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The Last for One of Them chapter 2

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Offline DottiD

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The Last for One of Them chapter 2
« on: April 19, 2023, 07:25:26 PM »
Chapter 2 A Bump in their Paths

I was so worried about Peggy being taken care of prior to the fight they planned for her, i had forgotten the women were only known by the colors of Mardi Gras, there was a third, Ms. Green .   Her real name was Milly, a 65 year old blonde, 5’8” 155 and a very round and full 36GG-28-38.  Milly was mostly known along the Northern rim and though she and Peggy never  met in their prime, they certainly had heard of each other.

Milly was the third fighter in this equation, and like her two rivals, had a reputation as a mean and solid fighter. With her and Gina up for the spot to face the current queen, it was absolutely going to be a fight between her and Gina, as to which of them got that position first.

There could be no negotiations between their financiers, each had a right to bring his girl to fight and each woman was thirsty to be the one who takes her title away. So in a place where these women often stood on their mans arm in silence, maybe a taunting or two between them. They would otherwise just glare and size each other up, so the lust to fight grew till they could.

The men who financed these women were never quick to just let a fight take place. They invested a lot of time but more over money, to both keep their fighter happy and healthy as well as putting up a purse for them. All these women had to do was fight in the ways chosen, and the posh lifestyles went on till they lost it all.

Milly was a bit thicker build then her two rivals, but she was not to be taken lightly at all. Milly fought her way to the top every bit as hard and tough as the other two, and she was ready at her late age to be more than known as a Queen, she wanted the French quarter, the busiest and proudest area a titfight champ could reign over.

So between the 3 men who paid the women’s way it was agreed upon, since Peggy was the first to be invited to the big easy to fight for it, she would be hailed as the current queen. This meant the other two women would have to face one another for the right as the next challenger for her crown.

So Ms. Purple (Gina) and Ms. Green (Milly) would fight to see which was given the right to go against Ms. Gold (Peggy) first. The men also thought it best that not only do these coming fights be important and crucial. But that they will cost each woman more than a bra and her position.

So the men each purchased their fighter a diamond necklace with the color of their identity in the stone of the diamonds. Each necklace cost thousands and was a sign to each other as well as any woman, that the woman wearing one was the best to be found thus far.

While the necklaces were theirs to keep, they were also theirs to lose. It simply meant who ever was deemed queen of the quarter after a fight would take her rivals bra, milk, and whatever else they agreed to fight for, along with their necklace. Then after during the Mardi Gras festivities would display both necklaces on her veiny tight full cleavage, for beads, as she was driven by horse and carriage down bourbon street.

Naturally as each was given her necklace their desire to not only keep but strip a rival of hers was like a drug. Making these women more eager to fight and win to acquire both if not all three.

So the three men commissioned the finest jewelers in New Orleans to make here necklaces, and while they were costly, the men knew as well s their fighters to earn all 3, meant they had the true queen of the Quarter.

Peggy’s financier came to her one day and as she was preparing for the night out, he eased the diamond and Gold necklace around her neck. It hung perfectly down her cleavage and the 5 tiers of accent splayed magnificently on her swelling cleavage.

As Peggy smiled licking her lips at the gorgeous gift, she like other two fighters was told, it was hers to keep providing she won. A loss to either of the other two would mean they could take hers as theirs, and so on.

Peggy was never the type to fight for money, it was always for her man, her town or reputation. If in that mix she could make a large sum of money all the better. But as her pointy nails trace each stone, her eyes flash with fire. No woman was going to take her necklace without a real fight for it.

Both Gina and Milly had the same reaction, they would fight to the bitter end if need be before just handing it over to another woman. The weekend was approaching quickly, there was much to do before the fights, as Peggy was deemed the current queen, it meant simply Gina and Milly would face each other to determine who fought Peggy next.

Each of the two sat licking her lips she was next in line, but the duel between them would be the only way that was decided and fairly so.  The fight was going to be held at one of the three plantation mansions, a crowd of select elite would be invited and pay to attend to watch first hand who was next to take on Ms. Gold.

The night of the fight was typical for the women, they sat in their bedrooms preparing, as guests arrived. The arrival was straight of a history book, since he mansions were left as they were for generations, it meant cars were sent to a lot near by then horse and carriages ushered the people down the long dirt pathway to the mansion. The carriages jostled along the path under the Spanish moss trees lining the road on either side .

The hooves of the horses had a steady thud, as they pounded the dirt down more, as candle light were the carriage headlights. The  mansion the fight took place in was that of a neutral gentleman’s, his fighter lost to Peggy in one of the quickest duels not only had anyone ever witnessed, but it was over so quickly it even stunned Peggy.

It was against a brunette a 36G as well, and the duel was over and decided in under one hour. Peggy while she acted as if it was normal, was stunned herself at how quickly she devoured the former so called queen.

As a result of the total destruction, Peggy’s reputation among these financiers overnight became as known as her over all reputation. Both Milly and Gina were in separate wings of the mansion and were getting dressed for the night to begin.

Gina now only known as Ms. Purple, was dressed in a purple set of heels, seamed thigh highs , garters and thong. The matching bra was designer with diamond sequencing about the cups, and then her necklace.  After putting her hair up and making certain her makeup was flawless, Gina placed her necklace on, then her purple robe and was ready for the night to begin.
Milly was doing the exact same thing in her room, but in Green colors, she also took in a deep breath of confidence ass he posed for a second in her mirror before being escorted by her financier.

As each woman was walked down the wide stair case, her eye mask with the 3 feathers along the brow fluffed perfectly. Her arm entangled with her mans could hear the many voices of the wealthiest of New Orleans here to witness this duel.

While many discussed business or football games just as many were discussing the two women to fight tonight, advantages, to ruthlessness. Each of these women have been watched on their climb up and what views they exchanged may or may not change the minds of a few when making wagers.

With the inception of the new contract and the fight being videoed all he guests men and women wore eye masks to keep their identities secret for different reasons. They all puffed on cigars and sipped the finest bourbon as they mingled about, then Ms. rumple was escorted into the main room.

The verbal murmurs trickled down to whispers as she was walked in, and shown off for all to get a good look of and wagered on if desired to. Gina her eyes sparkling behind the eye mask had a proud confident smile.   Her body was still every bit as sexy, curvy and built to attract attention. Her bountiful, round firm breasts were still veiny and full and other than her repaired nipple and a few scars over her breasts, looked as imposing as ever.

Her purple robe tied snug at the waist was being forced apart at the top by her bra encased 36G’s, her nipples were able to tent the bra cups and robe but thanks to Peggy and their last fight, her right nipple was cut down from 3/4” when aroused to 1/4”.

To top it off the teeth imprint was very much still around the aureola as well, it caused some loss of feeling as the scar tissue from the plastic surgery was like a small block under the flesh.

To most it was hard to pick up on, but to Gina and the woman who caused it, it was a reminder how nasty these women are willing to get to keep and take what they wanted from one another.

Slowly Ms. Purple is walked about the room of guests, some admire and nod they will bet on her, others not as sure and wait to see her rival. But as she is escorted about, her eyes are darting about the room in search of the soon to be rival, Ms. Gold.

Gina could not get past just who her soon to be rival was, but yet she felt she knew her all to well. Placing exactly who she was had Gina biting her lip to get a better look or maybe an “accidental” bump to see if the feel of her bust would remind her.

But the truth was none of the fighters were allowed to see the others fight, just for that reason, they wanted every engagement to be as much a surprise as the next, it prevented the women from becoming either over confident or over thinking the pending tight as well it prevented a fights wagers from being swayed as well as Lessing the chance of a catfight breakout without the titfight being finished properly.

So as much as she searched her soon o be rival was not here. As she was distracted searching however, Ms. Green was escorted in and she was being shown off to the same guests, and like her adversary for the night she was brought to the bar front and as she and Ms. Green were inches apart, to discuss stakes and rules, Gina’s mind was searching out another .

With a slight nudge of her financier Gina was brought out of her distraction to the business at hand. She and Ms. Green stand right arms on their mans and their bodies inch’s apart, Gina was snapped out of it in time to hear , “Please allow me to introduce Ms. Green”.

Milly breathes in a deep slow breath, a she looks at her rival, then she is introduced, “A pleasure i am sure and allow me to introduce Ms. Purple” Gina swells her bust in kind with a deep breath as she and Milly glare through their eye masks .

As much as Gina was hoping to stand before Ms. Gold tonight she now forgot about her and was dialed in on tonight’s adversary.  Both of the women’s financiers discuss a wager as the two glare, then it was Milly who slowly and gently traces her left hand up her torso and over her robe and bra secured breasts and gives a slight squeeze as she pants to Gina, “after my tits crush yours  and i milk you your going to worship my tits”.

Gina curls a lip into a smirk a she hisses back in every bit a sexy tone, “nmm well thats if your tits can, but after my tits crush yours, not only will you worship mine but you will pleasure me as they all watch”.

Despite the sexy tones and sexy trace of their busts at the other, Milly and Gina agree that no hair nor use of hands will be allowed other than to hug or grab others hips to keep the fight close and going.

As the two Amazons are forced to stand face to face with not even being allowed to rub or bump one another , the anticipation to fight grows deeper and hotter, and has both women ready for a fight. Finally after a slightly extended show off, a bell is rung by a butler to have the guests enter the fight room.

Slowly each couple follows the other into a room posh in its look, thick red velour drapes are pulled across windows. The thick matching carpets spotless, there are no chairs or large pieces of furniture to hinder the event, the only new addition the cameras which are motion activated that cover each corner of the room and one over head looking down at the center of the room.

There are 4 gold posts with green and purple  velour ropes attached forming a sexy yet tasteful ring, that in total measures 6’ by 6’ square ring. The ring is simply there to try to keep the women contained but not limited to that one area.

As the last guest has chosen their area to watch, the two fighters are escorted in by their financier. First Milly her right arm on his, swaggers in, smiling with confidence as she guided to the roped area. He releases one of the ropes and she steps in then he reattaches the rope, he then nods to a maid who steps beside him with a silver tray.

Then Gina is escorted in exactly the same way, her man unhooks the rope at her corner and as she steps in reattaches it, a maid steps besides him, the women again forced to glare through the eye masks wait for the first bell.

As the bell is rung, each woman removes her robe and hands it back to their man, then each turns and reaches back to unclamp her designer bra, after easing them off hands them back. Finally they each have their necklace removed by their man and all three items are placed on the silver trays and the maids step back with them.

Everyone murmurs as they see these two mature busty women show off their fine tuned bodies and firm breasts. A second bell rings and each of the fighters cups and caresses her tits for the other as they glare, gently working their thick nipples till fully stiff.
Then finally the third bell rings telling both women hands to hair, as they do each arches her back and breathes in at the swell of her powerful breasts . The mansions host loudly says for all to hear, “Ms. Green are you ready to fight?”.  Milly a smile nods as she hisses in a throaty tone, “oh i am”. He then repeats the question, “Ms. Purple are you ready to fight?”. Gina a smirk and every bit as throaty, “oh very much so”.

He then announces, “Ladies you know the rules any break of the rules will cause the fight to be stopped and restarted a second break of the rules will cause a draw, if there are no questions ladies at the sound if the next bell you may fight”.

The room again goes silent, the tension high, the two women's breasts stand out on display ready to be used to duel with till one submits . Slowly all can see their breathing while controlled their breasts rise and fall a bit heavier. The gentle stretch from the aureolas feeding support to the stiff nipples .

Scars from past conflicts liter their round mass, each now inhales with pride over having them, finally as what must have seemed like an hour but was only a minute the bell rings for the forth time.

Each woman snakes her hands in her own hair and slowly they step forward till less then an inch separates them, as much as they want to ram their proud busts together they wait and allow each to circle as they glare.

Ms. Green purrs to her rival, “ ready to feel my tits honey?”, Ms. Purple inhales slow, “nmm be my guest sugar, then you will feel mine”.

The entire room grows silent, their heels gently stab the rug with each step, their heavy breasts rise and lower with each breath. Finally they slowly squared then Ms. Purple rubs her right breasts sidewall along Ms. Greens left.  They briefly enjoy the arousing feel, Ms. Purple then presses harder, then harder.

Both of their sidewalls give a bit till the firmness revisits the pressure, each woman gives a slight up tilt of her chin in pride to the other. As they glare their breasts swell against the others, then Gina tightens her chest and slowly begins to drag her breasts across the front of Milly’s.

Milly can not only feel the pressure, but also the weight and firmness of her rival. As such Milly decides to to try to stop Gina’s breasts, then pulls her own across the opposing pair, Gina now feels just how firm her rival is and they both swallow a breath, then continue to press and push their breasts into the others from the side.

Neither wants to admit it but to avoid making a grunt, they both widen their stance a bit to try and control the others progress. The pressure swells their breasts and now as they pull across the others breast, their aureolas make contact.

Both breath in and they feel the stiff nipples of the other make contact, Gina has a slight anger as her repaired nipple is easily bent to the side by Milly’s thick stiff nipple. Milly pauses her drag as they let their nipples rub and flick.

She smirks a bit, “uwww i bet the bitch who did that is still enjoying it, isn’t she ?”. Gina inhales a bit at the mocking taunt, but more cause she knows this rival for certain isn’t her hated rival Peggy, “i am sure she is, but i pray every day i get to meet her again to correct her lucky decision.”

Milly smirks, “well i can understand that, but my tits are going to hurt yours, so she will have to wait a bit longer for you, nmm cmon lets get to it”. Gina presses her tits into Milly’s, but Milly wanted her to.

As Gina presses,Milly plows her tits head on into Gina’s then side to side uses her shoulders to start pushing Gina’s tits on her chest. Milly watches the duel between them and with a grin she purrs, “yess yess feel my tits , cmon fight me”. Gina can feel Milly, but not to the point she is making her hurt, especially so early into the fight.

Milly has a look on her face, its a confused look. She can feel her powerful tits forcing her rivals to shift, but as she does she can also feel her rivals firmness and weight is if nothing else equal to her own.

In fact not many picked up on it at all, but Gina was playing possum. The why was the bigger question here, the answer of which would become clear soon enough. As it turns out, Gina was about 95%certain Ms. Gold was her hated rival Peggy.

But she wanted to be fully certain it wasn’t some woman built like her and ends up breaking Gina the way Peggy did. As much as she hated Peggy, she like Peggy for her had a fear of the Queen. Lets face it after all she went tit to tit with Peggy 4 times and lost every one.

Then 4 cat fights later lost three to Peggy, the last nearly costing her a nipple. If she was wrong about Ms. Gold and lost a titfight to her, to think she wanted at Peggy again would be a mistake, so she needed to be sure first.

The arrangement made by her financier was simple, he knew all about Peggy, he just kept it from her who Ms. Gold really was. But no matter what takes place tonight, she was promised by him, Ms. Gold her were going to fight.

So Gina decided to let her rival tonight beat her in a titfight, then Milly would have to fight Ms. Gold. Gina knew Peggy had a few losses in her years, but over all, unless Peggy was hurt or to sore to give her best, she old devour Milly within an hour if not sooner.

That would give Gina time to be recovered, and then the wait for Peggy to recover before they met again, if she was wrong about who Ms. Gold really was then she just found the only woman that might soundly beat Ms. Gold beside herself.

So while Milly was coming after Gina, she had to put up a fight, but she was going to throw this fight. Let Milly win, fight Ms. Gold then she and Ms. gold would fight, and she knew win or lose another titfight to Peggy didn’t matter, cause win or lose Gina would find a way to get herself and Peggy somewhere they would once again meet cat to cat.

For now Gina had to make it look good, she and Milly went tit to tit for better part of 30 minutes, neither gaining a big advantage but making look like a decent fight.

Milly was starting to struggle to keep this fight close, while Gina was taking abuse, but hardly panting. She had to help her rival along without making to obvious to those watching, so Gina set herself up to receive a underside uppercut from Milly.

Gina smears her tits across Milly’s pulling them while holding firm. Milly gulped as she felt the power in Gina’s bust, then Gina smeared her tits on top of Milly’s. For the brief press Milly was forced to hold both her breast weight and Gina’s, adding to the pull on her chest.

Milly who just was eager to fight Ms. Gold next thought her rival made a common mistake and dips low then thrusts up and delivers a decent punishing uppercut to Gina’s breasts.

They flop up and get jostled firmly, Gina couldn’t hold back a gasp, she was hit hard, harder than she anticipated. Milly saw the arch in the back of her rival, the jaw dropping reaction, unlike Peggy who would have kept the uppercuts coming. Milly felt relief she scored a hard hit, she steps into Gina and hugs her rival as she grinds and undulates her tits up into Gina’s undersides.

Gina was ready to play act her pain, but by allowing Milly the free shot, actually felt the hit, she under estimated her current rival, and as a result Milly staggered Gina about the fight area, taunting Gina to fight back.

Gina had a moment of doubt about Milly, was she actually better than she let on?, if she was left to fight Ms. Gold might she break her for real leaving Gina to wonder if her feelings were right or not.

Gina suddenly gasps out, “Ohhh Owww MY TITS!!”, it makes Milly grind harder and with a lusting smile to hurt her, “give bitch or I’ll break your tits”.  All were on their toes watching for Ms. Purple to turn the tide, they had seen her do it before, but instead Gina felt this the perfect chance to start her plan, she shakes her head no. Milly pulls her in tight by her thong and rolls her tits all over Gina’s. Gina rears her head , gasps out loud, “Ok Ok I GIVE YOU WIN”.

Milly releases Gina, she drops to her knees, Milly then straddles her back and milks her rials ball bonus breasts, drawing her milk from them, then ends the fight with her typical breast smother. Milly smiles as she forces Gina to be smothered and for Gina it took everything in her to not open her mouth and bite that stiff nipple in her lips. But she knew she had o hold that for Ms. Gold who ever she was.

Milly, Ms. Green stands up arms in the air and a heel on Ms. Purples breasts, she celebrates her win and takes Ms. Purples bra , she forfeited her necklace but if she was right about Ms. Gold, she will end up winning it from Milly. Once she has Ms. Purple can make a formal challenge as the next best fighter and she and Peggy will once again not just go tit to tit, but have it out for the last time ever between them. If she Beas her she gets the French quarter and the bras and the necklaces all to herself, and will exact revenge on Peggy’s breasts with her teeth.

If she losses yet again, then all will know Peggy is truly the best and that their long hated rivalry will be over for good, Gina knows if she is right, Peggy will rip her tits apart if not off this time, she knows cause it is what she plans to do.