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A Night at The Opera (pt. 2)

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Offline DottiD

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A Night at The Opera (pt. 2)
« on: February 09, 2023, 03:44:24 AM »
Part Two

Finally as much as neither wants to retreat, they get walked back to their rooms to cool down.
Once set free in their own rooms, both women are fuming mad, but with their rival out of sight and unable to hear her, they sit on the beds edge and calm down. 

Jeff asking Peggy if she can go on without getting out of hand again, he explained to her, by losing her temper over a duel she wanted makes her status as a queen look tarnished. And though she hates to admit it, Peggy knows he is right, no matter the out come between these two, Peggy knows she got here by fighting hard not cheating to win, there was no reason to start now.

In the other room, Donna’s husband is almost word for word giving the same talk to her.whatever her status , she too was a Queen, and to have people talking about a cheat to win , would make all the years of fighting and winning seem for nothing.

The guys get them each a drink and take their cell phones and step out, leaving each to do nothing but think how they will go on, no one said they couldn’t rough, in fact it was expected, but to forget the rules and try to catfight through it was not the way.

The 10 minute break goes on for thirty minutes, and by the time the guys peak in to ask if they can go on, both women have cleared their head. They say the entire time icing their bruised nipples and he swelling was controlled, for now.

The ache gone, for now but the ability to go on came back, whatever came next was going to be tense but their best was going to be put out there.  Finally after a bit longer Jeff and Donna’s husband get the promises they will abide by the rules and stakes and do what must be done to control themselves as they have before in years gone by.

Peggy stands up she hands the ice to Jeff, she smiles at him, “am i mess?”, he smiles, “an, just take a second and fix your hair otherwise perfect as ever, when your ready go out there and show her why your a Queen.

Peggy fixes her hair as in the other room, Donna’s hubby takes her ice, “hey you got this, don’t stoop to an alley brawler to win, your a Queen show her you are”. donna nods she knows he is right, she fixes her hair then both are ready to go on.

Each steps from her room, they have to swallow saying a word as they set eyes on the other, Peggy simply says, “you ready to go on?”. Donna inhales, “ i am what do you suggest?”.

Peggy breathes out, “why don’t we delay the 69 nipple duel, and move to another, then we can circle back”. donna seeing Peggy’s nipple a little red and purple knows her own looks the same, “ok i agree to that, shall i decide the next?”.
Peggy nods, “be my guest, whatever it is i am ready for ya”. donna breathes in, “we shall see about that”. Donna hen asks that we clear the love seat and move the small side table. Jeff does and the two women nude but heels and thigh highs and the gloves, stare.

Donna says to Peggy, “join me?”, as she points to the small sofa, without a word they turn on their heels and swagger to it. Both women sit and Tuen a bit to face the other, Peggy asks, “so whats it gonna be and the stakes?”.

Donna gloved hands on her knees, making her already large bust bulge between her arms, but so is Peggy. Donna a small smirk as if she ha a secret weapon to whats to come, “well since things are getting more tense, i think it is best we get the more timid personal stuff out of the way, that said , we finger each other to start, then clit to clit.”

Peggy nods agreeing, “and what is the deciding end and the stakes?”, Donna takes a breath, “well we fuck fight till one of us can not orgasm anymore, the winner forces her one more time, then it is over. as for stakes, loser is set on all 4’s and winner uses my 14 “ strap on  and fucks her another 2 orgasms.”

Peggy swallows a bit, its not a fight style she dominates, but she has won more than she has lost, but just lies titfight , a sex fight is more personal. And with these two Queens the loser will certainly feel broken and beaten, and the winner will be thirsty for more.

Peggy purses her lips, “one more thing, what are the rules?”. Donna swallows as well, “well, it is a fight and not for fun, but i am sure you agree, we can not get out of hand either, so hair holds, limb holds and no stopping unless we both just can not go on.

Peggy nods, “well then I fully accept, with one condition, gloves stay on, so we aren’t shall we say eager to scratch out of a move”.  Donna a breath out more like relief, “i accept that, if we are all set, les begin”.

Donna turns more to Peggy, then widens her thighs, she gently runs her gloved index finger up her folds then licks the glove finger, “nmmm cmon”. Peggy sets her position and widens her thighs and mimics he move, “Cmon lets get this warm up going”.

They lean to the other a bit then slide their gloved fingers up others thigh, each looking at her rivals full thick pussy. The slight glistening on the velvet thick lips, Peggy uses her thumb and index finger to pinch the folds and starts to massage them, getting them wetter and making Donna want it.

But Donna was just taking it, she presses her thumb to the top of Peggy’s folds and rubs it as she uses her index finger to start parting the growing wet folds. Both women start to feel the effects, their woman hood is getting soaked.

Both are licking their lips as they feel the heat between their thighs start to boil, Donna breathes out, “ready to cum?”. Peggy breathes out, “cmon  and try, your soaked already, lets do it”.

They look in the others eyes, and with out any further hesitation, they each sink a finger in the other and slowly start to pump it in and out. Their backs roll up and they feel their eyes flutter, each presses her shoulder to the others , they are basically hold the other up as they start to get going.

The gloves a satin material slides even easier as they become wetter. It doesn’t take much longer and these. Two Queens who are hot to fight and win, are even hotter to make her rival cum first.

Peggy a smile but its forced on, “ohhh nmmm you nearly there already aren’t you?”. Donna a breathy reply, “nmmm no more than you are, just release it and my Queen clit can devour yours”.

They are pumping their fingers faster now, and then Peggy sinks a second finger in Donna. Donna arches her spine, her heavy breasts sway out and collide together firmly, as she moans, “UUhhh ohhh you bitch, nmmm do it”.

Donna a bit stunned by Peggy’s quick addition of a finger widens her thighs in reaction, then sinks a second finger in Peggy. “Uhnn oh bitch feel that hmm? I feel that pussy of yours flexing , it wants more “.

Peggy leans forward her breasts sway out, then her thighs spread wider as Donna, adds a third finger. Peggy was ready that fast, she bucks a bit, ‘’UUhhh Fuck, ohh you Bitch”. Donna a smile as she is also getting there, “whats wrong bitch hmm, to horny for a long fight, uhhh huhhnnn cum”.

The silence other than the two women taunting is becoming louder, the pumping of wet folds now heard, and the moans of each fighting the feeling back, as they taunt and groan.

Each of them is pumping her fingers faster, heads roll as they try to hold back, then as Peggy adds her third finger Donna sinks her 4th finger, her thumb now rubbing Peggy’s engorged clit, she taunts at Peggy’s face, “Yesss your there , let it go bitch cmon let it go”.

Peggy bucks and arches , her body starting to spasm and defy her, Donna slides over to Peggy and slowly is pressing Peggy back on the sofa.

Her thighs slide over Peggy’s left hen as Peggy still pumping donna slips back , her body against the upper part of the sofa, is almost laid back looking up at her rival climbing up on her.

Peggys breast coil back on her chest, her eyes look up as Donna widens her thighs and straddles Peggy’s thighs. She sneers down at Peggy, pumping her faster and fully, all her fingers but her thumb, still teasing the clit.

She taunts Peggy, “whats wrong bitch hmm?, your gonna cum, get your fingers out of my pussy, its over for you, cum, then you can suck my clit till i cum, nmmm then we are gonna fuck fight , and your gonna lose.”

Peggy is now bucking and squirming, and she doesn’t want to but her hand pulls the fingers out, she cups her tits and eyes shut as she spasms, then bucks wildly, and as Donna pins herself on Peggy, Peggy has an orgasm.

Peggy gasps out her Orgasm, shaking her head side to side, as she does Donna pulls her feet up and sets them in the sofa, she then eases up on Peggy, till her wet mound is face level.

She smiles at Peggy looking up, she spreads her folds and her soaked clit engorged stands, Peggy doesn’t want to but she has to. donna hisses, “Open up big mouth and make me cum”.

With that said donna presses her pussy on Peggy’s face and starts to undulate, Peggy with no choice starts to lick and pleasure her rival.
I don’t know about Jeff, but as i watch Donna up on the sofa riding Peggy’s face, i had to turn away. I have seen Peggy lose, and forced to do what was agreed on, but thus far tonight Peggy is looking as if her rival Donna is way to much for her.

Finally as Donna arches upright and caresses her tits she has her orgasm on Peggy’s face, content she uses Peggy’s hair to pull her face away then glares down, “i will understand if you choose not to take me on in a clit fight”.

Peggy breathing heavy, “fuck you Bitch, get off me and lets get it on”. Donna a smile as she seems in charge thus far, smears her wet folds on Peggy’s face then climbs down, she stands upright and smiling stretches her body, “nmmm i am gonna enjoy this”.

Peggy less talkative gets up from the sofa, she wipes her face with her arm, the glare at her rival says it all, se is ready to fight but is pissed off she is being out fought.

Both stand up and the looks between them are deadly, finally Donna purrs, “nmm you think your ready to be forced to cum some more?, honestly i can’t wait to fuck you on all fours honey like the whore you are”.

Peggy nearly pounces i see it in her eyes, she inhales “do you talk this much in your fights or when with your husband?, cause i haven’t heard him cheer you on all night whore”.

Donna loses her smile, “ever think he doesn’t have to cheer me on cause I never lose against wheres like you”.  They both want to this fight, but have to wait, finally they both go to the floor, they spread their thighs wide as they sit up.

Donna with her gloved fingers spreads her folds and she smiles as her large monster clit is ready, she purrs, “i know she’s a lot and so impressive, don’t worry your gonna suck on her again after your clit gives to her”.

I saw Donna and i swallowed deeply, then Peggy spreads her thighs, her folds parted she tilts her chin up, “It’s ok you can try to stay quiet, but your clit just met her match with a more impressive clit, and your gonna suck on her bitch”.

With nothing more to do but the duel, the women scoot into each other, they touch at the bottom and slowly roll their folds to the others then make their clits touch. Both arch as if hit in the back, then with one knee up and the other around their rival, they start to grind clits.

They stay locked in a glare as they start to press, grind and smear their wet pussies and clits against the others. Their nipples stiffen as their breasts seem to become more engorged in the lust locked duel.

They have the hands behind them propping their bodies up right as the wet slurping and clapping goes on. Slowly the women start to feel the effects, despite their bragging of having the ruling clit, they now are feeling their clit moved, wrestled and coaxed by the others.

Though Donna forced Peggy into an orgasm previously , she allowed Peggy to bring he to orgasm as she face sat her. Now both are primed for another, already wet and eager.

The slow grinding is starting to become firm pumping. A faster pace as they try to hold that same glare, but the forced mutual arousal being imposed on each other, has the two of them rocking as they pump against each other.

The passion building fills their bodies, Peggy huffs, “uuuhhh uuhnnnn Bitch”, Donna smiles but very brief. Her own body ready to turn on her, “Uwwww yess yess son damn you Bitch, fuck fight me”.

Peggy grabs the upright bent knee of Donna, she pulls herself up a bit higher, “Cum bitch you there just give in”. Donna as much as she would want to deny her rival, shakes her head, “Nooo uuhnn uhnn oh god damn it “.

Peggy feels her rivals thighs start to quiver, she pushes her hips up then in and down on Donna’s, her slick glistening engorged clit sawing her rivals and pushing it. Their folds sealed almost keeping them locked pulsing.

Finally Peggy wanting to bring her rival to climax, reaches to Donna, grabs her right breast and pushes it up as her her hand opens and squeezes it deeply, her thumb and index finger pinch the thick stiff nipple, and tug it.

Donna drops her head back, her mouth open, “Ohhh Yess Yessss Fucking Bitch ohhh i mmmffff. Oh yesss i am cumming uuhhh uhhh YESSSSSSS!!!”.

Peggy while fighting her own climax building, pushes Donna to the floor, she rolls up on Donna and spreads her open. She grabs Donna’s left calf and hoists it up to her shoulder, her other hand now deeply kneading both breasts.

Peggy arches her body a she starts to undulate on Donna, her bodies fluid motion a perfect sliding pumping pace. Donna’s breasts as she is pinned to the floor in motion like waves lopping a beach.

Donna’s hands grab at Peggy’s nipples and breasts only to be slapped aside. Becoming crazed her head shaking no as she looks up, mouth open, grabs her own hair and starts to squirm and buck under Peggy.

Peggy starts a faster but steady undulating, but her own orgasm is becoming uncontrollable, she turns and twists at Donna’s nipples as she guides her clit to take charge of Donna’s .

She shakes her head, “cum Bitch you want to , cum again”, Donna growing desperate as she is about to have a second orgasm, bridges her hips up. Her engorged clit stabs up against Peggy’s and disrupts the perfect rhythm.

Peggy feels her body stiffen, her head now shakes no as she drops it back, “ohhh god you whore cum your there, Uuhnnn yesss syessss oh Fuck yesss”. Donna starts to shake , she curls up and hugs into Peggy’s torso, her lips wet and lusting lock onto Peggy’s thick stiff nipple and sucks deeply.

But Donna explodes, Yesss YESSSSs CUMMING”, instantly Peggy loses her control, “You BITCH , BITCH WHORE OHHH ohhh YESSS YESSS I…I..UUUHhhh CUMMMmING>

Peggy feeling she betrayed herself pushes up at Donna’s leg trying to spread her thighs wider.  Donna uses the leg to push against Peggy’s head and shoulder. In the weakened aroused state neither can use much strength, their clips settle wrestling between them. Donna feels a shutter through her spine.

Peggy trembles then slips off Donna, instantly Donna squirms up and on top of Peggy now, she slides her her thigh over Peggy’s and Peggy snakes hers over Donna’s. Donna presses down on her rivals shoulders, her pendulous breasts sway over Peggy’s now lopping as they once again start their motion.  Peggy still weakened and quivering arches her spine on the floor, her shaking no quickly , she stabs her fingers in Donna’s ass cheeks pulling her down.

Donna looks down at her, “can’t take my clit fucking you can you whore”, Peggy swallows deeply, “oh i can slut, i just want our clits to wrestle as close as we can be to the other.

Donna looks in her yes as they grind firmer, “clit to clit bitch? Lets do it”. Donna drops on top of Peggy, they wrap their arms around each other in a tight hug. Their long sinewy thighs like two pythons wrap around opening themselves to the other.

With faces contorted into agony, heated lust, and competitive passion, the women roll across the floor and back, hips pumping, bucking, grinding. Their large breasts while pinned between them roll and rub and pump into each other’s as one then other is atop.

Somewhere in the passion to make her rival orgasm yet again, their sweaty red faces smear an their lips and tongues find the others and a deep passion driven, kiss starts, tongues like softer clits wrestling in the cover of their locked lips.

They pump into each other faster, then faster. Heads tilt each way, tongues press into mouths , swirling , then eyes shut as both grabs the other by her hair and again bodies stiffen, they scream their release into others wet warm mouth. Both have forced an orgasm on the other yet again.

Tears cut a path through the sweat from the corners of their eyes down the cheek to the ears, the snake like rolling goes on out of sheer drive for the erotic climatic desire, for more coupled with their appetite to make their rival beg for it to stop, from exhaustion.

Sweat nearly dripping from them, as their juices are so thick from forced orgasms the slightest separation of their clits and folds has wet strings connect between them sway as they droop.

Peggy rolls atop once again, she breaks her kiss with Donna, only to shift her head lower and she starts to suck wildly on Donna’s stiff left nipple. Drawing on the thick stiff nub as if she could pull it free, her lips pursed on its shaft as her tongue sucks and teases the broad tip.

Peggys hips start to undulate down against Donna’s, making donna feel her rivals clit more. Suddenly as Peggy is working her rivals passion, Donna bridges her spin, but not to get Peggy off her it is from the pure arousal her rival is making her feel.

Donn’a slaps at Peggy’s bare back, her eyes shut as she tilts her head back against the floor, her gasping breaths are out of control, shaking her hand side to side her lips open fully, “Yesss yesss yesss uhhnnn mmmm mmm oh god yess cuming cumming.

Peggy knowing and feeling her rival forced to orgasm again suddenly releases the wet nipple, she scoots herself up on top of Donna, one hand pins her breasts as she manipulates it in her fingers, the other reaches under Donna and teases her anus.

Peggy feel their clits line up between their sealed war, and now she finds a rhythm as she undulates yet again. She stares down over her tits as they firmly jostle her own lips purse as she mockingly blows a kiss at her pinned rival, then she growls, “Cum again whore, yesss you want to i feel , cum Bitch”.

Donna now a frantic fear filled look in her eyes can only stare up at Peggy as she feels her rivals clit in control. Her hands grip her own hair and she has her hips squirming under Peggy’s. Slowly her breathing gives it away, the rate of inhaling grows faster , her eyes get wider as she looks to Peggy as if to silently ask for it to stop. Peggy grinding, riding and undulating herself is in full control, and within a minute of her last orgasm.  Donna bridges her spine again and GASPS,  “FUCKKKKKK YESSSS YESSSS YOU BITCH GET OFF ME OHHH OHHH OHHH YEah yEAH CUMMING OH FUCK I AM CUMMING”.

Peggy now slides her right knee up on top of Donna’s breasts and leans forward a bit pinning her rival in the prone position. donna runs her hands along the thigh but as she tries to lift her head, it is clear Peggy has her pinned .

Donna then reaches up and kneads at Peggy’s breasts, but Peggy swipes her hand away and starts to get the same rhythm only faster now.  The wet slurping clopping ring out as Donna twists her shoulders as it zapped. Her scream is desperate as she starts to quiver and shake .

Peggy again is forcing an orgasm, “uuhnnn uhhh uughhh Bitch cum again do it whore”. Donna can’t even reply, face cherry red, sweating and nearly ready to pass out. Donna gulping for air and water screeches, “OH FUCK I AM GONNA CUM AGAIAN YOU BITCH STOP I CAN”T GO ON I GIVE, YOU WIN STOP!!!”.

Peggy forces that last orgasm anyway, “Cum Whore do it NOW!!”. Donna dizzy and unable to fight back lays on the floor just about ready to pass out as Peggy makes her orgasm yet again. Seeing her rival is breathing but obviously out for the count, Peggy slides her wet pussy from Donna’s.  The simple task and feel of Peggy’s engorged clit to her own as it saws Welty along her own, forces Donna’s body to jerk and spasm.

She lays on the floor , an obvious wet spot under her ass and thighs, her tummy bellowing for air. Her knees drop and she dare not move in fear yet another might happen. Peggy grabs a drink and glares at Donna’s husband, “Get me her strap on NOW”.

He grabs Donna’s bag and eases it out and hands it to Peggy, Peggy slips the toy and harness on and fastens it. She slowly swaggers to Donna’s prone body , the large 14 “ red rubber cock bobs with each step.

donna almost cries openly as she sees her rival a wicked smile look down over it. She hears Peggy hiss, “get on all fours Whore time to pay up”.

Donna after rolling on to her stomach slowly and weakly gets to her knees and hands, looking like a new born deer, as her limbs quiver and shake almost unable to hold her up.

She crawls on hands and knees to the sofa and leans her head on it for support, then Peggy sinks to her knees and with her hands forces the thighs of donna wide open.  Peggy sneers as she sees the red, soaking wet crotch and folds of her rival, she eases the long red strap on toy to the folds and teasingly pushes against them.

Donna ready to cry yells, “do it Whore”, Peggy smiles then with a hard thrust stabs the toy into Donna, and with no hesitation starts to pump her rival fast and hard.

Donna head up eyes shut is panting , she feel broken, yet enjoys the feeling, “Yess syesss harder bitch fuck me  you whore cmon bitch”. Peggy grabs a fistful of hair and pulls back on it as she is pumping harder , faster , faster still. She growls to Donna, “take it whore, thats it take it all you tramp, cum again do it”.

As Peggy enjoys the win, Donna’s tits are jostling, bouncing, and swinging under her body, not even realizing the motion is abusing her breasts, making them looser. Finally Donna eyes shut and mouth wide open curls her back, and screams, “YESSS YESSS CUMMMING OH GOD I AM CUMMING”!!.

Peggy being evil just to torture Donna right before her rival cums, pulls the toy out of her, and stops. Donna’s body nearly flips over itself as she wanted to finish but was denied. She gasps with pure hate, “You cxnt FINISH IT”.

Peggy stands and swaggers to the side of Donna, then slips her long right leg over and sit on the sofa Donna is using to stay on all fours. The bright ed cock stands as juices drip down along it. Peggy takes a fistful of Donna’s hair and growls at her face, “wanna cum again whore?”.

Donna spent nods, then Peggy guides the toys tip at Donna’s mouth and presses it in, “Suck on it Whore”.  Donna with no thought wraps her lips around the toy and starts to suck her own juices off of it. Peggy grins as she sits up and grabs under donna onto Donna’s breasts and starts to deeply knead and squeeze on them.

She hisses a sDonna is nearly swallowing the toy, ‘Nmmm Cum now Whore i wanna fight your tits then you”. Donna hears it, and suddenly fingers her dripping wet pussy and as she sucks the oh as if a real cock erupts into her 6th orgasm forced on her.

Donna collapses in front of Peggy on the floor, Peggy stands up unhooks the strap on and steps from it then presses the tip in Donna’s folds and leaves it there.  Donna spasms and moans as if she wants more, Peggy arches and stretches her. Fit mature figure and looks at us and purrs, “I am taking a shower and a break, tell the whore here to do the same, and if she is woman enough after a nap, i am ready to titfight her “.

Peggy turns on her heels, downs her drink and goes in her room, she takes a shower, then lays on the bed and dozes off.  Donna’s husband slowly helps her up, and as she is forced to ease the toy out her body shakes uncontrollably.

He leads her to her bedroom and turns on the shower, then leaves her to nap, he comes out , looks at Jeff and I then says, “what should i do?, forfeit ?, i have never seen any woman take the fight to donna like that and win so obviously”.

Jeff looks at me and i whisper to him, “you call this and Peggy will cut your nuts off”. He nods knowing i am right, he looks at Donna’s husband, “as far as Peggy is concerned in about 20 minutes she is going to come out of that room ready to finish their fight, so unless you are ready to hand Donna’s bra over and get her out of here before then?, I think this fight goes on”.

Donna’s husband shakes his head slowly, his hands run over his face, “Your right, it is not for us to judge, if Donna’s done she will have to be the one to say it to Peggy”.

He grabs his seat and we wait for the two women to reemerge from their rooms. We slowly sip drinks when suddenly we hear Peggy’s door open, dressed the same as before topless no thong heels thigh highs and those elbow gloves. Peggy rounds the corner, a smile she winks at us and then pauses at the bar to pour a drink.

She sits sipping as her breasts seem to swell rounder, her nipples spiking thick and at attention, she looks to Donna’s husband, “will Donna be joining me?, if not i want her bra”.

He stands up and knocks on her door, we hear him ask, “are you going to come out and titfight her or are you done?”. There was some whispering then her husband returns, we hear a door shut and then Donna emerges.

Her face a bit flush from being openly subjected to that, but like Peggy always said, if she lost, whoever she was fighting wouldn’t hesitate to do it to her.

Wearing the same as earlier, Donna inhales and walks out then pours a drink and sits facing Peggy. Peggy winks “Whore”, Donna hisses “Bitch”. Peggy looks to me and with hand out wiggles her fingers, i knew what she wanted, i grab her bra and toss it to her.

She shows it off to Donna, “have yours?”. Donna looks to her husband, nods and he tosses her bra to her, “i sure do”.

Peggy smiles, she noticed and felt how donna seemed looser from the previous contests. Donna looked worried as she scans her eyes over Peggy’s bust and sees no sign of weakness or looseness.

But neither woman is a 100% certain she is right, Donna, swallows a sip, “are we ready to finally go tit to tit bitch?”. Peggy smirks, “well i know me and my twins here are, i think the big question here is, are you and yours?”.

Donna squirms a bit in her seat, “i am here aren’t i?, lets make sure we each know the rules and the stakes “.  Peggy rolls her shoulders back slow, “tit to tit only, hands can only hold hips, waists, arms and shoulders. And hug, i feel your fingers or finger nails on my tits I’ll scratch your eyes out then your tits off. As for stakes loser milked, loses her bra, and is tit smothered and you?”.

Donna can smell Peggy’s confidence, but donna has nothing to fear, as she herself is every bit as known, and good as Peggy. She stares at Peggy, “sounds perfect, and if i feel your fingers or nails on my tits, recast assure i will scratch your eyes out then carve those tits up.”

Peggy clinks her glass to Donna’s , “may the better tits win”. They both take a long sip then Peggy stands up and swaggers to the center of the room.

Donna stands up and swaggers to the same spot to face Peggy, their large round heavy breasts stand out, full, firm and round. Donna wanting to impress and make Peggy rethink fighting her, shimmies slow. Peggy sees the weighted breasts wobble over the chest holding them, she then arches her back hands on her hips and purrs, “care to feel what your tits will be fighting?”.

Peggy eases in and opens her palms under the two veiny breasts, “love to”. Then slowly she cups the breasts and starts to lift each slowly, her hands acting like a scale weigh the rival breasts.

Donna glares in her eyes, her lips part a bit, “heavy aren’t they bitch?”, Peggy then lets them drop, and caresses around the mass, Donna again in a hiss, “round and full as well”.

Peggy hen squeezes them and massages slowly kneading, donna swallows at the feel of Peggy’s expert touch, “irl hope yours can match”. Peggy eases her hands away and sets them on her hips and arches at donna, offering them for her inspection.

Donna now cups her palms and caresses around Peggy’s, then she squeezes in and kneads and massages them slow, Peggy in a smirk, “full and round aren’t they?”, “nmmm firm as well”.

Donna cups under them and lifts and is weighing them both. like Peggy before her hands like scales, then she lifts both up together.  She stares at Peggy who knows what her rival is planning, donna moves her hands away quickly, but there is no CLOP from her breasts dropping.   Donna looks a bit in shock and sees Peggy has flexed her chest and it is holding her breasts in place, slowly Peggy allows her muscles to relax lowering her breasts.

She looks at Donna, “firm, wouldn’t you say?”, both women with hands to hips take a breath in, once again they each do a slow shimmy. Donna’s husband shakes his head, then Peggy purrs, “my tits are ready to fight”.

Donna inhales, “my tits are ready to fight”, they stare a moment then the familiar sound erupts. A solid CLOP!! Rings out, neither woman makes a noise, but instead of instantly dragging, they ease back and again we hear CLOP, CLOP.

Both fighters stare into the others eyes, and as if agreed on it coms again, “CLOP, CLOP, CLOP, CLOP!!!”. Each collision as firm as the last, and still neither emits a noise, after 4 more dense fleshy clops ring out it is Donna that starts the fight off as it should be.

She collides to Peggy’s head on and presses in then starts to grind up and down into Peggy’s with her own. Peggy lets her rival have the move and then presses back and starts to grind up and down into her .

With their timing off on purpose, as Donna is high on Peggy , Peggy is dragging up and vica versa. With both having weight and firmness neither ha a need to breath hard or pant yet, instead they glare and continue to go at it tit to tit.

After at least 15 minutes of steady motion and neither getting motion in her rival, both know they have to make this a fight. Peggy lets Donna grind down then she presses in and slowly smears a circle into Donna’s tits.

Donna pulls her shoulders back and lightly huffs, “oh, nmm Bitch finally ready to fight my tits i see”. Peggy smirking, “well after showing what a whore you are, i wanted to take it easy on you”.

Donna’s eyes flash wide, she has never needed anyone to go light in a titfight with her, she inhales and growls, “You Bitch”. Peggy instead of seeing what her rival an do, jabs her tits against Donna’s and now more firmly makes that circle then starts to pump her tits head on into Donna’s .

Donna huffs, “uuhh uhh uhh cmon Bitch”, Peggy proudly poses hands on hips as she gives donna more but at her own pace. As she is pumping head on so close to Donna, the clops are more like a clap but no less felt.

Then Peggy smears her breasts into and around Donna’s, Donna arches into it, “uww that a girl give my tits a fight”. Peggy smirking as she seems to be controlling this early in gives her rival what she wants and is pushing her tits into Donna’s as she smears and pulls them with her own.

Donna while not being hurt, can feel her rival is not to be messed with or taken lightly , one wrong move and the firm pair will torture her own. But as Peggy can see a level of doubt in Donna, I saw donna was setting Peggy up o make a statement she is in for a fight.

Peggy rows her shoulders back, breathes in and pushes her tits in and high at Donna’s. But Donna wanted her to, she acts as if she is willing to match Peggy’s tits with her own, so she breathes in and as she goes to press in, Peggy arches a bit , like a silent challenge to match up.
But Donna had another idea, she shoves her tits in direct and her stiff nipples stab Peggy’s underside near her torso then as Peggy realizes she made a mistake and wants to back away.

Donna quickly grabs her by the waist and the combined motion causes Peggy to lean forward just enough that donna sneers as she suddenly pumps up and in. The all to familiar SMACK though not enough to hurt or put Peggy down is heard.

Donna stays after Peggy as she eases a step back, and is jabbing her tits up in and up more. Her heavy tits are bouncing Peggy’s on them as she is damaging the undersides \.

Finally it is donna that gets a sound from Peggy, “ohh uummff fummfff bitch UUGHh”. donna hearing it licks her own lips, “nmmm whats wrong Bitch hmm?, your tits getting sensitive ? Little loose?, no worries i haven’t lost a titfight in a long time , and i plan on making you hurt bad”.

Peggy still step at a time retreats but with Donna holding her waist her only option is to drag her own breasts off Donna’s leaving them open to a pummeling, or a cleavage attack spreading them wide and open to be loosened up.

Peggy bites her lip then huffs, “No problem here Whore, uuhnn mmfff just like the way you tit fight for now”. But i was sure Peggy wasn’t fooling anyone, especially Donna.

No sooner does Peggy say that Donna goes at her harder. donna starts to lean into her side to side and upward pumping. While the noise wasn’t very obvious do to the fighters so close, what was clearly obvious to us and Peggy, was the fact, donna was getting motion in Peggy’s breasts.

Peggy still in a circling retreat so she can avoid a wall or the bar, is getting no relief as Donna is step for step and attacking. Donna feeling she is getting a groove huffs heavier but in a controlled breath. “Cmon bitch yeah feel my tits , ohhh your gonna get milked hard tonight bitch, I’ll make it hurt too”.

Peggy now is feeling her rival, after 30 minutes of this constant back pedaling, it is Peggy who is starting to huff and pant, “uuhnn uhnnn mff mfff Bitch get out from under my tits and fight me”. But Donna is no novice, she knows the dare to fight is a sign she is hurting Peggy and it is what she needs to beat her.

Donna with a. Smile grips Peggy’s waist a bit tighter, “stop running away bitch stay and fight my tits like a woman, no like a Queen you cheap cow”. Peggy is forced in close to donna and it allows Donna to start early grinding the undersides of Peggy.

Peggy can feel it and the trouble she will be in real soon if she can’t get her this against Donna’s. Peggy shakes her head a moment more out of not ever using this move on her rivals, it is her uppercut without huge build up, but the constant upward clapping and grinding and swaying may as well be a series of them, cause donna is working Peggy and its already starting to show.

Peggy glimpses to me as she retreats with donna on her, i guess my eyes being dulled and concerned alerted her. After one last full circle Peggy had enough, she grabs Donna under the arms and hooks her hands on Donna’s shoulders.

I knew what was to come was going to put pressure on Peggy but she had to get of the move Donna locked on her.    With a deep breath in and holding Donna still, Peggy presses to Donna and then with her entire breast and body weight, drags down Donna’s bust.

Peggy turns her head as she feels it, but Donna feels even more, she arches to try to stop the move but Peggy being so fit, solid and her breasts as heavy, pulls Donna’s breasts almost flat to her body then drags along them.

Donna shakes her head, “uuughhh ohhhh you cheap bitch”, but the fact was everything Peggy used in a titfight  was by the rules. Donna has to bend at her knees to allow the relief of Peggy’s breasts sliding off her own, no sooner does that happen Donna attempts to straighten up, but she is halted by Peggys hands pulling on her shoulders.

Peggy breathes heavy fighting the stress it caused her own breasts but as she feels Donna’s jostle free it was time. Peggy thrusts up pulling Donna low and SMACKKKKK!! Rings out, Donna tosses her head back and mouth falls open, her undersides were not just harassed but crushed inward by Peggy’s .

Donna gasps out loudly, “AAGHHHH BITCH MY TITS”, Peggy now smiles as she presses her advantage and is freely pumping up into Donna’s undersides, the denser CLOPS are constant as the women hold each other in tight for this fight.

Donna’s husband drops his jaw as his eyes go wide, he has never seen his wife not just controlled but tables turned so obviously and with pain to her heavier tits.  Donna now tries to retreat but Peggy’s shoulder hold refuses her a step back, Peggy with a hiss, “ohh problems honey?, nmmm cmon bitch fight my tits now hows it feel hmm?”.

Donna hating to have to say it aloud cringes at the pumping grinding pain to her undersides, “uuugghhh you bitch my tits oh you cow my tits get out from under them and titfight me “.

Peggy hisses, “cmon Bitch you wouldn’t want me to hand you the fight , would you?, or is that how you won so many hmm?, making other women think you were beating them”.

Donna thrashes at the taunt she is anything but a good fighter, but with the abuse before and her breasts worked during it, Donna is feeling the pressure of Peggy’s breasts as they are pounding her undersides freely.

The fight is at 50 minutes now and both ladies are beginning to sweat, with not realizing it it was what donna needed. Their breasts become slick and so dos Peggy’s grip, Donna shoves at Peggy, her hands slip of the shoulders and donna steps back ward.

Her Hans slide away and donna without the added stress to her breasts backs away, her breasts free and both women pace the other side to side as they recoup a moment. Breathing heavy and breasts red glistening and swelled a bit, both women want more.

Peggy inhales flexes her breasts and sneers, “cmon bitch fight my this like a woman, no like a Queen lets get to it”. Donna knows she misjudged her rival, and all she can think of is , if she and Peggy did fight years ago, Peggy may have ended the fight in under 45 minutes with her powerful firm tits.

Peggy feeling she doesn’t need to hold her rival to her to win, lifts her hands to her hair and flexes again. Donna not wanting to seem soft or weak mimics the pose, Donna’s husband for the first time all night yells out, “Donna don’t do it”.

Donna inhales swelling her large breasts, “forget him , bring your tits on bitch”. Peggy a sly smirk, “with pleasure”, she starts off slowly approaching Donna, then at the last second thrusts head on into Donna.

The SMACK head on awakens the room, the two women step about as they drag, plunge, plow, drag and smear tit to tit as firmly as their bodies and breasts allow them to. Neither gives an inch as the faster paced action goes on and on.

Both exchange gasps, panting  and huffing as they go at it as hard as they can without it being a titboxing fight. Donna gets Peggy again as she drags left then instead of a drab right side steps and plunges her this into the side wall of Peggy’s breasts.

Peggy arches , it was felt for sure as her left breasts slaps aside her right and she can either bully her way free or risk stepping back or turning to change the moves affect. Donna while panting is trying to flatten Peggy on herself as she rolls her tits up and in concaving the round full side wall.

Donna spits ‘Cmon Bitch my tits are gonna crush the milk from you”, Peggy no novice either presses at Donna, the subtle act makes Donna arch up ease int the ache, then Peggy sways to the left roughly bumping Donna’s breasts.

Donna loses a step and Peggy thrusts with her powerful body head on into Donna, another head on SLAP erupts, Donna  turns her head, then Peggy plows her breasts into Donna’s cleavage and with almost no other effort spreads Donna’s cleavage.

Peggy sneers a grin as she huffs , “Yesss cmon fight my tits”. Donna tries to twist her shoulders to lessen Peggy’s move but her breasts singularly try to take on Peggy’s powerful G twins is no match at all.

Peggy scoffs at her  rival, “you silly bitch , your tits one by one are no match for my G’s”. Now Peggy wants Donna close, she snakes her arms around her body and pulls Donna in tight, as she does her breasts stretch Donna’s out to the sides so far they are almost under her arm pits.

Donna looks up her eyes welling up, Peggy as she slowly now has control grinds and pumps and smears her breasts into the inner side walls of Donna’s breasts, “ohhh does it hurt honey?, want me to stop?, then give before i tear your tendons and muscles in your chest bitch”.

Donna is trapped she tries to squirm and push away but every added motion hurts her tits more. Peggy a wicked smile hugs her in tighter and just continues the same motions that are hurting Donna deep inside her breasts and chest.

They stand cheek to cheek , mouths a t the others ear, Donna huffing , “let go and fight my tits “, Peggy’s reply, “I am fighting your tits cow, wanna give?”. Donna shakes her head no sort of but silently huffs in Peggy’s ear “uughnnn no bitch fight me “.

But that is what Peggy does best, she thrusts on top of the other motions and now Donna is whimpering. The fear of what is to come if she gives for the moment out weighs the agony she will have an hour from now.

Peggy asks Donna three more times if she will give, all with the same out come of no. Peggy sucks in a deep breath and nods as she hisses in Donna’s ear, “ok then Bitch i am gonna make it really hurt”.

Donna closes her eyes as the two women look as if in a slow dance, Peggy roughly gives a side to side pumping motion spreading Donna’s tits wider hyper stretching her natural motion range.  Donna winces “UUGHh OHHH Bitch”.

Then Peggy does her signature move, she pulls her tits from between Donna’s, Donna blinded by the sudden relief and eyes shut gasps, “Thank god”. Donna’s husband stands up, “NOOOOO”, Donna  like slow motion looks at him, then her smile fades as we all hear it.

Peggy thrusts up freely under Donna’s breasts and the room erupts in a SMACK!!!!, donna is stunned as Peggy dips again and then SMACKKK!, Donna arches her back head thrown back as she looks up, then before she can scream SMACK!!!!. Rings one last time.

Donna screeches “OH MY GOD MY TITS , YOU BITCH MY TITS WHAT DID YOU DO”!. Peggy now hands on hair again rams head on into Donna 1,2,3,4,5,6 times. The clops were like a fist hitting a loose sandbag Donna has tears dropping from her eyes , her lips tremble but she can’t even scream out there is so much pain and constant collision.

Peggy finally with that all to familiar evil smile plows one last time into Donna, solid CLOP rings out. Donna droops into Peggy’s body and Peggy hugs her to keep her upright in the fight.

As she continues to grind and drag into Donna’s breasts with her own, Peggy snorts at her ear, ‘Do you Give hmm?, no reply comes so Peggy pumps harder head on, “you fucking give hmm?”.  Donna weakly nods , Peggy growls “Say it cxnt or i will crush your tits right here”.

Finally at one hour and 5 minutes Donna screeches out loud, “PLEASES TOP I GIVE I GIVE YOU WIN YOUR TITS ARE BETTER”. Peggy releases Donna and her body drops on the floor on her hip.

Peggy steps behind her and uses Donna’s hair to force her up on all fours yet again, Peggy then straddles her, lays her swollen breasts on Donna’s bare back and she  slaps her gloved hands onto the hanging swaying loosened breasts, and presses her fingers in deep and starts to milk Donna as rough as she can.

Donna head hanging low as her breasts are tortured can only whimper and cry, her lips dry and partly open beg Peggy to stop in a whisper. Peggy continues the torture till finally almost no milk drips from Donna’s breasts.

She stands up and walks to the bar she downs both drinks and grabs both bras, she looks at Donna, swaggers over and using her heel shoves Donna on the floor by her heel and then sits on her and smiles down as Donna has to endure.

Peggy caresses her swollen breasts as she lowers them she hisses at Donna, “i feel teeth and I’ll carve my name in your tits got it?”. Donna nods and Peggy drops her tits on the former Queens face and slowly smears all over it then Peggy shoves each nipple in her rivals mouth demanding she suck them.

Finally Peggy sis up stares over her tits at Donna, nipples stiff and growls, “the room , the drinks, and my tits are on you Bitch, i ever see or hear about you again, its cat to cat in any alley way you like got it?”. Peggy slaps Donna’s sheep then stands up and goes to her bedroom, she grabs her dress and struts out.

Donna’s husband is on the floor aside his wife , Peggy stops there looks down and grabs Donna’s gloves from her, then uses her heel to destroy Donna’s thigh highs and finally takes Donna’s heels.
Donna cries ‘What are you doing Bitch?”, Peggy a smile looks at her, “No Queen beaten as bad as you leaves with her pride, her dignity or her attire, you leave here like the whore you are nude”. 

Peggy marches into Donna’s room and shreds her rivals dress then drops it at Donna’s feet as we all leave.  Once in the car Peggy loses her smile and cus her breasts in her dress, “oh my god that bitches tits were heavy, holy shit, Jeff get us somewhere i need  compresses and ice packs now, uhhh damn that cow”.

I never said it to her especially after a fight like that, but i saw it, Peggy was starting to hurt more and more after every fight, and though she will never admit it, i knew the days were numbered before Peggy losses so big, she would be forced to stop fighting for good. As to who it would be, every time she fights might be the last only time will tell the when and who.

The End (or will be soon)


Offline DavidG

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Re: A Night at The Opera (pt. 2)
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2023, 11:32:52 PM »
Absolutely brilliant
The Peggy stories are always fantastic reads
Thank you Dotti


Offline Frank

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Re: A Night at The Opera (pt. 2)
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2023, 09:25:24 AM »


Offline ColombianCouple

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Re: A Night at The Opera (pt. 2)
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2023, 10:50:58 PM »
Wow...peggy gets facesat and is forced to lick...this was fantastic...we would rather enjoy to see the queen dethroned and strap on fucked like a slave by a more dominant queen...maybe a black one? ;)
Youre a fantastic writer...we enjoy your stories a looot
Lets talk about fights and fantasy...comparisons, catfight, titfight,  sexfight, and the consecuences if a blood no violence



Offline YH5050

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Re: A Night at The Opera (pt. 2)
« Reply #4 on: March 02, 2023, 07:30:54 AM »