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Katy Perry's Oktoberfest Fights 2

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Katy Perry's Oktoberfest Fights 2
« on: July 11, 2023, 03:15:48 AM »

By Nancy Fanciful, correspondent for CelebToday, your favourite classy catfight magazine for all things bitchy

Pop princess Katy Perry emerged from her first much anticipated 'Oktoberfest Fight' victoriously. After some struggle with her blonde opponent in a blue dirndl with a pink apron, Katy, wearing a flimsy silver mini dress, wrestled her opponent to the floor and, sitting on her, slapped her into submission.
Now, she faces the next girl in the ring, a brunette in a white dirndl wearing a tiara and claiming that 'only she is the true princess here'.
We from CelebToday keep our fingers crossed for Katy while she steps into the ring with her.

Katy Perry:


Katy's opponent:


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