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A Sim's Tale #7

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Offline Gradius

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A Sim's Tale #7
« on: January 12, 2024, 10:08:18 PM »
Wild Night, Wilder Morning

It was a very late morning for at least four couples, even for a weekend. At the Shallow mansion, the noise didn't end until the sun was peeking up over the horizon. June and Nancy were particularly noisy, blonde and black hair driving each other into a lust filled frenzy that had them coupling as eagerly as they had fought. Nancy ruled the top spot thrusting urgently and powerfully, or gently and carefully in ways that had her partner hyperventilating.

June's hands and lips worked their own magic, the blonde riding her gasping and whimpering in exhaustive delight. Rolling wildly and, at times, slowly across the expansive bed they eventually tumbled off, landing with a grunt on the soft, carpeted floor. There, coiled together in a tight knot, Nancy moaned and whimpered while June panted and gasped until the meaty blonde gave a cry of bliss that had her collapse heavily, comatose, atop an exhausted June who lacked the energy to force the other woman off of her.

Carpet burns on her shoulders the noirete finally gave up and relaxed on the thick carpet, eyelids fluttering before closing entirely.

A room over Bob and Jamie still went strong, having both youth and the fact that they hadn't engaged in a fight beforehand. Jamie actually found herself hard pressed to control the sex crazed young man who, while lacking in technique compared to past lovers, made up for it with incredible enthusiasm and seemingly insatiable energy. While somewhat quick on the trigger his prick retained it's hardness far longer than it should have. As a doctor she felt a twinge of concern. Just a twinge though.

Now as the sun peeking through a crack in the shades passed across her face, the blonde winced and woke, disoriented. It took her a second to remember.

To remember Bob's lust-filled face as he shoved the woman over from the cowgirl position where she'd already forced out of a trio of thrashing orgasms. That he had also dragged a pair from her had contributed to the distraction that allowed him to do so. Pinned to the soft mattress Jamie screamed in ecstasy as Bob slammed his cock into her at a furious pace, her legs locking firmly around his waist. Bob howled as she squeezed at his length, but his maddeningly fast pace got results as well, Jamie squealing as she came, and came again. Her last image was of his eyes squeezed shut as he shouted in orgasm. An orgasm that went on even as she passed out.

 Carefully, Jamie turned over to stare into the young man's sleeping face. Was it nymphomania? The signs certainly were there, but most that suffered from it typically engaged in pretty kinky shit. Bob seemed pretty basic in his positions, being pretty passive until he finally lost it. The only thing he shared with those of that condition was a frightening amount of stamina...for a man. Slipping of the bed the blonde quietly showered and dressed, skipping breakfast to make her way quickly off the property. She had someone to see. Anything else she'd think about afterwards.


Halfway across town a Lemon's engine started up. The vehicle stank of stale sweat and sex, it's occupants formerly curled together in the kind of slumber one had when thoroughly exhausted. Now they sat in a tense silence.

Max, panted, groaned, then shouted. Their genitals scissored, the young man began to feel his dick being overpowered, struggling to hold back, to resist the bucking woman that glared across at him. Ruby smirked wickedly, thrusting away with relentless energy until the young man screamed, thrashing in a tearing orgasm, that tapered off to a tired whimper. Seizing an advantage, the tough redhead shoved herself off the seat, seeking to mount him fully, Max's arms grabbing her upper body, pulling them together. With lips, tongue and teeth she assaulted his face, neck and shoulders, squeezing with inner muscles to find the spot that garnered the most proficient moans and groans. "Got you now!" Ruby snarled, finally pulling away to kneel astraddle her stubborn lover, hips rocking in a steady rhythm. Gasping heavily Max tried to rise only to be shoved onto his back. Her eyes flashing maliciously, Ruby ground down on his prick, pressing her hands onto his chest before starting to bounce on his staff with rapidly increasing energy.

"Fuck...fuck..." Max grunted and cursed, felt himself trapped under the voluptuous woman, who's pussy grabbed his prick with muscles that clamped down in a merciless grip. With nowhere to go, he retaliated in the only way available to him, he grabbed her wildly bouncing breasts and squeezed. Ruby shrieked at the sudden painful, and pleasurable, sensation and Max felt her grip on his dick slip. Green eyes shot open, wide in fear as Max's violent thrusts began bouncing her madly atop him, causing unplanned spikes in pleasure. She started to push away, needing to alter her plan of attack but, now able to move, he shot up and grabbed her, pulling the curvy ginger to rest on his body.

"BREAK! BREAK YOU BASTARD!" Ruby screamed, pounding her pussy on his manhood. If anything it felt bigger and harder than when they'd first started. She gritted her teeth, squeezing as hard as she could.

"MAKE YOU COME BITCH! COME!!" Max howled in response, his thrusts slamming into Ruby's downward motion. She'd re-affirmed her grip and now held him so tight it felt like she was legitimately trying to tear it off.

It was uncontrolled now, no plans, no technique, just a wild mindless fucking where the intent wasn't to achieve pleasure, but to inflict it on another. On and on screaming and cursing, their demands turning into begging as the pressure in their sore genitals rose and finally peaked.

Ruby came first, with a screech that echoed inside of the car, grinding her hips against his, pussy convulsing around his manhood that had Max groan and moan...then roar in his own orgasm. It continued from there, a chain of earth shattering climaxes that left Max whimpering and Ruby sobbing in delight while fluids mingled and overflowed. Until one final final squeeze that had them both buck in a simultaneous choking cry of unrestrained bliss and collapse together.


It was deafening to the barely conscious couple. Body aching from head to toe, genitals in particular. Lying entwined together a single hand moved to signify a victory. "" Ruby croaked into Max's ear, giving a couple tentative squeezes that had the man groan as his dick remained flaccid.

"" Was all he could manage before eyes rolled back into his head. Ruby mumbled an incoherent response, going limp across his chest.

Now, seated in the passenger chair, Ruby glanced across at the stony faced Max, lips curling in a satisfied smile. Impulsively she dipped her hand into his boxers, the young man hissing as she ran a finger up and down the length of his sore cock. It was a testament to her abilities at it's inability to regain it's hardness. "You are mine now," she whispered, leaning over to suckle on his earlobe. He trembled at her closeness. "After last night, only my pussy'll be enough for you. Be a good boy, and next time maybe I'll even let you fuck my tits."

She felt his dick jump in her hands and smiled. Oh she doubted it would be that easy to keep him under her thumb. It had been touch and go from beginning to end and...if he was that so easily tamed she'd have lost interest in him already.

For now, she pressed in closer, tongue in his ear, dick in hand. Tormenting as was her right as the victor.


Across in the suburbs now, a figure stirred underneath the covers and Pauline's tired face emerged. Sweeping back her messy hair, the Japanese woman moaned as her limbs complained about the previous night's activities as well as sleeping on the carpet.

Once they got to the house, and inside, Betty quickly joined them. Trapped between the couple Pauline had felt her defences crumble as the pair forced squeal after squeal of pleasure until her legs simply collapsed. Smiling triumphantly Brian had guided her fall onto the couch, where she lounged as now the two turned their attention to each other. Instead of jumping together like she'd expected, they took it slow, hands caressing up and down bare bodies with light fingers. Kissing deeply, embracing like the lovers they were, Brian's digits explored Betty's depths while the girl's fingers gently, but expertly ran up and down his rigid length.

It was a gentle love making, something she knew, but had never experienced, and Pauline could only watch enviously as Betty got Brian inserted, their hips swayed slowly together as if still dancing at the Grind.

In the time it took them to come together once Pauline could no longer just watch. Approaching them hesitantly, she was unprepared for how easily they brought her into their loving, whimpering in shock at how her body reacted. She touched her lips, remembering the taste of Brian's kisses and her body trembled at the memory of Betty's lips and hands. It was different from the orgy they'd had before, but just as intense, if in a different way. She could get used to this.

Shaking her head, she crawled to her feet, swaying slightly and glancing around for her clothes. At this point she froze, hearing a soft moan, then a giggle. Deep breathing picked up rapidly until an explosive exhale and moist kissing sounds. Moving with a staggering gait she went around the wall to the kitchen. In it she found Betty at the stove, leaning against Brian who supported her from behind, kissing her neck. "Oh thank God, reinforcements." The short haired brunette gasped out, waving a spatula as Brian retreated to stare in her direction. His prick, glistening with fluids turned to point in her direction. "Mind taking care of this animal while I try and get breakfast ready?"

"Ruff, ruff," Brian grumbled, squeezing a prominent ass cheek that had Betty squeal. He shot Pauline a grin, eyes dropping low across her body. "Dunno Bets, she gave out quite easily last night. I think the first time might've been a fluke."

Oh he did NOT just go there. Pauline gave him a hiss and curled her fingers into claws, swiping at the air between them. "Take your time Bets." She said and Brian growled back playfully, scooting over quickly to pull the small woman into his arms. "By the time you're done it'll be a breakfast for two."

"Don't be too rough," the young brunette called out. "After all, his gift isn't over yet."

"Huh?" Brian paused, cocking his head and shooting her a quizzical look.

"It's a surprise. You're gonna love it." The Japanese woman smirked, nibbling at his chest, tongue swirling around a nipple. "Now how about a shower before breakfast. We both stink."


Nancy woke up, on her back, and gasped in delight. Her hands flowed through June's black hair as the woman sucked, licked and slurped on her breasts, while gently palpating the thick meat. "Juney..." she moaned as the woman shifted orbs to saw at a nipple with her teeth. "God, I've missed you."

"I've missed you to, Nan," June murmured throatily, crawling up to face the blonde fully. Kissing softly and repeatedly, giggling and gasping, while pumping carefully all the while. June could feel Nancy's weakness after having only just awakened, and redoubled her efforts on the thick blonde. Nancy panted and whimpered under the noirette's sensual assault and her hands grabbed the woman's firm ass cheeks as she shuddered, biting gently on June's shoulder as she came.

"Jesus!" The blonde gasped heavily as she regained her senses. June smiled and kissed her again, before slowly rising. "Where're you going?"

"I need a shower." June swung around and wriggled to the door. "If you feel up to it, you can join me."

"In a bit. I still need to check on my luggage." Nancy replied, pulling on a robe. Passing by June, the milfs shared a heated kiss before moving in opposite directions. Passing by the other room she glanced inside to spot June's naked boytoy, but no Jamie. Sighing in irritation, guessing her intent, she continued down the stairs. Outside, by the pool, she found their bags in the same place they'd left them. Grunting, she hauled both hers and Jamie's inside before sliding the door closed. At the same time she heard another door slam shut and, curious, wandered into the main room.

"Who the hell are you?!"

Nancy froze at the hostile demand. It came from a messy redhead that stood, legs spread, hands on hips in the doorway leading into the main room. The mature blonde took her time, coolly looking over the other woman even as she felt green eyes also moving over her body. The anger on the pretty face seemed to grow and she considered placating the woman. Then she remembered June's description of her roommate and eyes narrowed. Jamie wasn't here and while no doubt giving her name might dampen the girl's temper...where was the fun in that.

"What's it to you, bitch?" She snapped back aggressively posing opposite the younger woman. The girl's head snapped back at the response and her face reddened. Yup...typical ginger. "I don't recall seeing you here while we were having fun. So who the fuck're you?"

"I live here you fat, old cow!" Ruby spat. The bitch was wearing HER robe. The robe SHE wore after a night of mind-blowing fucking with June. And that could only mean... Her hands curled into fists. "So WHO are YOU! And why are you wearing MY robe?"

"Oh this is yours? Would explain why it's a bit tight. Especially around the chest region." Nancy retorted coldly, a mental counter moving up at being called FAT...and OLD. "Just something I threw on to come downstairs. You can have it back if you want."

Ruby hastily darted forward to catch her robe the blonde cxnt tossed at her. Eyes widened at the mature's naked body on full display...emphasis on full. Bitch had breasts that looked even bigger than June's with barely any hang. Her curves were nothing to sneeze at neither and she knew it to, with the way she posed near the stairs. June, Mags and now this cow? How was it she'd never noticed how fuckable these old biddies were!? "Where do you think you're going?"

"Well June invited me to join her in the shower." Nancy's eyes glittered as the slow boil in the younger woman began to reach critical mass. June had indeed found herself the best of both worlds. A young man with the ability to last and a hot little number that, if she was any judge, was probably an absolute wildcat in bed. "I'm going to join her and see if we can't pick up where we left off last night."

She only made two steps before a hand grabbed her wrist. "Don't. You. Dare!" The words were spoken through gritted teeth and Nancy spun around to stare into a pair of furious green eyes. Well she had the attitude. Now to see if she was as good as June bragged.

Ruby yelped as a palm cracked sharply across her face, then again from the other side. Unprepared for the sudden attack she stumbled, only to be held up by her blouse. "Let's get rid of this, shall we." With a RIP the redhead now felt the A/C on her bare skin as top and bra were torn away. "Not bad...not the best I've ever seen, but not the worst."

"You've gone and done it now granny!" Ruby snarled, catching her balance as she was shoved away before she could react. Her good mood was completely gone, replaced by a jealous rage and eagerness. It had been awhile since she'd had a fight with someone other than June. "Say you're sorry now and all I'll do is just kick your flabby ass out."

"You're funny." Nancy laughed openly, taunting the younger woman. "Why don't you come over here and try. Unless you're all talk of course!"


Upstairs, soaping, June heard a scream through the water and poked her head out. Cocked to the side she heard nothing else and assumed she'd been hearing things. Then she heard another scream.

In another room Bob's head jerked up with a snort, then dropped back onto the soft pillows. That blonde had given him the business and every part of him ached. His head then shot back off the bed at an angry sounding screech.


Back downstairs, Nancy crashed against the wall near the fireplace. Pouncing, Ruby grabbed her head and slammed it against against the wall coverings before a sharp punch dislodged her. Now it was Nancy that bore the furious redhead back to the opposite wall, returning the favor. Their thick hair prevented excessive damage, though it did hurt. What hurt more though were Ruby's shoes as the girl kicked wildly at her shins.

"Enough of that!" Nancy thought, ducking low to wrap her arms around the redhead's midsection and dump her to the floor. The air knocked out of her Ruby was momentarily stunned and Nancy spun around to face her feet, yanking the offending footwear off. "Let's get rid of the...HEY!!"

"Those were a month's pay!" Ruby snarled, wrapping her legs around the blonde's head. Strong thighs squeezed and she heard her cry out a smile spreading across her mouth. Then she yelled as a pair of thick pale limbs kicked furiously. Ruby grabbed at them with her hands but got whacked across the face with a heel. Dazed, she was defenceless as Nancy's legs spread then slammed shut low across her face. "Nnnngah! Let...GO!"

"You let go!" Nancy grunted, giving a sharp cry as Ruby responded by tightening her grip. The lush redhead squealed as the thick blonde jabbed nails into her rear in response. Groaning, she rolled Ruby under her, their full, rounded boobs crushed against firm bellies. And more than that, she could SMELL the girl. Smell the strong man spunk on her, and remembered June saying she had a current favorite. It was overpowering.

Lips pulled back from clenched teeth, Ruby snarled hoarsely at the weight of the woman bearing down on her. And at June's particular musk. While she'd been busy with Max, this cow had been fucking June. Shouting in effort, Ruby flipped their positions, flexing her leg muscles. Staring at the carpeted floor she smiled at the cry of pain, arms tensing as the kept trying to pry her head free, yelping at the nails in her ass.

She was strong, Nancy realized, clawing frantically at the redhead's rear. Or she was just tired. This position was not to her benefit and so, she moved to get out of it. Her tongue extended, fingers pulling aside the coarse panties. Ruby immediately went rigid and squealed at the pleasurable attack. Oh yes...this little dish was quite tasty, Nancy licked her lips, lapping with her tongue again. And her man too, his spunk had a strong flavor.

Jesus Christ, the milf's tongue was good. Ruby felt herself giving in, hips jerking slightly. "NO!" She shrieked, biting the inside of the pale thigh and pushing away. She heard the woman scream and fall away. Twisting up onto her knees, Ruby turned to face the blonde only to give a startled gasp as she slammed back into her.


Hank Goddard woke up to a very pleasant sensation. He sighed in pleasure, covers slipping off his body as his hands gripped tightly at Jane Dotner's braided scalp. Chunkier than Pauline, the dark skinned woman was still quite the decent fuck, especially when it came to giving head as evidenced by his dick's eager twitching. He groaned as it ruptured, hips jerking as he filled Jane's mouth, euphoria rushing through him.

"C'mere," he grunted as she licked and kissed his throbbing prick. She smirked and kissed her way up his body, enjoying the friction. But even as she grabbed his length and started maneuvering it into position the doorbell rang. "Ah hell."

"Don't," she whined in frustration. She'd given him relief, it was only fair she got in turn. "Ignore it."

"Can't babe." He grunted, pushing her gently off of him. "Might be important."

"In a minute." Hank Goddard shouted, annoyed as the bell rang again. Pulling on a pair of boxers he yanked open the door. "What is...well, hello nurse. Been awhile."

"Hey Hank," Jamie nodded familiarly. "Is Pauline up yet?"

"Wouldn't know." The muscular cop shrugged. "She spent the night by some new friend of hers, so I'd say probably not."

"Oh," Jamie was a bit taken aback by the man's cavalier attitude. Most of Pauline's exes tended to at least be a bit terse afterwards. Then she saw why. "Oh."

On the stairs behind him she caught sight of a dark skinned woman peeking down at them. The fact that she was wrapped in bed covers left little in way of guessing as to what they'd been engaged in. Hank glanced behind himself and then back at Jamie with a small smirk. "You're not the only ones that can fool around. If you're looking for Pauline check the suburbs. I think it was 1010 Dogwood Lane. You might need to be loud to get their attention, since Pauline was damn frisky for a few days after the last time I dropped her off there."


Bob Newbie stared down the stairs to the first floor, his boxers stretching. He'd heard the screams and hurriedly pulled on his underwear. What he found was not an injured woman, or even one under attack...or at least not in the way he'd feared. Ruby and the blonde milf from the night before staggered in and out of view, squashing ample bodies together while tearing out hair, scratching, biting and slapping each other.

Manhood straining against his boxers confines Bob moaned as Ruby reared back and slammed her prodigious boobs against Nancy's monsters with a hollow CLAP. "OW...BITCH!" he heard her shout before swinging back with a harsh sounding SMACK. "Jealous!?"

"Hardly," Ruby hissed back, smashing her breasts head on against the blonde, grinding them in. Bob saw surprise cross her face at the older woman showed no discomfort at matching her tit's against Ruby's. "Going up against my beauties is a mistake."

Bob trembled, blonde and redhead bashing their boobs together tit to tit, nipple to nipple, like a pair of rams on the nature channel. When they tired of that, they ground the massy orbs together, bodies beginning to glisten with sweat. He could see Ruby's smaller tits making headway into Nancy's, the globes clearly not having recovered from their fight with June's boobs, but still resisting fiercely. Then his nostrils flared.

Spinning around he found the black haired cougar wrapped in a dark towel, fluttering her lashes at him. No words spoken, he moved away from the bannister to give June an unimpeded view, then grabbed her hips, moving behind her. "Who's winning?" She whispered, wriggling her rear against his boxers. A small stain appeared at the front.

"See...seems even so far." He croaked. Dammit. How the hell did she do this to him, the thought processes he'd had from the day before seeming utterly ridiculous. There was no fucking way he would willingly give this up. Now it wasn't just sex, but getting to watch hot babes thrash it out and fuck each other as well! If this wasn't heaven, it was a close second. Bob took a deep breath, kissing his way across her shoulders working his dick free from the confining boxers, kicking them loose.

"No, not yet." June smiled at her toy's tortured whine as she trapped his length between her thighs. She was getting hot herself hearing the angry cries from Nancy and the snarls from Ruby as the pair spun back into view. She'd assumed Jamie had been brought along to test Ruby the same way Nancy tested her. "Where's Jamie...the blonde you let ride you last night?"

"Was...wasn't around when I woke up." Bob panted, feeling light headed. Down below he watched Nancy push Ruby against a wall, bashing her boobs against the trapped woman repeatedly. Ruby groaned, then shouted, pushing the blonde away and running at her, tackling the mature into the kitchen. "June, I, AHH..."

"Come..." June walked slowly down the stairs, maintaining her grip on Bob's swollen flesh. She could feel it throbbing against the inside of her legs. "If you don't cum before they finish, I'll do anything you want."

"Any...Anything!" Bob choked, already fighting back against a flood demanding exit.

"Anything!" June shot a smoldering look over her shoulder at the young man, knowing her hold over him was total now.


"So what exactly do you two have planned?" Brian asked around a swallow of juice. He couldn't think of anything that could top the last sixteen hours. It seemed lik a dream and he'd be inclined to think so if not for Betty and Pauline sitting on either side of him and the ache radiating from his sore prick. Though he was curious as to why neither had bothered putting anything on other than panties after showering. Not that he was complaining as the towels they wore left much exposed.

"Well, you see. Other than music, Pauline and I have something else in common." Betty said.

"I can think of several things you have in common after just last night." Brian interjected.

"I'm sure you could," Pauline chuckled. "But this something very specific. Something we've only mentioned in passing."

"Oh?" Brian glanced at both, eyebrows shooting up to merge with his hairline at the realization, a smile slowly creeping across his face. "Oh!!"

"Bets got lucky last time." Pauline leaned across to rest her boobs on his shoulder, the weight of the orbs making his hands curl into fists. "It worked out for the best in the end, but I think it's time I returned the favor."

"Honey, luck had nothing to do with it." Betty took Brian's other hand, dropping the top of the towel and holding it to firm breast. "These beauties squashed your babies to mush then, and they'll do it again now."

"Now?" Brian stammered. Now he could think of something that could make things better.

"Now!" Pauline and Betty stated firmly, grabbing his arms and pulling the young doctor into the living room and shoving him into the recliner. Motherly, they ensured he was comfortable, Betty giving him a kiss on the cheek while Pauline ran her tongue up his neck. Hips swaying they moved to the center of the room, tossing the towels into his lap in the process. Standing directly across from him, hands on hips the pair smiled. Betty spoke first. "So. How you want to do this?"

"I think he needs a refresher after the shower." Pauline smiled, running her hands up her boobs, setting the orbs jiggling. Her light brown nipples were fully extended and the smaller Asian woman angled the spikes to point at her lighter haired friend's. "We also never found out who's would bend did we."

"Sounds like you just want to torment him further." Betty turned her head to wink in Brian's direction, then gave her pink nipples a tweak to maximize the blood flow. "I like how you think. Shall we?"

In response Pauline leaned in, allowing the tips to brush together. They thought they were ready for it. After all they were coming off an orgy and an intense bout of morning sex. But as the spikes met Betty gasped loudly while Pauline's face turned pink and legs visibly quivered. Brian watched in interest, clinical as well aroused. He'd performed enough examinations to know how sensitive women's nipples were. His head cocked, studying the appearances of girlfriend and new lover's turgid spikes from a distance rather from having them in his mouth.

Pauline's were longer, easily, stabbing Betty's areolas repeatedly as they jousted together. She licked her lips lightly, dragging them across the rough surface to slash against Betty's nubs, bending them slightly. Brian sat up at this, surprised at how swift the contest had been, but then his girlfriend came back with a swipe of her own and this time it was hot Asian who's nips gave way. He realized that only the two fighting would know when one pair had beaten the other.

Wielding them like fleshy swords the two slashed and stabbed them together carefully, tips bending repeatedly, only to spring back and return the favor a few swipes later. Deep grunts flowed between them, accompanying the strikes they inflicted on one another, pale boobs beginning to glisten at a light sheen of sweat. Stabbing their nipples together fiercely, soft gasps of pain began to mingle breathy sighs as neither remained unaffected by the intimate battle.

Then, simultaneously, they ceased their motions and lined up the damp orbs together. For several seconds they swirled the tips together, the noises they made making Brian grit his teeth as his hands, inch by inch made their way into his lap. Then, at an unseen signal, they pulled away and stabbed their teats together. Betty hissed and Pauline winced as the tips met, then slipped past. Repeating the gesture they now moaned when the tips bent slightly together, then slipped away again.

Brian hissed through his own teeth as this went on. Four times, seven, at the ninth they paused to rub away the sting before resuming. His own hands were tugging furiously as the tense flesh under his boxers when both beauties threw back their heads. He groaned in time with a deep, belly moan from Betty while a bright smile and sigh of pleasure came from Pauline. Falling back in a daze he absently noticed his new lover's tips pointing straight ahead to force his girlfriend's to point at the ceiling.

"Oh, that's just lovely," Pauline whispered lightly, moving her nips away, then pressing them forward again. There was no resistance this time, his girlfriends tips bending outwards, beaten definitively. Pauline left them there, savoring her win, then she surprised him. She gently wrapped a hand around Betty's head, pulling the younger woman's face to her own. The kiss was soft, insistent, and the younger woman quickly reciprocated it. Brian gasped heavily, hips giving an unintended jerk, towels slipping from his lap. At the noise the two women paused in their making out to glance at the spreading stain on the pants. "Well...I think he approves."

"Huh, you'd think he did all the work," Betty giggled, planting another soft kiss on the lips of her shorter friend. Then grimaced lightly, rubbing her nipples. "Jesus. Those're some legit deadly weapons you have there."

"Told you," Pauline backed away, twirling in place before giving them a shake. "I underestimated you last time. Not again. I have a reputation to keep."

"And I've got one to make I guess," Betty retorted, giving her own boobs a sexy wiggle. "So how you wanna do this? Box or wrestle or both?"

"Same as last time," The Asian woman replied airily, spreading her hands. "Why limit ourselves."

"Why indeed," the brunette grinned, glancing across at their audience who was in the process of trying to catch his breath. "Thanks for helping out Paulie."

"Anytime." She smirked back. "The two of you are hella fun. So anytime I can help..."

Brian raised an eyebrow at that. Was she...but wasn't involved with Hank. Fooling around once or twice was one thing. He glanced at his girlfriend out of the corner of his eye but saw no untowards reaction. So either she didn't read anything in it, or she knew something he didn't. With his lower head sated his upper began to turn, clinical mind trying to get a read on Pauline. This lasted about four seconds, which was as long as it took for the topless women to move onto the second round.


The noise, loud and fleshy immediately gained his attention, a lump growing steadily in his boxers. He refocused in time to see the two left boobs of the girls jiggling before settling back on their chests. With a fierce grunt, Betty swung her large tits against Pauline's rapidly while the Asian's heavy boobs smacked back resistantly. No sensuality here, yet at the same time it was more stimulating. The sight of those rounded, massy orbs beating together had his dick twitching again. It was almost painful by this point. Then, as Betty seemed to gain an advantage on her shorter rival...the doorbell rang.

Betty and Pauline both jumped in surprise, but it took a few seconds for the sound to register as they continued smashing their boobs together before quickly stepping back. Tossing them the towels, Brian jumped to his feet and groaned expressively. Sudden movements with an erection like he had was a very...VERY bad idea. Waddling to the door, he opened it slightly, while keeping his body hidden behind it. "Hello? Can I...Jamie!?"


"Uh, do I know you?" Jamie cocked her head. He looked familiar somewhat. The man chuckled and reached for her glasses. Annoyed now, she prepared to grab them back when he held them in front of his face. "Brian? Brian Saul!"

"Bingo," he grinned, returning them to her face, a gesture that made them both pause, remembering it's implications back in the day. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm looking for a friend of mine, Pauline. Pauline Wan. I was told she'd be here."

"Pauline?" The man scrunched his face. "Um, I dunno...lemme check an'...

"Let her in Bri..."

Brian turned his attention inwards speaking in a muted tone, arguing with someone. He turned back to her shrugged and pulled it open. He kept the door between himself and her as the strode inside, but her musings were quickly shoved to the side at the sight of the smiling Pauline who embraced her as she passed through an apperture. "Jamie, what're you doing here?"

"Tagged along with Nancy. She's here to see a June Shallow about opening up a branch here."

"A...branch?" Pauline cast a furtive look over at the young woman in the room. Jamie glanced over in interest. So this was Betty Simovich. She was attractive enough, young and with a fairly impressive looking rack under the towel. At her open stare the girl looked away from Pauline locked gazes with Jamie. There was no give there. This girl knew what she had and was confident about it. Jamie smiled.

"I'm Jamie," she extended a hand to Betty as Brian walked over close by. She smirked at his furtive attempt to hide the stain on his boxers. "Brian over there and I were interns together over in Sunset. Got to know Pauline there too. Used to be my job to keep her out of trouble till she moved here. I heard you did a pretty good job of slapping her down to earth."

"It wasn't easy. She's got a pretty nice pair on her." Betty accepted the shake, feeling the calluses on the woman's palm, similar to the ones on her boyfriend's. As well as hearing the familiarity in her voice. She doubted that they had been just colleagues. "In fact we were just in the process of re-affirming how much better my tits were."

"Is that a so? Would explain why Brian was reluctant to let me in." Jamie shot the man a grin, to which he just shrugged, and cocked her head, staring at Betty's rack before moving over and dragging down Pauline's towel. "Just started maybe? Neither of you look like you've taken too many hits."

"Yeah, began with a nipple fight." Pauline glanced slyly over at Betty as Jamie gave an open wince. "Poor girlie didn't know what she was getting into."

Betty gave an exaggerated sigh and lowered her towel. Jamie gave them a once over and could see they were indeed smaller than she assumed they'd be. At an assenting nod from the brunette she brushed a finger across one and felt how soft it was. But at the same time she couldn't help but admire the orbs. Easily in Pauline's class, they were full and round, almost perfectly spherical with just enough hang to signify the weight behind them.

She glanced at Pauline, then at Brian and smiled widely. Taking a step back she lifted her top over her head. "Uh oh," she could hear the grin in Pauline's voice, unclipping her bra. Her breasts dropped on her chest after the support was lost. Flowing out from her body in a manner similar to Pauline's, hers broadened at the front instead of becoming bullet shaped, toped off by a pink nipple in the center of a surprisingly small areola.

"I hope I'm not being too forward, but do you think you could put off what you and Paula have in mind?" She asked, voice casual as she flipped her yellow hair behind her back. "See, Nancy wanted me to...test...some redhead June had with her. But she wasn't there so I feel like I've come along for nothing."

"Well, this was something of private event for...wuh!" Betty hesitated when Pauline came over, pulling on her arm.

"Take her!"

"What? But this was..."

"Trust me. You make a good impression with Jamie and it opens up a lot of opportunities. And..." She glanced over at the blonde who was stretching while talking with Brian. Both girls frowned at his ease around the half naked blonde but then she continued. "You can't tell me you'd not get a kick out of humiliating an old girlfriend in front of him."

Betty grinned and walked back to put a possessive arm around Brian. "Sure. Pounding Pauline to mush again would've been fun, but I need some variety in my diet."

"Right attitude." Jamie smiled approvingly while Brian walked backwards. Unseen by Betty he was shoved back onto the recliner by Pauline who sat herself comfortably in his lap. Jamie wriggled her hips, getting out of her jeans. "Got any preferences."

"Boobs only, mine against yours, till they go flat." Betty returned the grin, twisting her body to the side.

"Hm, hm, hm." The blonde's smile turned predatory. "All or nothing . I think I'll grow to like you."

With nothing more needing to be said, blonde and brunette swung hard from the hips.






Hands spinning like windmills Nancy Landgraab and Ruby Broke set each other's boobs bouncing and swinging as they slapped, with a few punches mixed in, each other furiously. Crackling breasts glowed red, blonde and redhead squealing and then shrieking with the machine gun rapid volley of blows.

"AAAUUUGGHHHHH!!" Ruby suddenly wailed as the vengeful blonde decided to escalate. Grabbing the crimson haired spitfire's boobs Nancy cruelly dug her fingers deep into the fleshy tissue. Instinctively she grabbed for the blonde's wrists to try and pull away her hands, but this only increased the pain.

"That's right, you little slut." Nancy laughed, powering the squirming girl up against the fridge. June would probably be upset with her if she damaged the little carpet muncher but the bitch started it, so she'd finish it. "Dunno what Juney was thinking. Guess I was expecting too much from a piece of trailer trash."

Ruby's head shot up at the mention of June. And a hissing growl issued from between clenched teeth at being called trailer trash.

In a flash her hands were overflowing with Nancy's titmeat, the cougar giving a deep gasp as Ruby's fingers probed deep into the fatty glands. With a surge Ruby shoved herself away from the fridge Nancy's bare feet slipping on the tiled surface as she shoved back towards the entrance before suddenly being yanked, painfully, towards the furious redhead. Knuckles crashed together as their hands collided and Ruby stumbled a step, only to yell as she was spun around by a snarling Nancy. Her grip slipped from the sweat soaked orbs but, with a yell, she latched back on quickly slamming the orbs together.

Cursing and shouting, the busty combatants pulled and shoved and twisted across the room slamming up against appliances, hands slipping free more and more. In frustration Nancy shoved Ruby away. Breasts bobbled and rolled at the heavy breathing of both women before they lunged together, wrapping around firmly around each other's upper body.

"Gonna flatten those pathetic little tits of yours," Nancy threatened hoarsely. Her juices were flowing as she squeezed June's hot little number. she could feel liquid running down the inside of her leg.

"I'll flatten those flabby bags!" Ruby croaked through the intense compression. Her nethers still tingled at the memory of the blonde's tongue. She slipped a leg through the woman's both moaning as their pubic curls mingled.

The orbs were sweat slick, and despite the intense pressure of the twin bearhugs the slipped and slid apart at intervals, forcing their owners to slacken their grips and slam them back together. The eyes of the one that managed to put the greater force behind it glittering at the other's wince or outright moan.

Unseen, June watched the battle with bright eyes, loving every moment of it. Behind her Bob buried his face in her hair, sucking on her neck, anything to distract from the raging erection between her legs. Each cry, every shout had him twitching. June's head cocked as the cursing pair staggered against her stove, then against the sink. Nancy's boobs were holding up against Ruby's surprisingly well, considering their own fight. She shot a glance at her redheaded lover. What had she been up to?

Ruby blinked the sweat out of her eyes and gave a growl, shoving against the weight of the old bitch. Nancy responded with a snarl, feet slipping as she fought back against the crimson haired tramps push, bashing her monsters into their massive rivals. They locked eyes, glanced down, then back up. Frustration showed openly as while neither could see themselves losing, they weren't winning either.

Both set of breasts were flattened at the front, spreading out widely between them. Grunting fiercely and loudly they pulled each other even closer, crushing the breath from one another as the skin of their boobs stretched and shone from the pressure.

But, gradually, they began to slow. To tire. They hadn't been fighting for long by either's reckoning but after a night of aggressive sex, and a fight in Nancy's case, neither had managed much sleep and exhaustion was beginning to set in. Ruby found herself pushed against the counter and unable to force her way out. Nancy was just too heavy, too big. Slowly she was forced to bend, the blonde looking to pin her down. Screaming at herself, and in effort, Ruby forced herself up to an even footing. Face to face nose to nose, teeth bared in grimaces they were rigid for a long minute...then inch by inch Ruby began to bend again.

Squirming wildly Ruby resisted the push, entire body straining, then going rigid. She gave a loud wail. A scream of such horror that Bob finally lost control, firing off streamers of cum to coat the kitchen floor. "Bad boy," June scolded him, frotting herself on his rod, before returning her attention to the fight. Well, a fight no longer. "I guess you technically did as you were told."

Nancy threw her head back, smiling in joy. It was a feeling she never got tired of. That of her beauties establishing their dominance over another pair. Ruby still hung on, head tilted back, mouth open in a now silent scream. The boobs she was once so proud of now squashed against her chest by Nancy's victorious orbs. While significantly deflated, they still presented a pleasant rounded shape compared to the ginger's pair.

"Bitch... Bitch..." Ruby cursed bitterly, glaring up at the blonde, lying prone on the laminated top.

"That's Nancy Landgraab to you little girl." Nancy laughed tiredly, pushing herself off the younger woman. She saw the girl's green eyes blink in confusion at her words, then widen in shock, and probably not a little horror. "Oh yes. THAT Landgraab."


"Use your words, Ruby dear." June strutted into the kitchen. Pausing by Nancy she gave the blonde a brief kiss, before swaying over to Ruby. Hovering over the exhausted redhead she leaned over to suckle at a defeated breast, Ruby giving a heartfelt moan, then kiss her way over to the other and repeat the procedure before pulling the girl upright. "And don't feel too bad. Nancy gave me the same treatment as well."

"Wait...she beat you?" Ruby's brain was still trying to process everything that was happening. "Last night? And her tits still had enough left over to squash mine? What the fuck!!"

"What can I say," Nancy raised her hands, giving her boobs a shake. "My babies are just that good."

"Don't be arrogant hon'." June chuckled, giving Ruby's rear a squeeze that had the girl give a muted squeak. "I imagine our night together helped somewhat. Speaking of which..."

Across the room Bob Newbie froze as three pair of eyes locked onto him. Or rather between his legs. "Well aren't you just the luckiest boy," Nancy purred, strutting around behind him, to bite his ear.

"Hope you didn't waste all of it," Ruby growled, stepping gingerly around the stains on the floor. She grabbed his prick, feeling the already taut flesh swell further.

"Now, now, girls. I promised him his fun." June allowed her covering to drop, guiding the young man's hands to her boobs. "So my little dear, how do you want to do this?"


Betty yelped as her boobs collided with Jamie's. The blonde's tits were as solid a pair she'd ever gone up against. But the brunette merely gritted her teeth and swung hard, the orbs jiggling noticeably.

Jamie grunted at the increase in power behind the girl's swing, taking several steps to the rear. They were tough, no doubt, but that just made her all the more excited. Responding in kind, Jamie upped her own ante, the orbs smashing together loudly, blonde and brunette moving back and forth on the carpet.

Brian would easily admit to being a little disappointed at not seeing the supposed rematch between Betty and Pauline. However the current situation more than made up for it. A warm, soft bodied babe lounging in his lap, rubbing her lips up and his cheek and neck. And a ringside seat to his girlfriend's current match against a chesty blonde that could clearly give as good as she got. That said blonde was an old flame only added to the effect. Jamie had been a right monster in the sack.

He gently massaged Pauline's breasts causing the woman to sigh and snuggle closer to him as they watched the show. He focused on how Jamie's pale skin made Betty's light tan stand out. On the sparkling droplets of sweat that flew through the air between them. Sharp eyes drank in the delectable way the skin rippled when the orbs splattered together. At...he tensed.

"Someone's enjoying the show." Pauline murmured around a smile, while also wrapping a hand around the length that had been poking her quite insistently. The temptation was there, oh it was strong, but it would be bad taste to take him for a ride while his girlfriend was currently battling Nancy's number two.

Jamie's eyes glittered excitedly, even as her grunts became more profuse and aggressive. She added little jumps to her swing, trying to work the orbs together as they slammed into one another. But their boobs seemed to bounce off one another more than sink in. Betty responded by putting her entire upper body behind her swings, the added force nearly knocking the blonde off her feet. It was a technique Jamie was familiar with. Just like how her move would tire out her legs, making knockdowns more likely, Betty's would put pressure on her waist and spine, eventually reducing her power and aim. She was still, however, taken aback by how aggressively the brunette attacked. She'd expected a feeling out phase, to try and judge just how firm her boobs were. Instead Betty went full tilt, smacking her breast to the side to slap against her ribs. The initial surprise allowed the girl to get in some good hits before Jamie responded in kind. Either the girl was more amateur than Pauline knew, or she was just that confident.

Wincing at the painful stinging in her boobs, and considering how highly she rated her Japanese friend, Jamie was opting for the latter.

Betty's fierce glare into the pretty, sweating face across from her own was offset by the slight curl of her lip. She could kiss Pauline, and probably would later, for encouraging her. If not for the hang on them she'd be suspicious that they weren't entirely natural. She squealed as the blonde got in a good hit across the inside of her left, setting the orb wobbling and disrupting her rhythm. Giving a light hiss, she got lucky with her counter, landing a hollow sounding SLAP against Jamie's right that had the woman yelp audibly and retreat.

Taking a moment to assess the damage to her own boob, Betty locked gazes with Jamie and saw the excitement mirrored there. Jumping back together she hurled her weighty orbs against Jamie's heavy breasts, beating them together with energetic ardor.

Breasts beat together with loud WHACKS, knocking each other round with heavy SMACKS or simply slammed together and rebounded with savage WHAMS. Brian stared in shock at that way Betty and Jamie hammered each other around the living room with powerful boob blows that at best made him blink sharply, if not outright wince. Yet at the time time he sweated from arousal. "Is it always like this?" He whispered, trembling at a soft whine from Jamie.

"Relax stud," Pauline sucked on his neck, feeling Brian tensing up. She was no better, all but dripping over the noise her two friends were making. From the verbal cries to the marvelous sound of breasts beating together in brutal repetition it was getting harder and harder not to just put that rod jamming her butt to use. "Believe me. Me an' Bets went at it harder than this. You'll know if it gets bad."

Betty was panting openly now, breasts burning, back aching. A powerful slam sent the blonde staggering on tired legs, but half a dozen blows later Betty gave a sharp grunt and tottered back, falling onto the sofa.

"YEAH!" Jamie shouted hoarsely.

"Lucky," Betty grumbled, pushing herself upright and shaking out her hair. Then rushed towards Jamie who seemed surprised at how quickly she recovered, absorbing a hard shot to her left boob then to her right before managing to retaliate. Beaten back into the farthest corner from their audience they beat and pounded the swollen teats together ferociously for several minutes without pause. "UGH!"

Brian sat up, concerned, at a grunt of genuine pain from his girlfriend. She stumbled, dropped to a knee but quickly rose back up and spread her legs. Confused, he then spotted Jamie, her back to the wall, sliding down slowly to half seated position before catching her balance and rising back upright. Her tired face then lit up in a bright smile. He couldn't see Betty return the grin before rushing back together.

Bashing their aching glands together the two could feel and see the damage. Where they had once just bounced off, now they piled up and swelled together. The teats flattened thickly with each blow, moulding as if the pale and tan flesh itself seemed to wrestle to overpower it's opposite, then recoil, filling back out.

Grunting fiercely neither gave way and stood flat-footed, fearlessly exchanging violent boob blows with their opponent. Watching intently, Pauline felt Brian hold her tighter, leaning in closer as his breathing grew heavier. She smiled, twisting around so the tent in his boxers lay between her legs. She extended a single finger to rub at the tip, his groan music to her ears. Then a savage grunt, followed by a loud THUMP drew her attention away.

Betty gasped in shock as her hand touched the carpet again. The fact Jaime was curled up, clutching her chest was no consolation. Scrambling to her feet she hurled herself into Jamie who staggered back under the brunette's assault. Unleashing a fearsome barrage at the off balanced blonde, Betty landed a vicious blow that knocked Jamie to the side.

A shocked wail escaped her lips as she floated to the floor, landing firmly on her rear. Jamie shook her head in disbelief. She hadn't been knocked down since that fight against Cornelia Goth's sister, Agnes some months ago. She'd barely managed to win that fight, Agnes apparently being the sister to inherit the bulk of their mother's genes. She quickly leapt back upright lurching into the waiting brunette. Long, brutal, minutes passed they flung their boobs together in swift, rapid blows or slow and ponderously powerful strikes. Jamie fell again with a sharp cry, almost knocking over a lamp. Not even three minutes later Betty was the one on the floor, groaning in expressive pain.

But always they got back up, if slowly, to hammer the now glowing red orbs together in frantic comparison. Sweating freely, Betty slammed her right breast against Jamie's with a whining gasp, to which Jamie responded with a heavy blow, left on left, accompanied by a pained squeal. Stumbling, circling, they gestured and taunted at one another, daring her to keep fighting. At the end of another mild boob melee Jamie fell into Betty, arms going around necks, squirming together before heaving their tits together.

Either top to top, or nipple to nipple the small room echoed with the loud fleshy collisions. flat bellies occasionally kissed in the wild thrusts both made, but their breasts were sizeable enough that it wasn't often enough to distract the wild beauties. Faces contorted in agony at each crash of their brutalized teats, lithe, voluptuous forms swaying back and forth furiously as they hammered and flailed their swollen tits together.

They groaned, they cried. Each slam made legs tremble. They staggered, held up by each other and an incredible stubborn will. But even that had it's limits.

A final head to head collision of all four breasts shook blonde and brunette to their core and knocked them apart. Jamie tottered on feet that could barely support her, then not at all, falling to her knees and then hands. Betty stumbled backwards, unable to halt her momentum, moaning in pain even as she fell across Brian and Pauline. The sudden movement had Pauline's hand yank hard at Brian's already overstimulated length, it popping free of the boxers, and Betty's landing directly on it only sealed the deal.

With a horrendous groan, he let go, cum splashing Pauline's thigh, Betty's panties and back. He grabbed his girlfriend's hips while trying to muffle himself around a mouthful of Japanese titmeat. Meanwhile Jamie, threw back her head, hair sticking to her face to stare tiredly in Betty's direction. The girl's breasts rolled on her heaving chest and to Jamie's shock, she began to move, resting a hand on her spasming boyfriend's leg...then fell back with an exhausted sigh.

"I gi...I gi...I give!" She grunted, laying her head back, saying those words like they hurt more than her tits at the moment. "Jesus. You sure those things're natural?"

" hundred per...percent." Jamie stuttered, sitting down, relieved. No reason to let her know just how close she'd been to quitting. "Yours aren't bad either. I don't fancy your chances in a rematch Paulie...Paulie?"

Pauline was currently in her own little world, clinging to Brian's head as he kept sucking, the breast not currently in his mouth leaking considerably. With a soft POP his lips came loose and Pauline leaned back with a dazed expression on her face.

"You girls...are fucking...kill me!" Brian groaned, stroking Betty's face and twisting it around to plant a soft kiss on her lips. "Best...birthday gift...EVER!"

"Glad I," Jamie gasped out, laying down on the carpet to hide a flash of jealousy. The breakup had been amicable, they'd even had sex several times afterwards, but it still felt weird watching an ex snogging another woman. She raised an arm, sniffing. "You wouldn't mind if I used the shower, would you? I should be getting back, since I left without telling anyone."

There was silence. The three held a conversation with their eyes. Green eyes glittered mischeviously as Jamie took it in. This was quite serious, as Pauline went. Hank was clearly on the way out, but she'd never known Pauline to steal a man from a friend. "Sure," Betty waved a hand. "Second door on the right. You can use the green towel."

"I'll show her the way," Pauline said, squirming her way off Brian. "I'll let you two have some time. But when I get back...

She left the rest up to imagination, taking Jamie by the arm once they were on the stairs, the blonde leaned in close. "So which one is it?"


"Don't, huh, me." Jamie gave her friend's rear a pinch. "I know you Paulie. I passed by your place looking for you. Even Hank can guess what's going on...and that says a lot. In the years I've known you I don't think I've ever seen you act this way so openly."

"What does that mean?" Pauline remarked defensively, pushing open the door to the bedroom, then the shower.

"I mean you like to tease them first. Betty is one thing, you fooled around with the ladies easily enough. But the guys... You strung Hank along for over a month before shagging him." Jamie retorted. "And according to him this isn't the first time you've spent the night here and since I know when you and Betty first slung tits...

"Okay...okay...." Pauline sighed as Jamie stepped over the lip and pulled off her panties. She mumbled incoherently, probably some Japanese curses then... "This is all new to me...both I think."


"I just took on Bets. She can fight as good as anyone back home. And can fuck just as well. I really have to wonder what goes in colleges nowadays." Pauline mumbled, fretting. "But Brian's even better in the sack. I can't even think of when I last came so hard, or so long. But I shouldn't need to tell you that, eh?"

Jamie blushed and switched on the nozel and looked over at her friend. "Don't try and change the subject." This was news that would set the grapevine back home on fire. Cause Jamie could see what Pauline could not. But then again, the poor girl had never been in love before. And to fall in love with a couple no less. "I mean it's clear they're fond of you, so they don't know you THAT well, but..."

Jamie laughed at the light kick her friend aimed at her, when a sudden sharp cry drew her attention and she saw Pauline throw a look out the door. "Yeah should see when it's just the two of them." Pauline murmured, envy twisting her face, several deep, sharp grunts making their way upstairs. "If I didn't feel so jealous I'd feel sick over how sweet it is."

"C'mere Paulie." Jamie said gently a the noise downstairs began to pick up. The black haired woman took a second, before removing her own underwear and joining her friend under the spray. Kissing tenderly, Jamie stroked Pauline's back as the girl worshipped her, very sore, boobs. Made her glad she and Brian decided that just being friends was better than trying to make the relationship work. She sighed, letting Pauline do most of the work to get it out of her system. Also made Jamie wish she could stick around for the entertainment.


Thought I'd posted this along with the Kianna vs Goldie fight.