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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading

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Offline Susanoom

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School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« on: March 24, 2023, 05:17:46 PM »

The lights illuminated the stage, while the entire audience remained in the dark, their eyes focused on that white platform where a well-assorted group of girls and boys were about to perform.
The ICU finals were about to begin, showcasing the world's best teams in cheerleading, that stage was an achievement for every girl who possessed the grit to become a cheerleader.
Jessica and Eva were glued to the screen, still young and carefree but both with their minds connected to cheerleading. From an early age they had taken up dancing, finally dreaming of entering college where they could make their dreams come true.
"Magnificent," they whispered in unison, smiling and exchanging a condescending glance.
The two girls had been good friends from an early age, their families dating regularly so one had grown accustomed to the presence of the other, finding a valuable friend with whom to share experiences and dreams.
"When I grow up, I'm going to be the best head cheerleader ever!" announced Eva, standing up in all her 5'10" frame.
"No, I'm going to be one!" cried Jessica, standing up as well.
"No, I'm going to be the one!" cried Eva, getting up as well.
They were as young as they were unaware of the world around them. Their only problems were how much we could play and dance at night before we had to go to bed early.
"Then we'll be together, two bosses and two friends," smiled the brunette.
"Yes, friends forever," agreed the blonde.
In the television, the final reached the end.


Funny how life seems to mutate the few certainties people build around themselves like paper castles.
One day you have hopes and dreams, the next you feel the weight of how difficult the future is as the years go by.
And you cling greedily and selfishly to the few remaining dreams, gripping them tightly so they don't slip away.
Jessica almost ran toward the gym; she could not remember the last time she had found herself running for something.
A few hours earlier she had finally seen the poster taped to the institute's bulletin board. Every day, almost as a tradition, she walked past it, waiting for the moment when she would find the opportunity she was looking for.
The flyer for the college's most exclusive group, a colorful sheet that drew attention in an elegant yet impactful way. Auditions would begin right after school hours.
As soon as the last class ended, the blonde was already on her way to the auditions. She knew she was not the only one who wanted to try her hand at those choreographed rehearsals, but she knew she had a chance.


The amount of people inside the gym disconcerted Eva, who locked herself in a solitary silence, leaning against the wall so as not to be too close to the masses.
Growing up, she had learned to distance herself from those whose intentions she was unsure of, and there were too many people in that gym.
A good portion of the place was empty, bordered by orange cones to make sure no one went the wrong way. Immediately behind it was a table with some chairs and some girls talking to each other.
It was not hard to tell that those three girls were indeed the cheerleaders in charge of observing everyone who wanted to join the team.
Eva immediately recognized the blonde in the center of the small group, having seen her on the school blog. Martina, one of the victims of the school bully on everyone's lips. Despite the defeat of the week before, the girl had not lost her majestic and sexy aura, her breasts returned to the perfect and original shape.
"Listen up everyone," the girl at the side took the microphone connected to a small speaker on the table, "now we will proceed with the first evaluation, so we can start skimming all the participants. There are so many of you, and we are happy that you appreciate the cheerleading squad so much that you are presenting here today."
 The cheerleader then passed the microphone to another girl so that all three could speak to the people present.
"Know, however, that being a cheerleader is not something to be taken lightly. It takes determination, confidence and hard work, which is required of any of you who make it through the selection process."
The microphone finally passed to Martina, who looked at the people in front of her with surreal calm, seeing no one worthy of being able to exceed her expectations.
"After today, you will be notified via smarphone the passing of the first selection phase, with dates and times to continue with the rehearsals. No delays of any kind will be accepted, and no complaints will be accepted if you fail the rehearsals."
Laying down the microphone, the three cheerleaders kicked off the auditions, where they had to perform a choreography to a musical base. A simple enough affair, but one that allowed the three girls to evaluate early on those who had what it took to become cheerleaders.


Exhausted, Ana sat down on her bed. The ceiling slowly painted itself of the scenes her eyes had seen that day, dwelling on what she really wanted.
The picture of the last fight had disturbed her; it was necessary to find a way to occupy her thoughts. The cheerleading group was what seemed most fulfilling for her.
One only had to look at them from the outside to see it, a group of magnificent girls training to get better and better, working together as a team. Something Ana never had.
In addition, the head cheerleader seemed like someone she needed to talk to. She and Martina definitely had something to discuss, but at the moment Ana's problem was getting into the small group of girls in uniform.
At the first opportunity, Ana was ready to try out to join a squad she never thought she would want to be a part of years back. In the midst of all those people, in the hot gym filled with different smells, Ana had given it her all, and now she looked forward to the result.


Jessica's cell phone lit up in the night, the innocent ringtone broke the silence, and the blonde opened her eyes wide in agitation. Without thinking, she picked up her cell phone and opened whatever notification had come to her, hoping for good news.
The name Martina and the word "Overcome" were the only things she looked for in that notification, finding them at once, accurate and magnificent despite being simple black words on a green background.
Jessica had to restrain herself with all her willpower not to scream from happiness, lying back down with a huge smile on her lips. She had passed the first audition, her dream was getting closer and closer to coming true.


"Congratulations, you are one of the four finalists for the Cheerleader tryouts. You will receive a date and time shortly, go to the gym when you are called."

Sarah looked at the message with a strange happiness inside her. She had tried out for the cheerleading squad, but out of sheer curiosity.
She did not have team spirit, a vital trait for a cheerleader or anything group-based. She was a simple student who always sought a challenge in everything.
Sarah wanted to excel in anything and everything, heedless of whether it was something worthwhile or simple, she had to be first.
Reading about tryouts, she decided she would win that too, becoming a cheerleader and then find something else to challenge herself with.
Martina's presence was only a gain. The brunette had been eyeing the blond cheerleader, blatantly the head cheerleader. She had been in titfights before, but had not found anyone who fully satisfied her.
Martina seemed to tickle her appetite. The blonde was busty and would definitely make for an interesting fight. Moreover, she had a title that Sarah did not possess-she was head of a group of other girls, of cheerleaders. If Sarah had taken her place, and she would have, the brunette would have had many more victims to train with.
Thus, to get closer to cheerleading, she had to become one herself. The audition was not difficult, the dance was not so difficult for her to improvise, she was sure that she would pass the first selection.
And now she just had to wait for the summons. Whatever test they would put in front of her, she would pass it with no problem.
When the summons arrived, Sarah quickly read where the next rehearsal would be held. Smiling, she walked out of the house. The lilac sweatshirt was open, jerking with each step as her breasts were contained by the light blue T-shirt. The skinny jeans made her body an incredible eye-catcher.
Still minutes away from arriving at the gymnasium, Sarah walked through the hallways that connected the main institute to the predetermined location for cheerleading practice. The brunette closed her eyes for a few seconds, imagining what would happen next.
Her naked, glistening body was on display, panting and sweating as her huge breasts rose and fell with each breath. In front of her was Martina, hugging the brunette's body while her face was a mask of tears.
Beneath their chins, their racks were crushing each other in a show of pressed flesh. Sarah's eyes flashed with excitement as she felt her tits begin to push flat those of the blonde, who moaned in desperation. Licking her lips, the brunette completed her work of destruction on her rival, becoming the chief cheerleader herself.
Sarah opened her eyes, before her the school hallway and the corner at which she would have to turn to continue. She felt her nipples harden from what she had imagined, waiting for nothing more than that moment when she would take the place she wanted.
Picking up the pace, the brunette turned the corner but suddenly felt an incredible compression on her chest. The girl's body was thrown back, yet managed to remain standing and staggering only.
In front of her, a shapely blonde had suffered the same fate. Her forehead still beaded with sweat and her face tired, a white T-shirt tucked into her jeans. Sarah felt a strange sensation, that pressure in her chest seemed so strong.
"So sorry," said the blonde, stepping past her and continuing on her way.
Sarah watched the girl walk away, wondering who she was. Her chest still seemed to be permeated with that feeling, as if still pressed together with the girl's chest. Shaking her head, the brunette cast a quick glance at her chest, finding it perfect in every way, before continuing forward with her head
held high.


When Jessica reached the gym, she was a little uneasy to notice that she was not alone. The blonde was hoping for a solo tryout, with no other people outside of the three cheerleader scouts.
Seeing a brunette girl, never noticed before, turn around as soon as she entered was not the best of surprises. Jessica noticed the girl's scrutinizing gaze, as if she expected something better from the other contestants.
In front of the brunette, Martina sat quietly on the table, arms folded, alone. The blond cheerleader smiled as she saw Jessica join them, standing up and planting her blue eyes on the two girls' bodies.
"Now that we're all here-Jessica, this is Sarah. Sarah, this is Jessica. Both of you are two of the four likely new cheerleaders."
Jessica looked out of the corner of her eye at the brunette, but Sarah did not dignify her with a glance. The blonde felt a sudden rancor toward the girl's cocky superiority; she would not let anyone stop her.
"What will the test consist of?" asked Jessica, impatiently.
"I appreciate your hotness, you're going to need it," laughed Martina, then pointed one finger at Jessica's breast and the other at Sarah's "The next test will consist of...showing me your determination. Once a cheerleader, you will enter a world whose competitiveness is both public and private. You will need to be ready for both."
Sarah smiled at the cheerleader, while Jessica lowered her gaze to her 36DD. She surely would not have expected such a thing.
"Titfight," said the brunette, looking amused at her opponent.
Jessica's brown eyes immediately shifted to the other girl, lowering to her heavy breasts. Sarah's pair was larger than hers; she was already starting at a disadvantage.
"Fuck," thought Jessica.
Martina withdrew her hands, placing them on her hip and walking back to the table. Sitting down, the cheerleader looked first at one and then at the other girl, nodding.
"Take off your tops," she ordered.
With some note of discomfort and uncertainty, Jessica removed the white T-shirt and bra, instinctively hiding some of nature's bounty with her arms.
Sarah, on the other hand, removed everything with blatant tranquility, first removing the already open lilac sweatshirt, then removing the blue T-shirt, underestimating her opponent now that she saw what the blonde had to use against her. Her 36EE was too much for any girl, and Jessica was no exception.
"Present your measurements," continued the cheerleader, honestly curious about what the brunette had to offer.
"36EE," announced Sarah confidently, turning toward her rival with a slight mocking smile on her lips.
"I'm 36DD..." the Californian tried to lend confidence to her voice but the note of disappointment at discovering how threatening her rival was shone through smoothly.
Martina nodded, as if taking note of the physical characteristics of the two girls, but her eyes lingered longer on the brunette's chest. Martina knew that size well, while Jessica hated to admit it but Sarah's breasts looked so strong.
"You may begin. The one who makes her rival submit or dominates the other girl's chest by crushing it flat wins."
Martina signaled to move closer to start the fight, Sarah did not give up her smile as she took a few steps toward the angry blonde. Jessica cast out all negative thoughts; she had to win. The spot in cheerleading would be hers.
The two girls stepped forward with light contact, Jessica's tits holding their shape as they met the brunette's pair, compressed to the point of impact with flesh pervaded by a slight tremor. Sarah's size advantage was evident, and Martina could see how their flesh destroyed each other, molding together.
Jessica immediately moved to the side, rubbing her breasts into Sarah's pair. The blonde's tits moved up and down successively against the larger copy, although the brunette pushed them forward into the rival chest, crushing them together.
Jessica's twins returned to their original form as she moved back, causing the brunette to grunt when she felt her right breast being lightly crushed by the rival tits.
The blonde continued to rub her own 36DD into Sarah's pair, which yielded slightly before the blonde's right breast mingled with the center of the larger girl's cleavage.
Sarah reacted by thrusting against the blonde, forcing the smaller pair to be pressed by the weight of her breasts, flesh spilling outward as the brunette thrust forward, before Jessica's tits responded by digging into rival flesh, causing the girl to moan.
Pointing her feet, Sarah threw her chest to the right, sending her heavy left breast against the blonde's tit, who moaned when she felt her own breasts give way to their larger counterpart, bending slightly from the force of the blow.
Jessica quickly recovered, throwing her right breast against Sarah's left tit, still moving from the earlier attack.
The brunette moaned, buffeted by the rival speed, feeling her tit being jolted as the flesh flattened slightly, giving the blonde time to attack again.
The second swing was accompanied by an upward motion, Jessica bucking before rising sharply. The blonde's breasts sagged slightly on impact as the force of the blow sent the larger pair toward each other with a resounding slap.
Martina noticed the redness on the blonde's flesh, fading a second later as the brunette pair still trembled.
Sarah threw the heavy tits toward Jessica, but the blonde stepped back to avoid the attack, using her speed to her advantage so she could send another hard blow to the left side of the rival pair. Sarah's flesh trembled violently, wincing as she twisted her hips to send her breasts against the blonde.
"Fuck!" cursed the brunette.
So far she had maintained her arrogant composure, but the blonde seemed to be teasing her. Jessica slid back, then launched herself forward and connected her tits with Sarah's with a frontal smack. The wet slap was followed by a grunt from the brunette, curling her lips into a snarl as she felt the pain growing in her chest.
The flesh of both would-be cheerleaders was flushed, but both pairs still seemed to retain their original shape.
Jessica smiled mischievously as she kept her distance from her rival, enough so that she could avoid any attacks and respond immediately afterward. Sarah continued to look at her, a sudden hatred in her eyes.
"What's the matter, bitch? Can't you keep up?" hissed Jessica, launching herself at her rival.
Sarah felt the blonde's tits shatter against her own, but she gritted her teeth to resist and threw her arms forward, trapping Jessica's body in an embrace. The blonde managed to slip away, however, before Sarah closed her hands behind her rival body.
"Fuck!" cursed the frustrated brunette, thrusting her torso forward, but at the same time Jessica pushed herself against her.
Martina watched as Sarah's large jugs bent outward as they met the rival pair, before Jessica pushed away from them.
The cheerleader in charge of the clash watched every detail with her own eyes. Right from the start she had conceived the idea that Sarah's larger breasts had a distinct advantage over the rival pair.
However, Martina had to reevaluate Jessica who, despite the disadvantage, was managing to bridge this difference and make it an opposing weakness. A different titfight than hers against Demi, but equally exciting.
"Bitch! Face me like a womaaah!"
The angry brunette's words were interrupted by Jessica grabbing Sarah's arms, then using her breasts to work them over the enemy pair.
With each blow, Jessica's breasts seemed to vanish into the rival flesh, stabbing hard from the inside as Sarah moaned in pain. The brunette immediately tried to push her rival away from her, but the blonde's grip was too strong, dealing another empire of blows to the larger breast.
Sarah's flesh continually swelled and sagged under the onslaught of the rival breast, discomfort evident on her face as the blonde's dense breasts entered hers. Jessica wanted to be a cheerleader at all costs, and she would not let another girl ruin her lifelong dream.
A keen eye like Martina's, however, also noticed what was hard to see. Jessica continued on the assault, but she was also expending precious energy, her face looking more fatigued than before as she still planted her breasts in the enemy pair.
The blonde's red cheeks and sweaty face made her skin glisten under the gym light as she stepped back and cast a superb glance at her rival breasts.
"Fat and droopy," smiled the blonde, breathing heavily.
"I'm not done yet, bitch," growled Sarah.
Jessica's tits were red but looked like they were still in good shape, while Sarah's breasts were softer than at first but still full of life.
As the brunette approached, Jessica shot her tits into the underside of the larger pair. The blonde's breasts folded into the underside of the rival flesh, causing her to moan loudly as the blonde approached.
"I've got you, bitch. I'll be the cheerleader," Jessica hissed, thrashing forward.
This time, Sarah stood ready, closing her arms just before their breasts met to increase the mass of her breasts. Jessica found herself groaning as she was caught off guard, stumbling back from the same force of her blow.
Regaining her balance, Jessica felt Sarah's arms wrap around her body, too fast to escape, committing their breasts to a close challenge.
For an instant, the blonde's breasts seemed to disappear as Sarah's 36EEs pushed into Jessica's smaller breasts. She struggled back, forcing the two girls to take small steps between them, squirming on her hips.
Sarah gasped suddenly, feeling her breasts crush into Jessica's, while the blonde smiled as she felt her tits begin to dig into her rival flesh.
Groaning, Jessica became the aggressor again in their duel, but nevertheless Sarah tightened her grip on the blonde's body, gritting her teeth. Jessica's leg muscles hardened every time she thrust her 36DD into the larger pair.
Sarah's flesh continued to be rippled with each stroke, she then slid her torso around the blonde's, thrashing her hips left and right.
Martina registered discomfort on the blonde's face, but Jessica continued to try to destroy the rival pair from the inside, amidst a concentration of sweaty flesh. From time to time, Jessica's pair seemed to be forced outward as Sarah's huge rack regained its shape.
Both couples became redder as time passed, each forced to attack and take rival blows. Sarah continued to grind her huge breasts the rival chests, Jessica still stabbing the center of the brunette's flesh.
Martina noticed the tension on both of their faces, until a surprised look appeared on Jessica's face, as if she finally felt her tits push back the huge rival pair. Sarah however pulled the blonde even closer to her.
"Do you feel it? I know you feel it now," hissed the brunette, a strange smile on her face "Your breasts are dust."
Jessica's mouth opened slightly, her gaze lowered to their breasts as Sarah slowly pulled back.
The blonde's tits seemed to have lost their firmness completely, as if erased, hanging weakly from her chest.
Jessica was still stunned, she could not believe what she was looking at, what she was feeling. Sarah smiled again, this time with relish.
Sarah's right breast pushed against Jessica's left, the blonde's flesh slowly dispersed against the brunette's pair and against her chest, seemingly losing the ability to resist the force of the rival breast. With a groan, Jessica felt her breasts disappear into Sarah's, flattening against her. The brunette repeated the operation with her left tit, completely crushing Jessica's right breast, making it disappear before Martina's eyes.
Finally, Sarah squeezed Jessica's body again, the blonde began to sob, feeling her breasts being flattened for the first time and begging to let go. The blonde's breasts quickly disappeared from view, eclipsed completely by the brunette's heavy breasts. Sarah smiled, licking her lips as she looked down.
"Sarah wins the fight, she will be the one to go on," Martina announced, watching Jessica's body sag to her knees after Sarah let go of her "Both of you can go. Sarah...I will let you know about your next and last fight when I hear from the others."
Sarah nodded, quietly putting her clothes back on and casting arrogant, amused glances at the blonde who remained whimpering on the floor, clutching her sagging, defeated breasts. Her dream of becoming a cheerleader became like her breasts: ruined.


Ana sat nervously at her table. The bar behind the school seemed unnaturally full that day. She did not know if it was still for the cheerleading competition, maybe everyone wanted to find out who the lucky ones were who had passed the selection.
A slight twinge in her breast reminded her that she had moved on to the next round, she would not have expected to have to face another girl in a physical and intimate competition to pass selection.
"Too bad I couldn't meet Martina," the blonde thought resignedly.
Tapping her chest, the Russian student recalled vividly the cheerleader who attended her tryout. It was the same one glimpsed in the photo of Demi and Martina. She had not tried to talk to them; Ana wanted to talk directly to Martina and no one else.
"Excuse me, is the seat free?"
Ana came back to the present suddenly, startled as she looked up at where the voice was coming from. Standing there, looking distressed and with a hint of weariness on her face, was a brunette girl. A light blue T-shirt struggled to contain her breasts while a lilac sweatshirt dangled in her arms.
"Huh? Oh ... yes, yes," Ana replied, regaining control of herself.
Sarah reserved a huge smile for her, taking a seat in front of her. It was the only table left available, the only one with a place to sit.
"Sorry, but it's really full here today" smiled the brunette "I'm Sarah, by the way."
"Nice to meet you, I'm Ana."
The blonde felt a sudden warmth coming from the girl. Her simplicity seemed to be welcoming to her, making her see her in a different light. Ana smiled sincerely as she looked for the first time at a girl for whom she could feel a close sense of friendship at first glance. The girl in front of her was ... like her.
As they began to talk, they both discovered that they had a lot in common. hobbies, classes, music, as time passed, the two girls kept talking, exchanging information and laughing together.
Both had not felt this way in a long time, they were feelings forgotten but that it was almost nostalgic to resent. time passed, and they kept talking, creating a deeper relationship than they had expected from a chance meeting.
That day, the bar was full but it was meant to be, they were to meet and get to know each other. Ana and Sarah, perfect strangers to perfect friends. It sounded like a movie title.
But life is not a movie, we already know that. it's already been said, but it's always good to reiterate it. The vibration shook Sarah's leg, her gaze lowered to her pocket, the cell phone screen lit up for a second.
The brunette pulled out her cell phone, and at the same instant, Ana's cell phone received a message. The blonde pulled it out of her purse, and both girls began to read the contents of the message, in silence, completely absorbed as their eyes looked at the screen of their own cell phones.
Underneath a not-so-long message that both would have to go through their final rehearsal as soon as possible for cheerleading selection was a photomontage showing the two girls who would take part in the finals.
Ana's eyes registered the face and body of her rival, slowly looking up at the person in front of her, now suddenly seen for the first time. Sarah looked up the same gaze, surprised and speechless.
A new message made their cell phones vibrate to both of them.

"The Final: Ana (36EE) vs. Sarah (36EE)"
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Offline BlondeCurves

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2023, 05:26:42 PM »
I love it. I was waiting for this chapter for over a week now finally great to read this amazing work.
As always i love how you explained it all in such an entertaining manner.


Offline Susanoom

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2023, 06:18:15 PM »
I'm glad you liked it. The "problems" for this story have finally been resolved fiuuuu haha
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Offline JuicyJulie

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2023, 07:30:37 PM »
Here is something that might interest you for the next chapter  ;D


Offline Maria Curves

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2023, 07:54:26 PM »
The fight was realistic. I think Jessica was quicker and would have won if she kept slapping and focused on titboxing further. She made the mistake of going against Sarah directly because Sarah didn't get soft enough for Jessica to win by that time.
Sarah like Ana and Demi is more of a heavy weight fighter i am more excited for Sarah vs Ana i think it will be a real intense clash.
Great work Susanoom as always.
As per Julie's request i think those women are way too big to be shown as school girls. i would be interested to see such a massively stacked women fight just not in this series.


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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #5 on: March 24, 2023, 08:00:33 PM »
I agree with Maria, they are a bit "overdeveloped " to be students.
they could be the teachers roaming the hallways. ;) instigating the clashes between the students and possibly being mentors for the young ladies.


Offline Susanoom

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2023, 01:26:17 AM »
As exciting as the fight was, I have to nix it.  At the moment, the protagonists are blondes and brunettes.  The redheads MAYBE will be the protagonists of the continuation.  Right now, you have to focus on what you have

Julie: pm me.  I'm open to talking to fans about hypothetical fights or upcoming fights
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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2023, 04:21:00 AM »
Good story
excited for Sarah vs Ana


Offline Nataliefightsyou

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2023, 03:01:34 PM »
I was a cheerleader and I wished we had done this great story


Offline Susanoom

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Re: School days, Blondes and Brunette rivalry - Cheerleading
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2023, 03:52:34 PM »
I was a cheerleader and I wished we had done this great story

It would have been exciting, both to participate and to be able to hear what was going to happen. Too bad it never happened haha
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