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fighting dolls help

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Offline MaskedBunny

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fighting dolls help
« on: September 01, 2023, 12:41:57 AM »
I took the leap today and bought some fighting dolls matches. While I was browsing, I came across a match where one of the girls attacked the other during the interview. I was wondering if anyone had some videos where that happens?


Offline jq000004

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Re: fighting dolls help
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2023, 01:43:51 AM »
I had a look among my collection at videos where there was a pre-match interview, but didn't find anything similar. Out of interest, who was the aggressor in the FD match you mention and was the fight allowed to continue from that point? If so, I'm slightly surprised because wrestling producers are normally wary of allowing an uncontrolled situation to develop, with possible injury leading to litigation in mind.


Offline MaskedBunny

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Re: fighting dolls help
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2023, 02:40:14 AM »
I had a look among my collection at videos where there was a pre-match interview, but didn't find anything similar. Out of interest, who was the aggressor in the FD match you mention and was the fight allowed to continue from that point? If so, I'm slightly surprised because wrestling producers are normally wary of allowing an uncontrolled situation to develop, with possible injury leading to litigation in mind.

That's just it. I can't remember the aggressor or fighters and yeah the match did continue. Answering another part of your comment, one of the videos I got surprisingly let thr girls get into a minor scuffle in the dressing room. Apparently they have other videos where the matched start in the dressing rooms and such prior as well.