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The Shop Keeper

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The Shop Keeper
« on: January 08, 2023, 07:33:45 AM »
The Shop Keeper

(This is a new addition to Peggy series hope you enjoy)

As you are aware Peggy is the queen and she has made that abundantly clear as any woman who has challenged her for the town has lost. A few managed to beat Peggy but when it came to her town she if she lost the initial she came back for a rematch and took her town back again.

Now as such any woman who wanted to fight one of the women in her town, were free to do so. But Peggy had to be informed of it, she was smart to know who might be coming for her by using her supporters as practice.

As well, if any of her supporters or for that matter any woman tried to use her town as a platform to fight, without either getting Peggy’s ok, or taking Peggy on to freely do so. She was going to have to face the Queen or be run out of town.

With her reputation being very well known, Peggy never thought any woman would be silly enough to  attempt  holding private fights that should be hers or with her blessings.  But one woman thought Peggy wasn’t worth her time and after several secret fights was soon discovered.

For Peggy it wasn’t going to be a fight for her town, unless this woman directly wanted to take it public and make an official challenge. Which Peggy was sure she wouldn’t or she would have to get the right to hold fights.

For this new rival however doing so was making Peggy look bad , as if she didn’t have the control a Queen of a town would. But as the secret got it both women knew the fight to come was going to go the distance. In the end one of them would either be run out of town, or have to face former rivals ask=lol over if word got she lost to someone that defied her status.

Gemma was born in the states, but her parents were from Poland, as you can figure women from that region were gifted with large firm breasts. Gemma was no exception.  At 5’8” 147 pounds and a incredible 36H-28-38 hour glass figure, Gemma was not fat but a thick fit sexy woman, she had dirty blonde hair to her shoulders.

Like all the women in her past, she was a proud, stern confident and strong woman, she scratched and clawed to save so she one day would have her own business.  Her main interest was reading and she loved books, so much so her grand father taught her how to repair old books and care for them.

Gemma took to her grandfathers passion, he had a shop in Poland for years before the war broke out. But he had rescued a few novels that were old, upon his passing he left them for Gemma.

Normally one might think it was a lovely gesture, which it was. But no one other than Gemma and her grandfather knew what the books were worth. In her shop, Gemma after selling 1 of those books. Was able to not only able to pay off her loans, but had 3 special compartments built.

They were more like rooms or compared to a humidor. The rooms were identical in size and appearance, with one exception. The 3rd room was built with no shelving, just well lit, and temperature controlled like the other 2.

Gemma was taught that these rarest of books, some of which were worth thousands of dollars and up, we are talking as far back as 1700’s first editions. Three needed to be kept in these special rooms, with soft led lights to prevent page aging. And the temperature was maintained at 63 degrees at all times.

This prevented the spines from cracking and drying out, the 3 rooms were on separate generators in case of power outages. Now the first 2 rooms had shelves, a computer a seat and desk. However room 3 was empty, just 4 plexiglass walls about 2” thick, and a secure door.

The walls were from ceiling of the store to its floor, and sound proof. They were built on the third floor of the building, and at the back end of three long library like aisles of shelving filled with less valuable books.

The entire third floor had a set of black wrought iron ornate steel walls, which while stylish were added security to that floor. There were only two ways anyone could visit or get access to that floor. The first way was by appointment through a rigorous background check. The second was you had to let Gemma’s receptionist know through a special phrase, you were her for her not the books.

Fo a long time Gemma was using her building and the secure room three for fights, most of the women she invited or got challenged by were out of towner’s. Because of that, it was easy to keep it a secret from Peggy for as long as she did, but while she was avoiding Peggy this way, many of the women she faced informed her if Peggy finds out, she is in for a fight.

Gemma wasn’t afraid of word of mouth about Peggy, though hearing the same tales from so many made her nervous. It wasGemma’s own worry if she and Peggy were to met one day, would Peggy demand stakes so high, a loss to Peggy might mean closing her shop to move out of Peggys area.

But for now and since with Peggy never showing up, Gemma went about her way as if Peggy was not a threat.  But that was all about to change after Gemma’s most recent fight and victory.

Somehow a woman named Anna, who fought Peggy and though she put up a fight, was eventually destroyed by Peggy. But Anna was one of the few who didn’t hold a grudge, in fact though she lost, the fight Peggy gave was by the book.

Anna had to respect Peggy and her ability, as such she became one of Peggy’s most trusted supporters. She also later on would be given a lot from the Queen for her loyalty.

So Anna a bit of a book worm herself, started to visit Gemma’s store frequently, and it didn’t take long she took notice of a certain clientele coming in the shop, and leaving looking ravaged.

Now Anna may have easily dismissed this if not for the fact, all the women she saw enter, left braless and eyes tearing. Anna knew first hand what the look of a woman who lost a titfight looked like.   After seeing this more than once, Anna knew if fights were being conducted and Peggy wasn’t aware, the shop and Gemma very well could be out of business.

despite her loyalty, Anna often wondered what it would be like to see Peggy beaten to tears and having to rush off braless after a titfight. Anna’s next move was to be in  ear shout when the next busty fighter came in looking for Gemma.

About two weeks later Anna got to the book store early, she sat with a book near the receptionist/cashier. Suddenly the shop door swung open and Anna sat up sharply in her seat, a woman entered she knew. In fact she fought and was beaten as bad by as she was by Peggy.

Her name was Alexa, a very busty woman with Italian roots, Alexa was a full HH, all natural as well. Anna took her on as she Alexa wanted at Peggy. But being Peggy’s second Alexa had to fight her first, she soundly beat Anna. But after Alexa faced Peggy and after a long long titfight Peggy managed to beat her fuller rival.

After that loss Alexa was so humiliated she never even stepped foot in town again till now. As Alexa stormed to the register, she never noticed Anna. Alexa wearing a beige mini dress and red bra under it, leans to the receptionist. “May i help you?”, Alexa in a near whisper gives the secret pass phrase, “yes i am in the market for a rare book, and demand to see your rare book monitor for a special display”.

The receptionist smirks, “why of course one moment, the cashier picks up a in house phone, “yes there is a collector here to see your display, are you available?”.

She hangs the phone up and smiles at Alexa as she presses a button, a private one person elevator comes to life from the 3rd floor and slowly rides down. The cashier unlocks its door opens it and smiles, “ step in and i will send you to her, she will meet you when you step out”.

Alexa sets her purse on the cashiers counter, steps in the elevator, its also steel ornate, like a giant bird cage. She shuts the door and locks it then purrs, “hope you can afford it”. Alexa just glares through the designer steel cage door, then there is a low hum and the single car rides upward.

Anna listens and hears the car stop at the top, she then hears the metal door squeak open, she hears Alexa’s heels, then a voice she isn’t familiar with, “you know the stakes?”. Alexa, “i do and i accept”. The new vice , “good follow me”.

The unmistakable click of two sets of heels is heard along the metal and tiled floor above, then the high pitch of a key pad being entered and finally the whoosh of an air locked door being pulled open then shut.

An hour passes and Anna hears the previous sounds in reverse, the phone rings at the front counter, the cashier a smile turns a key to start the elevator down again.

Inside as she opens the door is Alexa, face red and sweaty and tears streaming down he cheeks. Her dress looser and two wet spots at nipple level grow. Alexa in the same dress but no bra with one arm cradling her swaying jostling breasts grabs her bag, after throwing $500 dollars on the counter, nearly runs out to the street.

The cashier hits no sale and shouts to the fleeing Alexa, “hope we se you again”. Anna looks away, her mouth hangs open in shock, other than Peggy she knew no one that beat Alexa in a titfight.

Anna knew she had to report this to Peggy, it was obvious Peggy never was informed or everyone in her town would have heard of it, especially with the ability to beat a HH bust within an hours time.

Anna rushed to the pool area, she knew Peggy would be there looking over her town. She was right , lounging was Peggy in her red bikini, and looking so impressive. Anna walks over to her and tells Peggy what she discovered, but more than that she explained about Alexa.

Peggy looked concerned, she remembered Alexa and how much fuller she was, and how intense a fight she put up. Peggy also knew if not her woman beat her in an hour she had to be dealt with before her reputation became an issue.

The next day after Dad left for work, Peggy was getting dressed, she rolled up her light grey thigh highs, slipped on her grey pin stripe skirt.  She walked about her room topless, with her magnificent weapons holding firm and only heavily wobble as she stepped.

She put her hair up then a red bra, then she eased on a pearl colored blouse, that she buttoned  to just under her bra. She smiled as her veiny cleavage was swelling round and tight, then a  last look some perfume and Peggy grabbed her purse and headed to the shop.

Peggy always carried a minimum of $1,000.00 just in case a fight stakes were for cash, and after hearing about Alexa having to leave money Peggy wanted to be prepared just in case this mystery woman was better.

She parked her car right in front of the shop, with every cop knowing who she was there was no fear of a ticket.  Peggy took one last look at herself then a deep breath in and stepped from the car. She strut to the front door, with a walk of determination she aches the counter.

The cashier looks at the imposing cleavage as thick nipples tent a bra and blouse. The cashier clears her throat, “can i help you?”, Peggy glares into her eyes, “i am in the market for a rare book, a first edition, and i am not leaving till i see all this store has to offer”.

The cashier swallows as she picks up the private phone and informs Gemma someone was here for her. “Yes i will send her right up then”, she presses the button for the single person elevator as it comes to a stop and she unlocks it, Peggy steps in it.

She secures Peggy in and says, “our rare book manager will meet you when you step out, enjoy, your in for a long morning”. Peggy just stares in silence as the hum of the engine starts and she takes the slow ride up to the 3rd floor.

Slowly as the elevator clears the steel floor Peggy sees a pair of heels, then strong legs to full hips then the large bust and veiny deep cleavage slowly bellowing. Their eyes meet as Gemma unlocks and lets Peggy out, they scan each other then Gemma purrs, “well i didn’t have you scheduled but i won’t mind spending my morning breaking you, are you aware the stakes?”.

Peggy seeing her new rival is fuller purrs as if she isn’t impressed, “my stakes are simple, winner ales both bras, milks loser and can either face sit her or tit smother her, was there more to it?”.

Gemma can feel the disrespect, she curls a lip a bit, “no that was all, as for rules we don’t grab hair , and we only use our tits to fight, if you want anything more, you and i can arrange a day to meet”.

Peggy smirks, “well lets see how the rest of your morning goes before we agree to more”. Gemma turns, “follow me”, they walk along the floor and down the last aisle.  Peggy can see just the books on the shelves are pricey, as they reach the aisles end Gemma hits a switch and suddenly the plexiglass glass cage flickers it lights and then becomes bright.

The sound proof filtered cool room with a white lit floor and lined with led lights along the top is more than secure. Gemma unlocks the door and opens it wide, she looks at Peggy, “after you i have to lock it once we are in”.

Peggy steps to the door, she and Gemma stare a moment then Peggy steps up and into the he glass enclosed pen, she moves across to the opposite side and then turns.  As she waits for Gemma her eyes scan the small room and she can see stains along the lower areas of the wall and floor.  There is no mistaking what it is, milk from other women who lost, Gemma steps up and in and locks the door, she turns and stands looking at Peggy.

Peggy inhales “just so you are aware, my names Peggy i run the town your shops in , i am the Queen here, and your little side business your conducting here is without my permission and that can’t go on”.  Gemma rolls her tongue in her mouth, “ahh i see, i have heard about you, but to be honest what i do in here? Is none of your business, besides if i wanted your town i would have just came and found you and fought you for it”.

Peggy can see her rival is confident but not overly, “well this little get together this morning is to decide if you fall in line and stop your fights, or continue freely determined by who wins between us. As for you maybe one day wanting my town, well you are right just come calling and i will be happy to fight you for it”.

Gemma can now see her rival is confident but not overly either, it tells each her rival has tasted losing and knows never to take a rival for granted. Gemma inhales, “well then as Queen you certainly have the right to stop me….IF you beat me, as for the other , well lets cross one bridge at a time”.

The two busty amazons glare , the walled cage they stand in all in total is just shy of 4’ x 4’. Gemma wanted it that way so during her titfight neither her or her rivals could retreat and it meant the action would never have a lull.

Peggy realizes it now, and though she never says it, she was impressed by the ingenious design, it meant a really good fighter could ruin her rivals faster after a well placed move.

Peggy never one to have a fight dictated to her purrs, “well if there isn’t anything else to discuss, i think the time for you and i to fight has come”.  Gemma smirks, “nothing else and i agree lets get this fight going”.

The two women as they stare in silence begin to unbutton their blouses, exposing the over filled bras they have on. Gemma was in black heels black seamed thigh highs, a black skirt and a tan blouse . Under it was a champagne colored designer bra, that she was very fond and proud of.

Gemma always wore her hair up, sort of a messy bun more to the rear of her head then on top, and she always had her make up perfect. They let their blouses slip off and pool behind them, then each without being prompted reaches back and as they stare start to unclamp their bras.

Finally the tight elastic bands pop open, and they both ease the straps down their arms, till finally the bras slip from their bodies. They both dangle their bras off their index finger nail as if to taunt , want it try to take it.

The 63 degree temperature of the room instantly causes both of them to have goose pimples on their rms, chests and breasts. Their aureolas and nipples double in length and aureolas puff outward bumpy and seem to stretch out more.

They stare a moment then Gemma purrs, “can you fight in that skirt or do you need it off?”, Peggy wants to growl as her new rival asks not for consideration but as if Peggy needs a certain lack of attire to fight in.

Peggy simply purrs back, “oh it has no effect on my ability if i am in a skirt, thong or nude, does if effect you?”. Now Gemma gives a how dare you look back, she cups and caresses her huge H cup breasts to rub the creases of the wire cup bra left.

Peggy then does the same and before her rival Peggy releases her tits and eases her hands on her hair, her breasts lift and stand out more. Gemma does the same, and adds a slow shimmy showing how firm her heavy mass is, she grins at Peggy, “mmm they are heavier and stronger than they look”.

Peggy tilts her chin up then does a slow shimmy back , the slow firm wobble tells her rival they are every bit as heavy and firm. Then Peggy arches her back, and then slowly flexes her chest muscles, and Gemma watches the full laden G’s lift, hold and lower to Peggy’s command.

Peggy purrs, “mmm they are heavier, and stronger then you think”, Gemma has to hide a growl, then slowly takes a step toward Peggy.  Peggy mimics the step, and then as if agreed on they slowly circle within the tight space.

Peggy then asks, “so since we agree to not grabbing hair to keep in contact whats allowed?”. Gemma swallows, never has a rival told her that hair won’t be used. She inhales “we can grip hands, hips, waist, arms and shoulders. No hugging just tit to tit fight, think you can handle that?”.

Peggy a sly smirk, “why don’t you come find out honey”, Gemma licks her lips, “don’t mind if i do”. They slow the circling even more as they step closer, they are now inches apart, they circle one last time, then stop and fully face each other.

Their busts rise and fall slow, they hold the others glare then each eases closing the few inches separating them. Without any prompt the two women pause as their stiff thick nipples touch, hen slowly they both start to rub their nipples to their rivals.

Both suck in a breath at the feel of the others, but nothing is said and within seconds of that first touch they slowly start to rub and prod their nipples around the others and at her aureolas.

Both can feel the arousal and get use to it as the seriousness of whats to come over takes the arousal. Then Gemma presses in and with a defined motion FLICKS, her nipples across Peggy’s.

Peggy inhales a the sharp feel, Gemma purrs “oh i think you felt that honey, rumor has it you aren’t a very good nipple fighter, makes one wonder how you ever became Queen”.

Peggy clears her throat as the feeling of Gemma’s nipples made her feel some doubt. Peggy then eases her nipples away then jabs head on to Gemma’s without a taunt she pokes at Gemma’s aureolas. As Gemma inhales Peggy then roughly FLICKS her nipples at Gemma’s, and she purrs back, “ well thats the problem with rumors honey the ones who start them are the ones who lost the worse to my nipples, but sad to say i haven’t heard any rumors in fact anything about you”.

Gemma nearly coils to pounce a the insult, instead she sets her stance as does Peggy, they stare as they rub their nipples and Gemma says, “well after this your going to not only know how good i am but i am going to make you say my name”. Peggy knows the fights about to get rougher, “well your right about one thing honey, i will be saying your name after today as the biggest cups my G’s beat to date”.

Gemma curls her top lip, “oh your a big mouth aren’t you?, ok honey you came here looking for a fight well you found it lets get to it”. Both are confident and ready to throw caution to the wind. Gemma storms into Peggy. Peggy arches into her rival, the SMACK!! Rings out as Peggy is shoved backward by Gemma’s momentum.

Their round breasts quake at the collision, seeing Peggy knocked back, Gemma snarls, “oh stop running “. Peggy can see whats coming, she barely has a second to shake off the cold walls slap to her bare back.  Just as Gemma is about to crush into Peggy’s breasts, Peggy steps and spins away.

Gemma throws her hands down but her huge breasts still slammed against the cold glass, she grunts as she clearly felt the blow. Her back arches as she looks over her shoulder, Peggy stands hands on hair breathes in slow, “well honey lets titfight”.

Gemma turns her breasts a slight redness where they hit the wall, she eases her hands on her hair and offers her fuller breasts out, “cmon then honey ready for ya”.

Their full hips sway slow as they barely have room to circle, the cool air keeping both women feeling fresh. They stop and square to each other, Peggy still not sure how her rival fights, needs to find out so she can make her fight moms way.

To learn this is dangerous , if Gemma gets a hold of Peggy and works her are it could be the end of Peggys day. Gemma steps at Peggy her fuller breasts have that side to side weighted wobble.

Peggy holds her stance and is going to have to let Gemma attack before she comes back in retaliation to try to win the fight. Gemma decides to toy with Peggy a bit. She might not be a Queen but she has her share of fights to fall to easily into Peggy’s secret plan.

Gemma moves in then lines her right breast to Peggy’s, then presses in, both right breasts match at the roundest area of the breasts, then both women press into the other.

Their breasts recoil a bit then start to resist as they balloon up and bulge out to the sides. The two amazons glare in others eyes to watch for any sign they can’t match up. They press firmer and when they can no longer press in they both begin to roll, push, and smear the right breast meat to their rivals.

Both women are a bit stunned the other can take it and stay with her as they press tighter. As they do faces get closer and Gemma huffs at Peggy’s face, “uuhnn mm feel my right to yours honey hmm?, cmon your not full enough to match my tits”.

Peggy swallows she doesn’t admit it but her rivals right, to stay like this for a while will surely loosen her chest muscles and leave her breasts vulnerable to the fuller breasts planned attack.

To make Gemma show her true style, but not wanting to ease away and look weak, Peggy rotates her shoulder and in doing so her right breast is now driving Gemma’s right up and to each side.

Gemma feels it and is a bit taken back as she looks between them and huffs softly, “ohhh you bitch”. But Peggy is no fool she wasn’t about to expose her power move yet, in stead as her breasts pushes Gemma’s to the right, Peggy wipes her breast to the left and in and both her G’s shove at Gemma’s cleavage and get between the fuller mass.

Gemma arches and thinks Peggy made a huge mistake as she sneers, “oh honey you are about to watch your tits get pummeled”. Peggy makes a face as if she knows she is in trouble. Right till the moment Gemma inhales and arches her chest up, then Peggy drives into her.

Peggy’s breasts don’t just go into Gemma’s chest bone , instead Peggy angles her breasts to crease into the right breasts inner wall and forces the right breast to spread to the right and become pinned outward with no support.

Peggy uses her breasts like a rolling pin on the more tender inner breast wall, at first Gemma didn’t really feel it, but once Peggy stepped with her rivals steps to avoid the contact she started to pump as she rolled the inner wall.

Gemma was annoyed at first but once Peggy started to pump in, and she both felt and heard the fleshy clops ring out. Gemma shook her head in a confused state, her face looks up and sees Peggy’s face with a snarling hiss she says to Gemma, “oh my honey you certainly must be feeling this in the depth of your breast, you ok?”.

Gemma gets a snarl on her face as well but hers is from fighting the pain she is feeling, they only been fighting a solid 15 minutes and Gemma is already starting to huff her breathing, as her breast is being steam rolled and stretched outward.

Gemma tries to step back but Peggy is in her face, she tries to either side but Peggy is right with her. She stomps a heel as her frustration of the tight fight space is used against her.

Gemma then tries to lunge at Peggy, in hopes of getting her rivals balance off and turn the tide. But as Gemma steadies to lunge at Peggy, Peggy was ready, after all her rival was limited on her moves from this one.

Right before Gemma tries it, Peggy shoves her breasts agains the stretches right inner wall, making the now reddening breast jostle. Gemma is stopped before she can execute her counter.  The move Peggy does manages to give about 3 inches of space between their breasts, Gemma lets out a breath of relief, right till Peggy jams her breasts into the left breast inner wall and now starts the routine all over again, spreading the cleavage yet more and now creasing the round globe and pinning it outward.

Gemma pants out in an ache within her cleavage, “uuuhhh mmmffff you Bitch my tits”. Peggy not letting the move get to her head but enjoys hearing the reaction. It is by no means a fight ended, but from this point on the longer Gemma fights the looser and more her inner breast walls are going to hurt.

Their heels tap out as they stutter step one trying to break the move , the other looking to exploit it as long as she can,for another 5 minutes Peggy tortures the inner walls and cleavage. Then finally Gemma has had enough, she grows hurt and angry, and it is what Peggy needed her to be.

Peggy knows with Gemma feeling behind and aching now she will come at Peggy with her fight style and try to beat Peggy fast. Peggy also knows taking  whatever=ver Gemma dishes out may hurt but with any luck not enough o end the fight for her either.

Once that is over Peggy will know exactly how to fight Gemma and make her fight Peggy’s way, which with any luck the fuller woman won’t be a customer to. Thus opening her frustrations to make a mistake that will cost her the fight, hopefully.

Peggy doesn’t want to think of the other result, which would be Gemma is better than others have let on and she is also playing possum to learn Peggy’s method. Knowing if thats the case the fuller heavier breasts can and will pummel hers into a verbal submission.

Now we all know Peggy has suffered her losses, but even her best rivals after a win wished they never took her on. But she also knows if Gemma beats her, she will come to the pool area challenge Peggy openly and everyone will see the Queen battered at her own game and lose the town she fought so hard to get and keep.

They stand almost still now as Gemma tries to slide free of her abused cleavage, without making any more stretching. Peggy continues to pump, drag, and plunge into the exposed side wall, causing Gemma to start to grunt.

Finally having enough of of being worked, Gemma inhales and with a quick side to side snap of her shoulders, forces her breasts to slam Peggy’s in between them and the collision was firm and had Peggy feel it in her cleavage and breasts.

 Peggy was a bit taken back at the power Gemma displayed, so she pulls away and the two separate their breasts and part. They both breath heavy and glare, Gemma feeling the ache in her cleavage is a bit mad and worried.

But now Peggy despite having temporary control, felt the sudden counter and it had weighted power.  Peggy knew if she tries to go tit for tit in a titboxing display with Gemma, her breasts will only end up swollen and black and blue.

The two of them catch their breath , hands still on their own hair, they step about again then Gemma hisses, “whats the matter honey hmm?, can’t your tits box?”. Peggy can titbox and she has hurt many a rival ding so, but Peggy was also smart as a fighter. She knew to be goaded into standing toe to toe with a fuller heavier pair was suicide.

But Peggy wasn’t about to let Gemma think she was scared to fight her, she smiles at her rival.

Peggy purrs”oh honey my tits can box with the best of them, but i thought your tits could titfight not titbox, or can’t they?”.  Gemma saw fire in her eyes as she let Peggy get in her head, she arches her tits up and out and starts to swing them looking to pummel Peggy’s.

But this is what Peggy was ready for, most of her fuller rival think boxing Peggy’s breasts will get them a quick nod defined win. Peggy takes a similar posture but she doesn’t sway her breasts as much or fast.

Gemma marches into Peggy, they exchange a few tit for tit collisions , looking like two prize fighters with an open exchange. Both grunt and bear down as they exchange blows with their breasts. Gemma feeling the less heavy breasts smiles a she thinks *(i got this cow)”.

But Peggy wanted exactly that, she steps back making Gemma come to her, then as Gemma whips her breasts from left to right, Peggy dodges back, Gemma misses and Peggy dips low/ As Gemma by natural reaction swings back the other way, its to late to stop whats about to happen.

Gemma swings back her tits are extended so they lost some of the roundness. Peggy grunts as she stands and thrusts upward. A loud SMACK rattles the  rooms walls. Gemma cringes as the pain shoots from her shoulders to her feet and back.

Her large heavy breasts are hit so hard with the uppercut from Peggy’s breasts, they cause Gemma’s to mold around them a s they are hit.  Gemma throws her head back and screeches in pain, “AWWWWWW FUCK MY TITS!!”.

Her knees buckle but she doesn’t go down, Peggy sees this and knows she has to hurt her rival now and hard. Peggy lunges into Gemma and she starts to shove Gemma’s breasts side to side by grinding them with her own.

Gemma has watery eyes from the hard deep hit but she fights right back. The two women now grind, drag, smear, and pump tit to tit for the next 15 minutes with neither pulling from contact.

Gemma was sore maybe hurt, but Peggy was starting to feel Gemma as well now. She has to be mindful of her breasts in this fight but now is forced to bare the weight of her own heavy G’s and now the weight of these heavier H cups.

Gemma wants the close contact, she is smearing dragging and rolling her breasts all over and into Peggy’s. Peggy is starting to slow down, her breasts are fighting her rivals but the weight and the constant contact is starting to make her hurt and feel it more.

Well past 40 minutes of non stop fighting both women are now starting to perspire despite the cool room. Breasts, faces and foreheads glisten. Their breasts shine with a red hue from the fight and sweat.

Gemma leans into Peggy, she drags up and drops her tits on Peggy’s and then presses the contact. Peggy has to hold the heavier breasts, her shoulders get pulled in and down, it starts to hurt her back, shoulders and neck. Peggy huffs at the feeling, “Uhhhnn you Bitch my tits ohhh get off them and fight”.

Gemma huffing as she is sore but knows her weight can help break Peggy, presses in and down more. She hisses at Peggy’s face, “problems Bitch hmm?, want to get your tits free then fight mine”.

Peggy is squirming her upper body, she is still very much in the fight but she also knows if she has to hold Gemma’s heavy tits and her own for to long , her own chest will strec’tch and loosen her G’s up. If that happens Gemma will devour Peggy’s breasts and beat her into submission.

They both strain one to maintain a hold the other to get free and get back into the fight, finally Peggy formulates a move that will keep it within the rules. Her hands hooked on Gemma’s shoulders ease off, Gemma smirks thinking she is about to pummel her rival.

But Peggy instead of pulling her arms from under her rivals, pushes them in more then reaches up behind Gemma’s scalp and grabs two fistfuls of hair and pulls back and down on it.

Gemma feels the scalp and her facial skin get taught from the pull as she tries to resist the pull. But the pain is scorching hot in her scalp, her eyes well up as she snarls, “you Bitch”.
But Peggy is doing a move well within the agreed rules, she hisses at Gemma’s red face, “if you can’t take it give bitch”.

Slowly as Peggy tightens the pull , Gemma’s forced to look up at the white ceiling and bright lights, the more Peggy pries on the hair the more Gemma is being peeled from Peggy’s chest .

Finally as Gemma can hear and feel roots and strands snapping, she shakes her head and has to push back from Peggy. Peggy releases the hair hold as Gemma’s breasts slide off her own and the two amazons separate again.

They each move back from the other , both breathing heavier, Gemma shakes her hair out as Peggy wipes her fingers of hair. As they glare Gemma runs her hands under her breasts, Peggy inwardly smirks , she knows her uppercut while the hardest she has done, did make her rival feel her powerful breasts.

Gemma stares and sees that Peggy doesn’t caress or massage her breasts after such a long constant contact. While it seems insignificant, to the fighters it is a tell tale sign one is feeling the effects and could be in trouble if not careful.

But to Peggy it is like ringing the dinner bell for a lioness, she licks her lips and now knows a few mor of those uppercuts or one really good solid clean one, and Gemma will be done, and her own weight will help make her feel it more than most.

Peggy sensing victory is close eases her hands up in her hair and flexes those powerful G’s, they lift , hold and lower, and as she sees a slight droop in Gemma’s eyes, Peggy arches her tits outward, “cmon Bitch my tits came here to fight”.

Gemma huffs out a hot breath, she had hoped as many before Peggy, that making her rival hold her weight would make her want to give, cause to try to titbox fuller heavier breasts simply meant they could batter and pummel less heavier pair.

But Gemma is now realizing , that move is less effective on stronger tits. To give like this would be total embarrassment, Peggy fully understood that, she herself in any loss, made sure her rival was sorry for fighting her, win or lose.

Gemma eases her hands in her hair and breathes in deep, then wobbles her big tits, “well lets not disappoint them bring your tits here mine are ready”. Peggy already knew what Gemma had in mind, get close enough and unleash her tits on Peggy’s in hopes of causing mass pain in as quick as time as she could, forcing Peggy to want to give.

But Peggy was to seasoned to just let it happen, as they draw in again ready for more, Gemma lunges and twists her shoulders and snaps back around. Peggy stands as if willing to take the brunt of the collision, Gemma has a evil grin as she sees Peggy stand ready to accept it.

But Peggy was playing possum, as Gemma swings her weighted breasts Peggy pulls back a half step causing Gemma to miss. Her breasts stretch out and the round shape becomes elongated and thinned, they slap against her torso side,then quake as if punched.

Gemma lets out a discomforted grunt, but the real problem is about to wake her back up. Peggy didn’t hesitate as she lunges in after the miss, and with her rivals breasts stretched out together Peggy plows her powerful breasts directly into Gemma’s left breasts side wall, the force makes her left breasts crush aside her right and nearly flatten out.

Peggy’s G’s SLAP!!! So hard into the side wall, it sounded like her palm collided into the flesh. Gemma turns her head in pain, “AAWWWW you BITCH!!”. Peggy widens her stance , her tight skirts hem stretched around her powerful thighs and hiked up, as he crushes her breasts into Gemma’s and starts to grind and iron her rivals breasts against her own side.
Peggy continues the move and as Gemma tries to stagger away, Peggy is looks like she is connected to her rival.rolling her tits up and down the weekend side walls, “can’t take it then Give Bitch its gonna get a lot worse if you don’t”.

But Gemma shakes her head no as a few tears fall from her eyes, her mouth hangs open as she has never had such intense pain or been trapped in such a desperate state she wanted to give.

But like her rival unless she couldn’t go on without pain , she would fight to last effort she had and Peggy could sense it, so she turned up the torment when having the advantage. Having her fuller rival pinned in a bad way , Peggy starts to pump head on into the broad side wall, the thrusts are so powerful, she is making Gemma’s left breasts punish her right breasts sidewall.

It may not be enough to get a submission, but it was going to make Gemma sore and her desire to titbox will be limited if at all.  Peggy starts to lean her body into Gemma’s, her breasts are literally crushing and almost flattening Gemma’s against her side.

Gemma is gasping now, the pain and the abuse being constant is wearing on her breasts. she pants heavy, “UUGHh you fucking Bitch get off my tits , let me fight “. Peggy smiles, “wanna go on, then fight your way out or give”.

Gemma knew her rival wasn’t going to just let up, she knew cause she wouldn’t let up, if se wanted to fight Peggy she had to fight her way out of this move, and it would hurt to do so.

Peggy was like a machine, any flinch by Gemma , Peggy was right on her to counter. Finally Gemma knew what she had to do, it was going to be painful but she had to. Peggy was starting to make Gemma’s breasts sidewalls surface bruise from the constant abuse she had to do whatever it was now.

Gemma huffs a few breaths and then holds her breath as she rolls her shoulders and with brut force and fighting Peggy’s flesh, pulls her breasts back across her own chest to get square with Peggy. As she does Peggy feels it and presses tighter, making her breasts pull Gemma’s flesh as she drags her breasts back to front.

Peggy looks to the side as she presses to try and stop it, Gemma looks up shaking her head in pain as she has to get her self facing Peggy, “UUMFFF feeling my tits Bitch hmm”. Gemma in a hurting gasp, “UUGhhhhh BITCHHH oh GOD MY TITS YOU cxnt”.

Finally though Gemma turns her upper body and her breasts are now head on to Peggy’s, instantly as they both realize the fights back on, they start to pump, smear, grind and roll their breasts into others again.

Gulping, panting , gasping as the fight goes on as if just starting, sweat now running on their breasts and bodies, as their body heat gets turned up. Peggy is going at Gemma harder, she wants to hear her rival scream and give up.

Gemma wants the same and she is frustrated a less full bitch is dominating the fight, as they swell their veiny breasts against the others , ballooning the rounded red flesh in every direction, Gemma slowly starts to turn her motion in a up and down into Peggy’s motion.

The slight change is hard to notice right away with their round laden size, but Gemma is getting angry and as Peggy lifts her shoulders and presses in, Gemma smears her breasts low. As she does their sweat allows the fleshy globes to slide. Gemma’s breasts slip out under Peggy’s, Peggy feeling the break hisses, “put them up bitch we aren’t done”. Gemma sneers “your so right we aren’t done BITCH”. Just then Gemma dips lower and thrusts up hard, Peggy’s eyes go wide but it is to late. Gemma slams her breasts up into Peggy’s underside with a clean shot. SMACKKKKK!!! Fills the tight room.

Peggy’s head tossed back her body goes rigid in pain as she cries out, “OH YOU BITCH MY TITS!!”, Gemma stays after the teetering Peggy, pumping, and thrusting at will into the exposed undersides.

Gemma is on fire, “Cmon Bitch feel my tits now hmm?”, Peggy has teas in her eyes , she felt every ounce of the hit. Being pounded over and over Peggy has to do one thing, she has only done a few times.
Without admitting it and she never would, Peggy was feeling that deep painful ache , she normally has after a long fight with an equal, only now she is feeling and still has to fight.

Peggy knows if her rival starts to side to side drag or pump after a hit like this , she will be to hurt to go on. Peggy’s only recourse is to go down, she waits till Emma delivers not her thrust, then Peggy arches up on her toes and drops backward onto her ass.

Gemma nearly topples over Peggy when she lands from momentum, she huffs as she steps back looking down at Peggy, she growls, “ you GIVE huh SAY IT BITCH”, Peggy can’t help it she has to Ruben her right arm under tits as she rolls to her hip, so their weight doesn’t drop and add to the pain.

Gemma can see she hurt her rival, she straightens her body and with a confident smile swaggers side to side in front of Peggy, she cups her big tits as she hisses down at Peggy.

“Well if you don’t give Bitch get up and fight, before i pull you up and really hurt your tits.” , Peggy starts to rock up on to her knees , she has to get to get up within a minute or Gemma by all rights will make her stand by the hair , or pounce on her and really batter Peggy’s tots as she lays on top.

Gemma caresses her tits as if warming them up as she sees Peggy willingly start to rise, “nmmm thats it Bitch get up, my this are so hungry to fight more”. Peggy is slow to rise,she is taking her time to catch her breath and assess how hurt she is.

But as she does Gemma is doing the same, and once up to go on, both women will be going at it harder and rougher. Finally on her feet, Peggy eases her arm from under tits, there is a slight wince as her natural weight pulls down and her undersides hot, swollen and sore feel lie they are bouncing from the pain.

Gemma watches, she is as versed in titfight as Peggy and there is no hiding the obvious, she knows she hurt Peggy. Now as she waits to go on she has to find a way to deliver that same effective uppercut and put Peggy down and out of the fight for good.

But as Gemma eases her hands on her hair and shimmies she wants more, her mind is reminding her this less fuller bitch has been pounding her almost with no effort and making Gemma feel her, and it has Gemma worried.

Peggy is ready, her hands go to her hair and she flexes her breasts, Gemma nearly gasps at the ability after such a hit. Peggy inhales and hisses, “your fighting.a Queen bitch, its going to take a lot better move and woman to beat me after only an hour of fighting, cmon”.

They straighten up, and step around then square to each other, Gemma swallows, “just remember bitch when i hurt your tits so bad you can’t fight , i am coming for the rest of this town and you won’t be able to put up a fight”.

Peggy snarls, “that so?, well you better hope you win then, cause if you lose today i am having your store shut down and you will be moving out of my town”. Both women tense up then step into each other, their meaty globes crush head on, with a CLOP.

After a full hour both women tilt heads back at more contact, but now both tired and sore and swollen, the enthusiasm is slower pace for now. They balloon their huge breasts together , the flesh recoiled till it resists, then slowly as if agreed on they start to roll, and rub and prod and push their breasts to their rivals.

It is an erotic yet hate filled jealous slow motion duel that is no less going to cause pain, aches and bruises before it is over. The two amazons stand pressed into each other, their heads roll as they drive firmer to their rival, lips part to breath out hot air to hide a whimper or hiss of pain.

The women can’t look into their rival eyes out of fear of divulging more pain to the other, as the fight while slower, is no less aggressive the women drop their hands from their own hair and snake an arm under others arm and their other arm over her rivals shoulder and slowly pull into a mutual hug.

But this won’t be a vise like bear hug no, this hug is to stop the other from easing out of the combat about to unfold. Each recognizes what is about to happen. As they secure the mutual hug Gemma and  Peggy, turn their heads and press check to cheek.

Gemma hisses at PEGGY, “READY TO SETTLE THIS bitch?”, Peggy hisses back, “bring it Bitch it ends here and now no more breaks”. With no eye contact they both start to bump their breasts side to side, slow but firm dense CLOPs ring out.

Before they know it the slow motion struggle gains momentum, the dense clops now start to become firmer but sharper in sound as they two women are bumping faster.

Their faces smear sweat as they both grunt at the effect the other has, “mmmfff mfff mfff cmon bitch, uuggg uuuggg ugg harder fight my tits Bitch cmon”.

They rock,teeter and step as one, their faces, breasts, in full contact , as each dares the othe to fight harder, they pull the space between their breasts a bit wider, once content they have sufficient space, the finale begins.

Their grip loosens just enough then it begins, they both ram,plow,jab and shove their breasts head on into the others. There will be no boxing, this will be a standing body to body submission , be it verbal or one drops unable to go on.

The tiny room explodes in fleshy firm sharp clops, over and over, the only easing , is to roughly drag side to side by both in hopes to loosen her rival enough. The grunts louder, their breathing heavier and gasps forced out.

Exhausted and hurt both are almost using the other to stay upright, the fight going on one hour and 27 minutes. Bodies and muscles are becoming hydrated and knotting up.

Sweat is being drowned by tears to endure and outlast, huffs of bitch, and though meant as a demand are truly prayers as each asks “you give?”.

Another 15 minutes goes by of pure steady action, both are about to drop and give, thats when its time for one to end the others will to go on. Both women tighten and the clops are even harder, both now freely groan and whimper in pain from contact.

Then with a simple shift of feet, a hard “CLOP” ,rings out, then only by feel one presses her breasts in, the other exhales as if she caught her rival making a huge error, the other a brief grin her move will work.

They crush in and both bodies undulate their upper halves, breasts squish out between them, the rolling slow but so firm their breasts look ready to burst. When suddenly one pair catch the other pair just under aureolas.

Then instead of sliding up , or rolling up, they press under and lift the pair. The women feeling hers lift nearly openly cries as she attempts to snake like avoid it. But as she cant she feels her rivals pair envelop hers back on themselves.

As it happens her skin stretches up and back, her undersides lift and exposed, then she cries as her rival starts to use her breasts like rolling pins , flattening the trapped breasts like gooey mounds of dough.

Her eyes close, her mouth lets out her pain, her shoulders droop. Then her rival in an exhausted tone, “do you give?”, she can’t she won’t says her mind, but her heart is ready, she gulps, “no fight”.

The other wanting to cry this will go on decides hurting her rival more is the only way, she swallows braces the pumps as she rolls up and down her rivals breasts. She gasps in her ear, “you give ?”.

She doesn’t want to admit the defeat but her while she wants to fight on, her breasts are hurt deep and every second being hurt more, she cries out, “aaghhh bitch my tits ohhh you bitch”. Her rival increases the torture, “give bitch or i am gonna hurt you bad”.

The exchange goes on another 5 minutes then it comes, “you give hmm?”, no reply then finally a nod then another, finally its said, “ok ok stop i give i give you win”.

Her rival provides one long last press and drag then her own arms drop to her sides, her face looks up as if begging god to make it stop, her rivals arms open and she feels her knees buckle and her body slumps to the floor.

She cradles her breasts as she babbles, ‘’ please no more i give “, but her rival wants her due, she grabs her by the hair forcing her onto all fours, she mounts her bare back and then sets her hot reddened breasts on her bare back.

She begs again “please no more your tits won stop”, but as her rival slaps her palms onto her swollen loose sore breasts and her fingers trap the over sized flesh they squeeze, twist and pull. Slow at fist then gain momentum.

She hears her rival growl in her ear, “give me your milk or I’ll keep going bitch all of it”, her head drops and hangs, as she feels her milk fill up into her lower glands and bulge at her nipples till finally they burst into spraying geysers.

The internal pressure release feeling good but the pressure applied to get the flow is 100 times worse, her confidence, her pride and her reputation being pulled from her.

Finally with the floor soaked under her loose bruised breasts, her rival pushes her down in it, rolled on to her back her hair sops some of it up, she is forced o look up at the two more powerful breasts standing out over her, nipples stiff, as her rivals eyes peer over the victorious veiny globes.

Then as Gemma looks up, Peggy snarls down at her, “you have 3 weeks to get out or I’ll be back got it?”, she swallows with a lump in her throat then nods, but as Peggy gets up slips on her blouse ad grabs both bras, Gemma weak and ruined hisses, “before i leave i want to fight you”.

Peggy steps by her prone body, sets her heel on Gemma’s tits and looks down, “come by my town pool anytime honey and we will fight anyway you like, till then your closed got it?”. Peggy scrapes her heel off Gemma’s breasts and calls for the elevator she steps in and takes the slow ride down.

The cashier a huge grin thinking Peggy lost , gasps as Peggy steps from the steel elevator with both bras, she glares at the cashier, who in fear opens the register and hands Peggy one thousand dollars.

Peggy struts out , i start the car, and i see mom won the bras, she inhales and groans ,”just drive me home “, as we get to the next light Mom opens her top and cups her own breasts. I had to ask , “mom are you ok?”, she rests her head back on the seat, “ohh honey that bitch was tough, i need ice and warm compresses then i will be ok, just watch the bumps on the way home”.

Once home Peggy nearly ran to the shower, i made up her compresses, she got in bed, applied her creams and compresses and stayed in bed for 5 days healing, but as she said once up and about, “well i won against a fuller bitch, that should shut a few mouths”.

Chapter 2 When you look for Trouble it Finds You

Peggy after the deep soreness eased was on a natural high having beat the fuller shop owner, and word spread when both prospective challengers and those already vanquished by her heard.  When they learned who was the one to beat her many nodded saying , of course she did.

Peggy was visiting the pool more often, i wasn’t sure why, so i asked one afternoon what was going on. She smiled and softly said, “Amber my sweet, i barely beat her, and she knows it so i am confident she will be around”.

The day seem to drag on, even the few women at the pool who sensed something might be brewing grew tired of waiting. They were all confident whoever Peggy was waiting on, realized challenging her was a mistake and decided to stay home.

One by one they started to leave and go home, Mom wanted to be sure no one was coming, she knew only one was suppose to, but truth is any woman could stroll in looking for her.

The sun starts to go down, we sat as the pool area went from bright white look to a white dimming grey. The pool water was like a mirror, still and reflecting he hills around us in the distance.

I wanted to leave but Peggy was positive Gemma wanted more and if she wasn’t here till dark and she showed, it would make others question why she wasn’t here to accept a challenge, especially one all knew might happen after the fight they had.

Mom inhales deep, she drops her magazine on her legs and looks out at the distance, “well Amber maybe she isn’t coming , at least today”. Just as she sits up on the lounger and starts to pack her pool bag the squeak of the fence can be heard.

I look back and i see a woman close the gate and i whisper to Peggy, “i think she just showed up”. Peggy looks up her eyes scan the woman and she whispers to me, “it might be best you go grab a drink or something “.

It was Gemma she stood by the gate looking our way, i moved my pool bag behind my lounger and stood up, i walked quickly to the tiki bar and grabbed a water and sat to watch what was going to happen.

Gemma sees i am staying to watch and not be involved, then looks back to Peggy, “so i guess you were expecting me”, Peggy sits up more and tilts her head a bit, “i was but a lot earlier when is was busy here”.

Gemma breathes in, being late in the day it makes it look like she was worried to fight as others watch, add to the fact Peggy waited all day. Gemma had on a satin green Kim one and under neath a simple white tee shirt larger than her size to accommodate her huge breasts.

Her hair was up tight this time, and Peggy knew she wasn’t here to discuss a way she can keep her shop, she was looking for a fight, and Peggy was going to give it to her.  Gemma stood looking at Peggy, i could see she was thinking was this the best idea but it was to late for her own self pride to turn and leave.

Peggy arched back on her hands set behind her on the lounger, her big breasts tight in her bikini top stood out and up, her nipples were tenting the taught cups as were aureolas, she smirked in pride.

The straps to her bikini top were stretched to their limits holding her heavy form laden G’s, as Gemma stares at the pose Peggy slowly flexes her breasts to show Gemma, no matter how hard their fight was , she was as firm and ready as ever.

Peggy’s neon yellow bikini looked painted on, her red hair up and tight as she expected action today. Peggy just purrs to her rival, “so it is obvious you came here looking for a fight, so whats it gonna be?”.

Gemma was wearing pink heel sandal an thong, and the white tee shirt that easily showed her large round breasts under it, her nipples and aureolas were tenting it as if they could rip through it.

She steps from the gate and hands on hips and her hip cocked, tilts her chin up, “well i doubt you were ever challenged to this, but i want another titfight but not like we had, this one is harder, rougher and painful”.

Peggy breathes in, she was still a little sore from the normal titfight and though she only said it to me, the weight in Gemma’s breasts made her this sore. But she was a Queen here and as such had to accept any challenge.

She softly purrs as if confident whatever the style she will prevail, “well sounds interesting, especially since we are both still a little sore, but lay it out for me and we will fight”.

Gemma breathes in a huff, she was hoping Peggy would tell her to get out or try to talk her into a normal breast fight. Gemma saunters into the pool area more , her heels a defined clicking crunch on the cement, she pauses by Peggy’s lounger.

Peggy stands up just in case, then Gemma tells Peggy how this fight goes, let me tell you when i heard this , i nearly stepped in and was going to say hell no.  Gemma hisses , “it is simple, we get topless we stand face to face and bend at the waist, my chin goes on your shoulder and yours on mine, our tits hang freely. Then we use our fists, to punch tits, ribs and tummies, till one of us gives”.

Peggy took a slow deep breath in, i could see it in her eyes when Gemma said harder and rougher she meant it, it also meant win or lose after this fight Peggy was going to need a long long recovery time.

Peggy licks her lips, “and the rules?”, Gemma looking mom up and down, “we can grab hair and tug, we can grab tits and squeeze and twist, and when either goes down or to her knees the other can deliver more blows till she gives or gets up”.

Peggy looking he rival up and down, “sounds intense and what are the stakes?, i mean i beat you tit to tit fair and square, and honestly other than another top to my collection, you have nothing to entice me to go this hard.”

Gemma knew mom was right, what could she offer that would make it worth Peggys time and effort, and more over, what was it Gemma wanted if she won.

You could see the gears in Gemma’s mind turning, as if she hadn’t thought this far ahead, the two amazons stand there ready to go at it but hold back. Finally Gemma says, “well obviously winner takes tops, and milks loser, can also face sit or breast smother. As far as what either gets , well if i win i want to be able to keep my shop open and fight as i like,, if you win i leave for good, and i will hand over my most valuable books, you can sell and easily make enough to pay off your house”.

Peggy was thinking it over, she did catch a glimpse of the rare books and knew on the dark web she could certainly make some good money, but was that worth the pain she was abou to go through.

That’s when Peggy shocked not just me but Gemma, “ok Gemma I’ll agree to that on one condition added to it”, Gemma breathes in she clearly wasn’t ready for the alternative. “Name it”.

Peggy a sly smirk, “if i win i get your top, your books and you will fight the woman of my choice in a titfight and this new style as i watch agree?”. I nearly fell of the stool, it meant if mom won Gemma was going to have to fight another and with the many women mom knew it was certain whoever she chose would give Gemma a savage fight for Peggy.

Gemma swallows but she brought this here and on herself, to back out now would be the smart way, but she couldn’t break her own pride and confidence again after losing to a less full woman.

She slowly says “i agree, now where can we fight, we will need a decent amount of room”, Peggy inhales she wouldn’t say no to a challenge but this was one of those rare and guaranteed fights that leaves both hurt bad after.

She knows she has to accept as much as Gemma, “right over here, by the patio its hard surface but has the least amount of distractions and best footing”.

Gemma turns and follows Peggy, they are silent as they walk to go fight, they reach the smooth  grey cement patio, the for columns act like ring posts. Peggy stands by the left front one, and drapes her robe on the knee high wall.

Gemma then grabs the bottom of her tee and rolls it in her fingers and starts to lift it up over her head. She pulls the tee up and her large round breasts drop free and sway after they clop against her body.

She tosses it on the ledge of the same wall then takes her top that was hanging from her thong bottom and drops it at her heels. Peggy seeing it reaches up and undoes her top and eases it off then drops it at her heels.

Both women caress and knead their breasts as if warming them up, as they slowly step forward to face the other. I walk over and sit on the ledge and get ready to watch these two try to destroy the others breasts.

Gemma widens her arms a bit as she glares at Peggy, then Peggy mimics the gesture, then both press their breasts into others and slowly lean forward. Their large veiny mass smears down each other’s pair.

Finally they set their chins on the others shoulder, their mouths next to others ear, their breasts sway apart and hang. They hang free and are wide open targets for what is about to come, as i look they each act as if this a normal fight, but inside both are nervous and worried.

Gemma hisses at Peggy’s ear, “you ready Bitch?”, Peggy breaths in, “bring it Bitch”. They both widen their long sinewy legs, and straighten them till almost locked that way. Their rears pushed back and the small of their backs form a saddle as they adjust to make sure their breasts are freely hanging.

Gemma reaches up and both her hands cup Peggy’s breasts and lift and knead at them, Peggy follows suit. Gemma hisses ,”I am not gonna stop till i burst both of these tits”.

Peggy as she kneads at Gemma’s “you better hope you can bitch, cause after i put you down , i am going to pummel your tits on the ground.”  It was enough taunts each just wanted to fight, Gemma releases Peggy’s breasts a sPeggy does the same.

As they pull their hands back i see both make fists, i am watching it but i can’t believe it, as rough and furious a fist fight can be, at least their chances of each missing a solid hit or blows landing any where with face hits. But this was a new level of pain each was going to inflict, and while Gemma may have a few of these fights under her belt, Peggy was solely reading on her natural animal instinct to fight to win.

Gemma steadies her body as does Peggy , with hands balled into fists she growls, “FIGHT”. Instantly i hear the fleshy SMACK of a fist sinking into a round breast. It was Peggy’s right breast, her right shoulder dipped as she felt the hard hit to her breast.

But instead of folding up to cover, she took the hit then sinks her right fist into Gemma’s, the same sold SMACK rings out as Gemma just takes the blow. They can hear the others breathing increase now but neither says a word, then Gemma flies her left to Peggy’s breast, “Cmon bitch” she spits. But instantly Peggy not only fires her left into the side wall of Gemma’s breast, but then fires a right straight up into Gemma’s nipple and aureola.

Gemma grunts but doesn’t say anything more, but as i watch i see her wince as the blows landed, her breasts get bounced up and drop down and bump together as they settle hanging.

Gemma swallows heavily then swings her right into Peggy’s side wall , then her left into the other breasts sidewall, then with a snarling face only i see delivers the same style upper cut to Peggy’s right breast.

Peggy winces now and spits, “that all you got bitch  hmm?”, Gemma snarls back, “i have a lot more bitch but i wanna make sure i hurt you before i put you down”. Peggy slams a right , left , right into Gemma’s breasts, the clops are so deep in the breasts you hear the effect through their chests.

As Gemma grunts Peggy delivers a second set of right, left to her rivals sides, Gemma pants , “uuugghh mmmfff mfff mmfff ohhh you cxnt”. Peggy hears the effect her fists have and she starts to swing up at Gemma’s hanging tits.

Gemma gasps as Peggy takes control, then starts to swing up at Peggy’s breasts, they use their breasts as speed bags in a gym as each swings freely. Both women grunt and gasp as fists pummel their breasts, then Gemma slams a right to Peggy’s ribs and it causes Peggy to dip a bit on that side.

She lets on the blow landed solid as she gasps, “aawww Bitch”. But then before Peggy can fire another volley, Gemma steps at her making Peggy step back off balance then as Peggy resets her stance Gemma slams a right fist into Peggy’s lower tummy.

The sickening THWACK of her fist sinking into Peggy’s tummy rings out, Peggy coughs out loudly, “UUGHHHHMFFFFF cxnt”. Gemma like a pro boxer fires a series as Peggy is stunned.

She delivers a right, left , right to the breasts, then a left , right to the ribs and finally a second set of rights to Peggy’s belly. Peggy her eyes glassy from pain is feeling the punches, she grunts and curses but when Gemma lands the final right to the upper belly, Peggy’s head lifts off her shoulder and her knees buckle and she drops to them.

Gemma huffing looks down, “get up and fight me you cxnt, cmon fight”, Peggy has her arm across her solar plexus she had the wind knocked from her. Unable to just stand up and go on, Gemma struts around the back of her.

She grabs the top of Peggy’s hair and tugs back on it, Peggy’s head is snapped back forced to look up. Gemma her right hand balled in her fist pulls it way back then fires it into Peggy’s right breast.

The SMACK is deep and hard, Peggy screeches out , “YOU cxnt MY TIT”, but Gemma sneers, “i am gonna break your tits cow”, she starts to freely punch at Peggy’s tits and when Peggy covers them she punches her stomach or sides.

Peggy is getting battered and she can only do one thing , she cradles her lower body in, her arms curl down and covers up everything. Gemma shakes her head by the hair , “Get up you fucking cxnt”.

Peggy tears drip,  yells out, “get the fuck off me cxnt and let me up, I’ll fight you”. Gemma steps back and Peggy swallows as she stands, she rubs her belly, then both women assume the same position and lean against the other.

Gemma as soon as she is set swings a hard right to Peggy’s left breast, I heard the dense fleshy THWACK ring out. My first thought was to jump up and stop this senseless fight, i was sure Gemma just tore open Peggy’s old wound between her arm pit and breast.

But while the punch hurt it didn’t disable Peggy, she kind of turned from the blow as she felt it hit, no doubt lessening the full effect. Then uses her right fist to fire a straight upper cut into Gemma’s breast at the left aureola.

Gemma winced and gulped as she felt every ounce of the hit, but before he could fire back Peggy unleashed her own pummeling. Peggy sank a left uppercut to Gemma’s right breast, then a right and left cross to each breast.

Gemma thinking Peggy wanted to burst her breasts, pulls her elbows in. But Peggy wanted her to cover so she could unleash on Gemma’s body.  Peggy slams a right to Gemma’s ribs forcing her to lean from the hard blow and cough out.

Peggy then instantly follows with a left to the breasts which is mostly blocked by Gemma’s arm, then drives a right up into Gemma’s solar plexus. The blow nailed its target as Gemma lost her wind. But instead of covering and going to a knee to get Peggy off her Gemma thought she could swing back.

There is a brief exchange between the two women as they step around bashing each other, then Peggy drives a lower blow to Gemma’s pubic bone. The fist nearly cracked the bone as Gemma looked like someone pulled her feet out from under her.

She was hit so hard she fell flat on her breasts and face, Peggy now walked side to side in front of her rival, “getting up cxnt? Cmon lets play get up”.  Gemma was hurt for sure, she tried to go right to standing but as she pulled up her body yanked her back down hard to her knees.

As per her rules Peggy didn’t give her another offer to give or get up and fight. Instead Peggy gets behind Gemma as she gags while on her knees. She grabs a fistful of hair and straddles Gemma from behind, as she rips her rivals head up and back by the hair, Peggy with her right fist starts to slam away at Gemma’s breasts.

It was one of the worse beatings I had seen Peggy deliver to a hated rival. Gemma’s breasts were bounced, crushed and pummeled in every direction. When she pulled her hands up to protect them Peggy was firing rights into her rivals ribs, and stomach.

Gemma was being beaten up so bad she couldn’t catch her breath enough to submit or yell for Peggy to let her up to fight on. But Peggy was a warrior, and when she got the smell of blood in her nostrils (hypothetically), nothing could stop her from going for the win.

After several more right fists to every where but Gemma’s face Peggy yanks back on the scalp and pulls Gemma on to her back on the patio. Peggy then pounces on her rival and straddles her, and starts to punch down into Gemma’s tits as if they were sandbags.

Peggy was in a zone and she didn’t care how bad or who knew she was pounding this woman.
Gemma was under Peggy crying, her eyes were mostly shut as she tried to pull her arms over her tits but when Peggy got mad she was protecting herself, she pulled the arms under her knees and had free pen reign to pummel away.

Gemma was openly crying and screamed out ‘STOP”, but Peggy was in another zone she never heard her rivals cries, she just saw red and wanted more punishment for her rival.

Finally i screamed “MOM STOP SHES DONE”, Peggy stopped and with her right fist poised to deliver a blow glares down at the crying Gemma. She growls in a threatening tone, “You Give ?’.

Gemma was reeling and couldn’t reply right away, Peggy hoisted her fist higher to start again, “Do you Give!!!”?. Finally Gemma nods, “YEs yEs STOP GET OFF ME”, Peggy grabs both of Gemma’s breasts in her hands and starts to squeeze and milk her as she glares down at her.

As she twists and squeezes deeply and hard and rough she snarls, “Understand me cxnt, i see or hear of you in my town again I won’t be as nice, next time I’ll rip your tits off got it?’’.

Gemma nods as she has her milk spraying on her tits and chest, finally content Peggy stands up and delivers a side kick to Gemma’s side. Then stands back hands on her hips, waiting for her rival to stand up.

Peggy collects her bikini top as Gemma gets up to leave she walks hurt and bent a bit to her side and grabs her tee shirt, then her top. Peggy follows her “Stop right there Bitch”, Gemma turns , “What do you want you cxnt”. Peggy lost it, she drops her top and fires a right to Gemma’s cheek, Gemma as hurt as she was, took the blow and made the mistake of punching Peggy in the face.

The two topless amazons exchange another flurry of fists, clacking, thuds and smacks are heard as heads tilt back and they fire away. Then as i figured was going to happen, Peggy drove a left to Gemma’s breast, she curled up her arms over it in agony, as she did Peggy delivered a right uppercut that Mike Tyson would be proud of.

Gemma’s head snapped back and up, her knees went limp and she went down hard. Her head hit the hard cement and she was out. Peggy steps over her and looks down and saw the glassy eyes roll back, she knew Gemma was out.

Peggy scrapes her heel on Gemma’s bruised and red breasts then walks to where Gemma had her top and grabs it, then she steps on the tee shirt and and pulls it up till it rips in half and she drops it on Gemma’s face.

As Peggy grabs her robe and swaggers toward the gate, a few women who were walking by heard the fight and ran up to see. As they were use to Peggy was strutting out holding two tops and her robe, as her rival lay knocked out.

Peggy gave me a look and i ran to start the car , she looks at the two women and growls an order, “you two missed the fight but you will go get that trash out of my pool area got it!”.

Both women nod and walk quickly to Gemma on the ground, Peggy slowly defends the steps and as she stands by the car door slips her robe on. She gets in the car with the robe open and her breasts were black and blue,red and a hint of green all in the shape of knuckles.

Her cheek swelled up and her  ribs must have been hurting cause she was holding them, as we drove home I caught a glimpse in her open robe and damn it if her breasts weren’t standing up and out and barley jostling tot he sway and bumps of the car.

Once home Peggy walked in the house and straight up to her room, she took a long shower then sat in bed with a few ice packs as she watched tv. .

I passed her room and she called to me, “Amber”. I stopped and poked my head in, “yes Mom what do you need?”. She looked at me , “next time i have a fight and i am beating some bitch in any style fight, NEVER interrupt me again understand?”.

I was going to argue you were about to kill her but i saw the green fire in her eyes and i just swallowed, “Of course Mom you got it”. Later that day Dad got home and he asked about mom, i asked he not say i said anything and told him what took place.

He grabbed my arms smiled and said “Never step in when Mom’s in a fight ever” then hugged me and he went to take care of her.

It took a week before Peggy was feeling well enough to be out and about, but she and i knew she wasn’t ready for a fight anytime soon. But Peggy was the Queen and while she might have to accept a challenge as to when she would fight was her choice.

After the second week Mom, Dad and I went for lunch, we drove by the spot Gemma had her store and the closed for good was on the front window. Movers were taking things from the store, when Peggy saw Gemma was there.

She made Dad stop the car and she got out, swaggers to the front of the store and pushed Gemma from the back. Gemma turned and her eyes got huge, “what do you want “?. Peggy hissed in a threatening growl, “I want that first edition rare book for kicking your fate ass Bitch, unless you wanna step around back and fight me”.

Gemma steps to her car opens the trunk and opens a box, she grabs a book and hands it to Peggy. Peggy looks at her, “you better be gone by 5pm or you and i are gonna go another round got it?”.

Gemma looked like she was gonna cry, she nodded and we left, as we ate lunch Peggy skimmed through the first edition book, jus then a man walked over and asked if she was looking to sell it.

Peggy smiled and said “for the right price anything can be sold”, he looked at the book then offered Peggy almost double, after electronically sending Peggy the money she handed it off.

He thanked her and then said, “you know the shop a few blocks down has rare books?”, he nods ,”i was just headed there why?”. Peggy smiles, “Well i heard the owner , i think her names Gemma?, she wants that book and will pay triple if you bargain enough”.

The mans eyes widen and he thanks Peggy then practically runs out to get to the shop. Peggy looks at us with a big smile, “what? I like helping others out”.

We went back home and on the way we saw the shop was closed and Gemma was never seen again.

The end


Offline Coldrin25

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2023, 10:06:41 AM »
An intense bout for sure! Had hoped for the second chapter to be longer, that was an interesting new way to tackle a fight!

Though I did wonder about the hair pull in the titfight. I thought it was agreed not to pull hair, and at no point before or after the incident does it happen again, but it did feel like it gave Peggy an out by breaking the agreed upon rules while also apparently staying within the rules? Unless I misread it, and I do apologise if I did.


Offline DottiD

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2023, 02:07:38 PM »
In most of these fights meaning breast fights at least from my experiences ,it is not a hair pull like you think in a catfight or a strictly hairpulling fight, it is used more for control to stop your opponent from backing away while you are taking the advantage. however like in any fight or competition tempers do get the better of the fighters especially if one is losing or has to fight harder then originally anticipated, or generally gets pissed off.
We (I) try to limit the amount of hair pulling cause of that reason, but when two bodies are sweaty, or use oil or lotion and it is hard to hold the other in close ,the hair is the one go to ensuring you keep your opponent in front of you to press the advantage.
As for this in this part of the fight, it is used to emphasis Peggy's brutal anger and how she was ready to make sure Gemma never wanted to try her again. even irl tempers flare and rules get broken no matter how strict both try to stay within the lines


Offline Silent Watcher

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2023, 06:44:26 PM »
Really enjoyed this one, amazing and delightfully violent specially the second chapter. Altough I wanted Gemma to win, the complete way in wich she was defeated was incredible and really hot to read.
Specially, I like the way at the end of the first chapter how you left the winner in the dark for a couple of sentences. Usually when this happens is a clue that the main character has lost but in this case the loser was the antagonist. A small detail perhaps, but that's the part I enjoyed more as a reader.
Hope in the next weeks you continue to gift us with new stories and with reuploads of older ones  ;)


Offline DavidG

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2023, 10:36:22 AM »
Great story and a fight style I had never even heard about to finish things
Loved every bit of it
Thank you Dotti


Offline YH5050

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2023, 09:31:45 PM »
Awesome! Just Awesome!


Offline DottiD

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2023, 11:32:20 PM »
Thank you again all means more than you can know, I am trying to dig up the Peggy series in order ,hell of an undertaking as my computer just through the files in random order.. so i am re reading to place them in half decent time line order. while i am  doing that i have  2 new Peggy stories as well as trying to make new ones. So i had a request for Connie, from "Hottest tub" to have more fights since she beat a fuller and more experienced woman. if you all care to weigh in before i start so i don't get to far in be a huge help.


Offline krrishtiano

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #7 on: February 04, 2023, 09:31:13 AM »
We love the character Connie and loved the concept of hot tub titfighting!


Offline gbox12

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2023, 07:44:25 AM »
Fantastic action. Like the character development. Puts the violent tit on tit action in perspective. Peggy is a queen thru and thru win or lose, honest, fair, just, and vicious when needed.

There does seem to be a loose end, doesn’t Gemma owe Peggy a hanging tit bludgeoning fight while Peggy watches??  I wonder if this was done in public at the pool, it might encourage the ladies to branch out in their activities


Offline DottiD

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2023, 04:08:29 PM »
Much appreciated again all, so I know it’s tough to see Peggy or really any liked characters have one major fight or a fight and rematch. But the first thing with Peggy is her motto to approaching a fight , win or lose her goal is to make her rival sorry she fought her. The reason being so if she faced a hard rival she wouldn’t risk it all again in a rematch, though characters like Gina come back for more having same pride level, where as Joleen in the original series won but wanted no part of Peggy in a rematch. These new Peggy stories I am adding are more to keep her series alive as per requests to do so. With Peggy being 60 now I didn’t want to go onward to much more and have it become totally unbelievable. But if you all want her to go on at her age it can be arranged. I will admit I love her character as well, and if any 3-D artists is willing to discuss putting art to her and her fights love to hear from you .


Offline Drake8

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2023, 04:38:33 PM »
Its great so see you back Dotti and to have a new Peggy story after so much time what a present.  All your Peggy stories are amazing and this is as good as the previous ones or even better. A very rough opponent for the great Peggy this time, she took various beatings in her travel to Poland against Anya but now she shows again she is the Queen and won against a polish woman that are probably her nemesis. Amazing how she is not afraid to that new fight style, Peggy always so reckless.

 To me Peggy is the best character ever so I always want new stories about her, but as you said with 60 its sadly difficult to believe that body and fights. I always imagine her as if she has 40-45 years old to make the stories more believable, with Bea Flora, Virginia Bell or the tiktoker Mady Gio body (I hope is similar to the Peggy you have in mind Dotti).
It would be great to have art of these stories to know how Peggy is, in this site I really like BCW8 art, he is a genious as an artist and writer, his art is similar to the great RAM. A collaboration between you would be amazing.


Offline DottiD

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Re: The Shop Keeper
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2023, 08:41:55 PM »
Drake if you ever chat with him by all means inform i am interested in having Peggy art done, btw in my profile is a 3D so well done it looks a photo, anyway its of a busty redhead i picture her being Peggy maybe a bit fuller but its pretty close to my idea of her, i am writing a few other Peggy stories as her younger self that no one has seen before so keep an eye out, plus i will be writing her finale sometime , if you or anyone else has a thought on a new main character i will consider it.