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Summer Sweat Chapter 1

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Offline kamafight666

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Summer Sweat Chapter 1
« on: December 25, 2023, 02:24:35 AM »
Chapter 1
It was after we passed Jasper, Arkansas that I realized my pussy was sweating. I was in the backseat of my father’s two door Pontiac. It was hot outside, and our car did not have an AC. I was all cramped up in the back because I am a big girl. I had kept growing since my early teens and was an inch short of six feet. I had grown so much that my panties were too tight around my buttocks and thighs. When my parents stopped for coffee, I chose to stay in the car and finger myself. I was a pretty horny nineteen-year-old and still a virgin. My name is Paloma George and I like to sniff my armpits every once in a while.

A few months ago, I got into a bit of trouble at school. It was nothing big. I punched the opposition defender on the nose during an interschool basketball game. She bled from her nose like Sylvester Stallone in Rocky 4 and the photograph of her with blood all over her jersey made the next day’s papers. My parents felt humiliated and told me that I had disgraced the whole family. I did not have too many friends at school and my teachers gave my parents the impression that I was a difficult and moody kid. My scores in the final examinations were nothing to write home about either.

My parents decided that I should spend a week of my summer vacation with my mother’s old schoolteacher Mrs. Wallace in Jasper, the small Arkansan town from which our family hailed. Nothing that a bit of an elderly woman’s guidance and affection couldn’t solve. That’s what they thought.  I did not mind it too much. Not that I had any say in the matter. It was just for a week anyway.

So here I was, fingering myself on the way to the Wallace home, a rather amoral beginning to the journey that was supposed to calm my hormone fueled post-teenage body down. Through the dusty glass, I saw my parents walking back to the car, so I took my hand out of my panties and zipped my jeans, making sure not to get any pussy hairs caught in the zipper. I settled down in the backseat as they got in and resigned myself to watching the greenery.

I had seen the city giving way to the plum trees and hickories from the backseat of the car. My father drove off the highway into a narrow muddy road.  On either side of the road were large shrimp farms that looked like small, isolated rivers. I rolled the window down. The village air smelled of shrimp and plum.

We entered a small winding road at the end of which was a gate that led to the house where my father grew up. The large two storied ancestral home was surrounded by hickories. And as we drove through the small muddy pathway that led to the house, I looked out at the plum trees that gave the largely arid land a slightly dense countenance. Mrs Wallace lived here with two hired hands.

The smell of possum pie and barbecue pork enveloped us as we entered the house, and Mrs Wallace greeted us and marveled at my height and described me as a giantess. I felt awkward sitting there with Mrs Wallace and the two hired hands (Ace and Norma, an elderly couple) staring at me and fussing over me like I was a circus freak.

As I bit into the moist possum pie, Mrs Wallace told us that the daughter of a family friend had arrived here for the vacation. This was news to me because I thought I would be alone here. My parents uttered some nonsense about how that was great, and the two young girls could bond over the summer vacation. I wasn’t too sure about that. The girl’s name was Priscilla, according to Mrs Wallace.

Then Mrs Wallace told me to go upstairs to wake this Priscilla up and bring her down. She was sleeping in her room on the first floor. I put the half-eaten pie down on my plate. I hesitantly walked across the room to the living room where the stairs were. I carefully climbed the creaky wooden steps to the first floor. The floor had three rooms and in one of the rooms, I first laid my eyes on Priscilla.

She lay sprawled across a large bed with her buttocks protruding towards me. That was the first thing I noticed about her. Her enormous buttocks which were raised up in the air. They were pleasingly rotund. But there were other equally attractive things on display. Her small cotton shorts were pulled right up to her crotch, and I could see the paleness of her upper thighs. Then there were her long, fleshy, and beautiful legs that lay in two opposite directions. Her hands were wrapped tightly around a pillow, her large head resting on another pillow. Her fleshy back was scantily clad, covered only by a thin bra strap. She was in the depths of sleep, oblivious to me admiring her. Admire I did, for I do not know how long. I must have stood there for a few minutes, staring at this beautiful creature like a complete fool.

I have heard that if you stare too long at a person, the person becomes aware of your stare. Maybe my relentless stare pierced through her sleep because Priscilla woke up and raised her head towards me. She kept looking at me, still gathering her senses after awakening from her slumber. I stood there, not knowing what to say. She slowly got up from bed, rubbing her eyes, glancing at me quizzically. Then she smiled as if I was an intimate friend. She looked up and down at my body, clearly checking me out. She looked at me like boys on the road outside my school would look at me. As if she was undressing me in her mind.

“Shit! You are Paloma, right?”
“Yes”, I murmured.

She sprung off the bed and pulled me towards her in a tight bear hug. It was the first time that our bodies met each other. I half-heartedly wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her back awkwardly. She smelled fresh with a hint of summer sweat.

“It is so nice to meet you, dear Paloma. I heard you were coming. We’re going to be together for a whole week,” she shouted excitedly into my face, her hands still wrapped tightly around my body as if she was my boyfriend. Her face had large pink spots on them, the remnants of pimples. Her smile was beguiling as if she knew everything about me. 

I murmured another “yes”, mesmerized by her beauty. We looked into each other’s eyes. Her eyes promised much love and affection.

“Shit! You are a tall girl. Just look at you”, she said excitedly.

She flipped me around easily and said “just look at you” again. She grabbed my shoulders; her grip was powerful and looked me up and down, eyeing me naughtily. I blushed.

“You are blushing. Your face is as red as an Arkansan plum”, she said, embarrassing me.

She broke away to dress and I could not take my eyes off her, the way her body arched as she put a top on. Her armpits had tufts of hair on them. Her breasts, covered by her brassiere, were large and hung down like large apples from her considerable frame.

As we left the room, she gave a very light slap on my buttock and when I turned around in surprise, she gave me a wink. I felt myself blushing again.

After some small talk (boring questions about Priscilla’s school and parents), my parents, Mrs Wallace and the hired hands began to talk about how tall we both were. Mrs Wallace described us as two giantesses who could rule the woods of the ancestral home. I blushed and hoped that no one noticed. Priscilla giggled as the comparisons were made. She looked at me, naughtily, reveling in my embarrassment. Ace and Norma, the elderly hired hands, asked us to stand close together to find out who was taller. I obediently stood up and Priscilla got up from her chair and she stood really close to me, so that we were shoulder to shoulder. Then she threw an arm around me, much to my embarrassment. They said we were both the same height and looked like twins. Mrs Wallace, sensing my shyness, told Priscilla to walk me around the property. We both walked out of the room.

Priscilla told me that there was a canal she could take me to. The light of the outdoors allowed me to take a better look at Priscilla. She was as tall as I was. She was full bodied. Her breasts were as prominent as her large buttocks. The way she was dressed, in a tight T-shirt and small shorts, nothing was left to the imagination. Everything hung out, as some of the horny boys in my class would say.
As we walked along the hard-clayish ground, Priscilla talked about her upbringing in Dubai. Her life mostly involved studying and tuitions. She said she did not have too many friends over there. She was enjoying this vacation in Arkansas. She had arrived two weeks ago and could take me to all the places she had discovered. I hung onto her every word as I ogled her. I felt an immediate affinity towards this tall, fleshy and confident girl. There was something instantly likeable about her, which made me want to reveal all my secrets to her.

“You have nice boobs,” said Priscilla. Suddenly. Out of the blue.
“Uh…..”, I fidgeted.
We had both stopped walking and stood facing each other.
“You have really nice boobs. Can I see them?”
“Well ….. I……”
“I know you want to see mine. I noticed how you’ve been looking at me ….. checking me out”, there was naughtiness in her eyes as she spoke.

I continued to stutter.

“Let’s get behind that plum tree over there,” said Priscilla, pointing to a thick plum tree.

She grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me towards the tree. I gulped and followed her meekly. When we were behind the plum tree, Priscilla let go of me and removed the round neck top that she was wearing. The brassiere came off with the t-shirt.

Smooth milky white breasts adorned by dark pink nipples jutted out at me. I had never seen naked breasts before. I just kept staring for a few seconds, taking in those two beauties. Then she placed her hands on her hips and pushed her breasts forward in a challenging pose. A naughty smile appeared on her face as if she was testing me. I did not want to appear like a prude in front of Priscilla, so I removed my own round neck top, unhooked my brassiere, and threw them onto the ground. I awkwardly pushed my breasts forward like she had done.

Priscilla took a step towards me, and our breasts touched. My nipples had turned rock hard, and they jostled with Priscilla’s nipples. The rubbing of the softness of my breast with hers was electric. We pushed each other with our breasts while smiling competitively at each other. I couldn’t believe what was happening. But I was enjoying it and was eager to take it forward. The rubbing of our soft flesh made us gasp and our faces were close to each other. I threw my hands around Priscilla’s neck and clasped our bodies together in a bear hug. I could smell her hair and her hot breaths hit my face like heat waves. Her breath smelled of fruity chewing gum. We stood locked like that, enjoying the rubbing of our breasts and aroused nipples. I cannot say for how long this pushing and shoving with our breasts went on because I was enjoying it way too much.

Our faces were close to each other. I felt like I would kiss her cheeks any moment. But I was awakened from this erotic encounter by the sound of somebody calling our names in the distance. We disentangled and looked around nervously. In the distance, we could see Ace, the hired hand coming towards us. We dressed quickly and walked towards him. He had come to inform us that my parents were leaving. We acted as if nothing had happened and followed him back to the house. It did not seem like he suspected anything. Priscilla and I exchanged relieved glances.

After my parents left, Mrs Wallace informed me that I would share the upstairs room with Priscilla. Priscilla winked at me. I went up to change. Priscilla was given the chore of moving freshly cut vegetables into the fridge. We looked at each other longingly. I wished Priscilla would come up with me. But I went up alone. The room had Priscilla’s warm earthy smell. There was a copy of Wuthering Heights on the table. I was still in the spell of our erotic encounter under behind the plum tree.

A pair of cotton panties was on the dressing table. It had not been folded and looked as if it had been carelessly thrown on the table. It was Priscilla’s. I quickly took it in my hands and gave it a sniff. I knew what it smelled of. Priscilla’s pussy juices. I gave it a once over and saw that there were stains on it. She must have masturbated in it. I gave it another sniff, really plunging my nose into every crevice of her private undergarment. I couldn’t get enough of her.
I changed into cotton shorts and a round neck top and took another sniff of Priscilla’s panties before I went downstairs.
Priscilla and Mrs Wallace were at the table. Priscilla checked me out, raising her eyebrows at my cotton shorts. She must have felt like I was up for the challenge. I went and sat opposite to her. Mrs Wallace was at the head of the table, peeling potatoes.

Hardly ten seconds had passed after I sat down when I felt Priscilla's toes rubbing across my feet and lower limbs. Her toes were smooth but cold and their touch sent shivers across my body.

She smiled at me and then made a face, sticking her tongue out. I made a grab at her foot with both my feet and her foot was locked inside mine.

Mrs Wallace started telling a story - "Do you girls remember Uncle Peter? He was such a simpleton. He wanted a woman with long hair and blue eyes. He went to see twenty-seven girls. Twenty-seven! He rejected every single one of them and finally the men who used to go with him on these visits forced him to marry the twenty-seventh girl because they got fed up with going with him on these visits. But the girl turned out fine and they lived happily ever after."

Not to be thwarted by me, Priscilla brought her other foot, and we were squeezing each other's feet and lower limbs. Priscilla managed to free her feet from mine. I gave her feet a firm stamp as they retreated. In return, she kicked playfully at my foot.

Mrs Wallace began her next story - "your granduncle's friend doctor Gregory was quite a character. Once when he and his wife went to watch a movie at the cinema, a couple of drunken navy men on a furlough tried some hanky panky with his wife. You know what the doctor did? He lifted a couple of steel chairs and threw them at the navy men. They ran out of there with their tails between their legs. Hahaha!"

I ran my toes up and down Priscilla's limbs to which Priscilla gave me an approving smile and then she was rubbing her toes up and down my limbs. What was this game we were playing? Was it some sort of competitive erotic mating dance? Was she testing me?

Priscilla boldly ran her toes up to my inner thighs and I gasped a little, fidgeting on the bench I was sitting in. I placed one foot over Priscilla's. I rubbed the top of her foot with the palm of my foot.

Mrs Wallace, oblivious to our encounter under the table moved on to her next story: “Your granduncle and I used to host so many parties. There was this dentist called Jacob Easterly who would always get drunk whenever we hosted a party. Once, he got so drunk that he took off his pants and ran around the garden with just his underwear and shirt on. Then while he was about to get into his car, his underwear came off and it fell on the grass nearby. His dedicated driver broke a branch off a plum tree and picked the underwear up with it and threw it back into the car. Hahaha!”

I tried to insert my toes into Priscilla’s shorts, but they were too tight, so I pleasured her inner thighs, and she squirmed around on the bench.  We would pause to giggle at Mrs Wallace’s stories. Then Mrs Wallace got up and said that she would serve dinner. We both got up to help her set the table.

When I leaned down to get plates from a cupboard in the kitchen, Priscilla pushed her crotch onto my buttocks and began to grind on it. She moved away when Mrs Wallace came into the kitchen. I felt humiliated. Priscilla was really turning it on, challenging me to match her every move.

When Mrs Wallace had her back turned to us, I walked towards Priscilla and pinched at her breast. She let out a little scream. Mrs Wallace asked what happened, she said she had seen a roach. Priscilla shot me a furious glance. As if she could not believe I had the confidence to do that to her.

We played footsie under the table throughout dinner. But it was a bit rough. More intense. She tried to stamp on and control my feet. As if she was trying to dominate me. Priscilla’s face wore a serious and challenging expression, replacing the naughty confident smile every time she had easily embarrassed me throughout the day.

We helped Mrs Wallace wash the dishes, standing on either side of her. I kept trying to smile at Priscilla, but she wouldn’t look at me. I was surprised by her coldness and wanted us to be friends again. I kept staring longingly at her. But she just kept looking straight ahead, ignoring me completely.

After the plates were washed, we were ready for bed. Mrs Wallace retired to her bedroom on the ground floor while Priscilla and I made our way upstairs. I walked in front. She pinched my buttocks on the stairs, and I let out a little scream. It was a real mean pinch. Hurt me badly but I did not say or do anything. Once we entered the room that we were to share, Priscilla locked the door and turned towards me. The slightly noisy fan could barely hide the sound of my beating heart.

We kept staring at each other; Priscilla was serious while I kept smiling at her, trying to bring back her naughtier side which she had revealed earlier in the day, when we had first met.

Then I decided I had to do something to make her like me again. I took off my top, along with my brassiere and lay on the bed. Priscilla reacted with a naughty smile. She took off hers and climbed on top of me. When our bodies met, we both gasped a little. She pinned my hands to the bed and crashed her breasts onto mine. We had not turned on the lights, but I could make out her grinning face in the dark. I tried to push back with my breasts, but Priscilla savagely thwarted my attempts. She raised her breasts and crashed them onto mine. I gasped at the pain and the pleasure that the meeting of our breasts brought to me. Her nipples pierced into mine for a few seconds before she moved her breasts onto my face. I had never been with a girl before, but as if on instinct I licked at her nipples and Priscilla seemed to enjoy it. She twisted and turned on top of me as I licked at her nipples. She kept my arms pinned down. She was a strong girl, and I did not really fight back and was glad to have her breasts hanging down like ripe apples for me to lick and suck at.

Priscilla began to rub her pelvis against mine and I spread my legs for her to grind her crotch with mine. She lay sprawled on me, her breasts colliding with mine occasionally lifting them for me to lick at and her crotch grinding against my own. I was glad to be pleasured by her and pleasure her in return. My pussy was responding to Priscilla’s exertions. I felt myself getting wet.  Was behaving like her slave.

Priscilla humped feverishly at my crotch. She paused to violently pull off my shorts and then her own. Now we were stark naked. She mounted me again like I imagined a man would mount me one day. When our naked pussies met there was a slithering sound and I felt like Priscilla’s pussy had bestowed a tingle into my pussy which it was now escalating and scratching. I pulled Priscilla close to me and bit on her nipples. She let out a tiny scream and humped my crotch with renewed fervour.

I lay there and let Priscilla take charge. My pussy began to leak as Priscilla continued to violently grind away. She looked like she was possessed by some primeval animalistic spirit, the way she was fucking me. I began to moan and cry at the pleasurable pain that she was inflicting on my pussy. My eyes had adjusted well to the darkness, and I could see the thin film of sweat on Priscilla’s naked chest and breasts. She pulled at my leg and brought me closer to her. She placed my leg on her shoulder, and I gladly spread my legs for her.

She pounded away until I began to feel the beginnings of an orgasm. I had masturbated myself to orgasms before. But this was the first time with another human being. I screamed loudly when I climaxed. I could feel my vagina spraying out my pussy juices into Priscilla’s crotch.

But Priscilla did not let me go. She kept humping my pussy because she had not climaxed. I felt like I was being humped by an animal because I could see her clenched teeth and the intense expression on her sweat drenched face. Her moans got louder and then I felt her pussy gaining a life of its own and a few seconds later, she sprayed her pussy juices into my crotch.  When she fell down beside me on the bed, completely exhausted, I wrapped an arm around her sweaty back and drew her close to me. She drifted off into sleep as we embraced. She had done all the hard work after all. I lay there listening to the crickets crooning. Priscilla twisted and turned in her sleep and her breasts heaved against mine making me horny again. Her thigh was plastered across my pussy as if she had taken ownership of it. The crooning of the crickets grew louder. It was an animalistic fucking world and sex was the reason to be, I thought to myself, before slowly drifting off into sleep with my body pressed against Priscilla’s body. 
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Offline kamafight666

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Re: Summer Sweat Chapter 1
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2023, 01:58:12 AM »
Want to read the rest of this story?

But the book at the link below:

Paloma, a sexually curious and short tempered 19 year-old girl, is sent to stay in a small Arkansan town during her summer vacation. Her parents believe the stay with Mrs. Wallace, Paloma's mother's old teacher would set the errant young girl straight. But staying at Mrs. Wallace large farm is another sexually curious and short tempered 19 year-old girl named Priscilla. There is an immediate sexual attraction between the two tall, well-endowed and beautiful 19 year-old girls. The two girls become tangled in a torrid and competitive lesbian affair in the sweaty and sultry Arkansan summer. They indulge in a series of lesbian encounters, both in bed and in the great outdoors of Arkansan farm land. Little do they realize that prying eyes are watching and photographs of them together are being taken. Summer Sweat is a steamy lesbian thriller from Kama Fight, the veteran of lesbian pulp fiction.

(12 chapters, 18,000 words)
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