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New Girl: Part 1

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New Girl: Part 1
« on: May 04, 2023, 04:22:12 AM »
The next morning came and the girls and Ben were all waiting in their penthouse home for Tamara to bring along their highly anticipated fifth member. Everyone was on the edge of their seats in suspense.

“How much longer should it be?” Ben asked.

“The boss and the new girl should be here any minute now.” Holly answered.

“That excited for more T&A around the house, are you, hun?” Jasmine asked teasingly.

Ben rubbed the back of his neck. A universal sign of embarrassment.

“He’s just a man, Jazz. Give him a break.” Vanessa said. “But don’t worry handsome, I’ll get you all to myself one of these days.”

“He won’t have much time to get his hands on the new girl. I call first dibs.” Nicole said.

“You’re such a hog.” Holly joked.

“I’m sure she’ll be a useful addition to the team, at least.” Ben said.

That was probably the only way to say he was excited to see the new girl without sounding overly enthusiastic.

They all waited about an hour, although it felt like a day given the circumstances. Finally, they heard knocking on their door. Nicole, who was closest to the door, excitedly rushed to open it. Tamara walked in with her usual confident strut and sultry grin on her flawless face.

“Good morning, my darlings.” She greeted. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too lo-“

“Yeah, yeah.” Nicole interrupted. “Where is she?!”

“So impatient.” Tamara said. “Are the rest of you ready?”

Everyone else nodded their heads with firm looks on their faces.

“Very well then.” Tamara said. “Please welcome the newest member of Task Force 732. Come on in, new girl.”

Tamara stepped aside from the doorway and everyone turned their attention to said doorway. Everyone’s faces lit up in surprise but Holly and Nicole looked especially ecstatic.

“I had a feeling we’d get to work together again.” Christina said with a welcoming smile.

“Chrissy!“ Holly cheered.

“It’s great to see you again!” Nicole cheered.

The two younger girls ran up to Christina and both gave her a big hug.

“You already know her?” Ben asked.

“She was a spy within Las Brujas who helped us nail those two sicarias.” Vanessa answered.

“Yes.” Jasmine added. “She contacted Nessa and I and more or less saved these bimbos from their own stupidity.”

Holly and Nicole childishly stuck their tongues out at Jasmine before then using them to initiate a passionate threeway kiss with their new recruit. The three nymphos moaned as they made out. Ben started to get a little hot under the collar. He sees the girls get intimate with each other at least three times a day but he never gets used to it.

“Down, sluts.” Jasmine said mockingly. “Chrissy has had quite a day.”

Holly and Nicole sighed in disappointment as they stopped kissing Christina.

“We’ll have plenty of time to catch up later, chicas.” She said.

“Wait…” Holly said. “Doesn’t this mean you can’t be a spy anymore?”

“That ship has already sailed, babe.” Christina answered.

“What do you mean?” Nicole asked. “I thought only those two cxnts knew and Nessa took them down.”

“So did I.” Christina answered.

“Our boys tapped into Rubia and Morena’s phones.” Tamara said. “Just before Jasmine made it, they managed to pass on the word about Christina being a turncoat…Just a few days ago, Christina saw some people creeping around her house at night.”

“Shit.” Holly said.

“That’s pretty scary.” Ben said.

“Well, you’ll be safe here.” Nicole said.

“I should’ve been faster.” Jasmine said. “I might’ve been able to stop them from sending that message. You’d be safe and we’d still have our inside girl.”

“If I had my shit together, you wouldn’t have had to waste time trying to get me back in action.” Vanessa argued.

“But if I didn’t storm off like that, none of that would’ve happened.” Nicole said sadly.

“I should’ve just stopped Nikki instead of going along with her.” Holly added.

“And if I didn’t tell Nessa all that in the first place…” Tamara said.

“Hey, hey!” Christina interrupted. “What kind of welcome party is this? Let’s not dwell on the past. What’s done is done. I’m here now.”

“Yes, you’re right.” Tamara said. The mood in the room immediately improved. “And despite what happened, make no mistake, I did not bring Christina into this squad out of pity. She is a trained law enforcement agent and will no doubt be useful to all of you.”

“With all due respect, ma’am, I’ll be the judge of that. It’s my squad after all.” Vanessa said.

“I look forward to it…Roomie.” Christina said with a wink.

Vanessa’s eyes briefly went wide. She had forgotten that she was the only one in the penthouse who slept alone, so Christina would be sharing a bed with her.

“Yes, I suppose we will.” Vanessa said tensely.

She remembered that Christina and her did not exactly get on the right foot back at the warehouse. Christina was rather critical of Vanessa’s leadership and while the brunette took it personally at the time, she knew deep down that Christina was right. The mestizo beauty, still hugging and caressing Holly and Nicole, looked over at Ben with flirtatious eyes.

“Oh and you must be Ben.” She said.

“Yeah.” Ben answered.

“Ms. Colby told me all about you.” Christina said. “How did you describe how good he was again, ma’am?”

“The best man I’ve ever had.” Tamara answered.

“I look forward to finding out for myself.”

Jasmine rolled her eyes. Just once she’d like to come across a woman that didn’t want to jump on her man’s cock.

“I assume you know the rule about that…Chrissy?” Jasmine asked with barely contained annoyance.

“Relax, chica.” Christina said. “Your house, your rules. I won’t take what I haven’t earned…It’s less fun that way.”

“Well, Ms. Colby is so far the only one who has ever “earned”.” Jasmine said.

“Yes and I know you got to watch.” Christina said. “If any woman got to fuck your Husband, be glad it was her.”

“Oh, you…” Tamara said teasingly. “We ought to do it again sometime, handsome.”

Ben nearly blushed. He still remembered that day. He felt animalistic and practically possessed as he fucked Tamara in front of his Wife and all her friends. It was like an acid trip.

“Maybe to celebrate once you outfuck La Malvada.” Holly added.

“Oh…right.” Tamara said somberly. Just bringing up La Malvada was enough to dampen the normally cheerful police chief’s mood.

“Speaking of which…” Tamara said. “Christina…I think it’s time for you to tell us everything we know about that cxnt.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Christina said.

The three girls finally broke their long, cuddling hug and everyone sat down.

“La Malvada…I can’t tell you all much that you don’t already know and I’m not sure how much of this is fact or rumor…but here goes.” Christina began. “It’s a title that’s been held by the leader of Las Brujas since the cartel’s origins over half a century ago. I have no idea how long this particular Malvada has been in charge. Could be years, decades or even just months or weeks but I doubt that. She’s a mystery. A figurehead. However, she’s also a force to be reckoned with.

The Brujas work kind of like the Sith. Might makes right. Only the strong can get ahead. The game decides everything. La Malvada is squarely at the top. Anyone wishing to dethrone her would have to fuck her way through the cartel’s best sicarias and track her down herself. If she is worthy, Malvada will fall and she will take her place. The old Malvada will be added to the new one’s ever growing harem of concubines.”

“Wow.” Jasmine said. “These bitches really are the real deal.”

“Yes.” Christina said. “As for this La Malvada, I didn’t get much of a read on her personality but…Calling her a nymphomaniac would be the understatement to end all understatements. She is far beyond addicted. The game is everything to her. All else is secondary. She has orgies with her concubines that last all day and night. She barely sleeps and only tears herself away from her harem when she considers it absolutely necessary.”

“Even I’m not that crazy.” Nicole said. “She never stops? Hasn’t she ever heard of too much of a good thing?”

“It’s not just about the pleasure for her.” Christina answered. “She does it to keep her skills sharp and her stamina high. As for her tastes…She’s something of a sadist.”

“A sadist?” Vanessa asked.

“Not the typical whips and chains kind of sadist.” Christina clarified. “She loves mentally breaking her opponents. Supposedly, her concubines have all been fucked by her so often and so thoroughly that they’re in a semi-permanent state of sexual haze. They crave her non-stop. They want nothing else but to fuck and be fucked by her. Each concubine belongs to La Malvada, past and/or present. They are loyal to that title to the level of cultists.”

“I can barely believe what I’m hearing.” Holly said. “We need to bring this bitch down.”

“What exactly does she consider important enough to put her orgies on halt?” Tamara asked.

“From what I hear…” Christina began. “Any Bruja who climbs the ranks enough to potentially challenge her for one thing. Also business concerns, rival cartels or law enforcement becoming a nuisance…Or in your case, ma’am, someone attracting her attention…Someone she wants to make a concubine out of.”

“I see.” Tamara said seriously, closing her eyes and resting her fingers against her forehead.

“Well, she hasn’t faced you yet.” Jasmine said.

“Yes.” Vanessa agreed. “And it will be the fight of her life.”

“If this is all true, I think I know a good word to describe her.” Nicole added. “She’s what’s known as a “Libertine.” A philosophy coined by French revolutionary Marquis De Sade. Libertinism is the most extreme form of hedonism there is. They are single-minded degenerates who believe that pleasure should be pursued at any cost. They disbelieve in things like the law or even morality. They do as they please and simply do not give a shit about the consequences of their actions.”

“That sounds appropriate.” Christina agreed. “She sees all other women as her playthings. She’s like a succubus in some ways. Her concubines are shells of human beings. She’s fucked the free will right out of them and is apparently so hypnotically desirable that no woman has ever been able to resist her.”

A tense silence filled the room. It all sank in what they were up against. A demoness in human skin. Their enemy was sexuality and pleasure personified…And she had her eyes set on Tamara like a tiger at its prey.

“I will defeat her.” Tamara said. “She can try and break me all she wants…I will not be her toy…And I will bring her entire twisted, libertine empire down on top of her.”

“We’re behind you 100%, ma’am.” Holly said.

“Girls…” Ben said somberly. “Please…Just be careful.”

“I promise we will.” Jasmine said.

Another awkward silence.

“Okay, enough doom and gloom.” Christina said. “This is an inauguration after all.”

“Yes.” Tamara said. “I wish to make it official. Task Force 732 will be the department’s new special forces wing.

Vanessa Price: Commander of 732.

Jasmine Davis: Second in Command of 732.

Holly Hanson: Funding and PR manager of 732.

Nicole Parker: Tech Specialist of 732.

Christina Alvarez: Enemy intel expert of 732.

These are your roles from now on, my lovelies. Your mission is to help bring down the Las Brujas Cartel by any means you see fit. My mission…Is to give that bitch, Malvada a taste of her own medicine. Do you understand and accept all of this?”

“Yes, ma’am!” The five of them said firmly.

“Good.” Tamara said. “Christina will be of much use to all of you. Having been a member of Las Brujas, her skills in the game are significant…I can vouch for that myself.”

“Oh, can you?” Nicole asked deviously.

“Yes, dear.” Tamara answered. “I can also tell you that she has all the…matching assets to go along with the rest of you. For now, I have to go back to the station. You all make the new girl feel welcome. For today though, just give her a tour and let her get comfortable. Afterwards, feel free to put her through any kind of…initiation that you please. Goodbye, my darlings.”

Tamara blew them all a kiss and left. As soon as she closed the door, though…

“You fucked our boss!” Nicole said. “Tell us everything!”

“Why?” Christina asked. “Everyone in this room has fucked her.”

The others all stared at her impatiently. Christina rolled her eyes.

“All right, you horny putas.” She said. “I’ll spill the beans.”

And now, since King did it, here is the 732 series character list.

Task Force 732: An all girl G-cupped police task force that takes down female criminals with their sexual skills. 732 means “GCB” which stands for “G-Cup Brigade.”

Vanessa Price: Leader of Task Force 732. 28 years old. Vanessa is mature, level headed and a big sister figure towards her team but has a temper and a friendly rivalry with Jasmine. Referred to as “Nessa” by her teammates.

Holly Hanson: Vanessa’s protege. 22 years old. Rich girl whose family owns the hotel the team lives in. Once a spoiled brat but matured and now looks up to Vanessa. Skilled actor and a people person. Referred to as “Hol” by her teammates.

Jasmine Davis: Strongest of the team and former thief. 28 years old. Has a friendly rivalry with Vanessa and a very heated and borderline obsessive rivalry with Sabrina. Married to Ben. Has an ego problem but is working on it. Nicole’s best friend. Referred to as “Jazz” by her teammates.

Nicole Parker: Jasmine’s best friend and the most lustful of the four. 22 years old. A sociable party girl who loves sex. Also a tech genius and hacker. Former criminal who worked with Jasmine. Referred to as “Nikki” by her teammates,

Christina Alvarez: Former police spy inside of the Las Brujas cartel. 25 years old. Newest member of the team. She is a tease and playful but takes her job seriously. Referred to as “Chrissy” by her teammates.

Ben Davis: Jasmine’s loving and supportive husband whom she is very attached to. 29 years old. All around nice guy but has his limitations. Is lusted after by most women in the series, much to his jealous wife’s annoyance.

Tamara Colby: The police chief who oversees the team. 40 years old. She is extremely seductive and the object of desire of the girls and Ben. She loves teasing others and is a motherly figure towards 732. Dreams of one day bringing down La Malvada, leader of Las Brujas. Referred to as “Tammy” by her friends and sometimes subordinates.

Chief Rodrick Ames: The former police chief until he retires and is replaced by Tamara. He was a lecherous old man but kind. He ordered the stakeout that would lead to 732’s creation.

Brooke MacTavish: Vanessa’s former partner and mentor who was kidnapped by Las Brujas right in front of Vanessa, traumatizing her greatly. No one knows what happened to her.

Sabrina Phillips: Jasmine’s nemesis. 28 years old. Blackmailed her and Nicole into debt to save Ben from cancer. Arrested and currently imprisoned at St. Lillith’s Correctional Facility. Has a fierce rivalry with Jasmine and a smaller rivalry with Vanessa. She is vindictive and evil, caring only for herself. She was the team’s first bust.

Grace Phillips: Sabrina’s cousin who is bitter about Sabrina being arrested. Jailed by the team after losing to Holly.

Lindsay: Corrupt and hedonistic prison guard who helped bust out Sabrina. Arrested by the team after being beaten by Nicole.

Las Brujas Cartel: A Mexican drug cartel that recruits only women. They deal in many criminal activities and are hypnotically seductive. They often kidnap and sexually brainwash women they are interested in. Their name is Spanish for “The Witches.”

La Malvada: The mysterious leader of the cartel and Tamara’s nemesis. She is said to be extremely seductive and a Goddess of sex. She wishes to sexually brainwash Tamara and make her her concubine. Her name is Spanish for “The Wicked.”

La Cazadora: La Malvada’s equally mysterious second in command. Responsible for Brook’s kidnapping. Her name is Spanish for “The Huntress.”

La Rubia: A Sicaeia for Las Brujas and La Morena’s partner. Defeated by Vanessa and arrested. Her name is Spanish for “The Blonde.”

La Morena: A Sicaria for Las Brujas and La Rubia’s partner. Defeated by Vanessa and arrested. Her name is Spanish for “The Brunette.”

St. Lilith's Correctional Facility: A fancy prison used to house mostly rich women who commit petty crimes or sexually voracious female criminals. The staff is all women as well and they use sex as a correctional tool.

Serena Johnson: AKA Madam Red. Warden of St. Lilith’s and mother of Valerie. 40 years old. Old friend and rival of Tamara’s. Inmates who impress her have the chance to sexfight her.

Olivia Brooks: Guard captain of St. Lilith’s and Serena’s best friend and rival. Inmates who impress Madam Red must first defeat Olivia in order to face her.

Trina: Perky young girl and guard at St. Lilith’s as well as greeter.

Valerie Johnson: Serena’s College aged daughter who has a passion for sexfighting. 20 years old.

Melissa: A friend and sexual rival of Valerie’s.

Gwen: Protagonist of “Heavenly Purgatory.” Tested out Vanessa and Nicole for Tamara alongside Felicia.

Felicia: Antagonist of “Heavenly Purgatory.” Tested out Vanessa and Nicole for Tamara alongside Gwen.

Ashley: Protagonist of “Back in the Game.” Tested out Jasmine and Holly for Tanara alongside Veronica.

Veronica: Antagonist of “Back in the Game.” Tested out Jasmine and Holly for Tamara alongside Ashley.

I will post updates of this list for every chapter that introduces a new character or brings in one from another one of my stories.