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Heavenly Purgatory: Part 4: Final

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Heavenly Purgatory: Part 4: Final
« on: February 07, 2023, 04:27:02 PM »
A year had gone by just like that. A year of nothing but pure, non-stop, marathon, unadulterated lesbian sex with my reflection…and it was the best goddamn year of my life. We did just about everything that two hot sluts could possibly do to each other. There was not one inch of either of our bodies that had gone untouched, ungroped, unpinched, unlicked, unsucked or untasted. We fucked in just about every part of the house. The bedroom, the bathroom, the shower, the kitchen, the living room, even the laundry room. We would trib, kiss, 69, bukkake, wrestle, grind tits, everything. If you can imagine it, we did it. However, all good things must come to an end at some point and somewhat to my surprise, Alexis, while clearly bummed, did not try to force me to stay like she did in our first match. After a long day and night of debauchery, the time had come for me to finally leave. I was actually pretty depressed about it myself. As I got up to get ready to leave, Alexis gave me the saddest expression. Seeing an expression like that on your own face is beyond heart wrenching.

“I had an amazing time.” I said.

“So did I.” She said.

“If I stay any longer, I don’t think I could stop myself from wanting to stay forever.” I explained.

“Sounds good to me.” She joked.

We both laughed and then an awkward silence hit us.

“I’m gonna miss you.” I said.

I gave her a loving kiss goodbye and got up to leave. As soon as I exited the bed, she wrapped her arms around me from behind and pressed her tits against my back as she started kissing at my skin. I quickly reacted by moaning.

“I may as well take advantage of every remaining second that you’re with me.” Alexis said.

My clone then reached in front of me and began fondling my DDs with one hand and playing with my pussy with the other.

“Ahh!” I groaned. “You just couldn’t make it easy on me, could you, bitch?”

She shoved her finger up my cxnt in response. I had to practically drag myself and her all the way downstairs and towards the front door as she pawed at me and molested me like a sexdoll. Jeez, is this really how thirsty I would be if I could only ever fuck one girl in my entire life?…Well, probably, yeah. It took me about 15 minutes but I finally made it to the front door and opened it, revealing a spinning, purple vortex that had to be the portal out of here. Alexis took notice and finally let go of me. She quickly regained her sorrowful expression, as did I.

“I guess this is it.” I said sadly.

“Yeah.” She said, also sadly.

It just then came back to me that the second I step into that portal, Alexis will no longer exist. I know I had to leave but…I just had to think of some other way. Anything. As I stood there deep in thought, Alexis hugged me and whispered in my ear.

“Just go already.” She said. “Don’t make this any harder on either of us.”

“Wait…” I said, just now getting an idea. “What if I take that potion again?”

“What?” Alexis asked.

“Yes!” I said. “If I take that potion again, maybe I can come back here whenever I want! Would that work?”

“I…I don’t know.” She answered honestly. “No one has ever taken the potion twice.”

“Well, it’s worth a try.” I said. “Plus, if you won’t exist anymore after I leave and it does work, that means the very next thing that happens for you would be me coming back here!”

“Oh, that could work!” She said excitedly. “I don’t know if I’ll still have the memories we’ve made together but it’s better than nothing!”

“Yeah, I’ll try that!” I said. “But just in case it doesn’t work…”

I grabbed my twin’s face and pulled her in for a nice, passionate, lustful, sloppy, tongue-filled make out session. We kissed like horny teenagers for at least ten minutes straight before she broke it.

“Okay, just leave already before I drag you down to the floor already!” She said, giggling. “And promise me you’ll fuck Felicia nice and hard.”

“You know me just as well as I know myself.” I said. “I’ll make her scream until she loses her voice.”

I kissed her one last time and mouthed “goodbye” to her as she mouthed “love you” to me. I then pulled away from her even though every atom in my slutty body was begging me not to and I finally went through the portal.

The very next thing I remember was waking up in bed. The same bed that I fucked Alexis in for a year, now in the real world. Unrealistic and kind of pathetic as it was, I actually looked around, hoping to find her but she wasn’t there. I felt so…mentally overwhelmed. You know how sometimes you feel like the dream you had was much longer than the actual time you had to have been asleep? Imagine that feeling times a million for me right now. I looked at my phone and it was 7:00 AM. I tried to get up but it was physically painful. Every muscle and joint ached and begged me for rest. A year’s worth of post-sex exhaustion had hit me like a tank. I just had to go back to sleep, so I did. I slept like a boulder. I didn’t even know or care how long. The next time I woke up, I felt like a normal wake up. Still a little groggy but not completely drained. I checked my phone and…It still said 7:00 AM…That can’t be right…Unless…No way. I checked the date and…Another day had passed! I slept for a full 24 hours! What the fuck?!

As that realization washed over me like another nympho’s cum, I got up and I oddly felt…great. Stronger and more alive. As if all the experiences I had in the dream world with Alexis actually did affect me in the real world. So, that was the point of her potion. Not just to live out a fantasy but to make me a better sexfighter. Well, she’s about to find out for herself just how effective it was. I can’t wait to make that scheming witch cream all night long. It was at that moment that I got a call. It was Carly! I had almost forgotten about her! For me, it had been over a year but for her, it’s only been a couple days. I missed her a lot. I picked up the phone.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Hey, sweet clit!” She said nicely. “Where you been? I’ve been trying to reach you for two days! Did you meet Felicia yet?”

“I did…Boy, I sure fucking did.” I answered.

“And? Don’t leave me hanging!” She said.

“Honestly, I think you should come over, so I can tell you face-to-face. Have I got a story to tell you.” I said.

“Okay, keep me in suspense, bitch.” Carly joked. “But fine. Ron’s still away and I wanna fuck you, so why not?”

She hung up before I could make a snappy comeback. You’d think after a year of incessant, unending sex, I’d want to give my pussy a break…Yeah, you would think that…but you’d be wrong. Carly showed up and while I wanted to tell her my story, we were both mad horny, so we fucked each other on my bed for a while. After we relieved our urges, we cuddled naked as I told her everything that happened. Her eyes went wide as I explained my meeting with Felicia, my promise to her to come back and fuck her, me taking the potion, meeting my reflection in the dream world, the intense, heated sexfight we had, my victory in said sexfight and finally me deciding to stay and fuck her for a year before leaving. I then explained my exhaustion and sleeping for a full day, which is why I didn’t get back to her.

“Well, that’s it.” I said, finishing up. “What do you think?”

“Wow.” Carly said, clearly blown away. “I think…I wanna fuck you some more.”

She quickly started fondling my lady bits again.

“Am I nothing but a pussy and pair of tits to you?” I asked jokingly as she pawed at me.

“Yep.” She answered bluntly.

“Fine.” I said with a groan. “But only because I haven’t fucked you for a year.”

We went at it again for another few hours. Once it was over, we cuddled up again.

“That really was an amazing story.” Carly said. “Really sucks you couldn’t bring Alexis with you. Imagine the threesomes…”

“You can’t even handle one of me, bitch.” I joked.

“I could try, cxnt.” Carly shot back. “Besides, Ron would go crazy.”

“He sure would.” I said.

“You gonna go and fuck Felicia now?” Carly asked.

“I was…but thanks to a certain someone, I’m a little worn out.” I teased. “I wanna face her nice and fresh, so I think I’ll wait until tomorrow.”

“Oh, what to do in the meantime…” Carly said, circling her finger around my nipple.

“What to do, indeed.” I said.

I dominated Carly for the remainder of the day and night. As usual, I made her cum like a fountain all over me. I also asked again what it was that she and Ron went to Felicia for but she still wouldn’t talk. So, I made her put her mouth to better use. After another night of nice, long, passionate lesbian sex, Carly said goodbye and I got ready to go and finally face Felicia. I drove all the way to that fire-crotched bitch’s shop and marched my way through the door, hearing that little bell ring as I did. My pussy began burning and my clit began pulsating with excitement. Hearing the bell ring, Felicia came out of her backroom, the same one where she gave me the potion and I thought I was going to fuck her when I first came here. Her face was one of mild surprise whereas I tried to show a face that said “I’m back, bitch.”

“I’m back, bitch.” There, I said it.

“I see.” Felicia said. “I hope the potion was satisfactory for your needs.”

Calling that potion satisfactory was like calling the sun wildly warm but she still tricked me and I was pissed. I got right up in her face, her desk being the only thing separating us.

“Are you surprised I came back?” I asked.

Her luscious lips were inches away…I wanted to shove my tongue in her mouth so badly…

“Not particularly.” She answered smugly. “Everyone I’ve given that potion too has come back.”

“Huh?” I asked, confused.

“Let’s finish this discussion in the back room.” She offered.

I was about to protest but then she quickly slashed her tongue across my lips before walking away from me, making my heart race. She walked over to the front door before changing her open sign to closed, which only made my pulse rise even further. She once again led me to her back room and I followed. We sat down on her bean bag chairs and I was regretting not being more insistent on fucking her when we first met. Like last time, we sat across from each other. Her hot body within my perverted hands’ reach.

“You never told me what the potion does!” I angrily said. “I was trapped in there until I defeated an opponent that I had to push myself to the limits to beat!”

“You were seeking a worthy opponent and I gave you one.” She said. “Yourself.”

“You could’ve told me.” I said.

“Would you have believed me if I did?” She asked. “And even if you did believe me, would you drink the potion knowing you’d be stuck there? And above all else, did you find what you were looking for and enjoy yourself?”

“No…No…Yes…and yes.” I answered all of her questions, admittedly.

“Then I’ve done my job.” She said. “Now, about my payment…”

“Hold on, slut.” I interrupted. “I still don’t like being tricked, let alone tricked into possibly living in limbo for eternity. I came here to claim your pussy in return.”

She laughed out loud.

“You are still out of your league, bitch.” She mocked.

“After having sex with my clone non-stop for a year, I doubt that.” I argued.

“A year?” She asked. “It took you a year to defeat your reflection?”

“No.” I said. “I beat her on the first night but she begged me not to leave, so I stayed with her for another year.”

“Ah.” She said, no doubt disbelieving me. “The longest someone else has stayed with their reflection before was six months. That’s impressive.”

“I still have some questions.” I said, calming down.

“Of course.” She said.

“Is there any way to bring my reflection into the real world?” I asked.

“I’m afraid not.” Felicia answered.

“Shit.” I said. “What would happen if I took another one of those potions?”

“You would go back to the dream world and see your reflection again.” She answered. “She would have all the memories of your last time visiting her too.”

“Oh, that’s great!” I said.

“Your enthusiasm is surprising.” She said. “Everyone else who’s taken that potion was sick of fucking themselved by the time they escaped, so they didn’t even ask.”

“Amateurs.” I mocked them.

“Your nymphomania is truly unlike any of my past customers.” Felicia said. “That or you and your reflection got along quite well.”

“Both.” I said. “Now enough questions! I came here to fuck you!”

“Alright.” She said, relenting. “But only because you are unlike any of my other customers. Tell you what, if you win, I won’t charge a penny and I’ll even throw in another potion for free.”

“Great.” I said.

“However…” She said emphatically. “If I win, not only do you pay full price but I get to have you as my sex slave for the rest of the night.”

“Of course, you want me. Everyone does.” I said arrogantly.

“If you really want to know what it’s like to lose, I will show you all of it and then some.” She said.

“Bring it on.” I said.

We then started stripping and the millisecond I finished, she was on me without me being able to react. My eyes went wide with shock as the naked redhead slammed her tongue down my throat and wrestled me to the ground. Our long, thick, flowing hair waved around all over the place as we scuffled on the floor. Good Lord, was she an amazing kisser. Her tongue was so soft, wet and satiny. It felt so amazing in my mouth and against my own tongue. Our DDs compressed against each other and her nipples penetrated my areola as mine penetrated hers. As we wrestled, she landed on top of me and broke her dominant kiss. I was left panting already. She pulled her body up and then brought our pussies together, fucking me in an L-shaped position.

“Aghhh!!” I grunted quite loud.

“Oh!” She purred. “Your pussy is so smooth and leathery! I can’t wait to fuck it, suck it and lick it all day and night!”

“And I can’t wait for my free potion!” I shot back.

She reached below to squeeze my tits.

“You’re in no position to talk tough right now, you hot bitch.” She mocked.

She was tribbing me so hard and fast, almost like a machine. My hair fanned out behind me on the floor like a silky blanket before she removed her hands from my breasts and used them to bunch up my hair into her hands and yanked hard.

“Ugh!” I grunted from her pulling.

I wish I could’ve given her a taste of her own medicine but I couldn’t reach her hair from my position. She had a cocky smile on her face. I could tell that this bitch was a hardcore dom and loved to humiliate her opponents and show them who’s boss…Well, that makes two of us. I felt our juices coalesce in between our fused cxnts as she kept humping me. She has quite a bit of lower body strength. Years of practice, I imagine. I tried my best to fuck her back from where I was but all it really seemed to do was increase my own pleasure. She had me right where she wanted me.

“Ugh!” I grunted from her fucking me. “You goddamn whore!”

“You really think a sex guru would consider that an insult?” She mocked. “I very much am a goddamn whore, honey and I love every second of it. But very soon, you’ll be my goddamn whore to use as I please!”

She then increased the speed and ferocity of her tribbing, her eyes clenching and her teeth gritting as her twat dominated mine. I already began to feel my first climax of the match approaching. It pissed me off that she would draw first blood but there was nothing I could do about it but brace myself for the coming internal impact.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!” I cried as I came.

I shot my fluids straight up Felicia’s cxnt and she visibly smiled and moaned as she felt them enter her inner walls. She released me as I kneeled there hyperventilating. I was on my hands and knees, trying to fight how winded I was from that one orgasm. My hair fell forward, curtaining my head and dropping to the floor. Until I felt that sadistic bitch yank on it again, pulling my head back.

“Ugh!” I grunted. “You fucking cxnt!”

“You take a lot of pride in these locks of yours, don’t you?” She asked as she used her other hand to pet my hair. “So soft and silky, like a doll’s hair. I can relate. Which is why I will use this to drag you all around when I have you as my cum dumpster.”

“Suck my clit, bitch!” I cursed.

“Oh, I will. Until it falls off.” She said. “But for now, I think I’d rather suck on that arrogant tongue of yours.”

She used her grip on my hair to turn my head in the direction of her face before yanking on it again.

“Ugh!” I grunted.

“Open your mouth.” She ordered. I didn’t budge. She yanked again, harder.

“Open your goddamn, cxnt-sucking mouth, skank!!” She screamed. It was like the laid back, hippie babe I was talking to just minutes ago was possessed by a dominatrix.

I did as she said. I opened my mouth and stuck my tongue out nice and wide.

“That’s a good pet.” She praised.

She then wrapped her lips around my tongue and loudly sucked and slurped on it. It was like she was giving my tongue a blowjob. She then used her legs to pry open my own legs and her free hand to start masturbating me. I began moaning as she sucked on my tongue and finger fucked me viciously. She moaned out loud, clearly wanting me to hear how much she enjoyed dominating me. She increased the aggression of her fingering, now using her entire hand to basically smack my labia around, jerking me off. Holy fuck, was that overwhelming. So soon after my previous orgasm, I could not help but feel another one on the way. Once again, there was nothing I could do but prepare myself for it. I could tell this would be a big one.

“Mmmmmmm!!!!!” I shrieked, muffled by her sucking my tongue as I came and boy ever, did I cum.

I sprayed my girl mess out like a lawn sprinkler as she released me again and I felt like I was hit by a truck. I fell to the floor in exhaustion again, once again panting heavily. She cuddled up to me, hugged me to her side and began kissing my face.

“You’re not finished already after only cumming twice, are you, baby?” She asked teasingly as she caressed me.

“Or maybe you just want to be my slave? You only needed to ask.” She continued to mock me.

I turned my head in her direction to tell her off but she kissed me again. Jeez, she really cannot get enough of my mouth. This time, she kissed lovingly and passionately, as if she was claiming me as her property. Was this really happening, right now? Was that year of sex in preparation for this fight really not enough? No! I wouldn’t accept that! At the very least, I would make this as difficult for her as possible! I kissed her back as aggressively as I could, which prompted her to increase the aggression of her own kissing. I then reached behind her to yank on her flowing red locks, which pulled her mouth off of mine, leaving behind a brief trail of saliva.

“Let’s see how you like getting your hair pulled, cxnt!” I cursed.

“Still haven’t learned your place, huh?” She teased.

I pounced on her, stil yanking on her tresses as we wrestled along the pillow and rug covered floor again. Eventually, I managed to get the upper hand and threw her into an all-fours position, the same way I did to Alexis in the dream world. I pulled her hair back again, making her head fly up.

“Ugh!” Felicia grunted.

“Now it’s your turn to get tribbed.” I mocked.

“Fuck you!” She cursed.

“Well, if you insist.” I joked.

I then pulled my pelvis back and slammed it into her pussy from behind as hard as I could, making sure to rub it in nice and hard.

“Ohhh!!” She groaned.

I wish there was a mirror in front of us, so that I could see the look on her face as I fucked her doggy style. Her hair was just as soft and silky as mine. Honestly, besides Alexis, of course, Felicia really seemed like she was made for me. I’m starting to wish that I made the bet to keep her as a sex slave for the day too instead of two free potions. I then reached in front of Felicia to grope and fondle her bouncing DDs while I fucked her. I would shake them, slap them together and pinch her nipples. The feeling of my pussy slamming into hers was beyond heavenly. I can easily say that she is the most formidable opponent I have ever faced. Alexis was tough but her sharing all of my strengths and weaknesses just meant that I had to think outside of the box a little to bring her down. Felicia, on the other hand, is a fuckfighting machine. So, naturally I was enjoying dominating her after all the shit she had been giving me until now. I could tell from Felicia’s movements and mannerisms that her orgasm was on its way, so I didn’t give her any room to escape my domination.

“Oh! Oh! Fucking bitch! Ohhhhhhhhh!!!!!” She screamed as she came.

I felt her warm secretions alongside my pussy as I fucked her. As she settled down, I released her and she fell face first into the pillowy floor, hair blanketing in front of her, disheveled and sweaty. Mine was getting messy and drenched with sweat as well. Now, it was really starting to get good. I wish I could just bask in the sight of her like that but I knew better than to get cocky at this point. I reached down and pulled her lower side up, so that her ass was in the air while her face and chest were still on the floor. I then grabbed her waist nice and tight. I smiled deviously.

“Since you seem to love my mouth so much, why don’t I put it to use for you?” I asked rhetorically.

Before she could answer, my mouth was on her cxnt in this awkward position. I slurped at her lower lips like a starving predator.

“Ahhhh!!” She cried. “You cxnt-licking whore!”

I smiled into her twat as she said this. I love fucking my opponents to the point where they curse me so much. She tasted just like how I like my bitches. That distinct tang of experience and sluttiness. Creamy and flavorful. She tried to crawl away and slip out of my grip on her toned waist but I would not let her. I followed her everywhere, still eating her out from behind. I made sure that every inch of my upper lips were in contact with every inch of her lower lips. I wanted to just completely swallow her pussy as much as humanly possible. I stuck out my tongue and slowly and sensually dragged it from one end of her pudenda to the other.

“Ohhhh!!” She moaned again.

I then reinserted my tongue back inside her inner sanctum and felt a tidal wave of pussy juice run through my taste buds. I could tell that it would not be long until her next climax would smash into her and I intended on making it as brutal of a crash as I could. I waved my head back and forth, thereby slamming my tongue all over the place inside of her. God, what a feeling. I could lick her all day. So, I think I will. I could feel the pre-orgasmic tremors rocking throughout her body just from my tongue inside her. Oh, that was gonna be a big one.

“Ugh! Agh! Fuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!!!” She shrieked.

I pulled my tongue out just in time but still sticking it out as my face was blasted with her cum. I closed my eyes and waved my head back and forth, letting her ejaculation wash all over me like I was showering in it. I felt her hot secretions seep all down my hot body and into my hair. Felicia fell on her back, panting like a dog after drenching me so hard. I was immediately on top of her, our tits coming together again as I rubbed my soaked face into hers roughly, cheek-to-cheek.

“You feel that, cxnt?” I asked, mockingly. “That’s your cum all over my hotter, sexier, superior and more skilled nymphomaniac body!”

She lacked the breath to reply to that.

“And this is how your cum tastes coming from my sluttier, softer, wetter and smoother mouth and tongue!” I proclaimed.

She closed her mouth despite her heavy breathing but I pinched her nose hard until she had no choice but to open her mouth as I drooled her own fluids out of my mouth and into hers, before slamming my mouth on top of hers and kissing her ferociously and mercilessly. I licked all over the inside of her mouth, wanting to spread the mixture of my saliva and her cum. My tongue touched her tongue, her gums, her teeth, the roof of her mouth, everything within reach. Her eyes winced and she moaned in frustration. Damn, I can’t even remember the last time I had a fight this intense. Besides Alexis, of course. I felt so driven. Not just to fuck her but to humiliate her and break down her pride. I aligned our pussies again, spreading my legs with her own as I was on top of her. I began humping slowly but fiercely, still tonguefucking her mouth. I could feel my nipples poke deeper and deeper into her areola with each hump. My clit bumped into her clit and the brief but powerful collision sent volts of pleasure throughout both of our sexy bodies.

“Mmmmm!!!” We both moaned inside each other’s mouths.

Her clit felt so amazing on mine. My pussy felt like it was on fire. God, this was what I fucking lived for! Carly is a great fuck and I never get tired of putting her in her place but the competitive thrill, the cattiness, the rivalry and the humiliation! This was what made sexfighting the greatest thing that any woman can ever experience! Felicia was beginning to show signs of another climax approaching her at breakneck speeds, so I responded like any nympho would. By fucking her even harder and faster. Our clits dueled fiercely as I tribbed her aggressively. And then it happened again. I forced my mouth and tongue against hers as hard and tightly as I could, muffling both of our moaning as she came, once again shooting her load straight up my slutty little twat. I never get tired of that feeling. I finally disconnected our mouths and rolled off of her, laying next to her as we both huffed and puffed.

“Is this…All that the so-called…Sex guru has in her?” I teased through my heavy breathing.  “Maybe I should run this place from now on, fire crotch.”

“You might just be…the best fuck…that I’ve ever had.” Felicia admitted. “But we’re just getting started here, babe. My pussy has seen it all and can go on much longer than this.”

“Is that so?” I asked skeptically.

“That’s right.” Felicia said. “My little lady down there has a mind of her own. Like a wandering samurai’s katana, she seeks out her prey of her own volition. And she has her sights set on your beautiful, juicy cxnt.”

“Well, tell your pulsating, pink twat that the feeling is completely mutual.” I said. “My pretty kitty won’t rest until she tames yours and then claims her all to herself.”

“Then let's not make the warriors between our legs wait any longer.” Felicia declared.

“Yes. Let the clash of the titans commence.” I agreed.

We got up and brought ourselves into a scissoring position. Felicia looked like an absolute mess. Her hair wet and matted and body shining with sweat. I love making my opponents look like that. Granted, I knew I didn’t look much better after the cum bath the redhead had just given me. We then brought our fated rivals together and our pussies fused into a delicious kiss of female flesh. The contact was beautiful but quite brief, as just as I was about to start fucking her, she pulled back away from me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, frustratingly. I hate when a good trib is interrupted for anything.

“Be patient, slut.” She said.

Felicia then held out her red hair in one hand and grabbed my blonde hair with the other before tying them together. Now I see what she had in mind.

“Oh, I get it.” I said. “But you’d better not interrupt again unless it’s important.”

“That eager to get fucked, are you?” Felicia joked.

“Just shut up and open your legs, bitch.” I ordered.

She proceeded to do exactly that. In all honesty, I wish I came up with that first. Now we could grind our pussies together while also feeling the euphoric sensation of our hair being pulled and we both had such long hair that we could do it without the knot coming undone or either of us feeling too much pain. So, our cxnts came together yet again and the contact combined with the hair tug-of-war made the pleasure beyond exquisite.

“Ugh!” I grunted.

“Agh!” She grunted.

Our lower lips fused, hot and slimy as we flexed our lower bodies, humping into our sexual rivals with all we had.

“Your pussy feels so slutty and warm but it’s no match for mine.” Felicia mocked.

“Is that why you’re moaning like the bitch in heat that you are?” I shot back.

We kept fucking as our clits came out of their hoods to join in the fun and immediately bumped into each other.

“Ohhhh!!” I moaned.

“Ahhhh!!” She moaned.

The unique, controlling sensation of my hair being pulled while also knowing that she was feeling the same, combined with our dueling clits was just way too much. I knew I would cum again soon and all I could do was hope that she was nearing her climax too. I increased the speed and intensity of my tribbing, not wanting to show my opponent any sign of weakness. She responded in kind by doing the same to me. I felt my clit being pressured and almost mushroomed by hers but I also felt my clit doing the same to its counterpart. If I back down for even a second, she’ll dominate me like a common submissive College skank. Nowhere to go but forward. We simultaneously reached out for each other’s hands and locked them together, pulling ourselves and each other into the fusion of lady parts even more. I began to feel the indescribable electric volts signaling my oncoming orgasm. It was too late now. I had to keep fucking her, no matter what.

“Is that all you got?” I mocked, playing tough. “Come on, bitch, really let me have it!”

“Your libido’s writing checks that your clit can’t cash, blondie!” She shot back.

We both fucked each other harder and faster, harder and faster, harder and faster until finally, neither of us take it anymore.

“Ohhhhhhhh!!!!!” We both cried out loud as we came into each other at the same time, which gave me deja vu from my time with my reflection.

Our orgasmic fluids splashed together inside out fused cxnts. As we both breathed heavily, Felicia got up, our hair still joined and as I was getting up to meet her, she pushed me down into the cushiony floor and spread my legs open again before bringing her DDs up and massaging them into my pudenda.

“Agh!” I grunted. “Fucking cxnt!”

“That’s exactly what I’m doing.” She teased. “I’m tiddyfucking your cxnt right now! And I won’t stop until I make you shower me with your cum just like you made me shower you with mine!”

“Go right ahead and do your worst!” I dared.

The redhead just smiled and resumed her paizuri of me. She rubbed her breasts into my lower lips as I could see our knotted hair suspended slightly in the air between the two of us.

“Ohh!” I groaned.

The slimy sounds of her skin grinding against my wet pussy filled the air. She would mash her tits into my cxnt in various patterns, such as alternating between up and down with her left and right tit, rubbing them both together across my labia and more. It did not take long at all for my clit to reemerge and she gave it absolutely no room to breathe. She quickly smothered my helpless little pulsating, pink, pleasure bud with her funbags and mashed it like nobody’s business.

“Goddamn clit-fucking bitch!” I cursed.

“You know you love it, whore.” She shot back.

She then used her pink nipples to double team my pink clit and it was super effective.

“Ahhhhh!!” I yelped.

“That’s it, baby.” She teased. “Let your mistress please you all she wants. Give into the pleasure.”

“Go to Hell!” I insulted her.

“Says the one who’s in heaven right now.” She mocked.

It became clear that that was no use resisting as I already began to feel another orgasm closing in on me. Holy fuck, did Felicia know how to use those tits of hers.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!” I screamed as I came.

I burst out all over her tits, face and a little bit in her crimson hair. I pulled back, huffing and puffing but my insatiable rival was still not done yet, not by a longshot.

“You call that a shower?” She teased. “I won’t stop fucking you until you give me the bukkaking of your life, you beach, blonde bimbo!”

She bent over and started lapping at my pussy with her mouth and tongue ravenously.

“Ughhhh!!” I groaned. “Goddamn you, fucking whore!”

She ate like she had never eaten before. No wonder she was a sex guru. She knew pussy like the back of her hand. It felt as if a wet, rubbery taser was inside me sending volts of pleasure through my whole, slutty body. She would pull her tongue in and out of me repeatedly, quite literally fucking me with it. She was absolutely, animalistically ravenous, drooling and slobbering into my cxnt, letting her saliva mix with my juices. I reached down to grab onto and pull her flowing, scarlet tresses but it didn’t even slow her down. She was like a machine created for the specific and sole purpose of fucking me. Okay, now I really regret not deciding to have her as my sex slave be my victory prize. Who cares about not paying for one potion?

As she feasted on me mercilessly, she dragged her tongue up from the bottom of my labia straight toward the top and enclosed her juicy, soft lips over my little bud. As if that wasn’t enough, she brought her hands into the mix. With her right hand, she knifed her index and middle fingers into my lower pudenda intensely, pushing in and out. With her left hand, she reached up to tightly squeeze and grope my right tit, pinching my pink nips and sinking her fingers into the jiggly flesh. She was using every weapon she had in this carnal confrontation. I felt like all this pleasure was putting me into a trance. The sound of me panting and moaning like the slut I am filled the entire room. I could feel yet another climax beginning to rear its ugly head. No stopping it now.

“Ugh! Agh! Fuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkk!!!” I yelled out loud as I came.

This one was even more of a gut punch than the last one. I sprayed like a sprinkler, just as I made Felicia do not too long ago. Like I did, she smiled and slowly waved her head around as I drenched her, wanting to be as covered by my cum as possible. I saw it coat her face, drip down her hot, fuckable body and soak into her already wet, matted red hair. God, she was so hot. Once my orgasm settled down, she climbed on top of me and immediately put me in my place. She pressed her DDs into mine, spread my legs open with hers so our pussies could gently kiss and our upper lips joined in as she tongued me passionately. I felt hypnotized. My head and eyelids were beginning to feel heavier and heavier. Was this really it? She broke the kiss to talk some more shit.

“Face it, Gwen.” She lectured. “I’m the better nympho in every way. You could go into that dream world and fuck yourself for another hundred years and it wouldn’t make a lick of difference.”

She licked my mouth as she said that.

“You wanted this all along, didn’t you?” She asked. “To know what it was like to lose and be humiliated? Well, I promise being my slave will be as humiliating as possible. Those 24 hours will feel like 24 years to you. Just give up and let it happen.”

“Well…” I said dramatically. “If I want to taste defeat, it should be at the hands of someone who proves herself worthy beyond a shadow of a doubt. So, if you want me as your fuckbitch, you’re gonna have to keep dominating me until I’m passed out on your floor!”

Felicia sighed.

“Fine. The hard way it is.” She said. “Don’t say I didn’t give you a chance.”

“One more thing.” I interrupted.

“Change your mind?” She asked.

“Not on your life, bitch.” I said. “I wanna change my bet. I’ll pay for my potions full price. Instead, I want you as my sex slave for 24 hours!”

Felicia’s eyes went a little wide.

“You’ve got some ovaries to be saying that after what I just did to you.” She said. “But fine. It won’t make a difference in the end.”

And it was on. It wasn’t just her skill that made me want to have her for myself. It was her ego. I just wanted to see her smug face taken down a notch and to humiliate her just as she clearly wants to humiliate me. We wasted no further time and charged into each other wrestling around the cushioned floor again. Honestly though, I wasn’t doing good. My exhaustion was setting in and I didn’t know how much longer I could last. However, I could feel it in my loins that she was holding on by a thread as well. It was going to end here, no matter what and if I go down, I’ll go down fighting.

We rolled all over each other across the room, my blonde and her red hair flying all over the place, flinging cum and sweat from it around as we did. We kissed furiously, our tongues wrestling with all of their might. We gripped each other’s firm, meaty asses tightly, letting our fingers be absorbed by our rival’s flesh. We kept this up for a while, rolling all over each other like two horny teenagers. At this point, it had become a sexual war of attrition. Who was going to break first? At some point, I ended up on top and held her down to the ground, still kissing her as I began to grind my cxnt against hers as harshly as possible. It was beyond straining but I pushed on. Surprisingly, Felicia showed little resistance and mostly just laid there and took it.

I figured that this was a trick to get me to lower my guard, so I didn’t even slow down. I just kept fucking her and fucking her. The mutual heat between our twats was overwhelming but not half as much as the pleasure I was feeling. I can only imagine what she was feeling. She took one hand off of my ass and instead used it to pull my sweaty, cum-soaked, matted hair. From her position on the floor, I could not do the same, so I just kept tribbing her. I actually began to feel my climax starting to show itself. I could only hope that she was feeling the same. No weakness can afford to be shown. I humped and tribbed and fucked her with absolutely everything that I had until I and apparently she could no longer take anymore.

“Mmmmmmmmm!!!” We both screamed into each other’s mouths as we came inside of each other’s pussies.

We finally broke apart, once again hyperventilating. I felt so drained. My heart sank when I saw Felicia get up like nothing happened. I just now realized how stupid I was. She let herself get fucked and let me use up all my energy so that she would be ready for a counterattack. I could barely even move. There was nothing I could do. I cursed myself inside my head.

“You like doggy style, do you?” She asked as she walked behind me before yanking on my blonde hair.

“Then let’s see how you like being on the receiving end!” She proclaimed.

She began grinding into me from behind brutally.

“Ugh!” I grunted. “You fucking conniving bitch!”

“That’s the name of the game, babe.” She argued. “You do what you gotta do to win.”

I hated how right she was. Each slam of her pussy against mine felt like a wrecking ball of pleasure smashing into me and each one was more intense and effective than the last. This was it. One more orgasm and I was finished and being so soon after my last, it would not take long. This match was as good as over. Smash. Smash. Smash. And then one more smash and that was it. I couldn’t hold it back any longer.

“Ohhhhhhh!!!!” I cried.

I came violently. Felicia released my hair and let me fall forward into the cushioned floor. I could feel my consciousness fading. No. I couldn’t let it end here. I had to hold on and keep fighting! I struggled to keep my eyes open as the last thing I saw was the sex guru’s cocky grin in my face before I finally passed out. I woke up I don’t even know how long later. As my eyes opened, I immediately felt my hair being yanked hard.

“Agh!” I groaned.

“You lost. Just like I said you would.” Felicia bragged. “And you know what that means.”

My first loss of a sexfight ever…It didn’t feel real. It happened so fast. One moment, I was fucking Felicia against the floor and the next, she was fucking me doggy style. Was I really so outclassed? So, this is what defeat feels like.

“For the next 24 hours, you belong to me.” Felicia said. “Your mouth belongs to me. Your tongue belongs to me. Your lips belong to me. Your tits belong to me. Your ass belongs to me. Your nipples belong to me. Your cxnt belongs to me. Your clit belongs to me.”

She yanked on my hair again.

“And I have my leash for you right here.” She said. “You will speak only when spoken to. You will not do anything without my permission. If I decide to kiss you, you will not even kiss me back without my say-so and you will address me as mistress. Is that clear, slave?”

“Yes…Mistress.” I said painfully.

“Good.” She said. “Honestly…That was the best match of my life. For that, I think you deserve to be rewarded with the worst humiliations that pop into my nymphomaniacal mind.”

She was not kidding. Throughout the day, she would treat me as nothing more than a cumrag or a toy for her amusement. She spanked me so hard and so often that my asscheeks remained red for hours afterwards. She pulled my hair everywhere she took me. She forced me to lick every single part of her body. She would test out her sex toys on me, some of which were so big, I thought they’d impale me. She would pinch and twist my nipples, spit all over me, scratch my labia, chew oh my clit, force me to swallow her cum and saliva until I gagged. She would masturbate over me and cum all over my hair…But that’s not the worst part. This was.

As she was forcing me to lick her pussy, I heard the bell from her front door ring and Carly came in, seeing Felicia hold me by my hair and force my face into her cxnt.

“Oh, there you are.” Carly said. “You were gone all day. I just wanted to see what happened.”

“She challenged me.” Felicia explained. “You can see how that turned out.”

I stopped my cunnilingus and tried to turn my head to talk to my best friend but Felicia yanked my head back into her pussy, reminding me of my place.

“Damn.” Carly said. “Gwen’s never lost…I’ve never seen her like this…It’s kinda hot.”

“Would you like to share my slave?” Felicia asked.

“I’d love to.” Carly answered.

The brunette stripped down and joined in on my humiliation. Felicia and Carly spent the rest of my time as a slave using me for their pleasure. Double teaming me, DPing me with toys, giving me double bukkakes and more. Carly, the girl I had dominated more times than I could count was now the one dominating me. It was equal parts humbling as it was humiliating. I’m sure you think that all of this sounds pretty soul crushing for me. It’s not. Quite the opposite, in fact. I lost. I know that but it’s only made me love sexfighting even more. I love the adrenaline of trying to humiliate my opponent as she tries to do the same to me. Who will come out on top? How often will the dynamic switch up? How will it end? It’s all so invigorating.

And all the shit Felicia put me through has only made me want to tame her even more and put her through all the same things. I want to see her get a taste of this and I will keep trying until I do it…And then I’ll keep doing it even more afterwards. I will never get tired of it and no defeat, no matter how humiliating, could ever lessen my love for fuckfighting even slightly. This is what I live for. This is what it means to be a nympho. To be a woman. Endless pleasure and thrills.

“Well, that’s it, blondie. You’re off the hook.” Felicia said as she finally let go of my hair. My scalp still stung for quite a while afterwards.

“Have anything you wanna say?” She asked.

“I want a rematch.” I said confidently.

“Jesus, Gwen, how slutty can one girl be?” Carly asked.

“I’m here anytime you want me, girlfriend.” Felicia said flirtatiously. “In fact, for being such a good slave, how about this? I won’t charge you for the first potion but you’ll still have to pay for more of them.”

“Appreciate that. One potion, please.” I requested.

Felicia walked away, reached into a cabinet and pulled out another potion before handing it to me.

“Thanks. I’ll leave the money on the counter.” I said as I got up and stretched and the other girls eyed me up.

“Oh and one more thing.” I said. “What did Carly see you for that one time?”

The two looked at each other and Carly sighed.

“Go ahead and tell her.” Carly said. “Like I could stop you.”

“She was feeling bad about always losing to you and was beginning to lose her passion for sexfighting because of it.” Felicia explained. “So, I asked her to bring her man in. I then started making out with him and she got so angry that she pounced on me and we had a match. She lost miserably but it gave her her fire back.”

“Really?” I asked. “She always likes it when I fuck Ron.”

“That’s because you earn it from beating me and you’re my BFF.” Carly explained. “I just met her that day and she didn’t even fight me before she started macking on my man.”

“Makes sense, I guess.” Felicia said. “Either way, it worked.”

“Well, I’m off to meet my twin again.” I said as I left.

As soon as I walked out, I heard both of them moaning and giggling from the other room and rolled my eyes. I got dressed, went home, rested myself after over a day of nonstop sex and just as I went to bed, I drank the potion. As I drifted off to sleep, I soon woke up in my bed with Alexis right next to me, already naked, the little slut.

“Hey, girl.” She said with a big smile.

“Good to see your sexy face again.” I said.

“You got your ass handed to you.” She teased.

“It’s your ass too.” I shot back. “And that’s why I’m here. To get better.”

“Am I nothing but a sexfight training doll for you?” She asked.

“Yes.” I answered bluntly.

“Good enough for me. Now come here and let’s fuck.” She said.