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Sensual to violent

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Offline Corvus

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Sensual to violent
« on: June 20, 2023, 07:57:13 PM »
I've seen lots of stories (and vids) that start out as a catfight, then proceed to an energetic sexfight. But I haven't seen many that go the other way. I'm working on a story about two mature women who decide to explore the combative side of sexuality, and do indeed proceed from sensual to a quite rough catfight.

I do recall one vid (maybe and MFX production) that started with a quite erotic sexfight and twenty minutes later, as they recovered from their climaxes, they engage in an all-out catfight. Would love to find that again.

Anybody seen other encounters like that?  Have any of the women here explored such options themselves, either irl or in cyber?


Offline DottiD

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Re: Sensual to violent
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2023, 02:52:06 AM »
In my real life matches, i have come across many many offers and styles as well, i have started matches with both agreeing on it naturally, both erotic to catty and rough to erotic. And despite the use of rules you have to keep in mind, personalities clash during a match as do tempers flare and once things get going we either take a break, or reschedule . The passion that goes along with a sex fight, titfight, hair fight and other, is taken very seriously and lets face it , it is very very hard to have to accept a woman beat you, or beat your breasts, or woman hood as your men watch or other women or just us two . Cause no matter the rules the winner gets her way and relishes the win while the loser sits and takes it. But to simply reply to that question, yes often than not it has happened both ways.


Offline Charlene

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Re: Sensual to violent
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2023, 03:11:35 PM »
TBH, the sex/erotic fight turning into a catfight scenario is one of more recent fantasies, along with being caught with a woman by her lesbian/bi lover.  I can't imagine the first would be hard to script: a love bite or hair pull too hard, one or the other pushing things to far, etc.  The second, who knows: being caught fully clothed making out on a sofa, or being caught nude in bed having sex.  Food for thought. 


Offline Charlene

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Re: Sensual to violent
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2023, 02:23:25 PM »
TBH, the sex/erotic fight turning into a catfight scenario is one of more recent fantasies, along with being caught with a woman by her lesbian/bi lover.  I can't imagine the first would be hard to script: a love bite or hair pull too hard, one or the other pushing things to far, etc.  The second, who knows: being caught fully clothed making out on a sofa, or being caught nude in bed having sex.  Food for thought.

Going from a sexfight to catfight makes way more sense to me than going from a catfight to a sexfight.

Personally I would meet-up with my rival and have us both wearing miniskirts; blouses; stockings and heels. We would hike our skirts up and begin to sexfight; the sexfight would be spiced up with lots of trash talk and suitable threats linked to the pending catfight. To add even more spice I would have a mutual love interest watching; he or she would be the prize for ultimately winning the catfight. The catfight would of course start as soon as the starting gun of us both cumming is fired. Also I would perhaps make the sexfight best of three.

If someone challenged me to a catfight followed by a sexfight; my counter would be we catfight and then the winner takes the loser until satisfied sexually. Sexfighting after trying to pull each other’s hair out; slapping and clawing each other just don’t make sense to me.
Well put Catherine, although I wouldn't be meeting a rival like that.  My fantasy would be the more inquisitive side of testing ones self against an acquaintance, both of us curious about the act.  One of us would push to become dominant, the other would resist.  It might even start as an intense make out session, where one of would want to stop, the other one not, and the ensuing struggle would lead to a catfight. If I were meeting a rival, it would be a pure catfight situation.


Offline Corvus

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Re: Sensual to violent
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2023, 05:35:58 AM »
TBH, the sex/erotic fight turning into a catfight scenario is one of more recent fantasies, along with being caught with a woman by her lesbian/bi lover.  I can't imagine the first would be hard to script: a love bite or hair pull too hard, one or the other pushing things to far, etc.  The second, who knows: being caught fully clothed making out on a sofa, or being caught nude in bed having sex.  Food for thought.

Going from a sexfight to catfight makes way more sense to me than going from a catfight to a sexfight.

Personally I would meet-up with my rival and have us both wearing miniskirts; blouses; stockings and heels. We would hike our skirts up and begin to sexfight; the sexfight would be spiced up with lots of trash talk and suitable threats linked to the pending catfight. To add even more spice I would have a mutual love interest watching; he or she would be the prize for ultimately winning the catfight. The catfight would of course start as soon as the starting gun of us both cumming is fired. Also I would perhaps make the sexfight best of three.

If someone challenged me to a catfight followed by a sexfight; my counter would be we catfight and then the winner takes the loser until satisfied sexually. Sexfighting after trying to pull each other’s hair out; slapping and clawing each other just don’t make sense to me.
Well put Catherine, although I wouldn't be meeting a rival like that.  My fantasy would be the more inquisitive side of testing ones self against an acquaintance, both of us curious about the act.  One of us would push to become dominant, the other would resist.  It might even start as an intense make out session, where one of would want to stop, the other one not, and the ensuing struggle would lead to a catfight. If I were meeting a rival, it would be a pure catfight situation.

I could see me meeting you for coffee one morning Charlene and sliding my right leg towards you under the coffee table to play a little footsie with you. A little bit of public flirting / sexual teasing is the perfect way to start a make out session; makes that moment when you’re finally alone that more delicious ;)

Since I like (and have written about) catfights in small enclosed places, I can see this happening in a car, perhaps parked under a shady elm. The kiss becomes a make out session, evolving into an erotic struggle. As clothes are pulled off, the intensity becomes increased, and then one realizes it's going to far, slaps the other, and soon it's a spitting catball in the car.