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STORY: Office Clash

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Offline halhow3

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STORY: Office Clash
« on: July 14, 2020, 03:32:48 AM »
Below is a new story about a clash in the office between two futanari (women with both cocks and vaginas).

If such a thing interests you then read on.  If not ...skip this.



PS:  In picture Melody Johnson is on the left and Janet Summers is on the right.


Offline halhow3

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Re: STORY: Office Clash
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2020, 03:33:37 AM »
                                 By:   halhow3
                                 Date:    July 13, 2020

 A meeting...

Tensions had been building at the office for weeks and it was bound to lead to trouble.  From the first day that Janet Summers and Melody Johnson met, they had taken a instant dislike to each other.  A mutual feeling that had only deepened over time into jealousy and hate.

On the face of it, the two women had very little reason to quarrel.  While both were shapely and attractive, Janet was a mid-level manager in the sales department, married and approaching 40, while Melody was a customer service representative, single and still in her early twenties.  They didn't work in the same group, had no mutual friends, had no reason to even be in the same part of the building.

In truth, the two women had worked in the same office for nearly two years before discovering each other.  It had been a customer inquiry to the sales that had resulted in a question being forwarded to customer service.  It was nothing but chance that resulted in Melody being sent over to discuss the matter with Janet and in that brief and unremarkable meeting the seed of their conflict began.

It was after Melody left the meeting that Janet noticed the tension that had been building up between them and the odd stirring in the front of her panties.  It was the stirring that disturbed Janet the most, because while she looked like an ordinary, if attractive woman, she was more than that, she was futanari.

Futanari where the miracle solution to the birth crisis of 2025.  From the start of the early 21st century when male and female births were nearly even, the birth rate of males had steadily declined.  By 2080 only one male was born in eight births. 

This created huge social pressures.  Some blamed it on pollution, others on decline of the Y chromosome.  Whatever the cause, a solution was required, the possible extinction of the human race was at stake.   Cloning was tried but was a dangerous biological trap, it threatened declining genetic diversity.  In the end, the answer was much more simply.  It simply required providing some women with cocks.  Thus from the labs of the genetic engineers, the futanari were born.

By the time Melody first met Janet, futanari, or futas for short, composed 17% of the population.  Futas by nature are bisexual and comfortable with both women and men.  It at first appeared they would be a perfect success story, but like anything new there were problems.  In the case of futanari, while they liked both men and women, futanari generally didn't get along with each other.  Futas liked to Fight!

With the exception of her husband, family and a few close friends, no one knew Janet Summers was a futanari and the same was true of Melody Johnson.  Had management known, they would have made some effort to keep them apart.  After all, everyone knew that futa bickered and fought, but since no one knew, it was only a matter of time before they singled each other out.

Janet was happy that the issue with the customer was resolved.  She expected in the coming quarter, it could lead to an increase in sales.  But as happy as she was with the solution, the dark and brooding face of Melody Johnson kept returning to her mind.  She wasn't sure why, but she just couldn't get Melody out of her head.

Melody was dealing with similar issues.  She asked around among her friends at the office about Ms. Summers, she even checked into her personal records.  There was nothing unusual about Ms Summers's employment history.  It read like that of any moderately successful manager.  Melody tried to focus on her work, but the image of Janet's face, bright eyes and burning red hair keep popping into Melody's mind and along with it a stiffening of her girl cock that she found quite disturbing.

Melody had a completely charming boyfriend and a sexy secret girlfriend on the side.  While Janet Summers was definitely pretty she really wasn't Melody's type.  Melody couldn't figure out why Ms Summers was constantly on her mind but she determined she would find out.

The hunt...

And so the hunt began, each woman beginning to deliberately seek the other out.  Encountering each other often in the hallway and the break room, not to mention the occasional chance meeting in a conference room, the printer room, or records department.  Melody Johnson went from someone Janet had seen once in several months, to someone she bumped into 'accidentally' several times a week.  As the women became more familiar with each others habits, they started encountering each other many times in a day.

At this point neither had even started to guess the other was a futa.  The fact that their girl cocks stiffened at each encounter should have been a hint, but Janet Summers had not struggled with another futa in the last ten years and Melody Johnson was still young and easily confused about such things.

Futas are territorial by nature.  Passing encounters such as on a subway car, restaurant, or busy city street, usually only lead to stares, smirking curls of the lip, a brushing of shoulders.  But when two or more futas work in the same office, live on the same street, or claim the same lover then matters get out of hand.

It was Janet who first began to suspect.  It was little things of course.  She noticed that Melody always wore modest skirts with hems dropping nearly to her knees, that she sat in meetings with her legs crossed, that often she kept a book or folder in her lab.  Of course all of the women in the office did some of these things, but Melody did all of them all of the time, just like Janet herself.

'With that pixie cute face and huge bosom she couldn't be futanari could she', Janet mused to herself?  Of course Janet knew from previous experience  you just couldn't be sure by looks alone.  Determined to check on her suspicions, she began to brush up against Melody any chance she got.  A shifting hip, the casual brush of a hand.  Anything she could do to press lightly against the front of Melody's skirt to see if there was more there than fabric.  But no matter what she did, she couldn't seem to quite manage the contact that would confirm her suspicions or put them to rest.

As for Melody, she couldn't help but notice the almost casual contacts.  At first she thought Janet was simply clumsy and managed to avoid the touches out of habit, but after a while, she thought to herself, 'Is she trying to touch the front of my skirt?  Why would she do that?'  While it was true some people were attracted to futas and others repulsed, the vast majority simply didn't care.  'Why would she be doing that', Melody wondered, then she suddenly realized.  'Ohhh... could she be', Melody wondered?

The Supply Closet...

It all came to a head on a Wednesday afternoon.  Janet needed an ink cartridge for her printer and so went to the company supply closet to get one.  As she walked down the back hallway, she noticed the closet door was already open, as she reached the door she could see that Melody was inside, her back turned away.  For a moment Janet almost retreated then she realized this was a perfect opportunity.

Slipping through the door, she closed it quietly behind her.  Melody glanced over her shoulder briefly when she hear the click of the door but then turned back to looking for something on the shelves.  The ink cartridges were easily to hand, but Janet ignored them stepping closer.  Holding a box of pens, Melody started to turn toward her.  As she did, Janet turned her back on her and reached up toward the top shelf, fumbled at a package of ring binders.  “Oh!  There they are”, she said, gripping one of the packages while taking a step back.  Trapped between Janet and the shelves Melody had no where to go, no where to turn, as Janet's firm bottom suddenly pressed tightly against the front of Melody's skirt and against the bulge hidden there.

For a moment, Janet's body stiffened, her eyes wide.  To suspect is one think, to know another.  Recovering she gripped the package of ring binders and stepped toward the door.  Melody pushed off the shelf and followed her closely.  As Janet reached for the door, Melody pushed her against the door, Janet could feel Melody's bosom pressing softly into her shoulders.  “Not so fast Janet”, she whispered.  Even as Janet heard this, she felt Melody's right hand slip around her and down, pressing suddenly against the front of her skirt, cupping the stiffening bulge beneath it.

“Oh look”, Melody whispers.  “It is just a day full of surprises isn't it Janet?”  Dropping the package of ring binders, Janet turned back around, her own full bosom brushing across Melody's firm boobs.  Reaching forward she quickly pressed her right palm to the front of Melody's skirt, feeling the very stiff bump underneath.  “Yes I guess it is Melody.  Surprise, surprise, surprise.”

“What made you suspect me”, Melody asked, her hand still firmly pressed to Janet's stiffening bulge?

“Oh little things”, Janet replied, “Your style of dress, the way you cross your legs, the usual things.  Did you suspect me as well?”

“Just the last few days”, Melody replied as she rubbed her palm into Janet's firm bump.  “When I finally realized you couldn't be that clumsy, it became clear you were trying to discover something.  I begin to suspect why.”

“And now we know”, Janet whispered.

“Yes now we know”, Melody replied.  “So what do you propose we do about it?”

Pushing off the door, Janet forced Melody back a few steps.  “Oh that is obvious.   You need to request a transfer and need to do so quickly.”

“Oh I don't so Janet”, Melody replied.  “I like it here.  If anyone should ask for a transfer it should be you.”

Janet smirked and said, “Oh really?  I am senior to you Melody, I have worked for this company many years, you are nearly a new hire.”

Melody nodded and said, “I am sure that is true Janet, but I have worked in this office longer than you.  I have been here two years, you just transferred in last March.”

Dropping her arm, Janet brushed Melody's hand aside and pushed her hips in closer, stiff bulge pressing on stiff bulge.  “You really don't want to make a contest of this Melody”, she whispered, “Or you will be Sorry.”

“Oh it is me is it”, Melody replied?  “Pushing her hips firmly into Janet's, bulge on bulge, she whispered, “I think you are trying to start a cock fight Janet and if you aren't careful you will find one.”

Bulge rubbed and pressed into bulge now right through their skirts and panties as the two tense futas faced off.  “Oh I would just love to get you into a cock fight Dear and teach you your place”, Janet replied.

Melody was rubbing, rubbing, her bulge into Janet's as she whispered, “Big talk.  Why don't you take off your panties or are you afraid?”

“Fine with me”, Janet replied, “Why don't you take off yours.”  Taking a step back, she placed her left hand on a shelf for balance as she quickly reached under her skirt, peeling her panties down and off and freeing her she cock.  Holding up her panties with two fingers, she dramatically dropped them to the floor. “Now you bitch.  That is if you Dare?”

Janet's heart was racing.  Ever since she had begun to suspect that Melody was a futa, she had been fantasizing about getting her into a cock fight, catfight, or worse.

Melody had become excited that Janet might be a futa and now that she was sure, she was ready to fight to defend her territory from her older rival, no matter what that took.  Melody quickly stripped off her panties then stepped closer, reaching for the hem of Janet's skirt and starting to lift it.  “Just come do something if you can”, Melody whispered.

Janet quickly grabbed the hem of Melody's skirt and raised it as well.  Bringing their hips together, naked femme cock soon met naked femme cock.

The sensation of Melody's stiff naked she cock pressing on her own drove Janet wild.  Her hips began to shift and sway, her stiff girl cock ...pressing ...pressing... on the front of Melody stiff bitch cock as they slipped, pushed and rubbed.

Melody quickly slipped her left arm around Janet and Janet used her left arm to clutch back, both still holding up the front of the others skirt as their swollen she cocks fenced and probed.  Each woman glared into the others eyes, the sudden sensation of rival she cock rubbing on rival she cock leaving both of them swollen. 

Pushing her hips in closer, Janet slipped her rigid girl cock around the back of Melody's, hooking them together.  Slowly Janet twisted her hips to her left, trying to bend Melody's erection with her own.  “Nice try”, whispered Melody, before turning her hips to the left, the two futas ...cock locked... and wrestling dick on dick.

What would have followed is now only conjecture as a sudden noise outside the door make the two rivals push back and apart.  Karen, an admin, stepped in and nodded to the two women, grabbed a package of printer paper and left.  Janet tried to smooth out the front of her skirt then turned and picked up her panties from the floor as Melody did the same.

Stepping closer, Janet whispered to Melody, “I challenge you to a cock Duel.”  Melody nodded and whispered, “I accept.  Where and when?”  Janet thought for a moment then said, “Office 16B in the old section, we shouldn't be discovered there.  Say 3 PM?”  Melody nodded again and the two women parted, each struggling with a huge erection beneath their skirts, hearts pounding as they planned to meet and Fight!

Back Office 3 PM...

Janet returned to her office but could think of nothing but the confrontation she had with Melody.  She was happy to finally know the true, but was also furious that Melody dared to oppose her.  She knew it really wasn't surprising, futas never get along.  Janet tried to focus on her work, but found it almost impossible to concentrate.  Meanwhile Melody was also struggling to focus on her tasks.  Until the incident in the closet, Janet being a futa was only a tantalizing possibility, but now that the truth was out, it was War!

As the time slipped closer to 3 PM, Janet wrapped up a few things then pushed back from her desk. Strolling out of her office, she turned down the hall and quickly made her way to the back of the building.  The back of the building was referred to a D section, the offices there old and currently empty.  The entire area was due for renovation, but the contractors had not begun work yet.  The lights were off, but enough light came through various office windows to make the path clear.

Janet walked deep into section D, turned right onto another hallway then walked down to office 16B.  Janet had picked this office specifically because it was at the end of a hall and had no windows.  Stepping inside, she flipped on the light then walked across the room and sat on the edge of the desk, tapping her heels impatiently as she waited for her cock rival to arrive.

It wasn't long before the of heels coming down the hall, announced the arrival of Melody.  She pushed through the office door, gave Janet a meaningful glare then closed and locked the office door behind her.  Turning back she said, “So nice to see you made it Janet.”

Pushing off the desk Janet replied, “Oh I wouldn't have missed this meeting for the world.”  Shifting from one foot to the other, Janet kicked off her heels then reached up and began to undo the buttons of her blouse.  “Shall we go all in”, she asked Melody?

Melody smirked and kicked off her heels, reaching for the buttons of her own blouse as she replied, “Oh yes Janet.  Let's really get into this.  Just you and me.”

Staring directly into each others eyes the two women quickly removes their blouses, tossing them to the floor then reached back to unhook their bras, slipping them down their arms and freeing their bare breasts.  Both women are ample double Ds, full, heavy and a bit saggy.  Janet started to reach back to undo her skirt then paused and say, “My aren't you busty Melody Dear.  Would you like to start this conversation with a tit fight?”

Melody smirked and replied, “Oh Janet, my girls would just Love to have a talk with yours.”  Slipping her arms behind her back, Melody stepped closer, arching her back, her breasts rising, both women dressed only in their skirts.  Janet could tell from the tenting of Melody's skirt that she was excited, but Janet's skirt was tenting out as well.  Slipping her arms behind her back Janet, stepped closer and both women suddenly ...RAMMED... their bare breasts into the rival pair.

Their breasts met with a meaty ...SMACK... of bare flesh into bare flesh, both women grimacing at the thrust of breasts into breasts.  As they started to pull apart, Janet quickly shifted her shoulders left/right ...WHACK ...WHACKING.. her breasts into those of her rival.  Melody responded with a grunt followed by another hard THRUST, pushing Janet back, both gasped then charged again.

The breast fight continued back and forth in the small office, firm large breasts JAMMING into their rivals, heaving, swaying then ...THRUSTING... in again.  Soon nipples were stuff and breasts darkening but neither woman showed any sign of wanting to stop.  Melody rushed forward SLAMMING her breasts into Janet's forcing them back and up.  Janet quickly rose on her tiptoes and DROPPED her full udders down onto Melody's boobs forcing Melody to bend her knees and back up to escape.

Janet pursued her at once and their breasts meet again with a harsh ...SMACK!  The two women tit fighting until both were left gasping and out of breath.  Both sets of boobs glistening with sweat and were turning red from the harsh battle.  Janet paused and said, “Are you stiff Ms Johnson?”

“Hard as a rock Ms Summers”, Melody replied.  “And yourself.”

“Hard enough to handle your cock any day”, Janet responded.

“Is that so”, Melody sneered?  “Let's just find out.”  Reaching back Melody started to undo her skirt and Janet did the same.

Now totally nude, the two furious futas faced each other, eyes glaring and cocks out.  Janet stepped closer as Melody stood her ground, her she cock pointed right at that of Janet.  Janet stepped up and reaching out, gripped Melody's arms just above her elbows with both hands.  Melody returned the hold, the two assuming the classic cock dueling grip.  Janet slipped her hips forward and suddenly their she cocks were ...pressing … head to head, tip to tip, cum slit on cum slit.

The two rivals ...circled... and ...circled... cock head rubbing into cock head enraging them both.  “You will be sorry you started this”, Janet whispered, “You're not leaving here until your semen is on the floor.”

“Fuck you”, Melody replied.  “If my cum is on the carpet, yours will be right there with it.”  At that the talking stopped as Melody rolled her hips, slipping her cock off of Janet's and dropping it lower before thrusting forward.  Janet immediately turned her hips to the left, using the side of her cock to slap Melody's cock to one side then following with a quick thrust of her own.  Janet tried to push the top of her stiff she cock under the head of Melody's erection aiming for Melody's most sensitive spot.

Melody rocked her hips back, her she cock flipping upwards but causing Janet's careful thrust to miss.  As Melody's cock dropped back down she thrust again coming at Janet's she cock from the left.  Janet tried to slap her cock away with her own, but missed and Melody manage do guide her stiff erection under that of Janet's ...rubbing... the top of her she cock along the sensitive underbelly of Janet's swollen cock.  Janet gasped lightly and flipped her cock up, rolling her hips to bring her cock right and down then pushed forward again.

Melody shifted her hips left but Janet's cock followed and soon slipped low and ...rubbed... under Melody's stiff shaft.  It was clear to both immediately that the other had been in futa cock fights before.     Each realized the other was a skilled cock duelist and that this would be a challenging cock struggle.  Each was carefully using the top and sides of her cock to try and rub into the sensitive underbelly of her rival's erection.  The two swollen cocks circled head to head, fencing and parrying with each other as each tried to get under the other and sometimes succeeding.

Back and forth across the tiny office the two futa fighters battled, cocks slipping and  gliding under cocks ...pushing ...fencing ...pressing.  Both women kept a firm grip on the others arms, neither allowing the other to retreat out of reach.  Soon both women were gasping and panting, their swollen cocks dark and angry, both pushing the other closer and closer to the Edge.

Desperate for a break from the constant rubbing, Janet quickly hooked her she cock around the back of Melody's pressing in closely.  Melody also hovering on the edge of orgasm, kept the cock hook, the two fighters glaring into each others eyes as they both panted for breath.

“Stiff little witch aren't you”, Janet hissed.

“You know it bitch”, Melody snarled back.

“I should snap your cock like a straw”, Janet replied.

“Oh you wish you could”, Melody taunted.

Each worked her cock deeper into the base of the other, each trying to turn her hips to one side as each tested the stiffness of her erection against that of her rival.  As they struggled, their swollen cock heads would occasionally brush across the others bare belly making each gasp. 

Fighting for advantage, Janet pushed her hips closer in, rocking the head of her cock backwards.  Locked with the left side of her shaft against the left side of Melody's shaft, Janet continued to tilt her hips, trying to get her swollen cock head around the right side of Melody's cock and under Melody's cock head.

Melody quickly realized what Janet was trying to do.  Double locking in a hooking fight could lead to serious cock damage as it made it hard if not impossible to disengage.  Staring into Janet's eyes, Melody let her temper get the better of her.  Rocking her hips in and back, she felt her woman sac brush across that of Janet's balls on balls.  Now with both rocking their hips back, Janet's was able to get her cock under the head of Melody's cock.  Double locked, the struggle began, each trying to break the others erection.

Each fighter was shifting her hips, trying to gain leverage on the other.  The trick was to get higher on the other cock, bend it over, bend it back, while not actually slipping off over the top of the others cock head.  Each woman glared into the others eyes, feeling their hugely swollen she cocks struggling for position.  Each was trying to snap their rival's cock like a twig but... cock head was rubbing under cock head and Fate and sensation would determine a different ending.

Janet was so angry and furious she barely noticed the warning tingle coming from her cock before it was too late.  Suddenly she was cumming, gasping and shaking as her swollen aching she cock ejaculated all over Melody's rival cock.  For a moment, Melody smirked before her expression turned to dismay. Melody's own cock was soon ...cumming... cumming... as she dumped her cream over Janet's swollen angry dick.

The two women gasped and moaned, shivering as they clutched at each other, their cocks still entwined in battle, each cumming over the rival cock.  Finally both started to become limp and they slipped apart.

“Lucky for you”, Melody gasp as she give her rival an evil glare.

“Oh please Honey”, Janet replied breathlessly.  “Don't go claiming victory.  This isn't a game played in seconds.  Your cum is right on the carpet with mine.”

Both stood there catching their breath, trading glances and watching each others cocks shrivel.  Frustrated and annoyed, Janet turned to look for her clothes and that is when Melody reached out putting one hand on Janet's shoulder and giving her a PUSH!

Janet staggered a step and caught her balance before turning back.  She looked Melody up and down then say, “Oh yeah” and PUSHED her back.

Melody stumbled a step then said, “Yes” and ...pushed... Janet again.

Janet replied, “Fine with me.  Just remember, no punching, scratching or biting the face, we need to be able to go back to work tomorrow.

“Fine.  No striking the face”, Melody replied.

Janet smiled and said, “Oh you can do this”, reaching out and SLAPPING Melody across the left cheek.  Before Melody could recover, Janet lunged at her their bodies colliding.  Bare breasts mashed into bare breasts as both women grabbed handfuls of hair and started PULLING!

Stumbling across the floor, they yanked and pulled on each others hair, shaking each others heads viciously.   They pulled each other around in circles kicking with their bare feet.  Melody moved in closer and tried to jam her knee into Janet's balls, but Janet was ready for that, deftly twisting her hips to the side.  She immediately tried to return the favor but Melody pushed in close, taking the blow  on her inner left thigh.

Wrapping her right arm around the back of Melody's head Janet pulled hair with her left hand doubling her rival over.  They were hip to hip and shoulder to shoulder turning in a rapid, spinning circle.  Janet tried to toss Melody to the floor, but Melody reached across and soon had a grip on Janet's dangling right breast.  With a shriek Janet straightened up and grabbed Melody by both of her swaying boobs.

Melody soon got a grip on Janet's left tit as well and the two rivals yanked and jerked on each others boobs while twisting them and clawing.  Janet soon forced Melody back against a wall, pulling up on Melody's breasts as she hissed, “I am going to rip them both off COW!”

“You wish you could you raging bitch”, Melody replied before YANKING hard on Janet's udders again.  Dragging each other to the floor the two rivals soon tangled up, wrapping their arms and legs around each other as they rolled over and over on the floor.  Janet had her left hand in Melody's hair ...pulling.. pulling... as she slipped her right hand in over the back of Melody's left shoulder and cupped her rival's chin.  Soon Janet was twisting Melody's head around as if trying to break her neck.

Melody had her left hand full of Janet's hair and and quickly pushed the palm of her right hand full into Janet's face.  She forced Janet's head straight back as the wrestled on the floor, rolling back and forth in their own spilled semen.  Limp, cum-splattered cock pressed to limp, cum-splattered cock.  There is no telling where it might have ended when a low ...hummmmmm... coming from beyond the door made both fighters pause.

They lay tangled in each others arms, smeared in sweat and spilled semen.  Each listened intently, their expressions confused until suddenly Janet's eyes went wide and she whispered, “Oh my god, it's the cleaners.”

Melody gasped then whispered, “So what?  The door is locked they can't get in.”

“Don't be an idiot”, Janet  replied.  “They have the master keys otherwise how could they clean the building.  Get off me!  We can't be caught like this.”

Melody reluctantly pulled away and the two women separated and make a frantic dash to their clothing.  They dressed quickly and in less than two minutes were fully clothed.  Janet turned in a circle and whispered, “How do I look”?

Janet smirked and replied, “Like a complete whore to me, but I am sure the cleaners won't notice.”

Janet glanced at her in irritation and whispered, “You little airhead.  You put your blouse on backwards.  As long as you walk pass them quickly, I am sure they will be too busy looking at your sagging tits to notice the seams of your blouse are inside out.”

The two women strolled to the door and Janet put her hand on the doorknob.  “Ready”, she asked?

Melody nodded then put her hand on top of Janet's, “This is not over you know?”

Janet look at her and smirked then said, “Oh Honey.  This is barely even started.”

Jerking the door open, Janet stepped out into the hallway and then walked calmly away as if going to the next meeting.

Melody felt her heart racing.  She counted to ten then cut off the lights and stepped out the door.  Leaving it open, she walked briskly down the hallway, head down as if in deep concentrate.  The two cleaning women were busily chatting and didn't even look up as she passed.

Going to their cars the two women drove home, their heads filled with a whirlwind of emotions.  Each knew she had made an enemy and a rival this day. Both were furious but also darkly excited.  Now that the futa feud had begun they knew it would continue, clash after clash, ending only when one Triumphed over her rival.

                             -The End


Offline rozczochrany

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Re: STORY: Office Clash
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2020, 01:54:33 AM »
Nice idea for a story.
I live, I burn with life, I make love, I kill and be satisfied. Thereon world, folks fights and suffers, to be free, feeling short whiles of joy only in madness of battle.


Offline Anna the Marine Chick

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Re: STORY: Office Clash
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2020, 06:38:08 AM »
I loved this story!!! But why did you put the end??? There could be at least one or two more!


Offline halhow3

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Re: STORY: Office Clash
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2020, 12:36:57 PM »
I loved this story!!! But why did you put the end??? There could be at least one or two more!

Yes there may be sequels, I am just notorious about being slow to continue them.  Obviously Janet and Melody should fight it out to a conclusion ...:)


Offline steviecftr68

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Re: STORY: Office Clash
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2020, 10:26:18 PM »
Well done!


Offline Thommy1982

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Re: STORY: Office Clash
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2022, 06:22:51 PM »
Would love to read more about it


Offline JuliaVargas

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Re: STORY: Office Clash
« Reply #7 on: February 19, 2023, 05:46:30 PM »
Melody and Janet need a new chance to find out who prevails!
Read my stories and you’ll understand what you can expect from me…