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Offline topgear15

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« on: October 06, 2023, 01:18:01 AM »
     Carrie and Fallon have invited Kelly and Nicole over for a tag team fight. Kelly and Nicole arrive and they all are sitting in the living room having a normal conversation about work, school and life in general. They decide it's time to get ready. They enter the fight room about 20 minutes later. Carrie is 5' 5"  130lbs.  36c   long blonde hair, her daughter Fallon is 5' 5"  120lbs.  36d  long blonde hair,   Kelly is 5' 6"  135lbs.  34c  long brown hair,  her daughter Nicole is 5" 5"  125lbs. 36c  long brown hair. They all have on robes that come to mid thigh, their hair is down. It has been decided the moms will start. They remove their robes, and all are topless. Carrie and Fallon have on royal blue bikini bottoms, Kelly and Nicole have on red bikini bottoms.                                                                                                   
     Carrie and Kelly go to the center of the room. They are standing nose to nose, hard nipples almost touching. Kelly slaps Carrie's face hard, hair flying. Carrie grabs Kelly around the neck and has her in a headlock. Kelly has one arm around Carrie's waist and the other pulling her hair. Fallon and Nicole are shouting encouragement. Carrie and Kelly are taking their legs trying to trip each other up. Kelly is able to trip Carrie and they roll around trying to get the advantage. Kelly gets on top of Carrie, she has her by the hair and slaps her face. Carrie grabs both of Kelly's breasts. Kelly grabs Carrie's hands to get them off her tits. Carrie then slaps Kelly's face and uses her legs to to pull Kelly off. Carrie gets to Kelly and they roll around. Carrie gets a scissors across Kelly's waist with Kelly on her back and Carrie on her side. Carrie squeezes hard, Kelly is pounding on Carrie's leg. Kelly is trying to tag Nicole but is unable to reach her. The person being tagged must have one hand flat on the wall. Nicole is trying but is just short of reaching her mom. Kelly is able to push with her legs and gets to Nicole, who then is able to grab Carrie and pull her off Kelly. Nicole has Carrie from the back in a sitting position. Nicole has her legs around Carrie's waist, with one hand pulling Carrie's blonde hair. She then reaches around and grabs one of Carrie's tits and starts ravaging it. Carrie is moaning in pain and is using her legs to try to push herself towards Fallon.  She is reaching for her mom, who is reaching her arm behind her. Fallon is able to tag her.                                           
     She grabs Nicole by the hair and pulls her off Carrie. She tosses Nicole to the floor and is on her in an instant.  She slaps Nicole's face numerous times. Nicole grabs Fallon's hands to stop the attack. Nicole uses her legs to get Fallon off but fails. Nicole punches Fallon in the side, as Fallon is now mauling Nicole's tits. Nicole goes for Fallon's breasts and both are ravaging each others tits. They are gritting their teeth and cursing each other. Nicole keeps trying with her legs  but Fallon leans forward and avoids all attempts. Nicole now attacks Fallon's pussy and is rubbing hard with her thumb. Fallon grabs Nicole's hand and pulls it away. They now trade facial slaps. Nicole is now able to use her legs to pull Fallon off and to the side. They are both quick to attack each other. They are barely off the floor when they collide. Breasts smashing together hands in hair. They are back on the floor rolling over and over. Nicole tries to mount Fallon but is pushed off. Fallon is able to grab Nicole's hair with Nicole face down on the carpet. Fallon then pulls Nicole by the hair over to Carrie and tags her mom. Carrie gets on Nicole's back and pulls her hair hard causing Nicole to bow. Carrie grabs one of Nicole's carpet burned breasts. Nicole's scalp is burning and her chest and legs are red and very sore. Nicole " Fuck you  Fuck you "   as she pounds the carpet  and yells out  " STOP  STOP  STOP "   Carrie gets up and goes to Fallon and raises her arm. Kelly rushes over to Nicole to help and console her. Nicole rolls over onto her back, tears running down her cheeks. Nicole is PISSED and wants revenge. Kelly helps her up and they go to their side of the room and sit on the floor with their backs against the wall. Everyone gets a drink of cold water and gets toweled off. Kelly pats down Nicole's very red and sore chest and legs. Nicole's scalp is burning and the front of her body feels like it is on fire. Since Carrie and Nicole finished round 1 it will be Fallon and Kelly starting  round 2.   
I like reading the stories on this site and talking to some of the members.


Offline Carriecanfight

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« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2023, 02:47:12 PM »
This is a great start