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Antscha Prod Warning

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Antscha Prod Warning
« on: June 09, 2023, 05:21:58 PM »
   I've been posting on this board for many years that Antscha is great for custom videos. I now must take that back and warn the fans that she can  not be trusted!
   I book $4000 in airfare for 2 Japanese wrestlers to travel and shoot with Antscha in July. After planning this event for many months, Antscha E-mailed me that she did like how much I offered the fighters for the shoot and other small things so would not be shooting the matches.
   I've been booking Antscha since her first match in London Vs Jet and have booked over 10 custom videos from her over the years so feel she stabbed me in the back to pull out after the airfare was already booked.
   I've aways thought Antscha was cold and bitchy but she never did anything like this in the past. I feel maybe now she thinks of her self as above the fans and doesn't care at all about us so easy for her now to shit on us if she likes!
Catfight, f/f Wrestling, Grappling and f/f Boxing fan


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Re: Antscha Prod Warning
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2023, 10:50:53 PM »
   I book $4000 in airfare for 2 Japanese wrestlers to travel and shoot with Antscha in July. After planning this event for many months, Antscha E-mailed me that she did like how much I offered the fighters for the shoot and other small things so would not be shooting the matches.
If you are gonna spend that much money, why not produce the match yourself? Not like Antscha does anything besides film the match. I've watched many her videos and her camera work and lighting is no better than Les Femmes Fatales and Robin is so much nicer and better to deal with. Plus I've done custom matches with her from picking the outfits to interviews to every detail I'd want and it only cost me $800. Besides the airfare, how much does she charge for a custom shoot? Does she do an hourly rate, extra for nudity, etc?

I also think Antscha favors her Hungarian fighters in competitive matches and steps in too much when they are in trouble during a match. She's especially protective of Dolly and Viktoria.


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Re: Antscha Prod Warning
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2023, 01:20:04 AM »
Wow ... sorry to hear of this happening to you . I didn't think this sort of thing would happen anymore with the way everyone could be alerted and warned. I'd still expect someone to be less than delighted with a custom every so often but not a blatant rip off like you just said happened to you.

Hope you get some sort of justice from this  .... that's by far the most I  ever heard of someone sending on a custom video and hate to think you'll lose it all.

Good luck with it