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Can my Sister Stick up for me?

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Offline julian1

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Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« on: December 06, 2023, 05:30:24 PM »
I'll put the pictures in the comments.

I really can't stand this girl Chloe, she is my friends, girlfriend. She has always been a bitch to me, for no reason. She really is a bitch and my other friends think so too. My sister, Hannah, also doesn't like Chloe. I always imagine them fighting and there isn't much else I want to see more than Hannah beating Chloe up. I have actually spoken to Hannah about fighting Chloe, and asked her if she thinks she could beat her, and she basically said she would fight her and she thinks she would win. I'm pretty sure Chloe would accept a challenge from Hannah, just for the chance to get one over on me. I think this fight could easily happen if I tried to make it, I'm just not one hundred percent sure I want to make it a reality yet.

Here is how they match up, my sister Hannah is about 5'4 and Chloe is a few inches shorter, I think she's 5'1. However Chloe makes up for that height disadvantage by being a bit thicker, so I would guess that they weigh about the same, so it evens out. I think it would be a really good fight, neither of them are that active or had any training or experience fighting, so it's hard to predict who would win. I imagine it being a slow, long fight, with lots of hairpulling on the ground.

Let me know what you think if you read this, should I try to encourage Hannah to fight Chloe? It would be amazing for me to watch, but I can't even describe how embarrassing it would be for me, and also for Hannah, if she lost. It's not that I don't believe she can win but Chloe is a nasty little bitch and I can imagine her fighting really dirty. On the other hand it would make me extremely happy if Hannah won, and that contrast is what makes it so exciting to think about.


Offline julian1

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Re: Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2023, 05:31:53 PM »
Pictures of my sister Hannah,


Offline julian1

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Re: Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2023, 05:34:37 PM »
Pictures of Chloe,

(I've respectively ordered the pics 1-4 to make the best comparisons between the photos in pairs.)


Offline julian1

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Re: Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2023, 05:36:50 PM »
Another 2 photos each of Hannah and Chloe.


Offline FBBlake

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Re: Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2023, 03:56:28 AM »
In the photos they seem to be pretty evenly matched but assuming their experience is similar and they are both at similar levels of fitness/cardio, I would always lean towards the shorter, thicker girl.  My experiences may not be typical but in my experience, the shorter, thicker girl almost always seems to win.  If I were betting money on this match, I would have to go with Chloe so she gets my vote.  From the way you described her, I do hope your sister can beat her if they do fight but just voted with my gut and my experience watching girl fights. 


Offline GillianTangles

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Re: Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2023, 04:41:25 AM »
She should! My sister would, I am sure of that. She is petite but so much trouble:;area=pictures;u=75673;view=213070

I will slay anyone who upsets her, so of course I am the most wicked of the two of us. :)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2023, 04:42:36 AM by GillianTangles »
Wanna tangle? Oh do I ever!


Offline GillianTangles

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Re: Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« Reply #6 on: December 08, 2023, 04:55:58 AM »
But never mind me! This is an exciting poll -- I voted already!
Wanna tangle? Oh do I ever!


Offline julian1

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Re: Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« Reply #7 on: December 08, 2023, 10:11:55 AM »
But never mind me! This is an exciting poll -- I voted already!

Do you think I should encourage Hannah to fight her? And also who did you vote for?


Offline VikCFF

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Re: Can my Sister Stick up for me?
« Reply #8 on: December 12, 2023, 12:22:36 PM »
Chloe being a nasty bitch doesn't necessarily mean she would win, I'm not saying I think Hannah would win though. I picked draw because they look close and I don't think either would be able to get and stay on top of the other and get a decisive win. I'm sure both will still manage to hurt each other though if they fight, so who wins might be subjective.