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Lacey Chabert vs. Scarlet Johannson with a different POV

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Lacey Chabert vs. Scarlet Johannson with a different POV
« on: September 26, 2023, 04:18:26 AM »
Tried something new here.
Takes place at a time when Jenna dewan was still married to Channing Tatum


Lacey Chabert was asking everyone “Where does Harris live” She fought and barely beat Jessica Lowndes and then inside her car was Danielle Harris grabbing her tits and digging into them until she passed out.  She woke up and found her face on an equally unconscious Jessica’s Lowndes ass.  Danielle was a bitch who needed to be beaten down and soon

Her agent called but Lacey snapped “Harris is this you… Time and place bitch and the last beating… Oh I’m sorry.”

“Lacey you have a challenge for a fight.”

“Danielle Harris?”

“No its…”

“I’m not inter…”

“Scarlet Johannson!”

“I’m interested.”

Scarlet Johannson had been upset to miss the tournament. She had a scouting report done on each woman and there were a few who she felt to be the best for her size she had to beat.  Lacey Chabert had always been on that list for her.  She loved the thought of beating a woman who just won fights.  She would leave her destroyed and envious.

Lacey was seen outside, and Scarlet watched her walk around the beach house.  Checking behind palm trees, around the house in a garbage tin.  Scarlet walked out on the deck “What are you doing.”

“Danielle Harris has made a history of finding me when I’ve fought and hurting me.   I want to fight you, but I want to end that bitch, but she is trying to end me without fighting me straight up like god attended.”

“I honestly don’t know who that is, nor do I care.”

“You wouldn’t know who she is… All She is a scream queen tattooed bitch who wants to destroy me for destroying her reputation of being tough.”

“Again Lacey, I don’t care about your petty feuds with other I guess actresses.  For a while we were on the same level of fame and I know you’re jealous of what I reached so heres your chance.”

Lacey was unsure of what to do her nemesis wasn’t known by her opponent “How do you.”

“Seriously Lacey why would I care I barely care about you.  This is just an old itch I want to scratch because 10 years ago you were my only true physical match.”

“I still am that physical match” Lacey stepped forward

Scarlet stepped forward and they pressed breasts “Maybe you are.”

“didn’t you fight Chriqui instead of me or did I fight her first.  Pretty sure it was you.”  Lacey matched the pressure of the tits which made Scarlet happy

“I forgot all about that fight.  Can’t even remember who won but I bet you remember if you beat her or not.”

Lacey stepped back went for a slap because it sounded like Scarlet was disrespecting her.  Scarlet ducked the slap took Lacey down an went for a choke.  Lacey got out and away and was up to her feet where she got hit with a straight kick

“Body wise you were always my greatest question but my skills now I can beat you down pick you apart then use my body to defeat you.”

Lacey was up “Your ego was always your biggest enemy.”

“Its not ego and its not cockiness if its what’s about to happen.”

“Then make this about bodies.”

“Or I do what I have to do in order to get the win and take the least amount of damage.”

“Then we make it about our upper body.  I’m not on your level of fame I shouldn’t be here but I am.  You do have more skill than me but I’ll get my shots in and if I stay in long enough I know how much damage I’ll do to you body so lets make a circle and find out what we wanted to know the first time we saw the other in a tight dress.”

“I agree with everything you just said which is why.”  Scarlett took off her top went over to a sofa before Lacey could size her up and began getting cushions.  Lacey knew what she was doing she was getting items to make a circle to battle in.

Lacey took off her top “Ooh a bit cool”  She began to get cushions and heard Scarlet say “Will make what we have to do even better.”

“I cant belie…”  Lacey stopped and rushed to a window “Sorry paranoia about Danielle harris.”

“Can I ask you why?  You seem to be the better built more well known and won the fight.  On screen and off.  Things that happen in this world I never understood.  You are a huge example, recognized as one of the best all around but cant beat Hewitt.”

“She knew me as a pre developed teen and when I developed well I wasn’t ready and could never plus never wanted to get past that.  I took out the woman who took her down in Emmanuelle Chriqui and I just stopped taking it as personal but Danielle is basically stalking me and making it personal.  She cant deal with the fact we did it for real and she lost.”

“I’m not here for her.  Not to help her, not to set you up.  I was upset not to be involved in that tournament, but it didn’t eat me alive.  Every now and then I want a fight I will send a invite out.  Maybe there will be times when I just have a out of the blue rage filled fight.  And other times a invite might go out and it will be them going all in on me which means I go all in on them.  Before your friend Jenna defeated Megan Fox I wondered if Megan was getting ready to challenge me.  This right here is absolutely perfect.  You are the one I always wondered on and you saw me surpass you career wise so here you are knowing its one and done.”

“Our makeshift ring is set up.  So this is about tits vs tits.  Two out of three falls good.”

“I’m here looking at those tits and thinking I could lose two quick ones.  How about three out of five.”

“I haven’t been this excited for a fight in a long time.  This opportunity should not be presented to me at this point in our careers.  You want three out of five I will say yes.”

“Step in and Sumo style.  Chest vs chest hands never above shoulders or below waist.  You game.”

Lacey stepped in put her arms out let Scarlet soak in her large tits and then gulped when she saw Scarlet take the same pose.

“I don’t like trash talking and all that BS we aren’t here for…”  Scarlet began to say and Lacey was just nodding “Again I never thought id do t his with you so no more talking no more.”  Lacey brought her hand up zipped her lips and threw away the key.

That got a laugh from Scarlet then a nod.  A loud slap heard through the house as the tits hit.  Large tits Scarlets larger but it was Lacey who nearly lifted Scarlet up.  Lacey had been through so many battles and Scarlet was not expecting it and was fighting back as Lacey immediately got a advantage.

All her ego, all her thoughts Scarlet knew she wasn’t ready for this first one.  She stepped out and looked at Lacey who just backed away “You have more experience than me you never did stop did you.”

“Not the first time my tits met someone elses.  First time I felt engulfed though.”

Scarlet nodded “I’m not battle tested like you but I hardly engulfed you.  Kind of feel like I’m being scammed.”

“You got surprised.”

“Lacey.”  Scarlet put her hands on her hips “I’m beginning to wonder if this niceness you are showing and being so thankful is all a  mind game.”

“Who knows all I know is there wont be niceness whenever I get my hands on Danielle Harris.”

Not far away watching the fight on her phone was indeed Danielle Harris.  “Scarlet got surprised.  Lacey I’m in your head.”

“Back in their oh Scarlet is taking it more seriously this time and trying to get lower and throw Lacey out.”

Scout Taylor Compton was in the car with her “You are getting a kic… I think Scarlet is punishing her this time.  Christ Lacey just stays in though.  Tits are taking a beating.”

“Lacey dropped to a knee, but it’s a trap and if Scarlet isn’t careful”

“Why do you hate her so much?”

“I can beat her and there you go.  She lifted Scarlet up she did that to get under.”

“You got great tits especially…”


Offline Interac

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Re: Lacey Chabert vs. Scarlet Johannson with a different POV
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2023, 04:22:01 AM »

“Especially and Scarlet is out again look how red she is in the face.  People fall for Laceys innocent bull shit until Jillian.  And me well I want to expose her and I will keep hurting her until I do just that.”

“Most of the people who know us think I should avenge your loss.”

“If I lose this to the likes of Lacey yeah Id … No then I lose.  It would suck but she cant reach the levels I can to want to inflict pain.  Scarlet is starting to breathe heavy.  Her tits have beaten Lacey but not having the desire to fight hard against Lacey plays into her hands and this case tits.”

“I cant tell if Scarlet is breathing heavy cause shes mad or tired.  You never answered me on …”

Danielle looked out the window thinking about it.  Physically from height to weight it was true Scout was a better physical match to Lacey.  She in fact would never in a million-year challenge Scout because once it got heated scout could get even meaner than her.  “I started this with Lacey, I don’t want you to defend me, and you don’t have the personal issue or professional with Lacey…”

Watching the screen “They’re really going at it.  Scarlet is mad and throwing everything she has at Lacey and God damn it… See that’s what I’m talking about with Lacey.  To answer your question no don’t defend me I picked this with her I own it but all she’s doing right now.  Look do you see it.”

Danielle watched Scout.  No, she never wanted Scout to defend her but she wanted Scout to see who Lacey Chabert was.  The faces she was making meant Scout thought this was a true battle and Lacey was lucky to have survived this long.  This was a beat down on the tits of Lacey Chabert, but she wasn’t leaving the circle or being put down.

“What do you think is happening.”

“Scarlet is giving it it to her.!”
“She is and lacey is.”

“Taking a beating.”

Danielle never said anything, she watched her friend and watched the video.  This was a long fall but after five minutes Scarlet finally got Lacey out of the circle.  Scarlett celebrated the victory, and so did Scout then looked over at Danielle “What is it you’re seeing.”

“I’ll tell you when scarlet gets the next fall.”

Scouth looked at Danielle who smiled and was only watching Lacey.  Monitor, Danielle, Monitor Danielle.  What was was it that devilish mind was thinking..  How was someone with a fight skill focused on being absolutely the most vicious woman alive thinking watching a woman she clearly hates.  What was she seeing in this fight that Scout couldn’t

Scarlet was taking a bit more a beating this time but she was really throwing her tits at Lacey.  Scout looked over at Danielle.  The smile was pure evil how she was seeing this was likely what she wanted to do to Lacey.  She studied Laceys every movement.

“Wow Scarlet is getting some fight back but she looks focused and Lacey seems scared now.” Scout said not watching the feed but watching how Danielle reacted.  She just smiled moved her head touched the screen to zoom in on Lacey.  “How did you get this again.”

“She accepted a DM and our tech guy was able to hack her phone and any mobile device with a camera shes near.  It goes away next time she turns it off.”  Danielles evil showed “Its how I keep getting her and how I will get her again.”

“Holy shit I think Lacey reversed what Scarlet was doing now Scarlet is on defence trying to avoid getting put out.”

“Scarlet will get this fall.”

“How do you know.”

“So Lacey saw Scarlets anger wanted to burn it out so on th e last fall she gets the win her legend grows.  Lacey is smart and talented but I’m going to fucking hurt her.  Now she is giving some offensce back but is also saving energy while Scarlet goes for broke knowing she has to.  Look at that exchange Scarlet is breathing hard but won it.  Now Scarlet is taking advantage again and thinks she owns Lacey.”

“Look though Lacey is giving it back to her.  I mean scarlet definitely has the better tits but Lacey isn’t exactly without a great set and she sure knows how to use them.”

“And with that Scarlet has her out and is doubled over… Now watch this I predict before the minute is up Lacey will be in ready for the fifth and final battle which she will dominate.”

“Huh.  It was all an act.”

“No but she knew she was outgunned and played the mind game.  Now we will see if I’m right and if I am Scarlet wont know the difference but we will.  It is another reason for me to wreck her, another reason …”

“Reason. I love you but these are just excuses you better have a plan to fight her and soon this is getting to a point where a lot of people will come looking for you which means I wqill be dealing with it as well.”

Danielle heard that and knew her friend was right “And Lacey is up now look at both.  Bodies are sweaty but look at Scarlets hair vs Laceys.  Look at their skin, look at the breathing.  Not just at the tits but what the tits are telling  us.”

“Oh…My…God… Scarlet is breathing harder her tits are heaving more.”

“And that’s what Lacey wanted.”

There was a silence and Danielle watched Lacey get back in “Shes pretending shes tired as well.  Lacey got lucky here Scarlet didn’t want to fight for real.  I thought Scarlet would so I wasn’t planning on being around.   I’m going to let Jenna have her first fight in that basement Channing has set up then I’m challenging Lacey and she will be beaten.”

“Theyre starting…Holy shit Lacey just put her down hard.” 

“Told you and now she stood over her for a second will step away help Scarlet up and hug her.”

That’s what they watched.  Lacey stepped back put both hands out and helped Scarlet up.  They hugged and Danielle turned it off “Now is time to challenge the bitch.  For that I’ll need your help.”

Lacey Chabert was so pleased with herself.  She got the challenge from Scarlet and had a plan for the only way to get a win on her and it worked out perfectly.  Once she was comfortable with the lack fo Danielle Harris but still that played on her mind and she got Scarlets help when leaving to check the grounds for Danielle.  Scarlet even followed her for a few miles to make sure Danielle wouldn’t do anything

Lacey felt she was free and clear.  She had a spot she liked to go to after any fight so she never brought it home.  As she drove their she pressed the brakes, she saw Scout Taylor Compton walking a block close to her house.  “Harris friend.”

Scout turned a corner and it was lonelier street.  Lacey turned parked the car opened her door staring at scout ready to confront her and demand Danielle fight her.  Then the door got slammed on Lacey and she was pinned by it.  Tits being squished “Hi Lacey.”

“Dan….Danielle”  More pressure in the door “How?Why?”

“You know why?  You are not better than me and you are not this angel this saint.  You want to fight me again yet.. Call Jenna tell her what you want.  She will help you get what you want and then I get what I want.  I’m going to beat you, I’m going to hurt you, I’m going to fucking humiliate you and you will be the one who asked your best friend for all of it.”

(Cheryl Cole vs Jenna Dewan; Ladder Match Prelude; Diane Guerrero vs Jillian Murray; Kat McNamara vs Sasha Pietrese)