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Revisiting Peasant Actresses - Here is Chapter One of Peasant Actresses 2,

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Offline hghunt999

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    • Not my page, but my stories are here under HG Hunt
        Peasant Actresses 2
        Written by H.G. Hunt

        When Emily left Joy's house that night following her sexfight
        whipping of Joy, she basked in a warm glow of satisfaction and
        contentment. The victory had been so sweet and complete, she
        could hardly believe how good it had made her feel to finally
        put that bitch Joy in her place. She really felt like things
        were looking up for her now. She loved the performing on stage
        and when next year's tryouts rolled around she felt supremely
        confident that Mr. Slater would give her the lead role, now that
        Joy was out of the picture.

        Beyond the satisfaction of victory, Emily relished the newly
        found excitement she had felt in challenging another girl in
        sexual battle. Grinding her tits deeply into Joy's large orbs
        had produced a glorious feeling of arousal and power, all mixed
        together. When she shifted to the cxnt-fight and ground her into
        orgasmic submission and then peed all over her pussy she felt a
        rush of joy (oops, Emily didn't like that word anymore), both
        physical and emotional.

        Always a confident, outgoing girl, the next week at school saw
        Emily glowing even more than usual. She walked with a bounce in
        her step, and greeted everyone happily. The school year was
        winding down and she had lined up a summer job. Her current
        focus, aside from schoolwork, was her upcoming birthday. She
        would be 18 years old on May 25. This year that date fell on the
        Saturday of Memorial Weekend. Her parents were leaving for a
        wedding in another state and would be flying out on Friday
        night. Emily would be left alone to monitor the house and pool.
        She asked her parents if she could have a birthday party and
        invite several of her girl friends over for a pool party to
        celebrate. Since Emily was not a drinker or a party girl and was
        very conscientious, with only a mild warning about being
        careful, her parents consented to letting her have her friends
        over for the afternoon on Saturday.

        She was happy and began her preparations for the party. The nice
        pool in the backyard would be the perfect place for her and her
        friends to relax and get a head start on their summer tans. Her
        guest list would include about eight or ten girls, some of which
        were her friends from drama. While Joy had never been one of
        Emily's closest friends, they did share several of the same girl
        friends through the drama connection. It wouldn't have been
        surprising at all to any of the other girls if Joy had been
        invited. That was definitely NOT in the mind of Emily. She chose
        ten other girls and they all accepted her invitation. She told
        them that they could have all afternoon together, snacking,
        drinking pop or punch, eating cake and lounging around the pool,
        or taking a dip. She hoped for a nice sunny day.

        Joy's mood after Emily walked out that night was entirely
        different. She fumed at Emily with renewed, venomous anger. Her
        heart was set on winning lead roles in her senior year
        productions. She knew that Emily was a good actress and singer,
        but she would never believe she was better than herself. When
        the tit and sex challenge hadn't worked out the way she had
        expected she began plotting revenge. An added dimension to her
        plotting was the fact that she was now aware of the tingly
        excitement that accompanied their sexy battle. In fact, she
        loved it so much she was beginning to wonder if she was really a
        lesbian. Those fleeting lustful thoughts of other girls she had
        for the last few years were dismissed as nothing more than
        teenage curiosity. After the joyous (there's that word again)
        pleasure she found in the sexual aspect of her encounter with
        the beautiful Emily, she seriously began to think of herself as
        a lesbian. Her sexual encounters with the boys had never been
        unsatisfying (well, one of them was) but she had enjoyed them
        enough that her heterosexuality was not in question in her mind.
        Now, that had become a matter of doubt.

        While she was initially shocked when Emily peed all into and
        over her, she was surprised to find that the physical, and
        emotional feeling produced was not exactly one of horror. The
        warm, rushing pee, sharing so intimately, had actually caused
        her to be even more excited. Wow! The contradictory emotions Joy
        felt flooded her brain for the next few days. But one emotion
        overrode all the others: anger!

        She remembered Emily's words as she departed that night. A
        rematch! Joy would never stoop so low as to ‘ask' for a
        rematch. She would connive a situation where Emily would have no
        choice but to challenge her. When she heard about Emily's
        upcoming birthday party, her plan began to take shape. While
        certainly not expecting an invitation, she also knew that her
        presence would not be perceived by the other girls as unusual.
        She knew Emily well enough to know that she would never hint at
        their rivalry to anyone else. Emily was known as a very proper
        girl and she wouldn't do anything to disrupt the serenity of her
        world. Joy had never breathed a word of her confrontation or her
        anger with Emily to another soul. Therefore, she was confident
        that if she showed up at the party that Emily would seethe
        inside, but not say or do anything to let on to the other girls
        the enmity they shared.

        One morning shortly after their fight, Joy stood looking at her
        naked body in the full-length mirror in her bedroom. She drew a
        mental comparison with the image of naked Emily she had etched
        in her brain. Starting at the top, she looked at her hair and
        remembered the perfectly coiffed head of light blonde hair Emily
        carried. It was longer than hers and hung evenly down to her
        shoulder blades in back with a small portion framing her face on
        either side cascading down to her breasts. Emily had wonderful
        full lips and they were a pretty red even without lipstick. Her
        blue eyes sparkled above the perfect little nose. Yes, Emily was
        a very pretty girl. Emily's image appeared before Joy in the
        mirror. Emily's huge C-cup tits (well maybe they were D-cups)
        were fronted by luscious brown areolas and, when excited, large
        nipples poking straight out. No sag could be seen, and even with
        the large dimensions and full curve to the underside of her
        breasts, making them even more impressive. Her light skin flowed
        gently in curves to a trim belly with very little fat. Her hips
        widened just enough to give her the appearance of a full-grown
        woman without the hint of any extra width. Her ass was sculpted
        in two symmetric muscular globes, glowing in health. Emily's
        legs weren't skinny but had just enough muscle mass to be the
        envy of many other girls. Then there was her pussy. The soft
        blonde curly hair of her mound, trimmed into that arrowhead
        shape, pointed downward to the delightful hidden realm between
        her legs. Joy remembered that pussy both visually and with a
        deep feeling in her own pussy. She chafed at the thought that it
        had beaten her pussy one-on-one. "Never again!" she screamed to
        herself inside her head.

        Her own charms were as impressive as Emily's with just a couple
        of exceptions. She looked objectively at her body and could see
        the little extra roll of fat around her waist. Not much, she
        thought, but it was there. Her breasts were that same C-cup,
        almost D-cup size and were just as firm and proud with her pink
        nipples the capstone of wonderment. Her pretty face might not
        have been as beautiful as Emily's cover-girl face but she
        certainly drew plenty of looks in a new crowd. Her hair was the
        one thing she was actually disappointed about. Too much dye, and
        too many hair styles had typified the last two years as she
        searched for her identity. Staring into the mirror that morning
        she decided to aim for classic beauty with her hair. Her
        decision was to become a blonde.

        As she replayed the pussyfight with Emily, she still had a hard
        time imagining that she had lost. In her mind she was the
        victress, and she groaned inwardly in pain every time she
        thought of her pussy losing its orgasmic battle with Emily. A
        smirk appeared on her face as she had a brilliant (to her) idea.
        She would let her cxnt-hairs grow down around her labia lips,
        but keep them trimmed very short, so as to be like stiff
        bristles of a brush. She was sure that the texture of those
        stiff pussy-hairs would either send Emily over the edge in
        orgasm, or if it didn't that she would beg for mercy from the
        pain. Either way, she was sure this would give her a decided
        advantage over Emily when the time came. While there were only a
        couple of weeks before Emily's party, Joy decided to begin
        exercising. She had never been athletic or much for exercise.
        She figured that being in good shape could only help. She also
        knew that Emily hardly ever exercised either, so if she could
        develop even a little bit more endurance or strength it just
        might turn the tide.

        She ate the next few weeks as if she was to be the poster child
        of the nutrition council. Surprisingly she lost seven pounds in
        the next two weeks and she could see the difference in her waist
        when she looked in the mirror and could feel it when she put on
        some of her clothes. She was actually surprised at the early
        benefit from proper diet and exercise. Hmmm, she thought, I
        could do this. Her plotting continued as the date approached for
        Emily's party. Joy went shopping for just the right outfit. Her
        hurt that she had felt for the first few days after her fight
        with Emily was being rapidly and completely replaced by a
        confident thrill. In her mind she just ‘knew' she could take
        Emily, and that Emily would be the one begging for the chance to
        take her on. Yes, she would beat Emily and beat her good, right
        at her own house. Payback will be hell for Emily, she thought.

        Re: Peasant Actresses 2, by HGHunt

        Her school had the Friday before Memorial Day off for a four-day
        weekend and it was all Joy could do to contain her excitement.
        She was practically beside herself in anticipation of putting
        her plan into action. The hours couldn't tick by fast enough.
        Her parents even noticed, but when asked about it, she just said
        that she was excited to be off from school for four days. She
        didn't sleep very well that Friday night, tossing and turning
        most of the night. Three or four hours of sleep was all her
        adrenaline-charged body could muster. Normally on a Saturday
        morning she would sleep till noon. Today was different. She was
        up by 8:00 and took a long slow bubble bath in scented water.
        She spent an inordinate amount of time with her hair. The blonde
        color she had chosen a week earlier was a light-medium color and
        she had the skill to turn her still-short hair into an
        extraordinary style. It framed her face beautifully and made her
        cheek bones look more pronounced and higher, bringing out the
        chiseled beauty that was often hidden by her garish choice of
        makeup in the past. Today she applied her makeup in classic
        style, using the techniques learned from a fashion magazine.
        When she was done.WOW! She looked at herself in the mirror
        and thought, "If I was a guy, or a girl for that matter, I sure
        would want to fuck me! I am one hot girl!" True, true. She had
        transformed herself from pretty to beautiful and she was very
        proud of her handiwork. Laying out her bag and her clothes she
        made final preparations quietly and with a purpose. As the last
        hour went by she replayed her plan over and over again in her
        mind. She knew that it would be impossible to anticipate every
        little event that might transform her plan, but she felt that
        she had covered most of the likely scenarios. At last it was
        time to go.

        Emily told her invitees that they could begin showing up by
        noon. She wanted to take advantage of as much sunshine as
        possible. Racine showed up first along with Carmen. They already
        had their bathing suits on and Emily pointed them out the back
        to the pool and they immediately went back. Heather, Alicia, and
        Samantha all arrived together a few minutes later and were
        escorted to the pool as well. The girls by the pool wasted no
        time taking off their outer clothes and displaying their
        wonderful young bodies to the sun. All wore bikinis that were
        current fashion. They showed plenty of skin without being
        skimpy. Samantha was the first to brave the water by diving in
        and swimming with strong strokes the length of the pool. Racine
        and Heather followed and soon all five were splashing and
        playing in the pool.

        Winnie, Jennifer, and Lori arrived just before 1:00 and told
        Emily that Sally and Maria would not be coming, due to other
        commitments their families hadn't told them about. Emily was
        only mildly disappointed that they weren't coming because she
        had eight good friends and it was a perfect sunny warm day for a
        pool party. As she led the last three guests out to the pool she
        was surprised to hear another car drive up. She quickly took
        them out to the pool without mentioning that she hadn't expected
        anyone else. Helping them to settle in to the surroundings
        quickly, she had intended to go back to the house to see who had
        arrived, but before she could turn around she heard Alicia yell
        a hearty hello to Joy! Ever the gracious hostess, Emily showed
        zero outward reaction to the word "Joy" but inwardly she seethed
        to hear that name. With as much charm and poise as she could
        muster she turned and greeted Joy with friendly words and asked
        her to come on over.

        The other girls greeted her warmly, never a clue that there was
        bad blood between the girls. Two of the girls complimented Joy
        by saying how nice she looked today. They might not have noticed
        the effort Joy had put into her appearance but they could see
        the results. Compliments were definitely in order. Emily, always
        poised and proper, never let on that anything was amiss. She was
        just as charming and pleasant to Joy, as if she had been
        invited, as she was to any of the other girls. She couldn't
        possibly do anything to let on or upset her eight friends on
        account of Joy. But her mind was racing behind that pretty face.
        "What possibly could Joy be doing here? I whipped her good and
        now she has the nerve to show up at my 18th birthday party." Her
        revulsion intensified when Joy took off her outerwear. Wow! What
        a bikini. It was brilliant pink and very skimpy. The thong style
        barely covered her pubic mound and only the tiniest portion of
        her ass cheeks were covered. The bra portion was skimpy in its
        own right. Thin triangles were connected to straps and didn't
        cover much more than her nipples and a few square centimeters
        below. Beyond the tiny dimensions of the material was its
        obvious sheerness. The thin, stretchy material did practically
        nothing to hide Joy's proud nipples protruding into the fabric.
        They stuck out, making enough of a tent in the fabric that their
        shadows were visible when she stood towards the steep angle of
        the sun. If men had been present there would have been a gallon
        of drool rolling around on the pool deck. The girls just
        complimented her on her daring. Winnie asked her how come she
        chose such a tiny bikini. "Well, I knew there would be only
        girls here, so I wasn't worried about showing too much, and
        besides, this allows for more tanning area. You know, keep those
        tan lines hidden." The girls nodded but each admitted to
        themselves they didn't have that much daring. Too bad, all of
        them certainly had shapely bodies deserving of a showoff
        attitude. One difference though stood out between the eight
        other girls was obvious. TITS! Joy and Emily were the proud
        bearers of the largest tits in their group. Only Alicia had tits
        approaching the size of Emily and Joy's. The others were much
        less well endowed. This distinction was not lost on either of
        them. Fully aware of their status at the top of the tit chart
        they couldn't help but give as much attention to the other girl
        as the decorum of the party would allow.

        The party continued for three hours, with the girls just
        talking, about boys mostly, lounging and taking an occasional
        dip in the pool. Sunscreen was used sparingly as the girls in
        their youthful invincibility paid no attention to the warnings
        about cancer from too much sun. Emily had taken a few swims,
        pulling herself across the pool in powerful crawl strokes. While
        not much of an athlete, the availability of the pool had turned
        her into a strong swimmer. Samantha, alone among the others, was
        the equal of Emily in the pool. Emily wore a suit that allowed
        anyone to see her bountiful assets. Not as skimpy as Joy's, but
        clearly there was a real womanly body behind the pale green
        fabric. She looked absolutely gorgeous as she stepped upward
        from the steps of the pool, water dripping off her body and
        running in rivulets down her legs and torso, sliding deliciously
        down her chest. Her blonde hair even looked great dripping wet.
        Those thick lips were the envy of every other girl there (except
        one). As the first hour went by without any incident from Joy,
        Emily began to actually have a good time. Thinking that maybe
        Joy was just being friendly and was willing to let bygones be
        bygones (no, she didn't really believe that) she let down her
        guard and made the most of the birthday party.

        The girls helped Emily prepare burgers for the grill. The nice
        stainless steel unit was mostly the province of her father, but
        she had spent enough time with him to be adept at barbecuing.
        After eating burgers, chips and birthday cake, they all went
        into the pool together and began playing like the little girls
        they had been just a few short years earlier. Splashing, dunking
        each other, racing across the pool, diving, and even a
        volleyball game in the water took up most of the next hour. They
        were having a great time. While it was never mentioned by any of
        the girls there was one added distraction. This was the first
        time Joy had actually entered the water. Her bikini, when wet,
        was absolutely transparent. Talk about flaunting what you've
        got! It was impossible not to notice the dark pubic patch
        concealed (?) by the thin fabric. Her nipples and areolas were
        clearly visible through the pinkness, even with pink colored
        nipples they stood out in pronounced display. While no one ever
        stared directly they could also see the upper regions of her
        pussy cleft through the material. The thin fabric would
        sometimes wedge itself into that cleft, forming a little pussy
        of its own. This was a body on display! Girl after girl thought
        that there must be some reason for Joy to be so daring, but they
        never could fathom a reason. Only the story she told them upon
        arrival. That would have to be good enough for them, because
        they would never know.

        Joy was ecstatic inside her devious mind. Her plan was working
        to perfection. She knew that Emily was not only noticing but
        that she had to be irate underneath her cool demeanor. She acted
        her role to perfection. She was an actress after all. She felt
        like she should probably deserve an Oscar. She talked the small
        talk, she played and frolicked along with the others, she ate
        the food and complimented the ‘chef'. As the three o'clock
        hour passed, and the hot sun continued to beat down, Joy
        approached Emily. Emily was sitting on a recliner sipping her
        Coke when Joy walked over. "Hey hon, why don't you let me put
        some suntan oil on your back. You have a pretty light complexion
        and you don't really want a sunburn later do you?" "The bitch
        finally shows her true colors," Emily's mind reeled at the
        profane notion of receiving a rubdown from Joy. True to her
        upbringing however, the social perfectionist demurely purred,
        "Sure, why not? I don't really want to get cancer in 30 years
HG Hunt


Offline hghunt999

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Chapter 2: Peasant Actresses 2, by HGHunt

        And so without any inkling to the others of the underlying
        tension those words masked, Joy picked up the lotion and poured
        it on her hands as Emily lowered the recliner and lay on her
        stomach. Flipping Emily's hair up out of the way, Joy began
        rubbing the oil slowly into her shoulders. Careful not to spend
        too much time with the job, for fear of the other girls
        noticing, she still was very deliberate with her application.
        Rubbing firmly in deep circles she rubbed the oil into her
        shoulders and arms. As she looked around and saw that a couple
        of the other girls had already undone their bra strings in back
        to get full sun, she acted boldly.

        Before rubbing the oil in the middle of her back she slowly
        untied Emily's bra string. Emily did a quick look back at Joy,
        who reassured her with the phrase "just to keep the tan line
        down" and went about her business. Emily absolutely was fuming
        inside, but felt powerless to do anything but go with the flow.
        She could not bring herself to confront the bitch in front of
        her friends. As much as she should have been enjoying this she
        was not. She HATED feeling Joy's fingers caressing her back,
        kneading her muscles as she applied the warm oil. She couldn't
        even admit to herself how good it felt. Joy poured on her third
        handful of oil and began rubbing it lower on Emily's back.
        Making sure to cover her completely she slid her hands up the
        sides of Emily and briefly slid her fingers alongside the
        bulging breasts that were compressed by Emily's weight into the
        recliner. Following the curves of her body back downward she
        ever so deftly slid her fingers just under the edge of Emily's
        briefs. Emily dared not react so she let Joy's fingers invade
        beneath her bikini briefs. Not far, but just enough to make it
        clear that an invasion was taking place. Definitely NOT an
        accident! Her fourth dollop of oil found its way onto Emily's
        fabulous legs. Joy's hands rubbed up and down in long slow
        caressing strokes. The very back was covered, the outside, and
        yes, finally, the inside of those legs, clear up to the joining
        of skin and fabric. The other girls were oblivious to what was
        going on, most of them had their eyes closed soaking up the sun.
        Soft rock music played in the background from the small speakers
        connected to the home's audio system. Once, and only once, Joy
        let Emily know her true intentions. Just as she was about to
        finish her application, fingers snuggled up against the crotch
        fabric of Emily's briefs, she found just enough soft skin
        between her fingers and she pinched it…hard! Emily nearly
        yelped out in pain, but somehow she managed to control her
        tongue and said nothing. Then it was over and Joy went over to
        another recliner. Drinking deeply from her soda she lay down

        The next hour was spent lazily with the girls mostly just lying
        there catching the rays of the mid-afternoon sun. Occasionally
        one would get up and go inside to the bathroom or get a soft
        drink or a small snack. Alicia and Winnie were reading books. It
        was a fabulous, simple, quiet party. Yeah right! Emily was
        incensed at the audacity of Joy, coming to her party uninvited,
        showing off her body in total disregard for decency, drinking
        her soda, eating her food, rubbing her with oil. It was all
        totally distasteful to Emily. She found herself wishing the
        other girls would just leave so she could tear into Joy and
        teach her a lesson she would not forget. She began plotting how
        to get the other girls to leave so she could confront Joy alone.
        Four o'clock came and went. Five passed by too. The extensive
        sun, so early in the season was beginning to take its toll on
        the girls. As those hours passed Emily noticed something about
        Joy. While all the other girls had taken a couple of potty
        breaks in the house, Joy never did. She kept drinking just as
        much soda as the others but she never went to the house to use
        the bathroom. Strange, she thought. Whoa! A little light bulb
        went off in her head.

        Finally Sally and Lori mentioned that they had dates that night
        and thought they had enough sun for the day and wished to go
        home. The other girls began to restlessly move around, taking
        their last sips of their drinks and putting their clothes back
        on. Joy didn't move. She just lay there on the recliner watching
        the others prepare to leave. She knew her plan had worked when
        Emily crooned to her, "Hey Joy, sweetie, since you drove alone,
        do you think you could stay just a little longer to help me
        clean up after the other girls leave?" "Oh, I'd be delighted to
        stay and help out any way I can." The soft words belied the
        hidden meaning that only the two of them understood. Emily could
        hardly wait to see the last car leave the driveway.

        Joy had actually been picking up on the pool deck when Emily
        returned to the pool. Joy's plan was to act cool, forcing Emily
        to make the next move. No problem. In a flash Emily was beside
        Joy, staring at her with her hands on her hips. "You fucking
        cxnt! What a miserable piece of trash you are. Coming to my
        birthday party uninvited, flaunting your slutty body in front of
        my friends. Just who the hell do you think you are?"

        In a soft voice, laced with sarcasm, Joy retaliated, "Why,
        darling, you know who I am. I am the girl who is going to play
        the lead role in next year's school plays. You know that now,
        don't you sweetie." Joy had stood up to face Emily.

        "I promised you a good fucking when I left your house last time.
        Now you are going to get that fucking, and MORE. Your skanky
        body was never a match for mine. Three weeks ago or now, it
        doesn't matter." The words were hurled with venom across the
        short distance between the girls.

        "Do you really think your skinny ass is capable of beating me
        again. "I'm here to tell you one thing. You will regret you ever
        laid eyes on me after I give you more of me than you ever
        dreamed of."

        It was obvious to Emily that Joy had not turned into a coward
        after their first sexfight. Indeed, she acted even more
        confident than before her loss. While evident to Emily, this in
        no way diminished her own confidence or hatred. Joy would have
        to pay for her audacity and that was all there was to it. Both
        girls were on the same wavelength there. Those were Joy's
        sentiments exactly. Neither bothered to mention rules. There
        were none. There was no mention of what the stakes were. They
        both knew. Neither thought to discuss how a winner would be
        determined. They both knew.

        Emily took a short step closer to Joy with a scowl on her face
        that almost took away its beauty. Joy determinedly matched Emily
        with a defiant step towards her enemy. "Woman to woman." Emily
        spoke as she reached behind her to undo the tie on her lime
        green bikini top. As she allowed it to fall to the deck, Joy
        mirrored the move by allowing her gigantic breasts to swing free
        of their tiny containment. Each girl took just a moment to soak
        in the sight of their enemies' breasts.

        Magnificent was the sight as those four tits pointed menacingly
        at each other. Their bikini briefs were off in another instant
        as both girls removed them and tossed them aside. Both girls
        were breathing heavily already as they stared daggers at each
        other. If ever two girls felt like enemies without a man or boy
        at the center of it, this was it.

        The rage inside Emily reached its flash point. She lashed out
        with her hands and grabbed Joy's imposing globes. Instantly she
        had a vice grip on those tits and was squeezing and pulling on
        them in noxious anger. Joy was only an instant behind and
        latched firmly on Emily's striking tits and the pulling and
        twisting contest began. Flashes of pain shot through both sets
        of tits. Cries of anguish rent the air and screams of the
        foulest language rang across the backyard. Fortunately Emily's
        family lived nearly a quarter of a mile from their nearest
        neighbor, so no one would here their screams. Staggering around
        the pool deck, seeking advantage, they used a lot of pent-up
        energy twisting and pulling their breasts into bizarre and awful
        shapes. What moments before had been as appealing to view as any
        cinematic star were now being grotesquely malformed by the
        powerful fingers latched onto them. Never flinching, never
        losing their grip, they continued battling around the deck for
        several minutes. The banged into chairs, tables, the barbecue
        grill, but never let up their cursing and fighting. "You filthy
        cxnt, I'm going to rip your fucking tits right off," spat Emily.
        "Not before your tits are turned into mush, bitch."

        Their cursing and screaming only intensified their
        determination. But even with the adrenaline surge of energy they
        had, both girls began to tire. It became harder and harder for
        them to keep their balance as they jerked each other around the
        deck, often precariously close to the water. Joy gritted her
        teeth so hard that her jaw muscles were starting to ache as she
        summoned her strength in waging the battle against Emily's tits.
        Her own tits were taking an awful beating from Emily's powerful
        grip, but she knew that Emily was suffering immensely too. Tears
        streamed down her cheeks, and she planted her feet as firmly on
        the cement deck as she could and pulled with a vengeance. Emily,
        pulling equally as hard in the other direction could not match
        the leg strength and found herself falling towards Joy. Joy
        twisted her body out of the way, hoping to land above Emily as
        she fell. She was above her all right, but it was in the water.
        In the heat of the battle they had ventured too close to the
        edge of the pool one too many times. Emily would not let lose of
        her grip, even as she fell. Her thigh hit the edge of the pool
        and the rest of her toppled in with Joy an instant behind,
        dragged in by her tits.

        The surprise and shock of the water caused them to release their
        grips finally. Neither had prepared by taking a breath, and
        falling into the deep end they both surged quickly to the
        surface inches apart gasping for breath. In their fatigued state
        it was clear to both of them that they couldn't stay in the deep
        end of the pool for long, but the rage inside them was
        overpowering and they each reached for the other as soon as
        their heads cleared the water. Each grabbed a quick breath
        before finding the other's fingers locked in their hair. The
        arms resumed their yanking motions left behind only seconds
        before. This time, though it was hair not tits. Their tits
        thanked them for stopping the abuse, but the two girls had no
        time to think about that. They were fighting like she-cats in
        heat in eight feet of water. Their quick breath would never be
        enough to sustain them very long as they sunk slowly towards the
        bottom, eyes open and staring daggers still, right through the
        water at each other. Emily's grip on Joy's shorter hair was
        strong, but Joy definitely had an advantage here because of the
        length of Emily's hair. She could keep repositioning her hands
        for better leverage. In the water their hair tended to float up
        and away, so finding a good grab was difficult. The hair was
        slippery too and since the restriction of motion caused by the
        water affected their pulling the jerks weren't as pronounced as
        they would have been above water. Nonetheless, the girls were
        putting all they had into the hair-pulling fight, even as they
        sunk towards the bottom of the pool. Lungs straining from the
        exertion and lack of oxygen, they pushed off with all their
        might together when they felt their feet hit the bottom of the
        pool. Slowing their hair pulling long enough to safely reach the
        surface they rose quickly and gulped in several breaths of
        desperately needed air. Their bodies were nearly spent after
        only 10 or 12 minutes of fighting.
HG Hunt