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Peasant Actresses 3: The saga continues with Prologue, Chapter 1 & Chapter 2.

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Offline hghunt999

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    • Not my page, but my stories are here under HG Hunt
       Peasant Actresses 3 – Prologue

        The Peasant Actresses, Joy and Emily, had quite a summer as the
        following chronicle will attest. I thought I might take a moment
        to let you in on a little secret. My good fortune in being able
        to share with you their story came about by a remarkable stroke
        of luck.

        I have a consulting business that allows me to travel a lot, but
        also provides plenty of time to remain home with my family. My
        wife has a housecleaning business and she employs 3 people to
        help her with the 30-40 homes and small businesses she cleans.
        Occasionally when one of her workers was ill or couldn’t work I
        would help out for my wife’s benefit. I’m actually pretty good
        at cleaning house (laugh)! Well as luck would have it, two of my
        wife’s clients were the parents of Emily and Joy. Many months
        ago I was fortunate enough (very fortunate!) to be cleaning
        Emily’s room at her home. All the family members were gone, as
        is common when we come to clean. I found her diary, and being a
        bit of a snoop, I opened it and read it. Wow! I couldn’t believe
        it! Some of my fantasies were coming true right there on the
        pages of her diary. She was a fantastic diarist, writing volumes
        about her life. Of course the parts that interested me most are
        the parts I’ve chronicled for you in the Peasant Actresses
        story. My good fortune continued, realizing that the Joy that
        Emily wrote about in her diary was the same one that lived in
        another house my wife cleaned, I made it a point to ‘be
        available’ to help clean on the day that her home was scheduled.

        Voila! Success again. Joy too was a diarist and her writing,
        although not as flowery and polished as Emily’s, was very
        thorough and complete. I’ve learned a lot of interesting things
        about these young ladies by reading their writing. As the summer
        went by, I found it easy to accompany my wife on some of her
        cleaning visits, and even twice went by myself to clean. It only
        took an extra hour or so to accomplish my covert mission.
        Finding and copying their diaries was easy. Both houses had copy
        machines (how thoughtful). It was a terrific thrill to keep up
        with the two girls through their diaries as the summer
        progressed. Obviously if either Joy or Emily would find this
        posting they would recognize themselves, but I suspect the
        chances of that are infinitesimal.

        The story is long and I hope I won’t bore anyone. Much of what I
        wrote was of necessity a fictionalized supposition about what
        went on in certain circumstances. Amazingly though, the diaries
        of the girls were full of not only events but of the feelings
        and thoughts going on in their heads at many different times.
        The girl’s stories were very well matched. At least 85-90% of
        their descriptions of the same event matched. Where the stories
        diverged, I had to choose between them, or in some cases
        substitute my own thoughts on what might have happened. In any
        case, what you are about to read represents my best effort at
        chronicling the exciting adventures of Emily and Joy, The
        Peasant Actresses.

        Peasant Actresses 3 – Fireworks
        Chapter 1- And You Thought Joy Was a Conniver

        Joy quickly dove in the pool and hand-scrubbed her body to clean
        off the urine, spit, sweat, oil, Emily-juice concoction that had
        smeared her skin. Convinced she was clean enough to be
        presentable to her parents, she climbed out of the pool, toweled
        off, got dressed in the spare clothes she had brought along, and
        with one last glance back at Emily, still lying prone and
        sobbing, walked through the house to her car.

        The drive home went too fast. Her glorious high would have to be
        tempered a bit for her parents’ sake. She had no intention of
        letting on about her encounter with Emily, other than to say
        what a wonderful party it had been. When she got home she took a
        long slow relaxing bubble bath to further clean her ravaged
        skin. Her sore muscles would surely benefit from the pampering
        of a long warm bath. She fell asleep that night with the most
        jubilant contentment she had ever felt.

        Emily, on the other hand, was in a great deal of emotional pain.
        She had lain sobbing on that recliner for nearly 20 minutes
        after Joy left before she could summon the physical strength to
        get up. She walked slowly by the remaining debris from her
        party, not bothering to clean any of it up. The shadows cast by
        the tall trees were now fully across the pool and reaching the
        house. She made it into the bathroom and began drawing hot water
        into the tub. Rummaging through the supplies she found some
        Hydrogen Peroxide and poured it into her hand. Her pussy was
        actually burning and felt like it was on fire from the tortuous
        punishment it had received from the pussy of that evil witch
        Joy. She rubbed the peroxide all around and even inside her
        pussy, aching to kill any filthy germs left behind from that
        foul specimen. Then in a flourish she sat up on the sink, leaned
        back and actually poured the whole bottle into and all over her
        pussy. It was more a symbolic cleansing than anything that would
        serve a real purpose, but it made her feel better anyway. Adding
        Epsom salts to the water in the tub, she lowered herself in and
        lay back. Her crying had stopped, but her muscles still burned
        from the exertion, and she knew they needed rest. She leaned
        back and fell asleep in the hot-as-she-could-stand-it water.

        The hot water relaxed her body and her sleep was deep. She awoke
        and finished with a thorough cleaning of hair and body. The
        water had cooled during the 45 minutes of sleep and she couldn’t
        stay any longer. She got out, applied some salve to her still
        very sore pussy, dressed in sweats and ventured back to the pool
        in the fading light. Her memories of this pool would now be
        changed forever. What had been the place where she learned to
        swim, had her little-girl parties, and now her 18th birthday
        party would be her lasting memory of this pool, at least until
        some new memories were made to replace it. As she slowly
        wandered around the pool, picking up the remnants of the party,
        she began to replay the afternoon in her mind. Like Joy’s
        response after her original loss to Emily, the interplay of
        conflicting emotions in Emily’s mind was confusing. The bitter
        loss was obviously not going to go away soon from her mind, but
        she was reminded, as she picked up, of other feelings that she
        remembered from earlier that afternoon. She recalled how great
        it felt when she had finally been able to confront Joy face to
        face after the other girls had left. That wonderful flush of
        hate-filled Adrenalin from that moment actually flooded through
        her again, déjà vu.

        Those little moments of power and lust she had felt with Joy
        also came back, bit by bit, into her consciousness, and
        clarified for her that the most intense pleasurable memories
        were actually from her fighting with Joy. There was no middle
        ground here. Her bliss was its greatest, just as her pain was
        also the greatest, when in confrontation with that witch Joy.
        She actually began to wish, just a couple of hours after her
        thorough defeat, for another opportunity to battle Joy. She
        wanted to beat her, badly, at anything. But what set her smart
        mind to work was the strange emotion that told her what she
        really wanted was just to confront and battle Joy.

        Her whole life Emily had been a ‘good girl’. She played by the
        rules, went to church, got high grades at school, scored 33 on
        the ACT and 1460 on the SAT, setting her up for scholarships and
        acceptance to practically any university she chose, yet, here
        she was finding a ‘dark side’ of herself she had never known
        existed. Her social friends from school and church would never
        ever believe the thoughts she found raging through her head that
        night. While it hadn’t reached the plotting stage just yet, she
        knew deep in her mind that her war with Joy would not be over.
        She willed it to continue, and what she willed would come to
        pass. No question about it. She and Joy would meet again!

        She finished her cleanup and went to bed. The physical body
        needed rejuvenation and she didn’t dream at all, just slept
        deeply for 12 hours. Since nothing in the back yard and pool had
        been destroyed in the fight, Emily didn’t really have any agenda
        for the next two days, when her parents would return from the
        out-of-state wedding. She hadn’t planned on going to church that
        morning anyway so she forced herself to finish a couple of hours
        of homework, but her heart wasn’t really into it. Done with her
        homework, quiet house all to herself, Emily began to plot.

        She knew that in many ways that Joy was just like she when it
        came to her feelings in their private war. She could tell that
        Joy was not the least afraid of confrontation. Joy didn’t
        hesitate a second to accept a challenge, and she fought bitterly
        to achieve victory. But Emily knew that there were actually a
        few things that must have irked Joy about their fight.

        It was true. Joy awoke that Sunday morning awash in her feelings
        of lustful satisfaction, having overpowered Emily, and
        dominating her like she did. But as she began to replay the
        afternoon over and over in her mind objectively she knew that
        her win was by only the slimmest of margins. Only a tenuous
        thread of stamina had allowed her to beat Emily. The fight had
        been fought on even terms for more than 1 ½ hours before she
        ever felt any advantage whatsoever, and then it was only in the
        last 10 minutes that she actually was able to dominate. Another
        thing that bothered her was the outcome of the pussy fight. It
        was she, for the second time in a row that had succumbed in
        orgasm to the pussy of her rival. That little wedge of
        self-doubt about her sexuality was not enough to keep her from
        being deliriously happy, but it nonetheless entered her brain
        and was a reminder of her less than total dominance over Emily.
        And that was what she really wanted from their secret war: total
        dominance. As much as she really enjoyed her win, she couldn’t
        help but feel less than totally fulfilled until she could
        achieve that total dominance she really desired. And so it was
        that she too, only hours after the conclusion of the “Birthday
        Party Fight”, came to the realization that they must meet again,
        once and for all, to settle the matter between them. She didn’t
        know how or when, but as she went about her business, she ached
        for the feeling that her confrontation with Emily brought out in

       Peasant Actresses 3
        Chapter 2

        Little did she know that the mechanism was already in place to
        insure their third affair. Emily’s scheming had begun right
        after finishing her homework. With a smart girl like her, the
        scheming got pretty intense. She attacked her plan with a
        relish. She jotted down ideas on a yellow legal pad. In less
        than three hours she had an outline of twisted ploys and
        concocted events that she was sure would have Joy drooling for a

        Emily sat down at the computer and started putting her expertise
        in web page design to use. She programmed a secure web page,
        accessible only by password, just for the private viewing of two
        very special people. She accessed the Internet and found images
        and ideas to put on the web site. Her IP offered web page
        services and she was finally ready to take advantage of
        everything she had learned in her Web Design class. She also
        made some little cards, invitations with only a sliver of a hint
        at what the party would be about. When she went to school
        (early) on that Tuesday after Memorial day she was actually in
        joyous expectation of the events she just knew would unfold over
        the next few weeks.

        When Joy arrived at school and opened her locker on that Tuesday
        morning she was surprised to find a little envelope, etched in
        delicate feminine flowers, smelling of an exquisite perfume,
        taped just inside the vent of her locker door. She wondered
        about it for only a couple of seconds before the realization
        that it probably came from Emily jostled her to her senses.
        Anger and curiosity flooded her mind and she had to restrain
        herself from ripping it in pieces without opening it. But she
        actually opened it with extreme care, avoiding any little ugly
        rips in the envelope. The inside was sparse. In big bold Old
        English print was a single letter: “C”. Written in perfect
        calligraphy in small letters at the bottom of the card was one
        word: “See”. Joy was clueless as to the meaning even if she was
        not clueless as to the sender. It was unsigned, but she knew
        that it must have come from Emily.

        The flood of emotions coursing through Joy was overpowering, but
        one of them seemed to always keep rising to the top; excited
        anticipation. As much as her mind wanted to confront Emily, she
        actually relished the secrecy of their little war that she
        didn’t make any overt move to do so. They passed in the halls
        during class changes and glanced at each other to determine the
        mood of their enemy. But both showed no emotion. Stoic was the
        word. The mutual antagonism towards each other was never
        discerned by anyone. Nothing seemed amiss even to their close
        friends, including the girls who attended the birthday party.
        The girls went about their business in school all that week but
        with thoughts of lust and fighting intruding regularly.

        Wednesday morning arrived and Joy once again found a little
        envelope, just like the one from the day before, taped inside
        her locker. With as much care as yesterday she opened it to
        find, once again, a single letter and a single word: “U” and
        “You”, both written in that exquisite script. In a moment she
        merged the two messages from the cards: “CU” and “See You”.
        Emily was teasing her. At this rate the full extent of the
        message might take quite a few days. Writing the words
        underneath the letters, as though she was pointing out to an
        imbecile the meaning of the abbreviations from an acronym
        unfinished, was Emily’s way of taunting Joy. Joy fumed again
        even as she was intrigued by where this might lead. To her, in
        the end it didn’t matter where it led, as long as it was back
        into war with Emily. That was what mattered above all else. And
        so their week went by. Each day saw a new card taped inside
        Joy’s locker. She saved every one in a special place back home
        in her room.

        Thursday’s message: “N”, “oN”. Joy was beginning to get a little
        picture of the whole message. She waited expectantly for Friday.
        Sure enough she found a similar card. This one had a bit more
        meat to the message, but it was the letter that confirmed her
        suspicion of yesterday: “T”. Emily had spelled out the word
        “cxnt”, one day at a time. It was an obvious challenge that Joy
        was not about to ignore. The bottom of the card this time had a
        more extensive message, still in beautiful calligraphy: “The
        Fourth of July. If you are not afraid, provide your e-mail
        address in like fashion on Monday.” That was it. Now the
        possibilities in Joy’s mind overflowed. Her brain worked
        overtime trying to figure out what exactly this all meant. Put
        together the four-day message said, “See You oN The Fourth of
        July.” Well, well, at least she knew WHEN she would have an
        opportunity to more completely than ever put that bitch Emily in
        her place.

        She wondered about the e-mail reference. Probably it was so that
        when school ended after next week that Emily could still get in
        touch with her. After all she couldn’t stick envelopes in
        lockers when school was out. She would be HAPPY to comply. This
        little game was quite intriguing to her. She couldn’t really
        imagine exactly what Emily had in mind, but she was sure that at
        the end of the road there would be one thing. The thing she
        wanted the most: another chance to whip Emily. Realizing that
        fact reminded her of her motivation after the last battle. She
        determined all over again that she would get in the best shape
        she possibly could. She checked around with some of her friends
        about the availability of the weight room. She found out that it
        was staffed after school for two hours five days a week, and
        that there would even be summer hours after school was out. She
        made up her mind to check out the weight room after school on
        Monday. The rest of her Friday went by uneventfully and then the
        weekend was upon her. She went to the store and found a little
        Thank You card. She set about continuing the exercises she had
        forced upon herself in preparation for the best birthday party
        she ever attended. Now she returned to them with a relish. She
        had not exercised since the party, but now she was seeing the
        need might well exist for even further work on her body. She
        vowed to get stronger and gain muscle endurance before the
        mid-summer holiday rolled around. Her parents were pleasantly
        surprised by the change in Joy, and Joy’s explanation that it
        was because of stuff she had learned in Health class was
        sufficient to satisfy them as to the reasons behind her change.
        Little did they know!

        That weekend saw a nervous Emily. While remaining confident that
        her feelings about Joy were correct: that she couldn’t possibly
        snub the invitation, she wouldn’t know for sure until Monday.
        She finished studying for her exams on Saturday and after church
        on Sunday she spent several more hours of work on her ‘special’
        web site. Her parents didn’t find anything at all out of the
        ordinary with Emily until on Sunday evening they saw her leave
        the house in her shorts, tank top, and running shoes, and
        actually start running down their driveway to the road. That was
        very strange! Emily also had never been one to exercise much.
        This was quite a change. Emily ran for nearly a mile, but became
        winded and walked home. Emily, like Joy, envisioned their
        upcoming battle in terms of a game fought on two levels, mental
        and physical. Winning the mental battle was the easy part (she
        just knew she was smarter than Joy!), but winning the physical
        war would take some effort. She had come close at her party, but
        she knew she would have to be stronger and have more endurance
        if she expected to maximize her chances the next time. And so,
        she too had made a commitment to get in the best physical shape
        before July 4.

        Monday came none too soon for Emily, but she was rewarded. She
        found a little note inside her locker. It said “Thank You, from
        a very dear and touching friend. Can hardly wait for
        Independence Day.” She signed it only with her newly created
        e-mail address:
        If sarcasm and innuendo was good for one it would be doubly good
        when two played that game. In spite of the anger, a great big
        smile crossed Emily’s face. Yes! Joy had taken the bait, and
        from the tone of the response, had entered into their
        pre-contest with an appetite! This was going to be great fun!

        Joy expected that she wouldn’t have to wait too long for further
        messages from Emily. She was anxious for the fourth to roll
        around, but almost wishing it never would. She thrilled at the
        little double-entendre messages and the expectation of more was
        overpowering. She finished the school day and made a beeline for
        the weight room. She changed in the girls’ locker room and went
        into the weight room for the first time since she spent a few
        days there during freshman PE. Only a small handful of football
        players were there besides one of the assistant coaches who
        monitored the room and provided guidance for lifters. Boldly Joy
        went up to Mr. Silverton and asked what the best way to begin a
        weight lifting program was. He spent a few minutes asking her
        questions about her objectives and what her commitment would
        likely be. Joy assured him that her commitment was great and
        that she was seeking a 50-50 mix between gaining strength and
        muscular endurance. He flipped through his files and found a
        workout schedule that emphasized arm and leg strength coupled
        with cardiovascular endurance. Much of the total workout would
        be off-site involving running. Joy assured Mr. Silverton that
        she would follow the routine to the letter. He gave her a record
        sheet where she could keep track of her progress.

        Mr. Silverton asked one of the weight room regulars to show her
        how to use the equipment, including the advanced Cybex machine.
        After the half-hour introduction Joy determinedly started the
        routine. Needing additional help only occasionally, she pushed
        herself to the limit, striving for every ounce of muscular
        improvement from the very first day. She ached when it was done,
        but she knew it would pay off when she got her chance at that
        bitch Emily again.

        That evening Emily spent several more hours on developing her
        website. She organized it with multiple pages, accessible only
        with the proper passwords. Some of the pages were interactive,
        allowing choices to be made that would be transferred to her.
        Some of the pages had links to other websites. Some had
        suggestive pictures. All in all it was going to be quite an
        experience for that witch Joy. After five days with messages
        going back and forth between them, she took a day off. She
        figured the anticipation caused by not hearing from her would
        cause Joy some well-warranted discomfort.

        Joy wondered if she would here from Emily again on Tuesday.
        Nothing happened during the school day beyond the cool smiles
        they shared when they occasioned upon each other in the hall. In
        some ways that was the hardest part for both girls. But there
        was definitely a surprise at the end of the day. When Joy
        entered the weight room she was flabbergasted to see Emily
        already there! Never conceiving the thought of leaving she went
        in and crisply waked right to the first open machine on her
        list. She kept her routine printout in the pocket of her shirt.
        It appeared that Emily was only one day behind Joy. She too was
        receiving instruction on the equipment and having a workout
        schedule arranged. Joy wondered exactly what Emily’s workout
        was. If she had to guess, she would have said that it was
        probably an identical workout to her own. Talk about lovely
        irony. If they dared to keep it up in the presence of the other
        they could each keep track of the other girl’s preparation. The
        hard part would be maintaining their cool. Joy vowed to herself
        to maintain total secrecy and only converse with Emily in a
        public place like this as if there was nothing wrong. Convinced
        that she was ‘actress’ enough to pull it off, she dedicated
        herself even more to her effort. Now the competition didn’t have
        to wait until the Fourth of July. It could commence immediately,
        in the weight room. Joy began her workout with intensity of
        purpose that she hadn’t even felt yesterday. Now it was clear,
        there would be no holding back.

        Emily had seen Joy enter and was not surprised. She had heard
        from one of her wrestling friends about Joy’s appearance in the
        weight room the night before and it spurred her on to add even
        more spice to the buildup than she had considered earlier. Bent
        on getting in the best possible shape she could have gone to one
        of the private gyms near her home, but it wouldn’t have been the
        same. No, this was where she wanted to workout. Right in front
        of Joy! Daring her to do the same and yet never dreaming that
        she wouldn’t. What a relief to see Joy working intently on the
        leg-curl machine. Curious as she was as to the weight Joy was
        using, she managed to keep her looks in her direction to a
        minimum. She set about her business with determination equal to
        Joy’s. The rock music that permeated the weight room after
        school masked only some of the grunts and groans of the lifters.
        Watching the others who were lifting, Emily saw that the general
        tone among all of them was of getting down to serious business.
        It wasn’t really a playful place so the intensity she showed,
        like Joy’s, would not be seen as anything out of the ordinary.
        And so it was the girl’s workouts were now a challenge in and of
        themselves. Neither ever hinted at what her thoughts were or
        what weight training results they had, but spurious glances to
        spy on the weights being lifted became a normal part of their
        daily routine. School ended on Friday that week, but they both
        expected to take advantage of the summer hours, probably coming
        in between 8 A.M. and Noon. Emily had found a summer job as a
        waitress and most of her work hours would be in the evening, so
        morning workouts would be perfect. Joy worked in the afternoons.

        It actually wasn’t until Thursday that Joy got her first
        ‘official’ message from Emily. After her third ‘shared’ workout
        time in as many days, Joy checked her e-mail when she got home.
        Yes! Since she had another e-mail account already, she knew as
        soon as she checked her new Yahoo account and found a message in
        Inbox that it was from Emily. Emily was the only other person on
        the planet who had that address and so it could only be from
        her. She opened the message and before reading it read the
        address of the sender:
        OK! Now we’re getting somewhere she thought. The bitch was
        speaking her language now, defiant and challenging, exactly as
        she wanted. The victory would only be sweeter when it was won
        over a confident girl. Just as she never told anyone else about
        her new Yahoo address she knew that Emily would be keeping hers
        just as much of a secret. All this secrecy was actually nearly
        as exciting as the preparation for the Independence Day event.

        Friday saw the girls exchange cool glances in school once again
        and meet for the fourth day in a row in the weight room after
        school. They avoided talking to each other, but it was a
        definite rush for both girls to go through their routines,
        occasionally waiting for a turn on a certain piece of equipment
        together, watching each other strain against the weights,
        smelling the sweaty body of their rival whenever they passed
        close enough. Here in their high school weight room they had
        found a whole new erotically tinged atmosphere for their heated
        competition. Both girls followed their routines exactly, some
        days trying to max out their lifts and others going for lots of
        reps. The girls were not exactly spying on each other because
        they each were so blatant about it.

        The weekend before finals found the girls spending nearly every
        waking minute thinking about their hateful and lustful rivalry.
        Joy didn’t have many outlets for her frustration other than
        continuing her workouts. She did find time to study for final
        exams a little bit. Emily however, after completing her studies
        and running about three miles sat down at her computer and put
        many hours into her web site project. Her shrewd mind devised an
        intricate interplay of web pages that would invite Joy in,
        deeper and deeper into her web. She even thought of herself as a
        Black Widow spider, luring her prey into her web, only to devour
        it when the time was right. She chose her theme for the web site
        very carefully, designing references to that theme on every
        page. She finished the major design and layout work on Sunday,
        leaving only testing and some of the interactive questions left
        undone. She swam 20 laps in the pool before retiring.

        Exam week, the last week of their junior year, passed slowly for
        both girls. They visited the weight room each afternoon,
        continuing their silent, hidden battle. Neither girl ever
        weighed herself at the weight room, instead relying on their
        home scales, but each girl had noticed the loss of a couple
        pounds. In the weight room both were seeing noticeable
        improvements in strength at nearly all of the stations. What had
        always been shapely, fine bodies were actually becoming toned as
        well. Their muscles were sore but the old adage: no pain, no
        gain was a creed they were now living by. Joy checked her e-mail
        every night, aching for the next message. Finally on Thursday
        night it was there. That hateful bitch finally got up the nerve
        to communicate. The message was short, without embellishment. It
        said: “Fireworks. July 4. In your honor. Discretion at your
        computer advised. More to come.”

        That was all it said. Joy read and reread the message over and
        over. She saved it to a new directory on her hard drive: My
        Documents/Independence Day. She mulled the meaning of the
        message, trying to glean as much meaning as possible hidden in
        those few words. Some of it was obvious. That comment about
        discretion at the computer got her to wondering. She was always
        careful not to let her parents see her chat and e-mail messages
        anyway, so that should be easy. More to come: “Yeah,” she
        thought, “when?” She would have loved to reply to the message
        but she dared not for fear of seeming too anxious. One thing
        seemed for sure, she needed to make sure that no commitments
        arose that would preclude following through on her plan to see
        this through to its fitting and victorious conclusion.
        “Independence Day,” she mused, “the day I finally achieve
        independence from that bitch who I can’t stop thinking about by
        whipping her good.”

        The last day of school arrived and the two girls were strangely
        wistful, wishing school would not end, so they could continue to
        see each other in the hall, to act totally aloof, while
        containing their incredible excitement within. But, alas, the
        last day ended and after their workout they each went home to
        begin a summer vacation they would never forget.

        No messages greeted Joy before she went to bed that Friday June
        7. She lay awake fantasizing about fireworks. Only 27 more days
        she thought. The longest 27 days of her life, she imagined.
        Arising in the morning and checking her email she found what she
        wanted. This message was also very short: Party in your honor.
        July 4. Planning commences at Password required:
        1roseintheend. She actually felt a shiver of lustful excitement
        surge through her pussy as she read the words. Wonderful! Her
        pussy actually began lubricating itself as she dreamed about her
        birthday victory and the one that would have to remain a fantasy
        until the Fourth of July.

        Wasting not even a second she typed in the web address in her
        browser to see what was there. A beautiful photograph presented
        itself: on a beautiful satin, slightly wrinkled fabric, were two
        beautiful long-stemmed crimson red roses. They were lying
        parallel and vertical on her monitor about three inches apart.
        The flower heads were tilted towards each other in almost
        perfect gorgeous symmetry. The satin fabric was the color of
        creamy skin. The roses glowed in wonderful health. The many
        petals in perfect, full, blazing color. No words were evident
        anywhere on the page. Near the bottom of the screen was a single
        textbox. No identifying symbols existed. Joy clicked her mouse
        in the box and typed the password and hit enter on her keyboard.
        The next page appeared. The background was much like the first,
        only this time the satin fabric appeared a little more wrinkled.
        The two roses were arranged differently. They were crossed in an
        X-shape, one atop the other. The one on top appeared in the same
        perfect glowing health as before, but the other, the one lying
        underneath, was different. Its flower head was bent badly over,
        the color was faded, a couple of petals were falling off, and a
        couple of leaves from the stem were broken over. The symbolism
        was totally apparent to Joy. Then she noticed another little
        item. On each stem a single thorn appeared to be poking into the
        flesh-colored satin fabric and a tiny drop of blood appeared to
        be dripping from the pricks in the fabric. Whew! Joy was
        flabbergasted at the obvious symbolism. The password gave it
        away, but she never dreamed she would be looking at such a lush
        image that filled her with all the emotions she had been living
        with for the past month. There was a single forward arrow button
        near the bottom right of the screen. No words were anywhere. She
        clicked the button and arrived at the third page.

        This page appeared with a background identical to the front page
        only in more muted colors, as if a watermark. But this page had
        much more. There were button links to several pages lined up
        down the left side and the message across the bottom read: “More
        passwords will be needed. Complete each page and receive the
        passwords by email.” Joy returned to look at the links. They
        were Location, Date, Time, Attire, Motivation, Shopping,
        Fireworks, The View, and Activities. She clicked on each one and
        found that the only one that was currently active was the date.
        It brought up a screen split in half visually. The same two
        roses were on the left half and a pretty picture of fireworks
        was on the right. A single check box was identified by the
        words: “Confirm attendance July 4”. Without hesitation she
        checked the box and hit enter. Her browser leaped back to the
        previous page. She tried once again each of the other page links
        but to no avail. All were blocked. Evidently she would have to
        wait for further passwords to access any more. The cleverness of
        Emily’s work struck Joy. She had always known Emily was smart,
        but this was really amazing. The one thing that made her smile
        though was that if Emily had put this much time and effort into
        this web site, that she must be REALLY suffering with a
        one-track mind. And guess what. It was JOY that Emily was
        thinking about all the time. She relished the notion that she
        was causing Emily to be so preoccupied. It made her birthday
        present for Emily all that much more special. Yes! Yes! Yes!

        The days went by slowly for both girls, except for when they
        visited the weight room at the same time. Some days other events
        intruded on their schedules so that they weren’t lifting
        simultaneously. Most days, however, found them both arriving
        right after 8 A.M. and determinedly attacking the weight and
        exercise machines. It would never be known to look at either of
        them that these times were actually the highlight of their days.
        Both girls had on their ‘game faces’: serious, focused, and not
        distractible. Such a perception was only the surface. As they
        glanced at each other during their workouts, noticing every
        little visible detail of their rival, they were actually turned
        on. The panting, heavy breathing, and sucking in air was from
        more than the strain of lifting weights. It was the presence of
        the ‘other’ girl. Most days there were from 10-15 other lifters,
        mostly boys, but there were some regular girls from the
        volleyball and softball teams. Since neither Joy nor Emily were
        sports participants, their presence was noted as a little odd,
        but it didn’t seem strange enough for anybody to draw any
        ‘conclusions’. They just went about their business.

        As the weeks went by both girls continued their physical
        improvements. Each wondered just how much stronger the other
        might be. Both were running at other times of the day and Emily
        found time to swim many laps in her pool. As June was rolling to
        an end, both girls were, in surprising quickness, exhibiting the
        toned look of fitness freaks. Each had lost a few more pounds.
        Stomachs had become harder. Joy’s little roll of baby fat had
        disappeared. Buttocks had turned into hard knots of muscle. Legs
        were filled with strong flexible muscles. Arms had doubled their
        strength in only three short weeks. Their skin even seemed to
        glow brighter. Their circulation was better. Their endurance was
        exponentially more than before. Topping off the excitement that
        each felt was the knowledge that her enemy had duplicated
        whatever improvements either might have made in her body. Both
        found themselves trapped in a Catch-22: wishing for the
        fulfillment that a thorough victory over her rival would
        provide, but at the same time wishing for the exciting, erotic
        build-up to never end. They couldn’t have it both ways. Both
        knew there would be a final and convincing conclusion. All
        without a single word spoken between them. So be it.

        The evenings found Emily at her job and Joy, who worked in the
        afternoons, checking her ‘favorite’ web site. She felt a tingle
        in her spine every time she brought up the page. Knowing that
        only two people on the whole planet were aware of the site was a
        special thrill in and of itself. The second password arrived and
        it gave access to the Location button. Again the message was
        sparse: Remember the pool house? Confirm. Joy checked the box
        and was transported back to the menu page. She clicked on Time
        and with the same password was admitted to a simple page with
        one phrase and its associated checkbox: 5:00 P.M. Heads of
        Household in prolonged absence. 72 hours available. This time
        there were four choices with matching checkboxes: 1) Evening
        only, 2) up to 24 hours, 3) up to 48 hours, 4) up to 72 hours.
        Wow! Emily must have a marathon event planned. The possibilities
        were mind-boggling. Now for the first time she actually had to
        think about her answer. I hadn’t occurred to her that any sort
        of fight with Emily could last 72 hours, but she sure didn’t
        feel like choosing any of the lesser times. To be gone that long
        from home she would need to come up with a really good plausible
        reason in order that her parents not suspect anything was amiss.
        She went to the kitchen and looked at the calendar her parents
        used to keep track of their schedules. She smiled as she walked
        back to her room. She contemplated the consequences of her
        answer. Her motivation to maximize the whole scenario eventually
        won out over her concerns and she checked the box #4) 72 hours
        and went back to the menu again. The only other link that worked
        was The View: for now at least all it had was a picture taken
        from Emily’s pool. It showed a shower of fireworks in the
        distance, maybe a mile away. As she thought about the location
        of Emily’s home she remembered it was on a hill just about a
        mile from the river where the local fireworks display occurred
        every July 4. Evidently the house was high enough to look over
        the trees to the southwest to see the fireworks. She hadn’t
        really noticed its elevation before but that would explain a
        couple of things she had been wondering about.

        Three days later she received another password by email. She
        quickly browsed to It angered her every time she had
        to type the original password to enter the site. Emily sure knew
        what she was doing when she devised these passwords. Each had a
        special bite to it, purposely to get a reaction from Joy. They
        all worked. One was: BlondeTits1_FakeTits0. Another was:
        BlondePussy2_UglyPussy0. These were obvious references to the
        outcome of the sexual side of their previous fights. Since the
        original motivation for their rivalry was based on the flaunting
        of tits and of their sexuality, these taunts burned deeply in
        Joy’s heart. She literally ached in her stomach for the chance
        to correct the error of Emily’s thinking. Joy knew she was the
        better woman. Emily was nothing more than an interloper,
        pretending to be superior. Her joy would be complete only after
        she annihilated Emily sexually.

        The next page to open up was the one titled Motivation. In it
        she found a multitude of things, literary references to women
        and girls in conflict, links to book reviews about women
        warriors, erotic poetry – most of it from a lesbian point of
        view, and images: lots of images. They were highly erotic. Most
        involved girls that looked much like the two of them. The
        parallels were impossible to miss. Some showed girls just
        looking longingly into each other’s eyes, some showed delicate
        kisses, some were full-tongue kisses, and many showed breasts in
        contact with other breasts. Some were close-ups where the
        intricate interplay of two nipples was shown in wonderful
        detail. Some were full-body embraces of women, clothed,
        partially clothed, and nude. More pictures appeared: toes being
        sucked, women peeing on each other, toes invading pussies,
        fingers, toys, and food all found innovative uses, pussies
        rubbing together. Women catfighting in sexy clothes, or none at
        all, appeared on at least a dozen pages. A noticeable exception
        was there were no pictures of muff-munching cunnilingus. Joy
        noted the omission and it pleased her to think that Joy would go
        to all that trouble and then leave out an obvious portion of
        lesbian love. It must mean that Emily was still a bit distraught
        by the forced pussy eating from her birthday. Great! On and on
        went the pages. Incredible! As Joy paged through the archive of
        full-screen images she became intensely turned on. Merging the
        images she was seeing on the page with the real and fantasy
        images she had regarding Emily, had her leaking copious amounts
        of pussy juice onto her chair. Wow, she thought, “I’ll bet Emily
        has been masturbating herself to these very same words and
        pictures.” So it was that many an evening in June found the two
        girls both paging through these images, fingers flying in the
        crevices of their womanhood, shuddering to orgasms caused by the
        intense feelings they produced. Each would wonder about the
        other. “Is SHE doing this right now?” Many times the answer was
        yes! There were no interactive checkboxes or responses required
        on these pages. All were exactly what the title implied: Motivation.

        A couple of days later a new password arrived in Joy’s mail:
        HowGoodCanYouLook. At least this password wasn’t so awful
        thought Joy. It opened up the Attire pages. Besides the
        continued presence of the two-rose background she found the
        front page filled with a large picture of two absolutely
        stunningly beautiful women. Both were blonde, one had short hair
        and one long. Both were standing in some sort of elegant mansion
        posing and both wore full-length gowns: slinky, shape-hugging
        gowns. One was satin and the other appeared to be velvet. The
        women were both very well endowed (no surprise there), and wore
        minimal but elegant jewelry. High heels completed the visible
        portion of their wardrobe. She loved looking at the two women
        and just stared at the photo for several minutes before even
        noticing there were links to further pages at the bottom of the
        screen. Eventually she un-glued her eyes from the two women and
        clicked on “Lingerie”. She practically fainted when she opened
        the page and saw the same two women that she had been lusting
        over for the past five minutes, posing in the same location.
        This time however, of course, they were not wearing any dresses.
        They were dressed similarly: garter belts, hose, fancy thong
        style panties and matching bras. One wore baby blue and the
        other black. They looked so to-die-for sexy standing there that
        Joy practically lost control of her body functions right then.
        That bitch Emily sure knows what she’s doing. From here the page
        went to other pages with many other models dressed in all kinds
        of different lingerie. Something for everybody she thought. She
        backed up a page to try the other links. They showed pictures of
        other beautiful women in gorgeous sexy gowns. There were many
        different colors, fabrics and styles. The common theme though
        was that nearly all of them showed lots of cleavage up top. How
        could she ever pick, she wondered.

        One thing was obvious now. Whatever Emily had planned for the
        Fourth of July, it was going to be immensely sexy and elegant.
        She vowed that she would NEVER be out-dressed. Money would be no
        object. She had enough in her savings and from her job to
        splurge and the cost didn’t matter (well, up to a point). Her
        entire focus for this summer vacation was on one and only one
        thing: her battle with Emily, and it would be foolish not to put
        her resources to use in waging that battle, even her monetary
        resources. Obviously, Emily would be doing the same.

        When she finally went back to the menu she found the shopping
        page opened up with the same password. Inside were names and
        addresses of several merchants within a 100-mile radius of their
        hometown as well as hotlinks to more than a dozen Internet
        women’s clothing outlets like Fredericks of Paris. She visited
        all of them and drooled some more as she paged through their
        catalogs. At the bottom of the shopping page was a pair of check
        boxes: 1) confirm eveningwear, and 2) not for me. Once again,
        without hesitation she clicked the first box, never even
        considering the second option.

        With this much now made clear, she found that there was a
        definite focus to her off-work, off-workout hours. She spent the
        next several days making her decisions about what to wear for
        the fireworks. She just knew that she would be just as sexy as
        those women in the photo and would make Emily pale in
        comparison. She shopped with a clear focus: the most elegant and
        sexy that she could possibly afford. She even missed a day of
        weight training to go to a nearby city for a full day of
        shopping. She shopped harder than ever and with more purpose
        too. When the day was done she thought it the most enjoyable day
        shopping she ever had.

        Emily meanwhile was joyous that each new password she sent Joy
        had been used so quickly. Sometimes it was only a matter of an
        hour or so between her sending the mail and Joy responding
        through the 2roses web site. She thrilled to know that Joy was
        as pre-occupied with the fireworks as she was. Her next
        password, the one that opened the Activities pages would be a
        coy reference that she knew would get the dander up on Joy’s
        back: “ReadyToMunch”. Inside the Activities front page would
        contain a special greeting, a few page links and some more
        images. The first link was to a page titled “Dining”. The second
        was titled “Agenda”. The third was titled “Games”. The fourth
        was titled “Intimacies”. The Dining, and Intimacies pages would
        require Joy to make some responses, but the Games and Intimacies
        were not interactive.

        The dining page showed lots of wonderfully prepared foods, the
        kind one might find at a fancy French restaurant. Hors D’
        Oeuvres, beverages, meat, fish, poultry dishes, soups, and
        desserts were on display. Also appearing was a brief checkbox
        message: “Did you learn anything in Home Ec class? Do you know
        your way around a kitchen? Can you help with the food prep?”
        There were two simple choices: yes or no.

        The Agenda page was actually quite provocative. It listed in
        order the following: 1) Special Greetings, 2) Cocktails, 3) Hors
        D’ Oeuvres, 4) Conversation, 5) Food Prep, 6) Dinner, 7) Music
        and Dancing, 8) Dessert, 9) Fireworks, 10) Modeling, 11) Games,
        12) Conversation, 13) Fireworks………….Grand Finale. 14) Note:
        Items 9, 10, 11, and 12, may be continuous and repetitive. At
        the bottom of the page was one more sentence. It said, “The
        agenda may be modified at the whim of either the hostess or the
        honored guest.”

        The Games page was pretty sparse, with only two short sentences.
        “Hostess has many games and toys available for play. Guest need
        not bring games, but creative choices will not be dismissed.”

        The Intimacies page was one page that caused Emily a long time
        to think about exactly what she wanted to say. In the end she
        decided that just laying the challenge out on the line was the
        best tactic. She figured that even a witch like Joy must have
        some sense of honor and would respond accordingly. She found
        five pictures from the Internet to use. She identified them each
        with a number and posted them across the page. The first showed
        a woman’s pussy close-up. No hair grooming had been done. It was
        a full rich, thick mound of pussy hair, including all the way
        down and around her labia. The second was of another pussy, this
        one shaved clean all around the labia but with a pretty full
        bush on display above her pussy lips. The third picture was yet
        another pussy, but with short stubbly bristles of hair all
        around the entire area, exactly like the adornment Joy sported
        on Emily’s birthday. The fourth showed a totally clean,
        baby-smooth pussy, not a hair to be seen. The fifth was the
        intriguing picture. It showed one blonde beauty bent over the
        pussy of a second gorgeous blonde. She was looking at the
        shaving cream lathered pussy of the reclining girl. In her hand
        was a straight razor, as though she was about to commence
        shaving the reclining blonde. If these pictures don’t set Joy’s
        mind racing, nothing will, thought Emily.

        Above the photos was one sentence: “Hostess would love to be
        compatible with her honored guest. Please choose”. Underneath
        the five photos, towards the bottom of the page were actually
        six checkboxes with the following labels: 1) Totally natural
        (Emily knew that it was really too late for either girl to grow
        the full mound of hair that was their natural state, but she
        thought she should put in the picture anyway), 2) slick lips, 3)
        worthless bristles, 4) baby smooth, 5) On-site grooming could
        become part of the agenda, 6) Fuck you, I like surprises. She
        was pleased with her handiwork, as she knew this page would
        cause Joy to do some serious thinking before she dared respond.
        Joy was bound to feel as though Emily was taunting her for
        having ‘cheated’ in the last fight. Oh well, that was Joy’s
        problem, not hers.

        When she finished final setup of the Intimacies page she
        breathed a big sigh of relief. A large smile crossed her face
        and she drifted off into her favorite fantasy.

        The only page not finished was the fireworks page, and the more
        Emily thought about it, the more the idea intrigued her of NOT
        making a fireworks page. By leaving it undone, it would send a
        message that there were a lot of questions still to be answered.
        In fact that was the way she liked it. There needed to be
        something unknown and left unanswered, and that would do it. She
        made her decision. She would leave the Fireworks page totally
        blank. Now THAT would make Joy think twice.
HG Hunt


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Two comments:
This must be the longest build up upon reading which i didn't skip a single word.
I agree with Joy and Emily, the anticipation is so hot, that I hope 4th of July never comes.

Great great work!