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My Journey to Confidence: Part 2

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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My Journey to Confidence: Part 2
« on: March 21, 2023, 02:29:49 AM »
Well, my day of reckoning had arrived. Or at least my first day of reckoning. I had my history class today where that aforementioned paper on the Cold War was due. I had already done both mine and Leah’s and I’d hate for the effort of the second paper to go to waste, so I would let that blonde bimbo have it. However, I would make it absolutely clear that our arrangement was over and that she would have to do her own work from now on. I had no doubt she planned on arguing. Hell, I welcome it, even. I would challenge her to a sexfight over it. My very first sexfight. I was very excited. I mean, who doesn’t wanna fuck a cheerleader? But I was also admittedly quite nervous. Every nympho is for their first rodeo. Before going to class, I ran into the bitchy valley girl for our exchange of papers.

“About time. Now where is it?” She asked rudely.

With an apathetic look on my face, I snapped the paper out in front of her empty skull. She bitchily swiped it from my hand.

“It better be good.” She said. “And hold the attitude next time. It doesn’t suit you.”

“Why don’t you make me?” I asked daringly. She looked at me like I just pulled a gun on her.

“What, did letting your hair down suddenly, like turn you into a cxnt?” She asked in her brainless Californian accent.

She was half right, though. I felt my new hair was a symbol of my new lease on life. I would never go back to that helpless little twin-tailed shy girl…Unless it was for roleplay.

“I don’t have time to explain to an airhead like you. Just get to class.” I ordered.

Leah rolled her eyes and did as I said, her platinum blonde ponytail streaming behind her. It took all of my willpower to stop myself from reaching out, grabbing it and pulling her to the floor right then and there but I would control myself. I eyed up her skirt and she had a nice ass. I licked my lips. The thought just occurred to me that she might say no, so I decided on a little insurance. A mix of both bribery and blackmail will make anyone crack. As class went on, I found myself getting distracted by my fantasies of what I would do to Leah. I fluctuated between excited and nervous constantly. At the worst of times, I even felt my old self trying to take hold of me again and begging me to apologize to Leah but I gagged her with a sock. I would never go back to being Little Ms. Doormat ever again. I thought of my favorite characters and their trials and tribulations. Like how much confidence it took Jasmine from YuriLesboLover’s 732 series to face down her nemesis Sabrina for the first time. Or in the Maggie and Amber series when Amber still tried to avenge her girlfriend Maggie by fighting Sylvia in the shower even after a brutal oil match with her own rival, Jenny. Man, that was a good one…I found myself getting aroused but my doubts had gone away. I had to arrange for Leah to meet me somewhere where we wouldn't get caught and more importantly, would be good for a fight but I had to set up the fight itself first. After class, we met at our usual rendezvous point. We both got As, as expected. 

“I got an A because of you, so I’ll look past your bitchiness from earlier just this once.” Leah said, playing with her ponytail in typical airhead fashion. “But you’d better come through for me on the next assignment on the Yugoslav Wars.”

“Do it yourself, cxnt.” I said with a cocky grin, crossing my arms beneath by D-cups.

“Excuse me?” She asked with genuine shock.

“You heard me!” I said firmly. “Unless it went through one ear and out the other again!”

“When did you suddenly grow a rack?” She asked.

“None of your business, bitch.” I shot back.

“You fucking whore! Do I need to remind you of our arrangement?” She asked.

“Maybe you do.” I said, fiddling around in my pockets, pressing record on my phone.

“Okay, fine.” She said. “You do my work for me, so I get straight As and can stay cheer captain.”

“And what do I get out of it?” I asked.

“Jackshit, that’s what you get out of it!” She yelled. “What, now you want something in return?”

“I’m just saying, I can get in trouble too if we get caught.” I argued.

“Then don’t get caught.” She ordered. I stopped recording at that point.

“Yeah, that may be difficult.” I said smugly.

“Why?” She asked, suspicious of me.

I took my phone out and played the recording back to her. She went white as a ghost and her jaw almost dropped.

“Would be a shame if anyone saw this, now wouldn’t it?” I asked with a pompous smile.

“You’ll get busted too!” She said with a frantic whisper.

“Yes…But I’m not the cheer captain, am I?” I asked rhetorically. “Besides, I’m a favorite student. I can just say you bullied me into doing it. Which you did!”

She sighed defeatedly.

“Okay, fine.” She said glumly. “The deal’s off. Happy now?”

“Well, it doesn’t have to be off.” I said.

“Huh?” She asked, obviously confused as is her nature. “What the Hell are you like, getting at?”

“Why don't you like totally take a guess?” I asked, mocking her valley girl accent.

“What do you want?” She asked.

“I wanna make a bet with you.” I answered. “If I win, the deal’s off but if you win, I’ll still do your work for the rest of the semester.”

“What kind of bet?” She asked, her curiosity peaked.

“A sexfight.” I said. “I want us to fuck each other to our body’s limits and whoever surrenders or passes our first loses.”

I expected her to look stunned at that proposal…but she wasn’t. In fact, she looked rather pleased with a devious look on her face.

“Oh…” She said almost flirtatiously. “You play the game too, do you?”

I felt my heart skip a beat. She’s a nympho too!

“That’s right.” I answered. “I didn’t think you were into that.”

“Of course, I am.” Leah said. “How do you think I keep my squad in line or from trying to take my position?”

“Small world, I guess.” I said.

“Not really.” She said. “Lots of girls do it…Oh, wait! You’re a total newbie, aren’t you?!”

“Maybe.” I said a bit nervously.

“You like so are!” She said. “So, that’s where the change in attitude came from! Alright, babe. You’re on. You’re pretty fuckable for a nerd, anyway.”

“Where and when?” I asked.

“Girls locker room at 7:00 PM.” She answered. “That’s where I deal with my teammates who forget their place.”

“Okay, it’s on.” I said.

She smiled and walked away. I figured now was a good time to talk tough.

“What, no goodbye kiss?” I asked teasingly.

She giggled, turned around and walked back towards me. She grabbed me by the back of my head and pulled my mouth towards hers, just like Dawn had done a couple days ago. She kissed me passionately and I kissed her back. It felt…so amazing. We made out for about two minutes before she pulled her lips off of mine.

“I’ll see you tonight, you hot cxnt.” She said.

“Looking forward to it, you sexy bitch.” I shot back.

She walked away again, for real this time. I was facing a veteran for my first fight. Was I nervous? Yes. Very. Or at least I was until that glorious kiss. I felt my lust and competitive spirit come back to me. I wanted to fuck Leah more than anything in the world right now. Besides, Leah is my age, 20, so she couldn’t have been doing this for any longer than two years. And even if I did lose, I was such a history whiz, I could just go ahead in the class and do both our work in a week or two. No backing out now. If Vanessa from the 732 series could be brave enough to face down Las Brujas again, I could be brave enough to take on some airheaded cheerleader.

The rest of the day went on as normal. By the time 7:00 had arrived, I was waiting for Leah at the girls locker room as she instructed. The wait felt like an eternity before she finally showed up in her cheerleader uniform. She looked stunning. Her hair was out of her usual ponytail, letting her flowing blonde tresses fall to the top of her ass cheeks, just like mine did. God, I was gonna enjoy this. We didn’t say a word. We just shot lustful, excited but aggressive gazes at each other, knowing what we were here for. She had a key in her hand and used it to get into the locker room. I followed her inside where she turned on the lights where she guided me towards her locker. We both put all of our stuff inside before stripping down and putting our clothes in there with it. Honestly, I was expecting her to demand that I delete the recording before we started but I guess she really was just as into this as I was. My heart was pounding like a drum as I ogled her naked form. Her shiny, pale skin, her plump, juicy ass, her luscious DDs with hardened, pink nipples and her red, ripe pussy that looked so salivatingly appetizing. I could tell she was eyeing me up just as much. I was naked. I felt both terrified and exhilarated. I felt Leah’s perverted gaze wash over me and my long, silky brown hair brush against my soft skin. I felt so dirty, so slutty, so degenerative and oh so alive.

“With a body like yours, you ought to be a cheerleader too.” Leah said, running her hand along my arm.

“I just wish the rest of your squad of hoes was here to see me make you scream.” I said, caressing her back.

“Like I’d lose to a rookie like you.” She mocked. “But let’s not waste any more time.”

“We agree on that.” I said.

I followed Leah as she guided me towards the shower room, my eyes following her swaying cheeks emphasized by her hair waving across her ass. I’ve never lusted for someone else this much in my life, not even Jason. We arrived at the shower room but Leah walked away.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“What, do you wanna fuck on that hard, uncomfortable tiled floor?” She asked. “I’m getting the matts.”

She had a point. A couple minutes later, she came back with a bunch of matts, likely used by the wrestling team and placed them all along the shower floor, perfectly even with the walls, leaving the entire floor covered. She knew her stuff.

“How many times have you done this before?” I asked.

“A lot.” She answered. “You know how catty and bitchy cheerleaders can get.”

“Yes, I certainly do.” I said.

“Are you like scared yet or something?” She asked.

“You wish, babe.” I said. “Now are we gonna talk or are we gonna fence clits?”

“First, let’s get ourselves nice and wet.” Leah suggested. “I like, totally hate getting friction burn.”

She walked over to one of the showerheads and began turning the nozzle, letting the warm water soak her, matting her blonde hair down. I was mesmerized by the sight for a moment before I started walking over to another showerhead.

“Oh, no you don’t, girl!” Leah yelled. “Come here and shower with me! Unless you’re chickenshit.”

“You wanna shower, bitch? Then let’s shower!” I said.

I marched over to her being pelted by the shower before I slammed my Ds into her DDs and my tongue into her mouth like she had done to me. She reacted surprised but quickly got into it as she wrapped her arms around me as we made out ferociously as we got soaked. Holy fuck…I felt…amazing! Beyond what words can describe! I felt my tongue wrestle hers, my skin being soothed by the warm water as my hair got heavier and heavier from being drenched. I felt my nipples grind against hers as she buried her hands in my wet, matted hair and I did the same to hers. It was like I was in heaven. Like it was my birthday, Christmas morning, Easter and the last day of school all at once. Time slowed to a delicious, euphoric crawl as our mouths fucked underneath the shower. Her tongue felt so moist and rubbery and smooth but also textured rubbing against mine. Her saliva was so good, so sweet and tangy like liquid jolly rancher. I felt like I was gonna cum right then and there but I didn’t. My body wanted more. Needed more! It was at this moment that my transformation had become complete and irreversible. I was a nymphomaniac right down to my very bones. Leah reached behind her and turned off the water, leaving us both soaked and still making out before she finally broke the kiss.

“Not bad for a sexfight virgin.” She admitted as she twirled my wet hair through one of her fingers. “I’m gonna enjoy every second of breaking your pussy down, slut.”

“I was about to say the same thing to yo-“ I said before she interrupted me by pushing me down onto the matted floor. 

I tried to get up but she dove on top of me and pried my legs open, exposing my burning, aroused twat before bringing her own on top of it and grinding into me like nobody’s business.

“Ohhhhhhhh!!!!” I shrieked as I finally felt the cornerstone of every what every sexfight is. Another bitch’s pussy rubbing against mine!

“You feel that, you hot fucking whore?“ Leah asked, teasingly. “That’s what going cxnt-to-cxnt with another nympho feels like! Get used to it because you’ll never want to feel it just once!”

Christ, she was not kidding. The shockwaves of pleasure and chilling, semi-numbing volts swimming throughout my body were unearthly. I felt as if my soul was being taken for a ride on a roller coaster of bliss that I had no control over. Like sleep paralysis except all the fear and helplessness is replaced with pure pleasure. This was it. This was the ultimate high. This was what living as a woman was all about. This was what I had been missing out on for far too long. Memories of all my favorite stories and videos came flooding back but with a whole new perspective now that I knew what kind of pleasure they were feeling when they were tribbing their opponents.

“Ahhhhh!!!!” I cried in pure joy, my tongue sticking out and I began to drool like I was ODing…Please for the love of God, don’t ever let this heaven on earth end!

“I remember, ugh! My first trib too!” Leah said through her grunting. “What I’d give for that feeling again.”

I felt dizzy, loopy and unbalanced like I had been drugged but my mind was possessed by almost childlike wonder. Jason…Oh, God, I loved him even more for indirectly introducing me to these amazing feelings. I already began to feel my first orgasm building up higher and higher and higher until I could take no more of this intoxicating bliss.

“OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed out as I came harder than I had ever cum in my life. I don’t think I’ve ever screamed so loud either.

I sprayed like a fire hydrant, completely splattering Leah all over. She got off of me and looked down at me as she caught her breath.

“Wow.” Leah said. “Like, even I didn’t cum that hard from my first orgasm in a fight. I know you’re a rookie but wow.”

My eyes were just now rolling into the front of my head as I came back to reality.

“I knew this would be easy but I’d think you’d show me at least a little bit of a good time.” Leah mocked.

Oh, no. This was not over. Not even close. Not even close to coming close. I felt possessed. Like a rabid animal. I needed more! Every drug on Earth wishes it was half as addictive as sexfighting! I got up on my hands and knees, my wet, brunette locks curtaining my face as I huffed and puffed like I had just given birth. Leah kept looking at me with a look of either concern or fear. I think she was beginning to realize what kind of monster she had just awoken. As I caught my breath, I looked back up at Leah and in the blink of an eye, I tackled her, pried her legs open, rested them on my shoulders and began pounding my cxnt away into hers.

“Aghhhhh!! Fuck!” She cursed as I tribbed her.

“That’s it, you hot, blonde bitch! Cry out for me!” I mocked.

The feeling of tribbing another bitch was somehow completely different but also nearly identical to being tribbed by said bitch. So beautiful…No other feeling like it. And the pleasure was not just physical. I looked down at Leah, her wincing eyes, grit teeth and distressed face as her long, wet hair fanned out behind her on the floor. She looked so helpless, so pathetic…so hot, sexy and fuckable! For so long, I had fantaized of making her pay for how she treated me, the forced work, the bitchy comments and her insufferable personality and now here she was, getting fucked into the ground by me. By the shrinking violet who once got sick at the mere image of standing up for myself. That girl was dead now. More than dead. And good fucking riddance. I pulled my pelvis back and then slammed it back into her pussy.

“Ohhh!!” She groaned.

“You like that, cxnt?!” I asked loudly. “You fucking like that?! How’s it feel, you fucking blonde, bimbo, bitch?! How’s your own medicine taste?! HOW?!?!?!”

I felt like the baddest bitch in the world as I fucked her. My D-cups and wet brown hair bouncing and flying with each hump, spraying water all over. Her pussy felt so soft and warm and juicy underneath mine. Just when I thought this night couldn’t get any better, both my clit and her own came unhooded only to brush against each other inside our sealed labias.

“Fuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkk!!!!!” Leah cursed. “You goddamn, pussy-fucking skank!!!”

“Oh, yeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!” I moaned, my eyes nearly rolling back. I had to stop myself from drooling.

Oh, God, Jason! Why didn’t you show me this years ago! We were both screaming so loud that I think someone may have been able to hear if they were in the gym but I didn’t give a shit. I don’t care who hears or even who comes in here and sees. Not the janitor, not a security guard, not a professor, not the dean, not a cop, not Jason, not my Mom, not my Dad, not the Pope, not even the fucking President of the United States! I would not stop fucking this worthless cxnt if my life depended on it. If a sniper was watching me right now…Well, I just hope he’d enjoy the show enough not to shoot. I know I would. I soon began to feel my next climax coming on but I knew the sheer willpower I was feeling to fuck her would dampen its exhausting effects. I also had a strong feeling in my pudenda that Leah was about to cum as well. Low and behold, I was right.

“Agh! Ugh! GOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDDD!!!!!” Leah shrieked as she came.

“Yes! That’s it, baby! Ohhhhhhh!!!!” I moaned as I came with her.

I felt her fluids slide into my inner walls and my own slide into hers, splashing together inside our joined cxnts. God, there was no feeling in the world like that. I pulled away from her, our lower lips peeling off of each other gloriously as I fell back, catching my breath. Leah was still ahead of me by one orgasm but it was clear as day that that last climax was far more devastating for her than it was for me. Her face was beet red and she was moaning like the bitch in heat that I knew she was. She looked rather impressed.

“Holy shit…” She said through her moaning. “You weren’t, like…hustling me about being a rookie, were you?”

“No…” I answered through my own heavy breathing. Even I was amazed at what I had just done…And at the fact that I was still hungry for more.

Leah flipped her wet hair out of her face and crawled over towards me. She got real close to my face and we started making out again. We both moaned quietly and lovingly as we kissed each other, our tongues gently snaking together. I hated this bitch and still do but I was so over the moon right now that I would happily seize any opportunity to be intimate with her right now. Really, pretty much any girl could come up to me right now and I would be all over them. I’ve never felt so slutty and I loved every second of it. We stopped kissing.

“Okay, girl.” Leah said. “You know how to trib but there’s like, so much more that women like us know how to do to a pussy.”

“I doubt an airhead like you even knows how to read.” I mocked.

“Fuck you!” She cursed. “I fucked you into paste when we started!”

“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out how to grind pussies.” I argued. “But even a rookie like me knows that cunnilingus is a delicate art.”

“And what if I told you that I was much smarter than I let on?” Leah asked.

“Oh, really?” I asked skeptically. “Is that why you still want me to do that paper on the Yugoslav Wars?”

“You mean the same Yugoslav Wars that started in the 90s after the collapse of the Soviet Union?” She asked, losing her annoying Valley Girl accent. “When Slovenia and Croatia tried to declare independence, Bosnia and Herzegovina descended into Civil War due to ethnic tensions between the three major ethnic groups and Kososo tried to separate from Serbia and Montenegro, which were the only remnants of the Yugoslav union at the time?”

I had to stop my jaw from dropping. As if my reality hadn’t been shattered enough these last few days. Leah giggled smugly.

“You two-faced bitch!” I yelled. “Why’d you make me do all your work then?!”

“Honestly, I’m just fucking lazy.” She admitted shamelessly. “Cheering and fuckfighting are really the only things I’m genuinely motivated to do. So, the terms of our bet are still on.”

“So, you’re like a slutty version of Malcolm Wilkerson?” I asked.

“More or less.” She agreed. “Now enough talk. Spread em!”

“You wanna taste me that badly, huh?” I asked as she climbed over me in a 69 position.

“Not as badly as you wanna taste me, whore.” She shot back.

Before I could keep the jabs going, she slammed her cxnt down on top of my face and I was happy to oblige. My first time eating pussy. It was…magical. I felt the pretend bimbo’s wet hair on my shin as she ate me out as well. The feeling of her tongue lapping at my twat while I orally assaulted hers was…Goddamn it, I’m running out of words to describe how wonderful these newly discovered pleasures are. Her pussy is so pretty, as you’d expect from a cheerleader. So ripe and pink and wet and oh so tangy and delicious. It felt so soft and supple against my mouth, lips and especially my tongue. She tasted so sweet and savory, even more so than her spit. And then there was her tongue going at me. Oh, Lord! It was like a tiny, wet, fleshy vibrator slithering all up inside of me! I got shivers and my legs twitched a little but she didn’t even slow down, the ravenous slut. I felt the little textures of her taste buds sliding against my flesh, which motivated me to do the exact same oral moves to her. This went on for a while until she pulled her mouth off of my pleasure center out of nowhere.

“Stop copying me!” She complained.

“Hey, I’m a rookie, remember?” I argued. “I’m still learning.”

“Well, it’s boring if we tongue each other the exact same way.” She whined. “You eat me your way and I’ll eat you my way.”

She had a point. We resumed our 69 battle. Having felt this rush of pleasure for the first time, I guess I couldn’t help wanting to share it with her, even though I knew she’s done it before. I grabbed her ass with both hands to hold her still as I licked her. Her cheeks were so firm, squishy and felt nice on my fingers as the meat of her cheeks absorbed and surrounded them. I couldn’t resist shaking them around a little bit. Leah responded to that by bringing her fingers into the mix, sliding her index and middle finger together in and out of my labia.

“Mmmm!!” I moaned into her lower lips.

‘Alright, blondie! Two can play at that game!’ I thought to myself.

I took one hand off of her fine ass cheek and began rubbing her cxnt with the palm of my hand. Our mutual licking became faster and more heated with each passing moment. We just kept tonguing, rubbing and/or fingering as we began to roll over each other. Our long, wet hair splashed water all around as we kept changing between top and bottom. We were so charged up and focused on our meal in front of our slutty faces that we actually orgasmed multiple times without even slowing down. We sprayed each other’s faces and hair with our climactic fluids more times than either of us cared to count. My first time feeling another bitch’s hot, soothing, tasty cum on my face and tasting it as I swallowed it…Man…You’d think so many world-shattering, life-changing sensations being felt in one day would be overwhelming and exhausting. And to some extent, they were but that wasn’t enough to deter me. Not by a longshot.

After cumming on each other so many times, we finally pulled apart and had time to catch our breath. I looked at Leah with even more hatred than before now. To be perfectly honest, a part of me felt sorry for her for being so fucking stupid, knowing she would lose what she loved if she failed. That and my inability to stand up for myself or say no were the main reasons I helped her. Now that I know she’d been lying to me all along and was actually smart but lazy made me feel humiliated and enraged. I wanted to make her pay even more now. I got up and Leah and I stared at each other. She looked like an absolute mess. Her body was shiny and wet, her hair matted down and disheveled and her makeup running. I imagine I looked no better. I loved it. It felt so primal and naughty. Like I had fully surrendered myself to the inner nymphomaniac begging to be let out. We were both panting, disheveled and exhausted but it was like our bodies were moving on our own at this point. Like we were nothing more than puppets controlled purely by our libidos, mutual hatred and endless maniacal desire to humiliate each other. We marched right into each other until my D-cup breasts and her DD-cup tits met in a fierce head-on collision. Our nipples bent across each other and lightly but effectively penetrated the other girl’s areola. I reached behind her head to sink my hands into her wet blonde locks and pulled hard, only for her to do the same to my equally wet brown tresses. We just shot each other lustful, challenging stares and devious grins as we panted in each other’s faces.

“You know your D tits might be impressive to some but they’re puny by nympho standards.” Leah teased as she slapped her breasts against mine.

“Boobs aren’t everything.” I argued. “And what good is size if you don’t know how to use them?”

“You mean like this?” She asked as she yanked on my hair, pulling my face upwards as she pressed her nipples harder against mine.

“Agh!” I groaned. “You fucking cxnt!”

Leah chuckled smugly as she licked down my neck, giving me goosebumps before she brought her knee up towards my pussy and began rubbing me down. The pleasure was out of this world. As she was still kneeing my twat, she kept dragging her whore tongue down my wet body until she reached my nipples and began suckling them. I felt my sharpened milk bud bend and flex in response to her tongue’s movements and pressure against it. I knotted her hair around my hand and yanked as hard as I could but she was latched on tight. She replaced her knee with her fingers and that’s when I went weak in the knees and had to go down. She followed me as I did, not letting go of my nipple or pussy. She stopped suckling me but kept licking down my body, tickling my belly button before she reached my clit and went to town.

“Fuck!” I cursed as she tongued my pleasure bud.

First time a girl went down on me without me also going down on her. Just another one of my many firsts tonight. Damn, this bitch knew how to eat pussy. Just like when we 69ed, she jammed her fingers in and out of me rapidly. I felt her tongue bob, prod and lick my clit before she sealed her skank lips over it, surrounding it from all sides with her mouth and tongue. I began to feel my next climax coming as she ravenously feasted on me. I could handle it no more.

“Ohhhhhh!!!!!” I cried as I burst all over her face and hair, much of which she swallowed.

She then got up as I lay on the matt hyperventilating. She plugged my nose with her index finger and thumb, forcing me to breathe through my mouth as she drooled my own juices mixed with her spit into my open mouth before sealing our lips together and kissing again. So dirty, so filthy, so slutty…so fucking good. We made out and swapped the concoction between our mouths for a while before Leah broke the kiss.

“You taste pretty good for a rookie.” She admitted. “Too bad your first fight will end just like mine did. With a decisive loss.”

“Is that so?” I asked mockingly.

“Of course it is.” Leah said. “Just pack it in already, Heather. I’m the better nympho than you. Experience always wins in the end.”

“Well, with experience can also come arrogance and with arrogance comes you underestimating the enemy.” I lectured. “As Sun Tzu once said, if you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of any battle.”

“You think you know me, do you?” She asked.

“I do now.” I answered.

Just then, I pounced on her, taking her by complete surprise. We wrestled all over the matted floor until I came out on top, holding the lying, blonde bitch to the floor.

“Why don’t I show you what my “puny” D-cups can do, you arrogant cxnt?” I challenged.

“Go ahead and try, you clit-sucking hoe!” She dared.

I pried her legs open, exposing her ripe, pink pussy before bringing my tits right in there, squeezing them into the opening as hard as I could.

“Ugh!” She grunted. “Fucking whore!”

I felt my nipples brush against her inner walls as I paizuried her. Learning from the stories I’ve read, I brushed my tits up and down, left and right, in zigzags and various other patterns. I felt them getting wetter and wetter from Leah’s girl mess. I then noticed that her clit had come out of its hood to play and needed no encouragement in assaulting it with my girls. I used my hands to squeeze them towards the top opening of her cxnt and made sure to grind my milk buds against her pleasure bud.

“Ahhhh!!” She groaned.

“You like that, bitch?!” I mocked.

She began to jerk her legs and lower body around, signaling that her orgasm was on its way. I laid on the pressure even more, as the stories taught me to do in such a situation.

“Goddamm ITTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!” Leah shrieked as she came, soaking my tits and cleavage with her secretions.

She fell back, hyperventilating but I wasn’t done yet. I knew to strike when the iron was hot. I grabbed her left leg and rested it against my shoulder, using it as leverage to grind my cxnt against hers.

“Ohhhh!!” She moaned.

“That’s it, you cheerleading, jock cock-sucking slut! Scream for me!” I mocked. “Lie to and make a fool of me, will you?! I’ll show you what that gets you!”

 I fucked my long awaited, delicious, sweet, sweet revenge into her. I flexed my pelvis and ass to rub into her as viciously and mercilessly as possible. I just could not get enough of dominating her. Not just for my revenge, not just to change myself from the spineless coward that I hated myself for being but because it made me feel so powerful. Like a true nympho. A true woman. I felt our juices deliciously stick together and come apart with each furious hump. It was like I had died and gone to Heaven. I reached down to fondle, flick and knead Leah’s supple DD tits and squeeze her nipples. God, she looked so fucking hot getting tribbed by me. I never wanted to stop but all good things must come to an end. I could tell from her reactions that she was about to cum again, especially since she had cum just recently too. I just kept fucking her and fucking her and fucking her and fucking her until she could finally take no more.

“Ugh! Agh! FUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK!!!” She cursed as she came inside of me, filling me up with her fluids. Oh, God did that feel good.

I could tell that she was on the verge of defeat. One more good orgassm should finish her off. We 69ed and then she ate my pussy, so it was only fair that I got to eat her too. I flipped my sweat, cum and water soaked hair back out of my face and bent my face down to lap at Leah’s slutty cxnt.

“Ughhh…” She groaned weakly. “You…fucker…”

Oh, I’m a fucker all right and I will be until I take my last breath. I pulled my tongue in and out of her like a sex toy. Man, she tasted so good. I wasn’t sure if I was tasting more of her or my own juices from all our tribbing but I didn’t give a fuck. She wrapped her legs around my head as I kept tongue-fucking her. My tongue slipped and slid all throughout her pudenda before I focused on her clit once again. Poor little thing had been fucked a lot as is but I was in no mood for mercy. I pushed the brunt of my tongue against it, drooling into it, licking and sucking on it. That was it for her. I knew it.

“Oh! Oh! AHHHHHHH!!!!” She cried out one last time before I was once again bukkaked with her juices all over my face and hair.

“You…fucking…bitch…” She said before she finally passed out.

“Yes!” I cheered for myself.

I had lost my sexfight virginity. My first match, my first victory and nowhere near the last of either if I had anything to say about it. This was the best night of my life. I’ve never felt so alive, so fulfilled and so on top of the world…Until my adrenaline faded and my exhaustion finally caught up with me, leading me to pass out on top of Leah. Sometime, what had to have been hours had passed. I woke up and Leah was stroking my hair with a conflicted look on her face.

“I lost to a newbie.” She admitted. “The best damn newbie in the world but still.”

“You weren’t half-bad yourself, bitch.” I admitted. “But you know the deal. Do your own work from now on.”

“Well, I’ve been thinking about that.” She said. “How about a new deal? A much fairer one this time around.”

“Hmm?” I asked, skeptically.

“Okay, you won this round, so I have to do my own history work.” She said. “But you’re a straight A student and I have other classes too. So, I say we sexfight over each of them. If I win, you do my work in the specified class for the rest of the semester. If you win, you get to have me as your sex slave for a full 24 hours and it can be any day you choose to call in. Each victory will give you another 24 hours and you’ve already won a full 24 hours from this. Deal?”

“You just want an excuse to keep fucking me.” I said.

“And you’re complaining because…?” She asked.

“That wasn’t a complaint.” I said. “Alright, deal.”

“I knew it.” She said. “No two nymphos can fuck each other just once and be done with it. How about we kiss on it, baby?”

I pulled her in by her hair and made out with her for a few more minutes before something occurred to me and my eyes went wide as I broke the kiss.

“Shit, what time is it?!” I asked.

“It should be almost sunrise. Why?” She asked.

“My boyfriend doesn’t know I’m here!” I said. “I live with him! He’s probably worried sick!”

“You have a boyfriend?” She asked. “Well, he’s probably sound asleep by now. Nothing you can really do.”

“I have to get back!” I said, panicked.

“Wait.” She said.

“What?!” I asked, annoyed.

“What’s he gonna think if you come home after being out all night smelling like sweat and sex?” She asked.

“Goddamn it, you’re right.” I admitted. “I have to wash up really quick.”

“Go right ahead.” Leah said.

I showered as fast as I could while that blonde slut ogled my naked form. I wish I had time to claim my prize but this was more important. I washed up, dried off and got dressed. God, it was almost 6:00 AM! Between the fucking and the sleep, we’d been in here almost half a day! I ran off.

“Fuck you later, slut.” Leah said.

“Not if I fuck you first.” I shot back. “And I pick where and when our next match is.”

“Fine.” Leah agreed, rolling her eyes.

I dashed off back home and got inside just as the sun was about to rise. Jason was still asleep, thank God. I would have gone to bed too but I got plenty of rest after fucking Leah. About 45 minutes later, Jason woke up and I made him breakfast.

“Morning, sleepyhead.” I said as sweetly as possible.

“Hey, babe.” Jason said. “Hey, about last night…”

I think my heart stopped.

“I’m sorry I just went straight to bed like that.” He said. “I had a really long day at work and I just crashed without even saying hi to you.”

I almost breathed a sigh of relief.

“Oh, it’s fine.” I said. “We all have days like that.”

It must’ve been bad for him to notice that my car wasn’t in the parking lot when he got home.

“Sorry to say but the next couple of days will be like that too.” He said.

“Oh, I understand. You need your rest.” I said as I gave him his food.

That actually works out perfectly for me. My revenge was only a quarter of the way done and I worked tomorrow. My narcissistic fire-crotched skank of a co-worker Evelyn was next on my list. Let’s see how she likes being treated like a piece of meat!…As for Jason, I knew I had to tell him eventually. I felt like the worst girlfriend in the world for going behind his back so much but I just couldn’t work up the nerve right now. I’m sorry, baby. I promise I’ll be honest with you from now on once this is all over.


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Re: My Journey to Confidence: Part 2
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2023, 08:34:28 AM »
Extremely hot !!  Clever and humoristic trash talking lines.
Poor Evelyn... She does know yet what is coming to hit her at the next chapter ! LOL