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Loose Ends: Part 3

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Offline YuriLesboLover

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Loose Ends: Part 3
« on: December 19, 2023, 12:34:36 AM »
Most would look at Vanessa’s current situation and think that she could finally breathe a sigh of long awaited relief but that was only half right. She managed to lead her team out of the frying pan, into the fire and finally out again but one matter was still left unresolved. Brooke. Her old mentor had been even more manipulative than she appeared to be and while Jasmine was off tracking down Sabrina, Vanessa was going to demand answers from Brooke. As well as other things. Olivia gave her access to the security cameras to find which cell La Malvada had locked her in, so she wouldn’t have to scour the entire prison looking for her. She looked for quite some time until she realized that one particular cell in the basement was just barely hanging open. It was then that Vanessa realized that Brooke had somehow managed to slip away. How and when, Vanessa had no idea but she was not surprised given how devious Brooke was. Vanessa also had a very good idea of where Brooke had gone off to. The brunette babe got dressed and drove off to a place that she hoped to never revisit.

She arrived at the same abandoned mansion where Brooke was supposedly “taken” by Las Brujas around a decade ago. Still standing after all this time. The sight of it was still a deeply traumatic one for Vanessa as the horror and humiliation of that fateful night still hurt, even after finding out it was all a ruse. Or perhaps because of that. She had a strong gut feeling that she would find the other brunette there. She took a deep breath and got out of the car before going in. She stepped into the foyer room where the ambush took place and did so with not as much pain as she had anticipated. Brooke wasn’t here. Vanessa continued to explore until she eventually came across the door to the master bedroom. Taking another deep breath, Vanessa pulled the door open and went in. Inside, she found it was still quite lavish for how long the place had been abandoned and the bed still looked quite cozy. However, it was the person sitting on the bed that really got her attention.

“Nessa.” Brooke said. “I had a feeling you’d find me here if you somehow got out of that mess.”

Vanessa was silent. She really wasn’t sure what to say.

“I take it La Malvada is dealt with?” Brooke asked.

“Yes.” Vanessa answered calmly. “The new Chief showed up and dealt with her just after La Malvada came back.”

“Tamara was her name, right?“ Brooke asked. “I heard she was something but to take down La Malvada in only a couple hours…I’m honestly jealous.”

“It wasn’t really that short but I digress.” Vanessa said. “I knew you’d be here. How’d you get out anyway?”

“I have my ways.” Brooke said. “I just wanted to take a little trip down memory lane.”

Vanessa was silent again.

“I’m sure you have a lot of questions.” Brooke said. “I think I owe you that much.”

“I don’t even know where to begin.” Vanessa said. “I was going to ask why you didn’t let me in on your plan…”

“But…?“ Brooke asked.

“But I know I was a loose cannon back then.” Vanessa said. “I would’ve been a needless burden and you had way too much on the line.”

“For all the good it did me.” Brooke said. “So many years of planning, waiting and playing second fiddle to that demented cxnt…And for what? To get fucked by her in front of all of you and for my prize to get stolen by Tamara.”

“I guess playing by the rules works out sometimes, doesn’t it?“ Vanessa asked.

“Maybe.” Brooke said. “Believe me, I wanted to tell you. It was hard but I just couldn’t risk it.”

“Maybe if I was the way I am now…” Vanessa said.

“I would’ve told you.” Brooke finished her sentence. “You’ve grown into quite the woman, Nessa. And quite the cop. Leading your own team of hotties. Striking back after having to flee from your own home. Getting as far as you did…I’m so proud of you. And I’m not just saying that.”

Vanessa seemed genuinely moved by those words. It was easy to look at today and only see her fuck ups but she did better than just about anyone else would have. Except for Tamara, of course.

“I still can’t wrap my head around it.” Vanessa said. “This whole charade just doesn’t seem like you…But I guess I never knew you as well as I thought I did.”

“You know me better than you think you do now.” Brooke said. “Remember what I told you? That you should make the world a better place no matter how hard it might be?”

“Yes.” Vanessa answered.

“Well…That’s what I did.” Brooke clarified. “Or at least what I tried to do.”

“What now then?” Vanessa asked. “Now that it’s all said and done?”

“I plan on making up for my failure.” Brooke said. “To keep going after scumbags that I couldn’t as a cop. No more warrants, no more ROE, no more red tape. None of that shit. I’ll get it done.”

“I see…” Vanessa said. “A vigilante then?”

“That’s one way of putting it.” Brooke said. “And…I want you and your team to work with me on this.”

“What?” Vanessa asked.

“You heard me.” Brooke said. “Think of it, babe. We’ll have nothing holding us back. We can put the scum of the world in their place without having to worry about some bureaucratic garbage.”

“But…I doubt my team will agree to it.” Vanessa said. “And what about Tamara? She’s in a sex coma right now from fighting La Malvada and you want me to abandon her?”

“She’s an incredible woman but she doesn’t understand what needs to be done.” Brooke argued. “She’s still the police chief and she’ll always be at the city’s beck and call. It’s her weakness.”

“Is that why she defeated La Malvada and you didn’t?“ Vanessa asked coldy.

Brooke glared angrily.

“You have no idea what I went through to try and take her down.” Brooke said defensively. “I did things that will haunt my conscience forever and you know what? I would do it all again. Whatever it takes to get the job done.”

“And that’s exactly why I can’t let you walk away from here.” Vanessa said as she began stripping down. “Regardless of your intentions, you still have a lot to answer for…You’re under arrest…La Cazadora.”

Brooke looked sad then sighed as she closed her eyes, opening them to reveal a serious glare.

“Then come try and arrest me, Officer Price.” Brooke challenged as she began stripping down as well. 

The tension could be cut with a knife as the two busty brunettes soon became as naked as the day they were born and stared each other down.

“I hope you won’t drug me again like last time.” Vanessa said teasingly.

“I was wasting precious time and energy on you that I needed to face La Malvada.” Brooke argued. “Maybe if I had drugged you right from the start, I might have been able to bring her down…but no use wracking my mind over what ifs. That was my only needle anyway. Let’s do this fair and square. To the end.”

“Agreed.” Vanessa said. “No matter how long it takes.”

“All night long if we have to.” Brooke added.

And with that, they were done talking. At the same time, they charged into each other, G cup pushing into H cup and vice versa as they bearhugged each other and their tongues slithered into their opponent’s mouth, wrestling one another. They moaned and grunted with equal parts lust and effort as they made out passionately and their legs lifted up to rub against the other nympho’s pussy. Vanessa already began to realize that she had a very different feeling in this fight compared to their fight at the prison. Back then, her blood boiled with rage and hunger for vengeance for years of manipulation and humiliation and while she definitely still felt some of that in her, what she was feeling now was much more intoxicating. She felt a surprisingly deep level of contentedness and comfort as she fucked Brooke and Brooke fucked her. It was as if she was a rookie again, fulfilling her fantasy of getting to take her gorgeous mentor to bed. Even in spite of everything that’s happened, all the ups and downs, the lies on top of other lies, Vanessa could not deny how cathartic it was to finally experience one of the dreams of her youth.

Brooke was feeling very much the same. As her tongue wrestled against the younger brunette’s, she remembered how cute she always found Vanessa in spite of how much of a handful and loose cannon she was back in the day. Once she had finally dealt with La Malvada once and for all, she hoped that they could reunite and finally scratch the mutual itch they clearly both had. Well, at least one of those things was happening now. Even in spite of her freedom being on the line, the same freedom that she had finally gotten back after years of playing the loyal right hand to a sociopathic drug lord, Brooke was honestly already having the time of her life. After so long, it was honestly quite euphoric and enjoyable to be fucking someone she genuinely cared about and this time, not having to play the villain. She could finally, well and truly be herself. Her blood rushed with excitement over such a prospect, as did Vanessa’s. Their knees began rubbing against each other’s cxnts much harder and faster as their joy and excitement grew and their muffled moaning became more and more frantic and heated. Brooke pulled Vanessa’s brown locks with one hand while sinking the other into her former protege’s firm ass cheeks and the younger brunette quickly reciprocated the move. This went on and on until eventually, neither of them could hold it back any longer and had to break the kiss for some much needed air.

“Ahhhhhhhhh!!” They groaned loudly as they came.

They soaked each other’s knees in pussy juice in what was one of the most satisfying orgasms either of them had ever experienced. It may seem strange that just some knee rubbing was all it took to get them off so much but their long buried sexual desire for each other was finally being realized and this time without any distractions like Brooke’s quest for La Malvada or Vanessa’s vengeful fury. It was more than orgasic. It was blissful and beautiful and oddly gave them both a feeling of nostalgia. Vanessa pushed herself forward, sending both beauties crashing into the surprisingly comfortable king sized bed as they panted heavily, staring into each other’s lovely eyes.

“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do this to you.” Vanessa said lustfully.

“Ever since you met me at that job fair at your old high school, right?” Brooke asked.

“How could you tell?“ Vanessa asked.

“Because that’s how long I’ve wanted to fuck you.” Brooke answered. “Thank God you were actually 18 at the time.”

The two giggled lightheartedly.

“Let me put the cuffs on you and I’ll fulfill all of my fantasies from back then.” Vanessa said flirtatiously.

“You’ll have to make me first.” Brooke said teasingly.

They kissed again but this time much more lovingly and slowly as their nipples slid together, giving them both shivers of lust before breaking it again.

“The others would’ve loved you, you know.” Vanessa said. “I have a feeling that if you didn’t do what you did, you’d be in command of 732 instead of me.”

“You’ve earned your position, little Nessa.” Brooke said. “I could never take that from you.”

“No one’s called me that in a long time.” Vanessa said somberly.

Without warning, Brooke pounced on Vanessa again but the younger brunette was surprisingly prepared for it as Brooke rammed her tongue straight through Vanessa’s lips and initiated another passionate kissing session as their enormous assets did battle as well. They sat with their legs wrapped around each other and began tribbing away.

“Mmmmmmmm!!” They moaned lustfully into each other’s mouths as they fucked.

Their initial whimsy with each other had now been replaced by much more heated and intense yet every bit as addictive and enjoyable lust and competitive fire. They rocked the bed up and down as the sounds of feminine moaning, grunting, slurping and the bed’s old springs compressing filled the room. The feeling of each other’s pussies on their own had been even more amazing than either of them had imagined and they now had time to fully appreciate it unlike their previous fight in which Vanessa was filled with rage and Brooke was focused on not tiring herself out for when she would turn on La Malvada. There was now nothing stopping either of them from letting loose and taking all the time and energy they wanted on each other. Vanessa broke the kiss.

“I’m gonna fuck you inside out, you hot bitch!” Vanessa said with a devious grin through light panting.

“Experience always makes the biggest difference. Didn’t I tell you that once?“ Brooke asked.

“That just means you’re old.” Vanessa argued.

“I’m only six years older than you, smartass!” Brooke snapped.

“Well, you fuck like you’re 60 years older.” Vanessa mocked.

Brooke responded with a particularly powerful hump that sent a shockwave of pleasure up her opponent’s spine.

“Ohhh!!” Vanessa moaned.

“Could a 90 year old make you moan like that?” Brooke asked mockingly.

Vanessa responded with her own powerful hump.

“Fuck!” Brooke cursed as she bit down on her teeth.

“Be careful or you’ll throw out your hip.” Vanessa responded.

“Come here, you little slut!“ Brooke cursed.

The battling brunettes resumed their brutal make out session, lustfully wrestling and corkscrewing their horny tongues outside of their mouths as they began drooling down their own jawlines and eventually into their joined cleavages. They continued thrusting into each other as Vanessa closed her mouth on top of Brooke’s tongue, audibly sucking and slurping on it as their clits bobbed against each other, causing them to both wince their eyes as it felt like a taser of pleasure was shot off inside of them. Brooke once again pulled Vanessa’s long, brown hair with one hand and sank her fingers deep into the meat of her pear shaped ass with the other and just like last time, Vanessa gleefully reciprocated both moves. Brooke then managed to snare Vanessa’s tongue between her lips, sucking on it in retribution for her former protege doing it to her just a few moments ago.

“You certainly are a good kisser.” Brooke admitted as she broke the kiss once again.

“I kinda have to be when I live with four other horny nymphomaniacs.” Vanessa joked.

“I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t jealous.” Brooke said.

“Jealous enough to come with me and join the team?“ Vanessa asked with genuine emotion in her voice. “Ms. Colby can pull some strings. No one can resist her. And you’d fit right in. I’m sure Ben would like you.”

“Oh, yeah. Jasmine’s man, right?“ Brooke asked. Vanessa nodded in reply.

“Sorry, babe. That ship has sailed.” Brooke said. “I’m done taking orders. Even from someone like Tamara. I won’t be held back anymore.”

“I guess that was worth a shot.” Vanessa said. “I can still visit you in your cell at St. Lilith’s.”

“You can certainly keep dreaming.” Brooke shot back.

The older brunette then gently pushed Vanessa down onto her back before laying down on her own. Vanessa quickly deduced that her former mentor was up for a bit of scissoring and was more than happy to oblige. They both took deep breaths, preparing themselves for the unsanctioned exercise routine they were about to commence with before they finally began. They pumped into each other furiously, literally putting their backs into it.

“Ugh!” Brooke groaned.

“Agh!” Vanessa grunted.

Their monumental mammaries and flowing, sweat soaked and matted hair bounced and shook all around in response to the rapid jerking and movements of their voluptuous bodies. Their faces flushed a distinctive bright red from the combination of physical strain and intoxicating pleasure. It was beyond glorious. They flexed their shapely asses against the bed to further pump their hungry pussies against one another, lower lips stuck together as their pulsating, pink pleasure buds fought their own little battle inside of their sealed labias.

“Is this really the best that the leader of the famous Task Force 732 can do?“ Brooke asked mockingly. “Come on! Show me how much you’ve grown where it matters!”

“I would’ve taken you down back at the prison if you didn’t stick me with that needle!” Vanessa argued.

“I was holding back, you know.” Brooke bragged.

“Like Hell you were!” Vanessa shot back. “I’ve fucked enough hot bitches to tell when they’re not giving it their all!”

“Oh, I’m sure you have.” Brooke said sarcastically.

“If I’m wrong, then prove me wrong!” Vanessa dared. “Give it your all! Show me the carnal skills that made you La Malvada’s second in command already!”

“Be careful what you wish for.” Brooke lectured.

“You’ve already lied about so much? Why should I start believing you now?“ Vanessa asked with genuine anger in her voice.

Brooke seemed taken aback by that sentence but shook it off and pushed on with the fight. The two continued ferociously fucking each other in this position. Heavy breathing, intense panting, grunts of effort and frenzied, sexual moaning filled the room as they ground their experienced cxnts together as if their lower lips were attempting to swallow each other whole. Vanessa grabbed hold of the older brunette’s legs to pull her further into the fusion. Brooke then did the same with Vanessa’s legs as they began more or less hacksawing themselves against each other, roughly and viciously grinding.

“Aghhhhh…” Brooke moaned.

“I always had a gut feeling that you were into the rough stuff.” Vanessa commented as she tribbed.

“This is nothing compared to what La Malvada would do to me when she was feeling kinky.” Brooke bragged. “I can do this forever.”

“Good. Because so can I.” Vanessa bragged.

Their throbbing clits would occasionally brush against each other in the mass of grinding female flesh, making their spines go numb with electric pleasure very briefly but very powerfully as well. The heat from the constant friction only added to their already maniacal lust. The incessant pumping, pulling and rubbing soon proved to be too much for both of them.

“Fuck! Ohhhhhhhh!!” Brooke groaned as she came, drenching Vanessa’s pussy in her secretions, making her squeal.

“Ha! First blood goes to meeeeeeeeeee!!!“ Vanessa gloated before immediately being hit with her own climax seemingly out of nowhere.

She of course would splash the older brunette’s cxnt right back with her own juices this time.

“Come on, little girl!” Brooke teased. “I want more! A whole lot more!”

“There’s plenty more where that came from.” Vanessa bragged.

They continued like this for quite some time. How long exactly, neither of them knew or cared to know. All that mattered was pumping as many orgasms out of each other as possible. On and on they fucked ravenously as if their very lives or perhaps even the fate of the world and the human race itself depended on such a thing. Eventually though, they had to stop and take a rest as they were only human themselves. Their labias were still fused together as they laid back, taking slow, deep breaths.

“Okay…” Brooke said, breaking the long, tense silence. “How about another proposal, Nessa?“

“I have a feeling I already know what it is but shoot.” Vanessa responded.

“Why don’t you and you alone come with me?“ Brooke asked. “It’ll be just like old times. The two of us against the scum of the Earth. Only this time, we’re both older, wiser, more experienced and don’t have balls and chains on our ankles. What do you say?”

“You’ve got to be shitting me.” Vanessa said proudly. “If I said no when it involved my team coming with me, do you really expect me to say yes without them?”

“I figured it was worth a shot.” Brooke said.

“I have something special, Brooke.” Vanessa said. “Something more special than I ever could have imagined or ever thought I’d deserve.”

“Is that so?” Brooke asked.

“Yes.” Vanessa said matter of factly. “Besides, the rest of the team would all crash and burn without me.”

“Still as modest as ever.” Brooke said sarcastically. “But have it your way, babe.”

Brooke pulled herself away from the younger brunette, peeling her twat off of Vanessa’s with a grunt of mild pain as they were stuck together with each other’s juices. She then got on all fours and crawled towards her opponent seductively. Vanessa wanted to pounce on her again right there and then but she was also morbidly curious as to what her rival was planning to do next. Brooke put that curiosity to rest as she dove forward. Vanessa was expecting her to initiate a cunnilingus assault but instead she brought her gigantic H cups up towards Vanessa’s slit and started kneading them into it.

“Ahhhhh!!“ Vanessa moaned.

“How do you like that?” Brooke asked mockingly. “Nothing quite like a nice paizuri to break down your enemy’s will, is it?”

“Goddamn you!“ Vanessa cursed.

Brooke’s tits rubbing against her pussy felt better than any words in the English language could describe. Vanessa already felt like she was on the verge of losing it as she was massaged with them. Brooke, Tamara and La Malvada were the only women with H cups that Vanessa knew in her life and she hoped to God that she would meet more. So much more. Not that she didn’t absolutely love all of her girlfriends’ G cups, of course. Brooke could tell how much her former protege was loving what she was doing and pressed on. She escalated the foreplay even further by deliberately positioning her hardened nipples in front of Vanessa’s clit and going to town on the poor, defenseless organ.

“Shit!” Vanessa cursed upon contact.

Brooke chuckled smugly as she tittyfucked her opponent slowly and methodically. Vanessa’s body began involuntarily jerking back and forth, signaling that she was close. Brooke hooked her arms around Vanessa’s legs to try and keep her nice and still as she continued masturbating her with her mammoth mammaries. Eventually, Vanessa simply could not take anymore of it.

“Ohhhhhhhhh!!!” Vanessa screamed as she finally burst.

Brooke opened her mouth nice and wide to catch the squirting liquid in her mouth as the rest coated her face, tits and hair. She then pulled back and looked down on Vanessa as she lovingly cradled her breasts.

“These babies are a gift, let me tell you.” Brooke bragged. “They’re not just easy on the eyes either as you’ve just found out the hard way.”

“Fuck…you…” Vanessa spat out through her heated huffing and puffing.

“Oh but don’t worry, sweetie.” Brooke said condescendingly. “I’m sure that you and your little harem will get nice big H cups one day yourselves.”

“Don’t get all full of yourself just because you’re one cup size above me.” Vanessa said. “Madam Red is just a DD and look how far it’s gotten her.”

“True enough.” Brooke said. “Size means nothing if you don’t know how to use your girls like a proper nympho. But if you have both size and skill as I clearly do, you can become a true sexual force to be reckoned with.”

“I suppose I can’t argue with that.” Vanessa admitted as she caught her breath. “So, it’s a good thing that I have both size and skill myself.”

“Then I suggest you start showing me.” Brooke dared.

“Gladly.” Vanessa said with pride.

The younger brunette then proceeded to pull herself up and faced her rival directly. They stared deeply into each other’s souls for a few brief moments before Vanessa pushed herself forward, colliding breast to breast and nipple to nipple against the older brunette.

“Uhhhhh…” Brooke groaned sensually.

“I knew you’d like that.” Vanessa bragged.

She swayed her body back and forth, left to right, grinding her pink nipples across Brooke’s equally pink milk buds. G cups made H cups sway back and forth as well. Brooke wrapped her arms around her former protege and pulled her in. Vanessa did the same to her former mentor. They were both very tempted to start rubbing their legs against each other’s pussies again but for now, they wanted to focus on this titfight. Brooke started to fight back, swaying back and forth herself, causing both of their enormous assets to to wind around in clockwise and counterclockwise motions, respectively.

“So, you do know how to use those melons of yours.” Brooke admitted.

“I’m just getting warmed up.” Vanessa bragged. “Why don’t I show you why these G cups of mine became my team’s namesake?”

“Enchantèe.” Brooke responded.

Vanessa then pushed herself into Brooke until the older brunette was lying on her back with the cop babe on top of her. Vanessa then proceeded to slowly slide her tits along Brooke’s voluptuous body until she reached her former mentor’s pink, juicy cxnt. Vanessa then licked her lips hungrily before she began to repeat exactly what Brooke did to her a few minutes ago. She grabbed her beloved G cups and squished them together into a single mass as best she could before surging forward and forcing them up against Brooke’s pussy.

“Fuck!” Brooke cursed at the sudden shock of pleasure being unleashed on her.

“You’re not the only one who knows how to tittyfuck, you arrogant slut.” Vanessa insulted.

“It doesn’t exactly take a genius to figure it out.” Brooke argued.

“But it does take an incredibly skilled and experienced nympho to do it just right.” Vanessa shot back.

Vanessa then began rubbing her breasts against Brooke’s twat in a noticeably rhythmic pattern, using her grip on her tits quite liberally to manually pleasure the older brunette.

“Ahhhhh…” Brooke moaned.

She had to admit that Vanessa was good at this. Very good, in fact. The younger brunette rubbed one breast upwards against her labia and the other breast downwards before alternating the two and then switching back to the previous pattern again and again and again. Brooke laid her head back as she continued moaning. Her long, thick, flowing, voluminous brown locks fanned out behind her on the old but surprisingly comfortable and sturdy bed. The perfect bed for what the two slutty, horny brunettes were doing. Vanessa very much enjoyed what she was doing. Not just because it was very enjoyable in its own right, which it absolutely was but also because she loved making Brooke moan like the bitch in heat that she was in the very place where Brooke, intentionally or otherwise, humiliated her deeply. Revenge is indeed sweet.

“That’s it, you hot bitch.” Vanessa teased. “Just lie back and let the better woman show you what a good paizuri is really all about.”

“In some ways, you really haven’t changed at all.” Brooke mocked. “I’ve been in Las Brujas for over a decade. I’ve fucked and been fucked by other women in more ways than I knew possible. You think this is supposed to impress me?”

Vanessa gladed angrily at her.

“Well, let’s see if you fucking feel this one then!” She declared.

Vanessa then became much faster, more heated and more aggressive with her paizuri. Viciously rubbing Brooke’s lower lips with her tits, making sure to grind her nipples effectively as well.

“Aghhhh…” Brooke groaned.

“If you’re so unimpressed, then what’s making you make those noises?” Vanessa asked mockingly.

She kept this up for a while, tittyfucking Brooke until her breasts became red and sore. She eventually could tell that Brooke was getting closer and closer to the inevitable. Vanessa’s breasts were starting to get a bit achey, so she seized her advantage. She decided to be poetic and finish this paizuri off the exact same way Brooke finished her own off. Vanessa carefully coordinated her nipples until she felt Brooke’s clit against them and rubbed away. About 20 more seconds of this and that was all that Brooke could handle.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkk!!!!” Brooke screamed as she climaxed.

She blew her load all over Vanessa’s rack, even managing to splash a little cum on the younger brunette’s face and hair before she fell back, hyperventilating. Vanessa could finally take a breather. Her tits were as red as tomatoes from how forceful she was with using them as weapons. Brooke then caught her breath surprisingly quickly.

“Not bad, little Nessa.” Brooke admitted. “You might have even become a sicaria yourself with those kinds of skills.”

Vanessa was feeling sore and drained. She then realized that that was exactly what Brooke wanted. She goaded Vanessa into overexerting herself and she fell for it, hook, line and sinker.

“You conniving bitch.” Vanessa cursed.

“You still have at least a little bit of that temper.” Brooke pointed out. “I guess some things just never change.”

“Well, a nympho has plenty more weapons of sexual warfare than just her tits.” Vanessa pointed out.

“Such as?” Brooke asked curiously.

“Such as…” Vanessa said deviously. “Her mouth!”

Without warning, Vanessa pushed Brooke down into the bed again before lowering her face directly in front of the older brunette’s cxnt, slithering her tongue out and licking away.

“Ugh!” Brooke grunted in shock. “Okay, little girl. Let’s see what you can do. A woman’s not a woman until she knows how to eat pussy!”

Vanessa responded by jamming her index and middle finger into the lower folds of Brooke’s labia, thus adding even more to her pleasure. Brooke winced one eye shut in response while also lightly biting down on her lip. Vanessa made no effort whatsoever to control her drool as she ate Brooke out. After all, who doesn’t love a nice, sloppy pussy licking? Whether you’re on the giving or on the receiving end. She allowed her drool to pool down Brooke’s lower lips as she continued to insert and exert her fingers in and out of the older brunette’s lower folds. Brooke sank her own fingers into Vanessa’s sweat drenched brown hair and pulled, compelling her former protege to feast on her pleasure center even more ravenously.

“That’s it, baby.” Brooke encouraged. “Eat me like I’m your last meal.”

Vanessa didn’t need any more encouragement as she reached Brooke’s pulsating, pink pleasure bud and went to town on it. She wrapped her full, soft lips around the small, throbbing organ, kissing it passionately as she sucked on it like a lollipop.

“Uhhhhh…” Brooke moaned. “Yes, use that slutty, wet tongue of yours!”

With her free hand, Vanessa reached up and began roughly kneading Brooke’s soft, squishy H cups like they were pizza dough. She pinched her pink nipples tightly before twisting them.

“Agh!” Brooke groaned. “Should’ve figured you’d be into purple nurples, you sadistic bitch!”

‘This coming from La Cazadora?’ Vanessa sarcastically thought to herself as she continued enjoying her meal.

Vanessa sensually swirled her tongue all over and all around her former mentor’s clit while also fingering her more intensely. It soon became clear to both of them that Brooke was on the verge. About 15 or so seconds later and it happened.

“Ugggghhhhhhh!!!” Brooke shrieked as her internal dam burst.

Once again, Vanessa was coated in the older brunette’s fluids but this time it was much more concentrated on her pretty face and hair. She smiled at the warm, cathartic feeling. Brooke’s face was as red as a beet and she was audibly moaning with each deep breath. Vanessa was doing quite well so far but that also concerned her. She had a strong feeling that Brooke might be exaggerating her reactions to lure the younger brunette into a feeling of false security, so she could launch a counterattack just when Vanessa thought that she had this fight in the bag. Or perhaps that was exactly what Brooke wanted her to believe. Maybe she really was this affected by Vanessa’s pleasuring of her and played it up deliberately to make Vanessa doubt herself and become overly cautious, thus giving her a chance to recover. Either one of those things could easily be true when your opponent is a serial liar and a master manipulator that managed to fool even La Malvada for a decade. Ugh! This indecisiveness was infuriating for Vanessa. The cop babe decided that was overthinking this too much and she still knew Brooke better than anyone else. Whatever the sly bitch had planned, Vanessa was sure she could handle it. Brokke then caught her breath and looked up at Vanessa through half closed eyes.

“Impressed yet?“ Vanessa asked smugly. “Or does your overconfident cxnt need another thrashing to make it truly sink in?”

Brooke was about to open her mouth to answer but at that moment, Vanessa decided that she was tired of listening to Brooke’s lying mouth. In one swift motion, she picked up Brooke’s left leg, rested it on her right shoulder and used the opening to close her twat in on her opponent’s, tribbing into her viciously.

“Ahhh!!” Brooke groaned.

“That’s right, bitch! Scream!” Vanessa mocked. “The only sounds I want to hear out of you from now on are screams of pleasure from my superior cxnt!”

She then began roughly groping and pawing at Brooke’s tits again with her free hand as she fucked her enemy. The constant thumping and powerful thrashing of their bodies made both G cups and H cups bounce and jiggle all around like gelatin molds. Brooke reached up to reciprocate the boob squeezing and nipple pinching. Their labias once again fused together in their battling juices and their clits practically had a sword fight inside of the seal. Brooke’s pussy felt even more amazing on her own than Vanessa had ever imagined. She had to wince one eye shut from the overwhelming pleasure but she used the other eye to look down at Brooke’s face, contorted with sexual pleasure. She had longed to see that look, knowing that she was responsible for it. She just now realized that she had also longed to be the one dominating her in the sex. A deep rooted desire that showed that Vanessa was truly born to be a nympho, even years before she was even aware of the game’s existence. She then focused back on the fight, using Brooke’s leg to maintain her balance as she fucked the older brunette with everything she had.

“How does this feel, bitch?” Vanessa asked. “To lose two sexfights within just a few hours of each other? Can’t say I envy you right now.”

Brooke said nothing and just stared up at Vanessa, stone faced as she was tribbed.

“What?” Vanessa asked. “No smart remarks this time?”

Vanessa continued grinding until she started to realize something. Aside from the boob fondling, which was more playful on Brooke’s part than competitive anyway, Brooke wasn’t tribbing back. Even in this submissive position, it was very possible to trib Vanessa back, at least a little bit. This began to aggravate the younger brunette, who took it as an insult.

“What the fuck?!” Vanessa asked angrily. “It’s called a sexFIGHT for a reason! Fight back already!”

It was then that Vanessa realized that the silence and inaction was just Brooke attempting to get under her skin and it was working. She calmed down, took a deep breath and continued her grinding.

“I had you there for a second.” Brooke teased, breaking her silence. “Don’t underestimate psychological warfare. It applies to all forms of war, even sexual war.”

“Well, you don’t have me right now.” Vanessa said matter of factly. “You won’t psyche me out again either.”

“Then I guess I have no choice but to use a more direct approach.” Brooke said slyly.

Vanessa put her guard up, fully expecting Brooke to charge into her again but instead, the older brunette seductively crawled towards her prey like a cat with a mouse. Vanessa’s eyes followed her every move. The tension could be cut with a knife. The younger brunette then felt her enemy’s hands slowly and sensually slip down her waist, giving her chills but also soothing her significantly. It only makes sense for La Malvada’s second in command to be an expert at the art of seduction. Still, Vanessa knew better and maintained her focus. Brooke used her grip on her former protege to pull her towards her. Their nipples were less than an inch away from glorious contact as the two brown haired beauties stared deeply into each other’s eyes. They felt their rival’s hot breath on each other’s mouths before Brooke ever so slightly tilted her head and brought her lips straight into Vanessa’s.

“Mmmmmmm…” They both moaned as they made out passionately.

Tongues slowly and lustfully explored their counterpart’s mouth, slithering over and along each other as their pink nipples finally came together, sliding over each other. Vanessa found herself relaxing more and more as her body begged her to just stop struggling and allow this image of pure sexual desire in front of her to work her magic. The blissful feeling of remembering that she was living out her own personal fantasy again washed over her as she felt Brooke’s nipples penetrate her areolas while her own nipples did the same to Brooke’s. She felt Brooke’s hand slide down her firm, toned belly, across her belly button and just barely touch her upper labia when Vanessa snapped out of her sexual haze and broke the kiss with a string of spit between their mouths.

“Enough of your goddamn mind games bullshit!” Vanessa said angrily. “If you really didn’t need that needle to beat me back there, then stop fucking around and prove it already!”

“You always had the patience of a toddler.” Brooke said with a mildly annoyed sigh. “But have it your way. You wanna fuck, bitch? Let’s fuck.”

“Gladly.” Vanessa said confidently.

Brooke shifted her position so that she was sitting shoulder to shoulder with Vanessa. Her arm did not move as she began mastubating her opponent’s pussy with her hand.

“Agh!” Vanessa groaned.

The younger brunette immediately got into the groove of it and began masturbating Brooke in retribution. Their arms crossed over each other as rather than fingering, they used the palms of their hands to pleasure each other, turning this into a war of attrition.

“I’ve been fucked by the one and only La Malvada on a regular basis, little girl.” Brooke bragged. “She’s done things to me that would make you cream all over yourself in less than a minute! Do you really think you can even hope to outlast me?”

“I guess there’s only one way we’ll find out.” Vanessa said firmly. “Now shut up and let me put that cxnt licking mouth of yours to better use!”

Vanessa then silenced Brooke with her tongue, effectively resuming their make out session from a few moments ago. Brooke was more than happy to oblige. She buried the fingers of her free hand into Vanessa’s long, silky, sweat matted hair to hold her in place as she tongued her mouth and rapidly palmed her twat. Vanessa reciprocated the move. Their arms flailed about across each other as they jerked each other off with everything they had. Their arms would have gotten tired by now if the pleasure they were receiving combined with their seemingly insurmountable competitive spirit didn’t keep them energized and motivated to keep going. Their kissing was loud, heated and fierce. The sounds of lips smacking, slurping and saliva being sucked filled the room. They then both wrapped their legs around each other’s arms in a pretzel position to keep them both still.

“Mmmmmmmm!!” They moaned lustfully into each other’s mouths.

Brooke’s left H cup tit pressed into Vanessa’s right G cup tit, adding to the intense, intoxicating pleasure of it all. Vanessa used her inner wrist to harshly rub against Brooke’s clit, making her former mentor tightly wince her eyes in response. Brooke retaliated by using her nails to scratch Vanessa’s labia just enough to make her squeal without causing any real damage. Vanessa used her grip on Brooke’s hair to jerk her head all around while Brooke immediately did the same. The viciousness of what they were doing to each other only aroused them both even more. They would both often cum into each other’s hands as they screamed into their enemy’s mouth. On and on this went and it was likely that even an in-person observer would have a near impossible time keeping track of the sheer number of orgasms they dished out on their opponent. Eventually, they had to break their brutal kiss to get some much needed air as they removed their hands from each other’s cxnts, giving their arms a well deserved rest as they laid down on the bed, staring at each other hauntingly. Brooke brought her cum drenched hand up and wiped it all over Vanessa’s face and into her hair.

“Ugh! You bitch!” Vanessa cursed before doing the same, wiping her secretion soaked hand all over Brooke’s face and hair.

The two horny nymphos licked at each other’s hands, tasting their own juices before they finally stopped. They were both complete messes. Hair disheveled, sweaty and matted onto their skin. Faces flushed bright red from the effects of the pleasure, as well as covered in cum and spit from their hand wiping. They were taking slow, deep breaths and their pussies were red, ripe and sore. Their hair fanned out behind their heads and slightly went over the edge of the bed.

“You certainly don’t lack confidence or persistence.” Brooke admitted.

“Yeah.” Vanessa said. “I wonder where I got it from.”

“You should give yourself more credit.” Brooke said. “You accomplished the vast majority of your feats without any help from me.”

“It was my anger at what happened to you that drove me.” Vanessa argued. “And it was meeting my squad that taught me to move on and appreciate what I still have.”

“I see.” Brooke replied. “I almost feel like an idiot for asking you to leave them for me.”

“You should and you were.” Vanessa said. “They’re everything to me…All of them.”

“Well, after years of being on my own, it would be nice to have some company.” Brooke said. “Especially from someone I know so well…So…I think I’ll just take you with me by force.”

“What?” Vanessa asked in genuine surprise.

Brooke then suddenly pulled herself up and dove down towards Vanessa’s pussy, ferociously feasting on her muff.

“Ohhh!!“ Vanessa cried. “You fucking cxnt!”

Vanessa now had genuine stakes that she was fighting for. She really had to pull out all the stops now. She tipped Brooke over slightly to make her twat more open before digging in herself, turning this into a horizontal 69 duel. The two busty brunettes devoured each other’s muff like they were starving predators tearing at their prey’s dead carcass. They wrapped their legs around each other’s heads to pull each other in even further as Vanessa buried her fingers deep into the meaty flesh of Brooke’s heart shaped ass, followed by Brooke doing the exact same thing to Vanessa. They felt each other’s sweat-dampened brown tresses blanket across their legs as they practically inhaled each other’s pussies. Vanessa would not allow herself to lose and become a hostage. Not after making it this far and finding her purpose again.

“Mmmmmmm!!” They moaned lustfully, muffled by the other woman’s lower lips.

Brooke truly was an animal at eating pussy but so was the younger brunette, as she was proving right now. Brooke then focused the brunt of her oral assault on Vanessa’s throbbing, engorged clit. As Vanessa had done to her before, she wrapped her lips around the pulsating, pink pleasure bud and sucked on it like a piece of candy. Vanessa winced and her muscles slightly spasmed at the sudden rush of pleasure that Brooke’s clit sucking was causing her. Nonetheless, she shook it off and reciprocated by sucking on Brooke’s clit for the second time so far in this fight and hopefully nowhere near the last. She also took it one step further by bringing not just her fingers but her entire hand into the mix. She put all of her fingers together into one, single mass and knifed them inside of Brooke before closing her hand into a fist, thereby fisting Brooke deeply, causing the older brunette to unlatch her mouth from Vanessa’s clit in reaction.

“Fuuuucccckkkkk!!!“ Brooke moaned. “You dirty whore! You like fisting, do you? Well, you’re not the only one!”

Brooke copied Vanessa’s move note for note. First putting her fingers together into one, then burying all of them deep inside Vanessa’s pleasure core and then making a fist.

“Aghhhh!!” Vanessa groaned in response. “Go ahead and try to outlast me, slut! If you want me as your sex slave, you’ll have to fucking fight for it!”

She then resumed her cunnilingus. This was already easily the most heated and vicious 69 duel that Vanessa has ever experienced. As for Brooke, it was easily in the top five. Maybe even top three. The two battling brown haired beauties quickly lost track of time as their libidos took control. All that mattered at the moment was feasting on each other until they were both as dry as the Sahara. Climax upon climax upon climax washed over both of them as they repeatedly splattered their fluids all over each other’s faces and hair. Still, they swallowed as much as they could. It was as if they were in the desert, dehydrating and the other nympho’s cxnt was the first cactus they had found in hours. They just drank, drank, drank as if their very lives depended on it. The bed became absolutely soaked with their secretions as well, covering just about every inch of it. Eventually though, they had to stop and catch their breath. They at long last rolled their heads out of each other’s crotches, huffing and puffing.

“You are…annoyingly persistent.” Brooke said through her heavy breathing.

“I am what you made me.” Vanessa shot back with mixed pride and shame.

“I should be proud then.” Brooke said. “But I’ve got news for you. My persistence is unmatched. I may not be the strongest nympho on Earth but my confidence is unbreakable. Most women completely give up the game after losing to La Malvada just once but I’m…We’re stronger than them.”

“That we are.” Vanessa agreed. “We had the strength to keep moving forward even after all our efforts to take that cxnt down seemed to have been all for naught.”

“And I think there’s only one way to finish this.” Brooke said. “Like true women. Like true nymphomaniacs.”

“You took the words right out of my mouth.” Vanessa said.

The two brunettes then pulled themselves up. Bodies and hair soaked and caked with sweat and each other’s cum. They looked at each other for a bit, panting with fatigue but more so with lust. They then grabbed each other’s faces and pulled in each other for a long, passionate tongue kiss. Their tongues swirled around each other in their sealed mouths as they shared the mixture of saliva and each other’s cum. They kept this up for about five full minutes before finally breaking it.

“Pussy to pussy and clit to clit, bitch.” Vanessa challenged. “Right here and right now until one of us passes out.”

“Of course.” Brooke agreed. “You taste amazing and I will have you all for myself.”

“La Malvada thought she’d have me too.” Vanessa pointed out.

“But your bimbo boss isn’t here to save you this time.” Brooke mocked.

Vanessa became angry at hearing Tamara insulted.

“She’s been there for me much more than you ever were.” Vanessa shot back.

“Do you wanna talk or do you wanna fuck?” Brooke asked rhetorically.

“Agreed. Let’s stop yapping and start grinding.” Vanessa said.

The two raging nymphos then got up and positioned themselves across from each other accordingly for what they were about to do. They each took a deep breath, preparing themselves for what was to come before they inched their way towards each other until their legs were properly hooked together, leaving both of their impressive, skilled and experienced pussies nice and wide open. Vanessa, eager as ever, grabbed Brooke by her hair and used her grip to pull her in. The younger brunette then rammed her tongue straight through her former mentor’s lips. Brooke quickly kissed back, tongue wrestling tongue as both busty brunette beauties enclosed on each other and began rhythmically pumping their pussies together. Brooke returned the hair pull as the cop babe and former cop babe made out with each other passionately.

“Mmmmmmmm…” They moaned into each other’s mouths lustfully as they both used their remaining free hand to tightly squeeze and palm their opponent’s firm, toned, meaty ass cheeks.

Clit brutally rubbed against clit as pink nipples euphorically penetrated areolas. This was truly it. There was simply no way for any two women to get more intimate than what they were doing right now. It was as intoxicating as it was hypnotic. Despite their deep competitive urges and strong desire to win, both of them wished that this would last forever. Vanessa now truly understood why Jasmine could never let Sabrina go. This was just way too addictive to ever really stop entirely. She swallowed back Brooke’s sweet saliva as she sucked on the older brunette’s tongue followed by Brooke doing the same to Vanessa’s tongue. Their eyes stared daggers at each other as their lustful, determined gazes said far more than any words ever truly could. The pleasure was so incredible and overwhelming that Vanessa found her muscles spasming a bit in response as her legs jerked around subconsciously. This gave Brooke an opportunity she had been waiting for. She pushed harder into the younger brunette, sending her cxnt deeper into her rival’s and nearly making her fall onto her back but Vanessa stood firm. She would not move from this spot for anything. She broke the kiss in a spray of spit between their lips.

“Nice try.” Vanessa mocked. “A tornado could pull this entire house off its hinges and sweep it away and I wouldn’t leave this spot!”

“I’ll hold you to that.” Brooke said. “I’ve been waiting for what feels like half my life to fuck you and I’ll milk every last minute of it. I wanna make you scream and squirm as you cum all over my superior cxnt!”

“Then shut up and put your money where your pussy is!” Vanessa dared.

Brooke did as she was told and silently began pumping into Vanessa again as the other brunette did the same. The heat between their twats was enough to melt an entire candle or stick of butter. The wetness they shared between them was palpable. They took their hands off of each other’s asses and now used both hands to pull each other’s hair. They used this grip to keep their enemy still and make it easier to both fuck and kiss her. Speaking of which, they started licking at each other’s tongues outside of their mouths before sealing said mouths together again in another lustful, passionate kissing session. They humped each other with everything they had, often pulling their pelvises back to slam them forward into the other woman. On and on this went and just like with their 69 duel and fingering fight, they began to lose track of time and their minds became consumed by their libidos.

“Mmmmmmmmmm!!!“ They would scream loudly into each other’s mouths from the pleasure as they would climax over and over and over again countless times.

The constant flow of cum would get to the point where both of their legs quickly became drenched in girl mess. It made them both a bit slippery and hard to maintain contact but they certainly would not let something like that stop them. The burning in their cxnts was just far too much to resist. Brooke had missed this. Most sexfights she had since taking on the role of La Cazadora had been either degrading, unfulfilling or held back by her having to play the role of a stone cold sicaria. This was the first fight she had in a long, long time where she could finally cut loose, be herself, take her time and enjoy it. She felt like a flightless bird who had just gotten brand new and fully functional wings. It was the most liberating feeling in the world and she was immensely grateful to Vanessa for giving this feeling to her, albeit not grateful enough to go easy on her. Vanessa wouldn’t want her to anyway, of course. She continued tribbing her former protege with a new, reinvigorated gusto.

“Mmmmm…” Vanessa moaned.

The two had been fucking each other for at least hours and orgasmed countless times but it seemed that Brooke never got the least bit winded or tired of it. Quite the opposite, in fact. It was as if the longer this was going on, the better Brooke was getting at it. Vanessa had no idea what kind of sexual beast she had awakened but she was determined to see this through to the end. Especially with her freedom on the line. She did not come this far just to become her former mentor’s sex slave. Not by a longshot. So, she pushed on, fucking Brooke no matter how tired she became. Their cxnts, boiling with literally hot blooded desire, continued to pump into each other. They went right back to what they were just doing minutes ago, grabbing a tight handful of each other’s hair and using that grip to pull the other brunette’s mouth in for some heated tongue action. Vanessa wasn’t entirely sure how much longer she could keep this up but she would not show any weakness. She could only hope that Brooke was getting just as tired as she was. Unfortunately, she was wrong. Very wrong, in fact. Brooke still had plenty of fuel left. She loved this. The feeling and taste of her former protege’s tongue in her mouth, her H cups mushrooming into Vanessa’s G cups, her soft, sweat matted hair in her hands and especially Vanessa’s pulsating, pink pleasure bud rubbing up against her own. Vanessa began to feel an orgasm coming along and knew that this would be a particularly powerful one but there was nothing she could really do except brace herself for it. And then it happened as Brooke broke the kiss.

“Ohhhhhhh!!!!” Vanessa screeched as she climaxed.

“Oh, yeeeessss!!” Brooke moaned as she felt her opponent cum inside of her. “Fill me up like the good little cumslut that we both know that you are!”

Vanessa fell away from Brooke, hyperventilating as she laid in a pool of cum and her own soaked hair. She felt so drained that she could barely even move but she still tried in vain to keep going. She would not give up. Not now. Not ever. Brooke looked down at her.

“Just give up and spare yourself the effort and indignity.” Brooke lectured.

“No!” Vanessa said firmly. “I almost gave up after you were taken but I didn’t. Look where that got me now. Never!”

Brooke scoffed but she was truthfully impressed with such an admirable mindset to have.

“Have it your way.” Brooke said. “You’ll only get fucked tired.”

Brooke then got on top of Vanessa and began grinding away on her again, tonguing down her mouth lustfully as her thick, voluminous brown hair curtained both of their beautiful, pleasure contorted faces. Vanessa fought back with what little energy she had left, wanting to make Brooke work for every last bit of progress she made in fucking her. That much she could accomplish at the very least. However, the result had already been decided. Brooke pumped her thick, bubbly ass up and down to trub Vanessa as the younger brunette’s eyes rolled into the back of her head. Her muscles jerked around as another climax came even faster than either nympho was expecting. Vanessa knew this was the end. That she had failed. Her duty, her squad and her pride were all going to be taken away from her.

“Mmmmmmmmmm….” Vanessa moaned weakly as she came one final time.

Brooke sighed as she felt the warm liquid coat her cxnt again. She got off of Vanessa and saw that she had passed out. Brooke panted lightly, reflecting on the fight she just had. The most enjoyable fight she had in a very long time. She stroked her unconscious opponent’s hair lovingly before she sighed and made a difficult decision in her mind.

Vanessa woke up sometime later. A few hours at least. It was a deep sleep and she was greeted by a dark room and the cum stained bed she was on reminded her of what had just happened. She saw that there was a piece of paper tape to her crotch, just above her clit. She took it off and there was writing on it. It read as follows:

V: 0       B: 1

Vanessa rolled her eyes at the gloating but then she realized that Brooke had just left and did not take her prisoner as she claimed she would. She wondered why but the more she thought about it, the more she believed that Brooke was never going to do such a thing to her to begin with and just said that to make her fight harder. It certainly worked. Vanessa let out a heavy exhale as she got up and took a good, relieving stretch when she suddenly heard her phone ding from the pocket of her discarded pants. Curious, she walked over to it and opened it to discover that she had gotten a text from a number that she did not recognize. It read as follows:


Don’t bother tracking this number. It’s a throw away and I’ll have destroyed it by the time you’re reading this anyway. I just wanted to thank you for a great fight. It was nice to fight like myself and not La Cazadora for once. And did you really believe I’d take you for a sex slave? You know me better than that. You’d just slow me down anyway but stakes like that always make a fight more thrilling. You were trying to haul me off and I thought it was fair to give you something to be afraid of too. I may not be the biggest fan of Tamara but I am grateful to her and you for finally taking a load off my back. I guess I should just be glad that La Malvada can’t hurt anyone anymore. And I can say with full confidence that Las Brujas will never recover. She’s always been a “If I can’t have it, no one can!” kind of bitch and how she organized her cartel reflected that. I just wish I could have seen her face when she lost.

Anyway, I meant what I said when I told you I was proud of you. I know I’ve lied to you and many other people about a lot of things but that was the truth. You’ve become a true cop, a true leader and a true nympho but you can only do so much when you’re completely outclassed. Which you were. I hope you get better someday and we can have a nice, long, sweaty, spitty, cummy rematch. Maybe one day you might bring me down for real. As for me, I’ll do what I said I’ll do. Hunt down the scum of the world without any red tape holding me back. I may not be La Cazadora anymore but I am still a Huntress. If you decide to come after me, I look forward to whipping your pussy again and again and again and again until you get the message but knowing you, you never will. Never change, babe.

Whatever you get up to in your life from now on, good luck. To you and your team.

-The Huntress

Vanessa didn’t know how to feel after reading that. She was both happy and furious at the same time. However, one thing was for sure. It was over now. All but one of the sicarias had been successfully rounded up. La Malvada was finally behind bars. Now, there was only one thing she wanted to do. She wanted to be with her girls.