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Revenge duel- Anabelle vs Martha

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Offline bonclaysama

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Revenge duel- Anabelle vs Martha
« on: October 12, 2023, 10:32:23 PM »
After the brutal defeat Caitlyn suffered against her friend Anabelle in a sexfight:

The rumours about Caitlyn getting a savage humiliation reached her own sister Martha. She could stand the fact that the redhead bitch were around mocking about smashing her own sister, so she challenged her to a sexfight to avenge the honor of her sister. Anabell, on the other hand, wants to show Martha that she owns her whole family with ease.

{alt} Anabelle
{alt} Martha

{alt} Anabelle

{alt} Anabelle
{alt} Martha

{alt} Martha

Who will prevail and how?


Offline bonclaysama

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Re: Revenge duel- Anabelle vs Martha
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2023, 06:13:59 PM »
The duel lasted enough to clarify who was the better woman. The final picture spoke for itself, Anabelle sat over Martha, with the brunette's leg on her shoulder and her pussy tormenting the defeated woman. With each thrust, the poor brunette squealed like a pig, completely tamed by the redhead, who laughed at her victim.

"What's the matter, honey, weren't you avenging your sissy? c'mon and try!" Anabelle said, moving her hips sexily, making her rival suffer. "Ohhhh fuck" Martha cried, shaking wildly with every inch her executioner move her body.

"Oh wait, don't surrender yet!" Anabelle said, as she reached her cellphone.

Anabelle, the victorious woman.
Martha, the poor defeated bitch.

"Oh hi Caitlyn, what are you doing? see something, i'll put on the cam" Anabelle said as she extend her arm so the camera of the cellphone could frame the full picture. "WHAT THE FUCK, YOU WHORE?!!!" Caitlyn shout as she looked at her sister covering her face with both hands as she began to cry "I..,I'm sorry, I thought I could" Martha said.

Anabelle took Martha hands apart and kissed her in a dominant way as Caitlyn protested from the other side of the screen "Let her alone, Anabelle!". But she knew deep inside that what she was staring at was the result of a completely fair duel, as fair as the one where she got beaten the same way by the same woman.

"Look at her...she thought she could triumph where you fail...but you know? Both are the same kind of bitches. You simply don't have the genetic to tame a woman like me. Me! Anabelle, tame the two bitchy sisters. I must confess that Martha was a little bit more of a challenge, she fucks a little better and has a better body. But in the end..." Anabelle didn't said the last words. Instead, she began to ride Martha into orgasm time after time as Caitlyn had to watch it all. Finally...

"Ohhhh fuck please stop, you win, I beg you, you are so much better. You are the better woman, don't fuck me more please, I can't take it anymore" Martha cried, sobbing.

Anabelle let her go. She pinned the defeated woman with one feet over her face as Caitlyn, red with anger and humiliation, saw it all.

{alt} Martha, a destroyed whore.
{alt} Anabelle, a triumphant queen.