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An old story returns: Peasant Actresses

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An old story returns: Peasant Actresses
« on: November 12, 2021, 07:25:57 PM »
Peasant Actresses 1

       Written by H.G. Hunt

[A story of total fiction. Any resemblance to real people is pure coincidence. Two schoolgirls Emily and Joy have an erotic confrontation to settle things about who will get a role in a musical. Originally written in 2002.]


        High school Juniors Emily and Joy both loved performing. When
        entering high school they both took drama classes and tried out
        for plays at their school. Fortunately they had a little bit of
        talent, even as freshman, and were able to obtain small parts in
        most productions. As their high school years went by they each
        found themselves trying out for the same or similar parts. By
        the time their junior year was winding down they once again
        found themselves cast in similar roles. Both girls were given
        medium speaking parts and lots of singing in the chorus portions
        of the last musical of the year.

        The spring musical was set in a peasant village in Europe in
        years gone by and the costumes were contemporary with the time
        period. The girls all wore peasant dresses, most of which were
        strapless, cut just below the armpits and above their breasts.
        The roles they played were both of the bawdy bar maid type of
        character. In these roles it was acceptable for their dresses to
        be worn low enough to show some considerable cleavage. A
        half-dozen girls formed the barmaid contingent of the cast. Both
        Joy and Emily had ample cleavage to display, and within the
        tastefulness of a high school play they weren't bashful about
        showing their cleavage.

        Joy and Emily were big girls. Joy stood 5'9" and sported 38C
        tits. She was also a real party girl, not paying much attention
        to her schoolwork, outside of drama. She was a member of the
        "hair color of the week" club. She had naturally brown hair but
        often she was a red head, sometimes blonde, often dying her hair
        jet-black, ala Goth. When it came time for performances, though,
        she would always were her natural color. She usually kept her
        hair short but stylish, never dropping below her shoulders. Joy
        had a pretty face, but not one that would quite make her runway
        material. Emily stood 5'8" and was also blessed with 38C
        breasts. Emily, outside of drama, was quite different than Joy.
        Emily was a high achieving student. She often took advanced
        classes and usually got A's. While Joy didn't even make plans
        for her after high school days, Emily was hoping to get accepted
        into a prestigious eastern university. Emily was a very pretty
        girl. Her facial features were very refined and were framed by
        very light platinum blonde long hair. She always kept her hair
        styled beautifully. Bouncy and with full waves, her pretty hair
        was usually worn about five inches below her shoulder. Both
        girls were 18 years old and very full of themselves.

        They shared lots of mutual friends and occasionally attended
        parties together or talked together in school. Their
        relationship had been congenial most of the first three years of
        high school. While they hadn't really been enemies in high
        school, the competition involved in trying out for parts had
        caused each to take notice of the other, particularly this year.
        Both had auditioned for the lead female role, but the part went
        to an outstanding senior girl who deserved the role. They
        weren't real surprised that they hadn't won the big part. Each
        girl, however, was looking forward to next year, when the senior
        would be graduated and they would each have a good chance of
        being selected for the lead female roles in their final
        performances. As each girl went through the auditions,
        practices, and finally the performances, bad feelings between
        the girls began to surface. Their director was a 35 year-old
        male teacher, highly respected for his talent in the field.
        Emily thought that Joy was going a little overboard in her
        cleavage displays. When she watched her adjust her dress in the
        dress rehearsals, she would notice Joy would invariably adjust
        the top of her dress downward to show more of her ample breasts,
        particularly whenever the director was on-stage. Emily fumed at
        this. Knowing that she would have a great chance of winning a
        lead role next year, she sure wasn't about to stand by and watch
        Joy steal it from her by flashing more flesh in the director's
        direction. Emily figured that two can play that game. She too
        began displaying more cleavage. More than was necessary. She
        also took advantage of several opportunities, when the handsome
        director was on stage with them, to stand close and
        ‘accidentally' bump his arm or chest with her tits.
        Occasionally she would even catch his eye. He would look
        directly at her, and without a word, send her a message that he
        knew those tittie bumps weren't as accidental as they looked.
        She was enjoying the power of teasing her teacher and knowing
        full well that Joy didn't have anything on her in the sex appeal
        department. She was a very confident and smart young lady.

        Joy, having been a conniver her whole life, didn't appreciate
        the actions she saw from Emily. Joy continued to make sure she
        showed as much cleavage as possible whenever Mr. Slater, the
        director, was around. She also found ample opportunities to
        brush up against Mr. Slater, dragging her breasts provocatively
        across his arm or back or chest. Mr. Slater was not na?ve about
        what was going on. Even though he was happily married with kids,
        he couldn't help but feel stirrings in his groin when these two
        pretty and bountifully proportioned girls would flaunt
        themselves in his direction. Just one of the perks of the job,
        he thought. He never tried to take advantage of the situation.
        Just casting knowing looks in their direction was as far as it
        went. Occasionally he would find himself with both girls leaning
        over close to him, in their costumes, and being treated to a
        very exciting four-boob display. It was as if each of them were
        trying to out-do the other. And they were!

        This behavior continued throughout the rehearsals without let
        up. Joy began making little bitchy comments to Emily when they
        were out of earshot of Mr. Slater. Emily wasn't usually a bitchy
        girl, but this circumstance was not one she could just let go.
        She too began making rude and derogatory remarks about Joy, out
        of earshot of most people. Both made comments designed to cut
        down the appearance of the other. Joy had told one of the other
        girls that Emily was always singing off key and that it made
        them sound bad. Emily heard about that remark and at the next
        opportunity she said to a group of the other actors, when Joy
        wasn't around, that Joy would never make a realistic peasant
        girl, with her hair died black. It was as if the parts they were
        playing were that of royal bitch, not peasant girl.

        The hatred that had developed between them needed release. Both
        wanted the performance to be a success and so neither ever did
        anything to jeopardize the play, but both were feeling that they
        wanted to demolish the other girl. May 5, a Saturday night,
        rolled around and they had their last performance to a sold out
        crowd and were very pleased with their performances. As was
        customary after each performance, one of the actors hosted a
        cast party. They both attended the party. Joy had driven alone
        as had Emily. The girls were still in costume, still showing
        cleavage, and now it wasn't part of the play. Venturing into the
        kitchen to find Emily pouring a drink, Joy adjusted her dress to
        show an inch more cleavage than she had ever showed on stage.
        She was very proud of her big boobs and now that the play was
        over and decorum didn't matter quite so much she was going to
        show off. Her intended audience was Emily and Emily alone. "That
        bitch," Emily thought when she saw how much breast was visible
        above the top of Joy's dress, "two can play this game!" She
        proceeded to very deliberately pull her dress down an inch,
        bringing an equal amount of delectable white breast flesh into
        view. She was staring at Joy and Joy was staring right straight
        back at her. Emily took a step towards Joy and Joy took a step
        at Emily. The party was going on loudly in the other room, but
        they were the only two in the kitchen at the moment.

        Emily spoke first, "You've got a lot of nerve. You think you can
        flash your tits at Mr. Slater and sway him to give you that
        leading role next year. Well he knows I'm a better actress and a
        better singer than you. So just put it out of your head. You
        don't have a chance to get the lead in next year's plays."

        Joy took another step to within a foot of Emily, stared directly
        into her eyes with daggers of hate, and retorted, "You're the
        bitch who thinks she can get whatever she wants by showing her
        ugly tits. You are just jealous that I have what it takes to get
        a man to look in my direction. It was me he was looking at
        whenever we were on stage together. Besides, you don't have
        anything over me in the singing and acting department. I am
        better than you and you know it."

        Emily: "In your dreams cxnt. Your flabby tits were never a match
        for mine. I will have the lead role next year and if you are
        smart you won't even try out."

        Joy: "Fuck you! You are the one who better not show her face or
        tits at tryouts."

        Emily: "You don't want me to show my tits because you know he'll
        choose mine over yours any day. Your saggy boobs can't handle a
        pair like mine. Mine are a real woman's pair. Yours don't stand
        a chance compared to mine."

        Joy: "Just give me one chance and I'll prove you wrong. My boobs
        would annihilate your pancake tits. You have no idea!"

        Emily: "So let me get this straight. Are you challenging me to a
        titfight? If you are, I accept and I'll turn your tits into
        mush. I'll make you wish you never saw my breasts."

        With that comment Joy stepped right up to Emily. Clad in their
        peasant dresses they were now tit to tit. "You just wish your
        tits compared to mine. Look down there now. My boobs are bigger,
        firmer, and better in every way than yours." With that she
        pushed her boobs hard into Emily's pair. Emily didn't flinch and
        pushed back. " No way. I've got the best breasts in this room
        and I will prove it to you. But I don't think we should do it
        here. The others would see or hear us and this is just between
        you and me. Lets get out of here and go somewhere where we can
        be alone and I'll prove to you whose breasts are queen."

        "Right. Lets go to my house. My parents went to visit my
        grandparents in the city after tonight's play and they won't be
        back until Monday. We can have the house to ourselves."

        So, without any of the other cast members knowing anything, the
        girls left the party and headed to Joy's house. Joy left a
        couple of minute early to open up the house and make sure her
        parents had left town. When she got there she found the note
        that said they had left about an hour earlier and to take care
        of the house while they were gone. "I'll take care of the house
        and I'll take care of that bitch Emily too," she thought.

   Re: Peasant Actresses, by HGHunt

        Emily arrived and went up to the door and knocked. She was
        anxious as hell to get in there and show Joy just what real tits
        were. Joy opened the door and let her in. "Follow me she said
        and they headed to the back of the house where there was a large
        family room. The curtains were drawn and the lights were low.
        Joy went over to the stereo and put on some soft music.
        Returning to the center of the room she put her hands on her
        hips and stared daggers at Emily. Emily stared right back and
        lifted her hands up under her breasts, cupping them and wiggling
        them at Joy. "Get ready to have your tits destroyed. These girls
        here will destroy your puny things." Then she pulled her dress
        even lower, exposing nearly all the top half of her gorgeous
        firm breasts. Joy, not to be outdone, pulled her dress even
        lower too. Stepping closer to Emily she shook her tits from side
        to side, causing them to swing rhythmically back and forth.
        "These girls will pound your tits to destruction. Here's the
        deal. After your tits are whipped you will not try out for next
        year's plays. I'll be the one who wins the lead role and you can
        watch from the audience."

        Emily took the bait. "Loser won't even try out next year. It's a
        deal. But I'll be the one on stage next year and you will be so
        ashamed you won't even come to watch."

        With that she stepped up to Joy. "You won't need this!" and in
        one quick move she reached out and grabbed Joy's dress and
        yanked down, exposing Joys strapless bra. Then she reached
        around behind Joy and undid the hooks and tossed aside Joy's
        bra. She had now exposed Joy's big proud tits. Joys boobs were a
        sight to behold. Large, oval, very white, firm globes merging
        into light pink areolas nearly three inches across and topped by
        extended nipples. They were firm and thick, about half an inch
        long and equally as wide. Joy grabbed Emily's dress in response
        and pulled her top down too. Duplicating Emily's action she
        removed and tossed aside her bra. Emily's gorgeous tits now
        leaped into view. Her tits were impressive. They were large,
        round, and with white creamy skin and light brown areolas. Her
        areolas had a sharp crisp boundary with her white skin and were
        just slightly less in diameter than Joys. Her nipples were much
        like Joys but were slightly longer and slightly less in
        diameter. Both girls were very proud of their womanly
        endowments. Joy reached behind her and untied the knot holding
        her dress in place. She let it fall to the floor and stepped out
        of the dress. She and Emily had kicked off their sandals earlier
        and now Joy was dressed in panties only. They were not overly
        sexy or overly conservative either. They were just normal white
        panties cut high on the leg in a bikini style. Emily, not to be
        outdone, removed her own dress and tossed it aside, revealing
        her yellow bikini cut panties. Each girl gave the other's body a
        disdainful once-over. Each made mental comparisons. Joy noted
        that there was great similarity in their bodies. Only an inch
        different in height, breasts appeared the same size, hips curved
        outward and in to modest waists. Joy had a little bit more baby
        fat around her middle, but it wasn't much. Emily really had
        quite a trim waist and she thought Joy was flabby, even though
        it was only a slight difference than her own waist. Emily spoke,
        "Are you ready?" Joy: "Never been more ready. Lets get at it."

   Re: Peasant Actresses, by HGHunt

        Focusing their attention on the four breasts they moved slowly
        together. Joys breasts hardly jiggled as she stepped forward,
        nipples pointing threateningly at Emily's chest. Emily's firm
        big tits moved forward to meet the challenge of Joy's menacing
        tits. Emily pulled her shoulders back and thrust her chest out
        to make her boobs loom even larger. Joy took a deep breath and
        pushed her chest out as far is it would go. Joy looked down to
        see her nipples being threatened by Emily's approaching nipples.
        Not the least bit awe struck she still couldn't help but be
        impressed by the size, shape, color, and nipple erection of
        Emily's tits. Emily could think of nothing but using her nipples
        to destroy Joy's thick nipples. She knew the size and firmness
        of Joy's tits would be formidable, but she was extremely
        confident that her pair could dominate the tit battle that was
        set to begin. Emily and Joy maneuvered their upper bodies to
        line up with each other. Their similar sizes made it easy to do
        this. Their breasts were perfectly level with each other and
        their nipples hung proudly the exact same distance apart. The
        similarities they noticed in the other girl made them even more
        angry and intent on punishing their opponent's tits. Neither
        girl had ever done this before and they were tentative. As their
        nipples lined up perfectly and the distance between them shrunk
        down to just an inch, they stopped.

        Joy spoke out in her sexiest voice, "See how my nipples look so
        sexy. They are big and firm and are just made for sex. Your
        nipples can't hold a candle to my precious ones." Emily shot
        right back, "No way! My nipples are longer than yours. They are
        better for sex than yours. They will teach your puny nipples
        what its like to go up against a real woman's nipples." With
        that she brought her nipples forward directly into contact with
        Joy's nipples. Even through their mutual hatred, the sexiness of
        their foreplay talk had excited their sex drive. Jolts of
        pleasure shot through both their bodies, radiating out from all
        four nipples and coursing through their bodies. Emily shuddered
        with the pleasing intimacy of touching her nipples
        point-to-point with Joy's. Joy also shuddered and let out a
        little moan as the excitement shot through her body and entered
        her pussy. With gentle rocking motions they began to test the
        nipples of their foe. Just barely rubbing the tips of their
        nipples together, both girls looked down at the battle between
        them, watching intently and trying to feel out the opponent. Joy
        twisted her torso a little bit and jabbed directly towards
        Emily's nipples at a slight angle. She was intent on bending
        Emily's nipples over flat. While the direct forward angle of her
        own nipples did cause Emily's to deflect slightly to the left
        they firmly held their ground. "Look at that," Emily said
        proudly "My nipples will bend yours right over, just watch and
        feel." She maneuvered her torso much like Joy had just done. Joy
        braced her tits for the challenge. Emily lined up both her
        nipples to push on the sides of Joy's nipples at about a
        45-degree angle. She leaned forward pushing hard, only to watch
        as Joy's nipples held their ground. If they deflected at all it
        was hard to see. "Lets do it again," said Joy. She repeated the
        nipple jab. Emily took her turn. The results were the same. Each
        attacking nipple could only deflect the defending nipple a tiny
        amount. Their erections were equal. Taking turns they kept up
        their sideways attacks with no definitive results. After several
        minutes of these gentle nipple jabs the motions became more
        intense. When Joy went to take her turn she was met by Emily
        jabbing back at her at the same time. Emily used her nipples to
        poke at the softer tissue of Joy's areolas, pushing hard into
        them, trying to see just how far she could make her nipples
        penetrate into Joy's breasts. Joy pushed her pink nipples into
        Emily's light brown areola, relishing the feeling of the tit
        combat. She watched as her nipples made indentations in Emily's
        areolas, proud in the depth she could produce. Emily too was
        proud of the penetration she was getting from her nipples as
        they jousted into Joy's pink tips. They had left behind the
        attempts to bend the nipples of each other and were now mutually
        trying to push their nipples into the other's sensitive areolas.
        Leaning back and then plunging forward in unison, the girls even
        in their anger were enjoying the combative contact between their
        sensitive nipples. Sexual excitement had grown from their first
        highly charged nipple contact into pangs of lust surging from
        their groins. Emily could feel a spot of dampness on her panties
        and was somewhat embarrassed by it at first. Then she came to
        realize that the sexy nipple play was probably doing the same
        thing to Joy. It was. Joy kept her pussy lips shaved and the
        wetness seeping out of her pussy was soaking the crotch of her
        panties too. Joy reveled in the sexy competition. Sensing that
        this nipple poking was resulting in another sexy standoff, she
        decided to change tactics. She began to move her tits together
        from side to side, raking her nipples across the outstretched
        nipples of Emily. As they passed from side to side each pair of
        nipples pulled firmly against the other. Each bent the other
        sideways in equal amounts. They would depart from straight
        forward at a 45-degree angle and then slide across the other and
        spring back into straightness. Nipple against nipple, right
        against left, and left against right, they began swinging their
        tits with more force and leaning into each other. Back and forth
        went the tits. Nipples scraped paths across the opponent's tits
        and flicking across the nipples of their nemesis.

        Keeping time with the soft music in the background they began to
        really start swatting their tits against the other girl. Neither
        girl had flinched or backed down from any phase of the
        competition yet and they weren't about to start now, even as the
        intensity began to increase. Wham! Wham! The sound of breasts
        smacking into breasts was now audible above the music. This
        slapping was kept up for at least 15 minutes. Both girls were
        feeling the pain and had begun to make grunting noises on
        impact. Neither girl's nipples had been depleted in erection at
        all. Both were still firmly impacting and scraping furrows
        across the tits of the other girl. When the nipples whipped
        against each other the equality of the combat was still very
        apparent. Again finding no advantage for either girl they began
        another stage as if by mutual agreement. Leaning forward and
        grinding tit into tit, trying to squash the other girl's tits
        flat began. Joy pushed and grunted as she ground her firm
        nipples deeply into Emily's tits. She moved left and right, up
        and down, trying to find soft tissue to poke her nipples deep
        into Emily's boobs. Emily was moving as well, and finding that
        Joy's grunts and squeals were a little louder when she poked
        underneath with her long nipples, began to try to focus her
        attacks on the soft underside of Joy's boobs. Joy, to counter,
        flexed her legs lower to come up from the underside of Emily's
        tits as well. In trying to lower their center of gravity to push
        their tits up underneath the other their legs began bumping
        together, destabilizing their balance. Without missing a poke
        each girl began to grab the other's waist for balance. Now their
        tit pushing and grinding redoubled in intensity, with hands on
        the other's waist for leverage and support. The music was slow
        and deliberate with a thumping base line. The girls thumped
        their tits together in time with the beat of the music. Firm
        breasts pushing against firm breasts. Dagger nipples poked deep
        furrows into tit-flesh. Emily flexed her knees and pushed her
        nipples hard into the underside of Joy's breasts, and reaching
        all around Joy's waist to squeeze her in place, she tried to
        maintain that position. Joy's nipples, still erect, and still
        aching for a fight, now found that they were pointing at thin
        air. Emily's nipples ground harder and harder into the underside
        of Joy's firm tits. Emily's hard nips began to devour the
        supporting structure of Joy's tits. She let go of Emily's waist
        and tried to use her arms to push her upper body away from Emily
        by pushing against her shoulders. Emily, sensing her advantage,
        squeezed even harder. Both girls were using a lot of energy at
        this stage.

        They had lost all sense of time during their fight, but now a
        full forty-five minutes had elapsed. Sweat that had up to now
        only lightly glossed their bodies, now erupted in large doses,
        making their skin slippery to the touch. The slippery feeling
        intensified the erotic atmosphere.

        When Joy began pushing her upper body away from Emily with all
        her strength, she pushed forward with her hips and lower body,
        seeking leverage. This caused her damp white panties to push
        forcefully against Emily's damp yellow panties. Emily kept up
        the pressure with her long hard nipples jabbing and grinding
        into Joy's ever more sensitive and painful breasts. Her
        determination was intense and Joy's pain kept increasing, as she
        couldn't break free from Emily's powerful hug. Relaxing just a
        moment to catch her breath, Joy then wiggled and jerked her body
        to try again to free herself. This action put even more erotic
        pressure on Emily's panty clad pussy with her own. Emily, not
        one to let pressure go unpunished, pushed her pussy mound right
        back at Joy. Noting Emily's little response, and not ready to
        surrender, even with the growing pain in her boobs, decided to
        open up a second front in their war. Even as Emily kept up the
        grinding pressure with her tits, Joy reached around Emily's
        waist for a grip of her own. Her arms were outside Emily's so
        she didn't have as much leverage as Emily, and her body was a
        little higher than Emily's she kept up the pussy bumping and
        grinding. With the standing position and the angle of their
        bodies she couldn't get a perfect attack position, but it was
        having an effect. Emily, sensing the growing flow emanating from
        her pussy, knew arousal was her enemy in this fight. She was
        angry and for the first time in more than an hour she spoke,
        spitting out the words in fury, "This is a titfight, cxnt, quit
        banging your skanky pussy up against mine!" "Ha, can't take it
        can you? I'll never give up in a titfight, but you are obviously
        afraid of me when it comes to pussy bumping. If you want me to
        quit, you'll have to make me." With that she increased her
        bumping rate, pumping her hips forward and back, just like she
        was fucking Emily.

        Emily, fuming at Joy, began bumping back with her own panty clad
        pussy mound. Now the smacks that rendered the room came from
        their groins banging together in erotic anger. With an obvious
        two-front war now being fought, Emily decided to quit focusing
        on her breast attack and shift her body to begin pounding her
        own pussy against Joy's more effectively. Joy, happy to see
        Emily relieve the tit attack ferocity began matching Emily's
        timing with her own. They would pull their hips apart and smack
        them together loudly. Each smack was sending both waves of
        pleasure and pain into their bodies. Joy couldn't help but
        notice the juices now flowing freely from her cxnt. She could
        feel the slimy liquid running down her legs as it had saturated
        her panty crotch. The smell of female juices was floating
        throughout the room and both girls were succumbing to the net
        effect of all the eroticism. Moans and little cries of
        pleasure/pain were heard from both lips.

        Joy, feeling the lust and acknowledging that their titfight had
        not determined a winner decided to up the ante. "Since you
        obviously gave up trying to beat me in our tittiefight and you
        have started banging your pussy back against mine you must think
        you have a chance against me down there. Well, I'm here to tell
        you that you don't. I've got the better pussy and I'll fuck you
        silly with my pussy if you think you are woman enough to take me

        "Fuck you! Your stinky pussy is no match for mine. My pussy will
        fuck your pussy till it can't take anymore. You will wish you
        surrendered when my tits were pounding yours. If it's a pussy
        fight you want, then it's a pussy fight you will get, bitch!"

        "Fine! You won't be needing these." Joy grabbed the sides of
        Emily's yellow panties and pulled upward as hard as she could,
        practically lifting her off the floor, when the panties ripped
        clear through. With half in each hand, she lifted both up to her
        nose and took a deep whiff of the wet crotch of Emily's panties
        and spat, "See how turned on you are. I've got you so sexed up
        you will probably lose control and have an orgasm the moment I
        mount you and start fucking."

        "Not so fast slut," Emily spat back. "You are juiced up just as
        much as me." Emily returned the panty ripping favor and holding
        Joy's white, totally soaked panties up to her nose said in a
        soft sexy voice, "Smell that. Your cxnt is just aching for the
        fucking I will give it. No way I'll come before you. First to
        come is the loser. Get ready to be fucked like never before, Joy."

   Re: Peasant Actresses, by HGHunt

        They stepped back from each other and surveyed their foe's naked
        body. Joy sported a trimmed but thick brown bush over her mound
        above her pussy. Her lips were shaved clean and they were
        glistening with juice. Emily was a natural blonde even below her
        waist. She too had a bikini-trimmed thatch shaped like a narrow
        triangle. The soft fur was also shaved away around her pussy
        lips allowing them to be plainly visible between her legs. The
        girls stood for a moment staring at each other when Joy said,
        "wait just a minute. I'll be right back." When she returned from
        the bathroom she had a big bottle of baby oil. "Afraid to put on
        a little slippery oil? I'll oil you and you oil me, that way we
        can each get ‘a feel' for the other. Scared?"

        "Give it here bitch." Emily grabbed the oil from Joy as Joy
        smiled at the response. The erotic intensity was heating up.
        Emily squirted a large dollop of oil onto her right hand and
        immediately used it as a cup to dump over Joy's breasts. Then
        using both hands began to rub it in deeply. She rubbed large
        circles around Joys round breasts and then made sure to rub
        intently those nipples that were still proud and erect. She even
        pinched and twisted them a little. Grabbing the bottle back for
        herself, Joy just squirted the contents out in a long stream
        over the top of Emily's boobs. Using one hand to catch as much
        excess as she could deftly massaged the oil into Emily's big
        boobs. She kneaded each tit under her strong fingers and pulled
        and twisted Emily's nipples in a gentle erotic fashion. Emily
        now took the bottle again and filled her hand to the brim and
        sloshed it onto Joy's lower abdomen. Then using both hands
        proceeded to rub it into her entire stomach area and finally
        down into her pussy, soaking Joy's pubic hair and even running
        her fingers along Joy's pussy lips, making sure that they were
        very well lubricated. Now it was Joy's turn. Smiling a giant
        grin, she squirted a steady stream on Emily's stomach and right
        into her pubic thatch. Then emptying the bottle into her hand
        began rubbing Emily's pussy fur and her entire lower body with
        the copious amounts of baby oil. Like Emily had done to her, she
        too, used her fingers to do some pussy probing and made sure
        that their legs and pussies were totally slick with oil.
        Standing back once again, the girls faced each other and began
        to approach. Tits approached tits and sank their slippery
        nipples into each other. Arms snaked around the other and this
        time, for the first time, their mouths came together, seeking to
        kiss passion and lust into the other. Their lower bodies lined
        up and the total body sexfight began. Mouth against mouth. Tit
        against tit. Pussy against pussy. They strained against each
        other for advantage. Kissing and tongue sucking drew moans from
        both girls as they felt their slicked up bodies rubbing
        erotically all over. Joy renewed the pussy bumping she had begun
        earlier. This time there were no panty barriers and the electric
        feeling of furry mounds bumping and grinding together made each
        girl discover the powerful physiological response of pussy
        humping. Lust for each other now dueled within each girl for
        control over anger. Anger had to fight back lust at every move.
        It was now like three separate fights. Lust fought control
        inside the bodies and minds of both girls. They were now
        fighting each other with every ounce of sex and control that
        they could muster. As the humping of pussy against pussy in the
        standing position progressed, both realized that the position
        had its drawbacks. Joy pulled back and said, "You ready to open
        up your sex to face mine? Pussy to pussy?" Emily came right
        back, "Now is as good a time as any."

        With that they sat on the floor and moved their hips closer
        together in a scissoring position. Joy lifted her right leg up
        so Emily could slide her left underneath. Emily returned the
        favor for Joy. "Watch as my pussy fucks your pussy silly," Said
        Joy. "My pussy is the best fucking pussy in this room and I'm
        going to prove it to you right now!" exclaimed Emily. Their
        oiled-up legs rubbed together as they inched closer and closer,
        tingly prickles of pleasure cascading through their 18 year old
        bodies. Then, for the first time, their very wet slippery
        pussies touched. Shivers radiated in waves out from Emily's
        pussy. The intensity of feeling another girls pussy lips
        touching her own was the most joyous feeling she had ever felt.
        She shuddered in unanticipated pleasure as did Joy. Joy
        recovered from the initial intense feeling to begin her rubbing

        Since neither girl had hair right around her pussy, this was
        just wet skin against wet oily skin. Joy began a pelvic rocking
        action that slid her pussy lips up and down on either side of
        Emily's right labia. Emily mirrored that by wedging Joy's right
        labia between each of hers'. Emily thought, "God this is
        delicious. I hope I don't get too excited and lose control. I've
        got to bring Joy to orgasm." The mixture of intoxicating
        textures and odors had leapfrogged the girls from one of
        ordinary horniness to one of wanton lust. The countdown for
        blastoff had begun. It was just that they couldn't count the
        time. Emily began to rotate her hips forward, trying to find
        Joy's clit with her own. She knew her clitoris was as firmly
        erect as it could possibly get and she could see Joy was waiting
        with her own clit for just such a meeting. Joy rocked forward
        and her clit slid firmly into contact with Emily's. They began a
        clit duel that paralleled the nipple duel that had begun this
        fight. Now it was down to a total offensive battle. Emily forced
        her clit up against Joy's clit and tried to push it right back
        inside her. Emily's clit would not give way. She pushed back
        with a vengeance, sliding her erect clit up under Emily's clit
        and tried to slide it up and away from her pussy. The total
        slippery nature of the intercourse prevented much leverage from
        being used and she tried again and again to push Emily's clit
        right back into her body. Emily kept up her dueling as well.
        Loud slurping sounds came from the junction of their two boxes
        between their legs. The total suction as one pussy pulled away
        from the other caused gaseous popping sounds. Joy could feel her
        face becoming flushed with blood. She knew blood was rushing to
        her pussy too. She could also sense the desperation in Emily and
        she began what she knew for her at least, would be her final
        offensive attack. Using all of her lithe muscles she began to
        use her clit to fuck Emily's cxnt. She would point it low and
        slide it from the bottom up the entire length of Emily's slit,
        while penetrating into her pussy as far as she could push it.
        Emily instantly began to counter with a full-length fucking
        action of her own. Joy would slide her clit full length of
        Emily's pussy and then Emily's clit would ride full length of
        Joy's slimy slew. Joy started to shiver. Emily shivered too.
        Emily was now intent on giving as much pleasure to Joy as she
        possible could. Emily wiggled her pussy hard all around Joy's
        sopping pussy and miraculously Joy shouted her vulgarities at
        Emily, "Fuck you, Fuck you, Fuck you! Ooooohhh God. Oooooohhh
        God. I'm coming. I'm coming. Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!" and
        with that she exploded into violent orgasm. Emily knowing she
        was close behind, gritted her teeth and fucked Joy's pussy with
        wild abandon, assuring Joy a powerful orgasm. Only 30 seconds
        after Joy's orgasm began Emily completely lost control and came
        in a violent wet eruption. Spasms of pleasure coursed through
        her body and she screamed in ecstasy and lost all control, even
        her bladder lost control and she shot jets of pee directly into
        Joy's available hole. With their pussies still locked up tight
        she filled Joy's vagina with her pee until it could hold no more
        and it overflowed onto the carpet. Joy, in her own throes of
        ecstasy, relished the hot pee forced into her cxnt. She wiggled
        back hard against Emily seeking as much physical contact as she
        could get. Eventually, after two or three minutes the seismic
        waves of pleasure subsided and they pulled apart from each other.

        Breathing hard in her loss, Joy didn't say anything. When Emily
        stood up she said to Joy, "I enjoyed that. Fucking your pussy
        silly was a real pleasure. Now, next year, don't you dare set
        foot on that stage. My tits are better than your tits. My pussy
        is better than your pussy. I am going to get those lead roles
        next year now that you are out of the picture."

        Emily got her clothes on as best she could and readied herself
        to leave as Joy just lay in exhaustion on the floor. She went
        into the kitchen and took a big glass of water and drank it
        down. Before parting she left Joy with these words, "Don't even
        think of demanding a rematch. I'll fuck you good all over again
        if you dare to try." As she went out the door Joy yelled after
        her, "We'll see, We'll see!"

The end.

HG Hunt


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Re: An old story returns: Peasant Actresses
« Reply #1 on: December 18, 2023, 07:14:41 PM »
I will be submitting the sequel stories from my Peasant Actress stories. Look for them soon in the Sexfight stories section. Joy vs Emily returns.
HG Hunt