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A Sim's Tale #4

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Offline Gradius

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A Sim's Tale #4
« on: February 18, 2023, 12:09:37 PM »
Spring Fever

Morning found Ruby and June engaged in their morning exercise. Sitting together on the cougar's bed the two gave menacing growls and groans, intermingled with sighs or moans as they sucked and licked and nibbled at each other. Bodies wrapped up in a warring vine Ruby's kisses left the milf panting for more, while June's slow, powerful hip thrusts had the redhead almost hyperventilating.

Trembling arms pulled their bodies even closer together while legs crossed around hips, asses pumping carefully. The mattress squelched, the section they occupied already drenched with sweat and their womanly fluids. Faces were masks of torment as the two struggled to keep their bodies under control. Eyes glazed with pleasure kept glaring into the other as the pace slowly picked up and they began fucking in earnest, growls becoming less playful and more aggressive. This had gone beyond just morning sex. Ruby was once more challenging June for the dominant spot in their relationship.

"Slow learner, aren't you girl." June whispered, panting in pleasure. She'd learned the hard way early on that the ginger was easily her equal, if not better, in sheer stamina. But she lacked control and June aimed to take advantage of that. "Uhhnn...oh you gorgeous bitch."

"Whore...fucking whore!" Ruby groaned, the lust roiling through her loins making the past orgasms seem like a distant memory. A hand grabbing at hair, she pulled the delicious milf into a fierce kiss, lips locking and tongues batting furiously together. Breasts pumped and squashed while asses rolled and hips bucked. "Got you...this time..."

"Fuck me baby..." June moaned around the kiss, grabbing Ruby's pumping ass and pulling the younger woman's body to her's in swift, repeated strokes. The ginger whimpered at the forced increase of her pace, digging her own nails into June's plump rear, green eyes staring defiantly into the older woman's face. This time she wasn't stopping until the mature BEGGED her to. But June's pretty face hardened at the sheer stubbornness of the delectable redhead.

They cried out in unison as they crushed their breasts together their thick, contrasting hair obscuring their faces. Their entire body was wrought with tension, fighting back the orgasm they intended to use to their advantage. But they were too hungry for one another, too hot for the other and bodies stiffened, bellies and asses pumping while eyes shot open in eager dread. Lips released, teeth clenched and finally they screamed in frustration as their cxnts gushed across the bed.

For a moment they relaxed, leaning into one another, panting as if they'd just run a marathon. Then hips began pumping again, grinding willing cxnts together. Bodies bucked, tits were crushed and lips bitten. Neither woman was anywhere near finished.


"Something's bugging you. What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong..." Betty replied, focusing on whisking eggs.

It had been almost two months since Brian had come home to find Fatima leaving. Spring had rolled around and though neither would say anything he had a suspicion he'd missed something he shouldn't have. At least the two seemed to have made a kind of peace with one another. But now something else seemed to be bothering his girlfriend. Betty was no longer the placid girl that tried to not let things bother her. Instead she spoke up openly and loudly so this change in behavior was stark.

Truth be told, sometimes he missed the shy, demure girl she used to be...but he doubted that version of Betty would've landed him in his current situation. Though he was waiting on the other shoe to drop. He had been Riverview nightlife and several of his, now former, girlfriends weren't the sort to just step back and take things as they were.

"Betty..." His voice took on a wheedling tone as he pressed up against her body. They were both still naked, their sex life growing ever more intense rather than slowing. His fingers moved gently across her tight belly and wide hips. She rested down the bowl, sighing in enjoyment at his touch, wriggling to trap his thick prick between her legs. "I didn't pry into what's up with you and your mom, but this is clearly bothering you. Talk to me"

"Fine," she muttered, turning in his arms and pulling him into a kiss. "It's Pauline."

"Pauline?" His forehead wrinkled as he struggled with the name. "Pau...line... Oh yeah Pauline Wan. Big tits, wide ass Asian, right? That new drummer they brought in from out of town."

"You're awfully well informed." Betty regarded him suspiciously. She was already compiling a list of women to watch out for. "Should I be worried?"

"Well I always did have a touch of yellow fever," Brian grinned, jumping away while she waved the whisk at him. "Seriously though, I just know her through the boyfriend, Hank something. He got sent over for a physical once he was assigned and she was there with him. Turns out the guy's not fond of needles."

"Sounds about right." Betty nodded while Brian held her again. "She's been really nice since showing up. They brought her in maybe, two weeks ago. Apparently she's good friends with Shirley and there's been some talk about her playing guitar at the Spring Festival event."

Sounds like it'll be...wait. Isn't that when you're supposed to debut?"

"Exactly!" Betty's expression turned angry as she looked up at him. "She's friendly and all but we're going to need to have a talk. I hope she listens but if she doesn't listen I'm gonna...ooohh...."

His mind processed his girlfriend's words as well as her new temperament. The result was his dick, already complaining about the lack of action shooting up between their bellies, throbbing visibly.

"Someone's thinking dirty thoughts." Betty crooned, small hands caressing the hot length. Groaning, Brian settled in a chair and pulled her sit down firmly in his lap, both sighing in pleasure. Leaning back against him Betty gave a teasing wriggle. "Tell me what's on your mind."


Exultant shrieks echoed through the Shallow mansion, bouncing through the corridors before trailing off. Wrapped in a tight sixty-nine, legs crossed behind heads, to hold the other in place, brunette and redhead sucked, licked and nibbled at the other's core. Bodies undulated violently as they came again, screaming, both almost synchronized to the pleasure. They could barely think, couldn't even talk since the only time the removed their mouths from the other's cxnt was when they were screaming in orgasm. After which they went right back to sucking voraciously.

Even as three fingers joined her tongue in delving deep into Ruby's snatch, June's brain tried to restart it's functions. The reason was a loud and insistent buzzing sound that was distracting her from taming this wild redhead.

Ruby moaned lustily at the incredible sensations radiating from her groin and came back with a vengeance, sucking on June's sensitive bulb. A free hand also snaked up the milf's body to knead at one of her breasts. She heard the cougar yelp and then felt herself forced over onto her back. Undaunted she wrapped her arm around June's waist, pulling her close to gain even more access to her privates. She could feel the brunette weakening. Just a little more and she'd...

Whimpering in delight, another orgasm shook the pair. And then another. Leaving a damp trail they shifted and rolled their way across the bed locked in a perpetual cycle of pleasure, both confident that they could outlast the other. Loins aching, Ruby rolled her dark haired lover and rival over again, tongue whipping vigorously at her clit.

Ruby's juices dribbling down her cheeks the buzzing finally penetrated June's lust addled brain. It was the alarm they'd set to remind them of their new jobs. Lust vied with responsibility, the desire to re-affirm her dominance over her partner versus the the fact that her lifestyle would warrant at least some extra cash since alimony only went so far. Responsibility won out at that admission, and June linked her hands and stabbed her forefingers straight into the redhead's ass.

Ruby shrieked at the sudden invasion and rolled away, rubbing vigorously at her violated rear. She prepared to leap at the cougar only for a slap to send her onto the bed before being pounced on. She groaned as June ground her body firmly into her own, their curves melding and meshing together perfectly even while their breasts tingled at being squashed together again. Arms flew around the cougar, holding tight, and teeth snapped at lips while green eyes glared up at the sweaty shining face.

"Truce," June gasped, struggling to control herself. The feel of the girl's body drove her wild and her breasts swelled at the thought of competing against the pair it was squeezed against. But she forced herself to focus. "Truce...we'll be late if we keep this up!"

June's words squirmed their way into Ruby's consciousness and the buzzing of the alarm filtered it's way into her brain. But still her competitive spirit rebelled. "I was winning, you cheating cxnt. We both know it. I had you outfucked!" She growled thrusting her pussy up while grinding her proud tits into the weight on her. They quivered, as eager for a rematch as she was.

"I'll happily prove you wrong, slut...but later." June snarled, her pride demanding Ruby punished for such an outlandish claim. But that would have to wait. "You don't exactly have what one would call a stellar resume..."

"Neither do you!" The redhead shot back.

" can't afford to screw this up," the milf snapped, ignoring the shot. Slowly the two disentangled and pushed themselves off the bed. "Oh, and it'll be your job to change the sheets when you get back. I'm expecting a guest tonight and I can't have him giving me what I want on filthy sheets."

Ruby glowered at June who laughed, strutting towards the showers. If Newbie came over June would be unavailable for the rest of the night, if not the next morning, and she was still burning hot for the cow. Then her eyes lowered to the swaying, jiggling ass and she followed her target. The bitch loved her water hot, and the glass was already fogging when Ruby thrust it open and joined her lover under the spray. Within seconds of the excited squeals of the women had completely hidden the interior of the bath.


"Lydia, have you seen Shirley?" Betty asked, touching at the teen's shoulder.

"Haven't seen her for the mornin'." The blonde stated, giving her a curious look. "Problem?"

"Maybe, depending on what she has to say." Betty started ominously, before wandering off. Shirley hadn't yet announced who'd be playing at the Festival and the brunette was getting nervous. Passing by the stock room she paused as the source of her irritation crossed into view.

"Betty," Pauline called, a bright smile on her face. Dammit, if only she acted more like a bitch this would be so much easier. "I was hoping to run into you today."

"So was I. See, I was looking for Shirley to talk about the Festival and..."

"About that," the Asian woman interrupted her, resting a hand on her shoulder. "Shirley wanted me to talk with you about it."

"Is that so?" Betty asked warily. "Sounds important."

"Yes, you see the Spring Festival is...kind of a big deal...and she wants to make sure it goes off without a hitch." Pauline continued. "So she asked me to talk to you and...

"Oh I know how much of a big deal it is. I've attended many before I went off to college on a music scholarship." Betty replied, interrupting her. "I've always wanted to be on stage during one."

"Yes, I know, the young prodigy. I heard about how glowing your recommendation was." Wan admitted, her praise sounding genuine. "But things were tight last year, and they want to make sure this one starts off on the right foot. It requires experience and, right now, you just don't have any."

"Which I'll get by playing." Betty interrupted her again, being talked down to not something she took particularly well.

"Look...Bets. I'm trying to be nice here." Pauline's smile dropped now and she was all business. And in business you had no friends. "I've heard you play. You're good, but amateur. You don't know how to work the crowd and if you fuck up we're all going to be paying the price."

"Then I won't fuck up." The brunette snapped back, angry at her talents being disparaged. Which was probably while she also continued. "And the last person I need criticizing me playing is a fat assed, small titted former drummer!"

She turned to leave but found herself yanked back by a surprisingly strong grip. "Say that again." Pauline said quietly, pushing herself up against the taller woman. "I fucking dare you. Say that again!"

"Fat assed. Small titted. cxnt!" Betty hissed spitefully. "I'll say it a hundred times if you'd like."

"No need." Pauline growled, crashing a clenched fist across Betty's face and then another into her stomach. Grabbing the stunned woman's face she spat in it before punching again and sending her falling to the ground. "You seem to mistake my being nice as being weak. I've been around the block little girl and I have no problem dragging you to Shirley's office if I have to!"

"That so?" Betty wiped her lip and spat, glaring up at the shorter woman.

"Yeah, that's so," Pauline snapped, clenching a fist as Betty gingerly got to her feet. "You seemed like a nice kid, but clearly you need some tough love. Now, you gonna be a good girl, or do I have to rough you up some more?"

"I'll take option three." Betty snarled, fists lashing out in a swift one two that sent Wan crashing into a stack of chairs. The Asian rubbed her jaw and glared across at the brunette. "Me kicking your ass AND playing at the festival."

Currently on stage help his wife set up the lights Yuri Ivanov perked up, cocking his head to the side. Giving a shrug he returned to what he was doing before his head jerked up again a few seconds later. "You hear that?"

"What?" Nadine asked, pausing in her own work.

"Sounded like a scream." Yuri muttered, then rose to his feet at a low echo. "There it is again."

"I heard something too." Nadine frowned, jumping onto the stage and following her husband. Once they got backstage they ran into a frantic stagehand. "What's going on?"

"It's Betty and Pauline," he gabbled, grabbing at Yuri. "We can't stop them and they're tearing each other apart."

After initially shooting the stagehand and a disbelieving look another screech set him running. Darting into the back Yuri followed the noise, screams becoming louder and more coherent, until spinning around a corner, skidding to a stop and ducking under a microphone that came flying in his direction. Betty had Pauline's shirt pulled over her head as she pounded furiously onto the woman's back and neck even as Wan butted her head into the girl's stomach. Shrugging out of the shirt Pauline threw herself at Betty with only her bra holding her impressive boobs up, both women's fists swinging wildly.

"Yuri!" Nadine came up next to him and he pointed at Betty and she nodded. Getting as close as he could without drawing attention from the fighting women he waited until they stopped throwing punches and grabbed for hair before lunging forward and locking his arms under Wan's pits. The Asian woman screeched in outrage as he pulled her away, her legs kicking wildly as her hands came free. When Betty looked to follow Nadine grabbed her around the waist and shoved her up against the wall. "Calm down Bets...don't make me have to hurt you."

But just like how the previously good natured brunette only struggled all the harder, twisting around and reaching for Pauline who, despite her small size and normally pleasant demeanor, was clearly giving her husband trouble as she raked clawed hands and kicked viciously at the younger woman. And to her horror, Nadine felt her grip slipping as Betty stamped repeatedly on her feet, determined to not be kept away.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!!" All action immediately ceased when Shirley appeared with a bellow that cut through the noise. The pinched faced woman glared around taking in everything and gave a groan at what she saw. "YOU TWO, MY OFFICE, NOW!!!"

Herding her two headaches into her office Shirley left terse orders with Yuri to keep everyone away. Slamming the door shut she spun around in time to see the two women glaring at each other as if ready to resume hostilities.

"What the hell is wrong with you two!?" She demanded. The sudden outburst from both, throwing blame onto the other she held up her hand. "Shut it...Wan, I thought I asked you to talk to Betty about the Festival."

"I tried, Shirl," Pauline whined. "But this little cxnt called me fat assed and small titted. How else was I to react to that?!"

"Like a professional!" Shirley wiped at her face, then glared over at Betty. "And you, Simovich. Pauline has seniority, even if you don't like what she has to say you should be respectful."

"We had an arrangement." Betty struggled to remain polite, her blood still hot at being restrained. "When I was hired I was promised if I met all demands and requirements I'd have my debut in Spring."

"The Spring Festival is where we drum up business and entice people for the coming year." Pauline gritted out, furious at losing her temper like that, but even angrier at the gaijin bitch that made her lose face in front of the crew. "You could play at the Summer event."

"Quiet...both of you." Shirley massaged her temples. It was her fault for bringing in Pauline so late in the season. She'd expected some friction, but it had never crossed her mind that Betty would get physical. "I'm going to give you one last chance to sort this out. Tomorrow I'll see the both of you back here with an agreed upon decision. Do you think you can manage that?"

"Oh...I'm willing to discuss it." Pauline smirked at Betty.

"Oh certainly," Betty smiled back. "Why don't you pass by this evening and we can handle this like adults."

"Do you take me for a fool?!" Shirley slammed her fists onto the desk. "If you two show up tomorrow with black eyes or scratches or whatever you're both OUT. You hear me. You'll be lucky if I even let either of you play backup. Now get the fuck out!"

Once outside Yuri kept between the two and pointed them in separate directions. Stalking away Pauline felt a buzzing in her pants. Flipping open her phone she held it to her ear. "Wan."

"My house. 8 pm then. We'll settle up there."

"Gladly," Pauline snarled, snapping the phone shut. It had been a long time since she'd felt this eager to pummel a bitch. But worse than that was the burning feeling in her stomach. She hoped she could wait until Hank picked her up.


"Like what you see?"

Ruby's mood was prickly after being interrupted this morning. She'd had the bitch on the verge only to have to stop for...this. Even the quickie in the shower did little to diminish the lust raging through her veins. Working at EverFresh Supermarket was a new low for her. Even more annoying was the bold, open stare from her shifts co-worker.

"Oh yeah, I can get behind this." Maximus quipped, his innuendo and openly lecherous grin grating on her already frayed nerves. She knew him, as everyone else did, from wandering around town and his...unusual family. He was also apparently friends with the young Newbie so she had to wonder if he'd been telling tales. Their shift was almost over and the boy never hid his interest.

"Listen, kid." Ruby glowered across at him, unconsciously adopting a seductive stance as he wandered past balancing a pair of bean sacks on either shoulder. "I'm sure you're nice and all but I'm the kind of girl your mom warns against. So you can stop flexing and showing off."

"Sorry to disappoint, but this is how I always work." Max retorted, walking past her close enough for their bodies to brush. Ruby's eyes flashed at the invasion of her personal space while he merely grinned. "You've got a reputation around town. Now I don't judge, but you look passable enough of a fuck...but not quite what I was expecting."

"Oh...and what were you expecting?" Ruby bristled, yet at the same amused at the brazen approach. Few men dared talk to her like that for fear of losing out on what she could provide.

"Well for someone rumored to have slept with every single guy in town I was expecting more up front and in the back." He paused in front of her. "From what I see it looks like what you got is barely bigger than Ms. Meadow's."

"You do realize this outfit is designed to make me look frumpy, right." Ruby grunted. "And you're one to talk. I can't tell if you have a six pack or a pot belly in that uniform. For all I know you've got a beer gut to rival Vadim."

Shooting a glance at the register, Max ducked into the storeroom. Raising an eyelash Ruby followed at his gesture. "Beer gut huh," Max flipped the shirt over his head and Ruby couldn't help but be impressed. His torso looked like that of a bodybuilder, flat and the abs well defined. "I work out babe. In the gym and on the bed, the girls in college could barely walk after I was through with them."

"College girls," Ruby snorted and, on a whim, pulled off her shirt to give him a full view. It was now Max's turn to be stunned as the openly gaped at the glands barely held up by her white lace bra. She strode up to him, pressing them firmly against his chest while she ran her hands over his torso. "Are overrated."

"You saying you can do better?" He demanded huskily, hands brushing against the breasts pushing into his chest. Oh yes...he could have fun with these.

"You have a car?"

"A Lemon," he shrugged. "It gets me from point A to point B."

"Good. You can drop me home." Ruby pulled her shirt back down. "We can take a detour on the way. It'll be a short one."


June caressed Don's face as the man staggered away into the crowd. Leaning back, she took a sip of water unable to keep a grin off her face. Getting paid for giving men a taste of what they could have was just the thing she was looking for. And the angry looks from the women when men stumbled past made it all even better. Then her smile widened. "Hello Robert."

Robert Newbie came to a surprised stop at the call, head turning as he looked for the source. When it landed on her his eyes bugged out. Clad in a tight blue shirt that looked fit to burst and short white skirt, June's kissing booth was pulling in the simoleons. "June, it's good to see you. It's been awhile."

"Indeed, I imagine I have Mags to thank for that."

"Same old June," he sighed. "You two never did get along."

"I wonder who's to blame for that?" June replied archly. Leaning over the counter she presented an excessive amount of cleavage that made many slow to take in the sights.

"Please, I was more than you could handle," he replied, amused. "And I also remember the both of you providing entertainment long before you set your sights on me. The pep rally you two turned into a mud wrestling exhibition ring any bells?"

"I remember how motivated the football team was by the end," she chuckled. "It was..."

"Robert what are you...YOU!" Mags froze when she saw who her husband was talking to. "What are YOU doing here!?"

"Maybe you should buy her a pair of glasses Robby," June remarked drily, pointing up at the sign. "Poor Mags seems to be getting on in age."

"I'm younger than you, you..."

"Don't make a scene Maggie," Robert sighed. "I thought you girls would learn to get along by now. We're all adults now, what's there to fight over?"

"Our son's future for one," the redhead thought glaring furiously at a smirking June. Then she smiled back. June's expression immediately became unsure as her old rival sauntered up to the stall and slapped simoleons onto the counter. "Robert is right. Maybe it's time to bury the hatchet. How about we...kiss and make up."

"So that's her game," June's eyes narrowed, then she smiled, picking up the money. "Indeed, let's be friends."

"Pucker up, fucker!" Mags whispered as their faces leaned in. As soon as their lips touched she grabbed the June's face holding it steady while her tongue barraged the other woman's mouth. Not to be outdone, June's hand curled around the back of Mags' head while her own tongue fenced furiously in defence, then the organs twisted around, wrestling. While June's was easily longer, forcing it's way to lap at the redhead's tonsils, Mags' was thicker which gave it an edge when they grappled.

Eyes closed and focused on their wrestling tongues they ignored the soft moans they emitted during the kiss...just like they failed to notice a slowly gathering crowd that watched as the kiss went on...and on. Liplocked as they were, they could only breath through the nose and, as their heads twisted to and fro, they pressed the nostrils together, further restricting air passage, in an attempt to take control of the kiss. And it worked...for Mags. As her oxygen levels depleted June's tongue thrusts weakened and it was dragged into repeated scuffles that had her tongue held down.

Feeling her rival weakening Mags smiled and tightened her hold as she felt June weakly try to pull away. With a final loud SMACK she released the dazed cougar, stroking her chin in a seemingly friendly manner while her eyes conveyed loathing and contempt and, in this case, victory. She then turned to her agape husband, finally taking notice of the onlookers. "See, we're friends." She said, linking her arm with his, leaning in close. "Take me home, Robert. We have a matter to attend to."

June watched as Robert literally dragged Mags towards the parking lot and then the several couples that were hastily making their way to secluded areas of the park. She doubted they'd make it back to the house. Growling she pulled out her phone. It might be early, even petty, but she had the ideal way to get back at the fucking ginger. And, damn her, that kiss had her horny as fuck. "Hello. Yes, I've missed you to. I need a ride back to the house. Thirty minutes? Perfect."


"Uuuunghh. Oh fuck...oh fuck... Ungghhh"


The water tower near the riverside area was a popular spot for young adults and teens. When Maximus's car had pulled up to the area there was also already another vehicle violently rocking with windows fogged. To her amusement it was a police car. Before he even put the car into park Ruby had stripped, helped him out of his own clothes and went to work. At this point she realized that Max's talents, while in Bob's league, went in a different direction.

Bob came often and, to her mind, easily. But the boy could keep it up far longer than any man had a right to. Max on the other hand seemed to have an iron control on his prick. Cowgirl, doggy, missionary, even reverse cowgirl the bastard just wouldn't break. By comparison he had her mewling and moaning in abject delight. They fucked so fiercely that by the time her pussy overwhelmed him they'd somehow ended up outside on the wet grass. The absence of the police cruiser was a relief once she could think. Pushed up against the trunk of his jalopy she watched his face twist and contort as he fought a losing battle against her pussy's ministrations. But finally he could take no more and and he shoved up against her, roaring as his hips thrusted furiously and jet after jet of his cum splashed up against her cervix. Eventually his dick stopped twitching and her snatch stopped spasming and they both took an explosive breath.

"Jesus..." Max panted. "That was... Damn. Well I apologize. Reputation well earned...fucking hell!"

"Your toy's not half bad either," Ruby admitted, shivering in the cool night air and from the cold metal at her back, trying to hide the tremor in her voice. He was still hard. The son of a bitch was still hard. What the hell was it with college boys!? She dragged a hand along his chiseled chest and another across his strong jawline while licking her lips. This could be good training. Inner muscles once more grabbed the invading organ in a powerful grasp. Max gasped, his body momentarily weak and he leaned over the redhead that stared up at him through her lashes. "Is something wrong? Why did you stop?"

"Was just giving you a chance to recover." Max smiled, hands going low to cup her ass and slowly lift her fully off the ground.

"Reload sweetie," Ruby smiled, bouncing in his hands. "Because I'm not the one that'll need recovering."


At the Saul house a police vehicle pulled up outside with the lights on. Curious neighbors peeked out from behind curtains then sighed in relief after it drove off when a woman exited the vehicle and made her way up the walkway.  Pauline walked with a happy bounce up to the door, knocking loudly.

"Took you long enough." Betty glanced left and right. "Get your ass in here!"

"I had matters to attend to." Pauline replied, cocking her head at Betty's attire. A white tank top and hot pants that made her reassess the girl's attributes. And the sexual relief she gained from Hank's abilities had cooled her temper enough that she was willing to attempt to give a peaceful resolution one more go. "Look...maybe I was a bit too forward. I've heard you play. You're good Bets...damn good."

Betty cocked an eyebrow. Maybe they could avoid unpleasantness after all.

"But I'm sure even you have never heard of anyone debuting at the Spring Festival." The shorter, darker haired woman continued, voice reasonable. "There is no harm in debuting later to get some exposure and..."

"This is not about exposure, this is about what I'm owed." Betty growled taking a step towards the Asian, pausing as the woman sank into a crouch. "And I don't intend to lose that to some boss's pet that thinks she's better than me."

"I don't THINK it, little girl, I know it!" Pauline's eyes narrowed in outrage, tempted to start things right now and start tearing the brunette bald. "Pity no one else is here to see what a bitch you actually are behind that girl next door exterior. But I'll content myself with just giving you the beating you deserve."

"You're one to talk, coming in and acting like you're everyone's best friend. I hate hypocrite's like you the most." Betty hissed, spinning around and indicating for her to follow. Not even bothering to see if the other woman actually did so she walked into the dimly lit living room. The first thing she noticed was that the center of the room been cleared, tracks in the carpet indicating furniture had been shoved to the side. Then, to Pauline's surprise, she pulled the tank top over her head and tossed it to the side. "But unlike you I don't intend to lose my job over a catfight. I'm assuming you're smart enough to figure where I'm going with this. Though you know what they say about making assumptions."

"Oh...Oh now this will be fun." Pauline chortled. Unbuttoning her blouse, then kicking off her tights she presented in sheer lace underwear that while it covered, did little to hide. Unbuttoning her bra, she let her breasts bounce free and smirked at how the brunette's eyes widened. "Surprised skank? Last chance... I haven't said a single lie tonight. I'm willing to let bygones and be bygones and start over. If not, you'll learn it's not just music I have you beat in."

Betty's were comparable in size, but she had to admit that Wan's were incredible to look at. Almost perfect bullet shaped they pointed unerringly at the brunette's pair, promising pain. Likewise, despite her confident words, Pauline was wary of just how little sway Simovich's tits had as the girl moved.

"I'd make the same offer, but I'm not in the habit of letting my babies get disparaged like that," Betty sneered. "Besides, I can tell you're experienced. You really just gonna walk out when faced with a pair of guns like these?"

"Well when you put it that way," Pauline smirked. It HAD been awhile since she'd flattened a bitch. Her match against Zelda had been interrupted. "Fair enough. Loser talks to Shirley tomorrow, agreed?"

"Agreed!" Betty growled, staring at Pauline's trim body and coming to a quick decision. "How bout a bonus, if your not chicken. Loser has to perform a service for the winner."

"Well now. Liking what you see?" Pauline struck pose before giving the younger woman an openly lustful stare. "Honey, Hank is just a convenience. He knows no one can control me, and maybe a good pounding is all you need to lose the bitchiness."

"Good!" Making the first move, Betty tilted her body to the right and feinting a swing. Pauline did the same and after a few false starts two boobs soared through the air to smash together with stunning force.

Immediately, both musicians leapt at one another, proud assets cracking together in feminine conflict. Instead of beating their breasts side by side, Pauline focused on ensuring their fighting teats beat together head to head, nipple to nipple. She'd won many titfights by spearing through her opponents breasts with the impressive firmness of her pointed pair. She found, however, that Betty's pair were of comparable density, and the girl had reason to be confident. Each time Wan shoved her tits into one of Betty's orbs, the brunette came back with a painful WHACK along the inside or outside of her boobs.

The pain forced a shocked yelp from the Asian woman, who's face reddened in shame and rage at the pathetic sound and the smirk that flitted across Betty's face. The look faltered at the cold smile Pauline gave in return. With a savage snarl she flung herself at the clearly startled brunette, hands digging into hair and both started fighting in earnest.


Back at the water tower at least three other cars had joined Max's Lemon, each parked just far enough away that the cries of those inside the violently rocking vehicles didn't disturb the others.

For their part Max and Ruby lay together in the backseat, sweaty and very happy, with Ruby half on top his broad body. Caressing one another lightly they tried to relax and catch their breath.

"Jesus...I think I'm in love." Max murmured tiredly around the kisses they shared. He'd never met a woman that could drain his dick like this. Not even among the teachers, and he knew a couple that were deserving of the term maneaters. Fondling her breasts, he heard Ruby moan in approval before he gave a sharp hiss when she grabbed his sore prick. "Never thought I'd be grateful to be working for minimum wage."

"Hmmm...yeah, you certainly got lucky." Ruby chuckled throatily, stroking his chest and moving her lips to leave wet kiss along his upper torso. She was beginning to think Max had Bob beat, the muscular blonde definitely more aggressive and forward than June's favorite. She reached his lap and angled his cock towards her waiting lips. She heard him grunt, and gasped as his man-meat swelled in her hand and mouth. "Oh now, this is impressive."

"You ain't seen nothing yet." Max said, grabbing her under the arms pulling her up to meet him. Half sitting in a rough cowgirl Ruby leaned back and they both groaned at how easily he slipped inside her warm, wet passage. "Hope you don't have any plans babe because we're just getting started."

"Promises, promises." Ruby teased, beginning to bounce earnestly. "Show me you're not all talk!"

"Talking is the last thing on my mind." The young man croaked, grabbing the redhead by the hips.


Betty grunted at the sharp CLAP CLAP of her breasts splashing against Pauline's immense pair. Rearing back and hurling the four orbs together had them both cringing at the painful stinging.

Pauline gritted her teeth as she slammed her boobs against Betty's large tits. They smacked together with hollow PLOPS that had them giving soft whines, both set of breasts painfully dense and solid.

Strong fingers dug deep into chestnut brown and coal black hair, curling tight as the topless, determined women kept flinging their weighty glands together. Tiring of the disconnect when their boobs bounced apart Betty grabbed Pauline, pulling the Asian woman into a tight hug that saw the orbs compress, but not flatten, even when Wan threw her own arms around the younger woman's waist crushing their bodies together even further.

Bodies rocking back and forth they bounced around the small room, spinning slowly as they went. The firm, pulpy mass of boobs swelled upwards under pressure causing the women to groan. But still they plied their breasts against one another, mashing the proud orbs together, repeatedly squeezing and thrusting with their lithe arms while fingers strengthened from playing the guitar locked tight. Beginning at their foreheads, sweat slowly began to coat trim bodies from the effort they put out and the pain inflicted.

"Ha...had enough yet?" Betty gurgled. Her boobs ached and breathing was difficult. "Give up now...and save yourself the...humiliation."

"You give up...little shit," Pauline croaked. The throbbing pain from her boobs was bearable but the weight behind the college girl's tits was concerning. "Otherwise my babies'll...shove yours...inside out."

"Never...gonna happen...cxnt!" The brunette rasped, shoving strongly against the raven haired guitarist, the wiry strength in the shorter woman pushing against her.

"Show you...slut!" Pauline growled roughly, pouring even more pressure onto their glands until the flesh was taut and unyielding. Unable to maintain the strong facade anymore Betty threw back her head whipping it left and right at the strain on her boobs, Pauline biting her lips hard enough to taste blood as they kept squeezing and squeezing as if intending to pop the full, rounded orbs. "FUUUUCCCKKKKK!!!"

"AAAGGGHHHHH!!!" Betty howled and then, she could breathe again. Staggering, she steadied herself on the treadmill, blinking out of her eyes while glaring across at Pauline. The Asian woman rested her back against the wall of mirrors, massaging her boobs that still looked disturbing full to the young brunette's eyes. "What's...the matter bitch? Couldn't take...take it anymore?"

" pushed me talent hack!" Pauline gritted out, rubbing some feeling back into her battered breasts. She felt a slight twinge of fear at how high Betty's tits still sat on her chest. "But come on over if...if you want some more pun...punishment"

Not one to back down from a challenge Betty swallowed and advanced warily on the other musician. Giving her head a shake Pauline pushed off from the wall towards Betty. Crouching slightly they kept their arms slightly out to maintain balance, eyes focused on the hypnotically swaying orbs, jealousy burning at the sight.

"C'mere!" Pauline said thickly. Betty lumbered into range and both swung from the left, boobs rising upwards to smash together in midair. Hanging their for a long second Pauline imagined she could see the flesh rippling as the orbs pushed against one another before falling back heavily onto their chests. Clapping hands over their mouths both fell back, the screams muffled. Fully enraged now the the top heavy Asian glared across at the busty brunette who met it with an equally menacing glower. Then Betty smiled grimly, tilting her body to the right. Pauline responded with a smirk doing the same.

Anger would only make them careless. The woman they were fighting was obviously more experienced that they initially gave credit for and to assume otherwise would just lead to a defeat. "No more fucking around," Betty said quietly, nodding at Pauline who returned the gesture. Glaring eyes still displayed open hostility, but now there was also a measure of respect. Face to face to inched closer until they could feel the other's warm exhalations on her face.

"Agreed," Pauline whispered, her exertions and the warmth of the room making her sweat, and she could see her light sheen mirrored in the college brat's glow. Closer still they shuffled until nipples almost touched and, simultaneously, they flung their tits together with what force they could muster. Due to the proximity the orbs this time met level with their chest, but again the women imagined they could see every ripple, every surge of their breastflesh pushing against it's opposite before rebounding. But this time they didn't recoil from the pain, but used the momentum to hurl their other breast together with an equally vicious and loud SMACK!



Their rhythm set, neither balked from the pain, or gave any indication other than facial twitches and the clenching of teeth. Occasionally one would stagger slightly from the weighty blows but, ignoring the superior sneer from the other woman, they'd just reset themselves and the duel would re-commence. And the pain. The steadily building torment that was visible from behind glistening eyes.

Milky pale breasts collided with lightly tanned boobs, swelled and quivered. White teeth threatened to crack under pressure, while soft whines whistled from between imperfections. Yet despite the burning torment emanating from the near glowing teats they couldn't help but absently notice how stiff and erect the nipples were. Panting in effort now Pauline shifted ever so slightly to the right at the end of a swing, which resulted in her boob sliding past Betty's instead of bouncing off. Unbalanced and tired, she staggered and was wide open to a savage blow from the brunette, who saw no reason not to capitalize.

With a tormented screech Pauline tumbled onto a couch.


With a delighted yell, Ruby squeezed her curvy legs around Max's waist as the young man drilled his thick shaft repeatedly into her spasming snatch, his savage grunts barely sounding human.

Three times his dick had succumbed to her talented pussy, firing off loads deep into her womb with surprising force. That by itself would've impressed the lusty redhead, if not for the fact that she was currently experiencing her tenth orgasm for the evening. Oh yes...June was definitely onto something.

She felt him tremble and moan, movements taking on a ragged edge, then give a bestial howl as his prick unloaded into her womb over the course of several violent thrusts. She held him tight, her inner walls massaging all along the length of his manhood that briefly seemed to shrink away before swelling back to, while not it's previous girth, an impressive enough size. "Fucking hell," he gasped, shaking his head and whipping the sweat to splash across Ruby's face and upper body. "Where have you been all my life?"

"Told you college girls were for beginners." The redhead giggled tiredly. If this one and Bob were indicative of college boys maybe she should apply for a job. Then she felt him begin to move again. "Wait...this is too uncomfortable."

His head shot up to stare at her with a desperate expression that made her want to laugh. Oh yes...she had her own now.

"Take me home," She slowly unwound legs stiff from keeping him in place for so long and sighed as he removed himself slowly from her womanhood. "No point restricting ourselves to a backseat like this."

Ruby had to remind him to at least put on his pants or the horny young man would've climbed over the seat and driven off in the buff. As it was she could barely get on her own panties and only half of her bra before leaning over to give him directions and ensure he didn't go over the limit. She wasn't forgetting that police cruiser.


Sweating profusely now Pauline hammered her right tit repeatedly against the faltering Betty until the girl gave a sharp, pathetic cry and fell back onto the thick carpet. Eyes watering, the busty Asian guitarist looked on patiently as the brunette slowly made her back up onto shaking legs...and then their duel resumed.

Battering each other across the room, and to the floor, repeatedly neither gave any indication of stopping and simply pushed themselves back upright and strode right back, breasts flailing. Pauline was the first to realize that she was no longer fighting for the Festival spot. It hit here after the first knockdown and she was slow in getting back up.

"Is that it?" The words cut through the agony and she glared up at younger woman. Teeth gritting she scrambled back to her feet.

"You're going to regret not taking advantage," she warned Betty, and flung herself at the waiting woman. The girl's tits still hit like wrecking balls but Pauline was in her zone now a grin formed on her face...was actually beginning to enjoy herself.

Stumbling, barely retaining her feet, Betty kept flinging her boobs against Pauline's rock hard orbs. The black haired woman stood firm, their boobs slapping together wildly, before almost falling with a moan. She'd forgotten this feeling, Betty realized, breathing heavily while warily keeping an eye on Wan. Fighting her mother had been a supremely personal matter  this...this filled her with a familiar excitement. Much like when she and her best frenemy back in college, Ashley Corono got into a fight. And now, Pauline staggering back towards her, their boobs beating together mercilessly, she was getting that same feeling. Unknowingly, lips began to curl into a smile.

Gasping and groaning, faces contorting with a frightening eagerness, their surging breasts clapped together audibly. In brutal comparison it seemed like their shapely boobs were completely equal despite how many times they pounded and crushed them together. Again and again the massive glands smacked together, and again and again the women stumbled apart on tottering legs, sank to the ground singly or even together. But pride made them rise. Pride and a kind of perverse joy at being able to cut loose.

Teeth gritting Pauline heaved her boobs hard against Betty's contending udders, hearing the girl gasp in sudden expressive pain and then retreat. Nostrils flaring the busty Asian stalked forward eagerly. Too eagerly, and was met with a solid WHAP when the brunette whipped her left tit savagely across her aching teats. It was her turn to whine at the pain and hurriedly fall back. Gasping heavily, the ladies took a moment to catch their breath.

"Dammit," Betty grunted, massaging her chest. Then, grudgingly. "Those are some serious knockers you got there, Wan. You got a foreign mother or something?"

"Nope...runs in the family." Pauline replied, gingerly patting her cleavage. "Yours aren't bad either Bets. Last person to work me over like this was my cousin. You wouldn't be ready to call it quits would you?"

"Would you like me to?"

Pauline pondered the question for a moment, then shook her head, smiling. "Nah. Been too long since I've had fun like this."

"Same, would be a waste not to see it through to the end" Betty grinned back in a surprisingly friendly manner. Then she inclined her head at the clock that was flicked over to 9:37PM. "But, we might need to hurry. Ten's when my boyfriend gets off shift. And I'll need to shift back the furniture."

"You're assuming you'll be in any condition to do so," Pauline sniped, after the surprise at how long they'd been fighting wore off. Granted she'd been late, but still. Marching up to the younger, taller woman, she halted as their breasts brushed together lightly and threw open her arms. "Because I don't plan on losing."

Face pink at the light touch of Wan's boobs against her own Betty arranged her own tits until their nipples were side by side. Experienced titfighters, neither wanted to be distracted by what they knew would happen if the spikes met, they carefully arranged their arms, Pauline smirking as her shorter stature let her get the inner position. "That's what many that've made the mistake of provoking me have said," the brunette replied huskily. "Guess what I did to them!"

The Asian woman's response was to tense her arms, pulling Betty's body in an uncomfortable crush that saw their breasts shoved together, spreading widely under the compression. "Probably the same thing I did to those that messed with me," Pauline whispered, licking her lips, arms relaxing slightly. She then bit down a moan when the young woman's arms clenched and their boobs once more tried to occupy the same space. Betty added a light grinding motion that had her wince, before squeezing her own arms in response.

Feet shuffling, both beauties pressed forward with their heavy tits, trying to overbalance her rival. Their boobs hadn't been wrestling for long but both had quickly come to the realization that, just like with the boxing, neither rack would give way easily. Eyes locked, staring hard, as each tried to assess if they were causing the other pain beyond what they both felt. All they saw though was a fierce determination to win.

Pauline felt Betty strain, squeezing with an intent to finally punch her boobs through, and shove forward with her legs. To keep her balance she had to take a step back and felt the taller woman's leg snake between her own. Needing to retake the initiative she gave thrust with her hips, heard the brunette give a light squeal, then thrust back, slapping their barely covered nethers together.

"You forget where I just came from?" Betty murmured shoving with her tits, and hips, again forcing the smaller woman to take another step back. "You think I'd back off from a little pussy bumping?"

"Was worth a try," Pauline purred, her body quivering. Damn, now she REALLY wanted to just move onto the bedroom portion of their match. Giving her body a sharp twist she heard Betty give a surprised yelp and then groan as her back hit the wall. At the same time she squeezed and shoved, her boobs digging in deep if the noise from the girl was any indication. "You feel amazin' Bets. Don't worry. I'll take good care of you. And make sure you get to play in the later festivals."

"I'!" Betty growled, giving a series of short thrusts that cause Pauline significant discomfort, then flipped the Asian around. "You're good, Paula. If we were in college I'd skip the fight and move onto the fucking. But I've more than just that planned for you. Now hold still like a good girl while I finish up here."

"As if!" Face twisting, Pauline matched Betty bearhug for bearhug. Both pair of breasts were slick with sweat but, despite the pressure put on them by their owners, the only kind of movement either managed was a slight side to side motion. No matter how much either shoved they weren't able to push through the other's breasts, and both were beginning to tire.

Titflesh oozing out from under their arms as the orbs flattened even more in response to their clenching arms and twisting bodies. Legs spasmed and Betty gave a soft groan, dropping a few precious inches when Pauline tensed and drove her boobs forward, gaining a few feet on her rival. Then the Asian woman whimpered quietly, her left leg twitching, sinking down to her knees. A relieved brunette followed her down, her own limbs at their limit.

Still neither relented. Arms remained locked and breasts smashed together, fighting for superiority. Eyes flickered down to battling busts, observing the constant shifting in the line where their racks met, then back up to stare hard into the face of the other woman to search for any sign of weakness at the pain they suffered. Their arms were high now on backs just below the neck to keep their boobs squashed together as much as possible. There could be no movement now other than forward.

Despite her earlier words time lost all meaning for both beauties. Betty was pouring out everything she had, and Pauline matched the effort. Squeezing as hard as they could, one thrusting while the other shoved, sore and aching boobs compressed together in a battle neither seemed able to win. Gasping and moaning, their bodies heaved and shoulder blades rubbed together uncomfortably as they sought some kind of advantage, some small edge that would let their breasts gain an advantage. But while both were clearly in more pain, their firm tits remained unconquered.

Then there was a light buzzing sound.

Unconsciously eyes flickered over to the clock and eyes widened as it flashed 10:00PM at them. Immediately Betty's face swung back to Pauline's and the stacked Asian flung her head back with a sharp wail. Reacting to the clock Betty responded by digging into what reserves she had. Crushing the woman harder to her body and thrusting her boobs with increasing violence she sought to finally end their deadlock. Once the initial pain wore off, however, Pauline again matched her effort. Squeezing harder and shoving viciously with her breasts to penetrate the brunette's solid rack.

At 10:03 fatigue showed openly on pretty faces, but breasts still pumped energetically together.

By 10:07 sweat now dripped freely down their bodies, but boobs now pumped almost frantically.

At 10:11, breathing ragged, Pauline grunted a breathy "Uuuhnnn," while Betty gave a deep moan of "Ooohhhh..."

Eyes wide they stared down at the line between their busts that rippled, quivered, then flattened noticeably at the front. Both felt the penetration, giving a horrified whimper at the sudden specter of defeat. Arms tensed, driving their battered boobs together one final time. Foreheads pressed together hard, eyes squeezed shut against the agony, when Pauline finally gave a choking sob.

Vision bleary from tears, Betty's eyes opened, She could hardly make out that, despite the terrible pain, her boobs had won...barely. Pauline's breasts were pushed back against her ribcage, surrendering to the rival pair. The Asian woman raised a sweat drenched, tear stained face to look into the victor's eyes. "I...give..." She croaked. 10:17...bad numbers for the defeated guitarist.

Betty slackened her hug, releasing Pauline, but the Asian woman didn't pull away. Instead her hands dipped to cup the brunette's deflated, but victorious, boobs angling them up to her face. Knowing what was coming, Betty merely relaxed and savored the touch of Wan's lips on her nipples and areola. Sighing, she stroked the rival musician's hair as she kissed her way over to give worship to the other boob. Suckling on the teat, she ran tongue around the rough spike, sawing at it with her teeth.

"That's enough...good Christ," Betty gasped, grabbing Pauline's head and pulling the woman into a searing kiss. Shoving her to ground the two kissed fervently, tongues darting past to invade the opposing orifice. Wrapping up tightly once more, they rolled slowly across the carpet, tongues lapping and hips grinding. Mounting Pauline, Betty smiled down at the woman, licking at her lips even while she whined in urgent lust.

"Where's the bedroom?" The Asian woman gasped, reaching for the brunette who rolled off and away.

"Upstairs, room on the right," Betty panted, fending off the horny guitarist, her own loins burning. "I need to get some things ready first."


Her bed rocking violently, Ruby viciously rode her only too eager partner. Max's fingers dug into her thighs as he plunged deep into her body. If her pussy wasn't clamped so firmly around his dick she might've gone flying off with the violence behind his thrusts.

A room over she could hear June screaming and Bob yelling. She had no idea how long they'd been back, and she didn't care. The sound of Newbie howling in orgasm drove her almost insane with lust and she sprinted for the stairs, the sound of Max's lumbering steps close behind.

Once inside her room, she spun around and pounced on the chasing man, tearing off what little he already wore. Arms and legs wrapped firmly around his muscular frame her own underwear was ripped away from her body. Displaying the fact that his muscles weren't just for show and he had the stamina to back it up, before they even got to the bed she came twice and drained his dick once.

Maybe the reason June could control her like she did was because she was, at least, being satisfied by her toy while Ruby's partners could barely keep up. At least until now. The redhead smiled coldly, glancing down at her newest acquisition who showed no signs of slowing yet. Oh yes. With this she could put that cougar in her place.

"Fuck me!" She whispered, leaning over the young blonde's face, his eyes zeroing in on the dangling orbs. Hands shot up, latching onto the breasts, palpating the thick flesh roughly. Squealing delight she lost her focus, basking in the sensation, and he flipped them over. Shoving her legs over his shoulders, drilling into her full force, ignoring her screams or unable to hear them over his own yells, both having lost any semblance of control.

Back in June's room the gorgeous milf smiled. So Ruby wanted to escalate did she? Fine...they'd find out who could break their boytoy faster.


"Betty I'm...wuh?"

Brian Saul entered his house to find the furniture of his living room shifted and a set of unfamiliar clothes scattered across the floor, leading to the stairs. For a moment he felt a surge of rage, then realized the clothes were of the female variant. Now worried and not a little confused he closed the door quietly. Or thought he did.

"Brian? We're upstairs." He heard her call down in a singsong tone.

We? Feelings pulling him every which way the young doctor carefully removed his shoes onto the mat and made his way upstairs.

"Why's he so slow. Does he want us to start without him?"

He didn't recognize the voice. Coming around the door his eyes bugged out. On their bed the first sight that greeted him was a naked Pauline Wan that gave a very open and seductive smile. Not that he noticed since his focus was on the fact that she was naked.

"Like what you see?" He spun around at the sound of the door slamming closed and his girlfriend sashaying up to him. She was also naked, as his hands quickly confirmed, stroking their way up and down her body. Firm hands helped him out of his shirt while another pair, from behind, tugged at his belt that quickly came loose and his pants that fell down across his ankles.


"Ssshhh..." Two different voices murmured.

"No talking tonight." Betty whispered, kissing him deeply, his dick springing eagerly to life.

"We've both taken the pill," Pauline's tongue snaked into his ear, his prick stiffening so hard that if either just touched it he was sure it would blow. Groaning he picked up both squealing beauties and tossed them onto the bed.

"I will get some answers," he growled, quickly stepping out of his restricting boxers. Betty smirked, while Pauline's eyes crossed at the sight of what emerged, licking her lips. "But first..."



Offline DTThrow

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Re: A Sim's Tale #4
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2023, 05:24:24 PM »
Definitely looking forward to more of Pauline.


Offline Gradius

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Re: A Sim's Tale #4
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2023, 01:43:47 PM »
Definitely looking forward to more of Pauline.

Pauline's going to be a regular. She's my favorite Sunset Valley girl and the plan is ot use her as foil for Betty much like how Ruby is to June. It's turning out bigger than I intended so I'll probably be bringing in girls from the other towns as well. If anyone has any preferences just leave them here.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2023, 01:44:13 PM by Gradius »


Offline DTThrow

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Re: A Sim's Tale #4
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2023, 03:11:46 PM »
Got any pic examples of all your characters?


Offline Gradius

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Re: A Sim's Tale #4
« Reply #4 on: March 05, 2023, 12:22:22 AM »
Got any pic examples of all your characters?

Not really. You can find images of them on the sims main site but it doesn't really do them justice.


Offline Thommy1982

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Re: A Sim's Tale #4
« Reply #5 on: December 04, 2023, 06:21:31 AM »
Is there no Part 3? I searched for it but couldnt find it.


Offline Augur

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Re: A Sim's Tale #4
« Reply #6 on: December 04, 2023, 10:26:30 AM »
« Last Edit: December 04, 2023, 10:26:53 AM by Augur »
Latest Chapter of "Titfight Academy"

"A Tribute to Best Friend's Sister" series

You can find some reference pics in my profile


Offline Gradius

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Re: A Sim's Tale #4
« Reply #7 on: December 05, 2023, 12:43:23 AM »
Is there no Part 3? I searched for it but couldnt find it.

Indeed, it seems Gradius hasn't posted that chapter here on FCF, nor could I find it on Fights Sexy or Hostboard.

Gradius' DeviantArt page, however, seems to have a copy of A Sim's Tale, Part 3:

It is up on Hostboard and SHOULD be on Fight Sexy. Surprised I didn't put it up here, but the site is hard to search. I'll try and put it up by tomorrow.
The ones on FCF: