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Beach Wrestling Series: Kristine VS Nadine

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Offline Hurricane

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Beach Wrestling Series: Kristine VS Nadine
« on: December 15, 2023, 05:55:03 PM »
Kristine (TOP) VS Nadine (BOTTOM)

Rules: Wrestling takes place in swimwear on the beach, in the sand, three rounds of 10 minutes. Points are scored by pin or submission. Only wrestling is allowed, as in grapples, holds, schoolgirl pins etc. No punching, kicking, scratching, biting, or any other rough stuff. Slapping and hairpulling is allowed as is taunting and stripping your opponent! There is also a raucous crowd on hand to cheer the girls on - they like winners, but hate losers, which could cause some concern for weaker girls in the future!

How do you reckon the fight goes? Let me know! Comments and explanations for voting are greatly appreciated! :)