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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 3

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Offline hghunt999

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Peasant Actresses 3, Chapter 3
« on: December 28, 2023, 07:36:55 PM »
       Peasant Actresses 3
       Chapter 3

        Exactly one week before July 4, Joy received her last password
        (ReadyToMunch), and gained access to the rest of the
        pages. Her heart was pounding in anticipation, just from the
        closeness the date was to the impending event. Her heart
        practically jumped out of her big chest when she examined the
        newly available pages. WOW! Decisions, decisions. The dining
        page was easy. She loved to cook and as odd as it would feel to
        be sharing a kitchen with Emily she easily answered ‘Yes’ to the
        checkbox and moved on to the Intimacies page. Here the decision
        was not so easy. Emily had perfectly predicted Joy’s response to
        the pictures of the pussies. Not a single innuendo was lost on
        her and she had to mull over her decision for a long time. Emily
        expected Joy to have at least some honor and it pissed Joy off
        immensely that Emily had been able to target her ‘cheating’ in
        such a skillful way. “Ooooh, that bitch,” she thought, “How can
        I answer this and not seem weak in the eyes of Emily?” As much
        as she would have loved to maintain her little stubble at just
        the right length to be painful, she knew that Emily was likely
        growing her bush for just such a countering attack. If she chose
        that she knew that there would likely be no advantage. She knew,
        like Emily that choice 1, the full thick bush was out of the
        question. Choice 3, Emily’s style, she thought, might actually
        be the most fun from a sexy standpoint, although perfectly
        smooth like a babies sounded pretty erotic and exciting too. Now
        choice 5 and 6 had to be considered. Hmmmmm. She had never
        considered grooming or shaving another girl’s pussy, let alone
        allowing one to shave her. But that picture was certainly scary
        and erotic all at the same time. Choice 6. That choice, she
        knew, had been put there by Emily to be a vicious taunt. That is
        the one she really felt like clicking and sending, but her sense
        of honor kept her hateful instincts under control. She knew that
        Emily’s sense of honor was very strong and that indeed, she
        would surely be ‘compatible’ with her guest as the message at
        the top of the page implied. So what would she choose?

        Finally, she figured that since this whole affair was one of
        risk and reward. She might as well go for all the marbles. She
        chose choice five! How much more risky can you get than allowing
        your sworn enemy to flourish a razor around your pussy! It
        implied a high degree of trust, even if it was with your closest
        friend. And Emily certainly was not her close friend. But the
        erotic thrill would be so great as to be practically
        unfathomable. After all, this whole damn affair was one giant
        thrill anyway, why not let it go sky high! So, after taking a
        deep breath, counting to 10, and slowly exhaling, she clicked on
        choice 5: On-site grooming could become part of the agenda.

        It was done! She had made her choice and as far as she could
        tell there were no more pages of Emily’s 2rose website left to
        explore. Through it all she had managed to never e-mail Emily at
        all. The temptation was great many times. Some of those times
        she wanted to make threats or challenges. Other times she was
        curious about the meaning of one of the pages. But she avoided
        all of those temptations and let Emily’s spider web slowly and
        completely draw her in. Even she could see the web being built
        around her. But she was not afraid. Her lust, her anger, and her
        self-confidence all came together and she was ready.
        Apprehensive, yes, but she was very, very ready.

        Besides her continued workouts, only one thing remained for Joy
        to consider. With all the obvious work that Emily had put into
        the affair, it would be less than lady-like for her to arrive
        without a gift for her hostess. This would certainly take some
        thought. What she really wanted to give her couldn’t be wrapped
        in a package. It wouldn’t do to be seen as cheap or thoughtless,
        even with the obvious taunting that came through loud and clear
        from Emily’s web site. Many types of gifts crossed her mind and
        it was not an easy decision. When she finally made her decision
        it was already July 1. Not much time to spare, but she found
        what she was looking for and made her purchase. Splendid! Emily
        was sure to appreciate the gesture!

        The days dwindled down and the girl’s preparations continued.
        Their total preoccupation with each other was incredible. No
        waking moment was spent thinking about anything besides the
        other girl and the upcoming holiday bash. Both girls,
        coincidentally, had decided to stop their workouts two days
        before July 4. They wanted their bodies to be as strong as
        possible, but also to be well rested for what might become quite
        an exhausting party. So it was that the girls both arrived at
        the gym for the last time on July 2, promptly at 8 A.M. Both
        greeted Mr. Silverton warmly, as always, upon entry. Neither
        wanted to make today seem any different, but it was very
        different. In their heads, they were swimming in a sea of
        churning, thrashing, thoughts and emotions. Watching each other
        lift, grunting and straining against the heavy weights, sweating
        in the heat, they became light headed with the power and the
        turmoil of emotions surging through them. Somehow they managed
        to make the most of their workout without fainting. This one
        time, different than the other times in the gym, they found it
        hard to leave. Joy finished her routine a little before Emily
        but she loitered around long enough for Emily to finish and they
        parted together. For the first, last, and only time an overt
        message was sent. As they walked toward the outside door to
        leave the school building, no one else was around. They were
        walking side by side. The tension in the air was so thick you
        would have needed a bomb to diffuse it. They reached the narrow
        open doorway together. No words were spoken. Barely a breath
        could be heard. A gigantic dilemma gripped them both. “Should I
        be gracious and allow the other girl to pass through first, or
        should I demonstrate my power and invincibility by trying to get
        through ahead.” These were the identical thoughts of both girls.
        Decision time! But yet neither could make a decision, so they
        reached the doorway together. They wouldn’t fit through shoulder
        to shoulder so some accommodation had to occur. As if linked
        together by a gear, the two in tandem turned towards each other
        to slide out the door sideways, with expected consequences.
        Their tits bumped against each other. Just like that first night
        at the cast party. Well almost. This time their eyes locked but
        showed no emotion. Each controlled her eyes and did not let show
        either anger or lust. But it was an extremely difficult thing to
        do because the sensation of their tits pushing into each other
        set off incredible sensations within their bodies. The emotions
        of the past weeks had caused so much pent-up rage, lust, and
        excitement that they couldn’t stop their bodies’ reaction.
        Intense, amazing, powerful, the only kind of words to describe
        the sensation correctly would be superlatives the English
        language doesn’t have. They shivered, overcome in delightful
        feelings. It seemed as if time stood still, but it was really
        just five or ten seconds. They slid together through the door
        sideways, tits pressed into each other, and walked to their cars
        and went home.

        Emily busied herself in final preparations the day before the
        holiday. Food was purchased and as much as possible prepared
        ahead of time, final supplies were purchased, the house was
        cleaned, furniture, and ‘special items’ were arranged. Joy spent
        July 3 with a light workout at home, checking the web page
        another time, and relaxing as best she could.
HG Hunt