Read it this morning.
The bad:
--It's quite short. You could read the whole in half an hour, probably.
--The first 2/3s of it is introduction, buildup, etc. written in the typical Edson style: he uses 30 words when 5 would have been enough and everything is handled backwards, so that the end of the action is given first and then he explains how it started. The usual bad writing stuff.
--You don't see Dawn, Charole, Queen Hera, or the actual Amazon civilization. Everything takes place on a beach and then in some random countryside.
--I don't think any of these characters among his best. I guess this is purely subjective, but my honest reaction is that none of them 'do it' for me the way my favorite Edson ladies do.
--The editors found no outlines or anything for the rest of the plot, so the book is just the 9 chapters he wrote, his description of the cover image, and a few back-cover blurbs he wrote.
The good:
--The last 1/3 has two fights, basically right in a row. The first one, the fight itself isn't spectacular, but the buildup to it is the best he ever did, imo. And then the second, the buildup is just okay but the fight itself is quite good.
--This book had a ton of potential for fights (this is related to my next comment).
--It really seems like his fetish is in full control at this point. There is a specific fight-related thing he does that's just hilarious, in a "we're just being very open about our real interest here" way. I would really prefer that readers discover it for themselves, but I can post in behind a spoiler if people want.
--Man, the possibilities here are so rich, I halfway want to write up the rest of it. It's pretty obvious where he wanted the story to go.