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Offline topgear15

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  • Enjoy female wrestling & catfighting
« on: November 05, 2023, 01:28:27 AM »
     Carrie is down at the lake having a nice long weekend. She had noticed another nice looking lady similar in age. They happened to be sitting close to each other enjoying a drink. Gina said to Carrie " i can't help but notice how good of shape you are in"   Carrie " Thank you " Gina " What is your secret, you work out a lot? "   Carrie " Not really, I work out some but I like to fight, that is what keeps me in shape more then anything. "   Gina " You mean you fight other women? "   Carrie " Yes, I have been doing so for many years."    Gina " Interesting, I don't know any women who like to fight. I was in a few myself back in school. "   Carrie " So you have been in a few fights? "   Gina " Yes, and now that we are talking about this it intrigues me, I would like to know more."   Carrie " Well sometimes I get together with other women and we have arranged fights. I have a room set up to do so. Some times my daughter will fight the other woman's daughter."   Gina " You have a daughter that fights "   Carrie " Yes, she is very good and likes to fight. "   Gina " How old is she? "   Carrie tells her and Gina says " I have a daughter a couple of years older and I know she has been in a few fights over the past couple of years. Maybe we could see about us getting together sometime soon for some friendly wrestling? "   Carrie " I would like that, and I will tell Fallon I know she will too. "   They exchange information. About a week later Carrie gets a call from Gina "Hello Carrie this is Gina, I just wanted to see if you are still interested in getting together? "   Carrie " Yes, when do you have in mind? "   Gina " Would a week from Saturday work for you? "   Carrie " I think so, let me check my schedule and get with Fallon and I will call you back "   Gina " That is fine. "   Carrie calls Gina back about an hour later  " Hello Gina Carrie here a week from Saturday will be fine. Fallon says she is looking forward to meeting your daughter."   Gina " Yes, Sandy is looking forward to meeting Fallon."    They talk for awhile discussing attire, rules and a time to arrive. It is all set for all to meet. Carrie lets Fallon know that Gina and Sandy will be there a week from Saturday.                                                                                                                         
     Fallon is looking forward to this as much or more then Carrie. Carrie tells Fallon they haven't decided on attire yet but neither felt comfortable with fighting topless. Fallon said she doesn't care, she will wear whatever they want. Gina wants a more casual start and asks Carrie to wrestle wearing T- shirts and shorts. Carrie says " Fine with me."  Gina says " Sandy wants more than just wrestling, she wants a catfight "   Carrie " That will be fine with Fallon I know she does too. "   Gina " Sandy said halter tops and shorts is what she would prefer."   Carrie " I know that will be fine with Fallon."   Carrie hopes that after the girls fight Gina will be a little more inclined to fight more than wrestle, but she is happy to have found new friends for some " FRIENDLY "  competition. She knows how Fallon will fight and hopes Sandy will be up to what it will take to face her.                                                                                                                 
     Gina and Sandy arrive and Carrie greets them. They come into the living room. Carrie offers them some cold drinks and introduces them to Fallon. Sandy and Fallon are already sizing each other up. Everybody is already dressed the way they will fight. They all sit talking about a little bit of everything. They also finalize the rules. It is obvious the girls are ready to go at it, their nipples have been hard since Gina and Sandy have arrived. They have barely taken their eyes off each other since Sandy came in. They all get up and go to the fight room. Fallon and Sandy are doing their stretching and Carrie and Gina take their seats. Both are excited to watch their daughters and Gina has never seen Sandy fight. Sandy has told her about her fights and sometimes some of the details. This has caused Gina to become interested in maybe wrestling and thought it was great to run into Carrie at the lake. It has brought back memories of some of her previous fights. The close contact, the adrenaline rush the excitement, the thrill of beating another girl in front of her friends or man. She is excited to watch Sandy and to wrestle Carrie.                                                                               
    Fallon is 5'  5"   120lbs.   36d   long blonde hair. She is wearing a white almost skin tight halter top that barely covers her breasts and Daisy Dukes with bare feet. Sandy is 5'  6"   125lbs.   36c   long blonde hair and is wearing a light blue halter top that is also almost skin tight, barely covering her breasts also in jean shorts and bare foot.   Sandy is an experienced fighter but not any where near Fallon, who has many years behind her.                                                       
                                                                                TO    BE    CONTINUED
I like reading the stories on this site and talking to some of the members.