor with a thud.
She rose unsteadily to her feet to the applause of the roaring crowd. She looked down, at her defeated opponent. Then realised there was one more thing to do. Reaching down she pulled at the remains of Pansy's leotard ripping it off her body, leaving her nude.
"Hope it's not a long walk back to your dorm", she smiled as she held Pansy's leotard aloft like a well-deserved trophy.
She limped slowly towards the exit, half-naked, her leotard in tatters around her waist, her hair a mess, blood and scars covered her sweat-soaked body. And her breasts... she didn't think any number of 'reparo' spells or ministrations from Madame Pomfrey would ever let her wear a bra again. Her friends ran out to congratulate her and help her walk back to her dorm room.
"Ro-mil-da!" She could hear the crowd chanting her name. It was HER name they were chanting, through her pain she smiled as she slowly walked to the exit to be congratulated by her friends.
She hardly paid any attention to Parvati saying what an exciting fight that was and asking for any girls who'd like to come forwards and defend the honour of their house.
As she walked past past the cars and the cheering crowd. She saw Ginny and Harry, who were cheering with everybody else.
"Wow" said Harry. He had never noticed Romilda much but as she stood there basking in her victory she looked magnificent.
"Ow!" said Harry, Ginny had elbowed him in the chest an angry look in her eye. She turned to look at Romilda.
"You did good, Romilda, but stay away from Harry"
"Your girl fought bravely but there can only be one winner, I believe that's another ten galleons you owe me". Professor Minerva McGonagall held out her hand. Snape handed over the money, he wasn’t unhappy, he would have quite happily paid twice that.
Dumbledore moved over to the Pensieve, pleased with his work on the Chamber of Requirements and added his thoughts and memories of the spectacle he had just witnessed to the swirling liquid…for future viewing and wondered if his visitors from Beauxbatons would be interested.
Pansy awoke later, the room was empty but Lavender and Millicent were gathered around her. They had covered her unconscious body in a cloak.
"Are you okay?" She saw Draco standing nearby. There was actually a look of....concern.
"I’m sorry, Draco, I wanted to make you so proud".
"You did this for me?" He asked. "But you were amazing, you fought so bravely, you almost had her"
He smiled
"Well better luck next time"
Oh yes there would be a next time.