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Marvel (Shadowcat vs Invisible Woman)

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Offline Gradius

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Marvel (Shadowcat vs Invisible Woman)
« on: April 24, 2023, 12:50:37 PM »

Another world threatening threat, another heroic team up to send Doom crawling back to Latveria. Somehow the Thing and Johny Storm had roped the male members of the X-men into a poker night where several of the Avengers were due to show. Uninterested in such activities Jean would’ve flown back with Kitty and Storm if not for a sudden invitation from Jennifer for a girl’s night. Bored, and slightly annoyed at Scott…and Logan…for ditching she’d agreed.

“Want to talk about it?”

“Ah…it’s okay.” Jean glanced over at Ororo, feeling a slight sense of jealousy. The silver haired mutant wore a tight red and black dress that emphasized her regal features and figure. Jean wore a more conservative outfit of lime green that highlighted her long legs and red hair. “You okay Kitty?”

“Of course.” Kitty Pryde, Shadowcat, replied. A far cry from her usual reserved self, Kitty had been the first to jump at She-Hulk’s invitation. The reason was plain to see in the form fitting white dress she wore. The skirt barely reached above her knees, following her curves up to flare out at her breasts. Her long legs were also covered in pure while stockings to match. “I just wish Peter was here. I wanted to show him my new dress.”

“Easy child,” Storm remarked, amused, as the trio strode through the entrance ignoring the appreciative stares they garnered. “Show him this and things might go beyond what either of you intend.”

Jean immediately turned her head away to hide a blush. One of the problems with her powers was that occasionally things slipped through and the young mutant’s relationship with Peter Parker had clearly moved beyond what Ororo thought. It was hard to accept the young teen Kitty had once been was no more. She was still the team’s little sister. She wondered how Logan would react to finding out just how far she’d gone with Spider-Man.

The elevator carried them rapidly up to the penthouse. Even before the doors opened they could feel the thumping of the music and when they opened the volume hit them hard. “LADIES, YOU MADE IT!” Jennifer shouted, hefting the three women up in a hug.

“Jenn, it’s good to see you.” Ororo nodded at the massive green skinned woman, glancing around the room at the wildly gyrating…dancing…women around the room. “Anyone else coming?”

“Nope, you’re the last.” She-Hulk grinned. Then she seemed to really see the three women. “Nice look kiddo. Could give Sue a run for her money.”

“What?” Jean spoke up concerned. “Is it…”

Jean heard a loud gasp at her side from Kitty. She recognized Susan Richards, the Invisible Woman and wife to Reed Richards coming towards them. The surge of anger from her young friend surprised the mutant woman, but then she felt a similar reaction from Sue. They stood opposite one another, in what was possibly an unfunny joke, glaring at the fact that they wore similar…no, the SAME…dress. The only difference in their ensemble would be that Sue had chosen a pair of light black, see through, stockings.

“Nice outfit,” Kitty remarked, voice like ice. “Looks a bit tight on you though.”

“Thank you,” Susan replied, her eyes flinty. “Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll fill out yours in couple of years…maybe.”

Jean winced at the exchange and her mutant ability let her know that the room’s attention was shifting in their direction. Conversations halted to look over in open interest while the couple dancing had begun to slow their movements. She needed to act before the two started a scene. “Sue, it’s good to see you,” she gushed, interposing herself between them. “How’s Franklin been doing?”

“Franklin?” Sue’s expression turned confused as Jean subtly encouraged her motherly pride before suddenly beaming. “He has Ben wrapped around his little finger. The two of them have a knack for getting into trouble.”

Ororo nodded at her friend, gently guiding a still hostile Kitty around the two with Jennifer’s help, angling for her small bar. “Hey…” the girl protested. “I’m not done. She needs to…”

“Why don’t you try this?”

Shadowcat gagged at the glass She-Hulk shoved between her lips. It tasted sweet yet strong, and she threw back her head swallowing down a mouthful. Her expression turned dazed and she kept moving automatically towards the bar where Carol sat chatting with Janet.

“What was that?” Ororo demanded.

“Wine.” Jennifer smirked, holding up a glass herself. “Got it as gift from a former client in Portugal. Now they’re both distracted.”

“This is only temporary though,” Storm noted in concern. “Kitty picked out that dress personally and at some personal cost. She’s not going to…”

“Oh c’mon, this isn’t some cheesy B-movie,” the large green woman scoffed. “I’m sure they’ll calm down after they get some booze in them.”

“I’m not sure. She…” Storm started when Jennifer merely shrugged and tossed poured out another pair of glasses, offering one to Ororo. The black woman stared at the glass for moment before accepting it and swallowing down the liquid.


Jean felt a pleasant buzz lying back on a couch watching Jennifer and Carol arm wrestle. It went about as well as you’d expect since Ms. Marvel could go toe to toe easily with the Hulk himself, though that didn’t seem to bother anyone watching, who found it hilarious when the green woman was tossed onto the couch. A little further down Natasha and Janet were using the dart board, though Janet was possibly cheating, having shrunk down using her Wasp powers.

A few she hadn’t recognized had already left, leaving only a few of them to keep the mood going. It had felt good to cut loose without worrying about Scott or…Logan…for a few hours, but she had a feeling she’d regret it in a few hours.

In the back, Kitty splashed water onto her face, careful to avoid any stains on her dress. Her mood had somewhat improved after hanging out with Janet in particular. Someone like her really was wasted on Hank Pym. Vigorously she scrubbed her face and replaced the towel, looking to leave. As she pulled open the door the felt herself hit something. “Oof!”

“Oh…I’m sorry I…”

Kitty and Sue stared at one another through the open aperture, the former’s eyes flowing jealously over the fact that she still wore the same dress. Her expression then turned catty at the look of pain on the older blonde’s face. “Maybe you should leave partying to the younger folks and…and…no!”

Sue’s face went from pained to angry and back again, her cheeks suddenly bulging. With a hiccupping, choking sound she vomited violently, the contents of her stomach splashing across Kitty’s outfit. Gasping, she still managed a weak smirk at the look of horror on Kitty’s face. A look that changed into one of rage as fingers curled around the mess and threw it across the blonde’s dress…or tried to as a barrier blocked the hideous mess.

“No you don’t you old bitch!” Kitty hissed. Pressing her hand against the bile and phasing it and herself through the invisible shield. Sue’s expression turned horrified as the young mutant’s hand slammed across her chest and ruined her outfit. The blonde heroine gave a startled squall as she stumbled back against the wall. Suddenly presented with an unexpected opportunity Kitty slapped the older woman twice hard before jumping away from a retaliatory swipe only to hit up against another field.

“Little shit!” Sue Storm, enraged, lashed out, not with an open palm but with a closed fist …that went right through the wide eyed brunette. Whirling around in a fury she kept her fists clenched, trapping the mutant’s molecules and causing considerable pain until Kitty phased back solid reflexively. Immediately the Invisible Woman swung again, and this time connected. Scrabbling with her hands Kitty grabbed the door frame, shaking her head and glaring across at the blonde who stared back with equal anger.

And there, for all the unexpected hostility the two displayed, it might have ended. If not for the fact the skintight suits weren’t their uniforms…and therefore not designed for anything more strenuous than dancing. And Kitty’s had finally reached its limit. There was no dramatic SNAP…the straps just split, the top half of the dress falling off her body. Kitty froze at the sensation, trembling hands gripping the thin fabric. A soft whine made it’s way out of the younger brunette’s mouth, throwing herself at the older blonde.


"Oh no..." Jean shot upright, immediately regretting it as the alcohol rushed to her head. Still it only gave her the briefest of warnings as there was a yell from Janet, followed by a shout from Natasha as two violently writhing figures appeared from near the bathroom, knocking over a small table of liquor bottles before tumbling over the couch to be hidden from sight. But she could still hear their incoherent screams as well as the sound of tearing fabric and the meaty thud of blows landing.

When they reappeared they had death grips on each other's hair, yanking out tufts of blonde and brunette hair by the handful, lashed out wild blows and kicked. Their actions were so uncontrolled that Jean initially failed to realize that they were both topless, while the rest of their torn outfits were barely hanging on. She struggled to get to her feet only to be shoved back down by the sudden rush that hid the fighting women from view. Her ears were filled with raucous cheers while her mind recoiled at the perverse delight in the entertainment Sue and Kitty provided.

"Jeanie, you okay?" Jennifer's face appeared over her and Jean grabbed at the green woman's biceps, hauling herself upright.

"Gotta...stop them." Phoenix groaned, feeling a bit green herself. She knew she couldn't handle her liquor...why she did allow herself to reach this state.

"Lighten up," She-Hulk said lightly. She rose to her full height, able to see over the shoulders of the others. "They need to work it out themselves, and no one'll let it get too out of hand. Any idea what they got going on?"

Jean shook her head. "Just flashes. Whatever it is, the dresses were just what lit fuse."

Standing upright blonde and brunette attacked one another with dizzying fervor. While not what one would consider exceptional physical combatants, both did have some in the way of training, but eschewed it in favor of what would consider stereotypical feminine combat.

In laymans terms they pulled hair, scratched, occasionally bit and lashed out with wild punches and kicks. If they had been sober, the ferocity the pair fought with would've disturbed those watching, but after a night of emptying She-Hulk's stash all simply cheered on the free entertainment.

Panting rapidly, Sue slapped Kitty hard and delivered glancing blow to the girl's chest before running at her as as she gasped and retreated. Shoving hair from her face Kitty came back with a blow that dug deep into the blonde's left breast. As Sue clutched at the wounded tit, Kitty grabbed her by the hair and spun around, dumping her onto the couch. In a flash the brunette twisted and pounced atop the prone woman.

"YOU BITCH! YOU BITCH!" Kitty screamed, slapping madly at Sue while the blonde protected her face as best she could. But in doing so they left another target vulnerable. One that Kitty could not miss. Lips curling she grabbed at the Invisible Woman's pert breasts, fingers sinking deep into the sensitive tissue. The blonde gave a shriek can could be heard over the watching women and a fist lashed out, crashing against Kitty's cheek and sending her tumbling onto the carpet. Groaning her vision cleared in time to spot a wild eyed Sue dropping onto her.

Sue landed on Kitty with an audible SPLAT that made Jean wince and the young mutant cry out, but as someone who trained in the Danger Room, Kitty powered through the hurt. Grabbing at the female member of the Fantastic Four she rolled them over until she lay atop the blonde, slamming her head repeatedly against the floor. The thick carpeting, however, limited the effectiveness of such a tactic.

Sue was unimpressed. She was being held down by the girl's weight and knew how to deal with it. She was already humiliating herself in a room of co-heroes so to hell with it. Hands shot up and grabbed the firm, hanging lumps on Kitty's chest. The brunette's response was immediate, screaming at the violation and grabbing for the wrists. With her distracted, Sue exerted herself, rolling the girl off and onto the carpet. And immediately got a vicious punch for her trouble which allowed a straining Kitty to regain the top spot. But she wasn't there for long either.

Grunting and shouting the pair rolled furiously across the luxurious carpeting in fits and starts. Sometimes they rocked in place, slim bodies pumping and straining. Others they would gain momentum and slam into furniture or even the legs of the watching women before heading off in the other direction. Though none noticed, the fight had entered another stage. Face to face, arms wrapped tightly around one another, squeezing mercilessly, groans and then moans began to flow between them as their bodies warred. One part in particular.

Blonde Susan Richards was fleshier, heavier, though all the extra weight was appropriately distributed around her bust and hips to give her that hourglass figure that tempted even villains like Victor Von Doom or fellow heroes like Namor. Likewise her breasts, normally concealed restrained behind tights now hung free and, to the suddenly narrowed eyes of every woman in the room, clearly a match for the bustier heroines.

Dark haired Kitty Pryde was younger and slimmer, but those things only highlighted her developing attributes. The way the orbs flowed out from her slender, graceful form caused more than one woman to feel twinges of unaccustomed jealousy. While clearly smaller than Sue's, the way both pairs compressed together showed that what they lacked in size, they made up for in firmness.

Sue snarled and Kitty hissed, pulling themselves upright to writhe like a pair of coiled snakes before falling back onto their sides. They rolled slowly now, eyes glittering maliciously as they ground their breasts together now with open intent. Susan gritted her teeth, eyes squeezed shut when Kitty claimed the top spot, her young boobs burrowing into the buxom blonde's flesh before being toppled. Now the brunette cried out as the older woman's ample titflesh splashed onto her own perky set forcing them inwards, until she was pushed onto her side and Kitty's tits sprang back into shape.

Their rotations finally carried them towards a small tray that still held a half full pitcher of beer. Crashing into it had the liquid splash them both, the pungent smell making them gag and roll apart. Coughing Susan got to her hands and knees near where Janet stood, the Wasp helping her long time friend to her feet, while Kitty pulled herself up near a couch. The two glared across at one another, then Sue provoked the brunette even further. Smiling contemptuously she cupped her DD-cup breasts, bouncing them in her hands while maintaining the staring contest with the younger woman.

There was a collective "OOOOOHHHH!!" from the circle of women at the obvious taunt and Kitty visibly trembled in outrage.

"COW!" The mutant hissed, striding close and slapping one of the orbs out of the blonde's hands, setting it wobbling. Susan gasped and swung a fist that scraped past Kitty's, brushing the nipple that had the girl give an unintended moan as the spike stiffened.

With a lurch they came together, filling hands with the firm flesh, fingers curling deep. Sweat immediately popped out across their bodies at the immediate discomfort that quickly crossed into genuine pain. Unlike when they shoved their tits to compress together, now there were five very painful needles digging into the sensitive tissue of their breasts. And in one of them something more.

With a bitter sob and a rush of tears Kitty sagged, body dropping beneath Sue's. The furious blonde gave a pained smile and shuffled slightly closer, pressing down now on the young woman. Kitty simply stared up into Susan's blue eyes, letting her fury be known and her hands squeezed, just a little tighter.

The result was dramatic as Sue's eyes almost doubled in size and she gave a sudden screech that matched the gush from her breasts. In the midst of her probing Kitty had latched onto the glands, deep in the older woman's boobs. Kitty gagged as some of the milk found it's way into her mouth and blinked furiously to clear her vision. As the flow trickled off, leaking down her hands the two were now back on an even footing, mauling frantically.

But this was beyond what the other heroines were willing to tolerate. Moving together, Jean, Ororo and Janet pulled them apart while Jenn positioned herself between the screaming pair as blonde and brunette kept reaching and kicking for one another.

"I think that's enough, ladies," She-Hulk, giving each a delicate flick across the foreheads. Simultaneously both went limp, unconscious. She then clapped her hands. "Well, that was fun. What say we move on to more standard entertainment."

"I dunno," Jean remarked doubtfully, holding Kitty carefully. "Maybe we should get going."

"Oh, c'mon. The night's still young." Jennifer replied. "They'll be out for hours and will probably forget everything after the amount they drank. I'll just put em up in a couple of the empty rooms."


They didn't forget.

Waking disoriented Kitty struggled to the bathroom to answer the call of nature. Upon exiting she caught sight of the Invisible Woman coming out of another door.

Immediately upon spotting one another eyes and narrowed and Sue inclined her head, inviting the girl to finish what they'd started. Kitty was more than happy to oblige and quickly followed the blonde through her door.

Upon entering the room, the eager mutant had been greeted by a jet in her face that made her gasp, then a fist to the gut that had her gag. Looking up through watery eyes and a milky white substance she glared at the glowering blonde heroine. Her nipples were leaking. The outrage was such that she barely noticed the woman had discarded the dress that had been the initial source of the hostility.

"That was for earlier you little bitch." Susan hissed, the memory of what had happened in front of her friends and colleagues mortifying. Then something hit just below her eye. A trembling hand brushed at her cheek and came away wet. Kitty exploded upwards, slamming a clenched fist across Sue's face, then again as a backhand. Staggering she was grabbed by the hair and the brunette spat once more into her face then tossed the blonde onto the bed.

"Fat cows like you should know your place," Kitty remarked coldly, kicking free the remnants of her own ruined dress, uncaring of the fact that now she probably had nothing to get back to the School in. She quickly phased to avoid the wad Susan spat back at her, giving Sue a contemptuous smirk and crooked a finger, egging her on. Now it was the Invisible Woman that responded enthusiastically to the other's taunt.

Grappling energetically they tore at hair, scratched back and limbs, bit and butted. Separating, punches and slaps now flew between them, thudding against face, stomachs and chest while feet flailed, kicking wildly. Sweat began to once more coat their bodies as both emotionally, rather than cleverly, attacking with no thought of defense, wanting only to hurt their rival as much as possible.

"Scrawny cxnt!" Susan spat into Kitty's ear, muscles straining as their locked arms went wide. Heads were over shoulders, both exerting considerable force as they matched strength. She gave an involuntary wince at the sensation of the brunette's nipples pricking her breasts as all four orbs were pressed tightly together.

"Fatass bitch!" The young mutant hissed back, hands trembling at their limbs went low, wrists burning. Whining in impotent rage she felt herself slowly forced back until her rear bounced up against the wall. Immediately she felt the other woman strain for all she was worth, their arms slowly moving upwards, over their heads. Now facing each other directly Susan smiled spitefully as she proved herself stronger than the younger woman.

"Still think I'm fat?" Sue purred smirked spitefully as she kept their arms extended over their heads, a pleasant heat in her stomach at the look of bitterness on the brunette's face. Then her face twitched. A soft grunt issued from her lips as her body began to bounce in response to actions undertaken by the pinned mutant. She glared into the defiant dark eyes. "You're a glutton for punishment aren't you girl!?"

"Fuck you, granny!" Kitty snarled, shoving her tits even harder against Sue's pillowy pair. As soon as she had some room she rotated her upper torso, firm boobs flowing over and around the opposing pair. Faces contorted in discomfort but it was the Invisible Woman that pulled away first, massaging her chest, the pale flesh showing signs of redness. "Scared now cxnt? Useless blobs can't stack up to a real pair?"

Sue's response was a sharp blow across Kitty's left tit that had the girl gasp sharply before swinging a retaliatory strike that caused the blonde to hiss as Kitty's nipple scraped a line of red fire across her boob. "I was willing to stop at just teaching you a lesson," Susan growled, the two circling slowly. She resisted the urge to massage away the pain that hit had inflicted. The little bitch's tits were solid...she'd give her that. "But now I'm going to humiliate you. It's just a pity we won't have an audience."

"That's my line!" Kitty snapped, not allowing any concern on her face. Now that the gauntlet was thrown down she couldn't help but be a bit intimidated by the blonde's pair. While hers were a large C...possibly even a D she could no longer deny that Sue's were larger and, from what she'd felt, heavier and firm as well. The fact that a woman with a decade and a half on her could have such a set irked the girl to no end. She fondled her own pair. " You think your vintage tits can stack up to these? C'mere!"

The walls of the dimly lit guestroom rebounded with the meaty WHACKS or fleshy THUDS of breasts meeting breasts as the buxom blonde and slender brunette surged together. Their faces mirrored a kind of wild excitement, pounding the firm boobs into each other with fleshy impacts that brought forth squeaks and squeals from either woman. Grabbing hold of the other's hips they swung their bodies rapidly, the heavy, differently rounded orbs flailing between them wildly. Focusing as intently as they were on what was going on between them neither noticed the other's flickering concern.

Kitty could see her big, dense boobs cannoning into Sue's ample tits. And though it clearly deformed at the point of impact, wobbling delectably, it didn't lose much of it's pleasant rounded shape. And with each impact she was forced to admit that the matures tits were every bit as thick and firm as she'd felt during their catfight.

Susan's lips twitched at a particularly weighty slam from Kitty's perky, smaller set set her jugs jiggling. Brat's tits were every bit as dense as any of the girls from back in her college days. And she swung her boobs with the careless ferocity of youth while the blonde could already feel a steady burn from the rapid, constant movements.

Needing to alter the stage, Sue pulled the brunette into her, hands slowly circling the young hips to meet and lock. Both beauties gasped as their boobs met head on and Kitty's arms instinctively shot around and up the blonde's body to under the shoulders. Tit to tit, belly to belly and nose to nose faces flushed at the contact, suddenly intimately aware of the sensuality of the one they fought against. The moment passed quickly. Faces hardened and arms tightened, squeezing with the clear intent of proving their boobs better.

Blonde and brunette gritted their teeth in open snarls, pulling harder as they sought to crush each other in mutual bearhugs. Kitty cursed, feeling herself pushed back up against the wall, then Sue swore when the tough youngster forced her to backpedal several seconds later. Spinning on slowly shuffling feet the women fought in a seesaw battle, pushing and shoving with their boobs that ground between them.

Time faded from their consciousness. The only thing either was aware of was the ache in their compressed tits, the wince and answering smirk when one gained an advantage and the soft gasp or squeals that allowed them to taste each other. Sounds that were slowly increasing in regularity and volume.

Panting, Kitty tightened her arms, muscles straining, as she crushed their bodies together, shoving strongly with her taut tits. She heard the blonde whimper and felt the cry building in her belly, but then her arms spasmed and hug faltered before it made it's way to the woman's mouth. Now the young brunette's teeth clenched as Sue squeezed back with a vengeance, head flung back as she rode out the pressure. To her shame a deep belly groan slipped past her lips before the woman relaxed and Kitty shot the blonde a sullen glare.

"What's wrong tiny tits," Susan taunted. "I thought my vintage boobs were no match for yours."

Kitty growled and to Sue's surprise relaxed her grip by the tiniest amounts. She spotted the danger too late to react and gave a series of groans when the brunette smashed their breasts together in sharp painful collisions. But once the shock wore off it was now the blonde that gave a snarl and shifted her arms up Kitty's body to the girl's neck, from where she now heaved her boobs directly into the young mutant's.

"Ow...OW...COW!!" Kitty spat responding in kind, grabbing handfuls of long yellow hair, thrusting her pert tits so smash against the rival heroine's. Boobs rose off chests to splash together dramatically beneath their necks.

The first blows were telling, the mutant girl's legs wobbling at the impacts while the cosmically powered woman felt the limbs weaken with each heavy blow. But cheek to cheek they kept kept up the pressure, smashing their breasts together in relentless, merciless slams. Yet they were deadlocked. Squealing loudly into each others' ears they never let up, never slowed, beating their boobs together in rhythmic violence.


Two minutes passed...Kitty stiffened.

Five minutes...Sue choked back a sob.

A minute more of plunging their softening tits together and Kitty's control broke and she screamed in agony.

Sue's tortured smile lasted only three more thrusts before her eyes widened in shock and she couldn't stop a hoarse cry from sputtering past her lips. They were slipping to the floor, legs unable to support them any longer and in a desperate lurch they shoved away from one another, right as Susan gave a piercing shriek and her nipples gushed once more, dollops hitting the young mutant across her tits. Kitty ending up on the bed while Sue slipped to the floor.

The sudden silence was deafening, broken only by the quiet sobs and sniffling from the hurt women. Clutching her chest protectively Kitty stared at the carpeted floor, hunched over on the bed, unable to stop the tears flowing down her face. She could barely even manufacture outrage over the pale substance now on her hands as well. Rocking on the carpet, Sue was horrified at how soft her boobs felt in her hands, wiping intermittently at  the milk that still leaking from her spikes. It was almost two minutes before they could muster the energy and will to raise their heads.

Blue eyes met hazel, and despite the pain both also spotted anguish and spite still roiling on the surface. The fight had become incredibly nasty and frighteningly personal. Both desperately wanted their boobs to win out and prove their feminine superiority beyond a doubt. Gritting her teeth, Kitty Pryde shoved herself upright. "You want more you old cxnt!"

Susan Storm's eye twitched and she slowly, carefully, rose off the ground to stand opposite the young mutant. Maintaining eye contact she casually slapped the slim girl. Not enough to hurt, but enough to conveigh her contempt. "I can take anything you dish out, skank."

Kitty touched her cheek before slapping the blonde back. Sue immediately countered by thrusting her right breast to whack powerfully against the outside of the left boob of the lithe girl, who quickly retaliated in kind, flinging her right boob to meet the blonde's left. Both winced as the clashing titmeat spread thickly, nipples spearing deep into the loose flesh before bouncing clear. Snarling now, they threw themselves together, tits flying between them in an orgy of desperate violence.

Boxing boobs once more they danced violently about the room, eyes focused firmly on each other. Susan smashed a whimpering Kitty back, the enraged blonde's heavy blows staggering the smaller woman despite her fighting like a demon.

A left on left collision stunned both beauties, but this time Kitty took the initiative. The furious brunette hammered a moaning Sue across the room, ducking an attempt by the frantic blonde at a grab and landing what could only be described as a boob uppercut that almost knocked the woman off her feet. Before she could capitalize however, the blonde slammed her her tits across the top of Kitty's boobs, the girl wailing as the orbs were brutalized.

Back and forth they went across the room boobs reddening, bruising while bodies began to drip with sweat. They screamed openly now, unable to conceal the hurt and uncaring of who heard. Swinging their boobs in wild, uncontrolled violence Kitty gave a startled squall as her legs hit the edge of the bed, arms flying out to grab Susan and pull the blonde down with her. Bodies smacking together with a wet SPLAT they briefly had their air knocked from their lungs before arms wrapped around bodies, legs locked and they rocked and writhed across the mattress.

Kitty hissed and scratched, Sue snarled and bit. Crying out they pumped and thrust and mashed the contending breasts together, desperately trying to force the other onto her back. But they were wrapped up so tightly, and fought so evenly that neither could control the pace of their brawl. They rolled in fits and starts or slid across thick covers leaving a wet streak in their wake. Gasping heavily they wound up on their sides, still slinging their boobs to squash together.

Sobbing bitterly they squeezed hard, forcing their battered and loose breasts to squash once more, the pain enormous. Panting in exertion they rolled, painfully slowly, once...twice then screamed hoarsely as they tumbled OFF the bed. This trip was longer and the sudden terror of falling had them both access their powers. Sue projected a field to break her fall while at the same time Kitty made herself intangible. And while she passed through the blonde heroine she couldn't pass through the invisible field and bounced off to roll under the bed. Likewise the Invisible Woman gradually dissipated the barrier to lower herself gently to the carpet where she lay face down, panting heavily. Then she stiffened at the feel of something at her back and twisted her head slowly to peer under the massive bed where she could barely make out a figure staring. The silence broken only by their deep breathing they maintained eye contact, building back up their resolve.

"Had...had enough yet?" Susan taunted once she caught her breath, staring at the pair of bright dark eyes that glared out at her. "Scare...scared of me now are you?"

"Why don't you come and find out?" Was the younger woman's cool reply. Then to seal the deal. "If that fat ass of yours can manage to fit!"

Face ugly with fury Sue swiftly wriggled her way under the bed frame where Kitty waited. For a second there was silence, then the bed jumped and muffled screeches, shouts and curses could be heard as the two resumed their catfight with frantic fervor. Occasionally a stockinged leg, an arm with a handful of bright yellow or dark brown hair, or a wild eyed face would pop out only to disappear back underneath. The heavy bed began to move, the violent rocking making it's legs bounce across the carpeted floor until with a CRACK and a SNAP they snapped off and the box frame fell, further trapping the fighting women.

There was a brief pause with some mutterings then a loud THUMP followed by several loud bangs as even the restrictive position they found themselves in wasn't enough to make the determined females stop. There was a quiet period then a violent series of thumps over a period of minutes then another pause, and another smattering of violence.

"This is ridiculous..." A muffled voice complained.

" up you old cxnt?!" Another spat.

"You're going to pay for that before the night's done," The first threatened hoarsely. "But let's at least get out from under here so we can fight properly."

"...Fine. But no tricks!"

There was a surge and the bed flipped over, Susan and Kitty slowly getting back to their feet. Their faces and bodies were badly scratched and bruised and the last vestiges of their modesty, their panties, lay shredded beneath them. Not that either noticed. As soon as they got to their feet they took a second to catch their breath, then lurched back together, wrapping up in a light hug, drilling slow but powerful punches into each other's gut.

Sue gagged at a blow but at the same time felt as if it didn't hurt as much as before. At her counter she heard a soft whine from the younger woman that seemed more expressive than anything else thus far. Another blow and she actually felt the girl sag then surge upright to butt her square in the face. Recoiling in agony she swung wildly and felt her fists connect solidly and heard a deep groan.

Blinking rapidly, she shook her head at the sight of Kitty on the floor, clutching the side of her head. Still angry she bent down and yanked the whining girl up by the hair before sending her back down with another punch. One more blow and the brunette was still, on her face.

"Fin...finally..." Susan moaned falling to kneel astride the girl's back. Grabbing her hair, she yanked on the dark locks, then released them for her head to flop back down onto the carpet. "Teach that...that little bitch a...lesson."

Staggering, the blonde made her way to the shower, her entire body aching. Flipping the handle to hot she hissed at the cascade of near scalding water then sighed as her body became used to the heat and it soothed away the pain. Carefully she massaged the bites and scratches that covered her body gently then reached for soap. At a sudden noise she looked up, and froze. "You..."

Staring at her through the open shower door was a heaving Kitty Pryde. With a low growl the young mutant stepped into the shower and closed the glass door behind her. Squeals immediately escaped the enclosure as the young mutant was determined to continue. No less willing the Invisible Woman fought back viciously, hands scrabbling at hair even as feet slipped and slid on the slick tiles. "I'M NOT DONE YET!" The Kitty screeched. "YOU'RE GONNA PAY!!"

"WHO'S GONNA PAY!!" Sue shouted back, adrenaline rushing through her body. Tearing out hanks of brown hair to litter the stall she slammed a clenched fist into the smaller woman's left tit. "I'LL TEAR YOU APART!!"

Wailing at the blow, Kitty struck back, fist digging into Sue's larger breasts. Croaking in shock the pair scuttled apart then leapt back together, arms circling shoulders, skidding perilously up against the glass, then to the tiled wall. The memory of the inconclusive titfight surged to the forefront of their minds and both squeezed tightly, endeavoring to finish it in their favor.

Faces turned red from the pressure and the steam, the hot water flowing over their bodies, making the slick orbs shine as they were squashed between the determined blonde and brunette. Sue gave a wide, pained smile as she once more used her superior size to force the tiring Kitty into the corner where the wall curved. The girl glared back, rotating her shoulders, trying to force her smaller boobs over Susan's larger set. While she failed in that the repeated motions did cause the blonde significant discomfort causing her to push in closer. Then both moaned.

Eyes shooting wide open both women froze. In the course of shoving their breasts together, legs had crossed, bringing their nethers close enough for their hairs to mingle. The sensation was so sudden and unexpected that legs went weak and the two slowly sank to their knees.

"Little skank...what're you pulling..." Sue gasped.

"Fuck you were the one on me!" Kitty shot back.

"I'm flattening these weak little things you call tits." Susan retorted nastily, giving a testing squeeze, to which Kitty responded to immediately.

"Like hell, I can feel your fat bags giving way to my better boobs." Kitty snapped, tightening her arms to prove her point, only for the Sue to retaliated instantly.

Barely able to make out one another through the water and steam and scraggly hair, they instead focused on making good on their threat. Teeth clenched as boobs were driven into boobs, muscles becoming defined. Kitty huffed, then clenched her teeth, shoving her breasts powerful against, and into Susan's pillowy pair. Once more she felt her progress halted once her tits hit the tissue mass that made up the blonde's actual boobs and gave a hiss in frustration. A powerful retaliatory thrust from the voluptuous Sue had her grunt in pain, but she kept up the pressure, confident her firm boobs would punch through the opposing set.

Sue grimaced at the constant pressure from the smaller girl's grinding breasts. But the pain was still manageable and she matched Kitty's efforts, grinding away in the opposite direction, her bigger, meatier boobs swelling to encompass the X-girl's more compact tits. Looking down, she focused her attention on their battling busts, Kitty's young boobs spreading against her more mature tits.

" give...up yet?" Sue grunted at a pained whimper from the mutant. Her pale boobs rested slightly on top of Kitty's, the weight of her more abundant tits no doubt adding to the discomfort. Rising up on her knees she dropped those weighty orbs onto the brunette's defenseless boobs. It wasn't a particularly significant hit, but the moan it garnered showed it to be effective. Again she rose up, but this time she was the one that cried out in surprise when Kitty's breasts smacked painfully against the underside of her own.

"I'm gonna...smash those saggy jello!" Kitty spat spitefully, straining against the weight of Sue's tits pressing down on her. Boobs flattened dramatically at the point of impact, the titmeat spreading fluidly. After a minute both were trembling violently with the effort, at three they gave an explosive gasp and fell back on their legs.

Tired now, heads fell forward to bounce together, yellow and brown hair hanging together to provide a curtain that hid their faces. But they didn't need to see to know just how exhausted they were. The steady thump of their heartbeats could be felt through how close they held one another, they could feel each others lungs fill as they sucked in the hot moist air and...they could SMELL one another. It was a smell one was intimately familiar with while the other had only recently been exposed to. They had to finish this quickly.

With growing urgency they shoved and squashed and pounded their swelling breasts together, all four orbs straining to overpower it's opposite. The massy teats flowed together in an undulating wave, taking and giving, then giving and taking property. Both could feel just how loose their tits were and knew that tight bras would be a necessity for the immediate future.

The combined mass of boobs jiggled enticingly as both women pushed and shoved, knee walking across the tiles. Kitty thrust her breasts in Sue's with increasing violence, causing the blonde's face to screw up as her tits wobbled, seeming to give way under the younger, denser orbs. Then, as if hitting critical mass, Sue's orbs bulged outwards powerfully, almost reclaiming their full rounded shape.

All four boobs morphed and mushroomed around the insistent pressure, but none seemed to have any kind of significant advantage. Both knew they were doing unbelievable damage to their breasts, but so long as they won, so long as they destroyed the other's treasure anything was worth it. Eyes, hidden, closed as they panted in the dual bearhug, willing their boobs to keep fighting. To win.

Kitty whimpered and Sue groaned, boobs quivering, attempting to regain their shape against the intense grinding they were subjected to. Tits now molded together perfectly, mass against mass, orbs rolling over and around working away what firmness remained.

Then, abruptly, Kitty's head flew back with a tortured wail. Likewise Sue gave ferocious snarl and rose up on her knees, toppling the weakened brunette who slid onto her back. As her body rested atop the girl's, Kitty's boobs widened, flattened almost completely against Susan's. While substantially reduced, the blonde's tits retained enough of their shape to claim victory against their younger adversaries.

"" Kitty's voice, once defiant, now came out in a barely heard whisper.

"Say it...first." Sue hissed. She was fighting her own exhaustion at this point, but she had earned this. She was owed this. "Who's tits are better?"

"" the girl muttered bitterly. "Yours...flattened mine..."

"And who fill...filled out her dress better?" The blonde smiled. She'd never thought rubbing salt in the wound could feel this good.

" did." Kitty whispered miserably. Would her shame never end?

"Good girl," Sue cooed, patting her cheek then, on a whim giving the brunette a light peck on cheek. Or rather that was what she was aiming for if not for Kitty's head turning, ever so slightly, to the side. The result was Susan's lips brushing lightly across the young mutant's.

Eyes crossed at the sensation and both beauties froze. This was not was either was expecting. Even less was Kitty's response. Head rising off the wet tiles she pressed her lips briefly, but firmly against Sue's. Licking her lips she considered the flavor. It was different from Peter's, but in a not too bad way.

Susan had mirrored Kitty, the taste of the girl quite enticing. But she needed another taste to make a proper call. She lowered her head to do so, only to find a mass of dark hair also rising. Gently, she brushed aside the locks to get a look at the girl's face, blinking as her own yellow strands were pushed aside. The girl's eyes still watered from her loss, she noticed before their lips met. It started hesitant but gradually became more bold, more insistent. Breathing hard through her nose Sue felt the girl's tongue invade her mouth. Abruptly she pulled away.

Kitty sat up, watching as the blonde woman dried herself swiftly and strode back into the bedroom proper. Twisting off the water, the brunette picked up a small towel, carefully patting herself dry. She felt confused. Much of her hostility had melted away much in the same manner as her boobs had when she'd lost. Oh, she still didn't like the blonde bitch much, but now she didn't seem to mind admitting Sue was hot...scorching in fact. Shaking her head she warily peeked out the door. With a loud THUMP, Sue shoved over the mattress to lie in a across the room and turned to stare at the mutant, boobs jiggling as she did so.

"Come here..." Susan ordered, towel slipping off her body and sitting on the mattress. Kitty hesitated for a moment, then the memory of the kiss and the taste propelled her forward.


"" Jean clutched at her head, trying to get a read on Kitty. Hopefully the silence was because she was still asleep. Skidding to a stop outside Jennifer's room she pounded on the door and such was her worry that she kept hitting even after She-Hulk pulled it open.

"Kitty...I can't find her!" Jean gasped. Jenn's face immediately lost the amused expression and she pushed past Phoenix, marching back down the corridor. Shoving a door open, the paused, jaw dropping, then lips curled into a wide smile.

"C'mere..." Jennifer gestured at Jean, motioning her to be quiet. The first thing the redhead noticed was the condition of the room. It looked like Whirlwind had passed through. Then she followed a green finger to a mattress on the far side of the room and she had to hold onto the frame.

Kitty and Sue lay together in a tangle. Enough of their body was covered to protect what was necessary but it was very evident that neither wore anything underneath. Both also had bore sated, very satisfied smiles which contrasted the bruises and scratches that covered what parts of their bodies that could be seen.

"Told you they'd work it out." Jennifer smirked, pulling a frozen Jean from her position and silently closing the door.


"Oh come on...don't tell me you're a prude." Jenn snorted, striding back to her own room. There Jean noticed a female shaped lump hidden under the covers. "Now give me a hand. I know Sue could probably fit into a couple of my smaller outfits, you think we fit Kitty into one?"

"But HOW did no one hear anything!" Jean demanded, still trying to take it all in. "Did you SEE the place!"

"Yeah, looks like we missed one hell of a party." The muscular green woman noted, digging through her closet. Then she grinned. "As to why...well that's the room I use when Matt...I mean...Daredevil comes over. After a couple of complaints I had it soundproofed."

Jean groaned. If any of the guys found out about this she'd never live it down.


This was a request so I apologize for any inconsistences as I'm not as familiar with Marvel as I am with DC. And it doesn't help that the wiki pages have been sanitized to not hold information that might be useful as that could be...problematic. So I had to guess based on (old) comic pictures.