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A Sim's Tale #3

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A Sim's Tale #3
« on: December 06, 2023, 10:45:39 AM »
Sims 3

"That stupid little fool!" Mags Newbie gritted as she sped her Tofunda Wagon down the streets of Riverview. Gunning the engine to catch a yellow light she sped through the center of town ignoring the angry yells. On the seat next to her was a phone. On it was a short message.

Bobbie's out like a light right now, think I wore him out. I'll let him know you were looking for him. June.

Even thinking about it infuriated Mags even more. She'd been concerned for him after learning about his and Betty's break up. But to let himself get seduced by that man eater...her hands clenched the wheel tighter and her foot put more pressure on the gas, swinging into the Shallow's driveway.

Rushing up to the door she slammed her palm against the bell and then her fist on the door. As it swung open she strode in, shoving past a surprised looking Ruby Broke, and marching up to a reclining June. Then it hit her.

Why was Ruby here? Wasn't she the one who was fucking her ex-husband? Never mind that she reminded herself. She had to prevent her son from getting snatched up by the bitch. Grabbing hold of the robe she yanked the black haired woman to her feet. "Where is he!?"

"Who...Bob?" June smiled toothily. "I believe I left him sleeping off our most recent romp. He really is quite well endowed, and talented with it. Does he get that from Robert?"

"BITCH!" Mags roared at the woman's description of her child and slapped her palm across the brunette's face. June made no attempt to block the blow and instead responded in kind her blow shocking the orange haired woman. "How DARE you!"

"How dare YOU walk into MY home and attack ME!" June snapped, shoving the other woman. To the side Ruby watched on with interest. "I have a witness, if I wanted I could have you arrested for assault. With you in jail I imagine someone would have to comfort poor Robert."

Mags face turned white at first, then again flushed at the mention of her husband. "You touch him and I'll...

"Or..." June raised a finger, giving a predatory smile. "We can settle this ourselves, like women. Like we used to back in college."

"So that's what this is about huh," Mags grinned cruelly, pulling off her lime green top and shimmying out of her pants. On the other side June merely shrugged out of the robe. Unclipping her satin bra the redhead tossed it onto the chair with the rest of her outfit. "Still mad that I was kicking your ass in our graduation fight?"

"Hardly." June suddenly hissed, letting her true emotions show. Ruby started, but Mags gave no outward sign of surprise. "And seeing as how I was winning our last fight before we were stopped I have nothing to prove. This is about that big mouth of yours flapping away just like how you had to suck off Mr. Merrindel to get a passing grade."

"As if cxnt!" Mags snarled, letting the memories of their college years fuel the hate she'd always had for the slut. "And your memory must be going. I was the one smashing you. And you're one to talk considering you only avoided expulsion by being the dean's bitch."

"Last chance, Mags. Quit spreading stories and I'll let you walk out of here with your pride. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" The orange haired woman sneered. "You think I'm going to drop such hot gossip. I fail to see how it's my problem that you couldn't hold onto your man."

"Is that so?" June's face twisted. "Tell me, MAGGIE, does Robert still talk about me? When he has your legs over your shoulders does he still call out my name on occasion?"

Ruby flinched away from the whine that forced it's way out of Mag Newbie's mouth. It was a sound of pure, undiluted rage and Ruby had to remind herself not to move when the women threw themselves together. Lush, full bodies slammed together with a meaty SMACK, hands clawing at faces and tearing out handfuls of hair while legs kicked wildly and teeth clicked, snapping at noses and lips.

Spinning around uncontrollably, hissing and cursing, June hooked her leg behind the redhead's and shoved with her tits, overbalancing Mags and sending them tumbling to the floor. Not losing a beat the women rocked furiously, fighting for control before tumbling back and forth across the carpeted floor squeezing tightly, shouting in effort and yelling as they kneed one another repeatedly. Staring in a rapt fascination, and not a little lust, Ruby's head jerked up. She didn't know what alerted her but she spotted a bob of light brownish hair duck around the corner. A small grin on her lips the redhead considered the development.


"Did she see me?" Bob Newbie thought to himself. He shouldn't be here...or rather shouldn't he be trying to break it up? Even as the thought crossed his mind the fierce growls and groans of the fighting matures made him cling to the wall stifling a hoarse moan by biting down on his knuckles. Not wanting to, but unable to stop himself he peered out from his hidden location. He gave a sigh of relief at Ruby still standing in the same spot before turning his attention back to his mother and June's catball.

Their movements had slowed and they now lay on their sides, bodies squeezed together mercilessly and heads thrown back, giving him an almost perfect view of the space in between. He knew his mother had an impressive rack, his dad often talked about it despite Bob's discomfort. But now he realized just how big it actually was since it appeared to rival June's.

"Gonna crush you flatter than I left you during cheerleader tryouts!" June snarled, arms flexing and Mags crying out. Despite her threat there was no change between their breasts other than the flesh rippling in ways that had Bob feel like he was going to come at the slightest stimulation. Then it him. Cheerleader tryouts...his mom and June had fought before!

He ducked behind the wall trying to get his breathing back under control. "You wish,' he heard his mother spit. "You'll need pads when I'm through. Remember how your so-called friends cheered when I squashed you at the dorm sleepover!"

Panting in effort to restrain himself Bob glanced back around the corner. His eyes first focused on the two fighting in the room...wait, two? Where was..."

"Enjoying the view?"

Bob almost leapt out of his skin at breath on his ear, but before he could turn around he felt a pleasant weight on his back and a pair of hands between his legs. "Ru...Ruby?"

"Ssshhh..." she whispered, biting down lightly on her ear while shoving a hand down his pants. Well...June hadn't been kidding, the kid was HUNG! "Let me take care of this. You just focus on what's in front of you."

Bob's young male brain was having trouble focusing on pretty much anything other than the woman at his back and the hand in his lap. Then he heard a sharp squeal followed by several aggressive grunts. Both he and his new partner peeked back to the fight to see June humping her tits into Mags, slowly forcing the redhead onto her back. But beyond that they could also see the women's bellies pumping and hear an odd tinge to their cries as Mags' shoulders touched the floor.

"Just relax Maggie, this won't take long." June whispered, grinding her boobs onto the prone woman. "I can already feel those fat, floppy bags getting soft."

"Fuck you, you cock sucking cxnt." Mags hissed, tightening her own arms, in no way afraid of the inferior position she found herself in. "After my babies push yours inside out Bob won't even look in your direction."

"Dream on bitch." June panted back, squeezing mightily, the compression of their fighting tits pushing back on her lungs. "When I'm done with you Robert'll find every excuse to be out of the house. As if your shit cooking wasn't reason enough."

Bob couldn't hear what they were saying but whatever it was had his mother's face twist into a snarl. Shifting her hands upwards she grabbed at June's long, black hair, pulling the woman's head back. Discomfort etched onto her face the cougar resisted the other mature's pull when she suddenly reversed the pull. Foreheads came together with a CRACK and both wailed at the sharp pain, but one had been ready for it. Pulling June's head back, Mags repeated the move and the raven haired woman tumbled off, cluching at her face and moaning.

"I...I was always stronger than you, you stupid bitch." Mags groaned, rolling onto her stomach. Crawling over to June she shoved the woman onto her side, delivering several swift punches to her stomach. Then grabbing again for her hair she hauled the rival mature to her knees before sending her back down with a vicious slap. "Now I'm gonna tear you apart and...UUUNNGHH!"

Burying her fist in Mags' stomach and then across her face, June pushed herself onto her knees. "And I was the better fighter." She growled as the redhead rubbed at her jaw. "Always knew you were a coward. Tits can't measure up so you get me with a cheapshot."

"My tits were always better than yours, you fat cow." Mags sneered. "Who was it that was prom queen again?"

"Who was it that was sleeping with the judges?" June mocked in turn. Scrambling to their feet the women kept their hands up before lunging together, arms going around necks. June's monsters bashed at Mags' own massive pair. Pressing their upper bodies together they stared hard into the other's eyes, grey into green, grinding their taut boobs together before rearing back and slamming them together again. And again. The loud SMACK and WHACK of the collisions echoed in their ears and prevented them from hearing the muffled shout as Ruby hastily covered Bob's mouth as it finally became too much.

"Wow..." she murmured, stroking at his length softly, yet firmly, and feeling the few drops leak out as she dragged a nail across his tip. "You really are quite something aren't you?"

"So're you." Bob groaned, trembling, her fingers lightly caressing his still stiff rod. With a sudden lurch he spun around and ripped open her blouse before shoving her against the wall.

"Ca...careful." Ruby warned, gasping as his hands manipulated her breasts, palpating the thick flesh. Tongues lapped hungrily at one another while she now held him with both hands. Needing, and wanting, to see how things were progressing she kissed him firmly and pulled his hands from her boobs. "No reason we can't enjoy the view as well."

Eyes flickering towards the room where snarls and shouts, accompanied by fleshy PLOPS, could be heared he nodded and spun the woman around. Once more with a view, Ruby's hand sunk back into his boxers while his went around her body to tweak at the nipples. She sighed as his lips kissed along her shoulders before setting in the crook of her neck.

Back in the living room, unaware of what was unfolding only a few yards away Mags and June kept smashing and squashing their breasts together. Sharp nipples stabbed into firm flesh with each slam, drawing forth moans that weren't entirely due to pain. Two swift and sharp slams, then a painful grind, clinging to each other like a lifeline. Then another five, heavy boob blows that had them groaning, then another grind. Working their thick tits together, over and around, squeezing mercilessly, the compression pushing the edges of the orbs to their tensed arms. Faces dripped with sweat, maintaining their staring contest, rearing back and resuming battering their breasts together.

"Nnnghhh..." Mags suddenly grunted, taking stumbling step to the rear. After a pair of heavy sounding  WHACKS she took another. After another step, the redheaded mature slammed forward hard, eschewing the rhythm they'd cultivated.

"Uuungh!" June groaned, her hands slipping, and falling away. Swiftly her rival's hands also released and, before she could set herself up, swung her left tit to crash against June's. "OW!"

"Gonna fuck up those cow tits of yours," Mags snarled, her resentment and hate for the other woman on full display. Flinging her own sizeable glands at June she battered the raven haired cougar across the room, almost to the point their audience worried about being discovered, before June slammed back hard and stopped her progress. The force behind it when their breasts crushed together before bouncing off one another stunned the woman to the point that her rival got in a free hit before she growled and resumed swinging. But in the back of her mind a sliver of doubt wormed it's way into her brain. That maybe she wasn't winning...

"I'll ruin your fat, floppy bags," June threated in turn. Heaving her boobs to crash against Mags' pair she beat the furious redhead back, reclaiming the steps lost, and gaining a few before her progress was halted...and then reversed. Baring her teeth  at the rival mature she swung fiercely from the hip, grunts of pain whistling out from behind clenched teeth as she regained the advantage. But the black haired cougar was hurting, and a flash of fear crossed her face when Mags only responded in kind, upping the violent boob banging.

Back and forth they beat their breasts together savagely, traversing the room and coming within viewing range of the pair of voyeurs. But their attention was completely focused on the sweating, angry face in front of them and even if they subconsciously suspected they were being watched, neither cared. For a time they paused in their wild swinging, and instead thrust the heavy oval orbs to crash together nipple to nipple. But after several instances of their spikes scraping past and the moans it forced from them they resumed clapping their breasts together from the side.

"God, I want to fuck her!" Ruby moaned lightly. Bob's hand now dipped into her panties, fingers exploring her depths. Her own hand dripped, having massaged another orgasm from the young stub currently humping her. "She's damn hot."

"Who...who?" Bob gasped. He was close to being frightened at just how libido was surging. Surely it wasn't safe to keep an erection for this long. "Ju...June?"

"No...your mom." Ruby trembled at his touch. "She...she...ah..."

The thought of Ruby with his mother pushed young Newbie over the edge. Grabbing at her panties he yanked it down enough to not deny him entry. Working his hips around her hands, his dick popped free and he shoved it forward and up.

"Nnnghh..." He groaned at the feel of her warm wet passage that immediately clamped down on the invading member.

"Oh God, yes..." Ruby's own lust burned hot at the sudden entry. The full feeling had her already on the verge. Damn, but was he even bigger than before?! Her thoughts were disturbed when he grabbed her face roughly and pulled her into a kiss. They could barely move their bodies as the slightest...

A sudden screech had eyes flash open and, with their concentration broken, so was any sense of control. While Bob's hips pumped frantically, Ruby's ass pounded rapidly against his pubics. With a final hard thrust his released it's flood into a eager redhead, the pair swallowing each other's pleasured cries. While the spray ceased, his dick remained hard and they shared one final sensuous, satisfied kiss before eyes swung back to the action in the other room, while the action between them slowed to a controlled crawl.

Boobs flailing wildly between them, June and Mags stood, with hands on hips, flinging their heavy teats through the air. Completely out of control, faces contorted with pain and hate, they screamed incoherently at one another while smashing their swollen, contending orbs together with violent abandon. They could barely remember where they were and the reason why they were fighting...this time. With each contentious blow they were hurled back to their college days where they shared a dorm and were rivals in pretty much everything of import. Encouraged of course by their dorm and sorority sisters who gleaned perverse pleasure in pitting the two strong willed and sexy women against one another. Not that needed much encouragement, immediately seeing one another as a woman to be tamed, to be dominated and controlled.

They fought over the head cheerleader spot, they fought over boyfriends, hell they even fought over whether to order pizza or chinese for study nights. All while also disrupting college life with their sexual escapades. Titfighting was their most common style, since their boobs were the largest on campus, even among the teaching staff, and it avoided the issue of having to explain a black eye or scratched face to a nosy teacher. Though any questions could be silenced by a quickie. They did occasionally engage in catfights or the rare fist fight when pushed, and was often enough that they occasionally shared a detention with a wary teacher. They even partook in the occasional fuckfight when they found themselves alone, but these were rare and were a result of the previous fight draining them to the point they resorted to sex for a final victory. This did little to change what they felt, other than the one that lost hating the other even more. But to the delight of their audience, neither could definitively dominate the other and every match was entertaining and hotly contested.

So Mags blinked blearily and looked around, confused for a second when June gave a screech and tumbled to the floor. Then she remembered where she was and lips curled into a cruel smile.

"You bitch. You cxnt!" June Shallow screamed, the thought of being humiliated in her own home terrifying and enraging her. She scrambled to her feet, throwing herself at Mags, grabbing at her arms. Mags' own strong fingers circled June's arms at he elbow and they wrestled briefly before once more slamming their breasts together with the entire weight of their upper bodies behind it. But after only two minutes of breast to breast battling it was now Mags Newbie that gave a choking cry and slumped to her knees.

Shooting up, though, her boobs slapped loudly against the undersides of June's. The pale faced cougar went white as a ghost from the pain and falling back in the face of the raging redhead, still fighting gamely. And this fury made her careless. June went low, in reality stumbling in the face of Mags' unrelentling boob blows Reacting on instinct she shot up, delivering a cracking blow that gave the other mature a taste of the agony she'd just endured. Like in a movie the redhead's feet temporarily left the floor and she fell supine onto the carpet.

"No...NO!!!" Mags howled, refusing to believe June could still fight, twisting over to rush back to her feet, and to the her rival. Once more breasts were thrown through to air to collapse into one another, the pain making both stubborn women scream, but they refused to stop. To do so would be to concede defeat. Wielding the glowing red orbs like fists, swinging and thrusting in both wild and aimed blows even as their breathing picked up, aroused by the pain despite themselves. And when June's left tit was pierced by Mags' she floated to the ground with a shriek of agony.

"GET UP!" The furious redhead shouted hoarsely .Grabbing a cushion from a nearby couch she threw it at the downed woman. "YOU WANTED THIS! YOU CALLED ME HERE! GET THE FUCK UP AND FIGHT!!"

Howling like a banshee June propelled herself at her rival, tackling the other mature, forcing her back until she slammed up against the wall. Arms went around backs, squeezing mercilessly. The squashed orbs flattened and spread, shining from the sweat and compression to rest against the inside of their arms. This time however there was no relaxing of the arms. Face to face, nose to nose they kept squeezing, driving their bodies closer and closer together.

On the other side of the wall the couple fought to stay quiet, but the thrill of discovery had bodies quivering. Twisting around to face her partner fully, Bob held up Ruby, ears straining to hear what was said between the two matures.

"Skank!" June whispered, head bowing from the pressure. It hurt so damn much...

"Tramp!" Mags reponded, eyes lidded from the force of their breasts squashed together. Breathe...just breathe...

"God I hate you so much!" June panted, bodies slowly rocking now. She wanted to feel the mature's body under her's. And she wanted her to feel it as well.

"I hate you more!" Mags hissed, resisting the push, and adding her own to the mix. She was going to finish this bitch here and now. She had to, for her son's sake...and before she lost control.

Hidden by the wall Ruby slowly bounced on the lap of the youngster currently impaling her. A small puddle pooled on the floor between them, the soft sound of the breasts forced together, and the whispered words of the fighting women driving both of them almost insane with desire. Ruby didn't care who won, she just wanted one of the two milfs to drag upstairs. Bob was desperate for June to win, the thought of not being able to fuck her again making him almost mad with fear.

Groaning horrendously, the evenly matched matures squirmed and shuddered. Their busts battled as fiercely as they did, the line between them shifting constantly as one or the other exerted more force, for however brief it was. June's glistening eyes shone with sadistic glee when Mags' breasts seemed to falter and retreat in the face of her own magnificent rack. Other times Mags smiled painfully as June's boobs quivered and flattened noticeably against the force of her powerful pair. Yet each time the seemingly defeated tits filled back out, bulging powerfully to push back it's opposition. Desperate to finally beat down her foe June's legs crossed, slipping between the redhead's and both froze at the sudden meeting of their drenched underwear.

Heads rose slowly, tiredly, and eyes widened at how close their lovely faces had come. Slowly shifting their heads left and right, pert noses batted together and nostrils flared. Lips so close they could taste each other were delicately licked, and then puckered. Bodies trembled at the first touch when June pecked at her trapped rival's lips. Eyes narrowing Mags responded in kind, brushing her own moist lips across June's. Twisting their heads, tongues came into play as lips continued to caress each other. Remembering her fight with Ruby, June thrust her tongue hard at Mags who's instead of resisting, sucked the pink organ into her mouth, her own flicking at the tip and swirling along the trapped length.

June moaned at the sensation and for a second, her body relaxed. Muscles screaming, Mags exploded into action, shoving hard at the raven haired cougar while also hooking her leg around June's. As soon at they hit the floor, lips came apart with an audible pop as they snarled, rolling energetically across the carpeted living room and into the corridor where Ruby and Bob froze like deer in the headlights. Fortunately Mags and June had eyes only for each other, hissing and cursing as the resumed attempting to squash the other's tits flat.

"You never change, you goddamn slag!" Mags spat, rolling on top of June and pressing down hard, relishing the woman's bellow of pain. "Thought you could distract me? I've been with a real man. Your weak little pussy can't compare!"

Bodies rocked violently as the woman underneath raged at the taunt before setting off in a brisk roll away from the still copulating couple, much to their relief, before coming right and ending up almost against their ankles.

"Oh I know how much of a real man Robert is, don't forget." June reminded Mags spitefully, raising her boobs slightly off of the redhead and then bombing them onto her own. Mags shouted at the pain. "And who're you calling a slag you fuckin' nympho. There wasn't a dick on campus you wouldn't suck. A teacher you didn't fuck. At least I had standards."

"I'm going to CRUSH you!" Mags growled, almost cross-eyed with rage, body rocking until she forced June onto her side. She found her progress halted, but didn't let it distract her. "And then I'll have another story to tell other than the fact you couldn't keep your claws on a simple fuck like Tom."

"Not on your best day, bitch!" June snapped back, relieved at the wall at her back. She was tired, but Mags seemed to have a limitless well of energy to draw on. If she didn't finish her soon...

Pumping, thusting, mashing their breasts and squealing loudly the two matures slung their boobs frantically at one another. Focused entirely on the destruction of her rival they kept battering their breasts at one another bitterly but the end was in sight. One voice was louder, more assertive...and Mags pounded her swollen teats unceasingly at a June who's movements were tired now, unsure.

Growling aggressively the redhead sneered at her teary eyed rival, fully aware of what was coming, and felt her body begin to tilt, despite her cries of nervous energy to resist. "I'm going to savor every moment of this," she whispered maliciously, allowing her lust release, pumping her pussy slowly at the weakening woman. "After I squash you flatter than Flo, you're going to get eat me. Just like you had to every time I beat your ass before."


It was a sound neither should've been able to hear. Yet they did. Bodies stopped rocking, boobs stopped pumping and eyes tilted upwards slowly, disbelievingly.

Bob Newbie groaned, hips thrusting uncontrollably into the woman he held up in his arms. They suddenly realized they weren't up against the wall, but rather the boy's legs. Legs that were trembling from the force of the load he just shot into the willing Ruby. The same load that leaked to the floor into a small puddle that slowly expanded almost to their quivering bodies.

Gasping in shock and disgust Mags shoved herself away from June, scrambling to her feet while covering her exposed chest. "Look away, Bobbie," she shouted, twisting away from him in shame. A hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her about. She gasped in shock at the slap June gave her across the face, before clobbering her chest hard across her boobs. She stumbled, and only kept her balance by grabbing onto the stair rails. "Stay away you fucking cxnt!"

"You're not going anywhere MAGGIE!" June panted. This wasn't what she'd planned but the shock the ginger was experiencing gave her a chance to recover and the cougar wasn't going to waste it. "We're not done yet, you and I."

"Don't even look in this direction." Mags ordered her son who's expression was one of mingled disbelief and lust. "Have your fun with that whore, cause she's next."

Swinging back to June the two matures leapt together, hurling their reddened and bruised boobs to smash into one another all over again. June dug into the outrage of her near loss to beat her ginger rival almost to the door. Swinging her tits with absolute confidence Mags slammed June several steps up the staircase before jumping back down to acoid the pain the height advantage gave the raven haired milf.

Back and forth they fought with their breasts hammering each other to the ground repeatedly. Tears flowed freely down faces to mingle with the sweat, neither woman willing to quit, almost swooning with the pain each time their teats crushed together.

"Should...should we stop them?" Bob asked, haltingly. Still painfully hard he was beginning to actually worry. Lunging together, all four orbs flattened dramatically and the two women screamed so loud he worried someone would call the police. June fell onto her back writhing while his mother collapsed onto her face, both crying pitifully. "They...might...really hurt...each other."

"She...June said...not to interfere." Ruby was currently in state of near perpetual bliss. She had a dick inside of her that set her nerves on fire and a front row seat to two milfs doing their damnedest to destroy one another. Regardless of who lost, she won, Ruby thought to herself as they crawled back to their feet, pulling Bob into another kiss as her body quivered in orgasm again.

The impacts of their boobs splattering together recounded across the room as the gorgeous matures pounded their yielding glands with desperate abandon. Both beauties squealed and cried with each savage collision, their heavy boobs pouding together repeatedly. But no matter how hard, or many blows they rained on each other neither magnificent set would succumb to the other.

June gave a guttural screech as she tumbled to the floor again. Mags own legs tottered, grabbing onto the wall to maintain her balance. Gasping, her expression fell, watching June slowly pull herself back up and stagger in her direction. If only she hadn't been distracted by Bobbie...she could've finished her long ago. Instead, wincing as their boobs clashed again, she was...

WIth a hoarse groan Mags stumbled and sat down abruptly. June blinked to clear her vision and shook her head while her rival her rival sobbed in anguish. Was it over, had she had enough? Please let it be over. Her heart sank as Mags slowly rose and stood on wobbling legs. Staring stupidly into each other's eyes they staggered forward and simply fell into each other's arms. Feet squeaked on the wooden floor as they tiredly sank to their knees.

"Ruby..." June croaked. "Who's winning..."

Giving a disappointed moan as she clambered off of Bob's impaling prick the younger redhead circled the kneeling pair as they squeezed their boobs together in a tight bearhug. The flesh was glistening and shining from the sweat and how tight it was stretched.

"Who..." Mags gurgled, face turning as red as her hair from effort and lack of breath. June was no better, her's an interesting shade of purple. They were so equal it was ridiculous Ruby thought to herself, unable to spot anything that could be considered an advantage. Jealously she watched as orbs, bigger than her own, bulged and battled valiantly for the limited space between the arms of their owners. Then she cocked her head.

At the junction where the breasts met flesh rippled from the exertions of both women, then compressed, spreading outwards from the tip.

"Oh God..." June moaned, unable to believe the sight. "Oh God!"

"No..." Mags sobbed, the sight of her breasts caving in breaking her control. "No...oh no!"

Flatter and flatter they squashed, the pain likely enormous for the two boob battlers until they stopped. At the point of no return. If they'd had any sense they would've called it a draw, or one would've accetped defeat, anything to avoid what was to come. But women such as these neither would accept anything less than the complete destruction of the other. Sucking in a pain filled breath they squeezed, giving it everything they had left.

Heads flew back, screaming at the ceiling, Ruby stared close, ignoring a trickle running down her leg while Bob's fingers were curling into the wall to avoid stroking himself. The end came so suddenly that Ruby almost missed it. One scream rose to a triumphant shriek as her boobs quivered and then bulged outwards, forcing it's opposites into the other woman's chest...and Mags howled in an agony of disbelief.

Arms fell away, hanging limply at her side, the shock of her loss too much to bare. She wailed again as June squeezed and pushed, forcing the unresisting ginger onto her back. Looking up, a tired June glared at Ruby. "My panties...take them off." She ordered, holding the sobbing woman under her. The younger redhead grabbed at her underwear and once she felt it slide off her feet June crawled up to sit on her rival's stomach. "Now I believe someone made a...made a threat about getting eaten out."

Dread crossed Mags' face as she began to squirm weakly. June slapped her hard and scooted up her body until she sat firmly on her face.

"Eat me!" The raven haired cougar harshly ordered. "Eat me out good or I'll do worse to your tits."

The two watching couldn't see what was going on, but June stiffened and gave a sigh of pleasure, squirming in her position atop the other woman's face. Then her eyes fell on Bob. At a simple gesture he quickly moved over towards her position. "Poor darling," June crooned, stroking his dick lightly, her touch clearly driving him crazy. "Fuck my face. Fuck it as hard as you need to,"

Not one to waste an invitation Bob grabbed hold of her hair and shoved his prick past those plump lips, thrusting with a violence that bordered on madness. Not wanting to be left out Ruby knelt just below Mags and slowly removed her underwear as well and moved forward until their pussies met and locked. Her own arousal evident the mature redhead immediately bucked in urgent need at the younger ginger who was only to happy to play along.

Grunts, groans, moans and sucking sounds filled the room gave pleasure and were in turn pleasured. June moaned as Mags' tongue and lips worked her core, Bob groaned as the soft sounds coming from June tingled his already over-stimulated length and Ruby grunted, bucking her hips in time with the older redhead who's own muffled cries clearly affected the milf sitting on her face.

Mags gave out first, belly pumping, her scream muffled under June who followed soon after. Bob roared when her teeth bit down on his base in orgasm, the sudden pain forcing out a flood that flowed into the raven haired milf's mouth. Swallowing enthusiastically June's mouth remained full even after her young lover pulled out and stumbled back to sit on the stairs with a dazed expression on his face. The reason for her swollen cheeks then became obvious.

Shifting backwards to a still furiously thrusting Ruby, June glared down at Mags' glistening face. An obscene smile crossed her face, opening her mouth and slowly letting the cum drip onto the redhead's face and neck. Mags gasped and gagged in horror twisting and bucking and until she arched in another sudden orgasm while Ruby howled her own delight. "You dirty, flithy whore!" Mags sobbed, cringing at the wet feeling on her face. "You cheating...I won. If only..."

"I'm the one sitting on you," June snapped, slapping her again for good measure. She glanced over at Bob, smiling. "Ruby...get the camera. And water."

Breathing heavily Ruby staggered into the kitchen, returning with Hikon Gladiator and jug of water and a couple of glasses on a tray. Circling the pair she took several photos at different angles, always ensuring that Mags' face was on display while June's was hidden. "Done," she annouonced, taking one final closeup of the ginger's face, covered unmistakeably in someone's cum.

"Now then..." June slowly, tiredly rose off of her beaten rival and filled a glass that she drained thirstily. "You know what will happen if you continue to spread stories about me...or deny me my carnal delights."

"Bitch!" Mags spat, sitting up, unable to bear the sight of her son relishing the caresses June gave him. "I'll make you pay for this. I swear I will!"

"Feel free to try." June smirked. "But to get to me, you'll have to go through Ruby first."

"Why are you helping her?" Mags spun on the redhead. Her eyes were desperate. "You were fucking her husband, why..."

"She's a better fuck than he was." Ruby shrugged. Then she grinned. "So's Bobby, over there."

Mags took one more wild look around, before grabbing up her panties and fleeing out the door, to the mocking laughter of the women inside. Once outside and in the safety of her car she allowed the tears to flow, hitting wildly at the steering wheel before starting the car. She'd need help. This couldn't be allowed to stand... Wiping at her face, she froze and slowly brought her hand around and focused on the dollop of her son's come that had gotten stuck in her hair. And then broke out into fresh sobs knowing only too well what was likely going on back in the Shallow house right now.

Speeding past the intersection in the center of town she missed the wave Betty gave her as she sped past. The young woman did a double take as it had looked to her that Mags had been...naked?
