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Sally Vs Katie: Sleepover turned Nasty

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Sally Vs Katie: Sleepover turned Nasty
« on: February 21, 2023, 09:37:54 PM »
Sally Vs Katie: Sleepover turned nasty
Getting old isn't much fun. A female group of former college friends were coming up to thirty and had decided to meet up to share stories of how things had went in their lives and to have a few drinks. Trying to arrange their schedules was a problem as all of them worked, some lived out of the city. Finally one of them decided that they should do a sleep over. A few games, joking about pillow fights. It seemed a fun way of catching up.

So on Friday night the friends all came together at Mary's house. Mary was a proud curvy redhead, who had her own hairdressing business. She had gotten a decent sized house just outside the city, so they weren't too worried about the neighbours since they weren't all that closely packed together.

First to arrive was Sally. She was a gorgeous blonde who knew it, walking into the house in a red dress, she left her heels beside the door and hugged Mary. They hadn't always been close but Mary learned that while Sally cared about her looks, she was someone who would help you out without needing to be asked. Mary told Sally she could change in a guest room upstairs as Mary wore a black dressing gown and nothing beyond black knickers underneath.

Next came Karen, she was a brunette who had went into real estate. She wore a black dress and heels. Hugging Mary as well but not as friendly, they had always sort of being more friends because of the others, if not for them then they probably wouldn't really have bothered with each other. Still they were polite with each other and Karen headed off to get changed.

Sally came down the steps as Mary couldn't help but mouth "wow" as she saw her. Sally wore a short pink dressing gown that didn't hide much, especially that she was nude underneath. Mary grinned at her as she joked "you know knickers are optional" and the beautiful blonde replied "yeah so why are you wearing yours" as both laughed.

A knock at the door got Mary's attention back on track. She opened the door to find the gorgeous black woman Katie behind the door. She wore a black hoodie and shorts to go with sandals. She hugged Mary tight as they had been best friends, saying how beautiful the other looked.

Katie and Sally hugged but Mary could see it was a little tense. While Karen came down in a white gown with white lace knickers underneath to hug the gang. While Katie headed upstairs to change. The girls all spoke about how wonderful it was to catch up. All their eyes soon drifted to the stairs, seeing Katie walking down with an air of confidence. Helped by the fact she was clearly nude underneath like Sally.

Sally's eyes burned a hole through Katie as Mary and Karen praised the beautiful black woman. They all giggled when Karen said "I think Mary and me are overdressed." Leading to them both dropping their knickers and throwing them onto a coffee table with a raucous laugh.

Afterwards the ladies got a few bottles of wine out with glasses. Trading stories about their lives since they left college. Some not so nice stories as the girls would hug those who needed it as it felt like they were back at College in the sorority.

After a few drinks had been taken by each lady. They started devising games, starting with a simple one like truth or dare. Where Sally admitted to kissing a girl when they were at college, which got the others jokingly asking who it was, apart front Katie as she seemed to have a hint of a glare on her gorgeous face.

Next Mary suggested since Sally was an expert kisser they should have kissing duels. Nobody really knew what the rules could be but they each took turns kissing, Mary and Sally started first with a few tentative kisses before they were more passionate. Getting whistles from Karen and Katie.

Whose turn was also a little tentative at first. As if in unison saying fuck it they held each other closer and shut their eyes as they kissed harder. Little moans could be heard as Mary joked "get a room!" With a giggle. Sally though stared at them with a lick of her lips.

As soon as they finished kissing, Sally said "I want at you now" pointing at Katie. Who stared hard back at her as Karen moved to sit next to Mary on the sofa. Both Katie and Sally kneeled at the center of the living room rug. Neither was tentative as they got right down to kissing. Unlike the other kisses they were thrusting tongues into each others mouths. Hands lightly gripped hair as Karen said "oh fuck.." as she couldn't take her eyes off what she was seeing. Mary couldn't either as she felt some tingling under her robe. Hearing the grunts of both stunning women in front of them as this seemed a real duel. They kissed for a full minute without seeming to take a breath till they broke apart and Karen applauded them. Telling them "shit! You both win for me" with both Sally and Katie staring intensely at each other before Sally asks "we'll call that a draw huh?" Making Katie nod.

Karen came up with the next game. She said "you know I see those women on TV doing judo and well... I mean look at us" getting a laugh from the others. Karen finished by saying "we can have a little fun throwing each other around." Mary nodded not exactly thinking straight. They each paired up to get mattresses from the bedrooms. Moving any breakable furniture out the way before suddenly Mary's living room was a makeshift dojo for judo.

First up was Mary and Sally. Both gripped the others gown by the collars and as Karen yelled "fight!" They clumsily pulled each other around giggling. It wasn't a serious fight but Sally soon took Mary down with a trip that exposed the hosts right boob. Sally pinning her to the mattress as Karen yelled "winner! Sally!" As the girls giggled before getting a drink.

Each fight had the same demeanor. They would roll around the mattresses as the girls were more interested in playing around, sneaking a tit grab that wasn't hard to the delight of those watching. Though it was Sally and Katie winning the fights with Mary and Karen. Mary and Karen in their encounter ended up with both kissing as Mary had Karen pinned with the kiss in effect. All the while though Sally and Karen had intensely stared each other down through their friends fun fight.

When Sally and Katie got on the mattresses the tension was clear to see. Mary and Karen both knelt together off the mats with an arm around each others shoulders. Hinting that once this was all over they would maybe go have a rematch to their kissing fight and more.

Sally and Katie meanwhile were circling each other with hands out. Mary assumed both were unsatisfied how the kissing contest had went as she watched them slowly grab the front of each others gowns. Before both started kicking at a leg to take each other down. Teeth were bared as Karen and Mary both felt themselves getting even more turned on. Watching their two strong, gorgeous friends battle so intensely as they tug each other around, neither able to break the early stalemate.

Soon they went to the mattresses as Sally had gotten a good kick on Katie's left angle, before she could pin down her rival though she was pulled around to her back. Both fought for the top spot as they rolled around the mattresses like they were processed. Sweat coating brows as their tops started to come undone to reveal their tits. Which bumped together to get the pair watching looking at each other wanting to jump in and fuck both these magnificent women in front of them.

That was till Sally grabbed Katie's hair to pin her down. Mary looked shocked by that as Karen yelled "Sally wins!" As Katie pushed Sally to her face. Sally told her rival "I win bitch." With both breathing a little harder. Katie replying "you cheating cxnt!" Not caring her breasts were completely bared. Neither did Sally as she argued "all is fair in love or war" that triggered Katie as she lunged for Sally's hair.

Mary looks to pull them apart by Karen puts her right arm over her chest and says "let them fight darling.. why ruin the fun?" While Mary wanted to tell Karen to buzz off so she could break up her friends. She had to admit that she wanted to see who would win in a fight between them as this wasn't some faux judo competition. This was an all out catfight as they yanked each others hair and hissed like feral cats.

Katie scratched at Sally's tits as they laid on their sides. Making the blonde babe howl before she repaid her frenemy. They kicked at shins, spat into each others faces as they looked wild. This had clearly been a long time coming for them as they fought like bitter enemies.

Mary felt Karen's fingers enter her pussy. Making her moan before she turned to Karen, seeing the smirk on her face before Mary gave her a taste of her own medicine. Mary wondered if she and Karen had any scores to settle or if the brunette was simply that horny as both groaned. Still they kept their eyes on the fight in front of them.

Sashes had come loose as both combatants fronts were exposed to each other. Shaven pussies glistened as they started slapping at each other. Still neither seemed able to hold the top spot for long. Their hearts racing from as much adernaline as it was due to the pleasure of fighting their rival. Marks slowly formed on their bodies.

Till both pushed apart for a moment. Getting to their knees as they took a minute to catch their breath. Karen and Mary wondering if the show was over. Instead Katie snarls "I should have kicked your whore ass all those years ago." With Sally replying with gritted teeth "Jaime was fucking mine... You know I would have beaten your ass if not for him or the sisterhood." Mary looks puzzled as her brain tries to get through the drink inducted haze to think what they are discussing. Suddenly it dawns on her what this grudge is over.

When they were all at college there was a stud quarter back (because of course he was) called Jaime. He was strong, stunning blonde man who all the girls loved on campus. Clearly some more then others as she wondered why Sally and Katie had been frosty. Well here was her answer, both had been sleeping with him.

Katie smacked Sally across her cheek with a hard right slap, twisting the head of Sally as the crack echoed like a gun shot. Sally replied with the back of her left hand to the same effect. Karen looked as stunned as Mary as they turned to each other. They then turned back to see their friends remove their gowns to bare all and lunge at each other with a wet slap of bodies.

Hair started to litter the mattresses. When Katie got on top she slapped away at the cheeks of Sally. Who cried out as her cheeks slowly turned red, while Katie screamed "you man stealing piece of shit!" Till she was bucked off by Sally to her right side.

Who when she got on top started to scratch at the face of Katie. Mary wondered if she should step in as she saw small cuts on the left cheek of the black woman. But Karen stared hard at her as if to tell her without a word "don't dare interrupt them." Cries came from Katie as Sally hissed "you are the whore! I wanted to maul you all those years ago you cxnt..." She is interrupted by her own howl as Katie has sneakily dug her nails inside her pussy. Sally rolls off Katie to hold her pussy. While Katie rolls the other way checking her cheek. Both fighting back tears as Karen kisses Mary on her neck as she moves behind her. The redhead shuddering as her pussy is still being fingered as she is still fingering Karen.

The fighters meanwhile slowly get back to their knees. Hurting and coated in sweat, they strike with slaps to cheeks and breasts. Crying out as moans are the only other noise in the living room. Both fighters grab each others throat with their right hands as they stare intensely at each other. Cheeks blistered red from slapping, nipples hard as daggers as they both look down to them and release each others throat.

Moving on their knees till they lock up with arms around backs. Pressing their breasts together as both squeeze their rival. Snarling insults about the others body, biting desperately at the others neck as they fall to their sides while trying to overpower each other. Kicking at their rivals legs till they coil them like snakes. Locked up to the bitter end it seems.

While Mary decides she won't be the toy of Karen as she twists around to face her. Both kissing hungrily as they shut their eyes. Thrusting four fingers into the others pussy till both quake and hold each other with their left arms around the others back. Squealing in delight as cum spews over their hands. Panting as they shut their eyes and touch foreheads.

There attention turns back to the fighters as they are scratching and biting. There's flicks of blood now on the mattresses to join hair. Snarling and hissing at their rival, tears running down their faces as they seek to ruin each other.

Sally desperately tries to lock Katie in a breast smother goes wrong. Her left breast is bitten with Katie shaking her head. Sally screams and finds herself being pushed to her back as her legs loosen enough for Katie to break free from their grip. Katie reaching to dig and scratch the blondes pussy. Sally kicking the mattress till she cries "I submit!" Katie not hearing it till Sally screams even louder "I! Submit!!" With Katie letting her go to fall to her back.

Mary and Karen nudge apart with a hungry look being exchanged there. But both know they need to check over both combatants. Katie is crying with joy at finally having it out with Sally. Even as her body bears the marks of this war, her tits are scratched up, her cheek, neck has a bite mark. While Sally curls up into a ball as she holds her pussy. Mary goes to get ice in towels for both. While Karen is happy neither has any serious injuries.

Soon when both are fit enough Mary helps Katie into the kitchen. While Karen helps Sally into the bathroom to clean her up. Karen telling Sally "honestly I thought you had Katie. I was rooting for you." Sally thanking her as she nods to Karen.

While Mary says "god Katie I didn't know about you two hating each other." Katie smiles as she enjoys a cool drink of water while sitting on a kitchen counter. She replies "well we kept it secret as we know sororities are all about harmony, supposedly anyway. We nearly came to blows a few times but that bastard stopped us, I know it's dumb fighting over a guy. Especially one who left us both and flamed out his NFL career. But seeing her in that gown brought back those memories of us in the house. Wanting to charge her and beat her in front of the other girls." Mary nodding along understanding what she means.

Soon enough all four girls return to the living room where the mattresses still have the scenes of war. Katie and Sally come together to shake hands. Sally telling Katie "look we will never be friends and I will want to fight you again... But for Mary and Karen I can be civil the rest of tonight." With Katie nodding as she replies "so can I." As both retreat to separate sides of the room. Karen and Mary strip off nude too so neither of the others fell uncomfortable as they try to lighten the mood.

The rest of the night goes soundly enough with a few more drinks. They all go to sleep, well most as Karen sneaks into Mary's room. Mary seeing her opens her legs as she waves Karen to bring it on. Knowing they have a score to settle, instead they fuck each other senseless as Katie and Sally both sit up in their makeshift beds to smile.

The next morning Mary makes the gang breakfast as Sally and Katie remain civil. Karen yawns as she looks to be walking a little gingerly. Smirking as she nods to Mary, who smirks back before blowing her a kiss as the group all laugh. Not long later it is time to go. Mary thanking the girls for the night of her life. With Sally and Katie still awkward around each other, hugging but both telling the other that the next time they are together they are going to fight. Knowing things are not totally settled between them.

They leave first as Karen waits around a little bit to talk to Mary. She says "you were amazing last night by the way." Both kissing with Mary nodding her thanks afterwards. Karen adding "I know we weren't close and in someways it could have been us catfighting, I am glad it wasn't." Holding Mary's hands as both look longing in each others eyes. While Sally and Katie have furthered their hatred. Mary and Karen seem to have really found each other after years of knowing each other. Kissing one more time before Karen reluctantly leaves. Mary has her back against the front door in her dressing gown as she mouths "wow" to herself, knowing that will be a very difficult night to top.