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A Night at The Opera (pt. 1)

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A Night at The Opera (pt. 1)
« on: February 09, 2023, 03:42:35 AM »
A Night at The Opera

Hey all, Amber here again, Yeah that amber , Peggy’s daughter. Anyway I wanted you all to know more so Peggy did whats new.

So even though Mom is turning 63 this year, she has not lose a beat. She still is fit, and keepers her 36G’s firm , full and taught. And yeah she will still pick or accept a fight, mostly for no other reason that to fight but a few times here and there cause she had to.

I will say one thing on a side note, the creams she uses on her breasts?, wow those damn things work 110%, i been using them and my boob look tighter and firmer.

Anyway sorry for the distraction, so Peggy well she had a fight recently and while it was a tough one, she needed it to be told, and since i was there to see what started it and how it went and finished, she thought it best i lay it out. That and she is healing up so here goes.

So a few weeks ago while we were back home, Mom ran into Jeff. If you recall he was friends with my Dad but got mad at Dad for getting her and Gina together, which in their first few encounters Gina seemed to be the one who was going to ruin Peggy.

Of course as you all know Peggy ended up tearing that whore to pieces literally. Anyway, Peggy saw Jeff at the old bar. Number 1 he couldn’t miss her and 2 everyone there never forgot the town queen, so when they all shouted her name as she walked in Jeff knew she was there.

So they get to catching up and Jeff who if you remember had a thing for mom, tells her he wants to take her out for a big night on the town. Peggy loved being treated like this, something Dad forgot to do despite all the fights she had over him and for him.

Peggy smiled  as she purrs “where we going?”, Jeff looks at her, “your gonna need your best dress, your fur shall and leave your wallet at home.” Peggy sat up, “seriously a real dress up night out? Yummy but i need to know where?”.

Jeff knew it didn’t matter Peggy would dress to kill and still be on a red carpet, but he wanted her to feel special, “ok ok, wear a gown for a dress, and all that goes with it, i am taking you to diner and then to the opera”.

Peggy throw her arms around him and kissed his cheek, “thank you thank you, i haven’t been in so long, what night?”. Jeff pulls the tickets he won online, we are in the balcony next to the stage, this Saturday “.

Peggy finished her drink, kissed Jeff again and hurried out, saying she has to go shopping. Jeff laughed as he felt good making her day.

Peggy went shopping alright and spare no expense, she got a new gown, heels hair do the whole shabang. On Saturday as i was planning on staying home, when Jeff called and said he would love it if i joined them, the seat for me was only 100 bucks and that was nothing for having won the seats originally.

I had a gown and as i dressed Peggy was still getting ready, i gotta tell you guys, she is my mother and i have seen her naked and half naked more times than i count and every time i see her fit body and those firm G’s i get a chill for every woman that fought her.

So i am doing my make up when Peggy comes out of the bathroom, her red hair up in a bun with curls. Dark eyeliner that made her green eyes pop. A red lace bra that barely held her in and the straps so taught off her chest i though they would explode.

A red thong garters and red heels with black thigh highs, she looked amazing. She applied a generous ruby red lipstick, and the day before had her nails done blood red. She got the gown from the door hangar and eased it on. It was red with sequence all over it, as she smoothed it down her figure and i helped her zip it up, the gown took her bodies shape.

Her veiny cleavage was swelling at the top between the two thin straps also taught off her chest. Then she put on the diamond earrings and 7 layer diamond necklace she won from Trevor after being his champion. Trevor was the wealthy guy who had Peggy fight for him a the mansion and after a few hiccups ended up trouncing ever opponent, he even bought her the club where she both told her story to and fought Martha.

Anyway i help zip her in and she grabs the matching long gloves that go to her elbows, she didn’t like covering her talons but she wasn’t planning on anything. When she turned and posed for me i felt my own eyes widen , Peggy looked like Jessica Rabbit in the most good way it can be meant right down to the slit up her thigh.

She eased her white fur shawl on and was ready. I wore a powder blue gown, and while i am no Peggy in the bustling, my 36E’s didn’t disappoint cleavage wise. Peggy’s cell rang and it was Jeff he was down stairs, we went down and got in the limo and mom was all smiles.

After we ate at a real classy retardant which we were over dressed for but we didn’t care, it was back in the car and off to the show. The entire time i did see Jeff sneaking looks at Peggy’s enormous from veiny swelling mountains and deep tight cleavage, she knew it but loved the attention.

We arrive at he theater and start in, every one there looked sensational, but moms dress stole the show. She was the happiest i seen her in a while, but well deserved, we follow he usher up the steps to the second level and down a hallway towards the stage, then he pulls a string nod two large red velour drapes part.

He smiles and we walk through them, he leads Peggy down to the railing and she is seated on the outside over looking the stage, then Jeff. I was seated behind mom, a small tight aisle where we walked down then there were 4 more seats on the other side.

As the usher left he shut the drapes and we looked down at all the people filing in, mostly me i wanted to see if any one famous was down there. A few minutes go by and we hear the orchestra warming up, it was so exciting.

Just then i don’t think any of us realized till we heard a woman complain, we turn and there is a man, his wife all dressed up as well. She was complaining to the usher they wanted the seats we were in, his only reply was “unless they are willing to give them up, you should have arrived sooner”.

The woman who i guess was around mom’s age roughly, i only say that cause she had silver hair, unless it was that silver blonde platinum look. Either way she looked good in it, and thats when Jeff pointed out with a wide eye gasp of “holy cow”.

The woman who shoved past her husband and the usher leaned over Jeff and stared into Peggy’s eyes, “excuse me honey but these seats are suppose to be ours, mind moving it?”.

Peggy short of openly laughing in her face, looked her up and down and thats when i knew before the night was over these two were going to have a fight. The women inhales for Peggy as her veiny 36 G’s are ready to explode from the grey dress and bra she had on.

She made a pointy ease the right side of her shawl aside so Peggy would be intimidated, little did she know just who she was trying to intimidate. Peggy with a smile that said (your outta your league) turns in her seat and then politely says with that smile, “No sorry , your being late doesn’t constitute my giving up these seats”.

The woman was taken back, (obviously like mom she was use to getting what she wanted when she wanted it) she stands back upright hands to hips and breathes in, then with her brows narrowed hisses to Peggy, “listen honey if you know whats good for you, you’ll hand the seats over, or else”.

Jeff was about to tell her off when Peggy stands up, the woman says aloud, “yeah thats what I thought “. Peggy turns to her and side steps by Jeff, and then right to the woman’s face.

She pulls her shawl off her shoulders and shows her own veiny tight deep cleavage and swelling G’s, maybe it was from all the workouts or fights but when Mom rolls her shoulders back you can see the muscle fiber in her chest to her breasts.

The woman’s husband says out loud, “my gosh your impressive”, the woman glares daggers at him then Peggy. But mom wasn’t done, she got the attention she wanted now she was going to let the woman know it would be a god time to take the loss of the seats right here and now.

Peggy eases closer and presses the dress cups of her own to this woman’s and as they glare in the eyes she pushes in, both set swell a bit then resist. Each proudly stares as neither gets moved beyond this, Peggy softly hisses at her face, “or what hmm?”.

The woman obviously not use to meeting an equal let alone willing to have it out right here, inhales as she presses to Peggy, they glare a minute longer. Then she hisses back, “your lucky little girl we are at such an esteemed affair, or you and i would be doing a lot more than talking right now.

Peggy stands her ground, “well let me assure you honey, if your willing i am, but since this night is a gift for me, i rather not waste missing the show on a tiny tit tramp like you, at least not here and now, but if your still feeling frisky after , i would love to meet you anywhere you like and settle this between us”, with that Peggy gives her soon to be rival a pump with her breasts to emphasis how they can fight.

The woman looking from Peggy’s bust to her own then up moms face breaths out and gives a firm pump back, “well normally i would take you out back right now but i wanted to see this show as well, so after its over we can all go across the street to my suite and you and i can have the rest of this chat later tonight “.

Peggy was ready to pounce, but stayed calm enough, “oh i would love that, and since i am feeling generous little girl, i will warn you now so you have the next 3 hours to rethink it over, when we are done?, i am taking your bra, your husband between my tits and then after i mil you i am gonna smear his cum from my this all over that made up face”.

The woman nearly was about to f=dig her nails in Peggy’s face but she knew it would be stopped before it got going and the social elite down on the floor seats would see her.

She inhales again much slower, “that so?, well then i will think it over as long as you think it over honey, cause I’ll do that to you and then I’ll face sit your clown makeup face till its smeared and you make me cum on it”.

They bth breath slow but heavier ready to fight, neither knowing who the other was but at this point it wouldn’t have had mattered, they were going to fight, and if Jeff or her husband said “why not now?” Both women would have ran from the theater to fight.

With tempers in check for now, Peggy gives a drag as does her new rival and they take their seats. As the lights dim Peggy and this other woman glare a tone another not to start, but a signal nothing is stopping whats going to happen later.

The stage comes alive and the music starts, its all Italian and Peggy having been born there knew what was being said. She was smiling, despite the glare that would make the devil wet himself. As i lean between her and Jeff i was listening to Peggy whisper what was being said, or sung how ever you look at it.

As the actors move about and the music changes for a new scene, Jeff leans to Peggy a bit more.  Hey you know i care about you and i would never doubt you , but you sure you wanna take her on later?”.  Peggy pats his leg, her gloves hiding her talons as they can still be felt through them. She whispers back, “hey i wasn’t looking for a fight, but if that whore thinks cause her tits are big its going to make me give up these seats without a fight her brains are in her tits.

Jeff smirks, “always the Queen”, but the question more over why he even asked it after he himself watched Peggy destroy many a rival, had Peggy curious, as well as me. she leans to him, “why wouldn’t i want to take her on ?, you have heard women in my past refer to fighting my tits were like fighting boulders, is there something you are hiding?”.

Jeff rubs her thigh, “Peggy sweetie, i have seen you destroy women you should never had a chance against, but you did lose a few as well, all i am saying is that woman, is no rookie to a titfight or any other kind of fight”.

Now Peggy was intrigued, if she was such a good fighter and was around moms age why hadn’t mom heard or known of her long ago.  Peggy looks more at Jeff but in the dark no one noticed, as she hisses a this ear, “don’t be like my fucking ex husband Jeff, tell me who that whore is, i am going to fight her no matter what anyway”.

Jeff hadn’t spoke to my Dad in years especially after what he pulled, bringing women he found busty enough messing around all to get them to fight Peggy, to be compared Jeff felt like crap.

He leans to Peggy’s ear more, “first off never compare me to him as far as you fighting goes, the only time i ever wanted to see you do it was when you wanted a fight, ok as far as her?, she is a Queen from back east like you she retired on top”.

Peggy has a look of so hats the big deal, “so what Jeff i have fought undefeated Queens before they were all tough and long but i have their bras in my closet, whats the big deal about this one”.

Jeff breathes in, “in all the years you fought and women you met or chatted with was there one you wished you could fight for anything more than anyone”?. Peggy thinks through her years and as she does slowly shakes her head no, “not that i recall, keep in mind Jeff as a Queen most challengers came looking for me, not the other way around, i was happy with my town and bar, so i can’t think of just one”.

Jeff nods, “that is true i forgot you weren’t one of the types who was looking to fight everyone for it all, in all your years did you recall Melinda, she liked to be called Mel the crusher?”.

Peggy hunks a moment, then her eyes open, “yess i do, thats her?”, Peggy says with a look of (are ya kidding). Jeff smirks, “no sweetie that there?, Is Donna the destroyer the one who devoured Mel so badly she quit fighting and was never heard of again”.

Peggy instead of being like (oh shit ) and worried smiles an evil grin, “oh Jefferey, i just want to say, if yo had a hand in her being here for me? After I fight her i will rock your world tonight”.

Jeff now stunned stammers, “wha…how.. I… you remember her?”, Peggy licks her lips, “if you set us up its great better than great, i have wanted at that bitch since i got married, your former buddy, met her years ago”.

Jef sits up, “what? when?”, Peggy sits back as if she was just given a fortune to send, she purrs. “Do you recall, back when he was doing side work with that contractor guy, i forget his name but there was an electrician whose wife i fought at the contractors home as they watched?”.

It was Jeff’s turn to search his memory, he utters, “yeah i kind of recall he telling me about that, it was right around the time he and i met at work right?”. She nods thats right, well that contractor took him on a trip back east to bid on a huge job, turns out the real estate broker heard from the pats guy i fight and was hoping i was along for the trip”.

Now Jeff and I have forgotten there is a show going on, he asks “so what came of it, i mean you weren’t there so?”. Peggy taps his knee, “well my darling husband instead of paying to get me there and fight her, and trust me after seeing my photo that guy would have flown me there. Decided to find a woman i think she was a stripper who resembled me or something, anyway he paid her to be in my place, and while the poor dear was busty this Donna woman completely ruined this stripper, to the point the poor girl was not just bruised but she was left so battered up she had to see a plastic surgeon to get a lift put in just to keep stripping”.

Jeff mouths ‘That was her?”!, Peggy smirks, “if that cow sitting there is the same Donna from back east, it is, it gets better”. Jeff nearly stands up, “HOW?”.  Peggy opens her cell phone and goes into her email history after some digging she finds it, “ahh here this is why i so want at her even more now”.

Jeff takes the phone to read the email, it begins with.  “dear little girl, i had a titfight against a busty redhead last night, she tried her best but like many before her and many more to come, I destroyed her and her tits. Now the sad part is i only just learned that the woman i fought was in fact not you. Why does this matter ?, simple honey, i was lead to believe by your handsome husband that was you i was fighting. Now you can imagine my joy when i took out the so called queen and well destroyed her, since i been wanting to fight you for a long time.

see your husband while he has been coming here practically begging my husband for this contract, well i told him if he could say yours were better than mine and get you to fight mine, i could get him the deal. He was so proud to show off those pictures of your tits in various attire, and after feeling kind he had the nerve to say yours were as good. Well you can only imagine my shock when i devoured the infamous Peggy’s tits, then to find out he was scared to bring you to fight me. well all i can say is anytime you want a shot at the big leagues come find me, till then i will send your pathetic man home to your weak tits”, signed Donna .

Jeff sat a minute stunned, he glanced over at Donna who was eyeing Peggy and she was looking back, Jeff hands her the phone back, “so are you gonna tell her?’. Peggy nods , “ohhhh you better believe i am, i just hope this is still her email”.

Peggy uses her teeth to ease off her right hands glove, she rubs her hand as it was a little sweaty, then she hits reply and sends the following.

“Well isn’t this a twist, I know it has been years in the making and i am sure your not hearing back from me then, made you think i was to scared to fight you, or maybe that my husband now Ex husband never informed me. Well trust me honey, you were all i ever thought about after he informed me but life and my fights got in the way,  plus i had a daughter to raise, you were no longer a priority, and honestly left my mind as if you never were in it. That is till about an hour and half ago. My daughters grown now and as i said my husband and i are divorced, but that doesn’t mean what you emailed him to give to me is any less a challenge.

In case you for got at your age, this is Peggy, since this original email, i fought my way from a bar Queen to a Queen of a town. And i also rule over 3 others i won. Since then i retired from the “official capacity” and turned those towns to my most trusted and best fighters to rule as they desire.
I understand to a high stakes money fighter like you it means very little but as you read on keep this in mind. Your tits as he told me were no bigger, no heavier, io firmer and no better than mine. The only reason i wasn’t flown out to fight you was his reasons only, but the good news is I not only ant to fight you, i want to no i am going to fight you tonight little girl.

But here is my challenge, I will fight you for our bras, our milk, and either a breast smother or face sit after, as well as 50 thousand dollars, but there is more, I want more than a titfight with you. I will wait for a reply if your woman enough and still big mouth enough to reply and accept the challenge. signed Peggy.

She let us read it then her red talon hits send, she closes the phone and waits , we all three look toward Donna and we see her phones obviously on vibrate  as she reaches in her purse. Then we see her remove her glove and open the phone, the light brightens her face.

Her own sharp fingernail opens the email, and we watch as she reads it, her eyes widen  and her mouth curls with jealousy at the reply even years later. We all act as if we are talking when she looks our way, then i nudge Jeff and Mom as she starts to type a reply.

Jeff snorts, “holy shit , she has no frigging idea your sitting right here, this will be epic to read”, Peggy whispers “easy Jeff , don’t let this cat out of the bag just yet.

We can see Donna read the email and as she does she makes a fist, se glances Peggy’s way who ignores the look, then looks back at her cell. i tell mom. “She’s replying”. Peggy smiles just in time for intermission this will be worth it.

We watch the show as Donna with no clue her rival is sitting a few feet away replies, i have no idea how Peggy sat so cool, cause i was busting to read what this woman wrote back.
Peggy was cool when her cell vibrated she instantly hit the side to quiet it.

She didn’t need to look she knew who it was, so she waited for the right moment. While Donna now sat stewing over how she was either going to tell Peggy from the email she can not fight tonight knowing she will look scared, or how she would tell the woman a few feet away she can not fight tonight after her threats and look scared.

Finally when mom saw Donna was lost in thought enough she took her cell out and made Jeff sit up a bit to block as much as he could. Peggy reads the following…

Well well, you sure as hell waited long enough to finally want to fight me, but fear not i am game to especially with those stakes. i would never use your commitment to our craft, or to your family as a sign of being scared to fight me or any other woman. I was curious why i did not hear from yo years sooner, but i will take the blame for that by leaving it to your husband.

I was sure after the pride in which he compared you to me, and the photos, he would be driving or flying you to meet me, or me to you. For years i thought from that he was scared for you and never showed you my challenge. As for tonight let me say I wanted to fight you then and still do today. I have a small dilemma however, your reply came a to a poor time, for tonight as you read this, there is a woman who well lets say took something i feel was mine and her and i vowed to fight tonight.  While she is busty i seriously doubt she will give me more than an hour long fight before i have crushed then milked her dry.

As you know and i am sure experienced we women with our reputations should be able to handle a short fight in order for a bigger better one, but from i heard about you, i seriously doubt you would want to fight me, when i am slightly tired, or sore from a previous fight.

No in fact i know positively you would want to be your best and me as well, as i do want the same. Therefore i have to tell one of you i can not fight her tonight and look scared, which as you also know is not fair.

So obviously you are in town or close by, i can not imagine how you had any idea i am near or maybe your willing to grab a red eye flight to me, but i much rather fight you tonight then this pathetic bitch a few feet from me.
On that note here is my cell number please call me now, intermission is almost on and i will be able to discuss this that way and where we will meet to fight. Yours Donna.

Peggy nearly laughed if not for the comment that she was the bitch who Donna felt wouldn’t give her much of a fight. mom was pondering her reply, she glanced Donna’s way who now stopped looking her way.

She whispered to us, “i am going to give a short reply then at intermission i will call her while she is in the hall, you two go grab a drink and the bathroom for the last half of the show.

We watch as Donna continues to peak in her bag a her cell for the reply, Peggy was looking a the program and as the last act and song started she started her brief reply.

Well i am so glad you understand why we never met prior, obviously you have had your husbands short comings to deal with as well. I also appreciate that you are willing to fight this random busty woman then fight me, but you are so right . Wasting time and getting swollen and sore then try to fight me would be a long night for you for sure.

I am sure you agree our fight was a long time in the making, we each perfected our ability and how to use it. Now for the nitty gritty of it, i don’t want to just titfight you, i am presenting the following challenge as if it is that day over 20 years ago.

One we will tit fight tonight, two, i am challenging you to a hair fight, but more than that i also challenge you to a bite duel,, a nipple duel, our titfight tit to tit strictly, a se fight , and finally a cat fight. I realize this a lot for two Queens in one night but we did not get our reputations by fighting one way every time we fought.

I will call you in 15 minutes and if memory serves me the intermission will las 30 to 45 minutes, which by the end of you will know exactly who you are up against and just how we are going to settle this and the stakes. Look forward to speaking to you, yours Peggy”.

She sends it then hides her cell as she pretends to enjoy the last act of part 1. She never gives Dona another glance cause Peggy knows this woman can’t and will never refuse to fight her once she knows who is sitting a few feet away, unless she sees Peggy will devour her.

The last note is played and sung, the audience erupts with applause, the curtain falls and the house lights come up. Mom tells Jeff and i to go now, we get up and leave the balcony, Peggy stays seated, Donna stands up and tells her husband to hold the seats while she has to take a call.

Donna vanishes into the hall, a minute later mom takes her cell out and acting innocent as she calls the number.  After 1 ring Peggy hears Donna’s voice, “is this Donna?”, “you know it is Peggy lets have this discussion thats a lot you wanna settle in one night”.

Peggy her back to Donna’s husband smiles, “it is but for two Queens who now choose who and when they fight , i am sure we both can take it, if not one of us will either be leaving a loser or we will wake up and go on”.

Donna, “well i see you thought this out, in that case i accept and i will fight you tonight, how long will it take you to get to me?”. Peggy, “oh honey i am a lot closer than you think, i can be in front of you in minutes if not sooner, but before i put in the effort, what about this woman you were going to fight tonight, is this going to be an issue?”.

Donna huffs, “oh her ? Not at all, i will simply tell her something better and more important has come up, and give her my name and number so her and i can fight another time, to be honest i think once she knows she’s off the hook , I’ll never hear or see her from her again.

Peggy, “mmm i love the confidence i hear, so tell me do you agree to the styles ?”, Donna moans “oh its been a while since any bitch or Queen has been able to match me those ways in a night, but hearing you i wouldn’t dream of refusing you, i want this badly, when can you be to me?’’.

Peggy inhales a she purrs with a sultry groan, “nmm i am already here,honestly i do not know how you missed me”. Donna frantically looks about, “where a re you i need to see you face to face”.  Peggy purrs, “i agree we need to see each other face to face, turn around and walk to your balcony seat. “ Donna turns and re enters the section, she sees Peggy her back turned and doesn’t think twice, she sees her husband is starting to doze off.

Donna in excitement, “ok Peggy i am at my seat are you across from us?, where shall i look?”.
While Donna looks to the balcony across the theater, Peggy stands up and turns she hisses in the phone, “no not that way turn to your left, i am waving at you”.

Donna slowly scans the audience then as her eyes reach the stage she looks up, till finally she sees Peggy, on her cell, and she wiggles her red pointy fingernails, “there you are, Finally good to see you Bitch”.

Peggy hangs up her cell, and then steps to the aisle where Donna is, Donna drops her cell on her seat and steps to Peggy, she growls low, “YOUR her?, are you kidding me?”.

Peggy smiles then purrs, “think i am kidding , i just sent you a pic , i think you recall seeing it all those years ago, i mean if it were me i would have kept it. But i am a fighter .  Donna with a face like this was a trick reaches for the cell, opens it and there in a new text, and it  is the same picture from 20 years ago just resent, next to it is a similar pic from just days ago, but obviously the age difference.

Donna mouth open as Peggy smiling purrs, “so you have about 20 minutes to make a reservation across the street for tonight now, and  tomorrow night for a suite, since you have accepted my challenge you better do it and show up Little Girl”.

Donna was pissed but also flabbergasted, she couldn’t believe the woman she tried to bully was the Peggy, she was still confident but now she knew for sure above all else. Tonight and maybe tomorrow she was in for a real fight.

The house lights flash and everyone takes their seats again, we rush back in and to be honest, i was sure i was going to see these two rolling on the aisle floor, hands in hair.  We take our seats with mom and she smiles. I ask and Jeff does at the same time, “well whats going on?”.

Peggy purrs like a lioness in heat, “nmm i am still gonna fight her tonight, as Peggy the Queen and not the annoying bitch that took the better seats, if she’s woman enough to make the reservations that is”.

The show begins and as we sit there in the dark, listening to the amazing voices and songs, Peggy has that smile as her heel slowly rolls. She is mentally preparing for a fight, she doesn’t care what her rival a few steps away is doing.  As the show is coming on the final act i see Moms cell light and buzz on vibrate.

Peggy with her elbow glove back on reaches in her purse and eases it out. She presses the button and opens the screen then presses the email icon, there is a short email from Donna that reads.
 “Peggy attached you will find the formation needed to meet me, i reserved the room. After the performance, simply walk across the street to the front desk, give them the following reservation number and you will be provided a key. Upon entering the suite, go to the bedroom to the right, take a moment to gather yourself, and get your dress off. After 10 minutes you can meet me in the main room and we will begin.  My husband was told there will be no interference, i do hope you and your guests will do the same.  The fight that we have both been waiting for is going to happen tonight, and one of us will leave with her head high and a smile, the other will be left on the floor, in tears and her milk, i hope your ready for a fight honey”.

Peggy opens the attachment, and right there is the hotel name and the reservation number. Peggy simply emails back, “thank you Donna for being woman enough to accept the challenge and i agree to the terms, and trust me i am ready for this fight as much if not more than you are, and my daughter and friend know when i fight , they are to stay out of it”.

Peggy puts her phone away, then simply smiles as she watches the end of the show, i look at Donna she just read the reply, she takes a deep breath and puts her phone away , then a smile as she watches the show.

I never understood the grace and courage Peggy and the women she fought and was going to fight, ho they just accept to face each other knowing it may be hem who gets torn up, or broken, or embarrassed as their husbands, or family, or others watch the truest as the rawest side of them is exposed till it is over.

The show even though the last act seemed to go on and on, Donna and Peggy sat content and eager but calm, the fight was arranged, agreed on and all they were waiting for is to get to the place to fight, be erotic, catty, or a mix.

My fingers trembled and hands were shaking as they both sat there knowing what was coming , calm and seemingly not a care.  Jeff out of pure concern for mom, and not knowing all her fights far and near, leans to her, “are you sure about this?”.

Peggy took a breath, she hated being questioned as if she never won a fight, Dad use to do it and it bothered her. She whispers to Jeff, “this is what i do, it is my life passion. I know and accept i may lose to her, but i have to tell myself i will beat her”.

Even if she was taller, bustier and a known wild cat that does worse then we are going to do, if she wanted a fight , she would get it, i could never walk away and wonder for the rest of my life, what if. It’s a horrible thing to carry mentally.”

The shows finale comes, there is a loud applause and as the lights to the theater come on, everyone is slowly filing out. For some reason, Peggy and Donna sat watching the people in general seating leave.

finally as there are but a handful left, Donna and her husband stand, she side steps from her seat, pauses to look at Peggy, then she leaves. For a moment i thought maybe Donna was having second thoughts or hoped maybe Peggy was going to ask if they can forget it.

But as they look at each other, it was clear to both of them, this night was going to continue on. Peggy waits long enough Donna should be at least out side if not already across the street, then she stands up, “lets go guys”.

I saw it in Jeff’s eyes we both wanted to try to talk mom out of this but we both knew not to. We follow Peggy as she saunters giving her rival time to have the suite ready, as we reach the sidewalk there is no sign of Donna.

We walk across the street, and Peggy steps to the front desk, “Hi I am meeting a friend here i believe she left a key for me, names Peggy”.  The clerk nods with a smile and hands her the key, Peggy turns to look at Jeff and I, “well you two coming or not?”.

We all walk to the elevators and ride up to the 19th floor, fortunately the hotels elevators were quicker than most, so it wasn’t a torturous ride. We hear the ding and the doors open, we all step out then Peggy leads us to the suite.

She pauses at the door to text, “we are coming in”, in a second her cell buzzes, “come in , i am in my bedroom”. Peggy swipes the card key, then we hear the latch open, her gloved hand opens the door and we walk in.

Donna’s husband has already started moving nothing breakable out of the way, Jeff quickly walks over to assist him. I walk mom to the other bedroom door, i hug her, “break her Queen”, she smiles and kisses my cheek, “oh i plan to”.

She enters the bedroom and shuts the door, i walk to the bar and make a few drinks, then Jeff, Donna’s husband and I make use of the single chairs we shifted around the main area of the room to watch.

There was no conversation as nothing we could discuss would change what is to come. Suddenly we hear a door open and slowly Donna walks out, she is wearing her heels thigh highs, garters and the elbow long gloves.

She smiles at. All of us and winks then blows a kiss to her husband, he smiles back and says, “go get her babe”. Then as Donna walks around getting a feel for the room, stops and stands waiting.  The wait wasn’t long, Peggy’s door opens and she slowly saunters out, wearing just her heels, thigh highs garters and elbow gloves.

She smiles at us and winks at Jeff then blows a kiss at us, she circles allowing Donna to see as well as her husband, Jeff smiles, “go get her Babe’’.  Peggy winks then takes a stance facing Donna, the two women stand a moment staring at each other, their full round breasts swell as they slowly rise and fall.  Their nipples stand out stiff stretching from the aureolas base, which are bumpy and protruding.  They have a jealous dislike for one another stemming from 20 years ago, as each would have gladly fought then.

For two women in their 60’s they both look in their late 40’s, still fit, curvy. Breasts still round and up rom chest conditioning, round and firm. They notice it on their rival and both inhale a breath with full pride at staying so fit and sexy.

Donna then clears her throat, “so Peggy, where shall we begin?”, Peggy tilts her head up a bit, “why don’t we grab a drink and as we do we can get started ?”. They turn on their heels and sway their hips as they step to the bar, naked other than the heels gloves and thigh highs with garters.

They set the glasses on the bar, Peggy pours herself a bourbon, she looks at Donna, “you prefer something else?”, Donna slides her glass toward Peggy, “that is what i prefer”.

Peggy pours the other glass then opens the ice bucket and drops two cubes in Donna’s glass then her own, she then lifts her glass as does Donna. They stare a second then gently clink glasses as Peggy purrs, “may the better woman win”.  Donna nods, “and may the better Queen win”.

They sip down a mouthful, then look at each other, Donna purrs, “So Peggy whats going to start us off?”. Peggy slowly sets her left heel on the bars brass rung at the bottom of it, she doesn’t say anything but donna didn’t need to be told, as she sets her right heel up on it.

They touch knees and set their planted heel a bit wider opening their thighs more, exposing the well manicured different colored mounds, their supple folds a slight glisten. Donna purrs in a teasing manner, “this seems interesting, finger each other?”, Peggy smiles as she purrs back, “maybe later, for now i am going to rip that bush of yours out till you give”.

Donna raises a brow, “i see well i guess I’ll be taking yours out as well, what does the winner get?”. Peggy her typical wise ass way, “you better if you want a chance at beating me, winner gets pleasured, unless you have another idea”.

Donna stares at Peggy, “no i think thats a good start to this long night”, Peggy eases the glass aside as does Donna.   Donna starts to remove her glove and Peggy stops her, “oh no no honey, if we feel our nails on others skin its going to be to tempting to use them, lets save them for later on shall we”.

Donna pushes the glove back on, “wonderful idea, i would hate for things to get to crazy to quick and miss out on devouring you piece by piece”. Peggy smiles licking her lips, “nmm i was sure you would see it the same way i do, shall we begin then?”.
There is total silence as each of them looks the other in her eyes, their gloved right hands reach across to others mound. They palm the gloves over the others full bush, their gloved fingers gently teasingly rub the others folds, as they then curl up into the bristled hair.

The fists clench and have a fistful of the others bush, each gives a slight pull, checking they have a grip and letting her rival know she is ready.  Donna moans “fight me”, Peggy moans back, “Fight me”.

Slowly they tighten their fingers and start to pull, both women tighten their figures a bit at the feeling, but neither is ripping like a banshee. These two women want and need to enjoy the sensation of making her rival say i give stop.

They stretch the pubic hairs more, while it was tough to see, we knew it by seeing their hips and pubic areas be pulled to their rival by he grip. Their nostrils flare slowly at first as their bare breasts rise and fall a bit quicker.

Each tilts her chin up at her rival as if to say, cmon but not a word is said yet between them.
Slowly the heavier breathing through noses forces their lips to part a bit for heavier breathing.

Both of them firmly pull, stretch neither caring how hard, or deep the other feels the burning pain. We can see their eyes get a bit glassy and well up, its not a concern or sign one is doing more damage or not, it is a natural reaction and they know it.

For what seems like half an hour was only 10 minutes, their checks start to get red as both try their best to not let out a reaction, but they can see just how much it hurts by looking into their rivals eyes.

Though it was Peggy who wanted this night to start with this somewhat unusual style, it is Donna that seems to take to it. Slowly as they stand their pulling on each other, the seemingly ( i am not fazed) glares start to take a turn.

But it is Peggy that feels the wrath of her choice first, Donna with a good grip starts to twist her wrist as she pulls straight to herself. Peggy then lets out its effect, “ohhh ummff you bitch”.

Donna smirks having drawn first reaction, instead of holding the new grip she uses it more to her advantage. She twists the wrist with Peggy’s fur in it then as she pulls to her she now starts to lift her pull.   Peggy is being inched closer to Donna and now her hips are leaned in front of her to Donna.

Donna hisses softly, “i am going to bald that cxnt of yours bitch”, Peggy turns her head a bit as she feels that deep burn. Her free hand first takes hold of the bars edge, then as Donna pulls up and to her while turning her wrist, Peggy uses her free hand to grab at the forearm of Donna’s pulling hand.

donna uses her free hand to try to pull Peggy’s hand off, “Let my arm go Bitch and fight or give”. Peggy grunts as she can’t fight it any longer she is pulled by donna closer, “agghhh Bitch my fur fuck”.

Donna’s eyes seem to brighten while glassy, she curls a lip, “problems bitch hmm”?. Peggy gets her free hand knocked away and she places it at Donna’s hip. Then she pulls up and out on Donna’s fur, and her hand on her rivals hip pushes Donna’s hip back adding to the tension on Donna’s fur.

Donna feels it, she turns her head to her shoulder then tries to shake her head to ignore the burn her rival feels, “Ohhh you bitch uuggghhh god damn it bitch “. Now both freely react as they start to tug, and pull firmer and add in yanking .

They both get pubic area shaken by the hairs, their firm breasts gently jostle and wobble as they play a sick form of tug of war.  Peggy suddenly seems to be right back in this duel, and now Donna is getting abused more, Donna huffs in a growl of pain and hate, “ready for war Bitch hmm, cmon lets fucking really pull”.

Suddenly the two sexy mature fighters are yanking on the others patch like trying to start a mower, as much force as they can muster as they suffer the same as their rival. Sharp squeals and yikes come between growls and taunts to fight harder.

Tears freely stream from the pain now but neither is truly crying, Peggy turns her grip down instead of up, she YANKS YANKS and tries to make donna go down on her knees.  Donna shakes her head no, “Owwww ohh ugggg you Bitch my cxnt, oh you Bitch”.

It was clear to all this brutal duel wasn’t going to last long , the pain was way to much, seeing donna whimper as she fights Peggy an to stay in her position, i was sure any second now donna was dropping to her knees and screaming I give.

You can imagine my shock as well as Jeff’s when we hear from Peggy, “Oh GOD you fucking BITCH NOOO”!. Donna with her wrist turned up and suddenly bending at the waist rips then YANKS YANKS YANKS, up and to her nearly lifting Peggy to her toes.

As she rips away she growls, “Cmon cxnt , i am going to rip your weak patch right out feel it Bitch hmm?”. Peggy’s hips are being yanked to Donna against her will, then suddenly Peggy’s stance gives way.

Her knees buckle and she starts to fall forward at Donna, but donna as much as she was hurting wanted to win this and make Peggy hurt. she presses her body into Peggy’s and the two women stand face to face breasts pinned between them and a hand in each other’s mound.  Donna’s free hand now pulls Peggy into her by the waist , stopping Peggy from easing the pain in anyway.  Peggy’s free hand shoves at Donna’s tummy, waist, shoulder and face, anywhere that can get Donna  off her.

But Donna is like Peggy, when she has her rival on the ropes she goes for the kill, donna slaps Peggy’s gloved hand away then pushes Peggy’s back against the bar.  As Peggy gets bent her back bent on the bar edge Donna pins her there with her own body.

She now takes her free hand and holds Peggy’s face still by the chin, forcing Peggy to look in her eyes, “Fight me Bitch, your a Queen, i want more”. I watch stunned and i am seeing Peggy beaten at her own novel game, one i never saw her fight before.

Donna pumps her hips and breasts to Peggy’s as she now PULLSSSSS up on Peggy’s bush, the crackling of hairs being torn is heard amid the panting cries and anguished groans. Donna hisses right to Peggy’s face, “let go on my cxnt Bitch or i will tear every tiny hair out, I MEAN IT”.

Peggy nods and her other hand comes from Donna’s crotch and now both her hands prop behind her and to the sides on the bars edge. Her tears freely run down as she looks up at the ceiling then cries out, “OK OK I give please STOP I am done”.

Donna a snarling look presses to Peggy an gives a long lasting steady pull, Peggy whimpers from it, then Donna releases her fur mound. donna steps from Peggy, and poses in a victory pose to us and her man.

Peggy hands at her mound sinks to the floor on her knees, Donna with her gloved hands wipes her tears from her face, her entire mound is red and swollen naturally. She steps back to the bar downs the rest of her drink then looks down at Peggy, she takes Peggy by the hair and guides her to the front. 

Donna leans her bare back on the bar and spreads her long thighs apart, she holds Peggy’s hair and as she stares down at her she hisses, “Eat me you Whore”. She tugs Peggy’s face to her mound and slowly Peggy opens her mouth , extends her tongue and sinks it in between the now moist folds.

As Peggy’s head rolls and her tongue and mouth work Donna’s wet pussy, Donna tilts her head up and back, one gloved hand on the bar the other holds Peggy’s head and face to her pussy.

Donna moans “uuhh uhh nmmmmyesss ohh i am going to enjoy beating you Bitch all night long, you must lose a lot to be this good, nmmm yess yess faster Bitch make me cum yesss”.

Peggy has to oblige, she set the fight and the stakes and you can bet had she won, Donna would be forced to fully pleasure her. Peggy is eating , well worshipping Donna  faster , i watch as Peggy’s head rolls and bobs , making Donna start to tremble.

Donna grips Peggy’s hair tighter, “yesss whore more oh god yess yess yess cummming bitch nmmm”. Donna reaches her orgasm, she pushes Peggy’s head aside and steps from between her and the bar.

She walks to her husband for a kiss then takes some ice in a cloth and holds it to her mound, she sits having a second drink, slowly rocking her spiked heel foot, with a grin as she watches Peggy have to stand, wipe her face then grab ice as well. She purrs across to Peggy, “well that was fun, i so hope you have more in you and more ideas like that one”.

Peggy sips her own drink, “it was fun but rest assure you and i just got started cow, so i hope your really want more”. Donna’s seemingly calm persona starts to reveal her true self, she narrows her eyes, “don’t you worry about me loser, I’ll go all night against you if means at the end i milk you and sit on that face again”.

The ache not gone but the fiery burn is somewhat cooled off, enough for these two carry on. donna sets her ice in a glass then drapes the cloth on the bar, she arches in a stretch, “nmm so whats next?”. Peggy does the same with her ice and cloth then both ease off the stool and set them back.

They step towards one another and stop less than a foot apart, Peggy inhales, “next we are going to have a nipple duel, but not the average way”. Donna smirks, “well i wasn’t expecting it to be, but at some point , i do hope you and i will have at it in a traditional way more than once to night”.

Peggy smirks , “oh don’t you worry , you and i before we leave here , will have had conventional fuel for sure.”  Donna smirk but a slight fear, what her rival is planning, if they save the way they normally fight for end, will she be able to go on, but she assures herself she has to.  Peggy steps to donna they touch nipples, and slow,y they flick.

Donna purrs, “nmm i thought this was going to be different”?.  Peggy purrs as they are re both aroused by the gentle duel, “oh its gonna be”. Peggy inhales as she feels her rivals stiff nipples, it has always been a touchy area of Peggy’s fight menu, seeing how she has been inverted more than won at it.

They keep rubbing nipples hen Peggy says, “so we are going to starts like this, as we go each gets a timed amount of time to nibble and suck her rivals hard as she likes. Once we are really stiffest we ever been and extra sensitive you and i will lay on the floor in a 69, faces to others breasts, one hand in hair other wrapped around rivals back, we will roll over each other biting nipples, aureolas and breasts till one of us can’t stand it anymore”.

Donna moans , “nmmm just one question, when are we taking the gloves off? Eventually i want my claws in you bitch”. Peggy licks her lips, “oh no hurry we are going to catfight, if we use claws now there won’t be much left to go on with bitch”.

Donna glares, “stakes for this little duel?” , Peggy rubbing to Donna’s nipples, “nmmm breast smother with nipple worship”. Donna inhales as Peggy’s nipples while shorter seem stronger, she rolls her shoulders, “lets get going “.

Peggy looks to Jeff, “be a dear, set your stop watch for 2 minutes each f us has a turn”, he nods and sets the phones timer, then nods ready. Peggy stares at Donna, “you wanna go first bitch?”.  Donna smirks “oh by all means lead the way bitch my nipples are ready”.

With that Peggy steps back a bit she bends forward , her eyes stay on Donna’s, then she runs her lips down the right breast and as she licks that nipple she says, “start it”. Jeff hits start and Peggy wraps her lips around Donna’s aureola and nipple and begins to chew on it and as she does she saws her teeth on the shaft then sucks hard and deeply.

Donna arches her breast to her but the feeling is one of a deep ache and arousal, her head rolls around, “nmmm uhhh bitch cmon”. Peggy starts to roughly pull and know at the stiff nub, as she is biting to cause irritation, but to break skin, her tongue eases the tip.

Donna winces but makes no attempt to pull away or yank Peggy off, Peggy gets rougher, i saw it as her head shook and Donna’s breast quaked a bit. Jeff watches as we all do, Donna is starting to feel it now, she gasps hotly, “it has to be time damn it”.

Jeff show her husband there was still time, Jeff lets her know “still 40 seconds”, Donna now gathers some of Peggy’s hair, “uugghh get off bitch”. Finally Jeff yells out , “time”.

Donna looks down at the back of Peggy’s head, “let go Bitch now”, she guides Peggy’s head off her trapped nipple. As Peggy’s head pulls back, we hear the wet plop, Donna’s nipple and breast bob free back to its settled point.

Peggy sits up, she uses her index finger to pretend to dry the corners of her mouth, as she smirks at Donna. I knew why Peggy was trying to make Donna really sensitive, in case they nipple duel, her rival will be to sore to put up a fight.  But now it was Donna’s turn, Donna eases forward then leans forward, she looks to Jeff, “set that timer”.

Peggy cup her breasts, aureolas swelled and bumpy, and her nipples are stiff and fat, she slowly juggles them and purrs “cmon honey they ready”.  Donna lowers her head, Jeff thumb on the timer, “go”.

Donna swirls her wet lips on the nipple , her tongue teases by flicking the tip. Peggy a smirk, “cmon bitch come and get it”. Donna annoyed by mom’s arrogance, places her teeth on the nipple , instead of sawing from the aureola to tip she drags her teeth toward the breast.

The friction is more course and Peggy thinking she has the tougher advantage , winces, her lips purse.  Peggy arches and nearly pulls away, Donna knowing her teeth harder grabs Peggy’s waist, and sucks roughly , shaking her head.

Peggy squirms and is feeling her rivals effect more than she gave, she tries a subtle pull , but we see her breast stretch as Donna clamps down, through her teeth Donna growls, “do it and you lose Bitch”.

Peggy turns her head, “ughh you Bitch finish it”. Donna was happy to go at the stiff nipple harder.  Donna’s head is rolling and tilting, her cheeks are pulling in as she tugs the on the nipple and Peggy’s aureola is in her lips.

I can see Donna’s jaw working her teeth firmer, Peggy is griping the arms of the chair, her head tilts back then down, eyes shut a she has to endure the rough payback. Peggy rocking her knees looks to Jeff, “how much longer?”. Jeff shows the timer, “50 seconds”.

Peggy is blowing hot breath through her lips, ‘’oh you bitch just wait”, finally what seemed like 4 minutes especially for Peggy, we hear Jeff, “TIME”. Peggy grabs Donna’s hair at the temples, “open your damn mouth Bitch NOW”.

Donna scrapes her teeth from Peggy’s nipple, she sits up with a sly smirk, “you ok honey?, do you need to oh maybe GIVE?”. Peggy wants to rub her breast but wouldn’t give Donna the satisfaction.

They each sip a drink, then Peggy looking at Donna says, “Jeff set the timer”, we knew before this took place, there was going to be more than each getting a bit bitchy.  Jeff sets the timer, “set”.

Peggy swallows as she stares at Donna, “put em up”, Donna acting confident, we saw it in her eyes she like we did knew things were going to get heated and rougher. She cups her breast and lifts it, “cmon honey lets see if you can do any better”.

Peggy was on fire as she places her tongue flat to Donna’s tip, Jeff lets out, “GO”. Instantly Peggy has teeth on the tips edge and saws them along the length of Donna’s shaft adding pressure as she does.

Donna rolls her shoulders back, “uww you Bitch watch it”, but Peggy didn’t want to hear it. She gets to the aureola and her lips suck. the aureola in then her jaw loses and knows firmly.

It was Donna’s turn to squirm, “UUGHh this bitch bites any harder I’ll tear her tits off”. But mom acted as if she didn’t’t hear t , she sucks in stretching the aureola and nipple thinner and now her front teeth are chewing and knowing the aureola and nipple while sucking rougher.

Donna looks at the back of Peggy’s head as she is panting and grimacing, “Bitch you better watch it , i am warning you”. Peggy doesn’t ease up an ounce, in fact from where i sat, she was getting rougher, she growls through her teeth, “can’t take it bitch quit”.

Donna out of desperation and the deep ache, looks up as she runs her talons on Peggy’s bare back, “you whore wait till its my turn , i will bite yours off”. Peggy’s reaction was simple, she chomps down and firmly bites, then hisses, “anytime your ready bitch its on, or take the challenge like a Queen should cow”.

Donna can’t argue it, as much as she wants to claw Peggy right now, she accepted it and has to finish the duel or submit. Her head shakes no as she rocks in pain, Peggy gets rougher, Donna puts her hands to Peggy shoulders , “How much time?”.

Jeff swallows 1 Minute, Donna quivers her eyes shut, “UUGHh you Bitch, just you wait oh god”. Finally as Peggy seems to tighten down moe with her teeth, and Donna turns her head , her calf rocking as her other breast hanging sways hanging freely.

Finally as it looked as if Donna was about to give , Jeff shouts, “Time”. Donna pushes Peggy off instead of waiting. Peggy lets her teeth scrape hard along the shaft, finally free Donna has no choice but to cup her breast.

Peggy now with the smirk, “sure you can go on… honey?”. Donna breathing heavier, looks at her breast, and we see it as well, the nipple and edge of the aureola are already turning a purple. I even winced as i saw it, Donna takes an ice cube and right away places it on the swelling nipple and aureola.

She glares at Pegg with hate, what may have been a fight of erotic nature is now turning into the fight Jeff and i knew these two were waiting to have. Peggy caresses her free breast over the nipple, then lifts it, “well bitch we finishing this or not?”.

Donna was hurting, but she was having an issue just letting her breast hang, as the blood rushing to it was causing pain. But she was not about to let Peggy go without getting some pay back.

Donna sneers at her and says to Jeff, “set that damn timer “, Peggy swallows a she tries to look as if this duel is hers. She lifts the breast and sits forward more, she gently jostles it, “cmon bitch”.

Donna wets her lips and leans forward, as she lowers her ear she says to Jeff, “just let me know when “. She looks up at Peggy, “you’ll be lucky i don’t bite it off bitch”. Peggy snarls, “try it and I’ll tear your face open in my claws”.

Donna sets her teeth on the edge of Peggy’s nipple, Peggy already knows whats coming, “same trick as before? Your not much for innovation cow”. The taunt hit home, right before Donna is to start , she takes the entire nipple in her mouth till her front teeth set on the aureola.

Peggy grips the stools arms, she looks to Jeff, “she’s not starting right”, Jeff looks at her, “you never said she can’t…GO”. Donna clamps down, and Peggy purses her lips, “ohhh son of a bitch”.

As she sucks her back teeth are already knowing on the stiff nipple, her front teeth are pinching down the aureola, her tongue folds up pressing to the tip. Her head shakes a few times and pulls the breast.

Peggy huffs out as she closes her eyes, “UUGHh you bitch, you cheating fucking bitch, you better watch it whore UUGHh”.  Donna chews and sucks and knows harder, her head shaking the trapped flesh more firmly. Donna doesn’t even try to reply, she wants Peggy to hurt before they get to the floor and really chew on each other harder.

Peggy back arched as she tries to lessen the pull that is aching already, her knuckles red as she grips the arms of the seat. Her head shakes no, “you bitch just wait, oh you better lighten up whore i swear”.  Jeff seeing whats coming, “1 minute”, Peggy starts to press at Donna’s shoulders, “lighten up bitch, ohhh god damn it, Bitch”.

Finally as  Peggy was about to either give or do something, Jeff calls out, “TIME”.

Peggy grabs a fistful of hair at the nape of Donna’s neck her other hand reaches under and pinches the sore nipple of Donna, “let go you fucking cow now”.

Donna winces her nipple so sore, her mouth opens, “ohh you bitch , let go of my nipple”. Peggy and Donna glare as they both release the others and grab ice cubes to try to ease the swelling thats to come.

They sit there, glaring the hate , as each went a bit to far. Donna hisses, “if you can’t take it maybe you should retire”. Peggy huffs, “the day i retire fighting whores like you is the day i lay down for good”.

Donna says the one thing that was a trigger to any woman getting older, “well you fight like you should have a long time ago bitch”.  Peggy drops the ice on the bar, she glares at Donna, then slaps her cheek.

We all dropped our mouths open, Donna must of been waiting for it, instead of acting shocked or saying anything, Donna rolls her tongue in her cheek, “i hope for your sake thats not your hardest honey”. Then Donna whips her palm across Peggy’s cheek, the sharp hit turns both their cheeks a pinkish red.

Jeff stands up between them, “ok ok you both got a little out of hand, but this is not what was agreed to so how about , you both go to your rooms, take a minute and we can go on ok”.

Peggy had something in mind, so did Donna, they ease off the stools, eyes locked and ready to pounce. “Peggy looking at Donna but says to Jeff, “sure Jeff honey”.  Donna stands up their naked bodies built for allure and action stretch as their heels firmly plant on the floor.

Jeff slow to ease away, “ok good, take 10 or so and we can resume then”, Peggy steps around Jeff, then Donna  does. It was obvious tempers where high as was the tension between them.

Each steps back about to turn away and Donna had to set it off, she snarls a hissing taunt, “Stupid fat Cow”, Peggy growls right back”look who is talking you saggy tinted gutter tramp”.

Jeff never stood a chance alone, the two women turn and glare, Donna grunts, got something to say Bitch?”, Peggy growls back, “why you gonna do something about it, tramp?”.

Donna hands opening, “matter of fact i will “, Peggy, “then come on bitch”. They rush into each other, and start to slap at each other, their bare breasts jostling as they swing wildly, then as it gets heated they grab each other by the hair and start to shake the others head like they could tear it off.

Faces red and grunting they pull like savage wild animals, Donna spits, “cmon you cxnt, I’ll bald you like i did your weak cxnt”, Peggy in a rage, “oh you fucking big mouth whore”. Then Peggy with all she has whips Donna by her scalp and throws her to the floor, then pounces on her.

They fight each other but Donna is clearly getting the worse of it, Peggy is slamming her head on the floor by her hair, while Donna trying to defend herself swings a punch up at Peggy’s cheek. Right before Peggy is going to slam a right to Donna’s nose, Jeff grabs her arm and pulls her up and off Donna.

Donna kicks at Peggy but misses, she gets up ready to fight, as Jeff hugs Peggy and walks her backward, also ready to fight this out. Donna’s husband jumps up and grabs Donna from behind, “ok ok you both are taking a break till you can go on by the rules or this over”.

The two women take a deep breath, Donna spits at Peggy, “you wanna play against me bitch, I’ll rip your tits and face off”, Peggy fires back, “say when Bitch, i am ready for you and I’ll carve my name in your tits.”


Offline DavidG

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Re: A Night at The Opera (pt. 1)
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2023, 06:33:39 PM »
Great start
I’m straight on to part 2