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House Show by DG

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    • Tales From the Underground Women's Wrestling League
House Show by DG
« on: January 20, 2024, 03:33:26 PM »
House Show
by DG

   It’s a sold out Saturday night house show here in the Underground Women’s Wrestling League combat club, with no cameras rolling or pay-per-view spotlights. Tonight’s action will only live on in the memories of lucky fans who are here to witness another unforgettable card full of beautiful women, utter hatred, and breathtaking violence.
   The penultimate match is underway inside a steel cage, and brunette Anna from The Russian Babes picks up a busted open Courtney of The American Girls by the blood-stained, sweat-drenched, gorgeous blonde hair and rams her magazine cover face into the unforgiving chain link to a cacophony of boos raining down from the partisan crowd. Nineteen-year-old Courtney staggers after her face hits the rattling cage, and sinks to her shiny knees in her trademark American flag bikini that her luscious young body fills out very nicely.
   By this point of the night fans are nice and lit up from the booze flowing from the bar, brought to them by Monica’s serving girls who wear next to nothing, and there’s a sizzle in the air. Thousands of passionate, bloodthirsty fans are transfixed on every move in this animosity-filled slugfest.

   Anna takes her right knee and plants it across the back of Courtney’s neck while grabbing the cage for leverage to press her throat into the second rope, making Courtney kick her star spangled feet into the canvas and gag with her hands flapping out to either side. This makes the fans boo even louder. Courtney is tough with a high tolerance for pain and she’s been holding her own in this fight so far, but the problem is that it’s a fight not a wrestling match – so she’s fallen into the bigger and stronger Anna’s trap. The vicious heel, whose beautiful face graces magazine covers of her own back in her native Russia, has been dictating the pace of the match so far.

   Anna finally relents with the knee pressing Courtney’s throat into the rope, and the blonde gasps from getting her wind back as Anna pulls the good girl back to her feet by the hair with a sneer for more punishment. Yet Courtney thinks back to everything the Russian bitches have done to her and her partner Megan over the past year – doing everything they possibly can to make The American Girls’ lives a living hell – and it gives her a second wind. So Courtney fights back with an elbow to Anna’s gut, lifting her red wrestling boots off the mat. Anna retaliates with a knee to Courtney’s belly, but the blonde is fired up (making the crowd fired up along with her) so she strikes Anna in the belly a few times and then delivers a superkick out of nowhere that floors the bad girl and brings the frenzied crowd to its feet.

   Courtney brushes blood and sweaty hair from her eyes, measures Anna as she struggles up… and then gives her a dropkick that rockets the Russian across the cage. The American beauty is really on fire now, using the roaring crowd to fuel her comeback. Courtney delivers a flying elbow to Anna’s ample chest, grabs her by the hair, pulls her up, and then kicks her between the legs to elicit a satisfying grunt. Good girls are learning more and more that they simply have to fight dirty to have any chance in this brutal league. Anna grabs her crotch and shuts her eyes with a look of pain on her stunning face, allowing Courtney to spring off a second rope, leap back toward Anna, grab her around the head, and pull Anna’s chin into her shoulder for a beautiful flying cutter that flops Anna to her back while popping the crowd so loud that the cage vibrates. Courtney splashes down and hooks Anna’s leg while nodding her head with each tap, fully expecting a pin, but the resilient Russian barely kicks out at two.

   Courtney knows how hard these evil bitches are to put away, so she keeps going. She scoops Anna back up by the brunette hair, tucks her head under her left arm, grabs her tights with her right hand, hoists her up so Anna’s red boots point at the ceiling, and then falls back to splat Anna’s back into the canvas with a vertical suplex. Anna sits up grimacing and holding her lower back, allowing Courtney to spring up and kick Anna in the face, flopping her to her back again; another splash, another leg hook, and another kick out at two.

   Courtney, sneering with hatred as she looks through the chain link at what should be her U.S tag team belt sitting on Katie’s timekeeper table, pulls Anna up by the hair, knees her in the belly and tits a few times (making the bad girl yelp), and then grabs the back of Anna’s red leotard top and rips it off – baring the Russian babe’s tits! The fans go nuts.

   Courtney wraps the leotard top around Anna’s throat, runs with the bad girl in tow, and then tosses her fashion model face into the cage. Anna rattles into the cage, stunned. Courtney, still with a grip on Anna’s top, pulls her down while driving her shiny right knee up to ram her kneecap into both of Anna’s bare breasts repeatedly, really making the Russian yelp this time. Courtney then unwinds and tosses the top aside, grabs Anna’s hair, and blasts her face into the chain link. After a second smash into the cage Courtney r a k e s Anna’s face back and forth across the steel until busting her open, making blood trickle down the cage. UWWL fans go crazy at the site of blood like a hungry shark, and the UWWL club is so loud that you have to shout to barely hear the person next to you.

   Monica sits back at her table and smirks, knowing how few things ring the cash register right now like this American Girls vs. Russian Babes feud. They put butts in seats, to use the old wrestling cliché. The millionaire UWWL owner loves house shows because she and Channing don’t need to call the action for people watching at home – there are no people at home. Everything is right here, right now.         

   After raking Anna’s face bloody Courtney leans close to Anna’s ear from behind and says, “You’re going to pay for everything you’ve done to Megan and I, Russki bitch…” then bashes her into the cage one more time. Courtney then lifts Anna into a firewoman’s carry position, walks her to the center of the ring, and gives her a Death Valley driver that smears Anna’s back into the sweat, blood, and pussy juice-stained mat after a mostly heel-dominated night of depravity (including The Cheerleaders, still wounded from their torture at the hands of The Biker Chix, suffering a humiliating upset loss to the rookie heels The Highway Patrol and then getting fucked with Debbie and Marsha’s night sticks in nothing but their cheerleader skirts and ripped open tights… until cumming hard beside each other in the center of the ring with camera flashes going off everywhere).

   Courtney doesn’t bother going for a pin after the Death Valley driver, which might be a mistake. Instead she scales up the turnbuckles and then up the chain link, to a top corner of the cage. She’s going for it all right here. The rocket launcher is the sensational finishing move of The American Girls, with Courtney acting as the rocket, and she wants to emulate that here – by giving topless and reeling Anna a flying splash from the top of the cage. Courtney stands precariously atop the cage corner, way up in the air, lifts her arms up to rile up the crowd, and then leaps to deliver the flying splash… but Anna rolls out of the way, and Courtney’s belly and tits land so hard on the mat that she bounces.

   The club instantly goes from heavy-metal-concert-loud to quiet as a funeral viewing.

   Courtney rolls over hugging her own body and grimacing in pain. Anna gets up, smirks, and takes advantage of the catastrophic mistake by dropping a knee across Courtney’s face, pounding her down flat on the mat, rolling her onto her back, slamming her belly with a double fisted axe handle blow that reverberates throughout the club, and then ripping off Courtney’s star spangled bikini top. Now both wrestlers have their tits bared. Anna works Courtney’s exposed breasts with nipple twists and then mauls and rakes her luscious, sweat-glistening globes of femininity.

   The United States tag team champion then gets a death grip on Courtney’s nipples and slowly pulls her up to her feet for a punishment clinic: a slug to the belly; a bodyslam; ramming Courtney’s head into the cage after a running start; slugs to the now bare tits; a sidewalk slam; a kick to the pussy followed a series of knees to the tits; a vertical suplex. After splattering Courtney’s back into the mat with the suplex Anna reaches down while saying, “Pathetic American slut…,” grabs Courtney’s sweat soaked and crimson stained hair, and slowly pulls her up before giving her a standing cxnt punt that doubles her over and makes her yelp. Anna then stuffs Courtney’s head between her legs, wraps her hands around her belly, hoists her up so her American flag wrestling boots are pointed at the club lights with her blonde hair draping down, and pile drives her head into the mat. Courtney crashes to the mat like a cut down sequoia and Anna makes the cover while hooking her leg deep: “One … … … Two … … …” but the valiant American Girl gets a shoulder up just in time.

   Anna throttles Courtney with a few punches, gathers her up to her feet by the hair again, and scoops her into her arms like a parent carrying a tired child. Anna drapes Courtney’s topless, bruise-covered body in the nearest corner with her shiny legs draped over the second rope to either side, slugs her belly three times in quick succession in the exact same spot (making Courtney cry out louder each time), uppercuts her tits to make sweat fly up, socks her in the pussy so hard that it makes Courtney’s eyes and mouth open wide, and then Anna grabs Courtney’s right wrestling boot and slowly slips it off while doing a seductive little dance that infuriates the crowd (subsequently tossing the boot over the cage and into the crowd), followed by her left boot to leave Courtney draped in the corner in just her stocking feet and star spangled bikini bottoms. Anna bashes Courtney in the face with her own wrestling boot and then tosses that one over the cage as well.

   The Russian babe then backs up, gets a running start, and plows her right knee full speed into Courtney’s wide open pussy. Anna then works Courtney’s pussy like only a sadistic UWWL bad girl can: she hammers her crotch seven times in a row with the good girl quivering and emitting feminine little squeals after each shot. Anna then stretches open Courtney’s tights with her left hand while slipping her right hand and her dangerous, sharp, red fingernails beneath the spandex and nylon mesh to just absolutely maul Courtney’s bare vagina and labia. The helpless good girl moans and undulates with pure agony in the corner as one of her two most hated rivals on Earth pinches, twists, and digs at her clit, tries to yank it off, tugs and pinches her labia hard, finger fucks her and scrapes her internal vaginal walls, and rakes her pussy up and down to leave red streaks. Courtney won’t be able to fuck her boy toy boyfriend for days or even weeks after this treatment, and Anna knows it and grins at the thought.

   Finally, after a long, thorough cxnt mauling, Anna lifts Courtney up again, walks her out of the corner, extends her right knee, and drives Courtney’s pussy into her knee for a sickening reverse atomic drop – what Anna calls a “hammer”, the beginning part of The Russian Babes’ devastating hammer and sickle finisher. The blonde teenager’s eyes and mouth go wide again in disbelief. The pain of the move after having her cxnt raked raw is simply unbearable. Anna jaws insults into Courtney’s ear in Russian and then shoves her off her knee, then lifts up her ankles, spreads her legs, and stomps her pussy as hard as she can.

   Anna tucks Courtney’s stocking feet under her arms, maneuvers herself so that her back is to the cage, and then falls back and monkey flips Courtney into the cage with a loud rattle. Fans are booing like crazy. Anna goes over to collect the good girl and Courtney fights back with a few elbows and some reverse knife edge chops, but Anna stops the comeback with one hard knee to the cxnt that makes Courtney slowly droop to her knees with her mouth formed in an “o” like a deflating July 4th parade float. Anna then backhands Courtney in the face to knock her onto her back, grabs the waistband of her red, white, and blue bikini bottoms, and yanks them off to leave her in just her tights. Lucky fans sitting up close can see Courtney’s neatly trimmed pubic hair beneath the mesh – and she’s definitely a natural blonde.

   Anna leaps up and drives another knee into Courtney’s visibly sore muff, and then strips her tights down and off to leave her fully naked. The Russian heel can’t resist ripping out some of that blonde bush (making the sexy teen buck and squeal) and then holds it up to anger the fans some more. Anna then scoops the nude good girl up to her bare feet, slings her into the ropes, and nearly decapitates her with a running clothesline. Courtney ends up in a crumpled pile of gorgeous, naked flesh. Anna pulls her up by the nipples (with Courtney moaning out a faint, submissive, “Ow…” from each tug), puts her in a bear hug, and then walks backward to the nearest corner and starts climbing up the turnbuckles with Courtney in her arms. Courtney still fights back with some elbows to the head, but Anna just shrugs the blows off as she ascends up to the top turnbuckle then keeps going by precariously scaling the cage with her left hand and her feet while cradling Courtney in her right arm.

   Anna reaches the top of the cage with Courtney in a bear hug, holds her up there for a few seconds to build anticipation, then leaps off the very top of the cage with her right knee extended… and just absolutely crushes Courtney’s cxnt with a “hammer” reverse atomic drop from the top of the cage! Courtney’s eyes and mouth go wider than ever before and she whispers, “…my God… oh my God…”

   She might’ve broken her pubic bone.

   Anna gives Courtney a mocking kiss on the cheek then shoves her off her knee onto her back, finds Courtney’s stripped off American flag bikini bottoms, and stuffs them into her mouth with a sensual mmmmmppphhh. Anna then grabs Courtney’s ankles and folds her up in a Russian style pin position with Courtney’s ankles near her head. Anna sits across the inside of Courtney’s knees and counts along out loud in Russian and with her fingers as the ref drops and slaps the mat: “One… … … Two … … … …Three.”

   Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

   Anna sits there atop a folded up and now pinned Courtney for at least fifteen seconds after the bell, relishing the deafening boos, and then stands up, Courtney unfolds, fans pelt the cage with trash, and Anna puts her right foot atop Courtney’s soundly defeated 19 year old body to have her hand raised as her Russian theme music plays. Courtney is the second-youngest fighter in the UWWL after recently signed Ashley Starr, and The Russian Babes have already given her a career’s worth of punishment, torture, and humiliating defeats – with this being one of the worst. The Russians want to put Courtney out of wrestling before her 20th birthday.

   Anna’s partner Ekaterina comes through the curtain in wrestling gear with her U.S. tag team belt around her waist (striding to the ring and dodging debris thrown by fans) and Anna leaves the freshly unlocked cage to retrieve her half of the U.S. tag belts that Courtney and Megan so desperately crave. Anna re-enters the cage along with Ekaterina, Ekaterina pulls Courtney up to her knees by the hair, Anna lays her red, white, blue, and gold United States tag team belt flat on the canvas metal side up, and then she says in her thick Russian accent right into Courtney’s ear, “So you want this belt back, American slut? Well you can have it…” Anna then puts Courtney’s head between her legs, hoists her nude body up in a pile driver position, Ekaterina grabs her ankles, and then The Russian Babes give Courtney a spike pile driver right on top of the U.S. belt!

   This infuriates the fans.

   Anna then plucks Courtney up for some more and puts her in a bear hug to set her up for the dreaded hammer and sickle as Ekaterina scales the cage with her ominous loaded right elbow brace. But then the fans erupt as brunette Megan runs out from the back in an America flag halter top, jeans, and cowboy boots. Megan races to the cage and climbs up the chain link, knocks Ekaterina off the top of the cage (as Anna drops Courtney with an angry expression), and then soars off the cage to land a beautiful flying cross body that makes fan go nuts – the same move she used to beat Anna 1 2 3 in a mud cage match at Tuesday Tussle a few weeks ago. The Russian Babes scramble through the cage door with their belts and make their way down the aisle, jawing and point at Megan while also celebrating and hamming up Anna’s big win.

   Then Megan turns to Courtney – her partner is hurt. She might have a busted pubic bone and possible neck damage after the spike pile driver onto the belt. Megan steps aside and lets paramedics come into the cage with a stretcher, they carefully load Courtney’s gorgeous, beaten up, naked, soundly defeated body onto the stretcher, and then the paramedics carry Courtney up the aisle on the stretcher with an angry looking Megan walking beside her vowing revenge on the Russian bitches once again.

   The stretcher goes through the curtain where a pumped up former UWWL world champion Lauren jumps up and down in her silver waist-high boxing robe in preparation for her upcoming match against a mystery opponent. Monica’s had complete control over booking ever since The Hellspawn won at Apocalypse, and she decided to put Lauren in tonight’s main event against an opponent of her choosing. Lauren is at a disadvantage because she has no idea who to prepare for, but she’s more of an improviser anyway. Lauren is much more impulsive than her meticulously preparing best friend and Starlight Express tag team partner Rebecca, and she’s confident she can get back on the winning track after the worst few months of her life. Lauren has lost her last three falls in a row, all to her personal tormentor Mindy who holds a double digit winning streak and abject, unequivocal dominance over Lauren. Part of Lauren thinks she’ll be facing Amy tonight because of how their feud always draws a crowd, and Amy has been back in the UWWL for months without their paths crossing in the ring. The dirty blonde beauty is wounded and sore from the past few months, and she knows how it’s a tough task to beat Amy under normal circumstances – but she’s beaten Amy before while hurt; back in the day they sometimes wrestled two or three times a week in sleazy bars all over the city. One time Amy absolutely annihilated Lauren in a lingerie catfight and raked her pussy and tits to smithereens, and two nights later they had to fight again with Lauren’s sweet spots heavily taped – and Lauren weathered the storm and the punishment to dictate the pace with her high flying style and beat Amy after a brutal springboard dropkick off the ropes that knocked a tooth loose. Although a furious Amy jumped her after the bell and dragged Lauren behind the bar to unravel her bandaging and then torture fuck her pussy with a shock stick…

   Lauren is mad after watching Courtney get humiliated so badly, and she hugs Megan as the stretcher goes by and then puts a reassuring hand on Courtney’s shoulder. From the stretcher Courtney manages to smile up at Lauren – one of her heroes who she’s looked up to for years – and squeezes Lauren’s hand as it rests on her shoulder. Then the procession goes off to the waiting ambulance so Courtney can have her neck and pubic bone x-rayed.

   Lauren hears her upbeat pop theme music play and the crowd roar, and bounces through the curtain to her usual huge pop as Channing introduces her from inside the cage (after explaining to the crowd that Lauren will be facing a mystery opponent).

   Lauren jogs to the ring high fiving fans. Below her silver boxing robe she has her trademark silver ankle high wrestling boots, baby blue bikini bottoms, and her shimmery nude tights. She feels naked without the UWWL world title around her waist after holding it for many months and surviving brutal challengers like Thunder, She-Devil, and The Naughty Nurse. After reaching the cage Lauren seductively unties and then strips off her robe to reveal her baby blue bikini top covering the most famous and most punished pair of breasts in women’s professional wrestling, possibly the most tortured pair of breasts of any woman on Earth – and her tits are still very sore after she was hanged by the boobs at Tuesday Tussle just a few weeks ago. Lauren could barely put on her top because her tits bother her so much, and her pussy is in bad shape too. It wasn’t too long ago that she spent an entire month as Mindy’s torture slave after losing the world title to her.

   The good girl enters the cage, pulls on the ropes to limber up, and stands in her corner facing the curtain with a determined, focused look like a football player waiting for the ball to snap. Who will the mystery opponent be?

   After several anticipation-filled seconds of silence, the sound of a rumbling earthquake fills the club followed by plodding, ominous instrumental music. Then an absolutely enormous woman with a pretty face, brown eyes, and dark, curly, shoulder length hair walks through the curtain in a black leotard with a skull-and-crossbones symbol on it, black fishnet tights, black pirate boots, and black kneepads with mini skull-and-crossbones symbols on them.

   It’s Wendy from The Bone Crushers!

   Wendy is 6’3”, 315 pounds, and surprisingly agile for her size. She’s quite simply one of the most powerful and most dangerous female wrestlers on the planet.

   Wendy’s partner Gwen, even bigger at 6’4” and 350 pounds with dirty blonde hair and a matching outfit, follows her through the curtain. My God, is this going to be a two on one handicapped match inside a cage? Lauren would never survive that in her condition. No, it’s just going to be Wendy and Lauren one on one; Gwen high fives her partner, turns to leave through the curtain, but first points at Lauren as if to say you’re going to get yours, and then heads back to the heel locker room where the bad girl roster welcomed The Bone Crushers with open arms. 

   Monica signed Wendy and Gwen away from her hated rival Marcie Jade’s ACF with the most lucrative tag team contract in women’s wrestling history, and The Bone Crushers are now in the UWWL. That is bad news for the good girls. Monica lost the battle in Japan when her champion lost to Marcie’s champion at Tokyo Takeover, but now Monica is clearly winning the war by signing away all of Marcie’s top talent. The UWWL is very attractive to top heels because the loose rules give them a huge advantage, and the enormous bad girl team – former ACF tag team champions who vacated the belts without ever losing them – look forward to giving UWWL babyfaces the beatings they so richly deserve, starting with Lauren at this house show. 

   Tonight Monica decided to debut Wendy against Lauren in a steel cage to pay the beautiful former champion back for losing to Amy in Japan and costing her a million dollars. As far as the Italian rich girl is concerned she has a million dollar credit with Lauren, and wants to see Wendy exact a million dollars’ worth of punishment on Lauren’s already battered and sore body.

   Lauren stands in the cage shocked and very concerned, furious with Monica for booking this fight with her huge, high stakes match against Jessica coming up at PainFest in just a few weeks. Lauren faced Wendy at Yokohama Squash on the Japanese tour and managed to score a win after one of her trademark comebacks, but she took a massive beating during and after the fight – one of the worst beatings of her career, in fact, which with Lauren is really saying something. Lauren wasn’t the same for the rest of the tour and the beating from Wendy definitely affected her in the big match against Amy.

   Wendy strides down to the cage high fiving heel fans, hungry for revenge after losing in Japan. She walks up the ring steps, goes through the cage door, and the cage door gets shut and locked behind her. Wendy wants to make sure that Lauren gets carried out of this cage after she’s through with her.

   Now it’s just Lauren, Wendy, and an Asian American referee with a gorgeous, athletic body in the UWWL’s usual black and white striped bikini inside this cage with no time limit and no disqualifications.

   Lauren comes out of her corner, puts up her fists, and stares down her massive opponent as Wendy puts up her dukes and stares right back with a confident smirk.

   The bell rings.

   Lauren knows it would be pointless to lock up with a woman who dwarfs her so when Wendy goes for a collar and elbow Lauren evades the grapple and slides along the mat like a baseball player taking a base, then goes after Wendy’s right leg with a few kicks – quick as a cat. Lauren is one of the world’s quickest wrestlers and she’s going to need every bit of it tonight. The good girl in baby blue springs up, avoids a massive punch from Wendy that could fell a small tree, and then gives Wendy a jumping Pele kick, a trademark attack from the former world champion’s extensive arsenal.

   The kick staggers Wendy, and Lauren jumps up and gives her a standing missile dropkick that makes the big woman backpedal. This allows Lauren to back into the ropes, run back, and nail Wendy with a flying forearm to the head, staggering her further. Those moves would drop a normal wrestler, but the Bone Crusher is anything but normal.

   So Lauren jumps onto the ropes and springboards off for a flying cross body… but Wendy catches her like a firefighter rescuing a dog; Lauren’s adoring fans go quiet. Wendy hoists Lauren up over her head in a press slam position, way up in the air, and a helpless Lauren can only kick her shiny silver wrestling boots as Wendy holds her above her head for a long time and actually bench presses her a few times. Then Wendy press slams Lauren into the mat from about seven feet in the air, making a thunderous sound and shaking the cage. Lauren’s back arches off the mat after she hits and her face contorts in a look of shock and disbelief. Nobody’s moves hurt as much as Wendy’s – not She-Devil, not Thunder, not The Naughty Nurse. The punishment and pain is off the charts, and it’s almost surreal. Memories from that terrible night in Japan come flooding back; Lauren forgot how much this woman’s moves hurt.

   Wendy plans to remind Lauren often, as she scoops her up by the hair and slugs her in the bare belly so hard that she almost ruptures her internal organs. Wendy then lifts Lauren up over her head again, holding her up for a second press slam. Lauren’s gorgeous body and her shimmery legs glisten under the lights… until Wendy press slams her into the canvas from seven feet up a second time. After Lauren hits Wendy drops a big elbow across Lauren’s chest and then covers her, but Lauren wriggles out at one.

   Wendy pulls Lauren up by the dirty blonde hair, holds her up by the hair like a puppet with her left hand, and then hammers her in the belly, rib cage, and tits with her massive right fist. Lauren grunts and her feet lift off the mat after each blow. Wendy clubs Lauren across the back, grabs her hair with both hands, and then hair tosses Lauren across the steel-enshrouded ring like a discus. Lauren ends up in a crumpled heap holding her scalp and wincing.

   The bad girl goes over, stomps Lauren a few times, picks her up, and then tosses her into the nearest corner. Lauren’s back hits the turnbuckles hard. Even a simple move like an Irish whip can be devastating from Wendy. Wendy then charges in to crush Lauren in the corner with an avalanche, but Lauren springs up onto the ropes and flips over Wendy so the big woman rams belly first into the corner. Lauren waits for Wendy to turn around and then gives her an audible superkick that flops her into the corner with her arms draped over the top rope to either side. The good girl capitalizes by coming in, hammering Wendy with punches, stinging her with reverse knife edge chops, and then Lauren climbs onto the second turnbuckle and rains down punches as fans count along.

   Fans count the tenth punch even louder the previous ones and then cheer, but a dazed Wendy manages to take her right fist and pop it up between Lauren’s legs. It’s just a glancing blow, but Lauren’s pussy is so sore from all those long nights in Mindy’s torture box that it hurts her and Lauren yelps. Lauren shakes off the pain, though, and then grabs the cage to either side, jumps up to the top rope, springs her legs back and up like a gymnast, and then brings both of her wrestling boots into Wendy’s face really hard – ramming her in the face. Wendy’s head snaps back and a little blood trickles from her nose, making her furious as she wipes it away with the back of her left hand.

   Lauren continues hammering away on Wendy’s face, climbs up the ropes, and nails Wendy with a big knee strike. After a second knee strike Lauren grabs Wendy’s hair and dumps her to the mat, exerting herself to move the big woman. Wendy is now lying on the mat, trying to clear cobwebs. Lauren takes the opportunity to scale the cage until she’s on the very top, and then Lauren pulls herself up to perch on the top corner of the cage above the ring post.

   The good girl took too long pulling herself up the cage, though, and Wendy gets up like a revived slasher villain, scales up the turnbuckles with shocking agility for a woman her size, and then jumps up to slug a surprised Lauren right in the pussy. Lauren’s mouth contorts in an “o” and she drops so she’s sitting atop the cage corner. Wendy climbs up the cage further, plants her pirate boots into the chain link, tucks Lauren’s head under her left arm, drapes Lauren’s left arm over her head, and then grabs the waistband of Lauren’s tights with her right hand. Wendy’s going to superplex Lauren… from the top of the cage.

   Wendy yells out a battle cry, hoists Lauren into the air with camera flashes scintillating, and then falls back from way up to ram Lauren’s back onto the mat, completing what might be the biggest superplex in UWWL history.

   Lauren’s back hits the mat very hard, she pops up with a look of shock on her face clutching the small of her back, and whispers, “My God she broke my back…” Lauren repeats this in an even softer whisper, “…my God she broke my back…” 

   Wendy didn’t break her back, but to Lauren it sure as hell feels like she did.

   The bad girl smirks upon hearing this, pulls a shell shocked Lauren to her feet by the hair, and knees her in the small of the back. Wendy says, “So I broke your back, huh? Let’s see how this feels…” and she hoists Lauren up into another press slam position. Wendy holds Lauren over her head and parades her around for a bit again until extending her right knee… and wailing Lauren’s back across her knee from seven feet up for what might be the worst backbreaker Lauren has ever taken. Bad girl fans erupt from the move. The babyface ends up curled around Wendy’s knee like a horseshoe with her eyes and mouth wide open in shock, contorted in a silent scream.

   Wendy clubs Lauren across the bare belly and then says, “Let’s see how your pussy feels, shall we?” The big bad girl takes her right hand, slips it under Lauren’s tights, and grabs then squeezes her clit like someone trying to pop a grape. A pussy attack like this would be an instant disqualification in the ACF, but not here. This is why Wendy and Gwen signed with Monica.

   Wendy tries to crush Lauren’s clitoris between her powerful fingers as a suffering Lauren gasps like a goldfish out of its bowl. Wendy then r a k e s Lauren’s pussy a few times before pulling her hand out of her tights, blasting her belly one more time, and then shoving Lauren off her knee – making her roll across the mat.

   Wendy stands up to her full 6’3” height and watches in satisfaction as Lauren writhes on the mat in anguish clutching her belly and crotch. The big woman then stomps the good girl, kicks her so she’s flat on her back, plops down onto Lauren’s face facing her feet, and then rips off Lauren’s baby blue bikini top to reveal that legendary set of breasts – even more sore looking than usual, with a nasty red spot over the oft-ruptured milk production lobule southwest of her left areola that might as well be an X on a treasure map.

   Lauren squirms under Wendy, barely able to breathe, and the ref slaps the mat because her shoulders are down but Lauren’s able to wriggle a shoulder up. Wendy wasn’t intending to pin her. The bad girl takes the sharp fingernail on her right index finger and, with a Cheshire cat grin, t w i s t s and d i g s the fingernail into Lauren’s weak spot. The dirty blonde beauty swishes on the mat and emits muffled groans of pain; it’s a moment of precise, targeted torture in a match otherwise filled with high impact punishment.

   Wendy finishes focusing on the weak spot to grab Lauren’s tits, plant her skull-and-crossbone kneepads on Lauren’s hair, and then yank up on those sensitive tits to stretch them up painfully. Wendy finally gets up off Lauren’s face, maintaining a death grip on her tits, and yanks Lauren up to her feet by the nipples. Lauren’s sweaty hair is matted across her face and she has a submissive expression with her eyes closed and mouth slightly open. Wendy hoists Lauren into the air by the breasts, holds her aloft for a bit… and then drives her into the mat for a thunderous tit slam.

   Wendy keeps going by grabbing Lauren’s breasts, dragging her close to the nearest corner, and then climbing up to the top turnbuckle while holding the cage and facing the crowd. She wants to flatten the good girl bitch. Wendy springs up and down a few times then leaps off the top rope to land all of her 315 pounds on a topless Lauren for a vicious Vader bomb – a move she used on Lauren in Japan. Wendy hooks Lauren’s shiny right leg and rubs her elbow into her face as the ref drops to count: “One… … … Two… …” but Lauren gets a shoulder up. Wendy’s not surprised because Lauren kicked out of the Vader bomb in Japan too. Good girls in the UWWL can take more punishment than good girls in the ACF, which means beating them will be that much more satisfying – yet another reason why The Bone Crushers left Marcie’s more mainstream league.

   Lauren kicked out, but she’s still in deep trouble – and topless. Wendy stands up, stomps each of Lauren’s bare boobs a few times, and then leaps up and delivers a massive leg drop across the tits with her tree trunk-like right leg. The former ACF tag champ then ascends the ropes again while holding the chain link, but this time instead of facing the crowd like for a Vader bomb she turns her back to the crowd and faces Lauren for a traditional splash from the top rope. If she lands this then Lauren will have to be scraped off the canvas with a spatula.

   Wendy leaps off the top rope… but Lauren rolls out of the way and the big bad girl hits hard, her large breasts mashing into the canvas.

   Lauren gets up, brushes hair out of one of the most gorgeous faces in women’s professional wrestling, and then goes to work on one of her legendary comebacks by delivering axe handle blows to Wendy, stomping her head, dropping an elbow across her spine, and then – since Wendy is flat on her stomach – grabbing her big legs with her back to Wendy’s head and putting her in the Boston crab, one of Lauren’s finishing moves. Fans are surprised Lauren could get the move on at all, and she only could because the behemoth was already face down. Wendy yells out as Lauren bends her back, although you can tell it’s hard for Lauren to maintain her grip because Wendy’s legs are so big. The Superpowers member knows she has to beat this big bitch as fast as possible – every minute spent in the cage with this monster takes more of a toll on her body, giving Jessica more of an advantage at the pay-per-view in a few weeks.   

   But Wendy is just too big and too powerful, and she escapes the Boston crab by flicking Lauren forward with such force that Lauren flies into the cage – but she prevents herself from hitting the steel by blocking with her hands. Wendy pulls herself up, slowly – one disadvantage of being so big – and when she turns around Lauren is ready for her with a huge, springboard flying roundhouse kick from the second rope. Good girl fans go nuts after the move, which staggers the Bone Crusher. Lauren, who has the best “educated feet” in women’s wrestling and has knocked out countless bad girl teeth and broken countless bad girl noses, cheeks, and jaws in her career, jumps up and delivers another spin kick, followed by another, followed by another until Wendy is reeling and backing up into the opposite ropes. Wendy is so tall that Lauren’s feet just barely reach her face; the former world champion thankfully has an impressive vertical leap.

   Lauren jumps up and delivers one more, brutal, perfectly placed martial arts kick to Wendy’s already blood-trickling nose, and the force of the blow makes Wendy’s arms drape across the top rope, and then as she falls the top rope goes below the second rope and her arms end up trapped in the ropes! Good girl fans really get loud from this. Lauren smirks. It’s time to pay this big bitch back. The good girl hammers a helpless Wendy’s face and head at will, bloodying her pretty face even more, chops her throat, throttles her huge milk jugs, slugs her belly, and gives her a running kick to the pussy that contorts the big-and-beautiful woman’s face.

   The surging babyface bashes Wendy over and over with wild abandon, remembering everything she and her partner Gwen did to her that night in Yokohama when Lauren won-but-really-lost as what happens to UWWL good girls all too frequently. Lauren finishes the fusillade by getting a running start from the opposite ropes, leaping through the air, and delivering a brutal missile drop kick right to Wendy’s bloody face. Lauren then springs up onto the nearest top turnbuckle, leaps off, and blasts Wendy with a flying axe handle blow. Good girl fans are losing their minds. Lauren finally untangles Wendy from the ropes and the big woman crumples forward to her knees and then ends up in a humiliating position with her generous, fishnet-covered ass up in the air – which Lauren slaps for some added humiliation.

   Lauren stomps Wendy on the back of the head, and then points at the top of the cage, riling up good girl fans even further. Lauren climbs up the cage like a ninja, brimming with confidence and a desire to spoil this big cxnt’s UWWL debut while ending her losing streak, and after she reaches the tippy top of the cage the good girl stands on a corner of the steel structure with her silver wrestling boots, the sweat on her bare breasts glistening under the lights not too far above Lauren’s head. She’s way up, and this could be one for the ages.

   Wendy struggles up to her black boots, staggering and wiping blood from her face with the back of her left hand, and as soon as she’s up to her feet Lauren leaps from atop the cage for her famous flying dropkick that nobody on the planet can do better… but Wendy suckered her in by pretending to be more dazed than she really is, and the Bone Crusher sidesteps the huge flying dropkick and spikes Lauren tits first into the mat like a volleyball.   

   Like with Courtney’s big miss earlier, good girl fans go deathly silent. Wendy grins as Lauren curls on the met hugging her breasts with a grimace of deep pain on her beautiful face.

   It’s torture time.

   The heel starts by stomping Lauren, kicking her until she stops hugging her breasts, and then Wendy grabs Lauren’s nipples, lifts her up into the air with Lauren kicking her feet in futile protest, and then gives her another huge tit slam that rattles the cage. Wendy drops an elbow across Lauren’s luscious body, and then pulls her up by the hair, knees her in the stomach so hard that Lauren makes a retching sound and motion with her mouth, and then knees her in both breasts at once with her massive right knee and upper leg – one, two, three times in succession. After the third knee to the tits Wendy tosses Lauren into the nearest corner, runs in full speed, and flattens her with a huge avalanche. This time it connects. Wendy then puts up her dukes and goes to work blasting Lauren with punch after punch after punch to the belly… crotch… rib cage… both breasts… and then the left side of Lauren’s face. The good girl does her best to turtle and block or at least lessen the blows, but there’s not much she can do against a 315 pound, 6’3” woman with fists like cinderblocks. One punch from Wendy has the impact of three or four from any other wrestler, and Lauren takes shot after shot after shot to every part of her increasingly bruised up body and face.

   Wendy ends the barrage of pain by grabbing Lauren’s hair with her left hand, turning her head to the right like a barber to fully expose the already bruised up left side of Lauren’s face, and then Wendy takes her huge, powerful soup bone of a right fist and bashes it repeatedly against Lauren’s left eye and cheek as hard as she can. It’s like a contractor knocking a sledgehammer through drywall. Wendy slams her massive, Incredible Hulk-like fist into the left side of Lauren’s face over and over again (making a piff sound) with one punch after another for more than a full minute until the entire left side of Lauren’s face looks like a smushed plum. Lauren’s left eye is swollen closed and her cheek bone might be broken, it’s damaged with deep bone bruising at the very least. “The Bone Crushers” might be a simple and even sophomoric name for a tag team, but it’s an accurate name because it’s what they do. Wendy and Gwen have ended more careers than almost any other bad girls in the world.

   Wendy doesn’t want to swell Lauren’s right eye shut because she wants the good girl bitch to see the horrors that she has in store for her. And Wendy has a lot in store for Lauren inside this cage tonight.

   Wendy, still with a grip on Lauren’s hair, finally moves the almost unrecognizable good girl out of the corner by the hair like a doll, rams her face into the cage, and then spins her around and sets her up for a vertical suplex by tucking her head under her left arm and grabbing the waistband of her tights with her right hand. Wendy hoists Lauren up so her silver toes point at the ceiling and her spandex and nylon legs shimmer under the lights, and then Wendy just dumps Lauren to her back to complete a release vertical suplex. Lauren lands hard flat on her back, barely conscious with her head lolling side to side and the badly damaged left side of her face purple and puffed up like a vintage baseball catcher’s mitt. Wendy then backs into the ropes, bounces back toward Lauren, jumps up, and splashes on top of her. The bad girl hooks Lauren’s right leg for a cover and the ref drops to slap the canvas: “One… … … Two… … …” but Lauren gets a shoulder up.

   After the kick out Wendy blasts Lauren’s belly with an audible axe handle blow and then gets up, grabs Lauren’s ankles, lifts up and spreads her legs nice and wide, and stomps her pussy with her powerful right foot; another move that would be an instant disqualification in a typical ACF match. After the crotch stomp Lauren clutches the area while moaning, with her one usable eye shut, and Wendy takes the opportunity to pull off and toss aside Lauren’s right wrestling boot. Another hard stomp to the crotch, and then Wendy pulls off and tosses aside Lauren’s left boot to leave her in stocking feet. Then another stomp to the crotch, and then Wendy jumps to deliver yet another, particularly hard stomp to the pussy followed by a jumping knee drop to the muff. After the knee drop to Lauren’s crotch, Wendy grabs Lauren’s baby blue bikini bottoms and strips them down her legs and off of her, twirling them around her finger and then tossing them across the cage. Lauren is now in just her tights. In the Courtney match fans could see that she’s a natural blonde after she was stripped down to her tights, and in this match you can now see Lauren’s neatly trimmed, light brown bush under the clear spandex and nylon mesh – a reminder that she dyes her hair dirty blonde and had light brunette hair early in her career.

   Wendy can’t help blasting Lauren’s now exposed muff with a big punch, and then she picks her up by the hair, lifts Lauren up onto her shoulder in what appears to be a bodyslam position, but then Wendy runs with Lauren in the bodyslam position and rams her back into the cage. After that Wendy turns around and splatters Lauren into the mat with a 315 pound powerslam. The move ends in a pin position and the ref slaps the mat: “One… … … Two … … …” but Lauren kicks out again.

   After the kick out Wendy drags Lauren like a dummy over by a corner, and then climbs up the turnbuckles. Upon reaching the top turnbuckle Wendy turns around, makes a victory gesture, and then jumps off the top turnbuckle… to land a big flying splash from up high. Wendy covers Lauren again as the ref taps: “One… … … Two … … … …” but Lauren barely manages to wriggle a shoulder up. Wendy gets up to her knees and looks frustrated. A 315 pound splash from the top rope would finish almost any other female wrestler alive.

   Lauren is a freak of nature, a medical curiosity who baffles UWWL doctors all the time. She can kick out of moves that could end a lesser woman’s career. She was just simply born with the ability to take massive amounts of punishment and endure massive amounts of pain and torture. Lauren Miller was put on this Earth to take punishment in and out of a UWWL ring – and look damn good while doing it.

   A frustrated Wendy now just wants to punish this pesky little good girl slut. Other heels have told her how hard it is to put the legendary Lauren away, and now she’s experiencing it firsthand. She starts by dropping a knee across Lauren then standing up, backing into the ropes, and delivering another big splash – only this time instead of going for a pin she takes the moment to grab the waistband of Lauren’s tights, strip them down her legs, across her feet with lovely nail polished toes, and then off her completely to finally make Lauren fully nude. Wendy throws the bunched up tights against the cage then pulls Lauren up by the hair, walks her over to the nearest side of the cage, slams the right side of her face into the chain link, holds her there by the hair with her left hand, and then Wendy takes her right fist like a sculptor with a chisel and whams it repeatedly into Lauren’s swollen shut left eye and then her purple, beyond bruised and swollen left cheek. Wendy then gets a two handed grip on Lauren’s hair and rams her face into the cage, making Lauren turn around from the impact and stumble around until Wendy winds up and clobbers Lauren with a meat hook of a right fist – dropping her flat to her back. Wendy then grabs Lauren’s ankles, drags her close to a corner, stomps her cxnt a few times, jumps up and plants her ass onto Lauren’s belly to knock the wind out of her, and then gets up and starts ascending the turnbuckles - only this time Wendy keeps going and climbs all the way up to the top of the cage.

   Wendy reaches the top of the cage - amazing for a woman her size - and stands precariously on the cage corner way up high. Without wasting any time Wendy leaps from all the way up… and lands on Lauren for a huge flying splash from the top of the cage! Lauren’s naked body convulses once after the enormous impact, and Wendy makes a casual cover: “One… … … Two… … …” but then Wendy grabs Lauren’s dirty blonde hair and pulls her up to stop the count with an ear to ear grin, making good girl fans boo like crazy.

   When Wendy and Lauren squared off in Yokohama she had Lauren beaten but then started showboating, which gave Lauren an opening for her miraculous comeback. Wendy learned her lesson that night, and she won’t make that mistake again – she knows exactly what she’s doing, and just wants to prolong a helpless Lauren’s punishment to make a statement and put the entire good girl roster on notice.

   There will be no comeback tonight.   

   Lauren is a defenseless, naked ragdoll, trapped inside a cage with one of the most dangerous women alive with no time limit, and Wendy can do whatever she wants to her.

   The bad girl pulls her fun new plaything up to her feet by the hair, knees her in the cxnt, and socks her in the belly so hard that the punch can be heard in the club’s lobby by the merchandise table. Lauren doubles over with her swollen face contorted in shocking pain and an expression of worry that she might have internal damage, and then Wendy plucks her up around the waist, hoists her into the air… and gives Lauren a jackknife powerbomb that almost breaks her in half.

   Lauren ends up in a crumpled, naked heap like a pile of blown leaves against a wall after a windstorm. Wendy grabs Lauren by the hair again and slowly pulls her up to her bare feet. Wendy draws her right fist back while holding her up like a marionette with her left hand and throttles Lauren’s formerly pretty face a few more times, making her entire body shudder from each blow. Lauren’s face looks like a boxer’s who was strapped into a corner to take punch after punch after unanswered punch nonstop for 12 straight rounds.

   Wendy wants to have fun, and she delivers a few more high impact moves: a power bomb; a spine buster; a powerslam; and then another tit slam that splatters Lauren’s back into the mat. Some of Lauren’s fans, the fans who legitimately care for her safety and actually root for her to win, leave the club in shock and concern, unable to watch their heroine take any more.

   The bad girl in black finally decides to finish this bitch off so she can invite Gwen down to have some fun with her too. Wendy pulls Lauren up by the tits, drapes her in a corner because Lauren is out on her feet by now, and then she takes the index and middle fingers on her right hand, works them roughly into Lauren’s vagina, plants her left hand on Lauren’s throat, and then hoists the good girl up, then way up over her head in a gorilla press slam position – like the first move she landed what seems like an eternity ago. Wendy walks around holding Lauren up and bench presses her up and down a few times. Wendy then press slams Lauren right into the center of the ring with a loud crash.   

   Wendy drags Lauren into the perfect position near a corner and poses her barely conscious body like a doll with her arms and legs completely spread out and her hair in a wild mess around her head. Lauren is flat on her back, naked, battered, beaten to an absolute pulp, and spread eagle – completely and totally helpless. Wendy decides to add a finishing touch so she finds Lauren’s stripped off bikini bottoms and slowly stuffs the baby blue panties into Lauren’s mouth as the helpless good girl emits a sensual moan. One half of The Bone Crushers then climbs up the turnbuckles and goes all the way back up to the top of the cage. Wendy stands on the very top of the cage, lifts her arms up in a triumphant pose, and then jumps from atop the cage… to absolutely splatter Lauren’s naked body in the center of the ring with about as big a flying splash as you could possibly land. Everyone in the audience winces from the utterly devastating move, even the most hardened and sadistic heel fans. Lauren’s luscious body shivers once after the huge splash and then she goes still.

   Wendy gets up, plants her right boot atop Lauren’s bruised chest, and instructs the referee to count really slow. The ref drops to her knees and slaps the mat (with good girl fans booing more loudly the longer the count goes): “One… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Two… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Three.”

   Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

   Wendy keeps her right foot on Lauren’s chest as the ref lifts her wrist in victory, with the remaining good girl fans booing wildly. Wendy then looks toward the curtain and waves, and a smirking Gwen comes through the curtain and approaches the ring carrying a pair of long, thin chains with what look like grappling hooks on the business ends.

   Good girl fans wonder why nobody’s coming out to help Lauren. Since it’s a house show most of Lauren’s friends aren’t even here tonight, other good girls like Courtney have been taken to the hospital, The Cheerleaders are currently handcuffed to chairs being tortured with tasers and other police devices by The Highway Patrol after their humiliating upset loss in nothing but their skimpy cheerleader skirts and pom poms stuffed in their mouths to muffle their screams, and still other good girls have showered and gone home because it’s after midnight.

   There is nobody to come to Lauren’s rescue.

   Gwen forcibly takes the cage door key from the outside ref, opens the cage door, and her 350 pound, 6’4” body goes through the door while Wendy pulls Lauren’s panties out of her mouth and repositions her for another flying splash from 20 feet in the air. The bell rings again and the sexy Asian American ref tries to stop Gwen from entering the cage, but the huge bad girl just grabs her hair and tosses her through the cage door like a toy. It’s their first night on the UWWL roster and The Bone Crushers are already going to be hit with a hefty fine. They couldn’t care less, and it certainly won’t be their last. Gwen starts climbing up the turnbuckles, followed by her tag team partner.

   After Gwen reaches the top of the cage, with the steel practically buckling under her weight, Gwen yells out and then leaps… splashing down on Lauren from the top of the cage! Lauren emits a faint groan as she’s flattened under the 350 pound monster. As if that’s not bad enough, Wendy then jumps off the cage too… and lands on Gwen’s back to completely mash Lauren with a double flying splash from the top of the steel cage, absolutely crushing Lauren beneath 665 pounds!

   Lauren lies there under the two women with her face contorted in shock and agony after one of the most devastating moves UWWL fans have ever witnessed.

   The bell rings again, and The Bone Crushers don’t even notice.

    Wendy gets off Gwen’s back and then Gwen gets up, and fans up close can see that Lauren’s tits have been completely squashed – they’re purple, uneven, misshapen, distorted, and laying against her chest at strange, unnatural angles.

   The bad girls aren’t finished. Wendy and Gwen each grab a tit, and then they start climbing right back up the cage with each Bone Crusher taking one breast. Lauren is about as helpless as she’s ever been and can’t offer any resistance whatsoever as she gets pulled up to the top of the cage by her destroyed breasts. After Wendy and Gwen reach the top of the cage they hoist Lauren up by the tits… and then unceremoniously dump her all the way down to the mat for a huge double tit slam from 20 feet up!

   Lauren’s body makes a thunderous sound as she crashes onto the mat, and she lies there cupping her breasts with her mouth wide open in a silent scream of deep anguish.

   Then Wendy leaps off the top of the cage for yet another 20 foot high flying splash… and lands on Lauren’s already squashed body. Gwen then jumps off right after her partner… and LANDS perpendicular across Wendy’s back to absolutely SQUASH Lauren into the canvas once again for a second 665 pound double flying splash from the top of the cage! 

   My God, they might have crushed Lauren’s ribs into powder.

   Gwen gets off Wendy’s back, reaches into her fishnets, and pulls out a tool that the ring crew uses to loosen parts of the ring. She then works on loosening the slack on the ring ropes for one side of the cage. While Gwen works Wendy looks out at the fans and makes a sweeping gesture with her arm as if to say get out of the way, and the fans sitting in that area scatter. What do they have in store for Lauren now?

   Gwen succeeds in loosening the ropes and unscrewing the turnbuckles on one side of the ring, and the ropes droop down. The bad girls then pick up Lauren’s nude, destroyed body (as Lauren hugs her arms across her injured chest in an “x” pattern and gasps) and then they lift her up and hold Lauren face up atop their shoulders in a reverse double power slam position. Oh no.

   The Bone Crushers bounce off the ropes across from the loosened ropes, race toward the cage with a face up Lauren propped up on their shoulders, and then they double power slam Lauren tits first so hard that the entire side of the cage collapses! That wall of the cage falls like a drawbridge to CRASH into the steel railing, and Lauren ends up face down on the collapsed chain link like food on a grill. The fallen side of the cage is propped up by the ring apron and the railing. The fans are in disbelief, and Monica is furious – it’s going to cost a lot of money to get the cage fixed.

   Wendy and Gwen precariously walk over to Lauren on the fallen cage wall (with supports snapping and breaking beneath their considerable weight), Wendy binds Lauren’s wrists behind her back with her own stripped off baby blue bikini top, they each grab one of her ankles, and then The Bone Crushers slowly d r a g Lauren’s breasts across the chain link – leaving two bloody trails after her boobs run across the harsh steel. They drag Lauren all the way to the railing, then stand up on chairs on the other side of the railing where fans normally sit, and then they pull Lauren up by the hair and hoist her up to show off her tits like someone displaying a prize catch.

   Fans collectively wince when they see Lauren’s breasts. The term “raw meat” doesn’t even begin to describe the shape that Lauren’s tits are in.   

   Gwen continues to prop up Lauren while Wendy takes one of the chains that Gwen brought down to ringside with her. The business end is basically a breast grabbing claw with pincers designed to skewer through a tit, and when Wendy flicks a switch the pincers start vibrating and buzzing with electricity.

   They’re going to skewer Lauren’s tits with electrified claws and then drag her around by the boobs.

   Wendy pierces the electricity-buzzing pincers through Lauren’s right boob, making her yelp as each one goes in. Gwen then takes her claw extending from another chain, switches on the juice, and pierces the pincers on hers through Lauren’s left boob. The bad girls then lift Lauren up as high as they can atop the chairs… and give her one more double tit slam onto the concrete.

   After the tit slam Wendy unties Lauren’s wrists, maneuvers them to her front to rest on her belly, and then re-ties her wrists with her bikini top. Wendy then takes the chain extending from Lauren’s right breast while Gwen takes the chain attached to her left, and they’re going to take the beaten good girl bitch on a long, slow, methodical victory lap around the entire club. Wendy tugs on her chain while Gwen tugs on hers, and Lauren scoots across the grimy floor on her back with her wrists bound, screaming until her throat is hoarse as she’s dragged by the destroyed, crushed, scraped raw tits. Every tug is like a mini torture session, and Lauren’s breasts pulsate once every few seconds from the electrified pincers jabbed through them. Remember that Lauren’s breasts were already so sore before this match even started that she winced when tying on her bikini top. By now the pain in her breasts must be beyond anything you can possibly imagine.

   The Bone Crushers take their time dragging Lauren around the perimeter of the entire combat arena, stopping so fans can do whatever they want to Lauren – like pouring beer on her, spitting on her, or even jerking off over her battered, torture-pulsating body. Wendy and Gwen, grinning and enjoying every second of this, egg on the men humiliating Lauren and tell them where to shoot their loads of come; people cheer when someone gets a load in her mouth. Other men fondle Lauren all over and take turns finger fucking her – whatever they want. Lauren ends up dripping with so much come that her luscious body is like a marshmallow sundae. All told The Bone Crushers drag Lauren around by the breasts for over 45 minutes.

   At one point Wendy and Gwen play tug of war with their chains by pulling them in opposite directions as hard as they can, stretching out Lauren’s tits and almost pulling them off with heel fans cheering them on and Lauren arching her back and howling out from her raspy, torture-hoarse throat… until Lauren passes out in complete and total agony. They wake her up with a nice, hard tug to keep dragging her around, making sure she feels every second of the torture and those electrified skewers in her tits. It goes on and on.        

   Wendy and Gwen finally drag a badly beaten Lauren by the tits right up to and then through the curtain. They then drag Lauren all the way back to the bad girl locker room, where the entire heel roster is waiting for them so they can welcome The Bone Crushers to the UWWL in the absolute best possible way: an all-night torture party with Lauren as the guest of honor… 


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« Last Edit: January 20, 2024, 03:38:45 PM by DG »


Offline tr0tz

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Re: House Show by DG
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2024, 07:12:52 PM »
Love this match! The dense, raw, primal atmosphere of house shows, resembling the past era of non tv wrestling. Where really anything goes. And Lauren not a jobber: despite getting literally squashed, she comes back again and again, not giving up.

A unique story in this wonderful wrestling universe that you elaborate and describe so well.