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Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort round two

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Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort round two
« on: September 01, 2023, 04:17:46 AM »

Ashley Greene could feel the warmth of her own blood on her face.  The bruising and cuts on her knuckles.  Her lower jaw felt like it was hanging off, but she felt relief as she got to the desk.  “You wat… You watch” She said to the security guard.

“I did, she did some damage.”

“I did more”

When Ashley went in, she was flawless looking at her now she was beaten up, but she seemed more beautiful.  Her confidence was sky high and despite the bruises cuts and blood she was smiling.  “Show me the screen I want to see that bitch!”  She turned the monitor “I want to see my handiwork.”

The monitor showed where she left Laura Vandervoort, but no one was there.  “Ok Bitch lets have a second round.”

Ashley knew it was Laura, the voice would be in her nightmares.  Ashley couldn’t believe that the bitch was back, she couldn’t believe she didn’t just stay down.  Laura proved everything she was advertised as was true but on this night it just wasn’t enough.  Ashley choked that bitch out cold, damn near killed her and now.

“You lost.”  Ashley turned slowly and there slightly leaning forward arms down, face beaten up and her neck showing where Ashley had been choked was Laura Vandervoort. 

“I still have not gotten …I still will make you apologize.  So, I got more to give you to get what I came for”

“Apologize for what.  You should apologize to yourself because I’m just going to fucking hurt you again” Ashley said putting her hands up and closing the distance on Laura who threw a big right hand which didn’t get a chance to land as Greene hit a safer jab followed by a right uppercut that sent Laura to her ass.

“No, I’m not sorry for that either to be honest with your bitchy face.  You were the one for years I wondered if I could beat you and those who said I couldn’t now will know I have.”

Ashley leapt down at Laura who moved, and both got up to their feet.  Laura was up quicker and hit a knee to the stomach then an elbow to the back of Ashley’s neck and another knee this time to Ashley’s tits.

Ashley dropped, she truly hoped this was over.  There were three women who took the fight to her like this.  Teresa Palmer and Lyndsy Fonseca and now Laura who took it to her more because her skills never came from fight choreographers but from your own desire to learn.  Now she had to fight her again, minutes after beating her.  She and Palmer were hate on first sight, tear into each other whenever they could.  It was a true blonde vs brunette rivalry especially since both had a loss in the war.  Fonseca was something completely different they feared each other knowing what the other was capable of.  They respected each other after the fight because one fight was something neither genuinely wanted but it had to happen.  This bitch was something different all together.  This was someone she didn’t like was told she shouldn’t fight but always wanted to.  This was someone who didn’t like her and dismissed her skills.  Neither had respect nor like for the other.  Even with Teresa there was some level of respect.

“Come on bitch its face smashing time” Laura balled the long hair of Ashley Greene in her hand and lifted her up and was hit just under the rib with a punch.  Ashley groaned aloud as this was truly their second fight and the beating, they gave each other before was only a couple minutes prior.

Ashley stood up and rolled her head under Laura’s arm and hit a right to the back of the head and as Laura fell forward Ashley hit a knee to the stomach.  “I’m going to hit you with everything I know just so you know to fuck off.”

She grabbed Laura by the back of the bra and pulled her up only to get hit by a back elbow.  Laura then hit a side push kick to the stomach and went for a right haymaker it was blocked.  Ashley went for a right uppercut and that got blocked

Laura’s hand switched from Ashley’s neck to the hair and she dug in near the roots and pulled Ashley’s head up.  “Hate you and will beat you.”

Ashley scratched Laura’s face and that got Laura to let her go.  “Congratulations you hate me well now I hate you as well.”

Ashley went for a big right hand, but Laura got her left arm up and blocked it.  Laura went for her own right, but Ashley did the same and they quickly moved their lefts behind the others neck.  Eyes locked and they could see the hate in the other woman’s soul.

Both hit right knees to the side of the ribs.  A tear started to drop in each, but they weren’t’ going to stop and exchanged two more right knees.

A groan from both and Ashley pushed into the hallway door.  Ashley went for another knee hoping to destroy Laura with it but ended up with her thrown in the air by Laura Vandervoort.

Laura leaned forward looking at Ashley as she hit hard on the floor.  Greene bounced and it made Vandervoort know she was going to make this a statement.  She was a woman who could beat Ashley at every kind of fight, every kind of challenge.  Ashley needed a weapon to beat her and she was going to beat Ashley into a mess that Ashley would hope the apology to Danielle would stop it.  She was going to beat Ashley to the point where Ashley would regret every decision, she ever made leading her to this fight.

Laura stomped Ashley’s left tit then her right tit.  She could hear the groans from Ashley, but Ashley wasn’t out of it.  She brought her legs up to her chest and used her terrific core muscles and was able to get one leg between Laura’s as she spun away from the hateful DC star she tripped her up and was going for a leg lock.

Laura dropped her shoulder and twisted her body and escaped the hold but when she went for a kick to Ashley Greene’s face as both were on their asses she missed, and both spun away getting up.

They were up going for a punch and then started throwing wildly at each other.  Closing eyes and swinging arms until they fell into each other’s body and no break was happening as they ripped at each other’s hair and scratched the other’s face.

Ashley powered Laura back to the area she walked out from “I’ll put you back in that room.”

Laura spread her legs and stopped Ashley and dug her hands in deeper in the hair and pulled back and back and back and was leaning down on Ashley “I’m going to put you in the fucking ground.”

She yanked hard to her left and heard the security scream seeing Ashley’ neck twist “You broke her neck.”  Ashley was slammed to the ground and Laura was on top of her hands fully in hair

“Not yet.”  Laura had no regret in saying that.  She had never been beaten like Ashley had beaten on her.  “Hey, bitch I think you should apologize now before I very much make you a paraplegic.”

He came over “You have to …”

“Want to see her tits” Laura ripped off Ashley’s bra and relaxed her grip only to get her eyes scratched.

Ashley then hit a knee between the legs and yanked at Laura’s hair to the side and got Laura off her.  Ashley stood up bundled Laura’s hair even more and threw her face first into the door.

“Want to feel her tits.”

Ashley scratched at Laura’s back then hit a upper cut to the kidney.  Laura was dropping so Ashley stopped her from going down “No Laura, no going down he might want to touch your pathetic tits.”  Ashley slammed Laura’s face into the door again.

Ashley held Laura’s face to the door “He won’t answer because he saw mine and men like strong women not pathetic jealous bitches like you.”  Ashley pulled down on the back of the bra until it snapped off “After I’m done with you this time, he can feel a strong woman’s body vs your weak pathetic one.”

Ashley pulled Laura away and went to slam her again but Laura this time got her feet up and pushed sending both down.  Ashley got her hands-on Laura’s shoulders and pushed her away and both got up to their feet and launched chest first at the other.

The launch was arms missing then the chests thrusted out. The slap reverberated around the ground floor as equal tits got depressed.  When it came to fists and kicks, they were experienced but something like this that was where Ashley was the more experienced fighter.  Ashley turned one shoulder, so it gave that slightly more impact.  When she went to take advantage, It was countered by Laura moving her head away from Ashley and knew Ashley over extended so she slipped behind Ashly hit a forearm to the back then grabbed Ashley by the back of the hair.  Laura turned her and pulled her in slamming her tits into Ashley’s putting Ashley on her ass

Ashley thought this would be what she needed to do to get Laura off her fight plan.  Laura thought by going tits on tits with this kind of attack it would throw Ashley off guard.  Both were wrong and both were shocked then adjusted and Laura who should have been less experienced got the advantage.

“What Ashley?  Want to talk tits well I got you beat there too and he just saw it.  I bet you thought you could dictate well I was prepared for that as well.  So now you talked about tits and I was told to do this when you do and now you are on your flat overrated ass so go ahead and apologize bitch.”

Ashley snuck her feet on Laura’s Achilles and pulled and now both were on their ass.  They sat there silent staring at the other.  Laura took this fight and walked in here believing she was the better woman. When Ashley won her first fight there was questions of who it was and how they’d match up as Ashley was a terrific striker.  Then it was Laura, and no one questioned it.  Years went on and it was questioned more and more. Now she wasn’t sure and had to prove she was.  No matter what she did Ashley replied in kind so she had to make this woman quit then the apology would come.

There was someone watching which meant for Ashley it was about being the example in more ways than one.  She had to show something that proved just how elite she was.  Ashley planted her hands above her head and lifted her legs up got one down and over her head then stood up the other leg planting down in a perfect karate stance.

“What.”  Ashley said and Laura had a sneer.  She was on her feet in the same stance.  “You bitch.”  Ashley tried some strikes which Laura batted down.  Then Laura went for a counter it was ducked.  One leg kick checked, and a sweep attempt jumped over

Ashley faked a body kick which resulted in Laura pivoting.  Ashley was moving her backfoot and was wanting a new angle.  Laura knew Ashley’s striking was elite so this time she knew she had to move her feet and switch angles.  Ashley had the same plan.  If this blonde wanted a second round she needed to show more.

They were a little more cautious now.  Laura came here knowing Ashley’s rep after seeing the end of the Teresa Palmer feud.  She had to finally admit this wasn’t going to be easy so she found someone to pick the brain of and prepare for Ashley Greene.  She still kind of doubted the main lesson that Ashley takes pride in t hat striking.  After  losing to this woman she knew Ashley was the real deal  and to try this again so quickly she had to prove it to herself as much as anyone that she was also the real deal

Laura faked a kick and switched stances.  Ashley moved lateral from that and shifted her head right to left looking for a angle.  Laura switched back stance and Ashley raised her knee but didn’t offer a strike just watched Laura put her hand out for defense then fake a right lateral move and move to her right and fake a straight punch.


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Re: Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort round two
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2023, 04:19:34 AM »

Upstairs they weren’t being this cautious and the security guard was amazed this time it was almost a chess match.  Small angle changes and fake takedowns trying to open up the defence while defence was about setting up a counter strike.  Bodies and heads moving these two were going around topless and never really took a look at what the other possessed.

Ashley threw a couple jabs then came in for a knee to the stomach which Laura was able to back away from but that allowed Ashley to hit a overhand punch that did connect.  Laura scurried away and reset herself nodding that Ashley did catch her.

Ashley put her hands down and behind her back almost daring Laura to step forward, but Laura saw the right leg getting ready to kick her and didn’t go for it.  Ashley smiled “Look at you surprised I landed that.  I already proved I have more skill than you.”

“You choked me out with a weapon I don’t know how that’s proving anything other than…”

“That I can out choke that I can outlast you and that one of us is overrated and”

“I’ll prove its you and then get the damn apology”

“More famous women have tried and failed”

“Don’t take much to  be more famous than you.”

“That shit had more sting upstairs…Before I choked you out and now you are here going to lose again.”

Laura brought her right down turned her hip saw Ashley slipping to the right and before she could begin the throw, she already knew Ashley’s defence.  Laura just threw a snap jab when it caused Ashley to blink Laura moved to her right and threw the right hand at Ashleys stomach.  Ashley ate the stomach punch and wanted it as she tried connect for a knee. 

It was the knee that had nearly gotten Laura the win upstairs.  Now Ashley wanted to finish this fight with a knee strike.  It would be poetic

The knee landed on Lauras collar bone vs face.  It stunned the arm and Laura tried to distance herself from Ashley and get the feeling back in the arm.  Ashley wasn’t having that and followed Laura and hit a jumping hook which absolutely dropped Laura Vandervoort

Ashley stood over her “Its over bitch I proved whose striking is better so say it” Ashley was standing over Laura who used her left leg hit her shin against the inside of Ashley’s knee then hit a up kick to Ashley Greene.  Ashley blocked most with her hands, but it still hurt.

Laura had really clipped Ashley and Ashley was trying to escape to her left.  Laura continued to follow and throw punches.  The knockout was coming she was going to knock out Ashley Greene and cement who the better striker was.  Laura moved slightly was gearing for a roundhouse kick when Ashley spun.

Ashley Greene connected with a spinning back kick that got Laura in the back and sent her face first to the ground.  Ashley immediately got on Laura’s back and pulled the hair back then slammed Laura’s face into the ground.  Laura’s arms blocked most of it then Ashley pulled back again let one hand free and scratched at a temple that elicited a scream.

“It was over Bitch… It was fucking over.”  Ashley grabbed Laura’s blonde locks and leaned back as far as she could go. 

Laura was at an inhumane angle.  Her upper back was bent back but Laura to her credit kept her right arm down and just pushed at Ashley’s knee and that sent both rolling backwards and Ashley slammed her hands down got up but Laura was already up and threw a knee that straightened Ashley up

Laura then threw that knee back launched off her plant foot and hit a super girl punch that put Ashley down.  Laura looked down and smiled she was working ways to get to that punch.  “I got my break playing Super girl…”  Laura put her foot between Ashley’s tits “Now I think its time you…”

Ashely pushed the ankle off her chest and pulled at Laura’s other leg taking her down.  Stood up and went for a Kurt Angle ankle lock.  Laura spun onto her back got her foot up to Ashley’s elbow and pushed it away before Greene could apply pressure.

It turned Ashley who immediately jumped in the air for a spinning round kick.  Laura stayed back she saw the feet and Ashley landed and just had the cockiest smile.  Then Ashley winked at the security guard watching.

Ashley raised her knee and feinted a side kick then brought it down and faked a spinning back kick.  Laura backed up again and nearly fell.  “The fear is officially in her.  She knows she cant compete and its only a matter of time.”

“Oh you think.”

“I know and now that we’re both topless you just see there is no advantage to you.  I have sharper striking and more diverse, I’m more athletic and I got a better body.  Where will you ever beat me.”

Laura tried to not let Ashley get into her head but she did lose to t his woman.  Laura jumped for a knee to the head but Ashley easily dodged it and then took Laura down before she could fully land.

Ashley was at this long enough to know when she got into someones head and god damn did she want to knock this bitch out.  Knocking out Laura would mean she would never get challenged again until some younger woman with elite skills took her place.

Ashley pressed her breasts down on Lauras then shifted her  hips up.  “Guess what.”  Ashley swung her tits at Lauras face slapping her with the inside and outside of each boob.  Ashley stood up “Took me three fights to do what I want to Teresa but you … You aint nothing.”

Ashley stood up and was almost laughing.  “Come on Blondie get up or YOU apologize to me.”

Laura stayed down.  She just got slapped by tits, she had never been intentionally disrespected like that.  She had women go for breast smothers on her she had tits on her face but to just slap her like that.  “Get up Supergirl.”  There was a giggle in Ashleys voice and Laura took some deep breaths and realized what it was.  Ashley was playing mind games if she got up mad and knowing what the skills of the brunette she would be knocked out cold in no time.

“Know what this bitch is done.”  Ashley turned around and began to walk away

Then Laura got up “I am not done until I get that apology from you.”
Ashley expected that and it was a trap she shifted her feet to throw a side kick.  She was looking away but knew where Laura was and this would be a tremendous kick.  Had it landed.

It didn’t land Laura was moving outside the leg and thought something else was going to happen.  Laura hit a crescent kick just below the back of Ashleys neck and sent her down face first.  Laura twisted to her left then went to her right and leaped at Ashley and splashed her back.

Laura spun on the back one full three sixty then a ninety and got her calf under and she went for a reverse triangle.  This was a super hard technique and Ashley stood up  onto her knees and lifted Lauras legs off her head.

Ashley turned and it was amazing to see her fit body working she ended up on top of Laura putting Laura down.  They ended up in mutual 69 positions.  Trading top positions pulling down on the pants to turn the other.  They ended up in a stale mate and had the pants pulled down over the ass so they pushed away and broke that up.

Both tried to get up step up throw a punch but ended up back down so they rolled away realizing they tripped up in pants.  Pants went off and they got up now only clothed in socks and panties.  Bodies glistening with sweat that soaked through blood they earned from strikng the other.  The man watching passed out from seeing how  hot these two were right now.

“Come on bitch, you wanted another round.”

“come on bitch you got lucky  up there I had you beaten.”

“And yet you lost and t his time I got even more in on you then you did on me… It ends with you embarrassed again.  All that ego burst, and I love it.”

“I don’t see any weapons but our limbs down here and we know what you need to beat me.”

Ashley did some shoulder rolls was moving laterally and Laura was watching it.  Ashley threw a jab it got knocked down with a catch attempt.  Laura threw a body kick it was blocked and Ashley faked a jab threw a uppercut which she did not long ago.

Laura went for the same counter as last time.  Slip outside the upper cut go for a body kick but this time Ashley had learned.  Ashley set this trap up and it worked she threw the upper cut and was already turning her obliques looking impressive as she unfurled a spinning back elbow that went across Laura’s nose and eyebrows.

Ashley twisted back and drove into a clothesline on the fallen Laura Vandervoort.  The elbow landed with such impact it sent Laura straight to her ass and bounced her and now it was definitely looking t hat Ashley Greene had pulled ahead.  The first result may have been a weapon but this time it was a terrific counter strike.

The impact of clothesline got Ashley’s stomach over Laura’s face.  “You are what I said you would be when I was told you were the one.  I said what would happen and it fucking happened.”

Ashley after fighting so hard two times against Laura was confident in one thing more than anything else.  Laura was not the type to bite a tit, so she slid back her underside of the tit going over Laura’s face and she kept it over the mouth.  Not the nipple just the underside, the desire to humiliate this woman was there and she went up an inch and gently batted Laura’s face with each tit.

“Bitch” Laura instinctively grabbed Ashley’s panties yanked it got the tits away from her face and with all her core s he turned Ashley “How do you like it bitch?”

Laura batted Ashley’s face with her tits and felt Ashley’s mouth open.  Laura jumped up to her feet and covered her tit that felt the mouth open “What the fuck was that?  Were you going to…”

Ashley got up her mouth open and she was in a bit of shock at the accusation “I was just trying to breathe I didn’t want or need to bite you …”  She saw something in Laura “You and that pathetic tit but you want to stay in my life throwing strikes well fucking you up is what will need to be done to get you back out of my life knowing forever you are good but not as good as me.”

Laura and Ashley stood apart breathing hard and the breathing was pure anger and hate.  Fighting a woman this skilled with that much anger would be stupid so they stared at the other thinking about that last grapple and all these strikes.  This fight was becoming a rivalry which was definitely something both wanted to avoid especially Ashley who knew as she couldn’t get her anger under control.  “I have to win this one.”  Ashley said and Laura replied it was something the one spectator couldn’t hear “You need to apologize.”

“She asked for the fight just like you fucking god damn did so what happens fucking…”

They took a hard step forward “HAPPENS”  Left behind the neck and rights began pumping into the others face.


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Re: Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort round two
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2023, 04:22:08 AM »
The only skill here was the technique in the punch.  They stared at each other faces already bloodied from the two fights now swelling up more after each right hand landed into the face of the other.  What the words couldn’t get out the eyes were telling, and both were having the same idea to pull the other in for a head butt.

The strain on their left meant both pulled their head back.  Their similarities were at each level and now after two slugged into oblivion.  The rights had stopped connecting as they both wanted to smash the others face with their head.  Now the right went onto the tit again both women with the same idea.

The fingers were on the arm pit area, so they were grabbing side boob.  Wasn’t much pressure on the tit but that was a weird place.  Both grimaced and Laura’s hand slid from back of neck to front when Ashley threw her head forward.  Laura got her hand in front slowing the head but down, but it still connected.

Ashely turned her hand downward “Tits are pretty firm… Not as firm as mine mind you but …”  She never got to finish as Laura just threw the top of her head forward and it got Ashley in the chest, neck area.

Laura’s hand was still on Ashley’s tit so she pulled it and turned her nails so there was a claw.  Glance up that made Ashley who was backed up after the head but turn her head.  Laura went for an overhand right to hopefully ko Ashley Greene.

It connected under the temple and dropped Ashley.  “Not out.  Well.”  Laura placed her hands on the back of Ashley’s head pulled her hips and turned into a knee meant for the face.

Ashley instinctively knew what was coming.  She finished a fight that way once and blocked it then hit a hammer fist to the plant leg.  That dropped Laura down to her hip.  “No I’m not out…”  Ashley went for Laura but ended up hit with a side kick from the ground.  It dropped Ashley and Laura tried to get up only to get swept back down by Ashley now both were on their chests on the ground.

“you fucking lost… Youre good but I won.  This isnt a points contest it’s a fucking fight and I fucking won why are we at this so soon again.”

“Because I made a promise and I almost had you.  You needed a weapon bitch.. a fucking weapon to beat me.”

“I went strike for fucking strike”  Ashley began to lift herself up with a push up and Laura saw the impressive arms “Strike for fucking strike and yeah you are the most impressive striker I ever fought.”

Laura began to get up “And you are more than I thought you would be.  You are the most skilled I ever fought but you never kept up and needed the weapon.”

“Ive been beating you here no weapon needed just the fact I have more skill and I’m stronger than you.”  They had gone forward forehead to forehead.

They were getting up bringing each other up by the head “Stronger, more skilled then it would have been who needed the fucking weapon.”

“You want more from me you want to get knocked out well I’m going to rip you apart.”

“I just want the fucking apology I beat out of you but I’ll rip it out now if you need ripping.”

The ripping comment was said to the other tits.  Ashley had been in many a war, but this was something completely different.  In her mind she wanted to keep at the variations of strikes prove she was that slightly better woman, but this blonde bitch wasn’t going away so it was time to show other facets of this catfight game.

Laura couldn’t explain it but head-to-head staring at t he other she felt she was better at striking and did prove that the first round but this round she was taking the worst of it not by a lot but enough to know this shit was real.  Staring into Ashley Greene’s eyes her instincts were taking over and as they forced the other up hands did something that had nothing to do with all her mighty skills.

They had a much better grip on the other tits this time.  Earlier it was a weird placement this time as t hey stood up staring directly into the other souls they had instincts take over.  The heel of the hand was on one side of the nipples and fingers dug in on the tit flesh of the outside and both pushed and had the other tits on the arm pit.

“Oh my god stop” the male security guard was trying to pry them away from the other tits “You both have to nice of tits to be doing this.”

They let go and battered him.  High and low attacks and had him doubled over “Never interrupt this.  You don’t …”

“You don’t stop this shit.”  Laura finished “This isn’t about you, and you aren’t helping us but you want some.”  They looked at each other Ashley came up with a knee to the face and Laura down with an ax kick landing at the same time knocking the man out cold.

Ashley hit another ax kick on the downed mans back and stared at Laura.  Laura hit her own and stared hard at Ashley.  Both women were grinding their heels into the mans back and trying to determine whose kick was louder on impact.

Nostrils flaring teeth showing these two could not believe what was going on.  Twice they battered each other and all they had to show for it right now was a knocked-out security guard and no idea who hit the man harder.

Laura hit a open handed slap across Ashleys face “bitch slap for a absolute…”

Ashley came back with her owns slap “Bitch… You’re a bitch and I made you my …”

Overhand chop between the tis by Ashley then one from Laura.  Every exchange they were putting more pressure on their foot on the man.  Slap to the face or over hand between the tits.  Two women with the skill of every punch and kick and they were resorted to this.

The slaps to the tits began and that ended up with them somehow leaning forward after ten slaps and taking the other down.  Right hand on the left tit and left in the hair they were twisting and rolling. Twist the tit roll the other woman.   The rolling was on the security guards’ body, but they weren’t getting a advantage and rolled away.

They were trying other attacks but couldn’t land and got up to their knees.  Push and pull, rip and tear.  Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort had zero inches to give, and any mistake now could very well end the fight.

Somehow, they found they found their way up to their feet. There was a real struggle as both wanted the same thing on their knees.  So, trying to punch stomachs, grab at tits, scratch face, elbow temples or grab hair only ended up in both getting tied up more.

Up on t heir feet the two were in a chess match now.  Try to free an arm and punch in close then get that arm tied up again.  Dirty boxing at its finest and as tired and beaten up as they were from now two slug fest this was Ashley and Laura who added knees to the outside of a thigh or inside of the other knee. 

Laura was able to get her left foot back more and dropped her left shoulder.  She felt Ashley immediately adjust and hit a soft blow under the ribs and when Ashley went down to get the arm.  Laura moved past turned her hip and hit a hard left hook from the in close position.

Laura could feel Ashleys upper body loosen “Night is coming soon for you.”  Laura turned hips went for a uppercut and had her elbow hit by a Ashley Greene left

Ashleys left elbow then turned and got Laura in the jaw.  It cracked hard and Ashley followed with a right to the stomach and a uppercut that went right through Lauras defence and connected hard on the jaw.  Laura feet slipped and she tried to hug Ashley to stop the attacks.

Ashley wanted that and bent her knees just a little and was able to get under Laura’s tits and Ashley mutually bear hugged Laura and absolutely pinned Laura’s tits.  Ashley was smiling now as she heard the whimper and groan from Laura “Now you know the tits.  Now you know what we are blonde.”

Laura tried to fight back but her tits got pinned by Ashleys so she let the bearhug go which was saying without saying what just happened.  Ashley let it go and hit the escape left hook before Laura could get hers off.  Ashley Greene h ad been beaten on for what seemed a eternity but to see Laura like this made it worth it.  No excuses now she destroyed the fight this was her best ever performance at each aspect.

Ashley measured for a uppercut but Laura threw a get away side push kick.  That was enough for Laura to get room to throw.  Laura threw a right kick to the ribs of Ashley got hit with a right kick to the ribs by Ashley.  Exchange of left hooks and right hooks, Laura was determined but got hit with a kick to the thigh above the knee went for her own and Ashley knew it so she raised her knee to check it.

Fake a straight hand and hit a straight kick between the tits of Laura.  That kick got Lauras legs loose and she wasn’t braced so Ashley jumped spun and hit a spinning kick just below the neck.  The kick put Laura onto the security desk.

Laura knew she was just about done and would be finished if she never got off the desk.  She fell off moved her shoulder enough to avoid a big Ashley Green right hand t hat would have knocked her out cold.  The two ended up tight together and onto the desk

They were fighting on top of the security desk and Ashley jammed her thumb into Laura’s throat.  It stopped Laura and Ashley looked down at a woman who twice in one night beat the hell out of her but now she was seconds away from beating that woman unconscious for the second time in the same night.  She would cement her legacy as a catfighting legend.

“Laura, I’m sorry… That’s what you want isn’t it.”  Laura looked up tears in her eyes and blood on her face “Sorry that you don’t and never will measure up to me.”  Ashley hit a hard punch “Sorry that despite your reputation you couldn’t finish me.”

“Finish me.” Laura said and it wasn’t her asking to be finished meekly she was daring Ashley to try and finish the job.  Ashley’s eyes went wide, and she put her weight behind another punch but after the punch she got hit with the phone.

Ashley was almost knocked out and fell atop Laura who wrapped the phone cord around her throat and lifted her legs flipping Ashley over her and then she spun onto her stomach and continued to choke Ashley out cold.

Ashley’s shoulder blades were slightly above the desk and she could hear Laura get on her knees to get more pressure on the chord.   That was the last thing she heard before unconsciousness took her and she lost round two the same way she won round one.

“Let go, she’s out… You won.”  The security guard had watched them fight that entire time.  Laura looked over at him “Don’t kill her.” 

She let go and slowly and gingerly got off the desk and limped and got her jacket and looked around seeing her tattered bra.  Knew her shirt was in shards upstairs.  She put on her shoes and tightened the coat around her body.  Hoping it would take away the pain, it didn’t but it did give her comfort.  The comfort of knowing why it was on

“I won you bitch.”  She walked over and put her hands-on Ashley’s face and wiped the blood away and slid the hair away “I FINISHED you!.  When you wake up, you’ll know that I almost had you up there and I beat you down here.”

Laura closed her hands in Ashley’s hair and hit Ashley’s head into the desk “Remember who I AM!”  The same thing Ashley said to her upstairs

Laura Vandervoort slowly walked out, two fights one loss and one definitive win.

(upcoming:  Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort round 3, Diane Guerrero vs Jillian Murray; Ladder Match prelude; Lacey Chabert vs Scarlet Johannson)