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Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort round 3

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Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort round 3
« on: September 14, 2023, 02:18:30 PM »

Laura Vandervoort walk to her car was less painful then the walk back to the lobby.  Laura sat down which meant she finally started to feel all of the pain from the fights.  She looked up in the mirror and could barely see herself.  Her vision was blurred and both eyes were damn near shut.

“She didn’t apologize” Laura muttered realizing the one thing she thought she wanted she never got.  It didn’t bother her that much right now as she beat Ashley but why she put herself through this was not to beat Ashley.  She fumbled for her car keys and wondered if she should drive.  “She didn’t apologize” She had her keys but dropped them.  She looked down at her keys.  Her anger was still there it shouldn’t be, she just fought Ashley Greene twice winning and losing but part of her wanted more.

She looked up and in front of her car was Ashley Greene, torn clothes, and high heels in each hand.  Her body was covered up by a long coat.  Cuts above the left eye and below the right, lips split and dried blood under her nose Ashley looked she had been in a car accident and Laura knew she wasn’t much different.

Laura got out of her car and Ashley struggled but the two were eye to eye again.  “What do you want.”

Ashley didn’t say anything, but she tried. She literally had trouble speaking and Laura wasn’t exactly clear of voice either.  Ashley actually wanted to ask if they were done, if the situation between the two was over but Laura’s words emboldened her.  She didn’t want to speak; she didn’t want the situation to be over just yet.

When she got up and looked outside Ashley realized she was beaten up.  She won a fight then lost a fight and the fights happened because of another fight.  When she looked outside at Laura in the car she knew she owed her that apology but now she wasn’t about to apologize for anything…

“What do I want… Round Three”


Laura hit the first slap and it knocked Ashley back against the door of her own jeep.  “Good, I like hurting you.”

She went for a second slap, but it was blocked, and Ashley pushed Laura into her own car.  She then slapped Laura Vandervoort “I like hurting you too, its kind of awesome.”

Ashley wasn’t lying at all; she knew that there was something special about what she and Laura were doing to each other.  It was like finding a soul mate except it wasn’t love it was violence and she couldn’t get enough

Ashley went to form a fist, but she couldn’t, she had used that hand so many times for so many punches already.

So, Ashley went for a slap instead but it was blocked and Laura through beaten up eyes and a tired body looked at what she had done to Ashley Greene and wanted to do more.  Laura closed her fist but screamed as the pain in her hand from smashing Greene was to much and her adrenaline was not quite there yet.

Ashley got to hit her slap with the other hand then both women went down to their hands and knees.

“Had enough bitch.”  Ashley asked

Laura turned her head her eyes seen through her fallen hair and she threw a arm up and hit a back handed slap that wasn’t hard but when you fought for as long they did it still hurt and sent Ashley into the tire of her vehicle “fuck no”  Laura got out

She crawled forward but Ashley lifted her foot and pushed Laura away.  “Then you deserve this.”

Ashley got a hand up on rear-view mirror of Laura’s vehicle.  Laura had her hands on the trunk, and both struggled to get up.

They looked over at each other and found a way to power themselves up and push toward the other where they hit right hands.  Back on their asses and they started kicking at each other and stopped went back to vehicles trying to get up.

Laura pushed off the truck and went for a double ax handle, but Ashley moved, and Laura’s body hit the hood of the car.  Ashley relaxed on the door so beaten up and so tired.  Ashley’s brain said to get back at Laura, but her body was not letting her.

Some deep breaths and a couple ‘you can do this’ and Ashley turned and hit a double ax handle between the shoulder blades.  Ashley then hit a knee to the ribs of Laura Vandervoort that sent Laura off the vehicle onto her back.

“This is over, never come at me again” Ashley said one hand on the vehicle as she was leaning over beaten and drained Laura Vandervoort.

Laura slapped Ashley and it was a weak slap, but Ashley had no ability to left to eat it and spun onto the door of the car

Laura tried to get up but was having issues.  Laura saw that her legs were beneath Ashley’s body, so she swung them, and it pulled Ashley away from the door of the car.  “Not over bitch.  Apology isn’t enough anymore now Ill make you sorry to do this.”

Laura dropped down on Ashley “Make you sorry to have come outside to fight me one more time.  I hate you bitch I hate you!”  Laura’s hands went on the side of Ashleys face and thumbs on the eyes

Ashley reached up and found her hand on the inside of Laura’s Mouth she pulled down on the teeth before Laura could attack her eyes.  Laura rolled onto her back then on her stomach after a couple seconds and began pulling herself up when she realized Ashley was still close she took a glance back under her arm and there was Ashley Greene glancing under her arm pulling herself up by Laura’s car

They were both on their feet and threw a side kick.  Feet met and started to get into a pushing contest.  The leg muscles still were operating at close to full capacity and the core muscles in both had to work overtime.  They both bit down on their lower lip as they were trying this.  Fresh blood joined the dried blood on their chins

Their stomachs were having issues and feet slipped off and both fell forward and threw a back elbow to the back of the other head.  Down again and frustration was there as they shouted at the ground

The anger and hate were filling the tanks of these two fit actresses.  They both pushed off and twisted and forearms crashed into each other.  The strain on both was intense then they opened as much of their eyes as they could and made eye contact.  “Give in.”  Ashley said

“Apologize” Laura said

“Fuck you.”

They grimaced “No fuck you.”  Strain built and Laura said, “You suck I hate.”

“Hate you more.”

The fact they were badly beaten up was starting to not be felt as much.  A test of strength as forearms were trying to out power the other and eye contact.  The adrenaline meters were filling, and they were feeling it so who could use it best because the damage was still there

They aimed their hand down and the forearms slid off and then both came up with hooks to the body.  Laura was a touch quicker and used a strike Ashley wasn’t expecting.  Ashley prepared to parry the fist and hit an elbow.  Instead, Laura drove her shoulder into Ashley’s face

Ashley brought her head down to the left and got her right arm up she almost got knocked out and was trying to protect herself and get away.  Laura could sense the finish and was trying to angle her uppercut to get at Ashleys face.  She was also trying to pivot to get at the hair and stand in front of Ashley and uppercut her to the end

Ashley could sense she was about to be finished for the second time and if it were by strikes it would be embarrassing.  The one woman at her level of fame who people were torn on who was the better striker.  She choked the blonde out and the blonde choked her out neither could end it with strikes and now with both completely exhausted fighting only on hatred she was about to be kod because she guessed wrong on a strike

“Now we know who is the better…”  Ashley could not handle hearing Lauras voice and losing this in such a matter.  After so much no one would ever look at her the same.

Ashley got on her toes and just pushed the top of her head into Laura’s stomach.  Laura got raised up for that and unfortunately ended up on her hood.  Ashley dropped after took a deep breath turned and bit on Laura’s leg.  That got a scream from Laura.

Laura lifted her head as much as she could and saw Ashley eating at her calf muscle.  Laura was considering quitting then she bit down and tried to ignore the pain.  Instead of quitting she got her other leg up and began hitting her heel into whatever part of Ashley it would connect with until the bite was over.

The bite ended and Laura knew what was about to happen, but she had to let it happen anyway.  Laura slid down off the car then leaped a little.  Laura was right Ashley threw herself forward tackling the blonde onto the car.  This allowed both to go onto the hood vs Laura going alone with Ashley to maybe bite at her tits.

Laura was now in a position to fight back, and Ashley slapped the hood.  She realized what happened here.  As beaten as she was Ashley Greene still knew she got outsmarted by Laura Vandervoort on this one.  Laura grabbed Ashley’s hair and turned her over and hit Ashley’s head into the car hood.

“Its over again.  Its over now apologize.”  Laura hit Ashley’s head one more time “We’ve done enough we know what the answer is.  So please say you’re sorry.”

“No.”  Ashley opened her mouth barely able to get the words out.  This was her nightmare come to life.  Someone to much like her and she closed her eyes and asked what she would do here.

Laura grabbed the windshield wiper “Don’t want to apologize.”  She was lifting it and got hit with a side hand chop to the neck

Some deep breaths and Ashley got her fingers on Laura’s face and closed them scratching the blondes beaten and bloodied face.  Ashley got her body up enough to throw a punch that went cross her tits and collided on Laura’s face “Ok time to make this over.”

Ashley Greene reached for the other windshield wiper and when her tit went across Lauras face.  Laura turned on her hip and both women were on the edge of the car and their sweaty bodies couldn’t stay there and fell off the car and on their feet.

Laura wanted to used her body to push Ashley over the hood of the car but Ashley was able to turn her hips and turn Laura into a door.  They had over unders on each other and were unable to get loose so Ashley used her pussy to strike Laura’s getting a moan “Come on that must be able to take more.”

Laura switched positions and did the same tactic and that got a moan from Ashley “Fake I know you can take more pounding there then me.”

They went back and forth on the two doors hitting the others back hard and mid section with their own mid section.  Then they couldn’t move the other and muscles began to strain, and brain kicked in.  They had the broken windshield wipers in their hands.

A thought they had an advantage not knowing the other still had her weapon.  The left thigh of each woman took a whip then they looked at each other.  First fight Ashley ended up needing a weapon to win after Laura had gotten close to the KO.  Second fight Laura needed the weapon to win.

“Either drop it or I …”

“Fuck you Laura we both knoooooo.”  The strikes were becoming furious as they thought about pushing away but then these wind wiper strikes would be on the chest, neck and face vs the ass and back

Ashley screamed then was able to push Laura away and she swung for Laura’s head.  Laura ducked it and whipped the wiper across Ashley’s stomach leaving a mark.  Ashley doubled over then turned and Laura had been there with wiper over her head and Ashley slashed against Lauras stomach.

Now they both dropped to their knees facing opposite directions.  The wiper dropped and tears began again.  Arms cradled the stomach both had six packs were well known for how strong of a core they had and could feel the cut the wiper strike left and knew that it was the same as their backs and asses but the stomach was so bad it was what dropped them

They could feel the other.  They didn’t have the ability to do what they did in the first two fights.  Punches and kicks were maxed out the bones actually hurt.  Skin was already bruised and such now it was ripped apart.  Sex was off the board for weeks but they had to find out if it was worth it and the only way was to get the second win.

“Had…”  Ashley said but couldn’t get out anymore as it hurt her stomach to much.


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Re: Ashley Greene vs Laura Vandervoort round 3
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2023, 02:20:27 PM »
Laura could hear a cry and moan went to say something and it was to much.  The pain was unbearable because of the break now.  Get rage going to ignore this pain

Laura didn’t say anything just grunted leaned forward and pushed back.  She wanted to hit her back elbow into Ashley’s head putting her face down on the pavement then hit more back elbows til the fight was over.  Instead, she collided back of the heads with Ashley Greene who had the same instinct as Laura.

They were so badly beaten up and even if they weren’t that would have hurt a lot, Lacey had scarlet out immediately.  She backed away her eyes widebut they took a second to rest and massage the back of the head.  After they turned to their rights and ended up on the ground.  They shook it off spun to face each other and were on their fingers and toes circling each other like two alley cats.

They’d send a claw at the others face and when they told people about this later both would claim the other was hissing.  Both got to what they wanted and get into a more athletic stance to push upwards and nearly a three-point stance.

Athleticism and strength to explode upward but their skill and so much of their fight strength disappeared and it turned into a schoolgirl fight. 

Slaps but not round house slaps.  From the elbow and wrist hitting into the others arm and now getting past and hitting tits and chin.  Ashley hooked a nipple of Laura and that froze Laura.  The middle nail went right over it.  Something about it really got to Laura and she backed up holding her breath.

Ashley could sense it.  For the third time tonight a finish was close and she was determined to be the winner again.  Ashley turned her shoulders got her obliques engaged which hurt so much right now but would be worth it in a few seconds.  Step forward and throw a big right punch it was the first time she balled her fist up in a while.

Whether it was intentional or not Laura slipped the punch rolling on the frame of the vehicle.  The punch flew past, and Ashley was on top of Laura off balance now.  Laura pushed forward slamming Ashley into Ashleys vehicle.

Laura couldn’t press her advantage and as Ashley pushed back Laura realized this was how the fight was going to end.  Hitting each other into the others vehicle until one goes down.  She pushed Ashley back “Its going to be me.”

Forearm below the tits and other hand in the back of the hair they were trading off on slamming the other into a car door.  All they put each other through and this was how it would end and their inability to fight off the slam

“Just apologize.”  Laura got out knowing Ashley apologizing means she won all of this.

“Just get over it.”  Ashley slammed Laura back and began grinding her forearm against the tits “I got you.”

That triggered something else both were so close at every facet of the fight and where Ashley thought she would have a clear advantage and that was if Catfight gutter techniques were needed.  As Ashley back hit again and Laura grinded her arm into the chest she knew even that was razor close.  “I got you.”

A few more slams and  they were done but one had to go down and Laura was who pinned Ashley and made her scream “My tits.”  Lauras grinding won out and Ashley arms left and went limp.  Not that long ago Ashley won the tit battle and now it was Laura who won it.

“Now… Finally…Apologize”

Laura slammed Ashley again.  Ashley tried to push back but Laura wasn’t moving and she wanted a truly power slam and end this.  Then Ashley pushed at Laura shoulder and switched positions.  Looked at the blondes tits and gave them a hard squeeze digging the nails in as much as possible then twisted.  “I owe no apology.”

Laura used her upper body, her core and her legs to turn and They hit hard against the trunk of the car and Laura shoved at Ashley to go to the ground.  They were going down neither had the power left to stand at all.  Ashley felt herself dropping and Laura coming with her and somehow twisted Laura’s shoulders, so the blonde hit the ground first.

After fighting for so long finally Ashley could say her experience had paid off.  Her stomach had been beaten her entire body was wrecked but that little shove at Laura’s shoulders put her on top and Laura Vandervoort on bottom with no energy left to overtake into the power position.

Laura tried but she couldn’t she was spent.  All she could do was stare up between Ashleys tits which she had only just defeated.  One maneuver and she was down on her back and about to lose to Ashley Greene a second time.  Her body had been beaten like never before and she just had nothing below her neck left. 

“I need to watch you go out.”

Ashley leaned forward her tits a few inches over Lauras neck and her chin went to her chest to stare at the lights go out on Laura Vandervoort.  Hands went to the neck but that was when Laura did something Ashley didn’t think Laura would ever do.

Laura was not going to lose.  She was not going to go through this much just to lose by being tired and a shoulder shuffle.  Lauras mouth opened neck craned up and before Ashley could process a mouth was around her nipple she was to busy getting her hands on Lauras neck and felt the pressure before she added.  Lauras lips tasted Ashleys tit as she closed it teeth on the upper and lower part of the areola.

This fight was ending here as Ashley said fuck it aloud and applied pressure with her hands.  Her biceps never felt stronger, her shoulders on fire every bit of her was focused through the hands and choking Laura out.  Yet the pain in her tit was undeniable.  For Laura she had to make the pain take over on Ashley she was going to not take this much more and her face was turning colors the color on the sides of her lips were red.  Lauras teeth broke the skin and she was closer to winning

Half hour later the security guard who got knocked out during t heir second fight was walking out and seen both vehicles still parked.  He walked over and took out his phone “Hi Ashley and Laura are both passed out… I have no idea who won the third fight.  Yes I said third.  Ashley won the first then apparently Laura won the second I watched the video.  Ashleys tit looks a mess I think Laura tried to eat it and Lauras neck looks like she met a strangler.”  Checks pulse “Theyre alive but send someone to pick them up its getting day light and they are naked.”

When they woke up they were at their apartments. Days later the question was asked “Who won?”  Reliving the three fights both had the same reaction.  Drop to the ground and cry not knowing who won not knowing who was the better woman. 

Ashley remembered how depressing losing to Teresa was but this was worst.  She broke out in tears caressed her tit “I don’t know who won… I don’t know if I can beat her.”

Laura never felt anything like this before.  Any fights she had lost where against taller heavier women.  It took days for Laura to even talk and when she did “I don’t know what happened in the end… She … She…I don’t …One of us has to be better.”

Their friends and most trusted allies had seen so many fights in Hollywood.  They had seen aftermath.  What they never seen was two women so broken.  Whose wills and confidence had been so broken.  To do so much and not know who actually won the third battle

(Upcoming:  Katherine McNamara vs Sasha Pietrese; Diane Guerrero vs Jillian Murray; Lacey Chabert vs scarlet Johannson; Ladder Match build up.)