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Competition with another girl.

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Offline phftfghtr

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Re: Competition with another girl.
« Reply #15 on: August 18, 2023, 08:23:15 PM »
… she gave me her address and contact information and we're going to wrestle in the nude tonight at her apartment with her roommate serving as referee, we may or may not have sex afterwards. Wish me luck!

Did it happen??? ????


Offline dazzlingst

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Re: Competition with another girl.
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2023, 12:13:27 AM »
… she gave me her address and contact information and we're going to wrestle in the nude tonight at her apartment with her roommate serving as referee, we may or may not have sex afterwards. Wish me luck!

Did it happen??? ????

Yes it did, though we only went one round  before hitting the bed.  ;)


Offline suhmann

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Re: Competition with another girl.
« Reply #17 on: August 22, 2023, 10:31:40 AM »
Any girls who have had some sort of test of strength? with another girl while your bf or husband watches? Could’ve been all in fun with a group of friends, arm wrestling, finger lock, wrestling around horseplay of some sort.  Did you expect to win  thinking your bf would love it. Cause maybe he had shared with you it turns him on. Seeing two girls competing that way. However it didn’t go as planned and you ended up losing in front of him? Was that the end of it after or did you talk about it? Guys have you ever seen your girl lose? What was the result in her loss? Especially if the other girl is attractive. Just wondering what the thoughts were afterwards. Was it discussed, did the other girl flirt with your guy after? Guys what were you thinking? Did you find   Find the other girl more attractive than she was before winning.
After the army, I studied for a few years with two great girls. I still talk to them, one of them training at a neighboring club. One time they showed a show from Russia with love and I immediately remembered the fight between the Roma. They said that they are also by blood, at least some part of them are Gypsies. One grandmother was a real Gypsy, either singing in a Gypsy ensemble or playing in a Gypsy theater troupe. The other one's parents came from a gypsy village in a neighboring republic. Then Lady N said, "Look at her, what a gypsy she is" (Lady L wore her hair in a bob), "I have much better hair. They laughed, they argued. Then I said we should see who's stronger. They laughed and decided to arm wrestle. One won on the left, the other on the right.  We were great friends and sometimes we would go out, sometimes I would go to practice in place of the last couple of the evening and they would meet me. I would offer them to come wrestle with me or just wrestle, they would guffaw. One time my wife and her friend Elia went to a bachelorette party with a girl from the academy. Lady L lives near me and I was walking the dog and met her. She offered to ride a bike through the forest park, I said jokingly : we'll take the second gypsy and you'll fight there. She said, "Call her. I called her and told her jokingly: L calls you for a bike race and wrestle in the park. Lady N said jokingly : oh really, I hope gypsy dresses aren't needed. I said I'd like you better in triko. So we had a lot of fun and then they wrestled for ten minutes in a clearing in the woods.
« Last Edit: August 22, 2023, 11:40:45 AM by suhmann »


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Competition with another girl.
« Reply #18 on: August 22, 2023, 12:47:38 PM »
Any girls who have had some sort of test of strength? with another girl while your bf or husband watches? Could’ve been all in fun with a group of friends, arm wrestling, finger lock, wrestling around horseplay of some sort.  Did you expect to win  thinking your bf would love it. Cause maybe he had shared with you it turns him on. Seeing two girls competing that way. However it didn’t go as planned and you ended up losing in front of him? Was that the end of it after or did you talk about it? Guys have you ever seen your girl lose? What was the result in her loss? Especially if the other girl is attractive. Just wondering what the thoughts were afterwards. Was it discussed, did the other girl flirt with your guy after? Guys what were you thinking? Did you find   Find the other girl more attractive than she was before winning.
After the army, I studied for a few years with two great girls. I still talk to them, one of them training at a neighboring club. One time they showed a show from Russia with love and I immediately remembered the fight between the Roma. They said that they are also by blood, at least some part of them are Gypsies. One grandmother was a real Gypsy, either singing in a Gypsy ensemble or playing in a Gypsy theater troupe. The other one's parents came from a gypsy village in a neighboring republic. Then Lady N said, "Look at her, what a gypsy she is" (Lady L wore her hair in a bob), "I have much better hair. They laughed, they argued. Then I said we should see who's stronger. They laughed and decided to arm wrestle. One won on the left, the other on the right.  We were great friends and sometimes we would go out, sometimes I would go to practice in place of the last couple of the evening and they would meet me. I would offer them to come wrestle with me or just wrestle, they would guffaw. One time my wife and her friend Elia went to a bachelorette party with a girl from the academy. Lady L lives near me and I was walking the dog and met her. She offered to ride a bike through the forest park, I said jokingly : we'll take the second gypsy and you'll fight there. She said, "Call her. I called her and told her jokingly: L calls you for a bike race and wrestle in the park. Lady N said jokingly : oh really, I hope gypsy dresses aren't needed. I said I'd like you better in triko. So we had a lot of fun and then they wrestled for ten minutes in a clearing in the woods.

Love your story. Two sexy girls.  Who won the wrestle?


Offline suhmann

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Re: Competition with another girl.
« Reply #19 on: August 22, 2023, 01:32:20 PM »
Any girls who have had some sort of test of strength? with another girl while your bf or husband watches? Could’ve been all in fun with a group of friends, arm wrestling, finger lock, wrestling around horseplay of some sort.  Did you expect to win  thinking your bf would love it. Cause maybe he had shared with you it turns him on. Seeing two girls competing that way. However it didn’t go as planned and you ended up losing in front of him? Was that the end of it after or did you talk about it? Guys have you ever seen your girl lose? What was the result in her loss? Especially if the other girl is attractive. Just wondering what the thoughts were afterwards. Was it discussed, did the other girl flirt with your guy after? Guys what were you thinking? Did you find   Find the other girl more attractive than she was before winning.
After the army, I studied for a few years with two great girls. I still talk to them, one of them training at a neighboring club. One time they showed a show from Russia with love and I immediately remembered the fight between the Roma. They said that they are also by blood, at least some part of them are Gypsies. One grandmother was a real Gypsy, either singing in a Gypsy ensemble or playing in a Gypsy theater troupe. The other one's parents came from a gypsy village in a neighboring republic. Then Lady N said, "Look at her, what a gypsy she is" (Lady L wore her hair in a bob), "I have much better hair. They laughed, they argued. Then I said we should see who's stronger. They laughed and decided to arm wrestle. One won on the left, the other on the right.  We were great friends and sometimes we would go out, sometimes I would go to practice in place of the last couple of the evening and they would meet me. I would offer them to come wrestle with me or just wrestle, they would guffaw. One time my wife and her friend Elia went to a bachelorette party with a girl from the academy. Lady L lives near me and I was walking the dog and met her. She offered to ride a bike through the forest park, I said jokingly : we'll take the second gypsy and you'll fight there. She said, "Call her. I called her and told her jokingly: L calls you for a bike race and wrestle in the park. Lady N said jokingly : oh really, I hope gypsy dresses aren't needed. I said I'd like you better in triko. So we had a lot of fun and then they wrestled for ten minutes in a clearing in the woods.

Love your story. Two sexy girls.  Who won the wrestle?
To tell the truth, we were interrupted by a mounted police patrol. They asked what was going on. Our bikes were standing next to each other, I was two meters away from them. I said the girls are just figuring out who is stronger. They made sure that there was no beating, no blood and that both of them were not evil.They said goodbye and drove on. L and N said: that's it, we're tired. Then no one forced anyone to give up. But the bottom was more L (short hair). But she managed to turn her opponent over. Then they fought several more times more seriously. Then L still went to do wrestling . And Lady N had a run-in with my wife about religion. My wife was Orthodox and N went to a Protestant church.. I separated them then, although I really wanted them to fight, but not on this basis.


Offline lumberjack66

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Re: Competition with another girl.
« Reply #20 on: August 22, 2023, 06:18:59 PM »
The one I am always surprised that is not mentioned more here is Indian Leg Wrestling.  It is a game that really involves the entire body, is fun, and super competitive.  We used to do it guys and girls in Gym Class and on the play ground.  Usually the part I have seen people mess up is they align their hips.  To really do it you have to get your hips about where your opponents stomach is.  Usually helps too to grab hands on the side closest to the wrestling legs so you don't slip apart.  Two women with their sexy legs straining against each other trying to overpower each other and prove they have the best legs?  Sounds like our kind of thing, right?
I love catfights and chatting.  Look me up on trillian at ljack66   (I think... just figuring Trillian out)


Offline Horny-Jew

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Re: Competition with another girl.
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2023, 08:47:48 AM »
I'm only interested if it's only women and the women are all barefoot.