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My Twin Sister and Girlfriend (With Backstory)

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Offline RichS15

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My Twin Sister and Girlfriend (With Backstory)
« on: October 19, 2023, 12:20:06 PM »
Another post on here inspired me to do this so here it is, please read the backstory.

I've known my girlfriend (Rebecca 21) for a very long time (a long time before going out with her) and so has my twin sister (Emilia 20), we went through all of school together and our families are friends. Despite that, they have never been friends, they never really talk to each other, they've always secretly disliked one another despite being fakely nice at times, and their disliking of each other has gotten worse since I started going out with Rebecca. They don't argue much, at least not in front of me, but they make it clear they don't like each other and they both know it, and there's regular bitching behind each others backs. As far as I know there's no real reason they dislike each other, their personalities just seem to clash. Emilia is introverted, she likes to read and doesn't go out much but she is bitchy. Rebecca is more extroverted and outdoorsy, she is also quite bitchy and I think this is why they've never got along, different hobbies and personalities and both bitchy, plus they've known each other a long time. Rebecca thinks Emilia is weird. Emilia always says Rebecca is skinny and has said before, in other words, that she would beat her in a fight. Rebecca is slimmer yes, but she is a bit taller than Emilia, and she has a more active lifestyle, I would guess they are quite close in weight.

Emilia has had two fights before. The first was with this girl who did something to her friend (I cant remember what it was), they were evenly matched enough, the other girl was probably a little bit heavier though. Emilia was winning the fight when they were standing up, but then they went to the ground and the other girl got on top and it was broken up shortly after. People tried to get them to do a second round, Emilia wanted to go again, but the other girl said no because people broke it up when she was on top. I always wonder how that would have ended up and if Emilia could have turned it around if it wasn't broken up. Her second fight was over a guy, her and this other girl got into public arguments on social media, just insulting each other though, so I don't really know the details to do with them and the guy, I never asked her about it though as its none of my business, she would have told me if she wanted me to know. This one was a very close matchup on paper but unfortunately she lost this fight. I am surprised she hasn't been in more fights to be honest as there's a lot of people she dislikes and regularly bitches about. I think my sister likes having these rivalries even if it means they end up fighting.

Rebecca has had one fight before with some bitch who scratched her brother in the face at a party making him bleed. This other girl was a fair bit shorter than Rebecca but she was always getting into fights and people were a bit wary of her, despite that they went outside and Rebecca beat her up in front of everyone. That's her only real fight but other than that she does have an older sister who she used to fight with while growing up if that counts for anything.

Hopefully one day I can write a story on here about them fighting. Unfortunately at the moment they mostly avoid each other, so it doesn't look likely at this time. I would probably have to orchestrate it.

Please let me know your thoughts on this in the comments, or if you want, private message me for questions or more details, Thank you for reading.


Offline julian1

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Re: My Twin Sister and Girlfriend (With Backstory)
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2023, 03:09:25 PM »
They look closely matched, but since you say your GF is more fit, and that she has won a fight before I would confidently go with her.