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Pam vs Markie: My first strip fight

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Pam vs Markie: My first strip fight
« on: October 20, 2023, 02:52:17 PM »
My name is Pam.  I'm in my late 50s now, but in 2008, I was 42 years old.  I had a circle of 6 old college friends, and all 6 of us were down on our luck.  All 6 of us were either divorced or separated, and three of us were broke due to subprime mortgages.  The three of us who had cash agreed to pay for a 12-day rental on the coast of Rhode Island so we could get away from our troubles for a bit.

To save money, we got a two bedroom rental.  The sleeping arrangement were 2 women on each bedroom, then 2 on the sectional in the living room.  It was really intimate arrangements, and the three of us with $$ started to resent the three broke girls (and vice versa, I suspect).  My roomie, Markie, was one of the broke girls.

There was a nice swimming pool on the property, so we were changing into and out of bikinis all day and night.  Between that and the drinking, we were getting used to seeing each others' bodies, and making catty comments.  Markie was riding me mercilessly about my stretch marks from my long-ago pregnancy with my daughter.

Markie and I could feel the sexual tension between us, and pretty much knew we were each bi.  But 5 of us were Catholic, and bi wasn't as accepted in 2008 as it is today.  In fact, in some circles, it was considered worse than being full lesbian, because of the trope that we were spreading male STD's to women.

Something had to give between Markie and me.  And we didn't want to start a whole sleeping with each other affair in front of the four other women.

Did I also mention there was a lot of drinking happening?  (The broke girls weren't paying for any of the liquor, of course.)

One afternoon, after a few hours of sunbathing, we went back to our room to change for dinner.  We noticed each other were sunburned, and took off our tops.

We bumped breasts, first accidentally, then on purpose.

> You're a bitch, Pam.

> Fuck you, Markie.  You're a slut.

> Stop drinking the top shelf liquor.  You're not paying for it, deadbeat.

> I'll pay you back, selfish slut.

> Fuck you.  You wanna go?  Right now?

> Right here?  I'll kick your ass.

> I don't want a wedgie from my bikini bottom.

> Then let's strip.  Fight me nude.  Bitch.

We strip and exchange face slaps.

Can the other 4 women hear us?

> Not so loud.

> I agree.  Face me woman to woman.

To be continued.....