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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance

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Offline Susanoom

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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« on: March 31, 2023, 08:12:51 PM »

"I will be with you forever."
Those were his exact words of her, Eva kept repeating in her mind. Together forever is a very powerful phrase, a difficult promise to keep. It takes commitment, trust, determination, and courage to be able to use such a phrase without destroying its meaning.
The words echoed in the brunette's head as she walked the halls. On her lips was still the naive smile of a little girl, who still believes too much in love and the good side of every person.
A laugh made her stop just before she turned the corner. She could recognize that laughter anywhere, in her dreams, it was a recurring sound, and it gave her pleasure to hear it, she had fallen in love with that smile. Eva peeked out of the corner with only her head, a smile she was struggling to contain.
Slowly the light on her face faded as Eva watched with her eyes di lei as her heart di lei began to break into a thousand pieces. She had to lean against the lockers so she wouldn't risk falling.
Her name was Amanda, she was from a different class but Eva could see her during her lunch break. The brunette took some time before she worked up the courage to ask Amanda out. The girl reserved for her the most beautiful smile Eva had ever seen; it was the first time she had felt so taken with a person in so long.
The two began to go out after school, dating each other outside the institution, though not as Eva would have liked. Amanda was not easy to understand, one could not get the best glimpse of her thoughts about her. Eva was always afraid to say something too much to the girl, forcing her to run away.
Then again, she was different. Eva did not in any way reflect the classic girl, except in appearance. She hated to hide, but people are often ignorant and fear breeds anger and hatred. Eventually, however, she would tell him. Eva would confess her feelings about her.
That day, everything fell apart. In Eva's eyes di lei, the image of that girl smiling at the person in front of her, the same smile reserved for her, was a stiletto in her heart di lei.
Eva continued to watch, every second of her simply gave her more pain but she felt she had to. Perhaps it was not too late, perhaps all was not lost. Amanda would still reserve that smile for her, for her and her alone. The brunette continued to search for an optimal solution, but the more time passed, the harder it became.
When the boy leaned down to kiss Amanda, the girl moved closer to him, kissing him as Eva had always dreamed of being kissed. Before his eyes, her heart was being torn to pieces, locking it inside a box so as not to disperse what was left of it.
Something in Eva changed, a trust she reserved toward others, something immovable swept away with such ease. Inside the brunette closed a way of seeing people and the world. She would continue as always. This time, alone.


The number of people inside the gym disconcerted Eva, who locked herself in a solitary silence, leaning against the wall so as not to be too close to the masses. She remained aloof as the crush of people broke among them in the narrow space in front of the cheerleading table.
"Everyone listen up," the girl at the side took the microphone connected to a small speaker on the table, "we will now proceed with the first evaluation, so we can start skimming all the participants. There are so many of you, and we are happy that you appreciate the cheerleading squad so much that you are presenting here today."
The cheerleader then passed the microphone to another girl, so that all three of them had a chance to speak to the people present.
"Know, however, that being a cheerleader is not something to be taken lightly. It takes determination, confidence, and hard work, which is required of any of you who make it through the selection process."
The microphone finally passed to Martina, who looked at the people in front of her with surreal calm, seeing no one worthy of exceeding her expectations.
"After today, you will be notified via smartphone if you have passed the first selection phase, with dates and times to continue with the rehearsals. No delays of any kind will be accepted, nor any complaints if you fail the tests."
Laying down the microphone, the three cheerleaders kicked off the auditions, where they had to perform choreography to a musical base. A simple enough affair but one that allowed the three girls to evaluate from the start those who had what it took to become cheerleaders.
Eva knew her way around; outside of school, she took a modern dance class, making the first test an extremely easy task. She waited until many people had left the gym before performing; she did not like everyone's attention on her.
Probably hers was one of the last performances of her, or perhaps she was the last performance, honestly, Eva did not remember. She was quite sure that she would pass the first rehearsal; she had been focusing on herself for the last while.
A few hours later, the brunette's phone shook in her purse. The message signaling that she had passed the first hurdle had already arrived. Fast, without a shadow of a doubt.
"Congratulations, you are one of the four finalists for the Cheerleader tryouts. You will receive a date and time shortly; head to the gym when you are called."
Looking at the screen, Eva received a second message. It was the time and place to go for the second tryout. The brunette noted how the second test was simply the next day, in the early hours after school ended.
Eva looked at herself in the mirror. She allowed herself a lonely smile, almost a mask worn. Being a cheerleader had been her dream as a child, but now that she had changed would she be able to rejoice the most once her dream come true?


Eva arrived much earlier than the scheduled time. She was a girl who minded being late, and as long as she was not in danger of being late, she arrived much earlier. She did not want to give the idea of someone who does not think about her present, so the brunette entered the gym.
The cheerleader's eyes went up to her as soon as she crossed the threshold, incredulous that the girl had already arrived. Eva watched as the girl stood up, her blond hair with green-tinted ends bounced over her shoulders.
"You got here first," smiled the cheerleader.
"I didn't want to be late," replied the brunette bluntly.
The cheerleader motioned her to come closer and wait for the rest of the people as well, before going back to drawing on the clipboard in front of her. From what Eva could see, that girl was capable of what she was doing. In an anime-style drawing, where a man with a huge sword was screaming at what looked like a demon, the sword seems to fall toward the monster's head.
To Eva, all that was left was to wait.


"How could I not remember?"
Anastasia was screaming in her head, metaphorically headbutting herself. Sitting on the benches in the schoolyard, the blonde was going over notes taken in class with headphones in her ears.
She remained so focused that she could no longer remember to keep an eye on her watch, beginning to lose precious gym time. It was thanks to the passing of two cheerleaders that Ana realized she was not where she was supposed to be. The billowing skirt caught the attention of the Russian student, who opened her eyes wide and hastily withdrew her things.
She quickly ran through the hallways, taking care not to bump into anyone, and reach the gym as planned. At the last minute, the blonde burst into the gym like a tornado. The door slammed against the wall from the rush as Ana leaned against the doorframe panting.
The cheerleader rose from her chair, looking at the blonde with surprised and amused eyes. Eva turned away, startled by the loud noise, but returning calm when she saw the girl enter. The brunette watched in silence as the Russian student approached the table.
"Well, it looks like we are all here," announced the cheerleader, "Welcome to the second rehearsal. You two, along with two other girls, are the only ones who have passed the first step. Let's hear it for you!" the girl took to clapping her hands happily, stopping when she noticed that neither of the two students followed her in her enthusiasm "But you must not relax. Now comes the hardest part of your journey."
Eva watched the cheerleader suddenly change her tone, her aura becoming basking in mischief as she looked up at her and the blonde, smiling as she seemed to compare them with her gaze.
"Wha...?" tried to say Eva.
"Titfight," announced the cheerleader, "You will have a titfight for the cheerleading position. All four of you will face each other; whoever wins will advance to the finals. Just as we before you had to use these" the cheerleader hand rested on her firm, massive breasts, hard to tell how big because of the open sweatshirt that hid much of her chest " will use these in turn."
Eva widened her eyes; this was totally out of her thoughts. Getting into the cheerleading corps required grace and dancing skills, not strong breasts. Her eyes immediately flew to the Russian blonde, lowering to her chest.
"Fuck," thought the brunette, looking at how Ana's breasts were larger than her own.
Ana turned to look at the brunette, staring at her chest before looking up at her, smiling. Eva almost felt herself sinking, the rival student's arrogance seemed never-ending. Could she, could she have made it? Could she have made her dream come true?
"Remove your clothes, showing your bare breasts. Announce your size to your rival before you fight," smiled the cheerleader, sitting down on the table.
Ana was the first to remove everything, fairly quickly remaining topless. Her huge breasts sent a distress signal down the brunette's body, as she removed what she was wearing more slowly.
"36EE" smiled Ana, confidently.
"34DD" Eva's voice was less powerful.
The brunette felt insecure, even though her fighting spirit seemed to be screaming at her. Ana's smile made her seethe, how could that blonde make fun of her? How could that bitch dare think that her fat breasts were better than her firm breasts?
Growling, Eva launched herself at Ana without waiting for any signal, slamming her breasts directly into the larger pair. The blonde grunted, feeling her breasts swell on impact before returning to their original shape. The brunette continued by delivering another blow.
Ana immediately began to respond by striking with her breasts, stopping the next attack as Eva pushed her breasts forward. The brunette felt the larger pair thrust against hers as the blonde's arms went up on her rival's shoulders.
Eva broke free from the hold, sliding out before swinging her tits from the left, connecting with the blonde's right breast, who winced as her flesh trembled from the blow. The cheerleader watched the brunette swing back the other way hard, Ana's flesh swelling as the rival firm breasts entered hers.
Cursing, the Russian student gritted her teeth and thrust forward to stop the next stroke. Despite the size advantage, she had found a problematic opponent.
Ana's twin hips clashed haphazardly with rival ones, accusing each other forcefully, Eva grunted as she felt her breasts being stopped. Aggressively, the Russian student shifted her hips left and right so that her breasts took up more space in her rival's chest. Eva moaned, making herself vulnerable to Ana's arms, which this time managed to trap her rival in an embrace.
The cheerleader saw the advantage of Ana's larger breasts over Eva's, as the blonde closed her hands behind the brunette's back, Eva's flesh began to hide under that of the Russian student as she pushed them forward.
"Fuck!" moaned Eva.
The girl's silent face turned into a grimace of pain as she felt her breasts give way as the pressure on her chest increased. Ana smiled as she began to slam her twins into the smaller pair hard, rocking her chest.
The brunette growled, responding in the same way, but with each clash, the cheerleader could observe how one pair always had the better of the exchange. As Eva's breasts smashed into the rival pair, although the blonde's flesh swelled at the sides, she could see how the brunette's tits were crushed under the weight of the enemy pair.
Ana increased the pace, feeling that she had her rival in her grasp, watching her face constantly uncomfortable, discouraged by the pain she felt growing in her chest. Before their eyes, the Russian student's flesh regained shape much faster than that of the rival pair, although the fact that Eva's tits pierced hers created problems.
Both girls kept their hands on each other's backs, none trying to pull away, their eyes lowered to their gloriously fighting breasts, increasing the speed and force with which they pushed their breasts together. Ana grunted, feeling Eva's pair ramming her flesh as they rolled onto hers.
"Is that all you got, bitch?" growled the blonde.
Eva could not stand the small smile on the blonde's lips, continuing to fight hard but feeling how the rival pair had no interest in yielding. Despite her best efforts, Ana's breasts kept their shape while hers were engulfed by the rival flesh. Eva moaned, putting all her body weight into the blows, managing to make the Russian student step back.
The cheerleader watched as they both struggled to breathe, while Eva seemed to grunt more and more with each step. It was admirable the courage the brunette showed, gritting her teeth and continuing to fight, moving her breasts over the larger pair.
Ana sighed in surprise, but recovering quickly pulled back to slam her huge twins into the smaller pair, a head-on encounter that made Eva moan as the blonde continued to thrust forward, grinding them mercilessly.
Eva moaned gutturally, her hands falling along her sides, her face a mask of pain as she felt how much damage the larger pair was doing to her chest. Ana pushed again, the flesh engulfing more and more of the brunette's soft breasts.
Before the cheerleader's eyes, she could see how the blonde's stronger breasts took more and more space between the two girls, watching as Ana pulled back and slammed her rack forward. Eva tried to meet each attack, but her breasts were pushed back with each contact.
Ana quickly squeezed Eva to herself, crushing the brunette's tits flat and holding them against her chest. The Russian student's grip began to get stronger, and Eva began to moan in pain, squeezing her eyes shut as she opened her mouth as if to scream.
The brunette slid her breasts over Ana's slowly, refusing to give in. The blonde pushed upward, her flesh lifting Eva's before the brunette's tits returned together with the rival pair, only to be crushed flat with a thrust, again and again.
"Nooo, enough, I give up!" cried Eva, her breasts destroyed against her.
Ana backed away slowly, watching as the brunette's flesh weakly returned to her waist as her breasts receded, ravaged by the blonde's bigger and better pair.
"Anastasia wins!" shouted the cheerleader, clapping playfully "Sorry, Eva. It'll be for next time!"
Eva did not know what to say, tears streaked her face as she gathered her things and went back to putting on her clothes. She could not look up, so she walked away without saying a word. She did not want to know anything else, now she had to endure that even her last dream was over before it had even begun.
"Now you can go and rest. You will be notified as soon as possible about the day of the finals, aspirant," said the cheerleader, once Eva left the gym.
Giving thanks, Ana dressed, avoiding wearing a bra. Despite her victory, she felt a deep ache coming from her breasts, probably hidden by the adrenaline of the confrontation. Inside she felt sorry for Eva, even though there was no other way to become a cheerleader, she had taken another girl's hopes away.
She decided to get away from the gym, she needed to think and the bar behind the school seemed to be the most congenial idea at the moment. Looking at the time, she realized how late it was; if she did not run, she would find no table to sit at.
The Russian student rushed out of the gymnasium, running down the hallways like a fury. Turning the corner, her body seemed to be repelled by a mysterious force, her breasts crashed with something of equal density as she stepped back a step.
"What the fuck?" thought the blonde.
When she saw a girl in the same situation as her, her eyes widened. She was in such a rush that she had run into another person. She was tired, her chest was aching, and she was in a hurry. She tried to quickly vanish.
"So sorry," she said.
Ana continued on her way until the bar arrived. Fortunately, she was able to find what she was looking for, in a corner. She allowed herself a happy smile, dropping into her chair with a small thud. She was exhausted; she had been running so far, fighting and running again, her heart beating wildly. She ordered a drink, taking time to think about what the future might hold for her.


"It can't be..."
Ana's eyes were wide, focused on the girl sitting across from her, the same person she had clashed with in the hallways, the same Sarah with whom she had spent the last few minutes talking and laughing. She was her next opponent and rival, the obstacle standing between the Russian student and the cheerleaders.
Sarah could not believe what was happening. It was perhaps the first time she had been comfortable with someone other than herself, the only time her haughtiness had not come out to ruin every relationship, making scorched earth around her. Now that she had found someone she could consider a friend, she had to face her in a competition in which she always gave her all.
"It can't be..."
It was the univocal thought of both of them. Suddenly, the two girls sitting at the same table became strangers, an unspoken piece of information, and all the magic of an unprejudiced friendship disintegrated like ashes in the wind. That message had marked the beginning of something profoundly different, more overpowering and profound.
Both of them could feel it, the doubt and jealousy creeping inside them, growing and tracing their bodies like a snake, its coils busy taking every essence of themselves hostage as their competitive selves began to awaken.
Their eyes slowly lowered, they were to have confirmation of what had already been announced. Since the first contact they had not yet felt anything concrete, but that writing, that damn writing was eroding their resistance.
Each gaze stopped on the other's chest, the aching breast was hidden by clothing but visible to their eyes. The flesh barely moved with each breath, but each girl could imagine their shape and size, their strength and endurance ... but they have only faded images in their minds.
They stared back at each other very slowly, any sudden movement could trigger something, and both were still aching from previous confrontations. Staring intently into each other's eyes, however, both could see the familiar urgency here. A feeling they knew all too well, the maniacal curiosity to find out how far the rival limit was.
A spark in their eyes set them both off, leaving the table without losing sight of each other and walking slowly toward the bathroom. It was important not to make any impression on other people, although they alone felt the heaviness of the moment. The crowd was a blur as they walked down the short street that suddenly became long.
Doubts and curiosity animated their thoughts. How big is she? How firm is it? Can I take her? Can she take me? Is she bigger than me? Questions, questions, and more questions. Questions without answers, but they had to have them. The blonde and brunette entered the door quietly, listening carefully to see if there was anyone inside who could see them.
The latch clicked a second later, locking the door once the two girls had made sure they were alone. Each breath had become much heavier, the weight on their chests overwhelming as they stared into each other's eyes, one on either side of the small bathroom, two steps apart.
Sarah took the initiative, her hands grabbed her T-shirt and slowly lifted it, her eyes fixed on Ana's. Her breasts poured out, braless, while the T-shirt remained just above her chest. Shaking them slightly, the brunette watched the Russian student's eyes lower over them, widening slightly and immediately comparing them to her own.
Three seconds passed before the blonde looked up into Sarah's face. Her hands slowly closed on her T-shirt, lifting it as the girl in front of her, stopping just above her chest. Her tits came out into the open, naked and huge, jiggling faintly as Sarah's eyes focused on them.
The dull light above their heads did not honor their breasts, but they could both see the other girl's pride, what stood between them and becoming a cheerleader. A 36EE to overcome, exactly like their own.
There was an astonished silence before the two girls approached without any signal. On the faces of both, the impassivity of not wanting to show how surprised and nervous they were to see the rival pair was betrayed by the speed with which they approached, both eager and eager to feel those breasts against their own.
The first impact echoed in the silence of the bathroom, a meaty slap that seemed like it could be felt anywhere, followed by two light moans from the schoolgirls. Again, Sarah and Ana went back, slamming their breasts hard again, feeling their flesh pressing together, flattening between their bodies.
Ana felt the weight of the enemy pair, felt it all over her chest, and could feel its danger. This confrontation was not like the previous one, here she would have to fight relentlessly and feel continuous pain. Once again, their breasts crashed together, the brunette moaning a little louder.
“Take this, bitch” hiss the blonde.
Sarah lowered her gaze quickly to her breasts, incredulous that she had felt a part of them suddenly give way. Pushing back, her breasts returned to her waist, molding together with the blondes as before. Had it all been imagination?
Her heart was pounding in her chest, it was hard to tell where that constant noise in her head was coming from. She took a long breath, trying to calm herself, but fear still gripped her deep inside. The rival breast was so thick and strong, could it be better than hers?
Ana moaned after another encounter between the two pairs, feeling her flesh swell a little more than before. She bit her lip, trying to mask the obvious pain visible on her face. That breast so large and firm was crashing against her in the size of her own. Was this her limit? Was the girl she was struggling with better? She could win, she had to anchor herself in this thought, leave out everything negative.
“What’s the problem, whore? Can take anymore?” smile Sarah.
“Oh, we’ll see about that” growl Ana.
The two girls' hands grasped each other's forearms, enclosing their breasts in a still-narrow space, beginning to push them together rhythmically. With each contact, flesh touched their arms, swelling between them as neither could keep from showing what they were feeling anymore.
Occasionally one moaned louder, the other threw her head upward. Starting to grind their twins together, Ana closed her eyes trying to concentrate and resist the pain in her chest as Sarah bit her lips to continue bringing her pair into the blonde's. Their breaths had already become heavy after a few minutes, driven by nervousness and fear of the enemy pair.
Both had fought this one, the pain simply continuing to increase as they continued to slam and grind their breasts together. Each student seemed to wonder how long the other could go on, how far they could take it, and how much their breasts had held up.
Exasperated, each girl insulted her rival before breaking free and rocking their breasts together, meeting each other with increasingly hard meaty slaps as the two students threw their chests at each other. An exchange of blows that seemed eternal because of the pain being delivered, none trying to hold back the moans of pain and groans with each blow.
One last crash and Ana's body collapsed back, fortunately finding the wall to stop her. Sarah had no better luck, finding support at the sink next to her, her legs still trembling from the pain.
They stared at each other again, in their eyes the pain and fear of that last contact. They had both felt their breasts explode, sending an excruciating wave throughout their bodies, knocking them off balance. Their hearts hammered out of control, feeling fear tighten its grip on them as they tried to breathe and regain their composure.
"Is anyone in here?"
The knock on the door seemed to break an imaginary mirror, forcibly bringing the two girls back to reality. Both turned toward the bathroom door, struck by a sudden anxiety of being discovered.
"Come on! It's not just you!"
Ana and Sarah stood up, pulling down their T-shirts to hide their battered breasts and quickly looking at themselves in the mirror to step out and still look like two normal schoolgirls. Approaching, Sarah placed her hand on the bathroom latch, freezing as she turned to face the blonde immediately behind her.
"It's not over," she hissed.
"No, it's not," Ana replied curtly.
The door opened, and the two girls walked out together, while the person who had interrupted them entered the bathroom cursing at them. Giving each other one last glance, the two students exited through separate doors, each heading for their own homes.

In their minds one question.

"Will I succeed?"
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Offline CurvyVictoria

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2023, 08:27:01 PM »
What a chapter!
I am excited to see Ana and Sarah titfight. The build up to their fight is extremely engaging.
Best Curves


Offline Miafit

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2023, 04:15:00 AM »
I am impressed. Eva vs Ana was realistic. Just judging by the pictures i can tell Eva wouldn't last much long against someone like Ana who from the pictures looks bigger, fuller and even more dense.
For Sarah vs Ana this fight has my highest interest in the series. Good Work Susanoom.


Offline Susanoom

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2023, 07:38:37 AM »
Thank you for your support. As I already mentioned to some of you, some chapters are in-between, so I expected less... emphasis for them.
Not yet being such a good writer to write only magnificent things, and who knows the problems born before chapter 3 can imagine, I didn't expect these two chapters to become the best.
I hope I'm not tripping over myself now that anticipation is high, trying to leave chapter 3 as the only "black sheep" chapter in the series haha
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2023, 09:29:55 AM »
This is allures me to read chapter 5.
Very creative Susanoom.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2023, 12:40:53 PM »
I liked how Ana completely overshadowed Eva but struggled equally against Sarah. It shows how important size and density is in a fight.
Trillian : strongsarah315


Offline Susanoom

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2023, 01:46:46 PM »
I must say that it is more absurd to write about different sizes fighting rather than two almost equal pairs. The factors increased in number, and we often fall into logical errors, even if the story is still captivating.
Chapter 5 at least I will be able to breathe a sigh of relief haha
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Offline Maria Curves

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #7 on: April 02, 2023, 02:50:35 PM »
This chapter was good but i have this intuition that next one might be the best yet.


Offline Eve

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2023, 04:14:46 AM »
Still no new chapter?
I'm highly excited to find out how this ends between Sarah and Ana. The waiting is killing me!


Offline Nataliefightsyou

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Balance
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2023, 12:27:23 PM »
I like them I used to be a cheerleader in school and got into so many fights. It’s a welcome to how nasty we can be most think we cheerleaders are non fighters but we can fight